Why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair? Is it possible to cut your hair during pregnancy: what do doctors advise and reviews from young mothers? Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair?

A lot of prohibitions, a whole list of norms of behavior, advice and recommendations pour in from close and not so close people... This is familiar to any woman who has ever been expecting a child. During pregnancy, all senses are heightened, and there is constant worry about the baby’s new condition and life, so even such a simple question as to whether a girl can get her hair cut during pregnancy requires a detailed answer.

Doctor's opinion

There are no restrictions on hairstyles and their length from professionals. There is not a single argument or scientific evidence that would answer the question of what is the danger of visiting a hairdresser for an expectant mother.

In addition, the following arguments speak in favor of a good hairstyle:

  • During pregnancy, acne, swelling, and spots appear, which affect a woman’s appearance and make her less attractive. Split ends cut in a timely manner give a well-groomed and neat appearance and fill you with confidence.
  • A visit to a beauty salon always makes a woman happy. During pregnancy, any reason to improve your appearance improves your mood and can be considered a prevention of depression.
  • Published photographs of famous women during pregnancy show that they did not listen too much to signs. Their hairstyles, as always, amaze with the quality and craftsmanship.
  • During pregnancy, the hair structure changes, it becomes thick and grows quickly. The reason is considered to be a special hormone that strengthens hair and improves its growth. After childbirth, the release of the hormone stops, and the woman loses her hair until its pre-pregnancy condition is restored. Taking these features into account, a short haircut can be considered the most comfortable hairstyle.

Hairdresser's opinion:

Some hairdressers have noticed that those women who constantly cut their hair during pregnancy lose less hair in the postpartum period. So from this point of view, changing your hairstyle during pregnancy is possible and even useful.

Prejudices and superstitions

Why can't you cut your hair during pregnancy? There are still answers to this question.

To begin with, what do prejudices and omens say:

  • Frequent hair cutting can change the gender of the baby. It seems to cut off the boy’s genital organ and lead to the birth of a daughter.
  • A haircut affects the lifespan of the unborn child, it reduces it.
  • Haircut can cause miscarriage.

It is better for a pregnant woman not to read about these terrible prejudices. And if you read it, try to forget it as quickly as possible. However, it is difficult for a woman who has many fateful actions and events ahead of her to abstract from these signs and not take them into account.

Centuries-old traditions

Since ancient times, a woman's beauty has been measured by the length of her braid. Hair was cut to disgrace a woman. It was impossible to shorten the length, let alone make a short haircut - this is an impermissible activity. And this was not a fashion trend or a requirement of a certain historical period. The need to have long braids has been a constant request of any time.

Long hair, and even braided hair, was considered the main feminine advantage and attribute, even an adornment of its owner.

Another small nuance should be remembered. Nowadays, a woman cannot attend church with her head uncovered. This happens against the background of a completely loyal attitude towards men’s hairstyles, the nature of which is not regulated by anyone. Why is so much attention paid to the type of women's hairstyle and hair length?

Causes of superstitions

Women's hair was considered the personification of female strength and wisdom. It was possible to cut hair only after performing certain rituals and on special days.

In addition, it was necessary to take measures that would prevent the strands from falling into the wrong hands, which could cause damage.

It has long been believed that hair loss leads to illness or even death. In the context of such beliefs, the requirements for a pregnant woman increased; we were talking about the health of future generations and procreation. Expectant mothers were obliged to protect their hair.

There is another version of such careful treatment of the length of women's hair. They helped retain heat and could have been used in the Stone Age to warm a young mother and child. In our time, no one has been noticed in such actions, but as one of the theories, this version has a right to exist.

Esoteric point of view

A few words in defense of this theory. Every woman, starting a new stage of her life, strives to get a new hairstyle or change her hair color. Esoterics believes that behind this is an intuitive feeling of the power of women's hair. In the same way, relying on intuition, children almost always draw their mother with long hair, even when the mother has short hair.

According to esoteric theories, hair is considered to be some kind of antenna, through which a person communicates with the cosmos and feeds a person with cosmic energy. Therefore, all the changes that a person makes with the length or color of his hair determine his fate and influence his future life.

Old Testament knowledge prescribed cutting one's hair in order to get rid of difficult emotional experiences.

From this point of view, becoming a nun meant spiritual rebirth and the beginning of a new life, which is radically different from the previous one.

Ancient rituals

Superstitions about the power of hair:

  • Long and thorough combing of hair removes negative energy and relaxes.
  • When cutting hair, women's problems are pushed inside.
  • You can't wear your hair down. In this case, the woman scatters her energy and loses part of it. From this point of view, hair gathered in a bun or ponytail, covered with a scarf, saves energy not only of the woman, but of the entire family.

Based on these rituals, it is believed that during the time of the Kyiv princes, it was important for enemies to deprive the prince’s wife of such beauty as a woman’s braid. This could bring trouble and misfortune to the princely family and lead to its cessation.

If you rely on esoteric views, cutting your hair during pregnancy is a bad decision that can deprive the unborn child of centuries of support.

Traditions of the East

Pregnant women in China have slightly different traditions and signs. A pregnant woman should cut off her long hair as soon as she is convinced of her interesting situation.

The above theories, superstitions and knowledge indicate that there is no clear opinion. The most reasonable thing would be to familiarize yourself with all views on this problem and decide whether to cut your hair yourself, guided by common sense and your own life experience.

When making a decision, you need to take into account an important requirement: your hair should always be clean and combed. An interesting situation is not a reason to stop taking care of yourself.

Relatives and friends love to give unsolicited advice to pregnant women. You may hear that you should not eat sunflower seeds or cut your hair. Let's find out what the ban on cutting expectant mothers' hair is based on. Whether you need to postpone changing your hairstyle or you can safely go to the hairdresser before giving birth is the topic of our article.

Why are expectant mothers prohibited from cutting their hair?

Most folk signs about pregnancy are associated with preserving the life and health of the unborn child. The ban on cutting hair during pregnancy is popularly explained by ancient beliefs:

  • a woman who cuts even a strand of hair shortens the life of herself and her unborn child;
  • It is forbidden for a pregnant woman to cut her hair, because the baby may be born prematurely or even dead.

The previous level of medicine did not allow us to correctly determine the cause of miscarriage. People had to look for explanations themselves, so one day the pathologies of childbearing were associated with the mother’s haircut. Hair has long been considered a source of feminine strength.

To avoid the evil eye, in Ancient Rus' women hid their hair from strangers under headdresses

For many centuries, esotericism has existed - a teaching that is aimed at understanding the spiritual world. Believing that through hair a person contacts the Cosmos, esotericists declare:

  • cutting the mother's hair deprives the baby of the protection of Higher powers, and he will have health problems after birth;
  • A pregnant woman who is expecting a son, cutting her hair, on the astral level, cuts off the child's genitals, and gives birth to a daughter.

According to esotericists, hair is a conductor between the material and spiritual worlds

There are no scientific explanations for folk and esoteric signs, so whether to believe them or not is a personal matter for each woman.

What do experts say about pregnant women's haircuts?

Having heard a lot about the dangers of haircuts, expectant mothers may be afraid of the consequences for the baby.

Doctors' opinion on cutting hair while pregnant

Doctors see no reason to prohibit pregnant women from cutting their hair. There is no evidence of the negative impact of haircuts on the course of pregnancy, and the sex of the baby is determined at conception.

To visit a beauty salon, it is better for expectant mothers to choose the morning hours, when the concentration of chemicals in the air of the hairdresser is lower. Allergic reactions to odors worsen the well-being of a pregnant woman.

It is better to plan a haircut in the morning, when the concentration of fumes from chemical products in the air in the hairdresser is still low.

Video: conversation about superstitions with a psychic and an obstetrician-gynecologist

How do hairdressers feel about cutting pregnant clients' hair?

It is even beneficial for expectant mothers to have their hair cut, according to the observations of some hairdressers. Their clients who regularly trimmed their split ends while pregnant lost less hair after giving birth.

In the second half of pregnancy, it is difficult for a woman to sit in a constant position, so the masters allow you to periodically stand up to stretch stiff muscles.

During advanced pregnancy, it is equally difficult to sit for a long time while cutting and styling hair.

Do psychologists advise cutting your hair during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes make expectant mothers overly emotional and suggestible. A pregnant woman may believe in bad omens or become overly demanding of her appearance. If a woman doubts whether to get a haircut, psychologists advise postponing a visit to the hairdresser.

It is not necessary to radically change the length of your hair; you can periodically trim the ends. The main thing is that the woman carrying the child likes the result.

Fear of the possible consequences of a haircut can develop into stress and actually worsen the course of pregnancy

Features of hair condition in pregnant women

Increased production of the hormone estrogen in pregnant women accelerates hair growth, making it thicker. If before pregnancy a woman dyed her hair or wore a short, fashionable haircut, the grown roots will give the impression of unkemptness. A neat hairstyle will increase a woman's self-esteem, which has a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother.

A beautiful haircut lifts a woman’s mood, and during pregnancy, positivity is of great importance

Women who have long dreamed of having a thick braid during pregnancy get a chance to grow it. However, after childbirth, the hormonal balance will change again, and the condition of the hair will return to its pre-pregnancy state. The extra hair follicles will die off.

When should a pregnant woman stop cutting her hair?

There are situations when it is undesirable for an expectant mother to cut her hair:

  • If a pregnant woman is superstitious, violating the ban can shake her peace of mind. Negative emotions are harmful when carrying a child;
  • The closest relatives insist on refusing to cut their hair. It is better for pregnant women to avoid conflict situations and not be nervous;
  • The woman doesn't feel well. It is better to reschedule your visit to the hairdresser to another time when you feel satisfactory. The health of mother and baby is more important than a new haircut.

If you feel unwell due to toxicosis, intestinal upset or a cold, a pregnant woman should stay at home

When getting a haircut or growing a braid, a pregnant woman should take care of her hair. Due to hormonal changes, oily hair can become dry and vice versa, this also needs to be taken into account when choosing care products. Recommendations from trichologists - scientists who deal with hair problems:

  • wash your hair with shampoo without sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens. These substances negatively affect the hair structure;
  • rinse with herbal infusions:
    • plantain, St. John's wort or yarrow are suitable for oily hair;
    • dry hair needs burdock root or chamomile;
  • make masks from natural products selected for your hair type;
  • When styling your hair, avoid products with a strong odor and alcohol content;
  • for hair coloring, use henna or basma, which are harmless to mother and child;
  • comb with a wooden comb. Wood products will not damage the scalp, and the hair will become soft and smooth.

Wooden combs can be used to comb and apply nourishing masks to hair

I made honey hair masks when I was pregnant. This product saturates your hair with vitamins and makes it look better. The ends were splitting less, but I still trimmed them about once every 3-4 weeks. I consider the ban on haircuts to be a harmful superstition, but I respect other people’s right to their own opinion.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and always have well-groomed hair. Pregnancy is no exception. However, expectant mothers often have to deal with a lot of “don’ts” and “don’ts.” And, if the question of whether or not to paint your nails with your favorite varnish is not usually faced by a woman, then the question of whether pregnant women can cut their hair or not arises quite often. Despite the lack of an exact answer to it, many superstitions and folk signs strictly “forbid” pregnant women from doing this. In our article we will not only find out Is it possible for pregnant women to cut their hair or not?, but we will also figure out how to properly care for your hair during this interesting and mysterious period for every woman. So…

Folk signs about haircuts for pregnant women: a definite “no”

According to popular wisdom, in Russia it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to cut their hair. But, for example, in China, a woman cuts her hair short after learning about pregnancy and does not think at all about what allegedly could harm the baby.

The main reasons why you can’t get your hair cut while in a “position”:

  1. communication with higher powers that protect the mother and unborn child is disrupted;
  2. energy is destroyed, the mother shortens the baby’s life expectancy;
  3. there is a possibility of premature and/or difficult birth, miscarriage;
  4. Women's honor and beauty “suffer.”

The first two reasons why pregnant women are prohibited from cutting their hair are similar, but, nevertheless, have differences in justification. As the ancients believed, the connection between higher powers and man was carried out through hair. Accordingly, by cutting them, people violated the algorithm, which could (although not necessarily) lead to bad consequences for the baby. The destructive effect of hair cutting on a person’s energy comes from biblical parables (remember the parable of Samson, whose strength lay precisely in his long hair?). It was believed that hair, from the very beginning of life, accumulates information about a person and gives him strength. It is for this reason that the most significant events in the life of an ancient Russian person were accompanied by manipulations with hair: rolling up hair in wax at baptism, wearing a certain hairstyle by married and unmarried women, etc. If you follow this tradition, then the expectant mother “takes away” energy from the baby with each haircut , strength and even health.

The last statement is continued in another superstition that by cutting hair during pregnancy, a woman shortens the life expectancy of the baby. This sign is the only one that has at least a rational basis: at the “cave” stage of human development, long hair saved a person from the cold and helped him survive in harsh climatic conditions. Accordingly, the survival of the unborn baby and his health directly depended on the thickness of the mother’s hair.

Another reason for the ban on women’s haircuts during pregnancy was that a woman’s braid, and indeed long beautiful hair in general, in Rus' was considered a symbol of femininity, beauty and even female honor (remember the expression “to lose your hair”). The haircut destroyed all this splendor. In Rus', a woman generally did not cut her hair short during her life (except for special cases, for example, during disease epidemics). Instead of the usual haircuts and styles for modern girls, they used to only trim their hair, and even then only during the waxing moon.

By the way, not a single sign carries a rational explanation for the “veto” on cutting hair during pregnancy (with the slight exception of protection from the cold). If you listen to the opinions of doctors responsible for the health of mother and baby, and hairdressers-stylists who are responsible for the appearance of a pregnant woman, then if a woman wishes, it is definitely possible and even necessary to get a haircut. Both provide many advantages, including:

  1. well-groomed appearance and high spirits of the mother, and, therefore, good health of the baby (it has long been proven that the fetus reacts very sensitively to the emotional state of the mother)
  2. healthy hair not only during pregnancy, but also after it (do not forget about changes in the level of hormones in the blood during pregnancy, because they are responsible for changes in the condition of the hair, skin and nails of a pregnant woman),
  3. there is a high probability of not having time to visit a beauty salon after the baby is born.

Opinion of “experienced” mothers: if you want it, then you need it

Another opinion is the opinion of women who successfully survived pregnancy and are happy mothers: if you want something while pregnant, then you need to eat it (applies to food) or do it (mainly concerns self-care). After all, during pregnancy, for the benefit of the baby, a woman needs to be as calm and happy as possible. And bearing a child is often overshadowed by unpleasant little things (toxicosis, tired legs and back, etc.). A good haircut will add positive emotions to the expectant mother and help her remain beautiful and well-groomed after the birth of her child. By the way, many mothers advise particularly impressionable young ladies not to read or listen to “grandmother’s” signs for their own good.

We figured out that pregnant women can cut their hair. Now let's talk about the features of caring for hair during this period.

General recommendations from hairdressers are constant attention and care, gentle treatment and less chemicals. The latter, by the way, does not mean at all that you cannot change your hair color. Scientists have not clearly proven that hair coloring during pregnancy is harmful. Naturally, it is not recommended to be too zealous and repaint/highlight/color every week. Just don’t forget to tell your specialist that you are expecting a baby (of course, if the pregnancy is not yet noticeable) and he will select the most suitable products for you, since their range is huge.

It is best to do a haircut at 5-6 months of pregnancy, firstly, because in the third trimester a woman, as a rule, is closely preparing for the birth of her baby. Secondly, after giving birth, your hairstyle will please you for some time, because the expectant mother will no longer have as much free time to go to the hairdresser as before the birth of the child.

During pregnancy it is advisable to:

  • use hair masks every week to nourish the roots,
  • choose a shampoo-conditioner pair that is suitable for a particular woman (while pregnant, you may no longer be satisfied with the results of using your usual shampoo),
  • use tinted shampoos instead of hair dyes,
  • Avoid alcohol-based styling products.

Scientists have proven that during pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the so-called “sleeping” hair follicles awaken (they account for 5-10% of the total amount of hair in humans). Often, thanks to this, the condition of expectant mothers' hair improves for a while: there is more of it, it shines more, etc. However, after childbirth, all this splendor, again, under the influence of hormones, returns to its original state. If you don't take care of your hair during pregnancy, you risk getting tufts of hair in your comb, split ends, and dull hair color about 3-4 months after giving birth.

To avoid these unpleasant consequences, depending on your hair type, use simple care recipes:

  • For normal hair, rinsing after washing with chamomile infusion or burdock root decoction is suitable.
    Preparation of burdock root decoction: take 1 tbsp for 1 cup of boiling water. spoon of chopped root and cook for 10 minutes. Then the broth is infused for about 30 minutes and filtered.
    Preparation of chamomile infusion: take 2 tbsp per 0.5 liter. spoons of flowers, boil for 3-4 minutes. Then it is infused for half an hour and filtered.
  • For oily hair, rinsing with a decoction of plantain, St. John's wort and yarrow is suitable.
    Preparation of the decoction: take 1 tbsp. spoon of either a mixture of herbs, or one of them separately (you can alternate), pour 1 glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes and strain. The decoction can be used every other day.
  • For dry hair, rinsing with infusions of birch leaves or peppermint is suitable.
    Preparation of peppermint infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves of the plant are poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Close tightly and leave for 1 hour, then strain.

One of the most pressing and frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to dye and cut hair, and also what dyes to use so as not to harm the child. Today we will talk about this topic and tell you in detail why hair dye can be dangerous, and how to take care of your hair so that both mother and baby feel good.

A modern woman strives to be well-groomed and beautiful, goes to spa salons, a solarium, gets eyelashes and nails extensions, and there is no need to talk about dyeing and cutting her hair - these are the simplest procedures that every fashionista regularly attends. Pregnancy makes adjustments to a woman’s lifestyle, new rules and restrictions appear. Now you have to think not only about yourself, but also about the health of the unborn baby. Many doubts and questions arise that never even came to mind before.

What dye to dye your hair during pregnancy and is it possible to do it in principle?

Modern mothers regularly take care of themselves, so the question of whether to wear makeup or not worries many pregnant women. We are used to regularly changing our style, expressing ourselves and experimenting with looks, and a new hair color is the easiest way to radically change our appearance.

Doctors do not have a clear opinion on hair coloring during pregnancy. Conservative-minded gynecologists believe that one should refrain from this procedure so as not to harm the child, but most doctors are not so categorical and give the woman a choice. Many studies have shown that the amount of paint that enters a pregnant woman’s body through the skin cannot cause serious harm to the fetus, but the ammonia vapor that you inhale while painting instantly penetrates the bloodstream and can harm the baby.

In every situation, the main thing is to know when to stop, so if you decide that you will not stop dyeing your hair during pregnancy, then do it no more than once a month, and while dyeing, make sure that the dye does not get on the scalp. There is a special coloring technique that does not affect the roots. The paint is applied at a certain angle, so it is not visually noticeable that the roots are not painted.

In any case, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in a salon, and not on your own at home, because the artist will paint you much more carefully and less paint will get on your scalp. Also, in a specially ventilated room, there is less chance of inhaling chemical fumes, which immediately enter the bloodstream and can cause serious harm to the baby. After the salon coloring procedure, walk for a while in the fresh air so that fewer chemical fumes enter the bloodstream.

Now let's talk about how paint can harm a child? Today, most paints are made based on ammonia, which is a toxic substance and can cause the development of allergies, cardiovascular diseases and oncology in the fetus. Hair dyes also contain (including resorcinol and paraphenylenediamine), which dries out the hair, making it brittle and lifeless. Peroxide is used to bleach hair, so doctors do not recommend actively dyeing your hair in light colors during pregnancy.

A pungent, unpleasant odor is characteristic of ammonia. When vapor enters the lungs, it provokes a headache, nausea, and also irritates the mucous membranes and can lead to fainting, because a woman in an interesting position does not tolerate strong odors. Ammonia enters the blood through the lungs and can cause defects, so if you decide to dye your hair, do it in a room with a professional hood or open the windows completely. Ammonia opens the hair scales and penetrates inside, destroying the structure, they become brittle, dull and often split.

As for resorcinol, it disrupts the activity of the immune system, which already experiences enormous stress during pregnancy and irritates the scalp, which can lead to the formation of dandruff. Paraphenylenediamine causes allergies and contributes to the development of oncology.

The safest factory dyes are ammonia-free paints based on amines - less toxic substances with a milder odor. They also contain fewer other harmful elements, however, you must understand that due to the soft composition, the effectiveness of the paint is reduced, so they will not be able to radically change the color, although this is not necessary during pregnancy. There are also organic hair dyes, which are distinguished by their high cost and quality. They also contain amines and, but due to other components they work quite gently and restore hair well.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur and a woman may experience unexpected reactions even to the most trusted brands and high-quality dyes. The dye can cause allergies, appear in a completely different color, or “not take” at all, so first make a test, and then apply the dye to one strand to check the resulting tone.

During pregnancy, it is best to use tinted shampoos, balms, or do coloring and highlighting - these are the most gentle techniques. Each strand is dyed a different tone, as a result, regrown roots are well masked, and the dye does not come into contact with the scalp. Doctors recommend dyeing your hair no more than three times during your entire pregnancy, so choose a dyeing method and color so that your hair looks neat and does not require frequent touch-ups.

Dyeing pregnant women's hair using natural dyes

Henna and basma have always been considered the safest means for dyeing hair during pregnancy. They strengthen hair well, stimulate hair growth, treat scalp against dandruff and give hair shine and thickness. To obtain the desired shade, henna and basma are mixed in certain proportions, but today in stores you can find ready-made paint options in different shades. Please note that after henna you should not use chemical dyes for two to three months, because the color and shade of your hair may turn out completely different from what you imagined.

Recent studies have shown that natural dyes, in particular henna, are not as safe as always thought. Henna contains heavy metal salts and can provoke a serious allergic reaction, and also has a genetic code that contributes to the development of a number of serious diseases. Thus, the latest data proves that it is better to avoid dyeing with henna, especially during pregnancy.

If you are a supporter of natural folk remedies, then pay attention to oak bark, chamomile, lemon juice and tea. They have a gentle healing effect on the hair and scalp, giving a healthy shine and a beautiful shade. For example, by regularly rinsing your hair with chamomile infusion, you will achieve a golden hue, and walnut infusion, tea and oak bark give dark hair a beautiful rich color.

In the USA and Europe, the silk hair dyeing system has been used for many years, which is considered completely safe for mother and baby. Silk dyeing is an order of magnitude higher than even the most expensive chemical dye, but it applies perfectly, strengthens the hair, gives it a healthy, well-groomed appearance and has a positive effect on hair growth.

Can pregnant women cut bangs?

Pregnancy is accompanied by many superstitions and signs, especially many prejudices associated with hair. Almost all signs speak negatively about hair cutting, including bangs. It has long been believed that hair represents vitality and energy, and by cutting bangs, the expectant mother deprives herself and the baby of strength. By cutting off a piece of living matter from herself, a woman can give it to evil forces who will use it to harm. Hair reflects the path of life and by cutting bangs, you are shortening the life of yourself and your child.

In fact, not a single doctor or scientist believes that during pregnancy girls should not take care of themselves and cut their bangs. A beautiful model haircut will not harm anyone, either a woman or a child. But there are scientific arguments in favor of neat bangs:

  • A new hairstyle, even if only the bangs have changed, evokes positive emotions in the pregnant woman and improves her mood, and this has a positive effect on the development of the child.
  • Due to changes in hormonal levels, hair during pregnancy changes its structure, falls out less, becomes thicker and shiny, so the hairstyle retains its beautiful shape and appearance for a long time; just trim the bangs a little and the hair looks like it came out of a hairdresser.

Some tips for cutting hair during pregnancy

Long hair in Rus' has always been considered a sign of femininity and strength, so girls cut their hair only when absolutely necessary and during the appropriate phase of the moon. Public cutting of hair was considered a terrible punishment and shame. Some signs suggest that if a woman cuts her hair during pregnancy, she can cause premature birth or shorten the fate of herself and her child. However, modern medicine has not found evidence that a haircut can harm mother and baby or affect the duration of pregnancy, so do not hesitate to give yourself pleasure and visit the hairdresser without thinking about the relics of the past. Whether to cut a haircut or not is a personal matter for every woman, because only she can decide whether to adhere to superstitions or not. A woman always remains a woman, she wants to be beautiful, attract attention and be confident in her abilities.

Experiment with hairstyles, feel free to change and enjoy life, because after giving birth it will be harder for you to leave the house to get your hair in order. To make it easier to care for your hair after giving birth, hairdressers recommend choosing the right haircut and styling during pregnancy. By finding the right shape that suits your hair, you can get by with minimal styling and always look stylish and impressive.

How to care for your hair during pregnancy?

Regular haircuts during pregnancy can be a good alternative to a haircut. Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the pride of every woman. During pregnancy, the appearance of your hair always improves, so with just a little effort, people around you will definitely start envying your hair.

  • Hair type may change during pregnancy, in which case you will have to change your shampoo and all hair cosmetics.
  • Buy products from good quality and trusted brands. Give preference to organic cosmetics that contain a minimum of chemicals.
  • Many women are interested in how to deal with split ends. Regularly use nourishing masks or special hair oil, which is applied to the ends after washing your hair.
  • Due to the action of estrogen, hair during pregnancy looks strong and thick and grows well. However, if a pregnant woman does not have enough vitamins and microelements, then hair begins to fall out rapidly. You can strengthen them with the help of a homemade medicinal balm made from hop cones, nettles and St. John's wort. The pharmacy may offer you another collection to strengthen your hair.
  • Hair masks are an excellent strengthening product that should be remembered not only by pregnant and nursing mothers, but also by all girls who care about their hair. A natural mask prepared at home will be a good alternative to factory-made products, because you can say with confidence that they contain no chemicals.

To summarize, I would like to say that there are no contraindications to cutting hair during pregnancy. If a woman wants to change her hairstyle, this can be done at any time, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. As for hair coloring, not everything is so simple here and doctors disagree on whether the dye can harm the baby or not. In general, there is a risk, so a woman must make a decision herself, weighing the pros and cons. Hairdressers recommend regularly caring for your hair, choosing the right shampoo and conditioner, making nourishing masks and not using alcohol-based hair products.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 975 Published 04/02/2018

Hello, dear readers.

During pregnancy, there are many prohibitions and contraindications for women, many of which have no justification, and expectant mothers adhere to them out of habit or out of fear. One of the pressing questions that expectant mothers ask: is it possible to get a haircut during pregnancy? This is what we will talk about today.

Why you shouldn't get your hair cut during pregnancy

Since ancient times, there have been many signs and superstitions that advise against cutting the hair of pregnant women. In Rus', it was believed that hair represents strength and health.

Therefore, girls were strictly forbidden to even trim the ends, so as not to harm the health of the unborn child. This superstition is associated with many signs that explain why you should not cut your hair during pregnancy:

  • if a pregnant woman trims the ends of her hair, she thereby shortens the life of her unborn baby;
  • ancestors believed that by cutting her hair, a pregnant woman deprives her child of communication with higher powers: he may be born with low weight, weak or even lifeless;
  • it was believed that a girl could be born and not a boy - this superstition was associated with the fact that on the astral level the expectant mother deprives her son of his genitals while still in her womb;
  • long hair reduced the manifestations of toxicosis.

This is only a small part of the signs from antiquity, which were passed down for many centuries from generation to generation, and have survived to this day. Each of them is quite understandable. In those days, medicine was at a low level, and infant mortality was very high. Therefore, pregnant women were afraid of causing any harm to their unborn child and, for the sake of his safe birth, tried to limit themselves in some way. Times change, but even in the modern world, many women wonder whether it is possible to get a haircut during pregnancy. Grandmother's signs are a tenacious mixture of fear and absurdity.

Doctors' opinion

In modern medicine there are no contraindications to cutting pregnant women's hair. This will in no way affect the formation of organs and the development of the child during pregnancy, regardless of at what stage the expectant mother decides to cut her hair.

While carrying a baby, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, and hair begins to grow more rapidly. Consequently, for those girls who regularly visited the hairdresser before pregnancy, dyed their hair and had a stylish haircut, their curls will take on an unkempt appearance. Untrimmed ends of the hair will become brittle and split, making the hairstyle look sloppy.

Therefore, there is nothing unnatural in a woman’s desire to change her image through a stylish haircut. If a woman likes the way she looks with a new hairstyle, if it makes her happy, then this is the key to her good mood, and therefore her well-being.

Contraindications for haircuts during pregnancy

It is better not to cut your hair for suspicious pregnant women prone to superstitions. They are already impressionable, and while they are expecting a child, this is further aggravated by the fact that they begin to think whether they did the right thing. And if the pregnancy proceeds with complications or the birth of the child is unsuccessful, then the woman will blame herself for everything.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to get a haircut during pregnancy, each expectant mother has her own answer. If a woman is sure that everything will be fine with her child, and she does not believe in signs and superstitions, then a haircut will lift her spirits and improve her emotional state.

Is pregnancy a time to grow your hair?

Long beautiful hair is the dream of many women. During pregnancy, the intensity of hair growth increases and this is the most suitable period for growing beautiful curls. But immediately after childbirth, hair thickness becomes “as before”, since the body’s hormonal balance is normalized. Hair that grew while waiting for the baby to be born falls out

Hair does not look healthy without regular trimming of the ends - cutting starts the regeneration process. If you do not shorten the ends of your hair during pregnancy and generally neglect to care for them, then after childbirth your hair will weaken, become dull and unhealthy.

Therefore, hairdressers advise not to avoid cutting curls, so as not to lose a lot of hair after childbirth. Moreover, with the birth of a small family member, the mother’s time to visit the hairdresser becomes significantly less.

Hair care during pregnancy

If the expectant mother is still tormented by the question of whether it is possible to get a haircut during pregnancy, then it is better to resort to an alternative. Proper hair care during this period will help a woman prevent split ends and look attractive.

Here are some tips.

  1. While a woman is carrying a baby, her hair type may change due to changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, you should review all the hair care products that she usually used and choose new hair cosmetics in accordance with your type.
  2. All shampoos, conditioners and hair masks should be natural and contain as little chemicals as possible so as not to harm the child’s health.
  3. Often women during this period worry about split ends. To minimize this problem, hairdressers recommend using hair masks made from natural ingredients. You can prepare them yourself at home. You can also buy cosmetic oil at the pharmacy to apply to the ends of your curls before washing your hair and leave for 30 minutes. This procedure will help improve the condition of the hair structure.
  4. Often a pregnant woman’s body lacks any microelements necessary for hair. A decoction of herbs for rinsing hair after washing will help improve the condition of your curls during this period and strengthen them. A specially prepared infusion will help strengthen your hair and give it shine.

These simple hair care tips will help a pregnant woman look well-groomed and gain psychological comfort.

Haircut and coloring during pregnancy

Many women dye their hair, but after they find out they are pregnant, they have doubts when going to the hairdresser. During this period, doctors recommend paying close attention to the paint that pregnant women plan to use. It must be natural. Preference should be given to henna and basma. Blondes are recommended to rinse their curls with chamomile infusion, which will lighten them and add shine.

Paints that contain ammonia are harmful due to their vapors; they penetrate into a woman’s body. They can also cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother, which is undesirable and dangerous during pregnancy. The strong smell of paint can also cause toxicosis in a woman.

If a woman nevertheless decides to dye her hair, then it is recommended to use a more gentle method: highlighting or coloring, which will allow the regrown hair not to stand out too much from the overall tone. For those women who do not want to use this option, you can tint only the hair roots, choosing gentle dyes.


Today we looked at the pros and cons of cutting a pregnant woman's hair. Whether it is possible to get a haircut during pregnancy, everyone decides for themselves. The main thing during this period is that the expectant mother and child feel comfortable. During these months, harmony in everything is important. And not the least role in the harmonious image of the expectant mother is played by her reflection in the mirror. It is unacceptable for a woman to look bad when carrying a baby. A beautiful appearance is the key to a good mood and self-confidence.

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