Long-term styling for medium length. Long-term hair styling - pros and cons, before and after photos for short, medium and long hair

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


If you don’t like the daily loss of time when getting ready, caused by the need to endlessly come up with hairstyles, you love curls - be it large or small, a new direction has appeared in the list of salon services for you: long-term styling or carving. Although the real novelty is worth thinking about - the procedure is more reminiscent of a well-recycled old technology. Who is it suitable for and is it worth resorting to?

What is hair carving

Half a century ago, chemical hair styling was at the peak of its popularity, which involved treating it with a special compound and then wrapping it in curlers. The result was a curled head, and the resulting hairstyle lasted a very long time. “Chemistry,” as the women called it among themselves, saved a lot of time: it took away the need to heat curlers, curl the strands yourself, and wait several hours just for a short period of beauty. However, it had a serious drawback - this long-term styling killed even the healthiest hair.

Carving is based on the same “chemistry”, but the process has been revised to eliminate some of the disadvantages and give women the following advantages of such a long-term perm:

  • Visual thickness and density even on naturally thin hair.
  • Possibility to select local areas for installation.
  • If necessary, long-term curls can be straightened with an iron.
  • The styling does not suffer from exposure to moisture - you will not lose curls or volume.
  • Carving can be done even for girls with colored hair, for highlighting, etc.
  • The effect lasts from 2 months to six months (carving on thin hair that has been dyed), which is determined by the structure of the hair and the chosen type of styling, and you can repeat the long-term perm after 3 months from the date of its implementation.

However, this procedure still involves exposure to a chemical composition, which fixes the styling, and therefore cannot be absolutely safe - only gentle. There are several disadvantages and precautions that hairdressers advise to keep in mind:

  • If your hair is thick, thick and has not been dyed before, i.e. The structure is absolutely smooth, there is a risk that the styling will not last even a day.
  • Long-term hair styling cannot be combined with henna dyeing, because... a conflict of chemical reactions can lead to unpredictable color changes or washout.
  • During pregnancy, due to hormonal instability, carving is not recommended.
  • Those with dry, brittle hair or any scalp diseases should not resort to long-term perm, because... the problem will get worse.

How to do

This type of salon styling has several options, which professionals divide according to hair length. Any curl, even on large curls, raises the cut line, so owners of a bob may find themselves with an almost boyish haircut. However, in addition to this, there is a classification according to the type of curlers used for styling:

  • Traditional long-term perm - soft light waves or elastic curls for the entire length.
  • Texturing carving - styling is achieved through the use of several types of curlers accentuated, i.e. The whole head may not be affected, only sections.
  • Local styling - root volume using large curlers or working with ends. Possible bangs.
  • Spiral styling - for volume from the root, curling with a ribbon on a spiral curler, preferably a very small curl.

For long hair

For those with waist-length braids, the hairstyle cannot be particularly long-lasting, since the force of gravity will outweigh any chemical composition. If you have planned carving for long hair, there is a high probability that the specialist will offer vertical curling, i.e. elastic curls that will gradually weaken, or soft large curls just to create texture.

To medium

With a length up to the shoulder blades or up to the shoulders, a woman has maximum freedom of choice regarding styling ideas - even light curls will be long-lasting (with the exception of natural heavy hair). However, taking into account the loss of length during curling, hairdressers advise avoiding curls that are too small (close to an afro, diameter less than 10 mm), especially if the haircut has an even cut.

Carving for short hair

For “pixie”, “pageboy” and even “legged bob” haircuts, experts offer not classic curling, but texturing, so as not to lose the almost missing length and give the hairstyle a zest. An alternative styling option is to add only the root volume. Mostly carving for a short haircut: the hairstyle will be really long-lasting and can last six months.

Hair carving at home - step by step instructions

You can do this styling yourself only on hair up to the shoulder blades and longer, since it is difficult to curl the back of your head and treat it with a chemical composition with a short haircut. The procedure itself has a simple algorithm and the main thing to achieve success is to be careful and carefully follow the prescribed scheme. First of all, you will need to buy all the preparations that make the styling long-lasting, plus curlers (plastic).

The step-by-step algorithm looks like this:

  1. Wash your hair without using a mask or conditioner - firstly, the scales should be open, and secondly, an unnecessary chemical reaction may be created.
  2. To dry, use only a towel and do not wait until the moisture completely disappears.
  3. Apply a special protective composition to colored hair. If you are natural, you can skip this step.
  4. Curl each strand of hair using curlers using the pre-selected pattern. Fasten well, making sure that the ends do not stick out, otherwise they will remain straight.
  5. Soak each curled strand with the long-lasting curling compound three times.
  6. Cover your head with a plastic cap and throw a towel on top. Warm up with a hairdryer while waiting for the composition to work.
  7. You need to wash your hair for about 5 minutes; shampoo is no longer used to fix the hairstyle. Dry again with just a towel.
  8. At the final stage, a fixing composition is applied, which is washed off after a few minutes.
  9. New hair washing is also done without shampoo.

Long-term styling products

Most companies that produce professional hair care products also offer special lines for long-term styling. The first was Schwarzkopf, after which options appeared from Londa, Shot, Cutrin, Goldwell, and GreenLight has gentle compositions for bio-laying. If you calculate how much hair carving costs based on materials, it will be about 2000 rubles, and what you buy will be enough for you several times, so it turns out to be more profitable than in a salon.

A complete set should include:

  • The main composition, which is selected according to hair type (mostly companies offer 4 types).
  • Fixer or fixer.

Hair care after carving

Permanent styling cannot be done without damage, so hair subjected to this procedure, even with initially exceptional health, becomes worse in structure and requires careful handling. In addition, in order for the styling to remain long-lasting, it is necessary to prevent the applied composition from being washed out, and therefore special care should be selected. Basic rules that each specialist tells the client during the procedure:

  • It is prohibited to apply hair dye for at least 72 hours after visiting the salon for long-term perm.
  • You need to wash your hair followed by the use of moisturizing masks, and the shampoo should not contain sulfates.
  • Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to separate curls.
  • You can start using a curling iron/iron only a week after styling, and a hair dryer - after 2 days.
  • Don't sleep with wet hair and forget about rubbing wet strands after washing with a towel.

Carving price

The cost of long-term perm, which is indicated by salons in Moscow and the regions, is approximately the same - it is an expensive procedure, especially if it is performed on long hair. It was clarified above that it is cheaper to purchase a set and try to do the styling yourself, however, if this is not your option, the table below will help you navigate the picture of average metropolitan prices:

Video: hair carving

Photo of long-term styling

Owners of short haircuts have to start every new day with styling. Without such a procedure, the hairstyle looks untidy and bulky. Long-term styling for short hair will significantly save your time. It provides long-lasting results that last for several months. Thanks to this, you can forget about curling irons, flat irons, brushing and other devices that need to be used for short hair every day.

Long-term styling for short hair - advantages and disadvantages

This method has a number of advantages:

  • Unlike conventional chemicals, long-term styling does not cause harm. The use of gentle preparations prevents damage to the hair structure.
  • Additional volume appears.
  • The hair becomes fuller and looks natural.
  • There is no need to shape your hair every day. It is enough to wash your hair and wait until the curls dry naturally.
  • Suitable for colored strands, as well as for weakened thin curls.
  • The ability to create light waves or clear, defined curls.
  • Long lasting effect.
  • The curls are straightened gradually and evenly, so over time the neat appearance of the haircut is still preserved.

As for the disadvantages, we must mention the high cost. The effect is less durable than with regular. If the curls are severely damaged, you will need to do several restorative procedures first.

This technique has many more advantages than disadvantages, which is why it is so popular among the fair sex of different ages.

How to do long-term styling on short haircuts

Carving or bio-curling can be performed in different ways depending on the chosen technique. The procedure involves performing the following actions:

  • The strands are divided into several sections.
  • One of them is treated with a special compound and screwed onto a bobbin.
  • Reapply the composition.
  • The same is done with the rest of the “stack”.
  • Keep the drug for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  • Wash off and apply a fixative (or neutralizer).
  • After a certain time, the bobbins are removed. The hair is washed thoroughly.

It is very important to choose the right composition. If you make the wrong choice of product for this style, there is a risk of hair damage. Then it will be very difficult to restore the lost health of your hair. To prevent this, carving should only be performed under the supervision of an experienced craftsman.

Another important point is the choice of curlers or bobbins. This styling allows you to use different diameters, creating curls from small, clearly defined curls to large curls. Small curls look beautiful on short haircuts. But this option is not suitable for every girl. Choose the diameter of the curler depending on your face shape and appearance.

Long-term styling for short hair - large curls

For short haircuts, you don’t have to limit yourself to choosing thin bobbins. Large waves look beautiful on cascade, ladder, bob or bob hairstyles. If your strands are of sufficient length (from 7-8 cm), you can only curl the ends. The result will be one that emphasizes the gentle and romantic nature. Large curlers are also suitable for creating curls along the entire length of the strands. This option is not suitable only for those with too short haircuts and girls with thin, thin hair.

Root volume

Another great way to style your hair for a long time is to wrap it in curlers and treat only the root zone with a special compound. As a result, the strands will remain straight, but the hair will gain additional volume. As the roots grow, the curls made will straighten out. Thus, after 4-9 weeks the hairstyle will return to its previous appearance. You won’t have to perm your curls twice, since it will be enough to curl and treat only the regrown roots with the composition.

Who is not suitable for long-term styling?

This option is not suitable for every owner of short strands. Carving is not recommended for severely weakened hair, as well as for girls suffering from alopecia. If your hair is too short (up to 7 cm), it is better to postpone the procedure and wait until the strands grow. Otherwise, as a result of gentle curling, you will get the effect of a sloppy, unkempt hairstyle (curls will stick out in different directions and look sloppy).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is also better to refrain from such styling.

Caring for short hair after styling

First of all, it is worth considering that since short strands require periodic trimming to maintain the shape of the haircut, do this before styling. During the first two days after this procedure, you should not wet your hair or comb it. It is also prohibited to use styling products. During these days, the new shape of the strands will be fixed. Therefore, try to handle your hair as carefully as possible.

For combing, use wooden brushes with sparse teeth. Use only special hair care products after carving. It is better to give preference to specialized shampoos and conditioners from the professional series.

Use moisturizing oils and make restorative masks at least once a week. This will help keep your hair healthy and undamaged from the effects of the curling product. Try to use hair dryers and other appliances as little as possible. It is better to dry your hair naturally.

Long-term styling for short hair - photo

This is what the hair looks like after styling it like this. Using this technique, it is possible to create different images from flirty youth to feminine, tender and romantic. You can definitely choose the right option for yourself.

Any hairstyle requires styling. But not every owner of long hair can spend time on this every day. The way out of this situation is long-term styling for long hair. What are the features of this procedure? What types are there? What effect can be achieved? Is it possible to do this styling yourself without resorting to the services of a specialist? Read in the article.

Long-term styling for long hair - advantages and disadvantages

This method of creating a hairstyle has a number of advantages compared to perm. Among the main advantages it should be noted:

  • No harm to the hair, since gentle ingredients are used to create volume and curls.
  • Restoring the damaged structure of curls due to the presence of keratin, silk proteins, wheat proteins and other plant extracts, as well as vitamin complexes in the preparations used.
  • You can forget about the need to use a curling iron or straightener every day.
  • The hairstyle gains additional volume, which does not disappear for several months.
  • This styling is suitable for colored hair. After the procedure, the shade will remain the same.
  • The curls gradually “go away”, straightening evenly. As a result, the hairstyle looks the same as before styling.
  • Easy to care for hair after the procedure.

In addition to the pros, it is also worth learning about the disadvantages of the technology. It is not suitable for too weakened curls, since you will first need to undergo a recovery course. In particular, if you have done bleaching, chemical treatment, or subjected your hair to other debilitating techniques, you will have to take the time to restore lost health to your hair. In addition, if you style on colored strands, the effect will last less than when curling natural curls. Another disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure.

Due to the large weight of long strands, the curls straighten fairly quickly. Therefore, not all styling techniques are applicable for long braids.

Long-term styling for long hair - large curls

The best option for a long mane is to form large waves, which are created by using large-diameter curlers. To ensure a long-lasting effect, limit yourself to local styling. For example, a hairstyle with large curls on the lower half of the strands looks impressive and feminine. Also, the composition can be used to treat only the ends, forming large curls. A hairstyle with curled ends looks impressive and well-groomed and also eliminates the need for daily use of a curling iron or other similar devices.

Large curls are suitable for almost all women with long braids. The only exceptions are those with too thin, thin hair. In this case, it is important to find an experienced hairdresser who will be able to select a combination of different diameters of curlers so that the resulting hair looks voluminous and natural.

Types of long-term styling for long hair

There are several techniques for creating this hairstyle. They all differ in the composition used. Depending on this, different effects can be achieved. To choose the optimal technique, you should learn about the features of each of them.


If you want to become the owner of large waves, this is the one for you. This type of installation is considered the safest. To fix the shape of curls, gentle compositions are used that do not contain potent harmful components. It is based on fruit acids that do not damage the hair structure. This technique involves the use of various curlers and special devices. It is almost impossible to do it yourself. As a result, after the procedure it is possible to create luxurious waves on the lower half of the strands or light waviness along the entire length.

After the procedure, the hair becomes voluminous and acquires an attractive shine. Curls become obedient, soft and silky. They are saturated with useful components, thanks to which the lost hair health is restored.

If your hair lacks volume at the roots, carving can solve this problem. This procedure will provide spectacular root volume that will last from 4 to 9 weeks. In any case, this procedure must be trusted to specialists, even if the installation is performed locally. If you make a mistake in choosing the composition, you will ruin your hair.

Carving for medium hair will give extra volume to boring straight strands, and the curls will become curly. In the photographs you can appreciate how styling brings femininity, romanticism, and playfulness to the image.

Carving (from English long-term styling) is the treatment of hair with gentle chemicals that do not penetrate deep into the strands, but gently envelop them. The effect of the procedure depends on different characteristics and lasts on average up to 2 months.

The method will increase the volume and elasticity of the hairstyle, as well as simplify the upcoming styling.

Differences from chemistry and biowave

All techniques contribute to the formation of long-term styling, but have some differences among themselves:

How is the procedure performed?

Carving for medium hair: (the photo shows the procedure) consists of dividing the strands into thin strips, which are coated with gentle preparations, fixed in a certain position and then wound on different curlers. After 30 min. the composition is washed off and the curls are covered with a restorative agent.

Who is carving suitable for?

The procedure is suitable for women with thin, soft, sparse hair of medium length, and is recommended in the following cases:

  • to give hair volume and fullness;
  • to get a slight waviness;
  • for those with oily strands, manipulation will “dry” them a little;
  • those who want to change their image without the influence of powerful chemicals on their curls;
  • when there is not enough time to create a beautiful everyday hairstyle.

Types of carving for medium length hair

In the photo you can see that carving for medium hair comes in different types:

Classic hair curling

It involves curling strands on curlers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. First, the curl is treated with the composition from the ends to the roots in a spiral. Depending on the bobbins used and the length of the curls you curl, you can achieve bouncy curls or large curls.

Vertical karting

As a rule, it means elastic small curls. Spiral curlers are used by winding them vertically along the entire length of the hair in a spiral. This way you can get maximum fluffiness.

Local carving

The local technique will help create volume at the hair roots, since the specialist treats only this area, placing mainly large curlers under it.

But this type of carving can be performed not only on the root zone, but also on the ends of long strands. The advantage of laying is the treatment of a small area with chemicals. You can use different bobbins.

Hair carving price

The cost of the service in professional salons differs little from the money that can be spent on purchasing a ready-made professional carving kit. Purchasing devices for home use seems more profitable, since several procedures can be performed for the same money.

In Moscow hair salons, depending on the length of the hair, prices for biocarving fluctuate in the following range:

  • short - 1200-1800 rub.;
  • average - 2500-3700 rubles;
  • long - 3800-4500 rub.

Carving for medium hair at home

If you follow the following rules, carving can be done at home yourself:

Long-term styling products

To perform the curl yourself, in addition to conditioners and shampoos, you will need special devices that can be purchased as a set or assembled separately. These are curlers of the required size, special compositions for the procedure, which include activating, protective and fixing mixtures.

Curlers for hair carving

The following types of curlers are used:

Composition for hair carving

Preparations for the procedure should not contain ammonia. Thioglycolate is also a prohibited ingredient. If these two ingredients are missing, biocarving can be regarded as a gentle process, but not entirely harmless. Products with the correct composition for curling are produced by such well-known manufacturers as Londa and Schwarzkopf.

The product is selected depending on the type of hair - normal, difficult, after coloring. The fixative must be produced by the same brand as the main drug. It is imperative to first check for the absence of allergic reactions to the product.

How to do hair carving yourself: step-by-step instructions

Necessary tools for the procedure:

  • special composition for long-term styling;
  • medium-sized curlers or bobbins;
  • fixative, preferably from the same company as the main product.

Step by step technique:

Features of carving for different face types

Lush curls visually expand and enlarge the shape of the face, so biocarving is not recommended for chubby faces. For women with a thin and oblong oval, small curls are perfect.

For plump women, large waves of descending curls would be an excellent solution, but in this case it is better not to do small curls.

Carving for soft and fine hair

Carving for medium hair (the photo will allow you to see how thin strands will transform) is well suited for soft, oily strands. The compositions used help dry them. The procedure does not deplete curls.

Those with thin hair who have decided to carve will find strengthening masks with folk remedies and aromatic oils very useful.

Those with very fine curls should make restorative masks or use special care products. After curling, split ends may appear. To solve this problem, you need to regularly cut the ends of your hair.

Carving for thick hair

Thick strands are quite heavy, so the procedure may not capture them the first time. Often, heavy curls remain straight, cannot be curled, and only become dry. The result is not at all what the owner of thick hair expected. To see how carving works on thick hair, it is worth carrying out the procedure on individual strands.

Hair coloring and carving

Perming can be harmful to hair that is prone to dryness and has recently been bleached or dyed. It is recommended to color your curls at least three days after biocarving. On recently highlighted strands, the effect of the procedure may be uneven, and dry curls can be completely burned out.

How to style your curls

After making a gentle curl, you can use a straightener if you are tired of the curls. Then wash your hair and see them again: this does not affect the duration of the effect.

To maintain maximum styling results after curling, you should follow some rules:

Hairstyles for medium length with carving

Carving for medium hair: the photo shows how stylish this hairstyle looks. Carving looks especially advantageous on a square or cascade. The average length is enough so that the curls do not diverge under their weight. Long-term styling on medium-length strands lasts well, although not as long as on short haircuts. Winding can be done not along the entire length.

Who is not suitable for carving?

It is advisable to refrain from carving in the following cases:

Advantages and disadvantages of medium hair

Advantages of carving:


  • for clearly defined curls, it is better to use a bio-perm;
  • after applying the chemical components, a specific smell lingers on the head for some time;
  • there is a possibility of split ends in the hair;
  • some women notice severe hair loss;
  • in any case, after the procedure you will have to give your hair the desired shape using styling products.

Hair care after the procedure

After curling, it is necessary to restore the strands using gradual care in case of dryness and porosity. It is advisable to choose a special restorative shampoo. After washing, conditioner should be applied to your hair.

To revive the structure of your curls in the shortest possible time, you can use a mask.

To prepare it you need to mix 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 yolk and 2 tsp. homemade apple cider vinegar. Apply along the entire length of the strands except the roots, leave for 30 minutes. and wash off. Coconut or burdock oils also help. It is not advisable to use a hair dryer, straightener or curling iron.

After washing your hair, it is better not to rub your curls, but to get them wet. It is advisable to comb with a wide-toothed comb. If the hair is in good condition, experts recommend applying only one type of professional, high-quality mask from well-known manufacturers of cosmetic products.

Although carving for medium hair involves the use of gentle preparations, you should work with them with caution. But as a result, a neatly done hairstyle, which can be seen in the photo, will please any woman.

Video about carving for medium hair

What is carving and its implementation features:

How to create root hair volume using carving:

Modern life dictates a certain pace to us. Many girls feel a lack of time for daily hair styling. But the desire to be fashionable, beautiful and stylish always remains. A hairdressing method such as long-term styling can come to the rescue.

Its principle is similar to perm, but is safer for hair. You should not do this procedure at home; it is advisable to go to specialized beauty salons.

What is the essence of the method? A liquid is applied to the hair that weakens disulfide bonds. They determine the natural strength of hair. The principle of perm is also based on their rupture and subsequent restoration. Long-term styling only affects the upper scales of the hair, unlike chemical styling, which affects the entire structure. After this, using styling products, the stylist creates the hairstyle agreed upon in advance with the client. These can be light waves, curls or curls. This method allows you to lift the hair from the roots and structure the haircut. The entire procedure lasts no more than two hours. It can be repeated every three months, and lasts up to nine weeks.

Who is suitable and not suitable for long-term styling?

Long-term styling is a more gentle procedure compared to perm. A variation of this styling, carving is the curling of large curls using a chemical composition based on fruit acids. That is, this is one of the possible most harmless curling methods. But there are still cases when you should not expose your hair to it:

  • during hormonal changes in a woman: menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is assumed that perm done during this period is less durable;
  • It is not recommended to carve hair lengths shorter than 10 cm;
  • if the hair is thin, weakened or damaged, it is preferable to avoid long-term styling, since the procedure may aggravate the situation. If your hair is healthy, you should also pay special attention to caring for it after curling. Don’t forget to use masks several times a week and use conditioner after each wash;
  • After dyeing your hair, you should not immediately do long-term styling, and if your hair was dyed with henna, then carving is prohibited.

This style is ideal for girls whose hair is prone to oiliness. This will allow you to wash your hair much less often.

How to care for your hair after long-term styling

After completing the procedure, it is not recommended to wet your hair for two days. Then you can wash your hair as usual. Do not use a hair dryer; let your hair dry naturally. It is advisable to use shampoo for curly hair, this will help maintain the style longer. Masks must be used at least once a week. In the first weeks, it is advisable to use it more often. You should not forget about head massages using warm oil: olive, castor. This will strengthen damaged hair. Touch your curls less with your hands and do not comb them with metal toothed brushes.