What causes hair loss. Why do women lose hair and what to do about it? Scalp problems

Men often face the problem of hair loss, but sometimes women also suffer from it. Why women can experience baldness and what needs to be done about it will be discussed in today’s article.

If you suspect hair loss, you must first find out whether it is a pathology. To do this, you need to conduct a small test.

In principle, if hair falls out, this is normal - each hair has its own life cycle, after which it (the hair) dies and a new one appears in its place. A person loses from 50 to 100 hairs per day, which is quite natural.

And how, in this case, can you determine that there really is a problem and you risk losing your lush hair? It's very simple: you need to perform a test.

The essence of the test is to carefully examine the fallen hair.

If there is a light bulb at the tip, then you can calm down, because this is a hair that has died off naturally as a result of hair regeneration.

After this, do not wash your hair for several days, then grab it with your hands and pull the hair in the temple area. In this case, several hairs will fall out, which should be carefully placed on a piece of paper. A similar procedure is performed with other areas of the head approximately five times.

Main types of baldness

This phenomenon (particularly in women) can be telogen or anagen. Let's get acquainted with the features of each type.

It can be acute or chronic. Acute baldness is different in that it can last up to six months, after which it goes away (spontaneously or as a result of treatment). As for the chronic form, it lasts longer (sometimes up to several years). With this type of hair loss, it does not reach complete baldness.

Anagen baldness - photo

Sudden loss of hair, often due to exposure to powerful drugs or chemicals, or less commonly, radiation. By the way, this is exactly the type of baldness that cancer patients face after chemotherapy. Typically, the functioning of hair follicles is restored over time.

Due to the fact that hair growth resumes after the disappearance of negative factors, there is no specific treatment for the problem.

Note! For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a qualified specialist, since there are many causes of baldness.

Cause of scalp hair loss in women

So, let's take a look at the common causes of female pattern baldness - they are all presented in the table below.

Table. Main causes of alopecia

NameDescriptionFurther actions
Immunity disorders can cause hair loss. This can occur when the body is weakened or functioning at an accelerated pace. So, many people experience hair loss after childbirth or during breastfeeding. Moreover, respiratory tract diseases (mainly infectious) lead to baldness. By the way, this can also cause hair loss in men.The problem is being solved. Go to your doctor and find out what medications you should take to normalize your immune system. Don’t get carried away with diets; instead, go in for sports - this way you will strengthen your body and recover from diseases. In summer, go to the sea to strengthen your body and provide it with vitamin D.
It happens in both women and little girls. Hair can fall out due to a careless attitude towards one's own health (in winter a person walks without a hat, in summer he spends a lot of time in the open sun).Don't forget about hats.
In women, it may appear due to excessive adherence to various diets or severe blood loss during menstrual periods. Permanent fasting, as well as its consequences (anemia, lethargy) are all symptoms of iron deficiency.To completely restore your hair, normalize your iron balance. Take a course of vitamins, supplement your diet with iron-containing foods (beef, fish, eggs, pomegranate juice and rye bread).
The environmental situation can also have an impact on the hairline. Dirty air, strong background radiation, various precipitation combined with poor nutrition - all this negatively affects the hair and the general condition of the body.Ideally, you should move to a more favorable (environmentally) region. And if this is impossible for one reason or another, then try to eat only clean foods, prevent chronic illnesses and stress. Thanks to this, you will be able to more easily endure external aggressive influences.
Some medications affect the scalp, particularly the hair. The chemotherapy mentioned above is considered the most serious, but even less drastic measures can lead to baldness - the problem can arise from taking medications for high blood pressure, contraceptives, diuretics or steroids, antidepressants, or even ordinary aspirin.Upon completion of treatment, the hair will be restored (with the exception of cancerous tumors). Do not interrupt treatment without first consulting your doctor!
Sometimes hair loss begins due to frequent stressful situations. The first “swallows” can appear even after the woman gets a little nervous. Of course, if we are talking about a single stress, then the hairline will soon be restored, but if such situations happen often, then the vessels in the head area narrow, blood circulation weakens, and hair begins to fall out more intensely.The problem can be solved without the help of antidepressants. Drink mint tea - it will relax you and calm you down. Take baths with chamomile or mint. In addition, after work, try to get enough sleep, because permanent fatigue is also one of the causes of stress.
Baldness can begin as a result of hormonal imbalances. The problem arises when certain hormones are imbalanced. For example, the described phenomenon is often observed with excessive amounts of testosterone (mainly after the first sexual experience, childbirth, pregnancy or menopause). In addition, diabetes and endocrine system dysfunction can cause baldness.Contact an endocrinologist and have him check your thyroid gland and do all the necessary blood tests. After diagnosis, you should be prescribed remedies that will restore not only your hair, but also the functioning of your endocrine system. As a rule, the duration of treatment does not exceed 24 days.
Quite often, baldness is observed with a deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements, which is especially noticeable during the period of spring hyper- or vitamin deficiency. Smoking and frequent drinking of alcohol also “eats” some of the vitamins that help the body fight intoxication.In the spring, contact your therapist to prescribe a vitamin complex. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and you can additionally take some microelements.
They (for example, dermatitis, seborrhea) can also cause the problem described. There are several reasons for the appearance of dermatitis - external pathogens, allergies, etc.If dermatitis appears, be sure to consult a doctor to find out the cause. No masks or herbs will help in this case. First you need to cure the disease itself.
Another cause of baldness is considered to be insufficient blood circulation, which can occur with some common diseases (for example, osteochondrosis) or frequent consumption of drinks containing caffeine. Because of this, the blood vessels narrow. Drinking alcohol (especially cognac) also has a negative effect on the scalp.Drink no more than two cups of coffee a day, play sports, take walks every day, and rest as much as possible.

When baldness occurs, it is necessary not only to stop the process, but also to activate the growth of new hair, so complex treatment is often prescribed, combining special care products and medications. Thanks to this, you can quickly get the desired result (usually within 6-12 months).

Do not forget that the correct treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor! Do not self-medicate as this may only make the problem worse. The fact is that any drug has contraindications, and some of the possible methods may simply not be suitable for you due to certain reasons. read on our website.

Video - Why women lose hair

The prospect of losing your hair seems terrifying, especially if you are a woman. Lush and shiny curls have always been a sign of health and beauty, a trump card for representatives of the fair half of humanity. Excessive hair loss is always depressing. You begin to peer into the foreseeable future with horror, fearing drastic changes in your appearance. The good news is that you can always stop or slow down this unpleasant trend.

Before you panic, take a look at some basic information regarding your daily hair loss rate. Thus, owners of thick red, brown or black hair can painlessly part with 75-100 hairs per day. For blondes with thin strands, the rate of hair loss is even higher - 150 units daily. You can also do a simple test. Pinch a small strand of hair (about 60 units) between your fingers. Then move your hand downwards, applying some effort. If you have 5 to 8 hairs left in your palm, this is a normal result. You need to worry only when these indicators are exceeded. Next, we will voice the causes of hair loss that we may not have suspected.

Same hairstyle on a regular basis

Some fashionistas are haunted by the laurels of the sexy Ariana Grande, whose distinctive feature is a ponytail - hair gathered into a tight bun at the back of the head. Some women love weaves or overload their hair with metal accessories and don't give it any rest. These and other factors provoke the so-called tension alopecia, a condition that occurs due to the constant pulling of hair for several hours at a time over a long period of time. In this case, the nature of baldness depends on the hairstyle. Thinning areas may form a horseshoe shape or resemble individual islands. Tight braids ensure balding along the row of braids. Normally, natural hair growth will resume when you give your hair a rest. Also, do not forget about a balanced diet and quality rest.

Hormonal imbalance

Hair loss is not always associated with external factors. The processes that occur in a woman’s body are also important. For example, hormonal imbalance can lead to decreased levels of hormones responsible for hair growth. To correct the situation, you need to understand the reasons causing these changes in the body. Be examined by an endocrinologist, as well as a gynecologist to identify polycystic ovary syndrome. Review the list of side effects that your birth control pills may have.

Hormonal contraceptives

Regular use of hormonal contraceptives solves many problems. The tablets help women plan their fertility and significantly reduce pain symptoms during menstruation. When you take birth control pills regularly, you can save yourself from mood swings and your face from unwanted breakouts. However, as soon as you stop taking hormonal medications, it will immediately affect your appearance. According to experts, starting or stopping the pill significantly affects overall hormone levels. If you want to keep your hair, but are going to choose one of the oral contraceptive drugs, opt for those that are made with estrogen rather than progestin.

Physical trauma

Any traumatic event for the body, be it childbirth, surgery or a car accident, can lead to disruption of the hair growth cycle. When a woman has a serious stressful event behind her, this can make adjustments by increasing the duration of the catagen stage (follicle atrophy). Be patient as your hair growth cycle will return to normal once your body has fully recovered from the injury.


Emotional stress also provokes excessive hair loss, making adjustments to the growth and resting phases. When the natural renewal of strands accelerates, this in itself looks like stress for your head. Healthy habits will help you get your hair growth cycle back on track: meditation, regular exercise, and proper nutrition. Even taking multivitamins and strengthening masks do not have such an effective effect as a healthy lifestyle.

Poor nutrition

Another common cause of excessive hair loss is poor diet. We ask you to pay close attention to your individual micronutrient intake. For example, vitamin A is a rather capricious component. Its deficiency in the body causes dry and brittle hair. Its excess has a toxic effect on the strands, as a result of which the hair thins and becomes stiff. Once your vitamin A intake reaches a healthy range, regular hair growth will resume. If your gastronomic habits are far from ideal, dermatologists recommend enriching your diet with proteins and iron, which can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and seafood. For vegetarians, there are healthy alternatives in the form of legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lentils and spinach.

Autoimmune diseases

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. In this case, any changes in the body occur due to confusion in which the immune system considers hair to be foreign material and seeks to get rid of it. Alopecia areata is treated with steroid injections and special medications, the most famous of which is Rogaine. However, newly grown hair may fall out again. Lupus also causes hair loss on a regular basis. In this case, you need to consult highly specialized specialists (immunologists and dermatologists).

Side effects from taking medications

If you are currently being treated for another disease and notice that taking medications is causing hair loss, tell your doctor about it. Unfortunately, the side effects of many modern drugs are not limited to nausea and increased drowsiness. Most often, the patient’s body suffers disproportionately large losses. At the top of the list of drugs that cause hair loss are antidepressants, blood thinners, gout medications, beta blockers, hypertension pills, and anabolic steroids.

You rarely wash your hair

If you use dry shampoo frequently, you may notice some changes when you wash your hair regularly: Your bathtub may become clogged with hair. This fact has a simple explanation. You rarely massage your head, rarely use water. It turns out that hairs with already dead follicles remain in the total mass. Any mechanical impact causes them to leave your head. To avoid this phenomenon, we advise you to use a scrub once a week, which can be prepared by adding sea salt or sugar to your regular shampoo.

Scalp problems

Some scalp problems can cause alopecia. See a dermatologist if you suspect seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or ringworm.

Change of seasons

If you live in a temperate region, you are familiar with sudden changes in daily temperatures, as well as changes in humidity. Whenever the weather changes, it affects not only your joints but also your hair. Remember that hair grows faster in the summer, so in the fall you can compare the condition of your head to withering trees shedding their leaves.

Passion for styling products

The first step to preventing hair loss is diagnosing your health condition. If a problem is detected, the doctor will prescribe comprehensive treatment. Remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid stressful situations whenever possible. Well, in conclusion, we have prepared advice from stylists for you. Even thinning hair will look healthy and full with a fashionable short haircut. For example, a bob hairstyle will transform you beyond recognition. Remember that hair care should be regular, but not fanatical. Washing your hair on a daily basis, as well as using styling products to hold your hair in place, leads to premature breakage. Until your hair regains its former volume, avoid using straightening irons, curling irons and a hot hair dryer.

Losing less than 120 hairs per day is an inevitable part of the human aging program. However, an excessive rate of loss of cover indicates pathology. This article discusses causes of hair loss in women and methods of treating the disease.

In contact with

Types of baldness

The following types are distinguished hair loss and alopecia formation:

  • Focal. Hairless areas form, which gradually merge.
  • Subtotal. Up to 50% of the original strands are lost. At the same time, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out.
  • Total. Complete baldness occurs.
  • Regional. Hairless areas appear on the temples and back of the head.
  • Shearing. There are pockets of broken hair.


Why do women lose hair on their heads?

Hair loss in women

There are external causes, which a woman can correct herself, and internal ones, which require the help of a qualified specialist to eliminate.

Important! There are external causes of hair loss, which a woman can eliminate on her own, and internal ones, when medical help is required.

External reasons

The following are the reasons why severe loss hair in women:

  • stress;
  • care errors;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition.

Excessive worries, lack of sleep, mental and emotional overload affect the loss of the integument and cause its accelerated death. Solar radiation, cold, and precipitation destroy the integumentary follicles.

The hair on your head is falling out
in women with frequent use of drying and curling tools. Perm, tight braids, ponytails, dreadlocks lead to traumatic overexertion and hair loss.

Smoking negatively affects the condition of the strands, making them brittle. Alcohol abuse produces toxic aldehyde.

The body tries to get rid of the poison in all ways - excretion with excrement, sweat and hair, as a low-value part of the body.

Bad habits include exhausting diets for weight loss, as well as religious fasts, during which the female body suffers from a lack of biologically active substances. The body supplies the hair follicles with scarce components on a residual basis, causing them to starve.

Irregular eating, snacking on the go, frequent consumption of fast food adversely affects the body, and hair in particular. The need of pregnant and nursing mothers for certain nutritional elements increases significantly. The body considers the main task to be procreation, therefore, even in the absence of food, it will force the gland to synthesize milk at the expense of body resources, despite severe hair loss in women.

Internal reasons

A woman’s health status is judged by the appearance of her curls. The following are listed internal reasons hair loss in women:

  • skin pathologies;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • endocrine abnormalities;
  • nutritional pathologies;
  • side effects of medications.

Hair loss in women occurs due to fungal and bacterial infections, as well as diseases of non-contagious etiology - psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea. The more advanced the disease, the stronger the loss.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the innervation of the bulbs, as well as their blood supply, is disrupted. Therefore, hair falls out a lot.

Girls rarely have problems with hair loss, but by the age of thirty, problems associated with hair loss appear. planning Hormonal changes occur.

The woman stops using contraception and takes medications that stimulate conception. That's why hair comes out. In addition, disturbances in the activity of the thyroid glandular occur.

Some women have congenital predisposition to baldness, similar to that which occurs in men. However, uneven hormonal levels hinder the implementation of this scenario. As we age, reproductive functions fade, the ratio of estrogens and androgens decreases, and the hereditary program begins to be implemented.

This is why hair thins in women who reach the age of forty. The problem may appear earlier if polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. After 50 years menopause is approaching, in which estrogen deficiency causes hair loss.

An unbalanced diet is involved in the occurrence of alopecia in women, as well as disease of the structural components of the digestive tract. If diarrhea develops, nutrients do not have time to be absorbed.

Why does hair fall out

Hair loss in women is associated with the following: age-related diseases, or rather, with the use of medications for them:

  • hypertension;
  • deposition of uric acid salts;
  • arthritis;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart disease;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • systemic pathologies;
  • tumors.

What diseases cause hair loss in women? Most medications used to treat the above pathologies acts trichotoxically, damaging hair follicles.

Important! Hair loss is a signal of the aging of the female body and the presence of chronic diseases.


Therapeutic procedures for hair restoration in women last for years, and achieving results in advanced situations is not guaranteed. The treatment is effective if started earlier than 3 years after the appearance of primary signs of hair loss.

What to do if you have hair loss? The first thing you need to do is consult a dermatologist or trichologist. He prescribes comprehensive treatment of the disease using the following therapeutic techniques:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies;
  • therapeutic nutrition;
  • care.

Drug therapy

There are many hair follicles on the human head, some of which are functional, while others are dormant. There are no medications that can stimulate the formation of new bulbs, so the therapeutic effect is aimed at strengthening those in working condition, as well as activating reserve ones.

What to take for baldness

The following are in demand medicines:

  • Sedatives - Reloxozan, Novopassit.
  • Drugs that normalize tissue circulation - Curantil, Solcoseryl.
  • Hormonal agents - Flucinar, Dexamethasone.
  • Immunocorrectors - Cyclosporine, Anthralin.
  • Tranquilizers - Sibazon, Azafen.
  • Vitamin and mineral mixtures - Perfectil, Alphabet.
  • Shampoos, vitaminized lotions - Vichy, Neopid, Rinfoltin.

When medications do not help with hair loss, transplant is used strands or other surgical methods.


There are methods for eliminating hair loss using the following: physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Galvanization. The action of a weak electric current stimulates the metabolic processes of the hair follicles.
  • Electrophoresis. Medications are transferred to the scalp using direct current. This technique strengthens and prolongs effect of drugs.
  • Darsonvalization. High frequency magnetic waves are used. There is an expansion of the arterioles that supply the bulbs.
  • Laser therapy. Stimulates the flow of lymph from the follicles, accelerates the processes of tissue and cell regeneration. Cures seborrhea, as well as lichen.
  • Cryotherapy. Effect on the area of ​​baldness liquid nitrogen.
  • Massage.

Head massage against hair loss

The following are distinguished: types of massage treatments:

  1. Using a laser comb or massage brush.
  2. Aromatherapy. The scalp is rubbed using essential oils.
  3. Massage with a warm towel.

Folk remedies

Grandma’s recipes for hair loss don’t always help, but they don’t do any harm either. Here are some of them:

  • After washing, the hair is additionally rinsed with nettle infusion.
  • Rubbing in vegetable oils. It is recommended to use heated mixture of burdock and castor. After applying the oils, women put on a cap and leave for several hours. Remove with light shampoo.
  • A mixture of chopped onion, egg yolk and burdock oil is applied to the head 60 minutes before washing it.
  • Spread soaked rye bread on your hair. After three hours, wash off with water.
  • Rub onion juice into the skin.
  • Rinse your head with an infusion of onion peels.

Important! Stopping hair loss is possible with timely consultation with a specialist and long-term treatment.


Stop hair loss In women it is possible if you follow the recommendations below:

  • Avoid eating spicy, fatty, smoked, strong coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and limit sweets.
  • Get rid of harsh cosmetics by switching to gentle products.
  • To get a haircut, giving up tied braids and ponytails.
  • Stop using a hairdryer and curling your hair.
  • Use cosmetics with a therapeutic effect, for example, coconut oil, tocopherol nicotinate, phytoaxil.
  • Avoid overload and stress.
  • In rainy weather, protect your hair follicles with an umbrella, and in hot or cold weather wear a hat.

Hair loss is one of the problems that people often face. Moreover, it is characteristic equally for men and women of all ages. Hair loss can have different causes:

  • stressful situations;
  • heredity;
  • illness;
  • strict diets;
  • chemotherapy treatments;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • major operations, etc.

Hair loss is natural – a physiological phenomenon. Therefore, you should not wonder why the hair on your head is falling out and worry if a small tuft remains on your comb. It is considered normal if 50-100 hairs fall from the head every day.

If hair loss is intense, the hairline is quickly thinning, and this is noticeable after washing and combing, you should see a trichologist. After conducting an examination and studying the tests, the doctor will determine why the hair on your head is falling out and recommend treatment.

Natural loss

Natural hair loss is common to all people. It is present in both adults and children. At the same time, men have more severe hair loss, and this is the norm, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the male body. Men's hair grows on average 25 cm per year.

Women are characterized by less abundant hair loss during the day, however, unlike men, the fair sex can quickly grow hair to the required length, since the annual increase in the existing length can reach up to 12-70 cm (taking into account the type, health of the hair, proper care).

The average number of hairs on the scalp is:

  • blond hair – 90-100 thousand;
  • red hair – up to 60 thousand;
  • black hair – 70 thousand.

The density of the curls depends on the thickness of the hair shaft. Long hair falls out less intensely.

Pathological loss

Every person who regularly takes care of their hair, monitoring the health of their hair and its thickness, quickly discovers an atypical condition, namely excessive thinning. Why does hair fall out? The common causes for hair loss are:

  • heredity - hair loss is typical for men and is called androgenetic alopecia.
  • external, physiological factors. Many people believe that baldness is inherited exclusively, which is why many questions arise about why hair falls out. The condition of the hair depends on many factors that can contribute to hair loss, such as protein deficiency, stress, toxin poisoning, illness, chemotherapy treatments, and hormonal imbalance.
  • Injuries received or operations undergone.

Hereditary and other forms of alopecia

Hair loss due to hereditary causes is common mainly in men. The first symptoms may appear as early as 14-16 years of age. The sign of hair loss is passed on from mother to son. Therefore, if on the mother’s side her brothers and father have thin hair, then the boy’s hair will most likely thin out very quickly.

The second reason why hair began to fall out may be hidden in the presence of a pathology such as focal baldness. This disease is common to both men and women. In humans, hair falls out in local areas, resulting in “nests” without hair appearing on the head. You can stop such hair loss if you start treatment on time, and after six months the hair will begin to recover. If within 2 years the existing lesions do not heal, but new ones do not appear, then they can be closed by resorting to hair transplantation.

Patients are also often concerned about why hair falls out all over the head, and not in some areas. This is diffuse alopecia, when the hairline thins evenly. In some cases, you can do without treatment. With scarring alopecia, hair disappears in a certain area of ​​the skin where scar tissue has formed after injury or surgery - this is the most common opinion. In fact, there are many more causes of cicatricial alopecia. Contacting a trichologist will allow you to determine the cause and eliminate it. But in any case, only a transplant will help restore hair after scarring alopecia.

Diseases that can cause hair loss

To find out why a lot of hair is falling out, you should see a trichologist who will conduct a full examination. It is often discovered that the causes of hair loss in a girl or man can be associated with diseases:

  • stress is a negative condition in which physiological well-being is disrupted and hair loss is activated. If the stress is constant, the hairline can become very thin with the formation of obvious bald spots;
  • endocrine diseases - often for many patients who want to know why hair is falling out and what to do, the reasons are hidden in hormonal imbalances caused by a pathological state of the endocrine system. It is enough to undergo a full treatment and you can restore the natural thickness of the hairline;
  • dysbacteriosis is a pathological condition of the intestines caused by the proliferation of negative microflora that interferes with normal digestion, absorption of nutrients, and timely metabolism;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis is a fungal infection of the skin that looks like dandruff. It can develop with reduced immunity as a result of stress;
  • problems with blood circulation - they are typical for people with heart vascular diseases, and for coffee drinkers, patients who are worried about osteochondrosis.

Also, the reason why hair began to fall out significantly could be: diabetes, colds, serious operations, chemotherapy procedures.

Hair loss with bulb

Patients are often concerned about why hair falls out after using masks. Why a girl’s hair is falling out can be found out from a trichologist or after a comprehensive analysis of how to care for the scalp.

Why does hair fall out with the bulb? The main factor is hidden in the aggressive chemical effect on the scalp. For example, frequent dyeing, perming, and the use of chemicals lead to this result. If hair loss with follicles is not associated with this, the following can lead to a similar condition:

  • hormone imbalance;
  • oncology;
  • menopause;
  • the beginning of intimate life (which often explains why hair loss in teenagers);
  • psychological herbs;
  • taking medications;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, thyroid gland;
  • skin fungus.

If it is established why hair falls out severely and frequently, then you need to undergo full treatment of the underlying problem.

Excessive hair thinning

Why hair falls out, the reasons for this are different. More often, if a patient is concerned about why hair suddenly began to fall out, this is caused by the presence of severe stress and serious physiological problems.

You shouldn’t be surprised why your hair falls out when you wash it, or if you don’t eat right. In order for the hair to be thick and healthy, the daily diet must contain a variety of foods that provide the supply of vitamins and nutrients to the body. If a person adheres to a strict diet, a deficiency of useful elements gradually develops, the hair follicles weaken, the hair becomes thinner and falls out. As a result, the question arises: why does hair fall out on the head?

At the same time, to get rid of the problem, you need not only to use specialized shampoos and masks, but also to put your diet in order. Only then can the thickness of the hair be restored, while simultaneously removing the main factor why hair falls out after masks (incorrectly selected care products can also lead to this condition).

Hair loss in specific areas

Why does a bald spot appear on the head? Among the reasons are heredity and external, physiological problems. If there are no bald men in the family, the reason why hair falls out on the head may be a pathology of a nervous nature. Due to strong experiences, hair often begins to grow in clumps, and as a result, excessive thinning of the hairline may occur.

If there are no visible reasons why your hair suddenly began to fall out, you should see a trichologist or therapist, who will prescribe an examination by specialized specialists. Only a comprehensive examination of the body will help determine why hair began to fall out suddenly and prescribe proper treatment.

If everything is fine with your nervous condition, but your hair is thinning, this may be affected by oncology and gynecological pathologies. Often the reasons why hair begins to fall out are: AIDS, gonorrhea, STDs, etc. After the doctor determines why the hair is thinning and falling out, the underlying problem should be fully treated.

Male hair loss

Why does baldness appear in men? There are quite understandable explanations for this phenomenon:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • age;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
  • overtime work;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, fungal, infectious pathologies, etc.;
  • strict diets;
  • heredity;
  • vitamin deficiency.

To stop baldness, you need to find out why your hair is falling out so much. Only a medical examination can help with this.

Female hair loss

Women are often concerned about why the hair on their heads is falling out, because luxurious curls are one of the main advantages of the fair sex. Why hair is thin and falls out:

  • improper care - blow-drying, frequent shampooing, perms, constant coloring, highlighting, extensions, etc.;
  • skin fungus;
  • oncology;
  • Vitamin deficiency is one of the reasons why hair falls out in autumn;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, weakened immunity;
  • stress;
  • bad ecology;
  • menopause, childbirth, etc.

If a woman notices severe hair thinning, it is not enough just to find out why hair falls out in the fall. You need to undergo treatment to restore the natural thickness and attractiveness of your curls.

Hair loss in children

Why does a child's hair fall out? One of the questions that often worries parents. The problem of hair loss is common for people of all ages, including children. To find out why a girl is losing hair, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the reason is tight hairstyles, or maybe a serious pathology.

After the examination, it will be determined exactly why hair is falling out in children, and it will be possible to begin full treatment. The main factors leading to hair thinning can be:

  • hair shaft injuries;
  • skin fungus;
  • internal illnesses;
  • ringworm;
  • nervous condition.

It is imperative to find out why a child’s hair is falling out in order to stop the pathological process and restore the natural appearance and thickness of the hair.