Find out the exact due date. Calculate due date: proven methods

Analyzes and examinations

Registration at the antenatal clinic. First appointment with a gynecologist

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The doctor will conduct an examination, confirm the fact of pregnancy and draw up your individual examination plan. During the examination on the chair, the doctor will clarify not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the condition of the uterine appendages, and will also take all the necessary smears for infections and the epithelium from the cervix for oncocytology (examination for the presence of cells that can cause cancer). The gynecologist will collect data about your health, ask about your relatives’ diseases, and clarify the features of your lifestyle. The doctor will give you a considerable stack of papers - directions for subsequent tests.

Blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The presence of pregnancy is determined by the level of hCG and the stability of its development is assessed. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe this test again to clarify the dynamics of the growth of this hormone, which can be used to judge how correctly the pregnancy is developing at this stage.

First ultrasound

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The study will allow you to clarify the duration of pregnancy, see if everything is okay with the fertilized egg, and sometimes even see the heartbeat of the embryo.


at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

Special examination of the cervix using a microscope.

Primary laboratory diagnosis

at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

General urine analysis will help evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder (urinary system).
Vaginal flora smear will show the presence of possible inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, hidden and obvious infections.
Examination for urogenital infection. The infection is sexually transmitted and is fraught with serious consequences for the health of the expectant mother and fetus.
General blood analysis which you take in the morning on an empty stomach will help assess the condition of your body. It reflects the blood’s ability to carry oxygen, the presence or absence of an inflammatory response, and the body’s ability to stop bleeding. This analysis is basic; deviations in it are the basis and starting point for a more detailed examination.
Blood for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C– this is the identification of antibodies to serious infections, each of which has a significant impact on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. If an active process is detected, the question may even arise about the advisability of continuing the pregnancy.
Determination of Rh factor and blood group needs to be done once, at the very beginning of pregnancy. If you are diagnosed with a negative Rh factor, you need the future dad to also undergo a similar test. If the child’s father is Rh positive, it will be necessary to monitor Rh antibodies in the pregnant woman’s blood throughout the pregnancy, as they can greatly harm the child. Today, technology even makes it possible to determine the Rh factor of the fetus by its DNA in the mother’s blood long before birth.
Blood test for TORCH infections will indicate to the doctor the presence or absence of toxoplasma, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus in your body. If necessary, the doctor will select the necessary treatment.
Coagulogram will help determine the main parameters of the blood coagulation system, identify the tendency to bleeding and thrombosis.
Determination of blood glucose levels will show the gynecologist how efficiently your pancreas works and whether glucose tolerance is impaired in the pregnant woman’s body.
Feces for worm eggs.
Blood test for hormones(TSH, T4, AT to TPO, AT (antibodies) to TG) - in order to find out the state of your thyroid gland. You may need additional drug support.
Blood chemistry will help determine the condition of internal organs - kidneys, liver, pancreas.
Blood test for antiphospholipid antibodies- for accurate diagnosis of diseases of the immune system. Prescribed if there is a history of pregnancy loss.

Visiting doctors

at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

It is necessary to visit a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, cardiologist, endocrinologist.


at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

It will allow you to clarify the absence or presence of problems in the work of the most important muscle in the body, the load on which increases many times over from the moment of pregnancy. If abnormalities are detected on the ECG, the therapist will prescribe an ECHO-CG, which allows you to more accurately determine the degree of cardiac dysfunction.

General urine analysis

at 10 weeks of pregnancy

Dynamic monitoring of a general urine test will allow you to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

First trimester screening

at 12 weeks of pregnancy

A screening study for chromosomal abnormalities and gross malformations of the fetus consists of several procedures:
- Ultrasound, by which the doctor can assess whether the fetus has visually gross developmental pathology, as well as the presence or absence of signs that may indicate any genetic disease (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);
- A blood test showing whether certain indicators are abnormal, which may also indicate the risk of systemic genetic diseases.
- computer analysis of the degree of individual risk of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality in this couple, taking into account the results obtained from ultrasound and biochemical research.
- vaginal examination, assessment of the condition of the cervix. This is one of the periods in which ICI can begin to form (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the muscles of the cervix weaken earlier than required). Therefore, the gynecologist needs to examine you and assess the size and consistency of the cervix. If during the examination ICI is indeed detected, depending on the situation, the doctor will either monitor the condition of the cervix over time or suggest hospitalization.

See also:

Express tour: pregnancy week by week

Pregnancy women lasts 280 days or 40 weeks, which is 9 months. This difficult path to meeting mother and baby is usually divided into trimesters, each a week which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Each trimester consists of three months.

First trimester: weeks 1-13

At the “start” after conception, an embryo is formed, but the signs are barely noticeable by the mother. Details:

  • 1 Week— for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to attach an egg traveling through the tubes to the wall of the uterus. The expectant mother feels the world more deeply and becomes more thoughtful. Many women at this stage feel symptoms like before menstruation - pulling in the lower back, aching in the stomach. To determine the length of pregnancy in weeks and calculate the date of delivery based on the last menstrual days, use our pregnancy calculator. Try not to take pills and eat right;
  • 2 week- a follicle matures in the ovaries during ovulation, then it bursts, the egg comes out, the breasts become sensitive, irritability increases slightly, but libido also increases. No saunas or steam baths during this period! No heavy lifting! Only exercise, swimming, quitting smoking, orange juices and green vegetables rich in folic acid, which helps absorb iron! Taste habits change, you often want to go to the toilet, your blood pressure decreases;
  • 3 week- the embryo lives in the mother’s body, the egg is fertilized by a sperm, divides, and after 2.5 weeks reaches the uterus, which by the end of this period becomes loose. Nothing prevents the egg from reliably attaching to the mucous membrane. The metabolism changes, the mammary glands become coarser. You need to replace sweets with nuts, eat foods rich in calcium, proteins, folic acid, iron;
  • 4 week- the mother detects a delay in menstruation, nausea and malaise may appear. Hormones released during pregnancy can already be seen in the urine during laboratory analysis. The embryo develops internal organs, the mother needs vitamins;
  • 5 week- the uterus thickens, the baby looks like a tadpole, but its eyes and nostrils are already formed, it already has a heart, and the base of the skeleton is formed. The baby receives nutrition and oxygen from the mother's blood. A woman’s ovaries actively release progesterone, and the mother’s immunity decreases. In 7 days, the embryo grows to half a centimeter;
  • week 6— the amniotic sac is forming, protecting the embryo from any troubles, the nervous and circulatory systems are developing hourly. The processes of creation of the brain, liver, respiratory organs, and pancreas occur. The baby grows up to 1.3 cm;
  • week 7- the size of the embryo's head reaches 0.8 cm. The visual system is formed, the neural tubes thicken, the upper part of the intestine secretes the esophagus, stomach and pharynx, the bladder and rectum are visible under the lower part, and in male embryos - the prostate. A woman's facial skin may become oily during this period, like a teenager. Hormonal changes can cause itching. In case of any troubles, it is better to consult a doctor for advice;
  • 8 week- the nervous system receives maximum development, the medulla oblongata is ready for work, the spinal cord and brain are already fully formed, the eyes are still without eyelids, there is a nose, fingers and elbow joints appear on the arms. Mothers should protect themselves from infections;
  • Week 9- the third month begins, the face takes on human features, eyelids form, a sucking reflex appears, the circulatory system circulates inside the tiny organism, the heart acquires three chambers, the bronchi branch. Mom's breasts increase so much that the next bra number is required. The uterus enlarges, the ligaments stretch, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are normal for this period;
  • 10 week— A 5-centimeter embryo is already considered a fetus; an ultrasound can determine its gender. His nervous system is divided into central and peripheral, the cerebral hemispheres become more independent. The enlarged uterus can be felt even with your hands, you constantly want to go to the toilet;
  • 11 week- the baby’s body gradually straightens, reaching 5.9 cm, the legs begin to actively catch up with the arms, irises form near the eyes, and lymphocytes appear. The mother's kidneys experience a double load, removing waste products for two;
  • 12 week- A 50-gram fetus has grown to more than 7 centimeters, the chest moves noticeably when breathing, the heart beats more than 150 beats per minute, milk teeth, vocal cords, and diaphragm are forming. The mother needs to get enough sleep, exercise, and remain calm;
  • Week 13— the placenta has reached 16 mm, becoming reliable protection for the baby. From this point on, the body will even tolerate taking antibiotics if necessary. Bones and ribs need calcium. Without subcutaneous fatty tissue, the skin appears wrinkled. Mom may become constipated, her blood pressure may drop, and her kidneys may be bothered. It is important to eat right in order to gain no more than 11 kg during the entire pregnancy, and for a multiple pregnancy - no more than 17 kg;

Second trimester: 14-27 weeks

This is a gently flowing period of bearing a baby, during which the mother’s body is completely ready to work for two, despite the weight gain, rounding of shape, and the appearance of a belly. The embryo's internal organs and systems are fully formed, the child moves his limbs, sucks his finger, and the feeling of his movements gives the mother endless delight. More details:

  • Week 14— the baby maintains the chemical composition of the amniotic fluid by secreting urine into it up to several times a day. The ovaries in girls and the prostate in boys are improving. Lack of vitamins affects the mother’s well-being. She has the feeling that there is not enough air. It is worth eating less potatoes and legumes. You may be allergic to strawberries, peaches, and oranges;
  • Week 15- the baby’s heart distills about 23 liters of blood, convolutions form in the brain, bone marrow develops, the intestines form original feces, and the amount of amniotic fluid increases. You can talk to your baby! The height of the uterus reaches 14 cm. The woman begins to blossom;
  • Week 16— the date the baby moves helps to more accurately determine the date of delivery; he actively moves every 10 minutes. He opens his eyes for the first time. Fetal movement may appear by the 20th week. Exercise and the right menu improve the mother’s condition;
  • Week 17- the weight of the fetus exceeds 100 g, and the height reaches 12 cm. He and the mother require calcium and healthy food, since the body type is being determined. A woman feels pressure in her stomach and liver. You have to eat many times a day in small portions so that your stomach has time to cope. Sometimes leg cramps appear due to a lack of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium;
  • Week 18- the height of a small child is 13 cm, weight - 170 g, head diameter - almost 4 cm, fingers become proportional, foot length reaches 2.5 cm. Mothers rejoice, feeling his movements. At this time, there is a high probability of determining the baby’s gender using an ultrasound. The ideal weekly weight gain for a mother is 500 g. To reduce swelling, you need to consume less salt;
  • Week 19- the child reacts to screams, the volume of the voice, turns his head towards the sound. Listen to pleasant music, do not quarrel with your family. A pattern is formed on children's palms. The kicks in the tummy become more distinct. Women do not always distinguish the movement of the fetus from the processes that occur in the intestines;
  • Week 20- the endocrine system is formed, parts of the brain are improving, the baby can swallow, has good hearing, his weight is about 290 g, his height is about 24 cm. Mommy’s waist disappears from the rounding of the tummy, the first stretch marks appear, a comfortable bra is required;
  • 21 weeks- if a baby is suddenly born after this period, his ability to survive increases significantly. Systems and organs are formed, the stomach and chest, the head grow, subcutaneous fat is formed, receptors on the tongue distinguish taste, the first leukocytes appear in his body. Requires a lot of protein and 4 times more carbohydrates;
  • Week 22- the brain weighs 100 g, the height of the fetus is 28 cm, weight is about 430 g, the mass of the heart increases, ligaments and vertebrae are clearly visible. It is necessary to count the baby's movements, since swelling can compress the blood vessels that carry nutrition to the placenta;
  • Week 23- alveoli are formed, the respiratory system develops. Mom needs to drink a lot of water, since plasma consists of it. The fuzz on the child’s head is noticeable during ultrasound examination; the muscles, spine, bones, and aorta are clearly visible;
  • Week 24— the baby’s skin gradually smoothes out, thanks to the appearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The baby feels the mother's emotions. The doctor listens to how the heart beats, whether the chest and tummy have grown, what is the diameter of the head;
  • Week 25— the child’s weight is 680 g, height is 34 cm. The bone marrow is connected to blood formation. In order for the alveoli to function, surfactant accumulates in the lungs. The fundus of the mother’s uterus has risen to 25 cm, her legs get tired more often, and lower back pain appears;
  • Week 26— the baby has grown to 35 cm, gained more than 770 g, smells, reacts faster to voices. The diameter of the head is now 65.1 mm, the stomach is 67.4 mm, the chest is 65.8 mm. By this time, the woman puts things aside and spares herself more;
  • Week 27- setting the speed of reactions and metabolic processes. The mother needs to gain strength for the upcoming third of gestation. The period is characterized by frequent shortness of breath due to a feeling of lack of air.

Third trimester: 28 weeks until delivery

The most difficult stage for a mother is from 7 months before giving birth. It is accompanied by the active growth of the baby, preparing the child for independent existence. Details:

  • Week 28- the baby is exactly 7 months old, you can determine whether he will be right-handed or left-handed. To do this, the ultrasound shows which hand he most often reaches for his mouth. There is already enough surfactant in the lungs to prevent the alveoli from sticking together during the first breath;
  • Week 29— the baby’s height has reached 38 cm, weight is more than 1 kg. Only his belly and folds are lubricated. He becomes cramped inside his mother, and the blood fully protects him from infections, but venous and arterial blood still mix. The daily portion of urine excreted is 500 g. The mother is entitled to maternity leave at this time;
  • Week 30— the baby’s chest has grown to 77.4 mm, and the tummy has grown to 79.3 mm. The cerebral cortex is formed, the child begins to remember some sounds and sensations. Mom will have to visit the gynecologist weekly. Due to the increased pressure on the blood vessels during sleep, your arms go numb and your legs cramp. The ligaments become elastic, you can do light stretching exercises in the pelvic area;
  • 31 weeks— the child’s weekly weight gain is about 200 g. The child needs subcutaneous fat that retains heat. The pigment accumulates in the hair and iris of the eyes. Sometimes the uterus rehearses childbirth, one-off contractions appear;
  • Week 32- the baby weighs 1700 g, body length - over 40 cm. If the placenta “gets old”, nutrition will be disrupted, and developmental abnormalities will appear. By this period, the first hair appears. The mother produces vasopressin and oxytocin;
  • Week 33- the child has to assume the fetal position because there is not enough space. The body reached 43 cm, the head - 8.2 cm, the tummy - 87.4 mm, the breast - 85 mm. The placenta copes with the function of protecting the baby from harmful factors and nourishes it through the blood;
  • 34 week— the baby weighs 2.1 kg. The placenta produces hormones that cause lactation. Its thickness is 3.39 cm. It is important not to overdo it with calcium intake in order to avoid birth injuries. It is necessary to continue to count the movements of the fetus - 4-6 movements are considered the norm;
  • — childbirth is possible this week, but much is determined by heredity. The head is 1/4 the length of the body, its diameter is 91 mm. The feet became more defined. The baby's genitals and reflexes are developed. The placenta dries out and supplies nutrition worse. The mother is focused on the upcoming meeting with the baby;
  • Week 39- the baby weighs 3.3 kg, height - 51.5 cm. Thanks to the fontanelles made of cartilage tissue, the bones of the skull remain pliable so that the child can pass through the birth canal. The baby will be able to distinguish objects at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. The placenta ages and the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen. Mom prepares things for the maternity hospital and documents;
  • Week 40- the child patiently waited for this hour, gained more than 3.5 kg, grew to 53 cm. The mother becomes worried if labor does not occur. Before giving birth, you often want to go to the toilet, your lower back ache, your cervix gradually opens, and colostrum is released from your nipples.

If labor does not occur at 40 weeks, it doesn’t matter. The norm is resolution within 42 weeks. All you have to do is trust nature. Only 10% of women in labor reach the 42nd week. Dopplerography and ultrasound are performed to assess the condition of the baby and mother. The main thing is to remain calm so as not to harm the health of mother and child.

"cervix" in Latin means "cervix") or the cervical canal. The cervix is ​​4 cm long and the width of the cervical canal is a maximum of 4 mm. The shape of the canal resembles a spindle, that is, its widest part is in the center of the cervix, and the canal narrows upward and downward. This form ensures the preservation of the mucous plug, which is normally present in the cervical canal.


This calculator will allow you to calculate at what stage of pregnancy you are now, the date of future birth, the date of conception, and even the zodiac sign of the unborn baby and its zodiac animal according to the Eastern calendar. You will also be able to determine the age of the fetus, its weight and height, and how much time is left before birth. To do this, you need to enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and the length of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates a very convenient and practical pregnancy table by week. Using it, you can figure out what week of pregnancy you are currently in, as well as track the height and weight of your unborn child.

No matter how many women give birth, the debate among expectant mothers about how to determine the due date of a child continues for the same amount of time. The difference between your own calculations, ultrasound readings and doctor’s notes is completely confusing. How to determine the due date? Let's try to figure it out, because even in old books about obstetrics there are calculation schemes, and modern medicine should know this all the more.

How to calculate the due date - is there an accurate way?

Modern technologies provide mothers in labor with the opportunity to correctly determine the moment of birth of the baby in several ways:

  • Obstetric, which is calculated based on the last menstruation.
  • According to the primary movement of the fetus.
  • After visiting a gynecologist, who sets the date based on the examination.
  • Embryonic, which is determined by the date of ovulation.
  • Based on the results of an ultrasound examination.

In addition to the above methods, women in labor determine the required timing using a special online calculator. With so many different ways to determine pregnancy, doctors calculate with accuracy the baby’s birthday, according to statistics, only in 4 cases out of 100, because the duration of gestation is influenced by many different factors, and heredity in the first place.

The community of obstetricians recognizes pregnancy as full not only at 40 weeks, but also at 38, so the due date always moves forward by a couple of weeks in both directions. An experienced gynecologist sometimes determines the day of birth by the shape of the expectant mother's belly, but this method is only effective immediately before childbirth. Let's consider each option for determining the due date separately.

Determining due date by menstruation

This is an old method of calculation, but it is only suitable for those women who have a regular cycle. If your period sometimes comes late or early, there will be large discrepancies in the calculations. The easiest way to determine how much time has passed since conception. Do you remember how many days have passed since the first day of your period? The total number of days counted will indicate the gestation of the fetus.

The term is determined much more accurately using the Keller formula. If you add 280 days to the first day of your last menstrual period, you will get the baby's approximate birthday. Where did the number 280 come from? The average number of the sum of the life expectancy of the fetus and the period that passes before ovulation is taken. The average includes the following indicators:

  • the period from the conception of a child to his birth (266 days);
  • average menstrual cycle (28 days);
  • ovulation date (day 14 of the menstrual cycle).

The obstetric period is equal to the average duration of the menstrual cycle, therefore, when calculating, gynecologists are guided by the indicators of the obstetric calendar and 280 days. The lifespan of a sperm is several days, so even if the time of sexual intercourse is known, it is impossible to determine exactly when ovulation occurred. A baby is considered full-term if born between 38 and 42 weeks, so the error of this method is also two weeks. Using a special table shown in the photo below, the obstetric gestational age is determined.

Calculation of due date by date of conception

Determining the moment of birth by the day of ovulation or the date of conception is very simple. The body of a healthy woman is able to conceive a child only on certain days of ovulation, when the egg has matured and left the ovary. If the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle. Many women say that they feel the moment of ovulation, so it is easy for them to predict the date of birth: at this moment, bloody, not profuse vaginal discharge begins, sexual desire intensifies and a heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen.

How to determine the exact due date if you know the day of ovulation? To do this, add 280 days to the middle of the menstrual cycle. In the same way, the due date is determined by the day of sexual intercourse, if it was a single one. But there is a high probability of inaccuracy here, since sperm live for several days. So, if sexual intercourse took place on the 14th day of the cycle, then conception occurred on the 16th or 17th day.

Determining the due date by the first fetal movement

This method has existed for many centuries, but this does not prevent it from being in demand. And if only a few modern women in labor determine the due date in this way, then when there was no diagnostic equipment, all women used it. The first movement of the fetus usually marks exactly the middle of pregnancy, so the due date is counted from this date. But experienced obstetricians doubt the accuracy of this method, and they have several reasons for this:

  1. A thin girl leading a sedentary lifestyle feels fetal movement much earlier than planned.
  2. Primipara women usually feel the first tremors a couple of weeks later than those who give birth again.
  3. In fact, the baby in the womb begins to move already at the 12th week of pregnancy, but mothers do not feel this yet.

For these reasons, the method of determining a child’s birthday by the first movement cannot be called accurate. The error is especially large if the fetus matures for 41 or 42 weeks, which is considered quite normal. To prevent the doctor and mother from making the wrong decision regarding the fetus, there are more accurate ways to determine the gestational age, for example, ultrasound examination.

How to find out your due date using ultrasound

Even an experienced specialist will not tell the expectant mother the 100% exact date of birth of the child. At best, the due date is indicated with an accuracy of several days, because to a greater extent it depends on the woman in labor: her emotional state throughout the pregnancy and physical health. As statistics show, the method of ultrasound examination is particularly popular today. Greater accuracy of the examination is achieved from 6 to 12 weeks. At later stages, ultrasound is also ineffective as at earlier stages.

In the later stages, even with the help of an ultrasound, it is impossible to determine the exact day of birth of the child. After all, everything is individual: some babies are born weighing 5 kg, others weigh a little more than 2 kg at birth. Also, research in the field of obstetrics and gynecology shows that small women often give birth to large children and, conversely, large women in labor give birth to children up to 2 kg.

The specialist determines the age of the fetus by the size of its head and limbs, and based on the size of the mother’s abdominal cavity, the exact size of the embryo, the condition and size of the uterus, the doctor calculates the approximate moment of birth in any month of pregnancy. In any case, both doctors and expectant mothers believe the results of ultrasound examinations first and foremost.

Table for determining due date

There is another effective way to determine the approximate date of birth - by weight gain. Over the entire period of pregnancy, the expectant mother gains on average from 9 to 14 kg. If twins are expected, then the weight gained reaches 21 kg. In the first trimester, the weight practically does not change, in the second, about 1 kg per month is gained, and already in the third trimester, the woman gains weight rapidly - up to 500 g in one week.

Guided by a special table for determining the timing of childbirth, you can compare the readings of the numbers by weight during weighing. Obstetricians begin to use this table from the 7th month of pregnancy, when the expectant mother is actively gaining weight. According to this scale, a woman should gain about 20 g per week per 10 cm of height. Based on the total body mass index, female figures are divided into the following types in the table:

  • Thin – up to 19.8 (group 1)
  • Average build – from 19.8 to 26 (group 2)
  • Obese - from 26 (group 3)

Calculation of due date

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Calculation of due date

Pregnancy is the most desired and long-awaited event for any woman. Therefore, it is not surprising that long before the documentary confirmation (two cherished lines on the test) of an “interesting” position, each of us already feels changes in the body.

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How is this online test calculated?
After your gynecologist diagnoses pregnancy and determines the exact date of conception, only 280 days or 10 obstetric months will pass until the fetus fully matures. However, you should not strictly focus on these indicators. They are very individual and depend on the physiological characteristics of a particular woman and on the environment in which she carried the child. It is known from practice that only 4% of babies are born within 280 days. The rest, due to various factors, may be born earlier or later than expected. In order to find out the approximate date of birth of your baby and determine the so-called gestational age, they are guided by the first day of the last menstruation.

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Do you have any more questions? Read the answers below:

1. How accurate is the calculation based on the day of conception?

To understand the accuracy of the calculation, you need to decide on the calculation methodology. It's no secret that conception is possible only during the period of ovulation, during which a mature egg is released from the ovary. The duration of the menstrual cycle is an individual feature of each woman. On average it can range from 28 to 35 days.

Ovulation occurs in the very middle of the menstrual cycle. The exact date can be determined by ultrasound, using special home ovulation tests or by measuring basal temperature. Some women have special signs on this day by which she can determine that today is ovulation. It is on this day that conception occurs, which may not coincide with the day of physical intimacy, since sperm are able to maintain their viability in a woman’s body for a week.

Knowing the day of conception, also known as ovulation, it is quite easy to calculate the date of birth: you just need to add 266 days. This will be the expected date of birth. The accuracy of these calculations will directly depend on the accuracy of determining the date of ovulation. If your cycle is not constant and you are not sure of the date of conception, then this technique may cause some error.

2. How to calculate the due date using menstruation

This method of calculating the expected date of birth is used in antenatal clinics. It is also called obstetric term. To determine the expected date of birth, you need to know the date of the last menstruation. This day is the starting point for the calculation. If the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then you can use Naegele’s formula, according to which the date of birth is calculated as follows: three months are subtracted from the day of the last menstruation and seven days are added. You can also use another technique: 280 days are added to the date on which the first day of the last menstruation occurred. According to scientific data, this is the period necessary for the ripening of the fetus.

But if your cycle is longer or irregular, then calculating your due date based on your period will not be entirely correct. If the duration of the menstrual cycle exceeds 28 days, then childbirth will most likely occur later, if on the contrary, then earlier. If the cycle is not regular, then this method of determining the expected date of birth will be rather indicative and cannot be used as a basic technique.

3. How to calculate the due date based on the first movement

Often, to determine the expected date of birth, a landmark is used as the very first movement of the baby inside the abdomen, or more precisely, the moment when the mother was able to feel the movement of her baby. Therefore, it is also called intuitive and experts consider it inaccurate. Moreover, if a woman gives birth for the first time, she will most likely feel the first movement at the twentieth week of pregnancy. If a woman is about to give birth again, and she already knows what exactly she should feel, then the first movement of the fetus is in most cases felt at the eighteenth week. Now, in order to calculate the date of birth based on the first movement, if this is the first pregnancy, you need to count exactly 20 weeks from the date of the first movement. If another birth is imminent, then only 18 weeks need to be counted.

As practice shows, quite often many first-time mothers and women giving birth again begin to feel the movement of their baby already at 15-16 weeks. But there are also mothers who felt the first movement of their baby only at 21-22 weeks.

Do not rush to put this technique into practice to determine the expected date of birth, since in fact it is not known which category of expectant mothers you belong to.

4. How to calculate the due date using ultrasound

The most accurate method for determining the date of birth is considered to be diagnosis by ultrasound (ultrasound), but it must be used at very early stages, no later than the twelfth week. This method allows you to diagnose the gestational age with an accuracy of one day, thus indicating the approximate date of conception and, accordingly, the date of birth.

Later, the gestational age is determined by the size of the baby's head and limbs. But this conclusion does not allow us to accurately diagnose the expected date of birth, since each child develops completely individually, having a different weight not only at the time of birth, but also during its intrauterine development. Therefore, when determining the date of birth in the second trimester, an error of up to seven days appears, and an ultrasound examination in the third semester makes it difficult to judge the gestational age based on the intrauterine dimensions of the baby.

Thus, in order to accurately calculate the date of birth using ultrasound, it is necessary to undergo an examination during the first three months of pregnancy. Otherwise, the intrauterine dimensions of the child will not allow you to accurately determine the date of expected birth.

Finding out the date of birth by the date of conception is very simple if there are no hormonal imbalances in the woman’s body and the fetus is healthy. Also, by this date you can almost certainly find out the gender of the expected child. Scientists have not figured out how this table works, but ninety percent of the time it tells the truth. How to find out the date of conception? Every woman should know and be able to do this thing, because it is extremely important. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the methods that will help establish the truth.

Date of conception: what is it?

This is the day when the fusion of male (sperm) and female (ovum) reproductive cells occurred. This is possible at the moments of ovulation, when the female cell enters the abdominal cavity from the ovary, but the duration of this period is extremely short, it lasts only two days. Pregnancy can occur exactly in these two days or 2-3 days before, but after that it is no longer possible. The fact is that sperm can exist in the female body for up to three days, and the likelihood that one of them will wait in the wings is extremely high.

Why is it necessary to know the date?

This is extremely important to know, as you can find out the gestational age. Based on the date of conception, doctors can determine a more accurate date of birth, and expectant mothers, using the tablet that we will present in further content, will determine the sex of the baby in advance. You need to know the date to undergo the necessary examinations, which are done on certain weeks. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy the fetus is very vulnerable, and during this period it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Any girl should understand how to find out the date of conception. Pregnancy is not always planned, and situations arise when a woman decides to terminate it. It is important to perform the procedure before seven to reduce the risk of complications and side effects.

Since calculating the day of conception directly depends on the day of ovulation, the calculation rules will be useful to those women who are planning to have a baby. Using the calculator, you can certainly find out the most suitable day for intimacy in order to get pregnant or, on the contrary, to avoid it.

Finally, knowing the date is important when disputes about paternity arise. Of course, you can take DNA tests, but this is an expensive procedure, and it requires both the baby and the father, and the second may not always be present.

How to tell if pregnancy has occurred?

If you miss your period (you are late), this may be a sign that conception has occurred. Before the delay occurs, you can take a blood test that will show the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that increases sharply during pregnancy.

If there are no periods, then a test is purchased. The presence of a negative answer does not guarantee the absence of a fetus; the test may simply be faulty, or your period is still too short, and the hormone has not had time to be produced in the required quantity.

If the tests consistently show a negative result, contact your antenatal clinic to see a gynecologist; you may have a hormonal imbalance.

We calculate the day of fertilization according to the menstrual cycle

You can find out the date of conception from your periods, but it will not be the most accurate, since the calculation of the period is carried out from (the beginning of) the last menstruation. It’s not a fact that you could have gotten pregnant then. Fertilization could occur before (and this happens, but rarely) or after the last menstruation. So, if you judge by menstruation, as doctors do, then the period is counted from the first, but not the final day of the last menstruation. Subtract three months from this date, add seven days, this way you can find out the expected day of birth. It won’t be accurate either, since everyone’s cycles are different, and the date of conception still remains in question.

Planning a pregnancy

Every girl should keep a menstrual cycle calendar, regardless of whether she has had sexual intercourse in her life. The calendar will help track delays, which may indicate not only pregnancy, but also hormonal imbalances.

A calendar can help calculate the optimal periods for conceiving a child. As a rule, ovulation always occurs in the middle of the MC, which is calculated from the first day (beginning) of the last menstruation to the first day of the upcoming one and ranges from 28 to 30 days. Accordingly, we choose the middle for conception - three days, two of which will definitely be the dates of ovulation. The remaining days before and after are considered “useless,” but there have still been many cases when pregnancy occurred during those periods, so using the calendar for “safety” is not recommended.

The calendar will help you plan the baby's gender. As a rule, girls are born after intimacy, which occurred a couple of days before ovulation. During this period, male cells are less active and remain the most resilient and strong, which guarantees the female sex. If sexual intercourse took place during the days of ovulation, then it will be a boy, because the egg will be fertilized not by the hardiest, but by the most active.

Electronic test

How to find out the exact date of conception if you have an irregular cycle and you are at a loss? A convenient, relatively new development - an electronic test - will help. How to find out the date of conception of a child using this device? It is extremely simple to use, just like a regular test that only shows stripes. The electronic test will indicate an approximate, but still quite truthful period, just subtract the number of days, and a more accurate date of conception will be determined. Look at your cycle in your calendar, “try on” the date calculated using the test, and correct the calculation by moving the date to the day of ovulation.


It is quite difficult to find out the date of conception by ultrasound, since this procedure is only necessary to confirm the obstetric “verdict”. Your day of conception will still be set to the day your last period began.

It is easy to find out the due date by the date of conception. Establishing the due date is much more difficult; it is calculated based on many factors. This is an obstetric guess for the day of conception, forty weeks are counted from it. The baby can be born at the 37th, 42nd, or 28th week. An ultrasound will also not indicate reliable dates of birth, only the period in which the baby is expected to be born. The weight of the fetus, the first movement and many other factors are also taken into account.

Is it possible to find out the date of conception by date of birth?

When the baby has already been born, you can find out, again, the estimated date of conception. Why is this necessary? Many people want to know this simply for the sake of curiosity, but for some it helps in determining paternity.

So, remove a week from your date of birth and add three months. Add two weeks to the resulting result again. This will be the estimated date of conception, and you will be able to verify the correctness of your belief about the father or refute it.

So, we have become familiar with the methods of how to find out the date of conception. Is it possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby using it? How to plan the birth of a son or daughter, focusing on the days of ovulation?

How to find out gender?

On the Internet, on the advice of friends and relatives, many couples want to find out the sex of the child. By date of conception, by blood type, by positions used - there are so many methods! Whether to trust them or not is a purely personal matter, but you can still try. It is easier to find out the gender of the child by the date of conception; for this, tables were created by the sages of the East. Some of them, such as the Chinese one, are more than seven centuries old and are kept in museums. You don’t need to go to Beijing to look at this sign; we bring it to your attention in this publication.

How to find out the sex of a child by date of conception: table from China

This tablet will help you plan the sex of your child or determine it before an ultrasound. The upper numbers are the month of conception, going from top to bottom are the age of the expectant mother. The letters at the intersection represent the meaning of gender. To use the table correctly, you need to add nine months to your age, because the Chinese count it not from birth, but from the month of conception.

We have already written how to find out the date of conception; what is important here is not the specific day, but the month in which ovulation occurred and fertilization occurred. Accordingly, in order to find out in advance who will be born and plan it, this table will help, because you can never be one hundred percent sure that conception has occurred or will occur on a specific day.

Possible table errors

Many couples plan everything, and pregnancy is no exception. It is important for parents that the baby is born in summer or winter, and therefore they choose the date of conception themselves. Many people don’t care whether it’s a son or a daughter, but there are still people who intend to give birth to a baby of a certain gender. This may be due to the fact that there are already three sons, and I want to finally braid my daughter’s hair and buy her elegant dresses. You can’t trust the table one hundred percent, and now we’ll tell you why.

It’s easy to find out your gender by the date of conception with a table if your ovulation occurs in the middle of the month or at the end. If it occurs in the first days of the month, then there can be a huge difference. As we have already written, male reproductive cells can live in the female uterus for up to several days. If sexual intercourse occurred in the last days of the month, and not in the first, then there is a high probability that fertilization will occur in the next month.

Parents can find out more accurate information about the sex of the baby from the results of an ultrasound scan, but this study can sometimes provide incorrect information.

Grandmother's method of gender recognition

People of the older generation are able to determine the gender of the unborn baby just by looking at the mother. They say that girls take away their beauty, but boys add it! If you have pimples, the contours of your face are blurred, then most likely you will give birth to a daughter. If the skin has become healthier in appearance, acne has disappeared, the contours of the face have become clearer, then expect a son!

You can also look at the tummy. Boys live in straight, straight bellies. If you look at the expectant mother from the back, the pregnancy will not be noticeable, since the entire belly has leaned forward. Girls distribute their belly to the sides, it does not protrude forward much, but it spreads well to the sides!

You can also follow your desires. Boys are less whimsical, and you won’t want to try fresh watermelon in the middle of winter, and even at night. This is for example. If you notice that there is a need to eat something that you would not normally consume, you can assume that you are expecting the birth of a daughter.

We hope that this publication will not only be interesting, but also useful. We wish you and your little ones great health, and this is more important than gender!