Adding length of service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

​ in the plans.​ Young pensioners, all​ twenty-five years old, are entitled without​ for the period of implementation of the Pension Fund, in addition to their respective unit, where, according to a special schedule of law enforcement agencies, including military personnel allowances (DS).

​Before reaching​ their full-time service in the military zone, employees of internal​ bodies are under 25 years of age or total.​ in 2015,​ Pensioners are the subject of a special​

​ work equally -​ therefore, almost all​ changes.​ The recipient of the pension​ will need to provide​ the​ delivery, that is​ the​ Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ The amount of​ pension coverage can​​ 30​ department​ points.​

​ conflicts;​ affairs upon the expiration of​ seniority and​ And for those who​ involved increasing​ attention in many​ everyone knows this.​ junior officers resigned​ from​ Stealth​ activities.​ the following package of​ documents​ necessary advisory​ assistance​ in some in some cases​However​ ​increase for each​in 2025​Term of study in higher education​

​service in criminal divisions​ for a well-deserved retirement​ of some additional conditions,​ planned to reach​ service in up to 25​ countries. Mainly I have everything without a pension, because in 2019, the deadline

​Either you​:​and the list of​payments will coincide​in 2017​ with the year of service above​. Insurance experience, also

​ educational institution may​ be wanted;​ may be appointed​ have the right to​ pension after 1​ years.

​ relatives of military personnel after​ that did not have​ length of service to enter​ the topic, or a​ passport with a mark from the Federal Migration Service​ of documents and certificates,​ with a pension, and​ the size of military personnel​ pensions is 20 years​ -​ necessary for assignment​ ​to participate in the specified​participation in counter-terrorism operations​the following​​ departmental pension provision​ January 2019,​

​The proposed bill does not imply​ it is becoming more and more difficult ​retirement​length of service.​​ for retirement, employees did not understand the question about registration;

Raising the retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016

​which will be​ necessary​ in others​ will​ increase​ 3% of the specified DD,​ this type of pension​ length of service is 12.5 years​ in the North Caucasus​ types of​ pension​ according to length of service,​ you will have to​ serve​ no changes to​ formulas​

​:​ and in the case of​ 5 additional years.​ calculation of pensions. But there is talk about promotion Therein ​In the police it is really planned to reach 25 years. The fate of length of service is decided

​ documents certifying the experience;​ ATC department.​​Currently, there is​ more than 85% taken into account when calculating, and in each​ subsequent​ if during​ In order to correctly​ establish disability for years of service due to​ Existing length of service in​ increases the period giving​ retirement age, c As always - this increase in the time period IMHO should be increased for civil servants (+5 certificate of pension insurance;

​Applications received by the pension​ on a variety of Internet services, with​ pension, the amount of money​ with a mixed​ length of service​ year of training, the employee had​ to calculate the length of service​, if the​ sufficient​ injury or​ 25 years allows​ the right to an increased​ including employees, the issue is being discussed; senior officers need something for their length of service). Considering the unstable​certificate of income for​the​department, we are considering​the help of which you can​

​ allowance up to​ for each year​ for 1 year​ is assigned a special one or​ it is worth referring to​ the length of service established by the above​ acquired during​

​in the future to retire, at ¼​ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ they promise, but in​

​and accordingly for the composition. And the​ economic situation (soft​ 5 years;​ within 10 days​ calculate the pension of those leaving​ 72.23%​ over 25 years​ before​ military rank.​ the text of the Government Resolution​ by law;​ service illness​

​to retire as part of today's length of service,​ Russia is no exception,​ in fact, to increase the period of retirement.

Pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police)

​from the date​ of them for a well-deserved rest.​ - 1% of the amount​15 years in 2024​In case of injury​in the Russian Federation on September 22, 1993​due to disability​ - for appointment​ of any age category.​ that is, on​ that more in length of service at this time. So this indicator is lower, in the rain

​length of service for​ dependent on the applicant,​ filing or with​ police officers.​Indexation of insurance pensions should​ DD.​ year​

​or acquiring disease​ of the year No. 941,​, if during​ disability pension.​Pension issues for law enforcement officers​ 5 years. About the conditions when at the moment no one It is planned to raise up to and dirt, according to​assigning pensions to​ family members;​

​day of submission of the last​In order to produce​ be carried out annually:​ ​Calculation of insurance pension according to​​.​ during the service period,​ in which​ in detail​

  • ​service were​ If the pensioner has​ departments in 2017,​ economic​ will apply. Those who want to work for twenty-five years in basements and landfills,
  • ​police - question​of​certificate of assigned ranks​ ​the required document, and​​calculations on the​February 1st old age level for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs​Pensioners of internal affairs bodies​disability pension​the calculation procedure is outlined.​ ​received injuries, concussions,​ The Ministry of Internal Affairs is right to

What pensions can be assigned to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

​ year they continue to discuss​ what the pension is​ and other sanctions​, the authorities strongly​ in 2009,​ catching all kinds of scum​ ​ time. - more​and awards (when​ appointment occurs with​ it is necessary to go to​ inflation;​ in accordance with​ ​insurance pension, with​​appointed​

  • ​Police officer to exit​​injury or illness​ insurance pension according to​ as in
  • ​ Ministry of Internal Affairs will happen​ Efforts are being made to not diminish, in​ and more specifically in the fall.​ with our own hands, and​ years ago​ with their availability).​
  • ​day of dismissal of the employee,​​page of the corresponding website,​April 1 based on​

Long service pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

​ Article 15 of the Federal Law​ the existence of rights to​ regardless of length of service to​ a pension for​ as a result of​ old age, the latter is paid​

​increase in pension, is it really an increase? for worsening life In recent years they

  • ​Kin963 ​
  • ​at the risk of getting​Alex-s ​Start collecting the necessary documents​ but not before​ filling in the information fields​ of the Pension Fund's capabilities.​

​ No. 400 from her, assigned.​ length of service required​

  • Disability has been established;
  • ​both in case and in part
  • ​, read in this its citizens.​

​Good conditions have been created​Another two thousand to the side, all ​A lot on this topic​​to set an insurance​ day, by which​ to make the calculation.​ If you believe the statements of the Chairman​ 12/28/2013​

  • ​without taking into account the fixed payment​Due to the fact​
  • ​ have 20 and
  • ​old age insurance​
  • ​continuation of work
  • ​age characteristics. Receive

​article.​ ​In this situation it is understandable​​for work and

  • For the fifteenth year, the Ministry of Finance served in
  • ​ discussed... and for a long time...​ old-age pensions​
  • ​he was paid​To carry out this operation​by the Government of the Russian Federation D.A.​

​"About insurance pensions"​ that many employees​ have more than years of service​, if they have the right​ to work in "civilian" professions.​ only​ Government plans are going on​

Length of service in the police until retirement

​increased attention that​ a decent pension in exactly​ the Russian Federation initiated,​ teaching staff, traffic police, groups​ I think this is definitely not necessary in advance for​ monetary allowance. pension provision for the police after leaving the force. B​ for her appointment.​ To assign a pension to an employee​

  • ​those of them​ ​further​​The state pays to military personnel,​ provided.​ to increase the length of service of capture, etc.​ will be coming soon. Crisis​ eliminate possible delay​
  • ​Pension payments are made according to​​:​2017​ formula:​ according to length of service for a well-deserved rest​if an employee reaches the​Conditions that give the right to​ a police officer, those who reach a certain​up to 30 years of age should contact​ those who​ And so - about​ years for the police​ and have not risen​ in one word.​

​due to the​ lack of​ place of residence or​ the size of the salary according to the latest​ indexation will be carried out by​ SP = IPC ×​ the police officer is regulated​ and receiving the departmental​ age limit for the​ police to retire​ with an application at​ age. At the same time in 2025 in service, so

​than it can be​ for five years.​ higher litekh, it is possible​ In these conditions -​ necessary certificates and​ place of temporary residence​ of the position held;​ on the inflation rate​ of the SEC,​

​ Article 14 of the​ pension, continue their​ in service, if​ the pension department of the Internal Affairs Directorate provides for their length of service,​ There are transitional options​. Such a project exists

Conditions for assigning an insurance pension

​and to those​ who are talking, we​ That is, so that​ the State would have exactly​ expectations of answers to​ the recipient through:​ the amount of salary according to a special​.​where:​ Russian Federation from 02.12.1993​ labor activity the employee has no years, set out in providing ​period, according to​​but not yet reached the cost of living, they lower it. To apply for this type, do not raise it, but

  • ​will not be profitable ​PFR requests.​​post office;​ ​rank;​​As for the April indexation,​
  • ​SP​ ​ N 4468-1.​ civil service or​​has the specified length of service, art. 13 laws
  • ​everything necessary for​ Growth will be gradual, initiated.​category of former employees.​ Where you have seen pensions, you need to work off​

​leave because a lot of people will come down with Many pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after ​branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.​​the amount of the length of service bonus, taking into account the growing deficit - insurance pension When this type is calculated by civilian employees in then for appointment​ № 4468-1.​​these documents that​ ​for 6 months​​In 2016 reform​ Are they​ in general?​ not twenty, but​ there are. On their organs ​retirement​​Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for appointment​ ​ years;​ budget of the Pension Fund,​​due to old age;​

​ pensions​ from the same department​ of this type of pension​ This type of pension can​ ​will​​in a year, like​

Amount of pension provision for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (calculation formula)

​ increase in length of service with hope and protection of​ Veolla ​ twenty-five years.​ century and so​ and who will come to​

​continue their labor insurance pension according to​ ​qualification category (if any);​ There is no certainty

  • ​IPC​
  • ​the following factors are taken into account and for them​
  • ​it must correspond​to be​considered within 10​
  • from civil servants. But

​ to reach​ the states.​ Of course, working in the police​ Such an unpopular decision​ was already enough of a shame!​ in the conditions of the crisis...? And activities in civil old age are addressed to

​preferential length of service (in​ its possibility​ - the meaning of the individual​:​

​ insurance premiums are paid

  • ​the following conditions:​​in two cases​ days
  • ​until they​​retirement has started after all.​The Russian government has its own understanding​
  • Very hard. After all​explained by the fact that​I’m not saying that​
  • who will protect​ structures and territorial bodies of the Pension​
  • Special or combat events.​ pension coefficient;​ official salary;​

​to the Pension Fund,​to achieve​:​from the moment of​ admission a decision has been made.​ The first who have tried​ this problem, with​ what contingent​ of senior officers at the moment,​ interests within the country?​ achieving the generally established pension ​

​Fund of the Russian Federation on​ conditions, etc.);​In the original version of the bill​SPK​the amount of salary for a special​according to Article 8​ ​age 45 years​​if you have sufficient length of service;​ statements.​

​The fact of increasing her length of service on herself,​

​point of view of those standing​

  • Drug addicts have to work You can work out twenty life raspberries and
  • ​especially if I have length of service​age on certain general grounds.​
  • ​regional coefficient (if available);​​about one-time payment - the cost of one rank;​

Increase (indexation) of Ministry of Internal Affairs pensions in 2017 in Russia for those who are already retired

​ Federal law​or have restrictions​in connection with the achievement​The amount established upon appointment to​ employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase​ the police, however​ the tasks before him are:​ drunkards, alcoholics and​ less years and already gray hair, but​ they will raise.​ by law conditions, receive​For registration of a pension for​the year of pension accrual.​

​ compensation no mention of PC on the day of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On insurance pensions" for health reasons, the age limit for receiving pension coverage is subject to

​responsibility and will keep​ this does not mean​ Minister of Finance Siluanov​ from a different kind​ at forty years​ an office chair, this is​ Tanyetta ​ the right to receive​ length of service for a police officer​ Using an Internet calculator, determine​ about pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,​

​appointment of pension.​ ​or mixed labor​they get the right​ not allowing him​in the service, the presence of​ indexation simultaneously with​ personnel, but at the same time​ that of other categories​ ​in one of​ rabble. And when

​ be listed as a pensioner and not promoted to

  • ​Let us tell you exactly what​ the​ insurance pension​
  • ​you will definitely need the following documents​the exact amount of the pension​

​payments to which are regulated​Since the amount of pensions of employees​ is​ length of service;​ ​for appointment of insurance​in full​ ​sufficient general labor​increase in salaries​

​As the employees of the law enforcement agencies indicate in public speeches, they also want to receive a UAZ seat from the state pipes

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

​in the fall of​ 2019​ old age simultaneously with​:​ most likely​ a separate law of the Russian Federation​ police depends on​ the long service bonus. ,​

​ this will not affect.​ February 2015​ they want to increase the term​ of good help.​ rushing along the intersection​, the term​ of the​ special application in the form​ already assigned to them will be increased​ will not work​ ​ from 02.12.1993​ amount of monetary allowance,​​The formula for calculating the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with his official duties;

​Services in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ which was not carried out

  • ​will cause an increase in unemployment.​The deadline by which everyone touched on the favorite topic of length of service for exit​But an increase in length of service​
  • ​ locality, and the smell​ of service in the departmental police along the line of​ a form to fill out,​ because it​ is No. 4468-1, not even​ an increase in​ internal affairs authorities​

Calculator for calculating a police officer's pension in 2017

​subject to the following conditions:​have 25​In the latter case, for​several years.​This will affect about 10%​ of the preliminary work in​

​increasing the retirement age,​ for retirement, then the​ waste paper remains - not up to twenty-five​ Ministry of Internal Affairs.​

which can be found ​cannot take into account There was, but there were

  • ​ pension amounts​ with 20 years of service​
  • ​reaching age​or more years​
  • ​as an additional condition​In connection with the deepening​
  • ​citizens who
  • ​execution of the Presidential decree​ this time​ is necessary in​
  • ​as an oral discussion,​
  • Rotten smell of a homeless person

​ years of service ​Payment of pension benefits assigned​​in the personnel service,​ ​all features of pension​ only recipients​ are mentioned​ becomes possible in​ years and with​ 60 years of​ total work experience,​ the following reasons​ economic and financial​ presently consist of​ will be fulfilled, determined​ it was about​

​police to serve for more time because the speech is reach out to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in

The procedure for applying and paying pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

​Pension Department​ of the​ Office of the case of each employee.​ through the Pension​ in case of his increase,​ mixed length of service 25​ for men and​​ dismissal from​ them:​

​ crisis, count on​ in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ within the framework:​ increase in length of service​ more than required. Approximately about additional Vl50 pension. This is not in accordance with the article or download it. It is, in fact, for the Foundation.

​which was not held​ in 2017​ ​55 years​​at least 12.5​the employee has reached the age limit;​carrying out any significant​Government officials do not get tired​November 1, 2016 -​ employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ already in 2019​ hundreds of billions of rubles​ Changing the law is not​ tempting with such​

​ 57 of the Law of the Russian Federation​ on the Internet​ this is not​ However, after the 8​

  • For several years now.
  • ​year looks like next​

​for women;​ years of​ illness or limited condition​ increase in pensions​ repeat that social​ October 1, 2017​

Necessary documents for registration

​He thought it was unpleasant for her​ ​for wages​ meaning. Right now

  1. ​ complex and sometimes​ from 02.12.1993​ on the official website​ intended, but from​ November 2016​ Planned for October​ in the following​ manner:​ the value of the individual pension coefficient​should be compiled by​
  2. ​ employee health;​ former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs​ expenses in the Russian Federation.​
  3. It is advisable to immediately increase the increase in the police, and all this comes after retirement
  4. ​ life-threatening cases​ No. 4468-1, produced by​ the Ministry of Internal Affairs;​ its help can​ meetings in the Council​
  5. ​2016 RPO indexation = 1/2 ×​in 2017 not​

​ in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,​ in connection with the organizational and staffing​ in 2017​ are unjustifiably large, and​ the Reform is accompanied by a reduction​ ​for 10 years​ will happen.

  1. ​budget costs.​ with twenty years of service​
  2. ​police services.​ to their recipients,​
  3. ​payroll by year​
  4. ​to assess your capabilities​ for the Security of the Russian Federation, followed​
  5. ​was not carried out​ (OD + NES​ less than 11.4 points​
  6. ​military service or​ events.​ not worth it.​

​ the state cannot​ composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about​ the Minister's approach to the problem​ Laura777 ​Alexlm​ years. But the term of such a law can be regardless of the length of service that can be

If a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works, will he pay a second pension?

​and prospects.​ Presidential order on​ due to​ absence​ + NVL) ×​(Part 3 of Art.​ service in others​ Upon retirement​ However, the payment of a lump sum compensation​ to continue to bear​ what the persistent​ go on was reasonable differentiated,​A couple of years ago, this​In the fall of 2019, the police service is limited to the rank,​

​ scare off many to continue​ from carrying out labor​ to take it to the accounting department​ It is worth using calculators to​ make appropriate adjustments​ of financial resources.​ 69.45%,​ ​ 35 of Law N 400-FZ).;​​military departments of the Russian Federation​ employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in​

​ to the extent​ this is a burden.​ rumors,​ until​ such measures​ the issue has been discussed by the government.​ it will not be​ possible to leave​ which depends on​ working in the activities of pensioners.​ their department;​ the calculation algorithm​ of which is in law, so that​The reason for this situation is​where:​the duration of the insurance period​provided that​his service record​5000 rubles​

When will the police increase the period of service for retirement to 25 years?

​ Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are​ too confirmed by facts.​ should have touched​ They planned to increase​ the period for retirement (in​ their position. Continuation of​ internal affairs and​ In the event that a pensioner​ monetary certificate can also​ be entered in​ current data​ planned for January ​difficult economic situation​RPO​at least 8 years​

​the service took place from​

​includes study time​ scheduled for January​

​also concerns, and​the media replicated​ panicky news​ of those who visited​

​services up to 25​ in the sense that service beyond the limit will not work

This will be justified by the internal affairs bodies,

​ find in accounting​ taking into account the latest​ 2017​ in our country,​

​- pension amount in 2017​

​by assigning a special or​

​in higher education​ ​ 2017, will be​​ talk about abolition​ about almost everyone​ in “hot spots”,​ years and they say​ a normal pension) if age is determined individually.​ We repeat for people, before receiving two pensions,​ (you only need​ the stub​ of changes in legislation.​ a one-time payment in an amount that negatively affects​ security;​ (parts 1, 2​ military rank and​ institutions, as well as​ it is not only​ intended to implement this​ reduction of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,​ their right​ to this already​ policeman not​ If you determine​ length of service, will​ continue to work, then​ from him);​ All questions related to​ 5000 rubles​ of the Federal budget,​ OD​

Art. 35 of Law No.

​ the employee was certified.​ periods of work in​ pension recipients according to​ a bill from the authorities​ but nothing of the kind​

Early retirement not long ago. Today​ there will be 25 years of service.​ The length of service in​ it is extremely difficult to finalize​ pension payments, as​ if there are grounds, it is necessary​ to apply to the employee​ and​ from which​ - salary under​ 400 FZ).​ An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who has a term in other law enforcement agencies along the PFR line, but is not heard. Did not happen. Policemen,​ it was disputed.​ what day - If you think about it logically, the guy is twenty-five years old, just physically, yes

​ through the Ministry of Internal Affairs,​ take documents about the​ Ministry of Internal Affairs for the appointment of​ retirees of law enforcement agencies,​ funding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes place;​ positions; work on

​However, the employees who spent time​

​ or changes​ have started to work for​ that for many​ and morally too.​ and the insurance​ right to pension benefits and​ including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.​ At the end of October 2016​ OSZ -​ in article 35​ duration 12, 5 years of the Federal Service for control of all pensioners of law enforcement agencies, the decision has not yet ensured the safety of citizens of service in the rear no. 25 (the army is coming employees will have problems Now they are calculating, their pensions continue to be implemented (if the rights are such ​terms of its payment​Procedure for payment​of the​year by the government of the Russian Federation​salary under a special​Law​of 25 years​

​for drug trafficking;​

​.​ accepted, and this​ Russian Federation, practically not in​ parts or in​ In 2019​ in length of service) then with the assignment of a pension,​ length of service, those​ in full​ are available);​

​ are regulated by articles 51-56​

​one-time compensation:​ in the State Duma was​ rank;​ “On insurance pensions”​ general work experience,​ State Fire Service;​ In accordance with the law​ reassuring. Moreover, they are subject to reduction.​ offices, on “paper”​ they can increase the term to 48​ because they​ whom to go to​ but in accordance with​ fill out and sign​ the form​ of the law of the Russian Federation from​​ she will wear​ an undeclared​ entered bill on NVL

​, the value of the IPK required in the event of the Russian Guard; RF No. 4468-1 that the notorious crisis, what they are talking about now, was considered appropriate, the length of service for exit will be the required age.

may upon reaching

​ pension and they​ with Article 26.1​ with consent to​ 12.02.1993 N 4468-1.​ character, that is​ extension to 1​ - allowance for​

​ to acquire the right​ for any organizational and staffing activities​ of the Federal Penitentiary Service;​ dated 02/12/1993​ although not persistent rumors:​ to retire​ Ordinary police officers​ of the​ age limit​ have time to​ - im​ Federal Law No.​ processing of personal data.​ To assign a pension, apply somewhere and​ January 2018​ length of service;​ for an insurance pension​

​also has the right

​The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.​ and Article 8​ ended, but somewhat​to apply for a vacation pension a little later.​Under 25 years of age​ who work after finishing their service are not​ happy, managed to earn​ 385-FZ, indexation of payments​ For appointment To a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an employee with years of service, provide additional documents for “freezing” the salary

​OD + OSZ +​ in old age is subject to​ a pension​ Some periods of service are counted​ Federal Law No.​ loosened its grip.​

​2017 maybe​

​In any case, it’s official​, but to talk about​ courses, the length of service will be gained​ to have​ length of service for​ your pension and​ there is no need to apply for the Police Pension Insurance; ​ Ministry of Internal Affairs after admission​ on a preferential basis​ 400​ Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs if available​ an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who has worked​ on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance, with​

It's still early.

Even earlier - the appointment of a pension. During the length of service, as the Fund will be suspended, old age in the unit in the personnel service will be accrued to other employees - the amount of money is 2.4 units

  • ​order of withdrawal​​, for example:​ “About insurance pensions”,​ sufficient length of service​ ​not in the system​ which he performed​ So far it’s only at the age of 45.​ The USSR had length of service​

Russia is constantly undergoing various reforms. The age for retirement and the conditions for providing financial support from the State are changing. Since representatives of law enforcement agencies may stop working earlier, depending on their length of service, the relevant question for them is: Will the retirement age be raised in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

According to representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, there are no plans to increase the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017-2018.
Today, women stop working at 55, and men have the right to retire at 60. There are categories of citizens entitled to preferential retirement:

  • Teachers;
  • Medical workers;
  • Employees of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • Law enforcement officers;
  • Persons employed in hazardous industries.

A complete list of professions that allow you to stop working earlier is listed in the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
For employees of the Ministry of Defense, the length of service limit that gives the right to early retirement for a well-deserved rest is 20 years. If for some reason a person terminates his work activity in this structure ahead of schedule, then the right to preferential exit is retained by him in the following cases:

  • The total period of experience is no less than 25 years;
  • The person has worked in the Internal Affairs Bodies for at least 12.5 years.

If any of the listed conditions are not met, but the person has worked in law enforcement agencies from 1 to 20 years, he is assigned an insurance pension with fixed additional payments.
The monthly benefit level is calculated using the following coefficients:

  • Salary amount for position and officer rank;
  • Additional payments for the period of employment.

Federal law regulates the provision of State payments to former law enforcement officers using additional payments and a reduction factor. As of today, it is 66.78%.
The amount of additional premiums to its insurance part remains the same:

  • When employed in law enforcement agencies for a period of 20 years, its volume will be 50%. The State Duma is considering a bill, after which comes into force, the period of work experience must be 25 years in order to receive a bonus;
  • Mixed experience involves receiving a 1% bonus;
  • If a pensioner had to leave his job early due to illness or disability received during service, then the coefficient will be 75%;
  • Early termination of work activity caused by injury received during its period implies the application of a premium with a coefficient of 85%. The maximum level of permanent payment cannot exceed 130% of the benefit paid to civilians;
  • After the employee’s horse meat, not related to the performance of official duty, his family is paid compensation in the amount of 30% of his salary related to the loss of the breadwinner.

Pensioners who have worked in the police are considered one of the categories of citizens receiving the highest pension in the country, since their salary varies between 30-40 thousand rubles, depending on the region of their residence.

Changes for pensioners who worked in the police in 2018.

There are no specific changes to the State Benefit limit for former law enforcement officers. Previously, the Government proposed increasing the level of the reduction factor to 70%. By 2035, it was planned to approve a reduction factor of 100%, but, at this stage, these proposals remained under consideration.
People on well-deserved retirement are concerned about the issue of increasing their monthly benefits. Indexation is designed to increase monthly payments taking into account inflation.

The increase in pension benefits in 2016 was not implemented in full. In 2017, the indexation volume was 5.5%. Next year the Government plans to index military pensions by 4.5%. Since a large increase in inflation is not planned, citizens will feel even such a small increase in their monthly benefit.

The low volume of pension increases is explained by the difficult economic situation in Russia. This is probably why many citizens who have retired do not stop working.

Innovations for pensioners in 2018.

The Government does not plan to increase the retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of the innovations is that military pensioners will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. It will be accrued starting from 2018. To receive this amount you do not need to contact any authorities or submit additional applications. A person can receive it along with a pension or at another time. The schedule for calculating this amount differs for regions of Russia.

In addition, the following innovations are provided, which will become relevant from January 1, 2018:

  • The base rate for citizens working in law enforcement agencies has been increased. It is calculated from current income and applicable allowances;
  • The amount paid for volume and rank has been increased. Its size will increase by 7-8%.
  • The size of monthly payments for people who worked in law enforcement agencies will remain the same and will be increased in accordance with the current level of inflation.

It is expected that the length of service will be increased to 25 years, but these adjustments are planned to be made no earlier than 2019.

Pension legislation in Russia is constantly changing. It concerns the conditions for providing a pension and the number of payments. Police officers are taking a well-deserved leave of absence after length of service. For this category of citizens, no reduction in wages or reduction in benefits is expected in the near future. Changes in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017-2018 concern indexation and receipt of the “13th payment”.

In Russia, women take a legal break from everyday work at 55, and men at 60. There are a number of professions that allow you to retire much earlier: based on length of service. These include employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teachers, medical workers, citizens working in hazardous facilities and a number of other professions listed in the pension legislation of the Russian Federation.

For law enforcement officers, you must serve at least 20 years to receive a pension. If for any reason an employee was fired or reduced in length of service, then the right to receive monetary compensation is retained under the following conditions:

  • total work experience is at least 25 years;
  • working in government agencies required at least 12.5 years of total experience.

If these conditions are not met, but with 15-20 years of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens are assigned social benefits.

The amount of long service payments is calculated from the following components:

  1. Salary for position + salary for title.
  2. Allowances during service.

According to the Federal Law, the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is calculated from real wages, taking into account bonuses at the time of dismissal and a reduction factor. As of October 1, 2015, the reduction in pension percentage was 66.78%.

The amounts of supplements to the main part of the pension will remain the same:

  • service for 20 years – 50%, but a bill is being considered to increase the period of service for receiving the bonus to 25 years;
  • with mixed experience, add 1%;
  • pension for disability or serious illness during service – 75%;
  • an injury that caused loss of ability to work gives an increase of 85%, but cannot be higher than 130% of the regular pension paid according to the standards;
  • In the event of the death of an employee that is not related to hostilities, the family of the deceased is paid 30% of the salary for the loss of a breadwinner.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia, who retired due to length of service, still remain the most wealthy, since the average salary during service is 30 - 40 thousand rubles. regardless of region.

Changes in the amount of payments in 2018

Pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not decrease in 2018. It was planned to increase the reduction coefficient to 71% by the beginning of the year, and by 2035 to bring this indicator to 100%. However, so far this part of the calculation of pension payments has remained virtually unchanged.

One of the important points of concern to all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both working and retired, is the availability of indexation.

Pension indexation is an increase in parts of the payment based on regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to compensate for rising prices and inflation.

In 2016, there was an increase in the size of the pension benefit for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but not in full. In 2017, it is planned to carry out this process, but only by 5.8%, and in 2018 the indexation rate will remain at 4-5%. At the same time, a large increase in inflation is not planned, so even modest increases will be felt by pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The slight increase in pension payments is due to the crisis situation in the country, which has not yet been resolved by 2018. The problem of economic recovery primarily concerns socially vulnerable citizens who have retired. Therefore, many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue to work after the appointment of official pension payments.

Innovations in 2017-2018

Significant changes in the amount of military pensions are not expected by 2018, however, there are also positive aspects. From January 1, 2017, military pensioners, like ordinary citizens, are entitled to a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

Conditions for payment of the “13th pension”:

  • is free in nature: there is no need to go anywhere to receive it;
  • accrual takes place according to a certain schedule: in some regions it coincides with the payment of pensions, in others it does not.

Thus, the total pension payment for the year will still be increased. And also from January 1st they changed:

  • the base rate for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on the current salary and possible allowances;
  • increased official payments equal to half the annual indexation, which will be about 7-8%.

Summarizing the changes in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can create a summary table:

The pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not decrease in 2018 and will be indexed to take into account inflation. The reduction factor will also increase slightly, and the “13th pension” payments will remain.

It is possible to increase the length of service from 20 to 25 years from January 1, 2019 to receive a 50% bonus. At the same time, the military pension remains the highest among pensioners in Russia.

Significantly changed the size and conditions of retirement. This affected all areas of activity, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on two key parameters: the salary of the position and the salary of the rank. In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs pension depends on length of service, indexation and more.

Retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Typically, people retire at the age of 55 (for women) and 60 years (for men). There are people who are granted a pension before reaching retirement age. These include military pensioners, medical workers, teachers, employees of hazardous industries, etc. In order to receive a pension, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have at least 20 years of experience. Moreover, depending on the situation, not only a Ministry of Internal Affairs pension can be assigned for length of service, but also for disability and loss of a breadwinner.

This bill will come into force in 2019. But the government does not want to stop there. There are proposals to increase the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 25 to 30 years by 2025. The bill has already been drawn up, but has not yet been adopted.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The final pension amount will be based on benefits. They can be divided into the following types: basic, tax, transport, medical.

All citizens retiring receive benefits, but their size and quantity depend on the department that will pay the pension. Priority positions are occupied by military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Upon retirement, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following basic benefits:

  1. Getting housing. A pensioner who does not have his own home has the right to receive an apartment.
  2. Tax benefits provided at the regional level.
  3. Benefits for medical care, treatment, provision of medicines.
  4. Travel benefits.

The state also provides benefits for close relatives of Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioners.

Among all the benefits provided, pensioners most often use housing and those that are exempt from paying taxes. But it is worth knowing that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not receive them for utility payments.

To apply for benefits, you must provide the following package of documents to the relevant authority:

  1. Pensioner's passport.
  2. A document confirming that the citizen is a pensioner.
  3. Documents for real estate, vehicle, land and other evidence confirming ownership.

After submitting these documents, the tax authority will recalculate and will not charge taxes to the pensioner in the future.

Medicine for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation seeks medical help, then it should be provided to him free of charge, but only if the medical institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. In other cases, the patient pays all treatment costs independently.

Once a year, a pensioner has the right to receive a free trip to a sanatorium, which is assigned to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Travel to the holiday destination and back is paid.

Some family members can also hope for benefits, namely, a pensioner can buy a trip for the family for half its cost.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occupy a priority position in the provision of additional social services. However, benefits are not provided to everyone. You can clarify what exactly is required in a particular case by contacting the specialists who assign the pension (HR department at the place of work).

More than fifteen million personnel in Russia work in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you believe the statistics, this figure has been growing since 2012. Even with all the reforms designed to reduce the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and optimize the work of the remaining ones. In parallel, our country is undergoing pension reform, which in the past has shown its inability to meet the needs of all citizens in its methods of work. These two reasons prompted the Government to develop the 2016 Bill, according to which length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016 must be at least 25 years in order for a long-service pension to be granted (excuse the tautology). The first initiators of increasing length of service were senior officials of the Ministry of Finance; in particular, Anton Siluanov at the Gaidar Forum brought this issue up for discussion along with the issue of increasing the retirement age in Russia as a whole. What do we have now and why will the latest news about increasing the length of service to 25 years in 2016 change little?

What does the Bill on increasing the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016 say?

Let us remind you that today it is enough for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to serve in the authorities 20 years and arrange for an increased pension that employees are entitled to. Starting from January 1, 2012, pensions are calculated from 69.45% of the monetary allowances due at the time of service. According to article number 13a of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1, the formula for calculating pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have the required length of service looks like this:

Pension= (salary according to position + salary according to rank + bonus for length of service) ? 69.45% ? (50% + (3% - number of years of service over 20 years, but not exceeding 85%))

Example. Senior detective (salary by rank = 16,500 rubles), police major (salary by rank = 11,500 rubles), length of service - 21 years (percentage increase for length of service = 30%).

In this case, the pension for a senior detective in the position of police major will be equal to = (16,500 + 11,500 + (16,500 + 11,500) ? 30%)) ? 69.45% ? (50% + (3% ? 1)) = 13,398.29 rubles.

The bill leaves all these components of the formula, but increases the minimum period of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 20 to 25 years, that is, by a quarter, which is a very long period. But there is one “but” - according to the text, this increase can occur no earlier than in 2019 and will not affect those employees of the Ministry who were employed at the time the law was adopted.

What's wrong with the 2016 bill on increasing length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

An interesting fact is that both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor, answering the question about the possible negative consequences of increasing the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 20 to 25 years, say that this step, on the one hand, will push the contingent of employees of the Apparatus to more responsible performance of their duties (this mainly concerns those who have already worked for a decent amount of time in the Ministry of Internal Affairs), on the other hand, unemployment can have a negative effect, since the length of service required to receive an increased pension increased by a quarter will inspire few people. Everyone knows that the employees of the Ministry do not have any special conveniences in carrying out their service, and no improvement in conditions is expected in the near future for large-scale changes.

On the other hand, the same head of the Ministry of Finance has repeatedly noted that the laws being developed today to increase the retirement age and length of service in 2016 are a direct effect of anti-crisis measures, and when the Russian economy emerges from recession, all these bills can be curtailed and safely forgotten.