Understand that your period is about to begin. Test for girls when their first period starts

For every girl, the onset of her first menstruation is an important life event, indicating that a new stage of growing up has begun. And, of course, she is interested in when to expect her period, because everyone starts at different ages. At first glance, it may seem that it is not possible to predict at least the approximate time of the onset of menstruation. But there is such a chance. You just need to take the test for girls “When will your first period start” and answer a few simple questions to get the long-awaited answer.

Let's figure out who needs testing. First of all, it is relevant for those who already have assumptions that menstruation will begin soon. Knowing approximately the time of its onset, you will be able to protect yourself by putting a sanitary pad in your backpack just in case. The test will also help satisfy a girl’s usual interest, because it is very difficult not to take any action if you are tormented by some question, especially concerning your own body. And one more situation when it’s worth getting checked - menstruation should have already arrived, but for some reason it hasn’t.

What is the test for girls “When will the first period begin”

There's nothing wrong with testing. Don't be afraid of tricky questions that can put you in an awkward position. The test for girls “When will the first period begin” is based on the assessment of physical parameters, genetic characteristics and hormonal changes. It was developed by specialists and taking into account large-scale statistics, so its results will be as close as possible to the real state of affairs. You will be able to find out at what time period menstruation should begin, and thoroughly prepare for this significant event, first of all, morally.

There is no need to worry while taking the “When will your first period” test for girls. You know perfectly well the answers to all the questions that are here. The main thing is to answer honestly and as accurately as possible in order to get a reliable result. This testing is one of those cases when, before giving an answer, you need to think carefully in order to choose the truthful option.

Take the test without fear, because you should know as much as possible about your body. By spending about 15 minutes testing, you will be able to get an answer to one of the most important questions that worries girls of your age.

A young body develops differently and may have characteristics, a faster or slower pace. But in any case, by adolescence, girls begin.

It is worth telling what the first signs of menstruation are long before this. Some manifestations may seem frightening to girls, which can negatively affect sexual development in general.

Read in this article

When and how does it all begin?

Signs of the first period

The first signs of the appearance of menstruation are detected long before their arrival, usually a year or two. At about 10-13 years of age, a girl’s figure begins to develop according to the female type: the hips widen, the breasts become outlined. First, the nipples on the mammary glands become more prominent. Then the volume of the breast as a whole increases. Hair appears in the armpits and pubic area. Sometimes small amounts of vegetation are found on the legs and near the nipples.

The appearance of a teenage girl often causes her grief. Due to the activation of the sebaceous glands, her skin becomes oilier and may become covered with pimples. The face, chest area and back are especially affected by acne. This is also considered as signs before the first menstruation in girls. The fact is that the period is characterized by rapid bone growth, and the skin cannot keep up with it. Grease is nothing more than a defensive reaction aimed at avoiding damage.

The sweat glands begin to function more intensively. All changes in appearance are caused by increased production of sex hormones. Shortly before this, the adrenal glands begin to function more actively, and after them the ovaries, which produce estrogens and progestins.

It is important to convince the girl that the changes happening to her are normal and even obligatory. This also applies to unpleasant manifestations, which go away more smoothly if you carefully monitor hygiene.

Changes in behavior

The first signs of menstruation in girls aged 11 to 13 years are not limited to external changes. New manifestations of character can cause big problems for herself and her loved ones.

Changes in the reproductive system before menstruation

Difficulty waiting for your first menstruation

Relatives of a teenage girl should know: what signs her mother had of her first period are the same ones they will show in her daughter. As a rule, characteristics of sexual development are inherited through the female line. But still they must fit within certain limits.

If the listed manifestations are observed in a hypertrophied form, this may be due to improper development of the endocrine system or reproductive system. The timing of the onset of symptoms of impending menarche is also important. Their appearance before 10 years and after 16 is a reason for a visit to a teenage gynecologist.

The first signs of menstruation in children, such as leucorrhoea, require special monitoring. They should not smell bad, cause itching or burning. All these are symptoms of an infection that can attack a child’s body before puberty.

Therefore, it is necessary to accustom a girl to more genitals from an early age. As well as making sure that she is protected from, dresses in accordance with the weather, and does not sit on cold surfaces.

What signs before the first menstruation also depend on the environment in which the girl grows up. If she often has to be nervous, she eats poorly, endures excessive physical activity for her age, the manifestations of puberty can cause her big problems.

All these factors can interfere with him, so that the development of the reproductive system will slow down and he will have to wait a long time for the first menstruation. Frequent illnesses can have a similar effect.

Leucorrhoea before the first menstruation becomes more profuse than... The woman notices other signs, the main one of which is a delay in menstruation, leucorrhoea with...

  • First signs. ... With the onset of your first menstruation, it is not necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist.
  • If your first period lasts 2 days, this is normal. ... traces of white blood cells, and signs of injury may appear as brown discharge, demonstrating...
  • But the first signs of menstruation appear differently due to individual reactions to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Menstruation is a sign of a woman's health. Usually, bleeding first begins at about 12-15, give or take a couple of years. Their approach is indicated by special signs of menstruation, which every girl should know.

    Those who have not yet had a period should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the body. So, what signs can signal the approach of your first period?

    First of all, this is physical and puberty: breast enlargement , their sensitivity and even pain, hip expansion – from girlish, almost boyish, they transform into feminine. Also indicates approaching menstruation pubic and armpit hair growth , which means the beginning of the functioning of the gonads. In addition, in most cases, the first signs of menstruation manifest themselves as light creamy discharge .

    If you, as a teenager, noticed one or more of these symptoms, you need to inform your mother. There is nothing to be ashamed of, because this is a natural process of growing up. Read more about your first period

    If you are an adult woman

    It is not difficult for an experienced woman to determine the signs of menstruation in a week - this is when they appear. Usually this:

    • engorgement of the mammary glands - they increase in volume, become denser and more sensitive. Also, in some cases, there is soreness in the nipple area. Sometimes, along with breast enlargement, dry mouth appears;
    • In young girls, signs of the onset of menstruation are expressed in increased acne, localized on the forehead. Of course, if you are approaching the noble age of 45-50 years, then this symptom will most likely be absent. But according to statistics, up to 30-35 years of age it is observed in 99% of women;
    • Another pronounced sign before menstruation is nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, they appear immediately before the onset of menstruation and accompany bleeding for 2-3 days. Such sensations are complemented by aching pain in the lower back.

    Although these symptoms are considered normal, their intensification may be a sign of some kind of abnormality. Therefore, visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

    This annoying PMS

    Some women mistakenly refer to normal period symptoms as premenstrual syndrome. After all, this is not just breast swelling, acne or abdominal pain, but a whole set of neuropsychic symptoms that signal endocrine disorders. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into 4 types, depending on the form of the syndrome.

    1. In the neuropsychic form of the disease, a woman becomes irritable, tearful or aggressive, feels weak to the point of nausea, and becomes depressed. Among the physiological signs of PMS of this form are flatulence.
    2. The edematous form of PMS manifests itself as acute pain in the breasts, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. Patients also experience bloating, itchy skin and increased sweating.
    3. The cephalgic form occurs accompanied by migraine, irritability, nausea and dizziness. Often these symptoms develop into pain in the heart area, numbness of the fingers and swelling.
    4. The most severe, crisis form of PMS is characterized by a jump in blood pressure, heaviness in the chest and a manic fear of death.

    Remember, premenstrual syndrome is not just a sign of menstruation. This is a complex condition that requires treatment.

    Symptoms are present, but menstruation is late

    Sometimes it happens that there are signs of menstruation, but no menstruation, and this worries any woman. If you have experienced all the required symptoms, and your period is late, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

    Doing a test before the delay is useless, since the hCG level is still too low. If, even after a long wait, the critical days still have not arrived, and the test is still negative, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist and have an ultrasound done.

    A similar picture may indicate a tumor on the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder or acute infection. The cause of amenorrhea (prolonged delay of menstruation) can be abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork or a long absence of a sexual partner.

    What should concern you

    Usually the menstruation itself is preceded by light whitish discharge, this is normal. But if the spotting before your period becomes abundant or changes color, it is better to go to the doctor:

    • If thick, curdled flakes are discharged from the vagina, thrush may be suspected. It’s not scary and can be treated quickly, but you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic;
    • if you have recently given birth and your cycle is just recovering, your period may be preceded by black spotting;
    • pink discharge, reminiscent of ichor, warns of cervical erosion. This may also be a symptom of endocercevitis and other infectious diseases;
    • if brown spotting begins before your period, which is usually a harbinger of endometriosis and hormonal imbalance, you need to get tested by a gynecologist;
    • The most dangerous thing is the thick mucous greenish-yellow discharge, signaling purulent cervicitis.

    Of course, all these phenomena may be random and not pose a danger to women's health. But to make sure of this, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.

    The question of how to determine when menstruation will begin worries almost every representative of the fair sex who is of fertile age.

    Starting from the very first menstruation (in scientific medical language this phenomenon is called menarche) and until the onset of menopause, the menstrual cycle plays an important role in the life of every woman. In accordance with the schedule of monthly bleeding, a woman will have to coordinate both the most minor and the most important events in her life.

    Knowing when your period arrives is necessary both when planning a vacation, and when determining the time of making an appointment with a doctor; even when choosing clothes for any upcoming event, the menstrual cycle schedule makes its own adjustments.

    Well, the most important thing is, of course, the issue of planning a pregnancy or, conversely, preventing unwanted conception, for which knowledge of the timing of the menstrual cycle is simply necessary.

    What is the monthly cycle?

    Ideally, a woman's monthly cycle lasts 1 lunar month (28 calendar days), but a cycle duration of 25-32 calendar days is also considered the norm.

    The main thing is that the menstrual cycle is regular, this is an important indicator of the health of a woman’s reproductive system, otherwise we can talk about certain abnormalities and the need to consult a gynecologist.

    The menstrual cycle consists of several phases that replace one another and have as their goal the preparation of the female body for conceiving and bearing a child.

    The first day of the cycle coincides with the beginning of menstruation, the first phase begins, lasting on average 5-7 days.

    During the first phase of the cycle, the content of the female sex hormone progesterone decreases in the blood, as a result of which the endometrial cells lining the inner surface of the uterus begin to die and dead tissue is removed through the cervical canal along with the blood flow.

    In the first phase of the cycle, the follicle containing the egg begins to mature in the ovary, and the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the blood increases.

    The second phase begins on days 5-7 of the cycle, when menstrual bleeding stops, and lasts on average until days 14-16 of the cycle. At this time, the follicle with the egg matures, and a small mucous, transparent discharge from the vagina may be observed.

    At the end of this phase, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the blood, under the influence of which the follicle ruptures and the egg is released into the fallopian tubes, where fertilization can occur. The process of releasing a mature egg is called ovulation.

    Read also: How are missed periods and thrush related?

    The third phase of the cycle begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts until approximately 23-25 ​​days of the cycle. At this time, the remains of the ruptured follicle are transformed into the corpus luteum, which promotes the production of progesterone, a hormone necessary to regulate processes during pregnancy.

    If fertilization of the egg does not occur, then from 23-25 ​​days until the start of menstruation, the fourth phase of the cycle takes place. At this time, a decrease in progesterone concentration occurs, because pregnancy has not occurred, and the process of death of the endometrial layer begins.

    After this, a new menstrual cycle begins, all the above processes are repeated in the same sequence.

    Calculating the date of the next menstruation

    As already mentioned, the time when menstruation should begin is important for every girl or woman to know.

    As a rule, most representatives of the fair sex keep a menstruation calendar, which indicates the start time of the cycle and its duration. The collected information allows you to monitor the functioning of the reproductive system; if necessary, they will help the doctor draw the right conclusions in case of any deviations or not make mistakes in the timing of certain procedures.

    It’s not even worth talking about the need to maintain such a calendar to be able to plan various events.

    If for some reason this calendar is still not maintained, this must be eliminated without fail.

    Thanks to the marks in such a calendar, you can easily calculate the duration of your menstrual cycle and, knowing when your last period began, taking into account the average duration of the cycle, determine when the next ones will come.

    This method of determining the date of your upcoming period is perhaps the easiest and fastest.

    Calculation based on changes in basal temperature

    In the event that a calendar of menstrual cycles is not kept or for some reason the duration of the cycle changes dramatically from time to time (which, of course, is a reason to consult a doctor) or the girl simply just recently started menstruating and has not yet had time to detect your individual schedule, then in these cases you can quite reliably predict the date of the upcoming menstruation.

    This can be done by monitoring changes in basal temperature.

    Previously, in a detailed examination of the phases of the menstrual cycle, it was said that immediately before ovulation, a sharp increase in the concentration of the hormone estrogen occurs in the blood. This is accompanied by an increase in basal temperature by 0.5-0.7°C. By measuring your temperature every day immediately after waking up and observing the graph of its changes, you can very accurately determine the onset of ovulation.