How to cope with toxicosis. Recommendations from girls from forums on combating toxicosis

Good afternoon, our dear pregnant women!

Pregnancy is a pleasant period in the life of every woman, and at the same time a very responsible one. But this period is overshadowed by many troubles, especially in the first trimester. One of them is toxicosis.

Its symptoms are quite unpleasant: nausea, vomiting, weakness, unusual reaction to smells and tastes. All this is very unpleasant and annoying.

You can try to eliminate unpleasant signs at home, although, of course, it’s not superfluous to see a doctor. How does toxicosis manifest during pregnancy and how to deal with it? We'll tell you about this.

When to expect?

Every woman preparing for pregnancy thinks about when toxicosis begins and ends. Future mothers anticipate unpleasant symptoms in advance and prepare to meet them.

Not every woman experiences toxicosis and not always in severe form. Everything is individual, but you still need to be mentally prepared and armed. Typically, a woman experiences morning sickness and headaches in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Of course, this condition goes away by 12-13 weeks. There is another form of toxicosis in the later stages - the so-called “preeclampsia”, but mostly doctors know about it. It occurs rarely and is considered a pathology that needs to be treated.

In the early stages, mild toxicosis is quite natural. But the severe form should be alarming. If vomiting and headaches cause malnutrition, weight loss, or regular poor health, then you should consult a doctor.

If toxicosis is mild, folk remedies are suitable to eliminate it. Severe forms require medication. But do not rush to choose your own medications: they can be dangerous during pregnancy.

Folk recipes

All the recipes described below were borrowed from mothers who know firsthand what toxicosis is. Therefore, take note, dear pregnant women.

First, let's take the simple route: review our diet. Maybe it contains fried, fatty foods? Or do you overuse salty or spicy foods? Do you like coffee or strong tea for breakfast?

If so, then these foods and dishes should disappear from the menu: they can easily cause toxicosis. Include more vegetables and fruits in your menu, drink juices and plain water. But carbonated drinks should be excluded.

Organizing a daily routine can also help. Walk more, ventilate the room, especially at night. Get more rest, do not forget that night sleep should last at least 8 hours during pregnancy.

If this does not help, we use folk remedies that can help fight toxicosis at home.

  • Don't jump out of bed in the morning. You can prepare it for yourself in the evening and put a piece of cookies or banana next to it. It is worth having a snack: quite often hunger becomes the cause of toxicosis.
  • Before breakfast on an empty stomach, eat a spoonful of honey. In addition, it is also beneficial for the child.
  • In the morning, slowly drink a glass of water in small sips with a little lemon juice in it.
  • Tea with mint and lemon is good for nausea. You can conduct an aromatherapy session with lemon or peppermint oil.
  • Eat often, but in small portions. This will avoid the feeling of emptiness in your stomach.
  • Ginger tea is an excellent remedy for nausea. To prepare it, you can peel the ginger root or take the ground spice and pour boiling water over it. Infuse, strain, add a little honey and lemon juice. This remedy is also an excellent prevention of colds.

  • Pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, and salted fish can be a remedy for toxicosis.
  • Toxicosis is helped by consuming protein and carbohydrate foods, taking vitamin complexes with vitamin B, eggs, and toast.
  • Dried apricots will also help cope with toxicosis. In addition, it will replenish the body's reserves of potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart.
  • Pregnancy planning plays an important role. If at this time a woman was engaged in sports or breathing exercises, the period of toxicosis passes much easier. During pregnancy, you should also not avoid physical exercise, of course, not at those moments when you are experiencing vomiting or nausea. If the attack of toxicosis has passed, do yoga for pregnant women (video courses can be found on the Internet today) and breathing exercises. These exercises enrich the body with oxygen and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus.
  • A contrast shower in the morning will help relieve attacks.
  • Take vitamin complexes. Many doctors agree that toxicosis is caused by a lack of vitamins in a woman’s body.

I think you are now armed and will be able to meet the first months of pregnancy with dignity. But what to do if toxicosis does not go away, and folk recipes turn out to be ineffective?

Contact your doctor and tell us about the problem. You may have chronic diseases that interfere with normal pregnancy. For example, gastritis, with which not everyone decides to go to the hospital, may well cause nausea or vomiting.

Treatment with medications

We only take anti-toxicosis pills if prescribed by a doctor! Even if these are homeopathic herbal remedies. You cannot fully assess its side effects and accurately calculate the dosage, so it is not worth the risk.

What medications can the doctor prescribe?

  • Hofitol. Created on a plant basis and causes minimal harm to mother and fetus. It reduces swelling, has a diuretic effect, lowers urea levels in the blood and acts as an antioxidant.

  • Cerucal. Its use during pregnancy is controversial. On the one hand, it is able to relieve a woman of obsessive nausea. On the other hand, the medicine causes tone of the gastrointestinal tract and uterus. For women in the early stages of pregnancy, especially when there is a threat of miscarriage, Cerucal is completely contraindicated.
  • Essentiale forte. A plant-based product with a cleansing effect. The medicine removes excess bile and restores cellular structure.
  • Activated carbon. This drug is familiar to everyone, so many consider it absolutely harmless. But that's not true. Exceeding the permissible dose of coal can adversely affect the condition of a pregnant woman. In case of toxicosis, it relieves heartburn, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins.
  • Limontar. These are antioxidant tablets. They increase motor activity and improve appetite. The pregnant woman's condition improves significantly.
  • Kokulin. Homeopathic medicine. It is considered harmless to mother and baby, and relieves attacks of nausea and vomiting well.

Here is a list of medications that a pregnant woman can use to alleviate her condition. As you've probably noticed, medications affect the body in completely different ways, so before using them, it's a good idea to get tested to determine the cause.

So, if the cause is intoxication, activated carbon will help. If the problem is liver disease, you should take Essentiale. Everything is individual, and there is no general recipe for everyone.

Hello, dear readers! Which pregnant woman has not been bothered by toxicosis? I'm sure there are only a few of them. The rest languished from regular nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, ran headlong from strong odors and intrusive aromas and quietly counted the days until the end of this horror.

By the will of fate, I, by the way, was also one of these lucky ones, until one day I thought of rummaging through the net and finding ways to effectively get rid of it. You won't believe it, but they actually exist and work! For your convenience, I have collected them in this article. So, toxicosis during pregnancy and how to deal with it. Let's find out!

According to doctors, toxicosis is a “pathological condition” and not a disease at all. It appears unexpectedly in the early stages and disappears without a trace after a couple of weeks. And it almost never requires treatment, with the exception of rare cases when severe vomiting (more than 15-20 times a day) dehydrates and exhausts a woman’s body.

Modern medicine distinguishes 2 types of toxicosis in pregnant women - early and late.

1.1. Early toxicosis

The first occurs a few weeks after conception and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • morning sickness, vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • increased salivation;
  • excessive irritability and mood swings;
  • insomnia or constant sleepiness.

How long does early toxicosis last? Hard to tell. Some suffer from it for a matter of weeks, others – for months. But one thing is clear: by the beginning of the 2nd trimester (which is 14 weeks), it passes. Sounds reassuring, doesn't it?

1.2. Late toxicosis (gestosis)

Late toxicosis, or gestosis, can occur in the third trimester (after 30 weeks). It is considered a complication, since as a result of its appearance, serious changes occur in the woman’s body: water-salt metabolism is disrupted, fluid accumulates in the tissues, and the functioning of the placenta deteriorates. What does all this threaten? At best, by slowing down the removal of metabolic products from the amniotic fluid. At worst - hypoxia in the fetus, which can damage its nervous system.

You can recognize late toxicosis by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache and abdominal pain;
  • a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, spots before the eyes.

The picture is complemented by the appearance of protein in the urine. When does this toxicosis go away? Only doctors can answer this question after examining the woman.

2. Severity of toxicosis

  1. Lightweight. How does it manifest itself? Vomiting, but no more than 4-5 times a day, mild malaise and slight weight loss - literally 5-6% of the total weight. It practically does not bother a woman and does not require treatment.
  2. Average. It is difficult to say why and when this degree of toxicosis begins. For some, from the first weeks after conception, for others - by the middle of the first trimester. You can recognize it by its characteristic sign – vomiting. It can appear up to 10 times a day with varying frequency. Dealing with it alone is very difficult. It's better to see a doctor. He can recommend various vitamin complexes or cleansing the body of toxins.
  3. Heavy. It is characterized by severe vomiting (up to 20 times a day) and profuse salivation (up to 1.5 liters per day) and is rightfully considered the most painful and most dangerous. After all, a woman not only suffers from it, but also loses weight. And this is at the moment when the small organism inside her is just emerging. Only a doctor knows how to alleviate her suffering in case of severe toxicosis and similar intoxication, so it is not recommended to refuse his help in such cases.

Dear readers, I draw your attention to the fact that regardless of when toxicosis begins, you can cope with it entirely on your own only in mild cases and partially in moderate cases.

3. How to get rid of toxicosis

It is possible and necessary to fight this unpleasant disease. How? Here are the possible options:

  • change in diet;
  • lifestyle change;
  • use of medications;
  • folk remedies.

Let's look at each one.

3.1. Changes in diet

There is an opinion that toxicosis manifests itself in those women who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, this applies to unexpected attacks of vomiting, not only in the first, but also in the second trimester. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the situation, you can simply refuse fatty, smoked, overly salty, spicy foods and fast food. In other words, from everything that does not benefit the body.

In addition, it is desirable:

  • eat more often, but in small portions;
  • introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet;
  • drink more fluids;
  • limit consumption of caffeinated drinks (coffee, black tea);
  • increase the amount of fermented milk products in the diet;
  • give up alcohol and smoking (but you’ve done this a long time ago, right?).

Now comes the fun part. What to do if morning vomiting bothers you? Eat a cracker, a cracker or a small piece of rye bread, washed down with mineral water. And all this without getting out of bed.

Often, nausea can occur on public transport or at the workplace. What helps in such situations? A couple of sips of mineral water with lemon juice. The method is proven, since I myself was saved by it at one time.

3.2. Lifestyle change

With toxicosis, it is important to avoid overwork and stress. For what period? For everyone! It is also advisable to go in for sports, go to the pool or do gymnastics for pregnant women. Sleep more (8-9 hours a day) and walk in the fresh air. And try to get maximum positive emotions. Scientists have long noticed that women who are dissatisfied with themselves and their lives suffer most from toxicosis.

3.3. Medicines for toxicosis

You can take them only after consulting a doctor. Moreover, these include not only anti-toxicosis tablets, but also sorbents, for example, "Polysorb". They help remove toxins from the body, improve liver and kidney function, thereby relieving unpleasant symptoms.

3.4. Folk remedies

  • Mint– it removes nausea. Mints, lollipops or mint tea will do.
  • Honey. Why him? It contains substances that dull it. Moreover, in order to personally verify this, it is enough to eat 1 spoon of honey on an empty stomach.
  • Citrus. Vitamin C helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Rose hip. To relieve attacks of nausea, it is useful to make decoctions from it and drink them in the morning (2 liters of water for 1 tablespoon of rosehip, leave for half an hour).

4. No toxicosis

It turns out that this happens. And this is not always good. Abruptly disappearing toxicosis in a short period of time (7-8 weeks), together with the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate fetal fading.

But what to do if there is no toxicosis and no reason to panic? Sincerely enjoy life, enjoy pregnancy and thank fate for the fact that you have never experienced all the delights of this “pathological condition”.

And also honestly share this information with your friends and family! And come visit us again!

You can watch a video about toxicosis and learn a couple more useful tips here:

We are waiting for you! See you soon!

Every woman knows about pregnancy toxicosis. The lucky ones are those who know about this trouble only by hearsay. To one degree or another, almost every second pregnant woman experiences this phenomenon - at best, toxicosis limits normal life, at worst, it forces her to take specific treatment in a hospital. Let's look at toxicosis in more detail.

From a medical point of view, toxicosis in pregnant women is a complication of pregnancy. Most often, the onset of familiar symptoms occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis begins with a disorder of the digestive system (the predominant symptom is nausea, food disgust, lack of appetite), which occurs against the background of disorders of all types of metabolism. As a rule, the nights pass peacefully, but the morning begins with vomiting, which goes away after breakfast. This condition occurs 3-4 times a day.

The symptoms gradually fade away, and life begins to bloom with normal colors. Toxicosis ends closer to the 12th week of pregnancy.

This is the most favorable development option, which does not require medical assistance. It is much more dangerous if toxicosis begins in the second and third trimester. As a rule, such situations require inpatient treatment and observation. But early toxicosis can literally throw a woman into bed and significantly darken the wonderful days of the beginning of pregnancy.

Manifestations of toxicosis requiring medical intervention

There are a number symptoms, signaling the need to urgently consult a gynecologist, and all expectant mothers need to know these symptoms:

  • vomiting that occurs after every meal, i.e. the entire volume of what was eaten comes back;
  • noticeable weight loss, 300-1000 grams per day;
  • increased manifestations of toxicosis without the slightest relief.

Toxicosis in this manifestation is called heavy. If a woman does not see a doctor, the symptoms increase: vomiting also occurs outside of meals, the skin and mucous membranes become dry, and the general condition is assessed as unsatisfactory. Changes are detected in blood tests, and this condition is threatening to the normal course of pregnancy. Treatment only in a hospital setting.

So, having found out when you can’t do without a doctor, let’s look at the condition that you can take control of yourself. Easy And average toxicosis does not require hospital treatment. It will take a little effort on your part and compliance with certain behavioral rules, and toxicosis will turn from a problem into a trifle!

Rule one

Positive mood. Often, toxicosis is only psychological in nature, when the undisguised joy from the news of pregnancy is replaced by a mass of worries and worries. All these are normal things, because a woman undergoes enormous hormonal changes. You need to calm yourself down and tune in to the positive. Yes, there will be a difficult period of bearing a child, which is also overshadowed by toxicosis, but all these tests are worth it! And the hour will not be long when you will have the most long-awaited and beloved child in your arms!

Rule two

Calm. As you know, our mood depends only on us. Create it for yourself every morning. When it’s completely unbearable, imagine your baby, take a break.

Try to restrain the urge to vomit and do not run to empty it whenever there is discomfort in the stomach. Uncontrollable vomiting during toxicosis is a rare occurrence; in most cases, the urge is controllable.

Before you go to eat, think about what the body will accept and what even mentally disgusts you.

Remove from your eyes anything that causes the condition to worsen. Precisely from the eyes, because Our consciousness, having perceived a certain thing with our eyes, already gives a picture of taste and smell.

Move all activities and procedures that cause nausea to a later time during the day, when the condition has more or less stabilized.

Do things that are pleasant for you - shopping, good deeds. Do something you've been thinking about for a long time, but put off on the back burner. The release of endorphins - joy hormones - into the blood helps to normalize the general condition.

Rule three

Full sleep And Fresh air. These are the most terrible enemies of toxicosis. Oxygen activates metabolic processes in the body and prevents toxins from accumulating. During sleep, the body “cleanses” itself of everything negative, including toxic metabolic products. Ideally, during the entire sleep period, which should be at least 8 hours, there is a constant flow of fresh air. During the day you need to walk outside for at least 2 hours. Well, it’s a good idea to take a nap or two during the day.

Rule four

Diet. Let us remind you that the peak of toxicosis occurs in the morning. Therefore, you should not jump out of bed suddenly, because... with a 90% chance your route will change towards the toilet. A sudden change in body position, even in a normal state, can cause nausea.

Make sure there is something edible that you like next to your bed. Even a small portion of food will keep your stomach busy, but you should also avoid sudden body movements after a snack. Try to keep the food liquid or semi-liquid, warm but not hot.

Plan your meals so that you eat small portions, but often. Be sure to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt before bed to reduce the secretion of gastric juice.

Be sure to follow the drinking regime, which should be increased during the period of toxicosis. Drink in small sips, between meals, before meals, but not after. For drinks, choose something neutral: mineral water without gases, non-concentrated juices, light teas.

For many women, mints help relieve nausea. Always carry them with you, they will help you out more than once in transport or in queues. Dried apricots, as well as other dried fruits, are good during this period. An excellent source of minerals and vitamins.

Ginger works well against nausea. You can add it to tea or simply chew a piece of ginger root when feeling nauseous.

Such a pleasant procedure aromatherapy, helps eliminate attacks of nausea. Aromatherapy for pregnant women is widely used in specialized sanatoriums. However, you need to be careful here, because... Some essential oils cause uterine contractions, so consult a specialist before using aromatherapy treatments. This method is not suitable for everyone, since even the most pleasant odors during pregnancy can seem disgusting. For allergies, aromatherapy is also contraindicated.

No matter how your pregnancy progresses, enjoy every day of it and remember that everything that happens to the body is the result of the development of a new life that will soon be born!

Toxicosis is a frequent companion of women in an interesting position. Nausea, dizziness, weakness and an acute reaction to odors are experienced by 90% of pregnant women. Fortunately, everyone can relieve the symptoms of toxicosis. Today we will tell you how to cope with toxicosis during pregnancy, and in what cases you can completely prevent its occurrence.

If a pregnant woman experiences nausea and vomiting more than 3 times a day, the weight melts before our eyes, the desire to eat disappears, and “there is no more strength to hold on” - it means that the expectant mother is faced with manifestations of real toxicosis. It can begin almost from the moment of missed menstruation, and last until the middle of the second trimester (16 weeks of pregnancy).

In most cases, women experience mild to moderate toxicosis. They do not require drug therapy or hospitalization. But it’s still worth trying to get rid of toxicosis and take measures to reduce the severity of symptoms.

1. Adjust your daily routine

This is a point that requires attention first of all - the well-being of the body as a whole depends on it. You should try to get a good night's sleep and spend less time at the computer monitor and watching TV. At a minimum, a pregnant woman needs at least 8 hours of night sleep, as well as at least 1-1.5 hours of daytime rest.

2. Reduce operating voltage

Stress and overexertion are one of the causes of early toxicosis. Are you pregnant but still working hard? Working all day long should be a thing of the past while pregnant. Serious physical activity and contact with dangerous/harmful substances can pose a threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

On a note!If you present your employer with a certificate from the antenatal clinic about pregnancy, at your request he is obliged to transfer you to “light work” (work that excludes exposure to adverse production factors).

3. Lifts without sudden movements

After waking up, it is advisable to lie in bed for a while and eat some bread or cookies to reduce the risk of nausea. Get up gradually, first sit down, sit for a minute or two, lower your feet to the floor and then you can get up.

4. Organize your diet

But without violence against yourself. If you wake up without an appetite, and there is none throughout the first half of the day, then you should not “cram” the missed breakfast into yourself. Try experimenting with portions and time between snacks. Fasting is just as bad as overeating. Remember about the need to drink fluids - if you are vomiting, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day, if you are feeling normal - at least 1.5 liters.

5. Monitor your blood pressure

If you have low blood pressure during pregnancy, then you are probably haunted by toxicosis. Get a blood pressure monitor and monitor your blood pressure throughout the day. If your blood pressure is not higher than 100/60 mmHg, then drink a cup of black or green tea, or eat some dark chocolate.

Note! If you follow all the tips described above, maintain a healthy lifestyle and create a favorable atmosphere for bearing a baby, you can avoid the occurrence of toxicosis.

What causes toxicosis?

Medicine does not have a clear answer to why the early stage of pregnancy in expectant mothers is often marred by toxicosis. There are only hypotheses, here are the four most common ones:

  1. Hormonal– a high content of “pregnant hormone” in the blood leads to toxicosis. The level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is usually higher in mothers carrying several babies under their hearts at once, but it can also be in excess in mothers expecting one child. Toxicosis can also be influenced by estrogens, progesterone, and thyroid hormones.
  2. Genetic– some doctors suggest that a specific gene, passed on through heredity, is responsible for the development of toxicosis. Therefore, while carrying a baby, you can ask mothers and grandmothers how their pregnancies went and whether they were spared the fight against toxicosis.
  3. Immunological– it happens that the mother’s body perceives the fertilized egg inside itself as foreign tissue, and begins to intensively fight it. But the natural “mechanism” of preserving pregnancy is immediately activated, counteracting the “attack” on the unborn child. All these processes inside a woman’s body lead to so-called toxicosis;
  4. Psychosomatic– according to psychologists, poor health and toxicosis in a pregnant woman can be caused by changes in lifestyle, experiences, relationships with a partner, etc.

And also a detailed answer from the doctor about why toxicosis occurs in the early stages of pregnancy:

Severity of toxicosis in pregnant women

Toxicosis can be considered a normal condition if it causes discomfort in moderate amounts. But sometimes it becomes so strong that we are talking about a dangerous complication of pregnancy. How to determine that very “limit”? First of all, you should focus on the severity of nausea, vomiting, as well as your overall health. Obstetricians-gynecologists distinguish three degrees of severity of toxicosis.

Toxicosis severity Manifestations
Mild degreeSigns of “mild toxicosis”: sensitivity to odors, slight dizziness in the morning, vomiting up to 5 times a day. The general condition of the pregnant woman is normal, urine analysis is normal, there is no loss of body weight.
Average degreeBody weight decreases significantly, and the pregnant woman experiences weakness and lethargy. Blood pressure is low. A small amount of ketone bodies is observed in urine analysis. Attacks of vomiting occur from 5 to 10 times a day.
Severe degreeRapid loss of body weight, the expectant mother has a low-grade fever and a rapid heartbeat. Low pressure. A large number of ketone bodies are found in the urine. Dehydration begins. Vomiting occurs more than 10 times a day.

Attention! If a pregnant woman has moderate and severe symptoms, and there is no adequate treatment for toxicosis, this can lead to complications - from renal failure to intrauterine growth restriction. Any changes in the body that worry the expectant mother should be immediately notified to the obstetrician-gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy.

Toxicosis - away! How to get rid of toxicosis (first aid)

There are many ways to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman with toxicosis - you do not have to stoically endure your discomfort. We have collected the most popular of them, and it’s up to you to decide which method is the most effective.

So, here are some basic tips on what to do in case of toxicosis in the early stages.

At the first signs of nausea and odor intolerance:

  • As soon as you feel a lump forming in your throat and vomiting is approaching, drink half a glass of water in small sips. The water can be ordinary clean or mineral, preferably a little cool. Avoid overly sweet and highly carbonated drinks.
  • If you feel dizzy and feel you are about to faint, immediately sit up and lower your head down. You should sit in this position for 3-5 minutes.
  • Small ice cubes help to stop an emergency attack of nausea - you need to suck them like candy.
  • Make it a habit to keep a green apple, fresh lemon, ginger, or something minty on hand. A sour apple will save you from an attack of lightheadedness; it is a natural antiemetic. A slice of ginger/lemon will help cope with long-lasting nausea that occurs when you get motion sickness in transport or suddenly get up from a chair. Mint in candies or drinks, in addition to its freshness and distracting effect, will have a sedative effect and calm the nerves.
  • Pregnant women do not tolerate stuffiness well, so if possible, spend more time in the fresh air, ventilate the room more often, and use a fan or air conditioner in hot weather.
  • Sometimes with toxicosis with nausea, excessive salivation appears (due to stomach cramps). Rinsing your mouth with cold water will help cope with this symptom. If drooling occurs frequently, then prepare a decoction of pharmaceutical herbs in a thermos: sage, chamomile or mint, and carry out the rinsing procedure with them.
  • Hot foods cause nausea, so during toxicosis, eat warm or slightly chilled foods. When preparing food, turn on the hood and do not spend a lot of time standing on your feet - it is better to cook while sitting.

How to alleviate toxicosis (mother’s experience - video):

Folk remedies for treating toxicosis

When all known methods of getting rid of toxicosis have been exhausted, folk advice, proven over the years, comes to the rescue. Their use is completely safe - after all, they contain only natural ingredients, which, in addition to their healing effects, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and they will not be superfluous during the period of bearing a child. Try it, maybe one of the folk remedies for toxicosis will be a good solution for you and help you get rid of it forever.

Folk remedies for toxicosis Action and method of application
Rose hip Rosehip decoction is a good remedy for eliminating nausea. Rose hips in a decoction have a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother, cleanse the pregnant woman’s body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. Rose hips should be brewed in the ratio of 100 g of fruit per 1 liter of water. Pour water over the fruits, bring to a boil, and let simmer for 5-7 minutes. Turn off and let the broth brew for 4 hours. Refrigerate and take after meals.
Cranberry Cranberry juice is a remedy for toxicosis, known to our grandmothers. Crush 150 g of cranberries, pour the juice into a glass, and pour boiling water (500 ml) over the remaining mass and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, add about 1/3 cup of sugar and the previously drained juice. Stir, cool, drink as a main drink.
Ginger Ginger is simply an irreplaceable product for toxicosis - it eliminates nausea and dizziness even in severe cases of the disease. Ginger tea is the most effective. For it you need to pour a little fresh grated ginger into a glass of water, let it brew and sweeten with honey. You can also chew small pieces of ginger root in the morning for those who are exhausted by attacks of nausea and vomiting.
Mint Fresh mint is an assistant in cases of severe manifestations of toxicosis. A sprig of mint added to tea will relieve fatigue, tension and help raise low blood pressure. When pursuing unpleasant odors, you need to chew 2-3 leaves of fresh mint in your mouth.
Honey A tasty, sweet “medicine” will help stop an attack of lightheadedness. Take a teaspoon of honey and suck it like a lollipop. A honey drink also helps with nausea (especially morning nausea) - dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. honey and add a couple of slices of lemon.

Drugs for the treatment of toxicosis

If toxicosis is severe, then you cannot avoid visiting a doctor and undergoing the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Only the attending obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend a medicine for toxicosis in order to compare all possible risks for the mother and child. Most often, doctors prescribe antiemetics, but only in emergency cases, and strictly choosing the drug that is appropriate in a given case.

Medicine for toxicosis Operating principle
MetoclopromideHelps eliminate nausea and gag reflex. Effective for early and late toxicosis (preeclampsia). Available in tablets, oral solution, and intramuscular solution.
DiphenhydramineIt is used in pregnant women under strict medical supervision for excessive vomiting (severe toxicosis). Available in powder for dilution in aqueous solution.
PromethazineOne of the most effective remedies for early toxicosis. Fights nausea, vomiting, and the unpleasant sensations of lightheadedness during pregnancy. Available in tablet form.
MeclizineProvides medicinal correction in eliminating the symptoms of nausea, reduces the frequency of vomiting by 70%. Release form: tablets.

Risk factors: who is predisposed to toxicosis

The likelihood of toxicosis in a pregnant woman increases if one or more of the following factors occurs:

  • pregnancy is complicated by bleeding;
  • while expecting a baby, there was an exacerbation of a urinary tract infection, a herpetic infection;
  • overweight, obesity (fat metabolism disorders);
  • eating disorders that began in the pre-pregnancy period (bulimia, anorexia);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • there are gastrointestinal diseases (stomach ulcer, gastritis);
  • the expectant mother experiences chronic stress, overwork, and lack of oxygen;
  • poor and/or disordered nutrition;
  • the age of the pregnant woman is up to 25 years (it is in young women that the risk of toxicosis is high; after 35 years, on the contrary, it is minimal).

What are the dangers of late toxicosis during pregnancy:

8 ways to help yourself with toxicosis

Unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis affect almost all expectant mothers. Even with an easy pregnancy, women sometimes face some problems. Try to alleviate the condition with the help of our tips - some of them can become a “first aid course” for suddenly approaching nausea.

Light snack

When leaving home, take cookies, an apple, a piece of cheese, and bread with you. During pregnancy, the level of glucose in the blood is extremely unstable and can drop sharply, which provokes a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman. A “packed ration” should always be at hand throughout the entire 9 months.

Control the chair

Make sure that you have stool at least once every 1-2 days. Don't forget to go to the toilet a lot, even if you don't eat much. When the intestines do not empty for several days, toxins accumulate in it, which easily enter the blood of a pregnant woman, aggravating her health.

More air

Fresh air is the best healer for toxicosis. The room in which the pregnant woman spends a lot of time should be ventilated frequently. Avoid crowded and stuffy rooms. If this is not possible (for example, due to work commitments), take 10-minute breaks every two hours to get clean air into your lungs. Do not inhale sharp and strong odors of perfumes and household chemicals.

Rest after eating

After eating, a pregnant woman must lie down - this way she will avoid an attack of nausea and reduce the unpleasant manifestations of severe toxicosis. Daytime sleep has a good effect on the condition of the expectant mother, especially in the period from the 5th to the 12th week.

Mint break

One of the most effective remedies for nausea is mint in all its forms. Mint candies, refreshing chewing gum or iced mint tea will help cope with the onset of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Long Awakening

Doctors recommend that expectant mothers wake up later: waking up early provokes morning vomiting. If you have toxicosis, forget about getting out of bed abruptly in the morning. And so that the beginning of the day is not overshadowed by a bad state, treat yourself to a symbolic breakfast in bed. Nothing supernatural: just eat a bagel, a tangerine, a green apple, a muesli bar. Slowly drink a glass of water, juice or fruit drink. Order? This will help you cope with nausea and dizziness.

Drink mineral water

Treatment of toxicosis accompanied by vomiting should be carried out with replenishment of fluid deficiency in the body of the expectant mother. Cool mineral water, drunk in small sips, brings relief after vomiting and lightheadedness quickly subsides.

Fragrant sachet

Natural dried herbs, which can be found in any pharmacy, will help you get rid of nausea. For toxicosis, it is good to inhale the aroma from a sachet with dried lemon balm, raspberry leaves, peppermint and chamomile.

Diet for toxicosis in pregnant women: what you can eat to feel good

Morning sickness cannot always be interpreted by a doctor as a manifestation of toxicosis. Most often, this condition at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy is a normal phenomenon, and it is called the body’s adaptation to pregnancy. But if the expectant mother experiences a complete lack of appetite, which is combined with the inability to swallow anything (otherwise there will be vomiting), then this is “true” toxicosis, which needs observation.

Diet for early toxicosis

So, how to deal with toxicosis during early pregnancy? If the symptoms of nausea are mild, without weight loss and tests are within the normal range for a pregnant woman, it is best to listen to your body and trust your intuition. He himself will tell you what diet is suitable for him at a particular moment. If you want to eat something, don’t deny yourself; if a certain product causes disgust, remove it from your menu, at least until the second trimester. Also desirable:

  • try to sleep more than 8-9 hours a day;
  • to walk outside;
  • Avoid overwork and mentally traumatic situations.

Important! If possible, stop buying food for a while (smells in stores often provoke vomiting during toxicosis), prepare only food that you can safely eat yourself. Perfumes and household chemicals are also put off until “better times.”

Diet for late toxicosis

Many people wonder how to treat long-term toxicosis at home, meaning gestosis by their condition. In the second half of pregnancy, many women experience swelling in the arms and legs, and the doctor detects a large weight gain associated with fluid retention in the body. This pathology occurs due to increasing vascular permeability. With this disorder, a woman seeks to reduce fluid intake, or goes on a diet, which absolutely cannot be done - this will lead to thickening of the blood and minor vascular thrombosis.

What to do:

  • To normalize the condition, consult a doctor: he will prescribe medications to restore blood circulation and strengthen the vascular walls;
  • drink fluid at least 2.5 l/day;
  • do not drink food during meals and do not drink liquids immediately before meals - drink only after you have already eaten;
  • enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat;
  • do not arrange fasting days.
  • eat small portions, but often (have healthy snacks every 2-3 hours);
  • give preference to soups, broths, fresh fruits and vegetables in salad;
  • try not to starve for a long time, hunger provokes nausea;
  • 5-7 minutes before your main meal, eat some bread or dried fruit - this “training” for the stomach will help you absorb the rest of the food;
  • drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • during an attack of nausea, drink half a glass of mineral water, eat a slice of lemon or mint candy;
  • do not eat while standing; it is most convenient to eat while in an almost reclining position.

The test showed the long-awaited two stripes, but the joy and euphoria were short-lived. Are you experiencing nausea, vomiting, or intolerance to familiar odors? This is how toxicosis manifests itself during pregnancy and the listed signs are only a small part of its symptoms.

It depends on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body - for one it begins almost from the first day of the delay or shortly before the expected date of menstruation, and for another no earlier than 6-7 weeks. According to obstetric and gynecological statistics, toxicosis first makes itself felt between 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.

The timing of toxicosis during pregnancy is also individual for everyone, but in most cases this condition continues until the end of the first trimester. The duration of toxicosis during pregnancy is directly related to the general health of the expectant mother.

For example, in young healthy women, all unpleasant symptoms of this condition cease by 9-10 weeks, and in women who have chronic diseases or weak immunity, nausea, vomiting and weakness can persist until 13-15 weeks.

Why do some people have it, while others don’t know about this condition?

Why is there severe toxicosis during pregnancy? First of all, toxicosis is the body’s reaction in response to the ingestion of any foreign object (in this case, the fertilized egg) and the appearance of symptoms of resistance and rejection of this object.

The intensity of toxicosis largely depends on internal and external factors, which are:

  • chronic diseases of women;
  • bad habits – smoking, including passive smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking too much coffee;
  • unbalanced diet - especially if before pregnancy the woman ate only sandwiches or fast food;
  • hormonal changes;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep and physical fatigue;
  • a woman carrying several fetuses at once - toxicosis during multiple pregnancy often haunts a woman right up to the very birth, which is associated with a heavy load on the body of the expectant mother.

Can there be no toxicosis at all during pregnancy? Yes, indeed, there are such lucky women who do not know how this condition manifests itself and safely bear their babies without ever feeling nausea or malaise.

As a rule, these are very young women preparing to become mothers for the first time. But you ask - In this situation, heredity also plays a big role - if on the maternal side of the expectant mother the women did not have toxicosis, then with a high degree of probability this condition will not arise in her either.


Symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy are divided into early and late. Early symptoms occur from 5 to 12 weeks of fetal gestation, while late symptoms appear after 30 weeks and pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the life of the child. Types of toxicosis during pregnancy and its symptoms are described in more detail in the table.

Types and signs of toxicosis during pregnancy:

Types of pathological condition Clinical manifestations
Early toxicosis

Characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:
  • increased salivation;
  • odor intolerance;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea (toxicosis and diarrhea during pregnancy can be signs of food poisoning, so if you experience frequent loose stools, you should consult your doctor);
  • weakness and malaise;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • increased taste, desire to eat unusual foods;
  • decreased blood pressure and fainting
Gestosis (late toxicosis)

Develops in the second half of pregnancy and is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • dropsy – swelling of the limbs, abdomen, face;
  • nephropathy - includes a triad of symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure and protein in the urine (proteinuria);
  • preeclampsia and eclampsia - characterized by headaches, vomiting, convulsions (first twitching of the facial muscles, then tonic-clonic convulsions with respiratory depression)

Attention! - this is a dangerous condition that requires immediate hospitalization of the expectant mother in the department of pathology of pregnant women or the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital. Delay in providing assistance can lead to placental abruption, acute fetal hypoxia and fetal death in utero.

Boy or girl?

Since ancient times, expectant mothers have been interested in the question of whether the manifestations of toxicosis are interrelated. Obstetricians-gynecologists cannot give a definite answer to this question, but it has been found that when a woman is carrying girls, toxicosis occurs more often, which can be associated with an increase in female hormones in the body - maternal and female fetuses.

This leads to some overdose of female hormones and is manifested by nausea, vomiting, the appearance of acne on the skin, and increased pigmentation. While carrying a boy, a woman, on the contrary, feels great and becomes very beautiful: her facial skin is transformed, her hair is healthy and shiny, her nails are long and strong.

This condition is characterized by equalization of the levels of female and male hormones in the body of the expectant mother. Of course, these are only observations of doctors, and not facts confirmed by science, so we can say that the appearance and intensity of toxicosis cannot in any way tell the mother who she is carrying. Mothers of male fetuses can also have severe toxicosis.

Not your first pregnancy: should you expect toxicosis?

Each pregnancy for the female body is a new individual condition to which she reacts differently. It happens that, while carrying her first baby, a woman felt great and did not feel nausea or malaise, but toxicosis during the second pregnancy made itself felt almost from the first days and haunted the expectant mother until the end of the 2nd trimester.

This again depends on the state of the woman’s immune system and the length of the period between previous births - the earlier the second pregnancy occurs, the higher the risk that there will be severe toxicosis, since the mother’s body has not yet had time to recover after the first birth.

Does toxicosis occur during ectopic pregnancy? Since the signs of toxicosis are interconnected with hormonal changes in the body, and even if the fertilized egg is not properly attached to the fallopian tube, these changes occur, nausea, vomiting and malaise can bother a woman.

Often these symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are accompanied by other warning signs:

  • constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, mainly on one side, where the egg is attached - these pains intensify when changing body position, sudden movements, or having sex;
  • spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • pain in the coccyx area and the desire to have a bowel movement.

Important! If such symptoms appear after two lines appear on the test, the woman should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist or an ultrasound scan. Detecting an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages allows you to avoid tube rupture and other complications that, at best, lead to infertility, and at worst, to the death of the woman.

How to treat toxicosis

Treatment of toxicosis during pregnancy is selected for the woman individually, depending on the severity of its manifestation and the general condition of the woman.

Early toxicosis

Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, the doctor decides on the need for drug therapy.

The severity of early toxicosis is assessed by the frequency of vomiting in a woman:

  1. Light form– as a rule, there is no vomiting, but the pregnant woman suffers from constant nausea and profuse salivation. At this stage, no special treatment is required, and organizing a balanced diet and daily routine, including long walks in the fresh air, will help reduce nausea.
  2. Moderate forms a – vomiting in a pregnant woman is observed up to 5 times a day, accompanied by nausea, increased salivation, general malaise, and dizziness. Cerucal will help reduce nausea and eliminate vomiting in cases of toxicosis in pregnant women. This drug is available in the form of tablets and a solution for injection intramuscularly and acts directly on the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata. You can take tablets for toxicosis in pregnant women against nausea and vomiting only according to a doctor’s indication, if there is really such a need.
  3. Severe form– is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting in the expectant mother up to 15-20 times a day, headaches, weakness, and disruption of the liver and gall bladder. This is a dangerous condition, which is often accompanied by the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood and the appearance of an acetone odor from the woman’s mouth. This form of toxicosis is treated in a hospital setting. The woman is prescribed antiemetic drugs (Cerucal), droppers with glucose and vitamins, and saline solutions intravenously to prevent dehydration. In order to protect the liver and improve the functioning of this organ, Essentiale is often prescribed for toxicosis of pregnancy or any drug from the group of hepatoprotectors (the instructions for the drug describe in detail how much to take and for how long).

Important! Uncontrollable vomiting and acetonemic syndrome pose a danger to a woman’s health. In addition, there is a risk of dehydration, blood thickening and the development of thrombosis. If, with the help of drug therapy, it is not possible to stabilize the condition of the pregnant woman and vomiting continues, and the woman loses weight before her eyes, then the question of terminating the pregnancy arises. Fortunately, such measures have to be resorted to extremely rarely and only in cases where there is a real threat to a woman’s life.

Any medications for toxicosis in pregnant women should be prescribed by a doctor. Even if some pills always helped you before conception, in your current situation these same medications can be dangerous for the unborn child.

The only thing that a pregnant woman can take on her own are Activated Carbon tablets, Smecta or Enterosgel - these drugs absorb toxic substances from the intestines and slightly reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, in addition, they are approved for use in the first weeks of pregnancy without risk to the fetus.

Late toxicosis

Therapy for gestosis involves preventing complications that can arise against the background of nephropathy and preeclampsia in expectant mothers. First of all, there can be no talk of any home treatment, since gestosis is a condition that threatens the life of the child and the health of the pregnant woman, so the woman must be under round-the-clock medical supervision until the condition stabilizes.

Treatment consists of normalizing blood pressure, eliminating edema, creating a favorable environment for the pregnant woman - silence, dim light, calm. This is due to the fact that any irritant can provoke an attack of eclampsia in a woman - convulsions up to respiratory arrest.

To support the fetus, a pregnant woman is prescribed droppers based on a glucose solution with B vitamins. If necessary, the doctor adds antihypertensive drugs, antispasmodics, and drugs to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta directly into the solution.

Healthy lifestyle

The combined factors that make up a relatively healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the likelihood of toxicosis or reduce the intensity of characteristic symptoms.

Among the aspects that a woman needs to observe during pregnancy, the following are mainly mentioned:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • complete rest;
  • lack of exhausting physical activity;
  • regular ventilation of the living space;
  • good sleep;
  • moderate physical activity, unless there are corresponding contraindications;
  • taking multivitamins or medications if prescribed by your doctor.

In addition, we should not forget about the psycho-emotional component. The absence of nervous tension, factors contributing to the manifestation of nervousness, stress, anxiety, fears can also significantly reduce the likelihood of toxicosis.

What can you eat?

Most expectant mothers who are faced with toxicosis will confirm that they simply cannot force themselves to eat anything, since the food immediately “asks to come out.” You cannot eat anything during pregnancy, since the foods consumed by the expectant mother are the main “building materials” for the child’s body.

Of course, it is important what exactly a pregnant woman eats, because sausage sandwiches and fried potatoes hardly qualify as healthy dishes. Nutrition for pregnant women with toxicosis should be light, but at the same time as balanced as possible and satisfy the body's needs for proteins, carbohydrates, fats and microelements.

What can pregnant women eat if they have toxicosis? First of all, eat often and in small portions, optimally 6 times a day. Dishes should be boiled, baked without crust or steamed - this will help reduce the load on the pancreas, so after eating you will not suffer from nausea and heartburn.

Give preference to these products:

  • porridge – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet;
  • lean meat - chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • low-fat fish - cod, pollock, hake, pike perch;
  • fresh vegetables - cabbage, carrots, zucchini, small quantities of potatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, beets;
  • fermented milk and dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, hard cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, milk, butter;
  • vegetable oils – olive, sunflower, corn, flaxseed;
  • bakery products from wholemeal flour and pasta from durum wheat;
  • nuts and honey - if you are not allergic to these products, only in small quantities;
  • fruits and berries - apples, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi, pears, raspberries, strawberries, currants.

Important! If pregnancy occurs during the cold season, and there is no abundance of vegetables and fresh fruits, give preference to seasonal products - carrots, beets, white cabbage, apples, bananas, lemons. Eating out-of-season tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries can cause food poisoning for a pregnant woman, and their price is always extremely high.

What to eat for pregnant women with toxicosis, and what foods are best to avoid, as well as everything about toxicosis during pregnancy, you can find out in the video in this article.

Sample menu for pregnant women with toxicosis:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with water + 1 boiled egg, a glass of tea;
  • second breakfast - a sandwich of whole grain bread with butter and cheese, green salad leaves and rosehip infusion;
  • lunch - beetroot soup in vegetable broth with sour cream, buckwheat porridge with beef goulash, white bread, compote of dried fruits or seasonal berries;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole or cheesecake and a glass of green tea;
  • dinner – mashed potatoes with boiled fish;
  • before bed – a glass of kefir or natural low-fat yogurt.

Don’t be confused by this amount of food during the day; the portions will be small, but will fully satisfy the woman’s body’s needs for microelements and other important substances necessary for the development of the fetus. A diet for toxicosis in pregnant women can be prepared individually by a nutritionist, endocrinologist or gynecologist; here is only an example.


But how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy if there are simply no indications for taking medications, and poor health and systematically occurring nausea significantly worsen the quality of life? In such a situation, it is quite possible to use an absolutely harmless, but extremely effective remedy, namely, the use of aromatherapy.

The following are called aromatic oils that help overcome toxicosis:

Components used When can it be used Positive result
Lavender oil. It is permissible to use it only after the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy. Relaxes, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep.
Peppermint oil. Suitable for use at any stage of pregnancy. Prevents vomiting, eliminates attacks of nausea, relieves drowsiness.
Citrus oils: lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit. It is recommended to use from the first trimester of pregnancy. Relieves irritability and drowsiness, stimulates appetite, reduces nausea.
Patchouli oil. Suitable for use from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. It has a calming effect, relieves irritability, and reduces attacks of nausea.

You need to know how to combat toxicosis during pregnancy through the correct use of aromatic oils. Application of any product to the skin or ingestion is strictly prohibited.

To obtain the desired effect, apply the oil to a cloth or cotton wool and inhale the aroma. You can also use an aroma lamp.

Traditional methods

Simple, affordable, safe and quite effective traditional medicine recipes can also come to the aid of the expectant mother and reduce the intense manifestations of toxicosis. However, we should not forget that before using any remedy, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications and risks of side effects.

How to combat toxicosis during pregnancy through the use of folk remedies?

To reduce attacks of nausea and vomiting, improve general condition and normalize digestive processes, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs. As a rule, the duration of the course of treatment is not limited to any time frame.

Ginger tea

You can drink ginger tea to reduce nausea only if its specific taste does not cause rejection, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

To prepare a medicinal drink, it is recommended to pour a teaspoon of pre-crushed root with two glasses of boiling water, let the product brew and periodically take a few sips of the resulting drink. The optimal amount of tea consumed during the day is no more than two glasses.

Useful fruit drinks

You can also reduce toxicosis by taking not only tasty, but also healthy, vitamin-rich fruit drinks. To prepare such drinks, you should use fresh rose hips or cranberries.

Fruit juice should be prepared by boiling pre-washed berries in purified water. It is strictly not recommended to add sugar, honey or other flavoring additives to the resulting drinks.

Vitamin tea

Healthy and tasty tea, rich in vitamins, will help not only pacify toxicosis, but also strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being. To prepare this wonderful drink, mix equal parts of fresh lingonberries, sea buckthorn and rose hips. The resulting mixture should be used as a regular brew. This drink should be consumed instead of regular tea.

Herbal collection

The optimal amount of drink is no more than one and a half glasses during the day. You should drink 50 milliliters when you feel nauseous.

To prepare the collection, you need to mix the dry herbs of mint, calendula and yarrow in equal parts, and then add one part of valerian root to the resulting mixture. Two tablespoons of the prepared raw material should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours.

Is it possible to prevent the development of toxicosis?

How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy? The answer to this question worries every pregnant woman who has already once encountered unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

There are no clear actions that could completely eliminate the development of this condition, however, there are rules that, by following them, a pregnant woman will be able to prevent early toxicosis as much as possible:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle - eating according to a schedule, avoiding fast food and bad habits;
  • healthy, full sleep of at least 8 hours;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • favorable family environment, avoidance of stress;
  • eating only high-quality, freshly prepared foods - pregnancy is not the time for exotic foods, such as raw fish and other things.

The development of gestosis can be prevented even at the stage of pregnancy planning by identifying and treating chronic pathologies. An important aspect and guarantee of a successful pregnancy is early registration with the antenatal clinic and strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that toxicosis in the early stages is not a disease, and this condition must be survived. It is within your power to follow the recommendations given above in order to minimize the manifestations of this condition and be able to find the positive aspects of the new situation. The cessation of toxicosis during pregnancy is usually observed by the 12th week, and then you can enjoy your condition and look forward to meeting your unborn child.