Live with a person and not with appearance. Beauty is not the most important thing in life, or How can an ugly woman survive? Finally, I can give some advice to those who want to be successful in life, no matter how excellent data nature has awarded them

Many people would not refuse to have a more spectacular and beautiful appearance. It seems to them that happiness, health, career and money would simply fall into their hands if their appearance were more beautiful. But is this really so? How is life for handsome guys, is it easy? The article discusses some fun and important facts about beauty, which will undoubtedly be beneficial and will motivate people to take more care of their appearance and their image.
Beautiful people earn more It would seem that there is a connection between such phenomena as beauty and high earnings, but American scientists have found that tall, slender and attractive employees earn about 5 percent more than their plain-looking colleagues. Most often, this phenomenon is explained very simply by beautiful people, more self-confident, more active and charismatic, they attract people to themselves and achieve greater success in negotiations and when concluding contracts. So maybe it’s not about beauty as such, but about self-love? Those whom society considers not beautiful enough should not worry. You just need to love and value yourself, and then others will value you, including those who pay your salaries. Beautiful people are happier These conclusions were also voiced by the Americans. And the happiness of handsome men, in their opinion, is based precisely on the fact that they earn more. Strange logic. Apparently Americans see happiness this way. Money is happiness. Another version is that beautiful people also choose handsome men as partners. It’s easier for beautiful people to start a family, but is their marriage long-lasting? This remains in question? Beautiful men and women have higher intelligence levels This time the experiments were carried out by the British. Scientists have found that beautiful girls and young women have a higher intelligence level by 11.4 points, and handsome boys and boys have a higher intelligence level by 13.6 points. It was not possible to find out what caused the results of such an experiment, but the fact remains a fact. The left side of the face looks more harmonious In fact, it’s no secret that people’s faces are not proportional. But scientists went further and experimentally proved that the left half of the face is much more proportional and symmetrical than the right. And how can this be useful? Yes, just when taking pictures for social networks, you can be sure which angle to choose for a successful result. By the way, you can buy a trimmer for the nose and ears. To attract your soulmate, you just need to know one secret - smile. This is not about beauty as such, it’s about a sincere smile. However, smiling only helps women. The fact is that women do not like men who smile, because a smile indicates a man’s lack of masculinity and reliability. On a subconscious level, women do not perceive such men as their future partner. But for women, a smile is the main weapon in the fight for a man’s heart. Men love women with doll-like baby faces and a sincere, sweet smile. So maybe it’s not about beauty, but about sincerity and positive infusion? Attractive people are more likely to forgive shortcomings Scientists say that beautiful people are forgiven for many oddities and unexpected actions. And this is all out of curiosity, romantic motives, or simply because beautiful people “please the eye.” This is especially true for people of the opposite sex. A man is able to forgive a beautiful girl a lot, but another woman is more likely to become the beauty’s enemy and chief envy. These facts about beauty are of course interesting, but contradictory and unproven. So those with beautiful appearance need not be overly happy, just as people with ordinary appearance should not be needlessly upset. Finally, I can give some advice to those who want to be successful in life, no matter how wonderful data nature has awarded them: 1. You need to love and respect yourself.
2. Always take care of your appearance and enjoy it. You need to monitor your health and psychological well-being.
3.Learn to turn your shortcomings into highlights and advantages.
4.Increase confidence in yourself and your beauty.
5.You shouldn’t talk badly about yourself; people often perceive others not by their appearance, but by how they position themselves.

These tips will help you love yourself and respect your own person. Whether a person is beautiful or ugly is a controversial issue. But a person who radiates self-confidence, positivity and kindness will always be in demand, loved and respected.

Women often overestimate the role of appearance, subjecting themselves to all sorts of complexes. What if he doesn't like me? This is the question that plagues almost every one of us before a date. What to do if the answer to this question seems obvious, and it doesn’t say anything good?

Women are often subject to the influence of an inferiority complex associated with appearance. Everyone wants to be liked, and women do it even more so. That's the nature. A completely natural desire. The more you like it, the fewer dangers await you in the world around you. And a woman is a weak creature (at least, this opinion is so actively cultivated that even women themselves believe in it), and she is simply scared. If they don't like it, they'll eat it.

Hug and cry?

What if she’s ugly? How can you like it here? And - more importantly - how to find a partner? They greet you based on their clothes. And there are so many young, beautiful, spectacular women around... Well, how can you compete? They have everything, but the poor ugly one has nothing. All that remains is to withdraw into yourself, read sentimental novels and watch heartbreaking TV series, sighing about failed love and about the prince on a white horse, the only one who could see the treasure trove of virtues under his plain appearance.

Appearance is not the main thing

So - nothing like that. Novels and TV series are for those who don’t believe in themselves. Appearance, of course, matters. Where would we be without her? It’s been said that people are greeted by their clothes. But! They just meet. Then a completely different layout begins.

No beauty can hold a man’s attention for a long time if she demonstrates such “cute” qualities as stupidity, bitchiness (in the worst manifestation), rudeness, and unwillingness to listen to other people’s opinions (especially if it is the opinion of a man). And if it also turns out that her hands are not placed on her shoulders, but on... well, you understand, and she is not even able to cook decent scrambled eggs, then no amount of beauty will save her. She will attract attention to herself, that's undeniable. At first. Well, then... Then the second part of the proverb will come into play: they see you off according to your mind.

There are always chances!

Therefore, if an ugly woman is a storehouse of all sorts of virtues, if she is smart, kind, a good cook, capable of empathy, an attentive listener (especially if she knows how to listen to a man), then she has every chance of retaining attention. The only question is how to attract this attention.

The simplest and most effective way is to believe in yourself. What does it mean - ugly? Such a word should not be in a woman’s dictionary at all. A woman should be interesting. Spectacular. Attractive. This is the main thing. Show me where there is even a word about beauty? Not even close.

Interesting, effective and attractive

In order to achieve the desired result, in addition to self-confidence, you will need to create a certain image. This can be easily achieved with clothing and makeup. You shouldn’t pretend to be Cinderella in the process of being oppressed by your stepmother. No faceless clothes! Everything should be graceful, elegant and beautiful (yes, yes, it’s beautiful here).

For your information, there is no such thing as a bad figure. But there are clothes that are completely unsuitable for a particular figure. You can dress a top model in such a way that there is no question of her figure, but a fat woman in the right dress will look like a fashion model.

Weight doesn't matter

By the way, about fatties. Standard, store-bought clothing is not suitable for such figures. Here you will have to disturb the atelier. So that the clothes are tailored taking into account all the features (down to the last extra fold... well, let's call it leather). Unless knitwear can be standard - it is universal and equally suitable for any type of figure.

It's easier for skinny people. They don’t have to worry about finding a dressmaker, but go to any store (just not a local store!).

Greeted by clothes

The main requirement for clothing is grace, elegance and lack of standard. You can get away from the standard when purchasing clothes in stores in a simple way - mixing different models, brands and styles. Only harmoniously, otherwise instead of grace and elegance you may end up with a beautiful garden scarecrow.

Makeup is our savior

The main requirement for cosmetics is to disguise imperfections and highlight the advantages of the face. Well, there are no ugly faces. But wrong makeup happens. For those who are not confident in their abilities and taste, there are makeup artists. They will be happy to demonstrate their art and show what can be done “with a simple Singer sewing machine.”


But still, the determining factor for attracting attention, as has been repeatedly mentioned in our articles, is self-confidence. If a woman is sure that she will not be ignored by men, this will happen. Either this is some kind of energetic background, or simply emotional infection, but the fact remains a fact. The confidence of the ugliest woman in her own attractiveness gives much more than the most ideal beauty.

Well, then, when attention has already been attracted, all that remains is to demonstrate hidden virtues: kindness and goodwill, sympathy and empathy, intelligence and tenderness. And everything will be not just good, but even wonderful. Here is the recipe for women's happiness!

Every woman is very sensitive to her appearance; she so wants to look beautiful and attractive. But looking in the mirror, a girl does not always see an appearance that corresponds to the canons of beauty. “Why am I ugly?” - asks the young girl. To answer this question, you should first think about what is meant by beauty? Which girl was considered beautiful at different times?

Canons of beauty

Thirty years ago, the canon of beauty was Twiggy, a thin model who literally revolutionized all concepts of beauty. For many years, girls and women who did not have a slim figure literally tortured themselves with diets in order to somehow comply with these canons. But in the Renaissance, a woman was considered beautiful when she had the forms that we now call “Rubensian.” And in the 18th century, a woman was not considered beautiful unless she was blonde, and brunettes had to dye their hair or wear wigs.

Natural beauty and feminine forms are in fashion today. Girls with a slender figure, clear skin and natural hair color are considered beautiful. But on the islands of Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Jamaica, a woman is still considered beautiful only if her weight exceeds a hundred kilograms.

Therefore, if you consider yourself ugly, look at this situation from the other side. After all, everything is quite subjective, someone will definitely seem like a true beauty.

How to become beautiful

It is very important for a woman to feel beautiful, and therefore everyone tries to emphasize her attractive sides. People are born different - not everyone is as beautiful as they would like. But there are almost always advantageous aspects of appearance that can be emphasized: these can be beautiful eyes, delicate skin or luxurious hair. You just need to find your highlight and highlight it. A neat appearance, well-groomed figure, hair and nails look attractive, but people are also attracted to the inner qualities of a woman, her intelligence, and the ability to carry on a conversation. All this may not be given by nature, but every girl is capable of developing these virtues.

If you are somehow dissatisfied with your appearance, read our article - it will help you achieve the desired results.

The ability to find a common language with people and high moral qualities often make the most homely girl attractive. This is often neglected by beautiful girls who believe that appearance is the main thing. And this is one of the reasons why beautiful people are often not liked. A beautiful woman sometimes behaves dismissively or arrogantly with other people, feeling superior. In addition, beauties may be disliked out of banal envy.

Discrimination comes in many forms and faces, and most of them are born out of injustice: the discrepancy between what we deserve and what we receive. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who deserves what, but in the modern world it seems to us that merit is something that comes to us through our own efforts. For example, we cannot control the color of our skin, so treating someone poorly because of their skin color is harassment. This attitude will not necessarily be explicit: a society in which homosexuals are oppressed is not as oppressive as a society in which sexual minorities are generally outlawed - but it is still oppressive. It is very easy to oppress people for their sexuality and race, just as it is for their gender and social status. But if to oppress is to treat people less than they deserve, then there is another kind of oppression that is not so obvious: the oppression of ugly people.

We don't choose our facial features or the color of our skin, but people tend to discriminate against each other precisely because of their appearance. As Komila Shahani-Denning, a psychologist and professor at Hofstra University, found in a 2003 study, attractive appearance was favored in areas as diverse as teacher evaluations of students, candidate selection in an election, and a judge's decision. Attractiveness also plays an important role when choosing applicants for a job. Starting from childhood, from the moment the baby looks up at you and you look down at him, preference is ruthlessly given to the beautiful. Nobody likes ugly people.

Aristotle says directly that we cannot be happy unless our children are happy, and no one can be truly happy if he is ugly

By the way, the ancient Greeks had no moral qualms about this. As Swiss cultural historian Jacob Burckhardt notes, beauty was not only of great importance to the ancient Greeks, they widely and openly expressed their admiration for its value. At one point in Homer's Iliad, a commoner named Thersites appears who challenges Agamemnon's authority and is quickly confronted by Odysseus, whose contempt for the upstart is absolutely uncompromising: “He was the ugliest of all who came to Ilion.” Thus, from the further description we learn that for Homer, for the most part, “ugly is equated with “worst”:

An ugliest man, he came to Ilion among the Danaevs:

He was cross-eyed and lame; completely hunchbacked from behind

The shoulders met on the chest; his head rose

The point was up and was only sparsely strewn with fluff.

Equating “ugly” with “worst” is not only a feature of Homer’s poetics. The very Greek adjective καλός, meaning “beautiful,” also means “noble,” while άσχημος, that is, “ugly,” also means “shameful,” “dishonorable.” To quote Burckhardt again, in ancient Greece “the connection between beauty and spiritual nobility was almost undeniable.”

The Greeks openly admired beautiful people, immortalized perfectly proportioned athletes in marble, and equated handsome young men with demigods. But we should not forget that a society that praises beauty at the same time belittles everything that is ugly. Burckhardt cites a legend about a Spartan girl, later the wife of King Demaratus, who was so ugly that she was taken every day to the temple of Helen the Beautiful to cure her illness.

Our society is no less afraid of ugliness than the Greeks, although now they trust surgical intervention more than divine intervention. Parents still want their children to be beautiful, saving liposuction, implants and rhinoplasty for later years, but braces are installed as early as possible. After all, crooked teeth mean an unattractive smile, and an unattractive smile can cost too much in the future. Of course, adults will say that this is for health and not for attractiveness, but a child who is forced to wear braces understands the real reason very well. Braces have become a modern alternative to Chinese foot binding.

The Greeks would not hide the truth about braces. Aristotle says outright that we cannot be happy if our children are unhappy, and no one can be truly happy if he is ugly. Two things logically follow from this: that we want our children to be beautiful and that people who do not have beauty are more likely to be unhappy. We still adhere to this opinion, although we do not fully admit it to ourselves.

Why is everyone so worried about the obesity wave? Obviously, excess weight is dangerous to your health, but let's be honest - and I hope I'm not shocking you with the baseness of my nature now - but this whole anti-fat campaign is based less on concern for the health of the obese than on disgust. When we - or just me - meet someone who is irrepressibly overweight, a feeling of horror and even anger at him arises in us. It just seems wrong to be like this. It is very difficult to admit something like this without seeming immoral, so I will move on to Twilight of the Gods (1889) by Friedrich Nietzsche, who was free from such complexes:

“If you believe in physiology, then all the ugliness weakens and saddens a person. It reminds him of death, danger, powerlessness... When a person is generally depressed, he feels the proximity of something “ugly”. His sense of power, his will to power, his courage, his pride - all this diminishes along with the ugly and increases with the beautiful... The ugly is understood as a hint of degeneration and its symptom: what even remotely reminds us of degeneration causes in us the judgment is “ugly.” Every sign of exhaustion, heaviness, old age... above all, smell, color, form of decomposition - all of this causes the same reaction, all of this is “ugly”. Hatred is bursting out here - who does the person hate here? But there is no doubt about it: the decline of its type.”

In other words, Nietzsche would say that we hate to look at obese people because they are ugly and therefore remind us of the decline of our species. Nietzsche was more interested not in the nation as a whole, but in its individual individuals. While beautiful people incline us to deify the human race and make peace with ourselves, ugly people dry up our spirit and make us depressed about the future of the human race. Do you think this is too much? Maybe. But remember the cartoon "WALL-E" (2008), in which the people of the future look more like bloated pork butts with swollen chins, confined to wheelchairs and unable to stand up without mechanical assistance. Does such a nightmare really have no effect on the perception of obesity?

Of course, we wouldn't want that to be the case. On the one hand, there is something proto-Nazi about this. On the other hand, it’s just petty and evil, and we are ashamed to be petty and evil. Judging a book by its cover is quite superficial. And to be superficial means to be ugly in another, internal way.

Nietzsche associates this change in the concept of beauty from external to internal with the revolution carried out by the unsightly thinkers of the past: priests and philosophers, to whom Socrates himself belonged. He denied the Greek connection between physical beauty as a necessary ingredient for happiness. On the contrary, he believed that intelligence would bring virtue and virtue would bring happiness.

As you know, Socrates was far from handsome, but he managed to raise his thought to such a level of beauty that beautiful young men fell hopelessly in love with him, cursing their spiritual ugliness and begging for his attention. Nietzsche had a cynical explanation for this: “Thanks to dialectics, the mob finds itself on top.” It is difficult to think of a better response to a society in which beauty is perceived as a reflection of nobility than to simply redefine the very concept of beauty as a quality that is inherent only in intellectuals and thinkers.

Socrates' reversal does place intellectuals (artists or priests) in a privileged position. By modern standards, this still seems categorical and judgmental. We want to continue moving in a revolutionary direction. We want to deny anyone's ugliness at all. Either we are all beautiful on the inside, or physical beauty in general is too relative, so who can judge? In any case, it is remarkable how difficult it is to get anyone to admit that a person is ugly. After some time, our appearance still reflects the decisions we once made (as George Orwell noted: “By the age of 50 you have the face you deserve,” which makes separating physical beauty from the rest difficult. And yet.

Does this mean that our culture is not as oppressive of the ugly/ugly as in Ancient Greece? The truth is that we don't want to appear narrow-minded and cruel, but that doesn't mean we aren't. To cover up this unattractive fact, we pretend that ugliness simply does not exist, thus creating a new level of oppression. In a sense, the situation for ugly people is the same as for black people in a so-called post-racial society: the very category due to which oppression occurs does not seem to exist.

For ugly people, the situation is even sadder, because no one takes ugliness seriously as a separate category for harassment. Those troubles that occur on racial grounds, of course, cannot even be compared with those that were caused by ugliness, but this does not make them any less real. You can think of them in terms of the opportunities and chances that each of us has when pursuing our dreams. Let's say you want to become an astronaut, an acrobat or an actor. Desire alone is not enough: a lot depends on your talents and abilities.

The less talent we have, the less our chances of success, and attractive appearance is certainly considered one of the talents. It is important for career growth, which, as research shows, begins in school. And it doesn’t take a genius to notice that it is also important for any human relationship. Beautiful people always have more opportunities. The problem of choice is, of course, also a problem, and it occurs much more often among beautiful people. For example, people with attractive appearance are more likely to commit adultery simply because they always have such an opportunity. But all the same, we would all like to have more chances in various life lotteries, and ugly people, in the end, have fewer of them.

Maybe it's not oppression, but just bad luck? After all, there are no laws that would send the ugly to the margins of history? Of course, you may be upset or resentful that runners are the fastest and acrobats have the best balance, but this is hardly oppression: in some cases, the reward actually goes to those who deserve it. At the same time, to be a good web designer, it is not necessary to have an attractive appearance, so this factor should not be taken into account when hiring. Such a law, of course, would be difficult to pass, and not only because the final decision in hiring is not always logically explicable.

In real life, there are many professions where appearance helps a lot. Not only the obvious film industry, modeling or restaurant business, but also sales, management and even teaching: as long as clients, employees or students remain sensitive to appearance, ugly people will have a harder time winning over the audience.

Those troubles that occur on racial grounds, of course, cannot even be compared with those that were caused by ugliness, but this does not make them any less real

This shows that oppression of the ugly is not based on any laws or conscious decisions, but occurs on a subconscious level during our everyday interactions. Ugly people deserve the same things as everyone else: to have their words listened to, their gestures noticed, and looked straight into their eyes. But that's not exactly what they get, and through no fault of their own.

As you've probably already heard, life in general isn't fair. It is unlikely that many people deliberately discredit ugly people. As annoying as it may sound, the attitude of the ancient Greeks was simply passed on to us. Sometimes we do notice that external beauty does not always mean internal beauty, but our first impression will always be positive: he seems like a nice guy. We already like to look into his beautiful eyes, listen to the words from his beautiful mouth, we want to stay next to him longer. But for some beautiful people, especially women, such magnetism can work in two directions: appearance attracts all attention, and words already fly by. Also a kind of bad luck.

The problem is that we are mature beings with already established attitudes. To imagine that we can completely rid ourselves of our natural inheritance, that we will get what is due to us, or even be what we deserve to be, is an illusion: an illusion which the Greeks, with their idea of ​​Fate and Fate, never fed. But our imagination, like our facial features, does not always obey us. But this doesn’t mean that we don’t try to make them better.

Of course, this can only be your opinion, which is actually far from the truth. It's rare to meet truly ugly people. It is important to understand that everyone has their own characteristics, and to perceive their imagined or real shortcomings precisely as characteristics.

I consider myself ugly, what should I do?

Once Coco Chanel, who is now considered a style icon, noted: “If a woman is ugly, then she is simply stupid.” Even in those days, there were many ways to highlight your best sides and de-emphasize your shortcomings. Nowadays, the fair sex has many opportunities to improve their appearance.

Realize that if you are ugly, it is your choice. Do you want to receive more compliments and love your reflection in the mirror? So we need to act! Determine what features you are dissatisfied with, make a plan with points in which you describe how you can correct this or that problem. Now that you have this plan in place, get to work!

Complexes or imperfect appearance

In fact, your lack of confidence in your own appearance may just be a complex that someone once instilled in you. They pointed out some “flaw” to you and you believed it.

Many of your “imperfections” that you are embarrassed about may not be noticed at all by people or not considered as such. Such self-doubt indicates low self-esteem, and a visit to a psychologist can normalize the situation.

Probably, many have heard stories about stars who, having a beautiful appearance, were dissatisfied with themselves or had complexes about their fading youth, going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. As a result, the appearance, which seemed standard to millions of people, was simply ruined. Such celebrities include Renee Zellweger, Lara Flynn Boyle, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan and many others. Surely, these women decided to undergo surgery, ceasing to consider themselves beautiful. Look at the photos of these actresses before plastic surgery, and see that their claims to themselves were very far-fetched.

How to understand that you are a beautiful girl

One of the main criteria in this matter is the compliments of others. If people periodically note the advantages of your appearance, then apparently you are really beautiful.

There are simply no specific beauty templates. The ideal changes every decade, and every culture has completely different ideas about female beauty.

However, note that beauty does not always translate into charisma, charm, sexuality or intelligence. It’s great if you have undeniable external and internal advantages, but if you are deprived of physical beauty, you can be no less successful in all areas of life than written beauties.

Surely, you have often heard stories about how men leave their beautiful wives for seemingly completely inconspicuous people. Many people ask the question: “What did he find in her?”, but when you watch such women in person, everything becomes obvious - they are so charming, smart, sexy and attractive that external “ordinariness” ceases to be so.

And this effect happens quite often. You may hear about some woman that he is very beautiful, but when you see her at the first second, you don’t understand everyone’s admiration. Once you start observing such a woman, you suddenly also begin to notice her beauty. It's all about charm - you're not born with it, but actively develop it.

How to love yourself if I'm fat

If excess weight really upsets you, then there is only one way out - to get rid of it. You may think that you are already doing everything possible, but the hated kilograms remain in place. This means that this is not true and you are not doing your best, in other words, you are not trying hard enough.

Girls who cannot lose weight are either not motivated enough or have health problems. To exclude the second option, get examined by an endocrinologist, nutritionist, or gastroenterologist.

Set yourself a deadline within which you need to lose weight. For example, you can read stories of girls who got rid of personal weight. There are many groups in this area on VK, where you can see the “Before” and “After” results, and make sure that with the right degree of desire and perseverance, you can also achieve the desired forms.

What should I do if I have an ugly face (long nose, bad skin, small breasts)

Many believe that at least 50 percent of beauty consists of other qualities - not the nose or breasts. If you have well-groomed hair, clear skin, healthy teeth and a slim body, then you can at least be considered a pretty girl or woman. All of these points are quite achievable if you really want it.

There are several large sites on the Internet where girls leave detailed reviews with photographs about how they managed to grow their hair or bring it to its ideal condition. There you will also find information about skin care, sports activities and healthy diets.

There is also a lot of information on the Internet on how to visually smooth out certain imperfections.

Plastic surgery is the solution

If this is not enough for you, and some part of the body or face is seriously poisoning your life, it seems that it is time to think about surgical intervention. Many women, for example, having undergone rhinoplasty, admit that they really regret that they did not take this step earlier. Contact a specialist and find out his opinion - is surgery really necessary for you?

Consider possible risks. If plastic surgery is your only option, then choose your clinic carefully. Look for real reviews, try to get in touch with the institution’s clients through a social network, asking them about all the “pitfalls” of the operation. Often, such interventions are not cheap, and if you do not have the required amount, then this is not a reason to be upset. Many clinics perform the operation on credit, “splitting” the payment into several payments.

I don't like my height - I'm too tall or short

Whatever your height, look for the positives in it. Tall and short stature are good in their own way. Tall girls often envy their miniature friends, and they, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with their diminutiveness, dreaming of adding more than a dozen centimeters to their height.

To make it easier to gain self-confidence, find information about celebrities who are about the same height as you. They often look great and don't seem to have any self-esteem problems at all. See what these stars wear, what style and hairstyles they prefer, and try to get closer to these canons.

How to live as an ugly woman

What to do to love yourself

Realize that there is no other you in the world and that’s great! Perhaps your appearance really does have some shortcomings, but why did you decide that they deserve more attention than your advantages?

Pay attention to your strengths, highlight them, and focus on them. Behave confidently, and this will have a positive effect on the attitude of others. Probably, many girls have noticed this phenomenon: a girl who is ugly in your opinion behaves confidently and even a little defiantly, and at the same time she has a wonderful personal life, and many fans seek her attention. Self-confidence sometimes attracts much more than external beauty.

Tricks of makeup and transformation using clothes

There are many videos on the Internet that clearly demonstrate how even the most homely person can turn into a model from the cover of a magazine after applying makeup correctly. Now there are many techniques, affordable cosmetic products and salon treatments that can significantly change your appearance for the better. Watch some video tutorials and you will see that these skills are not difficult to master!

Clothing, like makeup, is designed not only to hide nudity from others and to escape the cold, but also to draw attention to your winning sides, highlight your skin tone, visually enhance hair color, add or hide volumes in the right areas. places and the like.

Determine your color type using numerous tables on the Internet and read which shades will suit you. It is quite possible that previously, for some reason, you avoided, for example, the color pink, without even suspecting that combinations with it were most suitable for you.

Examples of successful imperfect stars (cinema or Hollywood) who became famous thanks to or despite their imperfections

There are many women in the world who cannot boast of an ideal appearance, but very few pay attention to this. However, if there are such women, then these women do not care about their opinion, because they have achieved fame, recognition and success, despite criticism. Let's talk about some of them.

This woman is successful, rich and has many fans around the world. What made her so? At first glance, it’s difficult to call this actress’s face ideal, but when you start watching how she speaks, looks, moves, laughs, you forget that her appearance is imperfect.

In the 60s of the last century, she even played in the film “Funny Girl.” This is a biographical film about the real person Fanny Brice, who, despite many features of her appearance (squint, big nose, etc.) managed to become a real Broadway star. Barbara saw in herself many similarities with Fanny, but, like the prototype of the film, Streisand managed to achieve success, despite external shortcomings.

When Winnie was a child, she often had to catch other people's eyes on her, and the reason for this was her disease Vitiligo. The girl had to face ridicule and insults, and she no longer expected anything good from life until she pulled herself together and showed willpower. Having grown up, the Jamaican native went on the show “America's Next Top Model,” instantly captivating its creators. The girl managed to become famous in America and abroad, having concluded many expensive contracts. Now she is in demand, successful and famous, but once upon a time those around her called her a cow, because of the white spots on the dark skin of her face and body.

Now this graceful Englishwoman regularly appears on big screens, being the standard of elegance for many women. Surely, for Tilda herself it is strange to be in such a status, because, according to her, in childhood she was not perceived as a girl. The actress notes that she decided to “turn off sexuality,” but this did not save her from the public’s attention, and it’s all about her incredible charisma!

The popular actress has heard criticism addressed to her since childhood and continues to hear it to this day, but this did not stop her from becoming a world-famous star. Moreover, he is a happy mother and wife. In addition, in her youth, Parker was in a long-term relationship with one of the first handsome men of Hollywood, Robert Downey Jr., and today she is a real style icon!