How to marry a bachelor man. Why don't men want to get married? How to seduce a bachelor and marry him to yourself? Why does a man not want to get married

His bachelor lifestyle is his religion. He looks with surprise at men who voluntarily tie the knot with their beloved women. The most important thing in his life is freedom, and he is sure that the ring on his ring finger and the stamp in his passport will instantly bind him hand and foot. He is a hardened bachelor. And everything would be fine, let him be who he wants ... The problem is only one thing - you love him and passionately desire to marry him.

Those who watched the film "Promising Doesn't Mean Marrying" probably remember the story of one couple whose relationship has already exceeded the seven-year milestone, but there was no talk of a wedding. The lovers were played by Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston. It is because of Ben's conviction that marriage will only ruin everything that Aniston's heroine begins to doubt the expediency of this connection and the sincerity of his feelings. She decides to put an end to the story, which, in her opinion, has long reached a dead end. It is this act that makes the inveterate bachelor rethink his attitude to marriage, and he makes a marriage proposal so long-awaited for his girlfriend.

Inveterate bachelors are not so easy to tame, and each of them needs a special approach.

I must say that such a method, of course, is able to convince a man who does not want to tie the knot in any way, but it is far from applicable in every case. Inveterate bachelors are not so easy to tame, and each of them needs a special approach. We decided to look at the most common reasons why freedom-loving men refuse to marry their girlfriends, and also find out how this refusal can be turned into consent.

He does not want to break the foundations of life

Surely you don’t even live together, he is quite satisfied with meetings on your or neutral territory, going to restaurants and cinemas, as well as joint trips to resorts, but there can be no talk of living together. What can we say about the word "wedding"? The mere mention of marriage makes him shake. He explains everything that happens as follows: “I’m so used to living alone that now I can’t even imagine that someone will flicker before my eyes and place their women’s bottles in the bathroom.”

What to do? If your bachelor is still quite young, then just give him time. Sooner or later, his friends will start creating families, and visiting their cozy apartments, he will see that there is nothing wrong with a beloved woman living next to a man. In addition, do not try to limit his freedom and, so to speak, “mark the territory”, leaving one personal item after another in his apartment. The heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker - the well-known Carrie Bradshaw - did not help a bit. The hair dryer, creams and lotions “accidentally forgotten” in his apartment were carefully put into a bag by her beloved Mr. Big and brought back to the writer.

He is afraid to make a mistake again

If your bachelor was already married and suffered an unenviable fate in the form of a difficult and painful divorce, then soon he is clearly not going to re-tie the knot with a potential heartbreaker. To marry such a man is not an easy task, but you remember that nothing is impossible.

What to do? Stock up on patience. If the breakup was really difficult, then your task, first of all, is not to put pressure on your lover and give him time to re-tune into a serious relationship with far-reaching plans. Become a real friend for him, the person he will need. But don’t go too far: it’s one thing to take care of your man, but it’s quite another to become an obsessive “molester” and fill his whole life with yourself. In the end (if you do everything right), he will understand that you are exactly the woman he wants to marry, regardless of bad past experiences.

He's not ready yet

Usually this phrase can be heard from the lips of those men who are simply afraid to take responsibility for the family they are creating. They understand that, being single, they can live the way they want: meet friends, look at girls passing by, return to their home in the morning and not be afraid that someone will start to scold them for a night spent out of bed with his wife, but somewhere in the club. Of course, not all bachelors live this way: sometimes a man does not need a stamp in his passport to behave like an exemplary family man if he has a woman. But now we are talking about those representatives of the stronger sex who are terribly afraid of being responsible for someone other than themselves.

What to do? Perhaps this case is the most difficult. Sometimes such men do not change even over the years. However, we hasten to reassure: such cases are quite rare, because sooner or later any man will want warmth, comfort and a delicious dinner after work. If your chosen one claims that he is not yet ready for marriage, and you, in turn, agree to wait for that happy moment when he is finally ready, then try to make your relationship as simple as possible: do not talk about the registry office and children, do not put bans on what you can tolerate (for example, on his going to a bar with friends). Perhaps one day he will realize that he wants to wake up next to you every day and wear a ring on his ring finger. The main thing is not to spend your whole life waiting.


Most bachelors do not allow thoughts of marriage just because they are used to living the way their heart desires, not bothering with what others say. They come home and throw their pants on any surface in the apartment, and they can screw in a burned-out light bulb in the hallway at least a month later, if they don’t really care. A woman must understand and accept that being a bachelor for a man is, first of all, aware of the freedom of his actions. And this applies to both everyday moments and relationships with other people.


If before the age of 30 a man did not marry or did not move to the stage of a civil marriage, then a pattern appeared in his life to periodically remain alone. He does not need to feel one with a woman and devote himself entirely to her. It is normal for him to remain single for periods and enjoy the feeling of loneliness, which does not taste of sadness for him, but only gives a feeling of freedom. A woman needs to act wisely, showing the bachelor that even after the wedding he will feel like a free man without heavy handcuffs on his wrists. Of course, this is just an illusion, but if a man psychologically needs her, then why not give him such a phantom.


The bachelor is used to not being burdened by relationships, he is free to meet and sleep with whoever he pleases. But if a woman decides to set herself the goal of marrying him, she will have to work hard on his new sex education. She will have to prove that she is the one for whom a man should give up dozens of others, in order to later become the best sexual partners for each other for life.


In the life of bachelors, in their opinion, there is one huge minus - no one cooks for them. Moms do not count, if anything, it always goes without saying. So why shouldn't a woman turn her culinary skills into a skillful bait for a starving bachelor. The prospect of regularly tasting borscht, and even second courses, will very much cast doubt on the bachelor habits of a man. It is only important not to confuse - first marriage, and then borscht. We play fair.


After Amal Alamuddin's success in Hollywood, we mentally kneel before her and thank her for her public lesson in feminine wisdom. Back in 1992, he divorced his first wife and vowed never and never to marry a second time. It should be noted that everyone in his entourage was convinced that he would keep his promise. But then Amal appeared in his life. This woman from the first minutes of their acquaintance struck him with her sharp mind, because she is a successful human rights lawyer, and also an adviser to the former UN Secretary General. Amal was in no hurry to be fascinated by Clooney's charisma and entered into exclusively business negotiations with him - they were both engaged in a satellite launch program to track terrorist groups in Libya. Clooney was hooked by the coldness of this successful woman, and he did not stop trying to seek her company. What happened then, we all know very well - George did not care at all about his bachelor's vow and he, without any regrets,

A bachelor does not mean that a man is single, no, he can be in a relationship, but be completely against marriage. What to do in such a situation, because all girls dream of wearing a beautiful white dress and being the queen of the evening.

To begin with, maybe you didn’t think about this question, because everything is fine, you live together and the stamp in your passport is not at all important. But the time has come when the question: “When is the wedding?” from friends and family it sounds more often than “How are you?”, and it looks quite suspicious, if he loves and wants to live with you all his life, why doesn’t he kneel down and say the cherished “Marry me”? All because your beloved is a convinced bachelor, but still there is a chance to change this.

Popular methods and manipulations

In general, if he is not ready to marry, then there is no need to rush. Every person has a desire to start a family, only many oppose this, but sooner or later nature will take its toll and at the most unexpected moment for you, he will fall on one knee and finally ask for a hand and heart. It is in such a situation that you will feel real happiness, because you will know that he did it from the bottom of his heart, and not because he heard daily threats and reproaches.


Work hard on your style. Even the most hardened bachelor will definitely pay attention to the stylish, well-groomed. Try to look sexy and seductive, but not vulgar. Wear stylish clothes, high heels. Be fun and original.

Be sure to go in for sports. Let it be jogging in the morning or pool in the evening. Fit and active people are more likely to attract attention. Stick to a healthy diet and give up bad habits.

Come into his life gradually. Too much pressure on your part will very quickly make the bachelor disappear over the horizon. Don't provoke meetings. See you every morning on your way to work and that's enough. Hello and hello. But be to the date invitation.

If you start dating, be nice and unobtrusive with him. Called - rejoice, did not call - do not swear. Meet other men, buddies and girlfriends, flirt and enjoy life. Let him see that you are not obsessed with him and you will not drag him to the registry office. Over time, he will understand that it is easy with you and will want to see you more often.

Any smart man always welcomes the presence of intelligence in his girlfriend. Read more books so you have something to talk about. It is better to choose topics known to him, so as not to suppress his horizons. You only need to know as much as you need to maintain a dialogue.

Read psychological books. It describes many techniques for conquering men. Put some into practice. But approach the advice wisely: if something clearly does not fit, do not use it. Take a sincere interest in him and his affairs. It captivates any person.

First of all, try to become a friend for him, not a lover. Friends are trusted and told much more. If he is comfortable with you, he will try to bring you closer: he will introduce you to relatives and friends. Try to please them - for an inveterate bachelor, the opinion of these people is of great importance.

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Helpful advice

Try to carefully find out why he is alone, how he relates to the creation of a full-fledged family and the birth of children. You can do this by taking friends or the plot of a movie as an example.


  • How to marry an inveterate bachelor?

A bachelor is a self-sufficient and freedom-loving man, he is attractive to women, because he has no charm. Only a wise and whole nature can “ring” or fall in love with a bachelor. If you really love a person, try to prove your feelings.


Bachelors build their own way of life and try to prevent a woman from managing their household. Usually all their things are laid out according to a clear, convenient scheme for them, it is not recommended to break it. If you meet such a man, never try to clean or wash something, by doing this you will push him away from you for millions of light years. Enjoy the routine and don't show any displeasure. You can fall in love with such a man by showing loyalty and understanding of his lifestyle.

Another kind of bachelor is in desperate need of female care and guardianship. These men lived under their mother's wing for a long time and, having lost their parent, were left completely at a loss. You will fall in love with such a bachelor with delicious meals and clean shirts, but think for yourself, do you need such a man?

There are also idle bachelors. They know how to beautifully look after, present flowers and gifts, but never start a serious relationship. Most often, such men immediately upon meeting say that they are not created for family life. Do not entertain yourself with empty hopes and think that these are just words. Think carefully about what awaits you during your life with him - constant betrayal, tears, resentment. But if you are confident in your desire to connect fate with such a man, you will have to become unpredictable and different. Diversity is the main way to keep it, and, moreover, it should concern all areas of your life with it. Also, you don’t need to be jealous of him, it’s better to let him know that he can’t find anyone more beautiful than you.

A little strange, with an embarrassed smile on his face - this is exactly what a nerd student looks like, also a bachelor in life. True, the reason for the absence of a family in his case is the lack of time. He is completely immersed in studies, science, and his house is more like a library. It should be understood that he is unlikely to be able to give you the necessary amount of attention and affection, and there will be eternal chaos in the apartment. But if you want to win such a man, you will have to enlist patience. Show him that you share his passions and lifestyle. Take up reading or chess, or find yourself another interesting activity. Also keep in mind that you will constantly have to adjust to it.

It is very difficult to decide to create a family for a super-responsible man. For him, marriage is unthinkable without a powerful material base. He will always have some goals, first housing, then a car, then a summer house. Therefore, your primary task will be to convince him that the material is not always the most important thing in life. Dreaming of marrying such a person, you need to gently push him to the idea that it is necessary to legitimize your relationship. Try to invite him to your family holiday, show him that warmth and comfort in the house do not always depend on high material wealth.

There are also very unlucky men, moreover, they are always unlucky and in everything. The reasons for this may lie in his childhood, past relationships, or he is simply not confident in himself. You can make him fall in love with you. To do this, you need to sincerely believe in him yourself and convince him that he is a wonderful person who deserves the best. Try to find his talents, highlight them, compliment him, inspire confidence in him, take care of his work, clothes, find new friends. And when luck smiles at him, gently hint at who helped him achieve this.

There is another reason why men become convinced bachelors - this is the desire for an ideal. Such a man is waiting for his princess, who will be beautiful, smart, economic and seductive at the same time. If you fit his ideal image, then you are guaranteed adoration, but otherwise, do not expect mercy. If you yourself strive for this, then you will become an excellent couple, you will only need to constantly emphasize your advantages to him.

Psychologists say: an unmarried man over the age of thirty is either a chronic alcoholic, or a lover of women, or an avid bachelor. Alas, every year the male category, ready to eat their passport before the registry office, and not get married, has increased. What is to blame?

“We have been dating a man for 2 years. A decent person, earns normally, does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, sports are his favorite pastime. And everything is fine with him, I love him very much and want to live only with him all my life, only annoyance he does not propose to me. He doesn’t even want to hear a hint on this topic, or he laughs it off. What to do?".

Such questions-monologues are often heard from my non-family friends of twenty-five and older. One of my friends even managed to get into the department of neurosis. After a relationship with an interval of five years with a young man (of which they lived together for 2 years), she confronted him with the fact that either you get married or we break up. And the boy chose option number two...

Yes, at all times men are not in a hurry to burden themselves with marriage. Only now the bachelors of our time are far from Eugene Onegin. Modern bachelors are not looking for the love of their lives. They are, like those cats, on their own, which is completely satisfied.

Lonely men of the 21st century are no longer that eternally groomed, hungry, subject from the cartoons of the Soviet Union, who is afraid of women in panic and dreams in the evenings of meeting his ideal. On the contrary, he is perfectly shaven, slender, well-dressed and often not financially constrained. And his "ideals" themselves fall almost at his feet.

As Natalya Abramovich, a psychologist from Minsk, notes, many men actively propose at the age of 23-24. And those who have passed this age barrier are addicted to a career or other prospects.

And at the age of 28, a bachelor, this is already a playboy with experience and with a rather strong attachment to billiards or the gym. He has a high opinion of himself, has a couple or one potential bride, and also does not deny himself fleeting meetings. And the more years a bachelor is, the more prone he is to phobias of an intimate nature - the fear of intimacy on an emotional level and long-term relationships with a partner. He may well allow a woman into his bed, but two toothbrushes in the bathroom will cause him to panic.

Why does a man not want to get married?

The most popular explanation from a man can be expected to be the reason for the material plan or the issue with the apartment. It seems that requests grow with age. One familiar bachelor, having bought an apartment with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone room, justified his lack of desire to marry by not entirely acceptable living conditions. At the same time, having acquired a 2-room apartment, he began to dream of a house. He is forty-six years old and still a bachelor.

The reluctance to start a family can be associated with the first unsuccessful marriage. Unrequited love also often leads to disappointment in a partner. Many bachelors have a strong sense of duty of their son. At first glance, this is not so bad. But, if a beloved mother holds the position “they are all unworthy of you,” then it will not be so easy to convince a bachelor, and the mother herself will be an obstacle in her son’s personal relationships. Often, by her behavior of a despot, such a mother "programs" him to be lonely. Having matured, he wants independence and freedom.

Among men there are also pronounced opponents of marriage, - says Natalya Abramovich.

They do not forget parental scandals, divorces of friends and acquaintances and do not want such a scenario in their lives. At the same time, they analyze the reasons for the undeveloped family life of friends, but simply do not understand how this can happen if everything started so well.

There are still bachelors who, it seems, are not averse to getting married, but when they first meet a woman, they immediately look for flaws in her. And this process can go on forever...

And, finally, a simple explanation of the position of a bachelor: I feel comfortable this way! If the grandfathers of the past often had to take wives, having a desire to save themselves from disorder in everyday life, then a modern single man will replace a caring wife with a microwave, a washing machine and store-bought semi-finished products.

As a consolation for most women, I want to note that the lack of desire to marry, according to the psychologist, is a global trend. With the exception of, of course, countries with Muslim foundations, interest in registering marriages has fallen all over the world today. Poorly educated and poor people tend to get married much more, because, according to the same psychologists, it is easier to experience difficulties this way.

But successful people in their careers are in no hurry to get married. The registry offices of the capital noted that in recent years the number of paternity registrations has increased - this is when men legally defend their right to children born out of wedlock.

Many people today do not want to bind themselves with the responsibility of marriage, - Natalya Abramovich concludes. In cohabitation, there is no such responsibility, it is easy to break the relationship, which is why it attracts.

All this is understandable, but to do what women with their natural destiny - to give birth to children, to save the hearth? Some of the readers will say:

- "Forget about these bachelors, find yourself an ordinary man!"

But the fact of the matter is that today you cannot find a normal, non-drinking, hard-working, unmarried and ready to take responsibility for the family day and even with fire.

So, there is only one thing left - the struggle for a bachelor! And by the way, on one of the forums for women, I found very valuable information from a man. “Any bachelor can really be married in 4 steps,” he argued.

  1. Step number 1. Never show him that you want marriage.
  2. Step number 2. Get him used to the feeling of love you give him, and be very careful not to get bored.
  3. Step number 3. Hint romantically about the desire to see him as a husband, and then, if a refusal is received, complain just as romantically that you will now have to look for another candidate for this role.
  4. Step number 4. Be patient and wait until the bachelor himself proposes marriage to you.

Let's ask the opinion of bachelors

Kirill, 32 years old designer.
I don't see the point in marriage. Why, if you can just live together? The stamp will not change anything in the passport.

Vitalya, 35 years old musician.
- Probably interferes with my work. For me, music is everything, and women do not want to put up with it. He probably hasn't met his other half yet.

Sasha, twenty-seven years old.
- I'm not ready for marriage yet. I really don't want to lose my freedom. And the sad experience of friends does not inspire marriage. I think I should still be ripe for this step of seriousness. And the later the better.

Victor, 41 years old businessman.
- I was young, I made a career, I earned money ... Now I already want to get married, but somehow it's difficult. Used to live alone, it is very difficult to change something in life. Where can I find her that will endure all my habits?

You planted a tree and built a house, and you understand that you can no longer cope with your son alone. Bachelors have their habits, married people have theirs. The motto of bachelors - than a hungry family, I'm better alone full.