How to tell a man that I'm pregnant with his child? Male reaction to a woman's pregnancy. How to tell a guy about a pregnancy that no one expected? How to write to a man that you are pregnant by your husband

You meet, meet…. And after some time you realize or find out that you are pregnant. It’s cool if you learn about this at different times. Without fear! But you won’t be able to do this without worries, so you need to prepare for them in advance.

We suggest:

  1. An option for the brave. Tell him about the situation, looking straight into his eyes. Speak and don't look away for a second. Speak in words that will be the first to “look” into your head and directly ask you to tell everything.
  2. An option for the shy. Stand opposite him. Keep your head down. Say that the guy needs to know something now. Limit yourself to a few words: “you know, I’m pregnant.” You can shorten the phrase to two words.
  3. Option for the romantic. Invite him to a small cafe or to your home. Prepare (preliminarily) a beautiful and delicious dinner. Over dinner you’ll tell the boy what happened.
  4. An option for the bravest. You take a taxi, go to his house, go up to the floor, ring the doorbell. If he doesn’t invite you to come in, say it across the threshold (forget about any signs, since it’s not the time to think about them!).
  5. An option for the unsure. Call and tell him that you are expecting a child with him. Repeat this if you hear complete silence in response after the first “attempt” to convey the necessary information to daddy.
  6. An option for the impatient. Write a regular, simple, short message. You can write a long one if you are in the mood and your literacy and talent allow it. A good way if there is nothing else!
  7. Delicious option. Bake a big cake. Put a big note in it, in which you write everything as it is. Try to make the cake tastier too. The taste of your creation will play a huge role in his reaction!
  8. The option is extreme. Invite a man either to the park for amusement rides or to go skydiving. Make both proposals if the pregnancy is not yet very advanced. The problem will be in “persuading” a man to go either there or there. Not everyone is as fearless as they seem.
  9. The option is sexy. Buy a charming negligee, give yourself a catchy and expressive make-up, and spend a luxurious, unforgettable night with it. And in the morning, say what “hurts you.”
  10. The "cautious" option. Choose the right moment, the right mood. Then admit your situation. Previously (at any other time) it would not have been worth doing this.
  11. The standard option is banal. He comes home from work, you meet him, hang yourself around his neck and say that he will soon become a daddy. Say this with a smile and with great (undisguised) joy.

The methods don't work - don't say you're pregnant at all. He will see everything himself when it is no longer possible to hide the pregnancy.

If a man finds out about pregnancy...

A man's reaction to a woman's pregnancy will be:

  1. He will leave silently, without words at all. Then he will return. When exactly, only he knows. He will need time to somehow come to his senses. The man can say whatever he wants when he returns. You need to be prepared for any conversations.
  2. He will ask (demand) to do tests that can prove his paternity. He will be ready to shell out any amount of money for this.
  3. The man will be happy. He will run for champagne and chocolate to properly celebrate this wonderful news.
  4. At first, the future dad will freeze in place. Then he will break into a smile. Then he will ask you to repeat again what you said a few seconds ago.
  5. He will give you money for an abortion. He will put them in your pocket or bag even if you cry in front of him.
  6. The man will marry you (if you are not already married). Then you will prepare for an excellent, for the best celebration in your life!
  7. He will run to smoke or go to the nearest store for alcohol. To properly calm your nerves.
  8. The man will say that he should have been more careful. That he regrets your connections and relationships with him.
  9. This person will simply create a huge scandal with insults. In general, he will do everything to make you leave on your own.
  10. He'll take you to the best gynecologist in town. Then you will find an excellent doctor who will guide you throughout your pregnancy.

Don't be offended by your loved one's reaction. This news comes as a shock in any case. By the way, one story is told on the forums... Don't worry: it is filled only with positive things. Use all your imagination so that the perception of the story is not “false”.

Life story

Tamarka is waiting for her beloved. While waiting, she felt unwell and ran to the bathroom. Then she decided to do a test that was lying on her shelf “just in case.” The test showed “one hundred percent” positive results. Toma was delighted, smiling at her reflection in the mirror. She turned on her favorite music and started dancing. She constantly looked at her watch so as not to miss the doorbell. And time dragged on and on... Tamara was rehearsing an “inner” speech to tell her boyfriend about her pregnancy.

Guy Vasilek arrived on time (with chocolate and a huge bouquet of pink roses). Toma planned to say everything right away, when her beloved was still on the threshold of the apartment or in the hallway. But he didn’t let her speak, covering her mouth with a kiss. When the kiss pleasantly “ended,” the excited lover said everything—everything. Not exactly according to the planned scenario, but... Said! This was the most important thing. He whispered: “how could you...” and ran away without closing the front door behind him. Toma burst into tears, began tearing up photographs and hating the whole world. She did not want to live, but she remembered the child who was about to be born. The baby stopped her, kept her in this world! Half an hour later the doorbell rang. The woman opened the door. The future dad flew into the apartment and shouted, with a smile and joy: “how could you hide such super cool news from me?!” He picked her up and circled her, circled her, circled her...

Not all men give up children! Not all men “shun” heirs or heiresses! You should always hope for the best so that life can be better than it is now.

Many girls have recently been writing posts on the topic “How to tell my mom that I’m pregnant.” In fact, all women ask this question. And at all ages. As psychologists say, all these are echoes of our upbringing - we are used to making excuses to our parents. It's one thing when you are minor children - this fear of sharing such good news is understandable. But when grown-up and wealthy women ask themselves: “How can I tell my mother that I’m pregnant?” - then it’s worth thinking about forming your own personality. After all, this is good news for all family members. Especially when the pregnancy was planned for a long time and consciously. Let's try to figure out what can be done in this situation.

Position assessment

The first thing to consider before worrying is your age. At the age of 14, telling your parents about pregnancy can actually be extremely scary. But at 20-25 years old, this is stupid.

The third factor that needs to be taken into account if you are thinking about how to tell your mother that a girl is pregnant (or inform the parents of the expectant mother about this event) is your financial situation. Are you providing for yourself? Then you can gain courage and mentally prepare yourself for the conversation. Are you dependent on your parents? In this case, be prepared to listen to a lot of “pleasant” words addressed to you. As soon as you soberly assess the situation, you can get down to business directly. What methods will help here? Now we will find out.

Direct conversation (with a partner)

How to tell your mom you're pregnant at 14 or any other age? To be honest, you just need to pluck up the courage, take the child’s father with you, and then directly tell the parents the news. Be prepared to hear a bunch of insults and terrible words addressed to you and your partner. This is a completely common situation when minor children are not protected. As has already been said, there is no need to be too afraid if you support yourself. Or when your partner can provide for the baby and his mother. In this case, you can consider yourself a completely adult person.

But how can you tell specifically that you are pregnant? Find a moment to talk. It is good when your mother is in a good mood and will be predisposed to any conversations. You can organize small “get-togethers” on this occasion.

If you're afraid to break the news about an imminent addition to the family yourself, let your partner say so. He is a man and must be held accountable for his words. The main thing is to hope for the best. Often such news is followed by a wedding of the newlyweds, at which not a single parent even mentions that they were against their children’s relationship.

Personal conversation

How to tell your mom you're pregnant at 15? In fact, the option that was in 14 is also suitable. In principle, if your partner refuses to talk (or he left you), then you will have to deal with everything on your own. The main thing is not to panic too much in this situation.

Find the right time to talk. Your mother should be in a good mood, there should be no problems in the family during this period. There is no need to start a conversation before work or after a hard day at work. It's better to postpone the dialogue until the weekend.

Important: your mother should be alone. You can tell her over breakfast or tea that you have a serious conversation with her. Tell her not to worry. And then say that you are pregnant. You can take a little sedative before this. The main thing is not to be nervous. Directly inform about the imminent replenishment of the family. Also say whether you will have an abortion or not. Nothing short of straight talk will help you as a teenager.

Through partner's parents

How to tell your mom you're pregnant? At the age of 16, as a rule, you will not go to jail for sex with a minor. Especially if the sexual intercourse was consensual. Therefore, it is worth talking to the parents of the child’s father. Tell them and your partner about the news, and also ask them to tell your mother. This option doesn’t “work” very often. In the case where the parents of the baby’s father reacted normally to such news, you can hope for support.

In order not to immediately shock your mother, it would be better to disguise the dialogue as an acquaintance with your lover’s parents. Do they know each other? Then it would be nice to just organize “get-togethers” with tea and cake. When everyone has gathered and the evening is in full swing, let the young man’s parents tell your mother some unexpected news.

It is advisable to have valerian or any other sedative on hand. In case of huge shock, give it to your mother. When she “comes to her senses,” continue the dialogue. Tell us about your future intentions and plans. For example, if you are able to provide for yourself, then inform your relatives that you do not need their help in this matter, you can handle it yourself. Be prepared to hear a lot of negativity addressed to you. But remember one thing - you shouldn’t be too nervous. And the question: “How to tell my mom that I’m pregnant?” - should not negatively affect the baby’s health.

Closer to adulthood

On the Internet you can now find a lot of different posts that indicate ignorance of the rules of dialogue with parents regarding the pregnancy that has arisen. "I'm 17, I'm pregnant. How to tell my mom?" - this is exactly what most questions sound like. The truth is, you shouldn't be too afraid. Especially if you already have a job.

The point is that there are two scenarios here. First: you are a typical teenager who lives at the expense of your parents. You don't have a job, you study and don't think about family life. Or you don’t yet have the ability to provide for yourself. In this situation, as psychologists say, only a direct conversation with your relatives will help. As has already been repeatedly noted, you will have to stock up on will and patience, as well as courage. As in previous times, choose a more favorable day, and then directly report the event. Or let the child's father take on this responsibility.

The second option is when you have a job. That is, you are able to provide for yourself. Or your partner will be able to support you. In this case, the teenager (from the age of 16) has the right to receive emancipation and have legal capacity already at this young age. Then, as you might guess, you can simply come to visit your parents and tell them the good news without remorse. True, the result is unlikely to be positive - you will still have to listen to a lot of “dirt” addressed to you and your partner. Cases when parents have a normal attitude towards the pregnancy of minors (even emancipated) children are extremely rare.

Friendly family

Psychologists assure that family relationships play an important role in the issue of conversations regarding pregnancy. In other words, the relationship between the child and parents. And here, of course, there are several options for the development of events. Let's start with a more favorable outcome.

We are talking about those rare cases when the family is extremely friendly and understanding. Any teenager is considered an adult, a person who can make his own decisions. In this case, the question “how to tell my mother that I’m pregnant” should “disappear” by itself. After all, harmony and understanding reign in close-knit families.

And all this contributes to building the right dialogue. Just call your mom for a serious conversation, and then ask her not to be nervous or worry. Now you can prepare a sedative (you never know) and then say that she will soon become a grandmother. Or just say “I’m pregnant.” Yes, your mother will be shocked, but with a close-knit family, she will not reproach you for this step.

Typical layout

Psychologists assure that girls who write “I’m afraid to tell my mom that I’m pregnant”, as a rule, do not grow up in the most favorable families. Or there are some violations in such a unit of society. We can say that in an average family, a child will be very afraid to announce a new addition to the family.

An ordinary family in Russia is characterized by complex relationships between parents and children. Often, relatives simply “spread rot” on their offspring, tyrannize them, and also do not take into account their opinions. And just in this situation, breaking the news about pregnancy is the same as burying yourself alive. But remaining silent is not an option. And you will have to think about how to properly break the news to your parents.

Start with yourself - take a sedative, don’t be nervous and calm down. Next, go over your ideas about the conversation in your head and prepare for any outcome. The main thing is to behave confidently. Only this will help you in such a situation.

As psychologists note, parents’ reaction to the news of pregnancy can sometimes be simply inadequate: yelling, insults, threats, pushing their own child out of the door, and so on. With all this, it doesn’t matter how it happened - whether it was voluntary sexual intercourse or rape. The main thing is that parents will show “who’s boss.” Prepare yourself for the worst - that you will have to leave your parents' home forever and you will have to provide for yourself and your child yourself (not taking into account your partner). It's best to start preparing early. If something happens, just turn around and leave.

All is ready? Are you morally motivated? Then, in plain text, as in all previous cases, say that you are pregnant. You can even go to a psychotherapist before this, who can set you up for a conversation. Actually, it's not that scary. Especially if the child’s father is next to you and will not leave you.

Adult families

"How to tell your boyfriend's mom that you're pregnant?" - This is a topic that worries mainly teenagers. And that's okay. But when an adult girl asks a similar question, where “boyfriend” is replaced by “husband” or “groom,” the situation requires special attention. It’s not entirely normal for adults to be so puzzled by the issue of reporting news about a new addition to their own family.

What can I recommend? First, you yourself must realize your pregnancy. Remember that being nervous now is bad for you and your future baby. Plus, decide what you want - to keep the child or not.

You will also have to train yourself to speak calmly. You must report the news extremely calmly, without raising your tone. Just say: “Mom, you will soon become a grandmother” or “Mom, you will have a grandchild.”

It is best to first convey the news to the person you trust most. These could be parents-in-law, grandparents, brothers or sisters. Sometimes you can ask them to report an addition. But this is not recommended.


Pregnant with your third? How to tell mom about this? Or maybe this is your first baby in the family? Are you afraid that your family will react inadequately to this news? Then we can offer you a slightly humorous form of dialogue. How exactly to deliver the news is your problem. But there are some useful tips. Maybe you will find them attractive.

For example, invite your parents over and then offer to take a family photo. Before clicking the family, say in a cheerful tone, “I’m pregnant!” As a result, you will receive a photograph as a souvenir of this event, and you will tell the news.

You can also bake fortune cookies. And inside put notes “You will become grandparents.” Give cookies to your parents and let them read the news themselves. Works flawlessly.

Is it worth it?

In truth, psychologists are very surprised when adults turn to them with the question: “How to tell your parents about pregnancy?” In this case, to be honest, it’s worth thinking about, is it necessary to talk about this topic with your family at all? After all, this news primarily concerns only you and your partner.

If the thought of talking to your relatives makes you shudder, then you don't need to tell them about your pregnancy at all. They themselves will notice this over time. Or tell them when you already have a noticeable belly. Remember that you are not having a child for someone else, but for yourself. And therefore, you should not look for excuses for your actions and decisions.


From all of the above, some conclusions can be drawn. This is what many psychologists talk about. What's special about pregnancy news? This:

  • calm speech - it should be throughout the entire dialogue;
  • the right moment - you need to know when relatives are ready to talk;
  • patience and willpower;
  • equilibrium;
  • family relationships.

Don't be afraid to make bold decisions and announce them to your family. The main thing is to think everything over and be prepared for any turns. Then and only then will you be able to correctly convey information about the addition to the family to mom and dad.

If you become pregnant from your boyfriend and are 100% sure of it, be sure to notify him. After all, different situations occur: either a breakup or a wedding may follow, which happens quite often in such situations. But first, prepare yourself not for a rosy reaction, but for a silent or dissatisfied one. This will make it easier for you to understand the answer. And anyone.

You can “please” your boyfriend without unnecessary hints. Say so, looking into your eyes: “I’m pregnant.” Don’t look away for a minute so that he doesn’t take your words as a trick or deception. And then say what first comes to mind: tell everything as if in spirit.


Approach him, looking down and head down, and then say that you are about to learn something very important. Then tell the news about your situation, limiting yourself to just one phrase: “You know, I’m pregnant.” Or you can completely cut it down to two words.


If you are used to romantic relationships and confessions in the same vein, then invite your lover to a cafe, to the embankment, to the park, having previously chosen a route. Or invite you to your home, having prepared dinner for two in advance. And then just tell us about your delicate situation.


You get into a taxi and go straight to his apartment. You get up and ring the doorbell. If it opens, immediately talk about your pregnancy, without waiting for an invitation to come in. Then you turn around and leave.




Are you or he a food lover? Then please your loved one with fresh baked goods with a fateful note. In it, write everything as it is about your pregnancy. Try to make the treat extraordinarily tasty and beautifully decorated. You can even bake a cake. If not the note, then the taste will definitely please him, because men love to eat.

Extreme girl

Invite your guy to rides or give him a skydive. And when he descends from heaven to earth, immediately talk about his interesting position - just like that, while he is all in parachute straps.


Choose a revealing peignoir, put on bright makeup and spend a great night with him, telling him, between pauses, that you are expecting a child from him.


Wait for the right mood and the right moment. And when all the “stars” come together, admit that you are pregnant. But if you are not confident in yourself, it is better to remain silent so as not to accidentally ruin the situation. But don't delay too long.


If you are a cheerful laugher, then just say everything straight away, as soon as the guy crosses the threshold of the apartment. Add with an undisguised happy smile that he will soon become a dad.

Several ways to announce your pregnancy

It is not safe for some representatives of the stronger sex to be “amazed” right away: they can run away from excess joy. No, in reality it is better not to traumatize them, but to prepare them gradually so that the thought of pregnancy comes to them on their own.

Situation one

Every day at the meeting, inform that you are already 5 days late, 6, and then 7, and so on. At the same time, ask him to buy something tasty - for example, pickles, saying that there is nothing tastier than them in the world. Then the guy himself will ask you to take a pregnancy test.

Situation two

You can call him and tell him to come on a date today not with flowers, but with a jar of salted olives or any other delicacy that comes to your mind (preferably even a non-seasonal one - like, for example, watermelon in the midst of cold weather). Naturally, he will guess everything himself or ask about it directly and you won’t have to dodge.

Situation three

When you call your lover, say something like this: “Daddy, bring me tomato juice and mom a bouquet of flowers.” The effect will be stunning, but understandable.

Situation four

Invite the guy to a nice restaurant on the embankment or to a park, where in a calm atmosphere tell him your secret. If he’s happy, fine, if not, he’ll be left to finish his coffee alone.

Situation five

For his birthday (if it's close to him), bake a cake and write on it that you are pregnant. The reaction will be twofold, but in any case, the festive mood will prevail with such a chic “gift”.

Situation six

Tell him that you have a surprise for him and hand him a large box with a mysterious look. Having opened it, he will see the next one with the same chic bow. And this will happen until the guy gets to the treasured box with a note saying that you are in an interesting position.

Situation seven

Continuing the theme of holidays and gifts, you can present your boyfriend with a souvenir for the New Year with a card in which you congratulate him on the fact that he will soon become a daddy.

Situation eight

Order a T-shirt for him with the words “Young Dad” or for yourself with a picture of a pregnancy test and the words “Guess who I have?”

Situation nine

Order delivery of a postcard with a corresponding message. And not trivial, and direct, and quite civilized.

Prepare for his reaction

In order not to get shocked, you should be prepared for any reaction, because for a man such news is a bolt from the blue. Therefore, do not be afraid, but tune in to all expected situations.

How to talk about pregnancy?

You should immediately make it clear that the conversation will be serious. If you are in a park or a cafe, ask him to turn down the volume on his headphones; if at home, tell him to turn off the TV.

Do not express insults or insults towards him - both are to blame. Therefore, this topic should be excluded. Everything has already happened – and it doesn’t matter whose fault it is.

If several weeks have passed, say: I was silent because I wasn’t sure and wanted to be completely sure.

Don't overreact to his state of shock. It will pass, but it can harm the unborn baby, so be careful.

The fatal mistake of a pregnant woman is that she is the first to inform not her spouse, who is directly related to the conception of the child, but her parents or friends. Such an oversight can cause real offense to the other half. And it’s not that it was intended this way - it’s just that the new mommy was so overwhelmed with happy feelings that she couldn’t restrain herself and revealed her secret to the first person who crossed her path - a friend who accidentally called her on the way from the clinic, or her mother , who found herself at home after coming from the doctor. The fact remains, and the husband will be sincerely upset, especially if he hears about the joyful event from his parents, especially from his friends.

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So you need to hold back your violent emotions and wait for your loved one. Just wait, because such important things are not discussed on the phone. A situation like this doesn’t happen every day and there is absolutely nothing ordinary about it. Therefore, any methods will do, but not the banal ones, like “Grisha, soon you will become a dad!”

Important! A pregnant woman owes nothing to anyone. Therefore, she decides when and to whom to tell about her situation.

And jokes aside, there are plenty of ways to acquaint your beloved with the sensational news:

  1. Belly ribbon. You can tell your spouse that there is a surprise for him and point to your belly, decorated with an elegant ribbon like a gift;
  2. Inscription on the belly. Write "Hi Dad" on your tummy. Or depict the word “PREGNANCY”, and below “1% loaded” and then free cells, simulating the subsequent “loading” of pregnancy to 100%. A good option for a future dad who is a programmer.
  3. Or give it to him tank top or t-shirt with the inscription “I am the best dad”;
  4. The message can be sent in the form telegrams and contain the following text “See you in October. Your son.";
  5. Set of children's things, toys, clothes or hygiene items can lead your husband to the correct answer if you place all the items in the room when he arrives from work;
  6. Morning coffee. In addition, you can do this in the morning by serving your spouse coffee or tea along with a pregnancy test, tied with a shiny ribbon or packaged in a beautiful box;
  7. You can submit the image to him in the same form Ultrasound or booties, other children's accessories.
  8. Romantic dinner. Many women, for whom this is a real holiday, want the same festive mood for their beloved man. And when else can you announce that the long-awaited baby will appear very soon, if not at the festive table in a romantic, intimate setting with candles?
  9. Cabbage. Place cabbage heads throughout the apartment. To my husband’s perplexed question, “What does this mean?” Calmly tell me that the doctor said that we will have a child, let’s look for him together.
  10. Paired T-shirts. Order T-shirts with the words "I'll be a mom" and "I'll be a dad." Wear yours and solemnly present the other one to the future dad.
  11. Surprise cake. Order a custom cake and ask that your family be “placed” on it—you, your husband, and your future child. Serve the cake for tea and wait for your husband to ask what it means.
  12. Older brother. If your family already has a baby, then prepare a T-shirt in advance with the inscription big brother (big sister) and ask the child to put on the T-shirt before dad arrives.
  13. Music. Choose a playlist of songs that contain the words “baby”, “child”, etc. and when you and your husband are at home, play the songs louder and watch your husband when he guesses everything.
  14. Poetry. You can announce that your loved one will soon become a dad in verse (send by letter, email, SMS...). This option is suitable if your husband is away and you will not see each other soon to tell the good news in person. It will turn out original and unusual. If you don’t know how to write poetry, it doesn’t matter; below we will publish a selection of poems with which you can tell the future dad the good news.

  15. Cubes with letters. From the cubes, put out the inscription “Darling, you will soon be a dad.”
  16. Balloons. Blow up a lot of balloons and write on them “Congratulations, you are about to become a dad.”
  17. Beanbag. Give your husband a rattle packaged in a box with a bow.
  18. Ultrasound. Do the baby's first ultrasound and discreetly put it in your husband's pocket or bag.
  19. Breakfast. Prepare breakfast for your husband and write the inscription “to the future dad” on the plate with food.
  20. Chalk drawing. Write under the window with chalk “Andrey, you will soon become a dad!”
  21. Cookie. Bake fortune cookies and leave them with a note “The best dad in the world, I will come to you in 8 months.”
  22. Kinder Surprise. Give your husband a Kinder surprise, and put a note inside that says “I’ll be out in 8 months.”
  23. Predictions. Calculate the approximate due date and ask your husband « Do you know what will happen on December 19, 2018? » , he will remember the alleged events for a long time and finally give up. And you tell him: « On this day we will become the parents of a beautiful baby.”

Important! The expectant mother needs to be prepared for her husband’s reaction, and it is often different from what the pregnant girl expects.

The expectant mother may be very disappointed in the man's reaction. And she will not be at all what her spouse expects. A man, before the meaning of what was said reaches him, will be taken aback, maybe even speechless for a while. So that the woman knows and does not get offended once again, we can say that this is a normal reaction. This is later, when he realizes his position as a future father, there will be kisses, hugs, and being picked up, but not in the first moment after the fateful message. And a woman needs to be prepared for this. You shouldn’t push your hubby - let him slow down, think, and a little later the woman will receive a double portion of love and gratitude.

However, there are times when you should not start this conversation:

  1. If a woman is angry or offended, you should not tell your man about your pregnancy; it is better to wait a little and calm down. There is no need to spoil such a wonderful moment for yourself or for him.
  2. If a man is driving a car, such news can cause an accident;
  3. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about such an important matter when the husband is passionate about or busy with something; this can always be done a little later.

The rest of the time, you can choose any way to inform your husband about your pregnancy in an original way. And you don’t need to wait for the instant desired reaction.

How to inform your parents about pregnancy in an original way

It is also important to please parents who will soon become grandparents. A similar approach is needed here. Mom and dad should learn about the imminent arrival of a child from their daughter, or from both spouses. If their son-in-law gives them this news, they may find it offensive. Then how to inform your parents about pregnancy in an original way?

The most suitable options:

  1. For this it is better to collect festive lunch or dinner, prepare delicious cookies, put a pre-set delicacy on a plate for father and mother, inside of which there will be notes with the text “The best grandfather (or grandmother)”;
  2. An unexpected gift. On the eve of the birthday of one of the parents, you can write a congratulation with the signature “To the future grandmother (grandfather)” or, after giving a gift, promise another one in 9 months;
  3. Table “waiting for the baby”. You can hint at your pregnancy by setting the table with a baby theme. Let the cake depict a stork with a bundle in its beak, a baby looking out of cabbage, angels or children's toys, rattles, a stroller. Surely, such an abundance of children's items will interest parents, and they will understand their daughter's situation.
  4. Happy photo. Get the whole family together - you, your husband, your parents - and offer to take a family photo. When everyone is ready, instead of “smile,” say “Ah.” Name pregnant."
  5. Envelope with ultrasound. Come visit your parents and give them an envelope, tell them to open it, and you can film it. Place ultrasound images of the baby in the envelope.
  6. Letter. Write a beautiful letter to your parents about your interesting situation and give it to them when you meet. Ask to read it out loud in front of you.
  7. Cake. Come visit with a cake that says “Congratulations, you will soon become grandparents.”
  8. Pregnancy tests. Wrap your positive tests in a beautiful package and give it to your parents.
  9. Booties. Give your parents small gifts with booties inside.
  10. Cafe. Invite your parents to a cafe or dinner and raise a toast to your future grandparents.
  11. Video call. If your parents live in another city and it is not possible to come, contact them via video call and show the ultrasound image on the screen.
  12. T-shirt. Come visit your parents wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Baby One Lives Here.”
  13. A game. Play a game of truth or dare and tell the truth about your situation.

But it may also happen that the mother or father themselves already guess about the condition of their daughter. There may not be a surprise, but the news presented with love and humor will still be the most joyful in their lives. The most important thing is that the environment is warm and welcoming.

The husband's parents should also definitely learn the amazing news. If the relationship with them is not particularly warm, the spouse can take on this mission, but, ideally, it is advisable to talk about pregnancy together.

If your relationship with your parents leaves much to be desired

It is known that not all marriages are approved by the parents of the wife or husband. But, be that as it may, the spouses must inform about the heir in any case.

In this regard, you can use the advice of experienced psychologists so that the meeting goes smoothly and the negativity is kept to a minimum:

  • It is very important to choose the right time, then it will be easier to come to a mutual opinion;
  • If one of the parents was against the birth of a child, it is better to immediately prepare counterarguments and logical explanations - representatives of the older generation must understand that the intentions of the young spouses are serious and categorical;
  • There is no place for fear in such a conversation, the husband and wife must set themselves up for positivity and confidence in their beliefs - all the more likely the parents will be imbued with the same confidence, realizing that they will no longer be able to dissuade the young from taking a responsible step;
  • If the father and mother begin to give advice, they need to be listened to with respect without interrupting;
  • You should not raise your voice even when the conversation is heating up - only equanimity and reasonable calm will help avoid mutual reproaches and insults;
  • If the wife does not have supporters in someone else's family, she can pay a visit with one of her relatives who fully supports her point of view.
  • This is especially true if a young, inexperienced girl is pregnant - an adult will help her not to deviate from her convictions and not to become confused under the pressure of her husband’s parents.

When it comes to your own parents, we must not forget that even the strictest father and mother, no matter how angry they are with their child, still love him, and anger is simply a reaction that passes off their experiences as his future fate.

In the experience of many pregnant girls, the initial anger and even unpredictable actions of upset parents very soon pass, giving way to genuine concern and even tears, and then the children have to calm them down. In fact, they dream no less about a grandson or granddaughter than a girl dreams about a son or daughter. Over time, the situation will normalize, and the previously irreconcilable father and mother will become wonderful grandparents.

With a vivid imagination and well-developed imagination, finding a way to inform your husband and parents about pregnancy in an original way will not be difficult. But you can always use the recommendations of those who have already pleased their loved ones with unforgettable news. The excitement and passions have long subsided, but there remains a bright memory of a happy moment that forever united dear hearts.

Why and how you can hide your pregnancy: video