Project for middle school children - my city. Middle group project

Project on patriotic education in the middle group (4-5 years old),

general developmental focus No. 8 on the topic: “The city that is dear to the heart!”

Developed by educators: highest qualification category Stepanko N.A.,

highest qualification category Pestova T.V.

Relevance of the project

A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.

K. Paustovsky

The problem of educating the younger generation to love their small Motherland has fallen out of sight of scientists and practitioners for many years. But with the introduction of the Russian Federation Law “On Education”, one of the priority areas was the introduction of preschool children to the national and regional cultural heritage and history of the country and region.

Children are our future, and therefore the future of our country. Each of us must love our country. But young children do not understand the concepts of country, patriotism, Motherland... But our task is to raise a true patriot of their country, because the future belongs to them.

You need to start cultivating love for your homeland small. With love for your city. After all, every city in Russia is unique, unusual in its own way. And showing a child the beauty of his hometown is not such a difficult task. You just have to start!

Many events and facts are not fully understood by children with a deep understanding of the problem. But by passing them through their children's thinking and perception, preschoolers receive valuable guidelines for citizenship, patriotism, and hard work.

Kids learn that the Motherland will only become more beautiful, richer, strong and independent when everyone, including them, makes an effort to build its power and steadfastness.

Objective of the project: Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland, creation of conditions for increasing the active participation of parents in the life of the group.


  • To formulate in children initial ideas about the history of their hometown, its attractions, to expand children’s horizons and vocabulary.
  • Cultivate love for your hometown, the ability to see beauty, and be proud of it.
  • Promote interest in your hometown and country.
  • Develop a sense of pride and respect for your hometown.
  • Foster respect for the work of people of different professions.
  • To consolidate and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the city streets on which they live: to introduce them to the history of the names of streets, enterprises, and social facilities located on them.

Project participants: pupils of secondary group No. 8 “Jolly Guys”, parents, teachers.

Project type: information and research.

Duration: medium-term (three months).

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, perception of fiction, design, visual, musical, motor, cognitive and research.

Methods and techniques used in working on the project.

1.Methods of increasing cognitive activity: elementary analysis; observation; comparison; question method; repetition method; modeling method; solving logical problems.

2.Methods of increasing emotional activity: verbal; gaming (imaginary situation); inventing fairy tales, riddles, stories; surprise moments and elements of novelty; example of an adult, parent; humor and jokes; a combination of various means in one lesson.

3. Methods of teaching and developing creativity: emotional richness of the environment; motivating children's activities; research of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature (survey); forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present, future); gaming techniques; problematic situations and tasks; unclear knowledge (guesswork); assumptions (hypotheses).

Techniques: display with explanation; game technique; receiving questions; use of a game character; speech (the process of speaking as a model); effective participation of children; use of expressive means of speech; demonstration of illustrations; examination; use of TSO; teacher's story; children's story; reading.

Expected Result:

  • Children have an idea of ​​the city in which they live. They know that this is their “small” Motherland and feel a sense of pride in their land.
  • They know the history of their native city and its attractions.
  • Have an idea about historical monuments.
  • Showing interest in the native land, which is reflected in joint drawings of children and parents and stories.
  • Children know and name their place of residence, their home address.
  • Children know the holidays and traditions that are celebrated in the city and family.

Conclusion: By purposefully developing love and affection for one’s home, the first stage of patriotic education of preschool children is laid.

“Home” is a complex and multifaceted concept. It includes the attitude towards oneself as an individual, the attitude towards one’s family, and inclusion in family traditions. The child’s first friends, the kindergarten where he goes, the street on which his house is located - all this is included in the child’s ideas about his home, about his “original” homeland.

Gradually these ideas are expanding. The homeland is already associated not only with the house and the street, but also with the hometown, with the surrounding nature. Later, there is an awareness of involvement in the region and in Russia, a huge country of which the child will become a citizen.

Work to instill a patriotic spirit in children in kindergarten should be based on a close connection with the family. The accuracy of a child’s assimilation of his role in the life and development of the Motherland depends on the worldview of adults, their position in life, and vivid visual examples.

Project implementation stages

Project stages

Composition of actions

Expected results



1. Selection and study of scientific literature on this issue.

2. Selection of Internet resources on the topic.

3. Questioning of parents on the topic “Civil-patriotic education of the child.”

4.Children’s survey “Me and my city.”

5. Conversation with children: “Big and Small Motherland.”

Expanding knowledge on the project topic.

Problem formulation. Determination of the product of activity.

Involving parents in the problem of patriotic education of preschool children.

Teachers, children, parents

6. Determination of goals and objectives, relevance of the topic.

7.Planning joint activities.

Development of a project implementation plan.


8. Selection of teaching aids.

9.Analysis of the subject environment of the group.

10. Selection of visual and demonstration material, poems, riddles, physical exercises, proverbs, proverbs on the topic of the project.

Replenishment of the subject-spatial development environment.

Teachers, parents

2. Main

1. Consultation for parents “The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers”, “What a child should know about his hometown.”

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents.

Teachers, parents

2. Reading various fiction on the topic: “There is no better native land” by P. Voronko, “Native Nest”, “Good Morning” by G. Ladonshchikov, “Hello, My Motherland” by V. Orlov, “Main Words” by L. Olifirov , “Our Land” by A. Alien, “What We Call Motherland” by V. Stepanov, “Drawing”, “Native Song” by P. Sinyavsky; learning proverbs and sayings.

Introducing children to works about the Motherland.

Teachers, children

3. Didactic games “Why does a person have a name”, “What is your name differently”, “Name what”, “Pick up a sign”, “The fourth odd one”, “Coat of arms of the city”, “Name the streets of our city”, “Whose parents are these” are they doing?”, “Find out where it is located,” “Let’s populate the Don River.”

Expanding children's knowledge about themselves, about the city (coat of arms, streets, attractions), about the professions of their parents

Teachers, children

4. Conversations with children: “I love you, Volgodonsk”, “Symbols of the city”, “Family traditions”, “Quiet Don”, “How can I help my hometown?”

Familiarizing children with the history of the city, with the symbols of the city

Teachers, children

5. Finger game “Hello”, “House and Gates”, “House on the Mountain”, “Transport”.

Development of speech and hand motor skills.

Teachers, children

6. Compiling a story (from personal experience) “The road to kindergarten”, “The house in which I live.”

Development of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, development of speech and imaginative thinking.

Teachers, children

7. Drawing on the theme “My home is my fortress”, “Where I live is beautiful”, “Father - Quiet Don”, “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day”.

Development of children's creative abilities, instilling accuracy in work, nurturing a love of work.

Teachers, children

8. Walks “My Street”, “White Birch Tree Under My Window”.

Expanding children's horizons, instilling love for their hometown.

Teachers, children,


9. Viewing a multimedia presentation “Travel to Volgodonsk”, “Our Pantry”, “Quiet Don”.

Expanding children's ideas about Volgodonsk, the natural resources of their native land, and the Don River.

Teachers, children

10. Homework for children together with parents “Our city. My street", "Our city. House".

Involving parents in joint work on patriotic education of children.

Teachers, children,


11. Compiling the album “My hometown - past and present.”

Perception and formation of visual images.

Teachers, children,


12. Memo for parents on the patriotic education of preschoolers.



13. Photo competition “Best places in the city.”

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Teachers, children,


14. Design of the parent’s corner, moving folders “February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day”, “International Women’s Day”, “Maslenitsa has come”, “Easter”, “Victory Day”.

Pedagogical education of parents.

Teachers, children,


15.Construction of “Our microdistrict”.

Creating a layout of your microdistrict.

Teachers, children,


16.Drawing up a diagram “I’m going to my kindergarten”

Strengthening the relationship between children, parents and educators.

Teachers, children,


3. Final

1.Quiz “My Small Motherland”

Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about their “small” homeland.

Teachers, children

2. Presentation of the project.

Justification of the design process, explanation of the results obtained.



1. Childhood: Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova.

2. Preschooler 4-5 years old in kindergarten: How to work according to the “Childhood” program Library of the “Childhood” program.

3. Mosalova L.L. Me and the world: Lesson notes on social and moral education of preschool children.

4. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Middle group.

5. Traffic rules: system of teaching preschoolers.

6. Loginova L.V. What can the coat of arms tell us... (Non-traditional forms of working with preschoolers on patriotic education.)

7. Shorygina T.A. Our Motherland is Russia. Toolkit.












Questionnaire for parents

“Civil-patriotic education of a child”

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions to plan more effective work on patriotic education in the kindergarten. We kindly ask you to read the questionnaire carefully and answer the questions asked.

  1. Do you consider yourself competent in matters of civic and patriotic education?



  1. What does the expression “being a patriot” mean to you? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Do you think it is important to educate preschool children with civic and patriotic feelings?



  1. Where do you think a child learns the basics of patriotism?

At school.

In family.

In kindergarten.

  1. Does your child have a desire to learn about the city in which he lives?




  1. Do you tell your child about the city of Volgodonsk, its history, sights, famous people?




  1. What places in our city do you like to visit with your child?


  1. What do you personally do to instill in your child a love for his hometown?
  1. What kind of help do you expect from kindergarten in this area?


Thank you!

Questionnaire for children on the topic “Me and my city”

Last name and first name of the child, age

1. What is the name of the city where you live?

2. What is the name of the street where you live?

3. Who is the street you live on named after?

4. Do you have a favorite place in our city? Which?

5. Do you like living in your city?

6. Do you think your city is beautiful? What is its beauty?

7. What could you do (together with your friends, parents) to make your city better?

8. If friends came to visit you, what would you tell them about your city?


He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land? -
He answered as he flew by:
- There is no better native land! P.Voronko

"Native Nest"

Song swallows
Above my window
They sculpt, sculpt a nest...
I know it will be there soon
The chicks will appear
They will start shouting
They will have parents
Wear midges.
The little ones will fly out
In summer from the nest,
They'll fly over the world
But they always
They will know and remember
What's in our native land
The nest will greet them
Above my window. G.Ladonshchikov

"Good morning"

The sun rose over the mountain,
The darkness of the night is blurred by the dawn,
A meadow of flowers, like a painted one...
Good morning,
Native land!

The doors creaked noisily,
The early birds began to sing,
They argue loudly with silence...
Good morning,
Native land!

People went to work
The bees fill the honeycombs with honey,
There are no clouds in the sky...
Good morning,
Native land! G.Ladonshchikov


In the morning the sun rises,
He's calling us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

I sing in silence too
The birds sing along with me.
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry up, my friend, grow up!

I answer to herbs,
I answer the wind
I answer the sun:
- Hello, my Motherland!V. Orlov

"Main Words"

We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow! L. Olifirov

"Our land"

Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree,
Willow bush over the river.
Native land, forever beloved,
Where else can you find one like this?

From the seas to the high mountains,
In the middle of our native latitudes -
Everyone is running, the roads are running,
And they call forward.

The valleys are filled with sunshine,
And wherever you look -
Native land, forever beloved,
Everything is blooming like a spring garden.

Our childhood is golden!
You are getting brighter every day
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land! A. Alien

“What we call Motherland”

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin. V. Stepanov


In my drawing
Field with spikelets,
Church on the hill
Near the clouds.
In my drawing
Mom and friends
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
Rays of dawn
Grove and river,
Sunshine and summer.
In my drawing
Song of the stream,
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
The daisies have grown
Jumps along the path
Rider on a horse
In my drawing
Rainbow and me
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
Mom and friends
In my drawing
Song of the stream,
In my drawing
Rainbow and me
In my drawing
My motherland. P. Sinyavsky

"Native Song"

The cheerful sun is pouring
Golden streams
Over the gardens and over the villages,
Over fields and meadows.

It's raining mushrooms here,
Colored rainbows shine,
Here are simple plantains
Since childhood we have been dearest.

Poplar powder
Spun at the edge of the forest
And scattered throughout the grove
Strawberry freckles.

It's raining mushrooms here,
Colored rainbows shine,
Here are simple plantains
Since childhood we have been dearest.

And they started burying me again
Flocks of swallows over the house,
To sing about the Motherland again
Familiar bells. P. Sinyavsky


If they say the word “homeland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,

A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud, joyful whistle.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one! Z. Alexandrova

Kultabekova Rufina Faritovna
Project work “My City” (middle group)

Subject project: "My city»

Type project: cognitive-creative, socially useful, short-term.

Implementation period project: one month.

Participants project: children middle group, educators, parents.

Relevance project: An integral part of any education system is the education of patriotism. Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth. The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education of preschoolers includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of age-appropriate activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, familiarization with the world of its culture. For success work with children to familiarize themselves with city where they live must be applied design method. Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism.

Target project: Formation in children of love for the Motherland, for their native the city and its history, feelings of responsibility for fate cities, the desire to work for his benefit, to protect and increase his wealth. Introducing children to the culture and traditions of the people.


1. Give children knowledge about their native land city: history, symbolism, attractions.

2. Expand children's knowledge about flora and fauna Sibay city.

3. Introduce children to the quarry and its uniqueness.

4. Cultivate love for family city, edge, the ability to see beauty, to be proud of it.

5. To form an environmental culture among children and their parents, a desire to take part in environmental protection activities environment.

Problem project: Living in Sibay city, in the territory of unique places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During implementation project children will gain knowledge about beautiful places known throughout the world. You should not expect children to show adult forms of love for their loved ones. city, but if during implementation project children will acquire knowledge about history cities, symbols, attractions, will begin to show interest in events urban life and reflect their impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives projects completed.

Expected results project:

Children should know and name their city, symbolism cities, attractions, flora and fauna.

Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and the desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Increasing cognitive interest among children to their native history.

Forms of implementation project:

Forms working with children:

Watching educational videos and electronic presentations for children.

Excursions, themed walks.

Conversations with viewing illustrations.

Coming up with creative stories.

Design of photo exhibitions and photo albums.

Creative constructive activity.

Children's play activities.

Leisure and holidays.

Reading fiction.

Forms working with parents:

Family excursions, targeted walks.

Visual information materials.

Completing creative tasks (release of albums, wall newspapers).

Creating presentations that develop environment.

Holidays, leisure, open days.

Competitions, thematic exhibitions.

Implementation plan project:

First stage. Target project

Expand ideas about the small Motherland. Tell children about the sights, culture, traditions of their native land; about wonderful people who glorified their region. Based on expanding knowledge about the environment, cultivate patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland. Deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia. Therefore, children need to be instilled with patriotic education.

Second phase. Project development.

1. Make participants aware of the importance of this topic.

2. Selection of methodological literature.

3. Selection of visual and didactic material, fiction (on this topic project) .

Third stage. Performance project.

Forms of organization of educational activities

Social and communicative development

Conversation on the topic: "What is in our city ​​for children» .

Conversation about traffic rules.

The labor activity of children is cleaning the territory of the kindergarten from dry leaves, branches, stones.

Role-playing games "Family", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Construction", "Transport".

Cognitive development

OOD "Love and know your street".

OOD "Sights of our cities» .

Conversation on the topic: "We live in Sibay".

Conversation on the topic: .

Speech development.

Reading and memorizing poems about your native land.

Guessing riddles by topic project.

Reading stories about Sibay.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Looking at illustrations depicting your native land and attractions Sibay city.

OOD. Drawing on a theme: "Dad (Mother) walks with her child in the park.”

OOD. Drawing on a theme: « City in the evening» .

OOD. Modeling on a theme: "Animals and birds of the native land".

OOD. Application on topic: "Houses on our street".

OOD. Design on topic: "Our street".

Physical development

Conversation about a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor games




"The Car and the Sparrows",


"Hunter, Hares and Dog",

"Brave guys",

« Towns» .

Fourth stage. Results project.

1. Children's exhibition works.

2. Design "My little homeland"

Fifth stage. Defining tasks for new projects.

1. Continue to introduce children to the history of their native cities, the edges.

2. Continue to develop love for the Motherland.

Expected result project activities:

Expand children's understanding of city, in which they live.

Forms such moral concepts as love for the Motherland, pride in one’s city, respect for its history and the people who live in it.

Will develop initiative, intelligence, the need to communicate with nature, and environmental taste.

It will interest parents and help them communicate with their children.

Will increase the professional skills of teachers.

Publications on the topic:

"Ding - dong - northern city, ding - dong - our family, ding - dong - mom and dad, ding - dong - we love you! Ding - dong - a ray of sunshine,.

Calendar and thematic planning senior group “My Home. My city" Topic: My home. My city. Final event: Photo exhibition “Attractions of our city” Educational activities in restricted areas.

We present to you our collective work “Newspaper City”. The guys and I got acquainted with the properties of paper, including newspaper. Found out.

Project “My City” middle group

Type of project: educational.

Project duration: 2008-2009

Project participants:

  1. pupils of the middle group;
  2. parents of pupils.

Relevance of the topic. A small homeland is still big, because it is the only one. J. Renard

Patriotic education is necessary for any people, any state, otherwise they are doomed to death. The main reason for the addiction of young people to negative manifestations of public life at the present time lies in the fact that our society has lost the main guideline - patriotism, which is the core of any state.

Patriotic education of children must begin in preschool childhood, the most important period in the formation of personality. After all, it is directly related to instilling in children love for their “small Motherland.”

It must be admitted that from an early age the child is not sufficiently instilled with love and respect for his family. Not. Television and computer are paramount

importance in the life of the younger generation. Despite all their busy lives, parents pay little attention to this problem. Families do not have sufficient literature that would tell about the country, homeland, hometown. Parents themselves have insufficient information and knowledge to instill patriotic feelings in their children.

This leads to an important problem: the formation and deepening of knowledge about the hometown, the education of patriotic feelings in children.


Main problem:

Formation of children's knowledge about their hometown.

Objective of the project:

Instilling in children a sense of love for their small Motherland, hometown.

Introducing children to the past and present of their hometown, the main attractions, street names, and transport.

Expected result


September 2008

Identifying the problem, forming goals and objectives.

October-November 2008

Project development. Selection of methodological literature.

December 2008

Creation of a subject-development environment in the group.

January-April 2009

Project implementation. Practical part.

Results and presentation of the work.


My city

Streets of my hometown

History and modernity of the city

Transport of our city

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. A.S. Pushkin



  1. Lesson: “My hometown.”
  2. Creation of a photo album: “S. Yesenin Street”, “Our kindergarten”.
  3. Looking at an album about Saransk.
  4. Children's play activity: "Houses on our street."
  5. Excursion to a nearby street.
  6. Making holiday cards for Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  7. Lesson: “We’re going to visit grandma.”


  1. A trip with children to the park of culture and recreation named after. A.S. Pushkin.
  2. Design of the photo exhibition “My Favorite Park”.
  3. Children walking with their parents along the city streets.
  4. Consultation: “History of the native city.”
  5. Creation of an atlas: “Transport of our city.”
  6. Parent survey.


  1. Design a folding folder “city of Saransk”.
  2. Buy a set of postcards with the sights of your hometown.
  3. Collect material about the streets of our city.
  4. Design the album “My City”.

Work plan

Forms of work

"My hometown"

1. Introducing children to the history of the city and its
modernity. Give information about
why is the city named like that?

2. Examination of illustrations, album,
set of postcards with views of the city.

3. Lesson “My City”

Clarify children's knowledge about the name of their hometown. Introduce the origins of the city of Saransk. Foster love for your hometown and a sense of pride in it. Develop an interest in the history and modernity of the city.

Introduce children to the history of the city, its present, and its sights; cultivate interest in the history of the city, feelings of love and patriotism.

September October

Targeted walk to a nearby street.

1. Creation of a photo album “S. Yesenin Street”
and “Our kindergarten”.

2. Children's play activity: “At home on
our street."

Draw the children's attention to the fact that there are many streets in the city, each street has its own name, there are many houses on the street, each house has its own number. Remember the names of the streets where children live.

Teach children to use previously acquired knowledge to build different houses, solving the following problems:

Choose a variety of building materials needed for construction;

Plan and control the stages of your actions;

Improve partnerships.

November December

"Sights of the native city."

1. Looking at a photograph of the monument
"fallen warriors"

2. Conversations with children about who is in their family
served in the army, was at war.

Introduce children to the main attraction of the city. Tell us about who this monument was erected to. Fostering respect and a sense of pride for those who gave their lives for their Motherland. Form patriotic feelings.

Make boys want to be just like them

January February

3. Looking at the book corner
illustrations about the army, military equipment.

4. Make holiday cards for the Day
Defender of the Fatherland.

strong and brave, like soldiers. Develop curiosity.

Fostering respect and love for warriors and soldiers. Develop creativity through art activities (application).

"Transport of our city."

1. Monitoring traffic on the street (walks with parents on weekends).

2. Looking at illustrations with
depicting different types of transport.

3. Conversations with children about the rules of behavior on

4. Design of the album “Transport of our
cities" (drawing together with parents).

5. Lesson “We’re going to visit grandma.”

To form children's knowledge about the transport of our city.

Clarify ideas about trucks and cars, about passenger modes of transport.

Introduce children to the basic rules of behavior on the street, teach them to follow them.

Through artistic and creative activities, develop children's interest in various types of transport. Develop creative abilities.

To develop knowledge about vehicles and passenger modes of transport.

March, April.

“Park of Culture and Leisure named after. A.S. Pushkin"

1 . A trip to the park (together with parents).

2. Design of the photo exhibition “My beloved
park" (together with parents).

3. Presentation of work. Photo presentation.

Tell the children where the park is located, whose name it bears, what entertainment there is for children in the park. Enrich knowledge about your hometown. Find out why children love to relax in the park, what they like most there. Develop memory and speech.


  1. Program “Childhood” (T.I. Babaeva)
  2. Valdonia program
  3. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. (N.V. Aleshina)
  4. My country. Revival of national culture and cultivation of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children.

(V.I. Natarova)


Project "My City"

Educator: Sankova Galina Andreevna

Project "My City"

Project passport

Program section. Cognitive development.

Project participants. Children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators, specialized specialists (music director).

Project type: cognitive - research.

Project type: long-term (6 months).

Abstract of the project. Let's try, as far as possible, within the framework of our project, learn more about the land on which we live, and imbue our ideas with the spirit of patriotism for our small homeland. And then the desire to make it even more beautiful and richer, to glorify it with our future deeds will flare up in each of us with renewed vigor.

Relevance of the project. There is a “moral deficit” in society. One of the characteristic manifestations of spiritual emptiness and low culture was a sharp decline in the role and importance of patriotism as one of the values ​​of our people.

Many psychologists and teachers say that the process of instilling patriotism must begin in preschool age. During this period, the formation of the child’s spiritual and moral foundation, emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society takes place, and the process of self-awareness in the world around him begins.

This period of a child’s life is the most favorable for emotional and psychological impact, since his images of perception are very vivid and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime.

Problem: low level of children's knowledge about their city.

Objective of the project: Formation of patriotic feelings and accumulation of children’s knowledge about their hometown.

Project objectives:

    To form a child’s idea of ​​himself, his family and social environment;

    Introduce various social objects, their interrelations and significance for the life of the city;

    Introduce historical sites;

    Introduce the symbols of the city;

    To form the principles of ecological culture based on familiarization with the flora and fauna of the native land;

    To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of the basics of road safety;

    To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the transport existing in our city.

    Form a positive, respectful attitude towards your hometown, its residents, and work;

    To cultivate in children a love for their native land, emotional responsiveness, the ability to see and understand the beauty of the nature of their hometown, and to form aesthetic feelings;

    Develop communication skills.

Conditions for the project: interest of children and parents, regularity and systematicity of work.

Project implementation carried out through all types of children's activities.

Principles. When building a pedagogical process to familiarize preschoolers with their hometown, the following principles are taken into account:

    The principle of humanization – presupposes the teacher’s ability to take the child’s position, take into account his point of view, not ignore his feelings and emotions, see the child as a full partner, and also focus on the highest universal concepts - love for family, native land, Fatherland.

    Principle of differentiation – is to create optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of mastering knowledge about their hometown, taking into account their age, experience gained, characteristics of the cognitive and emotional sphere, etc.

    The principle of integrativeness is implemented in cooperation with the family, with the central children's library, city museum, music school, etc.

    The principle of visibility.

    The principle of developmental education.

Expected result

Children should know:

    home address (to feel love and affection for your home, family, kindergarten, cherish your family);

    parents’ place of work (have an idea of ​​the significance of their work; feel pride and respect for the work of adults, have feasible work responsibilities at home, in kindergarten);

    basic road safety rules;

    the main types of transport that exist in our city, their importance;

    what monuments are there in our city, in whose honor they were erected;

    symbols of the city;

    what is the name of the main street of our city, the street on which the kindergarten is located; names of the main social objects of the city (their significance);

    what nearest social facilities are located near the kindergarten;

    children should know the nature of their native places and treat it with care;


    Involving parents in active participation in events, competitions, exhibitions held within the framework of the project;

    Assistance in conducting excursions and targeted walks;

    Increasing interest in working in preschool educational institutions.


    Development of content and active management of the project will contribute to the accumulation of children’s knowledge about their hometown and the formation of patriotic feelings;

    Accumulation of practical didactic material on various types of children's activities as part of the work on the project.

Project plan:

    Preparatory stage

    Practical activities


Project implementation scheme

At stage 1 project conducted search work to select material on this topic. I determined the goal and objectives of the project and drew up a plan. Using a game situation, we formulated a task for the children. Dunno from Sunny City comes to our group and tells the children about his city. Dunno asks the children questions about the city in which they live, but, unfortunately, the children know very little about it. I invited Dunno to come to us again, in six months, and the guys and I will try to find out a lot of interesting things about our city and will definitely tell him.

Children were diagnosed on this topic. The results showed a low level of children's knowledge about their city.

A survey of parents was conducted on this topic. The survey only confirmed my assumption that parents also need to be educated. I carried out this work partly through children. Parents were invited to create a family tree together with their children;take part in the design of the album “Tourist walks around the city”; “My parents’ profession; design of the stand “Me and my city”; growing indoor flowers for a group.

The result of the 1st stage became a project plan, the children were given a problem that had to be solved.

At stage 2 of the project To implement the assigned tasks, the work went through all types of educational areas: communication, cognition, reading fiction, socialization, safety, work activity, musical development, physical development, health.

In her work, she used a wide variety of forms of work with preschoolers: excursions, conversations, word creation, storytelling, role-playing games, finger games, didactic games, productive activities (modeling, drawing, appliqué, design), etc.

A subject-development environment has been created: a stand in a group on moral and patriotic education; didactic games and attributes for role-playing games were produced; albums have been developed (“My city of Tatarsk”, “Monuments of the city”, “Flora and fauna of my native land”); selection of fiction.

Albums were designed together with my parents: “I walk around the city”, “Profession of my parents”, a stand in the reception area “Me and my city”.

The children read various works about family, the city, nature, transport, defenders of the Fatherland, and the army.

Children talked about their family using family trees made together with their parents.

Guests came to our group: a kindergarten cook, a nurse,

WWII veteran, Nikita B.'s dad with a story about his work as a firefighter, Dima D.'s dad with a story about his work as a driver, Alena G.'s dad with a story about his work as a driver.

We went on excursions and targeted walks: to the library, music school, museum, House of Culture, Cosmos sports complex, to monuments, to the roadway.

The result of the 2nd stage What happened was that the children developed knowledge about their city, the flora and fauna of their native land; I became interested in my city.The joint activities of parents and children enriched the communication between them and brought joy.

On Stage 3 An open presentation of the project took place (Appendix No. 1).

Dunno comes to visit the children. The children took him on an exciting “tour of their hometown.” Children read poems about their city, talked about streets, houses, important social facilities, and transport. Demonstrated knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road. The children felt comfortable and at ease.

Results of the project:

The “My City” project was a striking example of the interaction of all participants in the educational process: children, parents, teachers. Partnerships have been established with parents. Work experience presented to colleagues.

To identify the effectiveness of the project experience and analyze the final results of children’s assimilation of the proposed material, the children were diagnosed using the developed materials in September 2012 and February 2013.

The level of assimilation of the proposed material according to the criteria was determined on the basis of conversations with children, as well as analysis of children's work, observation of children during classes, in free activities.

The diagnostic results confirmed the effectiveness of the influence of project activities; the level of children’s knowledge of familiarization with their hometown of Tatar increased significantly. Positive dynamics were noted for all indicators.

A comparative diagram of knowledge levels: about city streets, monuments, attractions, city transport and the nature of their native land shows that the percentage of children with a high level increased by - 25%; with an average of – 23%; the percentage of children with a low level decreased by - 48%. (Appendix No. 8).

The work done also had an impact on the overall development of children, on the formation of key competencies of preschoolers and on the implementation of the general educational program of the kindergarten. The high level of the program was 47.5%. (Appendix No. 9).



    Komratova N. G., Gribova L. F., “Patriotic education of children 4 - 6 years old” - M., 2007;

    Aleshina N.V., “Introducing preschoolers to their hometown” - M., 2007;

    Aleshina N.V., “Patriotic education of preschool children” - M., 2008;

    Kazakov A.P., Shorygina T.A., “For children about the Great Victory” - M., 2007;

    Kutsakova L.V. “Moral and labor education in kindergarten.” For working with children 3-7 years old;

    Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Akhtyan A.G. “Socio-moral education of children from 2 to 5 years old” - M., 2009;

    Chirkova S.V. “Parent meetings in kindergarten” (middle group). – “VAKO” 2009;

    Alexandrova E.Yu. Health-improving work in preschool educational institutions under the “Island of Health” program - Volgograd, 2007;

    Samoldina K.A., Markova E.P. “Polyartistic approach to the education of preschool children” - Novosibirsk, 2007;

    Golitsyna N.S. Long-term planning in kindergarten" (middle group) - M., 2011;

    Educator (1/2008) “Love and know your native land”;

    Educator (5/2009) “The city in which I live”;

    Educator (9/2010) “Love for the native land”;

    Educator (4/2010) “Patriotic Education Program”;

    Educator (7/2010) “Cultivating love for our native land”;

    Educator (2/2011) “Forms of work on moral and patriotic education outside of class”;

    Preschool pedagogy (2/2009) Project “Where the Motherland Begins”;

    Preschool education (7/2010) “Patriotic education.”

Applications to the project

    Open presentation of the “City Tour” project.

    Questionnaire for parents.

    Consultation for parents on instilling in their children a love for their native land.

    Coat of arms of Tatarsk.

    Targeted walk “Streets of our city”.

    Summary of the walk “To the memorial complex.”


    The effectiveness of the implementation of the general educational program of the kindergarten.

    Photo gallery.

Annex 1

Presentation of the project “City Tour”.

Integration of educational areas

Health: breathing exercises

Safety: reinforcing safe behavior on the street.

Work: consolidating children's knowledge about the janitor's profession; fostering a positive attitude towards work.

Cognition: systematizing children's knowledge about their city (city coat of arms, streets, houses, main social facilities, transport existing in the city).

Socialization: developing the ability to work in a team, respectful attitude towards your city and the people who live in it.

Communication: development of expressive speech when reading poems, coherent speech when answering questions.


IN: Guys, today I want to invite you on a tour of our city, but what will we go on? Of course, it will be best if we go by bus. We will not go with you alone, I invited Dunno from Sunny City to join us today.

Dunno enters.

N: Hello guys, I promised you that I will definitely come to you again.

IN: Yes Dunno, but we promised that we would learn a lot of new things about our city and tell you. Dunno, what is this in your hands?

N: This is the coat of arms of our city.

IN: Guys, does our city have a coat of arms? Of course have. I suggest you play the game“Fold the coat of arms from memory.”

N: Well done guys, I see that you are going somewhere?

IN: We were going on a “tour” around our city, and the guys invite you to come with us. But first Maxim will tell us a poem about our city.

Nowadays people are like birds

They fly abroad.

Only me, dear Tatarsk,

I'll stay with you forever.

I can't live without friends

Without birches, without poplars,

Without everything that is dear to the heart,

And it’s called the beloved land.

IN: Guys, there are certain rules in the city that every resident must follow.

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian. (Dasha)

IN: Now tell me, what traffic rules do you know?

IN: Well, since you know the rules of behavior on the road, then let's go.

Children board the bus

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

Stop! Red light for cars.

Look out the windows

And think a little:

What is this place in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

I Stop "Street".

IN: Guys, where are we now? (on the main street of the city). What is it called?

Tell me what important and interesting institutions can be seen on this street?

IN: Is there only one street in our city or many? What streets do you live on? On what street is our kindergarten located? Well done!

IN: What houses can you see in our city? What kind of houses do you live in?

IN: Guys, is our city clean? Who keeps the streets clean in the city?

IN: That's right, wipers. The work of a janitor is not easy; in the summer he removes garbage from the city streets, and in the winter he also clears snow near the entrances. And what do you think,

Does our city need people of this profession? What will happen. What if no one cleans up the streets of our city? How does garbage appear on the streets of our city? All professions are needed, including the profession of a janitor. Popular wisdom says: “It is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter.” What do you do if you need to get rid of garbage?

May our city always be clean and beautiful. And it's time for us to move on.

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

Stop! Red light for cars.

Look out the windows

And think a little:

What is this place in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

II Stop "Traffic Light".

Poem “Traffic Light” (Nikita B.)

IN: Where have we come? On what street is the traffic light located?

If the traffic light turned green now, would you be able to cross the road? Well done.

IN: What is the name of the place where you can cross the road?

On the street, pedestrians and drivers are also helped by their best friends - road signs. Each sign has its own name. Road signs tell you what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed on the road.

Let's play a game with you called " Collect and name a road sign."

IN: Well done guys, you completed the task. Let's move on.

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

Stop! Red light for cars.

Look out the windows

And think a little:

What is this place in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

III Stop "Transport".

IN: Guys, what can you call this stop? That's right, our next stop is called “Transport.” And what sounds are most common on the street? The sounds of city transport are the most audible. What is the name of the road on which cars drive?

IN: Is it possible to walk on this road? Why? And now I will show you pictures of transport, and you tell me what it is.

All this transport can be found on the streets of our city. Here you can find both passenger vehicles and freight vehicles. What are people who drive vehicles called? What is the name of the vehicle that carries passengers? This means that freight, passenger and passenger transport travels around the city. Ambulances, fire departments, police cars - what kind of transport is this? If these cars are driving with the siren on, it means something has happened, and all other cars must give way to them.

IN: Oh guys, it seems our bus has a flat tire in order to...

To inflate the wheel we need a pump.

Breathing exercises “Pump”

Place your hands on your belt, squat down slightly - inhale, straighten up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. (3-4 times)

IN: Well done, our wheel is in order, take your places, you can move on.

IV stop "Library".

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

Stop! Red light for cars.

Look out the windows

And think a little:

What is this place in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

IN: What's the name of our next stop? Why do we need a library?Library - this is a home for books. There are people working in the library whose profession is called what? Anyone can come to the library, sign up and take the book they want home to read. After all, books are very expensive now, and not everyone can buy them. But if you take a book home to read, then you need to handle it very carefully, because many more people will want to read this book. Have you been to the library, did you like it?

IN: Well, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

Stop! Red light for cars.

Look out the windows

And think a little:

What is this place in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

V Stop "Kindergarten".

N: Guys, I really liked your city. You really learned a lot of interesting things about your city. But it’s time for me to go home, I really miss my city. Because I love him so much. Do you guys love your city? Let's promise each other that we will take care of our city.

IN: Dunno, come to us again, we will all go on an excursion together to another place. Our guys really love excursions and will be glad to see you again.

N: Of course I'll come. Goodbye, guys.

Lesson summary

IN: Guys, did you like our “tour”? Who came to us today? What do you remember most? What new did you learn today?

Appendix 2

Questionnaire for parents

1 . What do you understand by the term “patriotic education”?

2 . Is patriotic education possible in kindergarten?

3. How, in your opinion, should the goal of patriotic education of preschool children be formulated?

4. In your opinion, who bears the main responsibility for the patriotic education of children - teachers or parents?

5. Do you think that preschool children should be introduced to the symbols of the city, attractions, professions of the city, streets, etc.?

6. Do you think the topic of learning about family pedigree is relevant in modern society? Are there family traditions in your home?

Appendix 3

The upbringing of a little patriot begins with what is closest to him - his home, the street where he lives, kindergarten.

    • Draw your child's attention to the beauty of his hometown

    • While walking, tell us what is on your street, talk about the meaning of each object.

    • Give an idea of ​​the work of public institutions: post office, store, library, etc. Observe the work of the employees of these institutions, note the value of their work.

    • Together with your child, take part in the work of improving and landscaping your yard.

    • Expand your horizons

    • Teach your child to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of other people.

    • Read books to him about your homeland, its heroes, traditions, and culture of your people.

      Encourage your child for his desire to maintain order and exemplary behavior in public places.

Appendix 4

Consultation for parents

about raising children to love their native land.

Tatiana Zelenskaya
Project "My City" in the middle group

Project"My city" V middle group

On this big planet

In such a huge country,

Eat the only city in the world,

Which is so dear to me.

And somewhere the factories are smoking,

And the train runs along the rails.

Oh, how familiar this all is,

Familiar from birth, from childhood.

And blue skies in May

And in August - golden

Above the region dear to the heart,

Favorite and dear.

And if you're away from home

I will be somewhere someday

Then in late spring I will remember,

In my summer is coming to the city.

Type project: research.

Age group: average(4-5 years)

Duration project: short-term (1 Week)

View project: group

Participants project: children middle group, educators, parents

Relevance project.

An integral part of any education system is the education of patriotism. Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.

The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education of preschoolers includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of age-appropriate activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, familiarization with the world of its culture.

To successfully work with children to familiarize themselves with city where they live must be applied design method. Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism. By expanding the horizons of what children know, we plant in their hearts a spark of love for their native land, for the Motherland.

Target project:

Formation in children of love for the Motherland, for their native the city and its history, feelings of responsibility for fate cities, the desire to work for his benefit, to protect and increase his wealth. Introducing children to the culture and traditions of the people.

Main goals:

Formation of ideas about the Motherland based on familiarization with the immediate environment.

Fostering good feelings and interest in the place where the child lives.

Development of an emotional and value-based attitude towards one’s home, one’s family, the street, city.

Forming a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in one’s city.

Instilling in children a sense of pride and admiration for the beauty of their native land cities.

Action plan:

1. Statement of the problem: What do we know about our native city? What do we want to know?

2. Definition of the upcoming activities: How do we find answers to questions?

3. Planning activities by children together with adults, definition funds and ways to implement project.

4. Execution project for children and adults.

5. Discussion of the results.

Stage I. Preparatory.

1) Survey of children: “What is the name of our city? What river flows in city? What is the name of the street where you live?” The goal is to identify what children know about their native city, streets cities.

2) Selection of literature and illustrative material. The goal is to develop interest in adults reading literature about city ​​of Nizhneudinsk.

3) Selection of visual teaching aids and demonstration material. The goal is to create conditions for studying history cities, introduce the name of the street on which the garden is located.

4) Posting articles and recommendations on the topic in the parent corner project. The goal is to expand parents’ knowledge on the topic project, create a desire to participate in the implementation project.

Stage II. Basic.

1 cycle - "My favorite city. My street".

1) Decorating a book corner. The goal is to create conditions for implementation project; develop an interest in fiction.

2) Conversation "The street where I live". The goal is to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the streets cities.

3) Homework: selection of illustrations, drawings, photographs for exhibition design "My street". The goal is to develop children’s search skills and develop cooperation between parents and children.

4) Examination of photographs, newspaper clippings, booklets telling about our city. The goal is to apply the acquired knowledge in independent gaming activities, role-playing games.

5) Teamwork (application + drawing) on topic: “This is the street, this is our kindergarten”

6) Role-playing game "We're on the streets cities» . The goal is to improve the ability to unite in a game and distribute roles.

2 cycle - "The trees of our cities» .

1) Conversation "Trees on our site". The goal is to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the trees growing in our region

2) Homework: preparing a story about your favorite tree The goal is to develop children’s search skills and develop cooperation between parents and children.

3) Looking at reproductions of paintings "Spring Forest". The goal is to encourage children to answer the teacher’s questions and write a short story based on the picture.

4) Traveling around the territory of the kindergarten. The goal is to look at trees in other areas groups, the territory of the kindergarten, help children, see beauty, cultivate a desire to maintain order in the territory of the kindergarten.

5) Teamwork (application + drawing) on topic: “What trees did we meet on our walk?”. The goal is to encourage children to be creative, display their own impressions and ideas, depict a simple plot, and develop teamwork skills.

3 cycle - “And I love my native places”

1) Excursions to the Museum of History and Local Lore. The goal is to consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about the historical past and present.

2) Outdoor game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we saw.”. The goal is to develop motor activity and a creative approach to movements.

3) Conversation "Sights of our cities» . The goal is to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about their city, its attractions.

4) Homework: selection of photographic materials for preparing a presentation "Attractions city ​​of Nizhneudinsk» The goal is to develop children’s search skills and develop cooperation between parents and children.

5) Preparation and design of an exhibition of children's drawings "I love you city» The goal is to encourage children to be creative, display their own impressions and ideas, depict a simple plot, and develop teamwork skills.

Stage III. Final.

1) Conducting the final event of the quiz game "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?"

2) Preparation of the album "Street History" city ​​of Nizhneudinsk»

3) Album “History” cities Nizhneudinsk based on newspapers and Internet sources"

4) Analysis of the effectiveness of the work performed.

Name: Pedagogical project My home = my city
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments - project activities, secondary

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADO kindergarten “Childhood” kindergarten No. 49 “Goldfish”
Location: Nizhny Tagil

Pedagogical project in the middle group:
"My home is my city"

I bring to your attention a pedagogical project for children of middle preschool age. This project is the initial stage of patriotic education of preschoolers. The optimal time frame for the project is May, and it would be reasonable to complete it on June 12, Russia Day.

Relevance of the project:

Children are our future, and therefore the future of our country. Each of us must love our country. But young children do not understand the concepts of country, patriotism, Motherland... But our task is to raise a true patriot of our country, because the future belongs to them!

You need to start cultivating love for your homeland small. With love for your city. After all, every city in Russia is unique, unusual in its own way. And showing a child the beauty of his hometown is not such a difficult task. You just have to start!

This project: “My home is my city” will help children learn the history of the city, see it from the other side, and get to know it again!!!

Project type: creative, information and research, short-term.

Project type: family, group.


Children do not think about the fact that the city in which they live is their small homeland. They don’t know anything about its history or attractions.

Expected results: children have basic knowledge about the history of their hometown, can talk about interesting, historical places of their small homeland, and have experience in joint activities with their parents.

Venue: MADOU d, s No. 49 “Goldfish”

Dates: April - May - June 2016.

Working hours: during and outside of classes.

Number of project participants: children - 23 people, parents

Children's age: 4-5 years.

Stage 1. Goal setting.

Goal: to create conditions for the development of patriotic feelings in children, to increase the active participation of parents in the life of the group.


instill in children a love for their hometown.


To form in children initial ideas about the history of their hometown, its attractions, to expand children’s horizons and vocabulary.


develop patriotic feelings in children, continue to work on the development of children's creative abilities.

Stage 2. Project development.

1. Select the necessary literature, illustrations, and materials for children’s play activities for the successful implementation of the project.

2. To interest children and parents in the topic of the project, to encourage them to work together aimed at achieving the goal of the project.

3. Create the necessary basis for children’s productive and creative activities.

4. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Stage 3. Project implementation.

Organization of project activities.

3.1. Game activity.

* Role-playing game “Going to kindergarten”, “Family”, “City tour”.

Goal: to develop patriotic feelings in children, teach them to imitate adults: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather; cultivate love for one’s home and city; continue to teach everyone how to play together, how to have friendly relationships with peers.

* Printed board game “City”, lotto “Professions”, “Animals of the Urals”.

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for the people around us, broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary with new terms, and develop coherent speech.

* Word games “The path is the road”, “Say a word”, “You tell me - I tell you”.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the streets of the city, teach them to pronounce correctly, continue to develop the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, develop speech, memory, and imaginative thinking.

3.2. Artistic and speech activity.

Goal: to form in children the concept of “small homeland”, expand their vocabulary, cultivate love for their native land, cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, teach them to observe and listen, develop speech and memory.

Reading poems and short stories by Ural writers “.Streets and back streets”, “Sights of the native city”,

Reading proverbs and sayings about the homeland, riddles.

Musical and theatrical activities.

Goal: learn to listen, improvise, develop rhythmic movements, learn to fit the chosen role.

3.4. Artistic and aesthetic activities.

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities, instill accuracy in work, and cultivate a love of work.

Production of collective works “Cedar Grove”, “Favorite Corner of the Heart”.

3.5. Photo exhibitions “Nature of the native land”, “City through the eyes of children”.

Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in their native land, to teach them to see beauty in simple things.

3.6. Productive activity.

Drawing: “On the playground”, “My house”, “My family”.

Applications: “Kindergarten”, “By the pond”.

Modeling: “Trees around”, “House in the village”.

3.7. City tours.

Goal: to continue to expand the horizons of children, to instill a love for their hometown.

“Hello Grove”, “Let’s go to the library”, “City Museum”, “Our center is Glory Square”

Stage 4. Product of project activity.

4.1. Collective work “Cedar Grove”.

4.2. Collective work “Favorite corner of the heart”

4.3. Exhibition in the group “Writers about our hometown”, “From the history of our family”, “Sights of our city”.

4.4. Photo exhibitions in the group “Nature of the native city”, “City through the eyes of children”

4.5. Design of the newspaper “Walking along the city streets”

Natalya Trufman
Long-term project “Book in kindergarten” middle group



Long term project

« Book in kindergarten»

middle group



N.V. Trufman


Passport project

View project:


Duration project:

Participants project:

children middle group,


parents of pupils,


Educational Covered region:



reading fiction,


artistic creativity,

Physical Culture,



« Book perhaps the most difficult

and the greatest miracle of all miracles,

created by humanity along the way

him to the happiness and power of the future."

Maksim Gorky

Book- a great teacher and friend, without her the harmonious development of a person is unthinkable, because she forms not only memory, intellect, but also the imagination, moral and spiritual face of each of us. "Tell me what you're reading and I'll tell you who you are"- this is how you can paraphrase a wise saying.

Preschool childhood- a very important stage in raising an attentive, sensitive reader, loving book which helps him to understand the world around him and himself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, and to develop the perception of the artistic word. A preschooler needs a book to see the whole multifaceted world, to be surprised by this world and understand it. M. Gorky wrote: "Each book opens a window for me into a new unknown world.”

Any preschooler is a reader, even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to adults reading. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what interests him. Book opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

How to introduce a child to book? How to teach yourself to extract from books necessary information? Many will consider that in our age - the age of the development of computer and other technical technologies, various kinds of connections, it is not relevant to talk about book, reading. According to L. S. Vygodsky, reading is the most important condition for the formation of thinking abilities. Many researchers have proven that fiction has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of children's speech, it serves the mighty, effective a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

The process of communication between a preschooler and a child a book- this is the process of becoming a person within him. About the most important role books in the formation of man it was said back in the time of Yaroslav the Wise. Book must enter the child’s world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child must love reach for a book. In conditions when entire electronic libraries are being created, it is difficult to force a child to pick up book, especially a preschooler, since he is a kind of reader.


Currently, preschoolers find it difficult to answer the question of how the first books; Children do not have enough knowledge about the history of creation books, about the meaning books in a person's life; thematic vocabulary is poor.


The chosen topic is determined by the fact that children have stopped reading, which means that literacy, intelligence, emotional and moral education, and many components of the harmonious development of a child’s personality suffer. Children's reading needs support.


Introduce children to the history of creation books, with its development. Develop a caring attitude towards book, respect for the work of those people who create it. Activate cognitive and speech activity. Generate interest in the world books, intensify the work of parents in promoting and developing children's reading in the family, involve each parent in solving the problem children's reading and development.


Expand children's understanding of book, destination books, development books in the history and culture of mankind;

Develop cognitive activity, independence, ability to reason, draw conclusions;

Expand and activate vocabulary, grammatical aspects of speech on the topic;

Repeat the rules for handling a book.

encourage parents to engage in joint productive activities.

Expected Results:

Arouse children's interest in communicating with a book;

Expand children's understanding of the importance of libraries in human life;

Create a bank of teaching materials on the topic project;

Replenish development group environment;

To increase the competence of family members in raising a literate reader;

Establishing close cooperation between social partners: library, teacher and parents in matters of nurturing interest in preschoolers books and reading.

Work plan project

Stage 1 Preparatory

November 2015

Creating positive motivation among students and their parents.

Joint determination of goals, objectives and methodological techniques project.

Create a development group environment: select materials for conversations, proverbs and sayings on the topic, attributes for role-playing, outdoor, didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic project.

Select material for productive activities.

Select photographs to create photo albums.

Draw up a long-term action plan for project.



with children Getting to know the history of creation books - presentation;

Conversation on the topic "Careful storage books» , "What do we know about books» ;

Watching and reading with children books with fairy tales in a group;

Questioning children on topics: "My lovely book» And "My favorite fairy-tale hero";

Decorating a book corner in group

Story-based role-playing games "Library", "Book Shop", "Bindery";

games based on reading books, quizzes, crosswords;

Memorizing physics lessons « Open the book» ;

Didactic games "One-many",

"Guess the name books» , "Say the word", Name the parts books», "Name your profession";

Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Who will learn what";

Collective registration books.

Making a baby book from paper;

Riddles about books;

Poems about books;

Compiling a story based on a plan;

Proverbs about books;

- memorizing poetry: "How to read well"(V. Berestov, "Whoever works on a book» (K. Muhammadi);

Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Who will learn what"

Conversation "Professions of people who help make book» ;

Restoration books in a group;

Making bookmarks

Working with parents

Working with a rural library

Questioning parents “Reading fiction at home”

Looking at illustrations

with children at home;

Home reading

Photo competition "Home library"

Family handwriting competition books;

Exhibitions children's drawings and crafts based on the works read

Promotion « Book for rent» ;

Contest "My reading family";

Literary KVN;

Parent meeting “How to organize family reading?”

Stock: "A day without TV", « A book for every home» ;

Memo for parents


Good advice “Do you want your child to read?”;

Consultation “How to organize home reading”;

Drawing your favorite literary characters;

Individual conversation “What books do they read at home?”;

Exhibition of beloved pets books;

Library replenishment groups;

Printed information for parents ( “How to teach a child to love books» , “How to teach a child to read”, “Recommendations for nurturing love and interest in book» , “So that the child loves to read.

Excursion to the village library "Book House";

Supervising the work of a librarian

Evening meeting "Funny and smart books»


Awarding competition winners;

Exhibition of handwritten books;

Presentation project for parents.

Result project:

Children know and talk about the history of creation books. Have ideas about meaning books in a person's life. They know about people of various professions who help create them. Write a coherent story about book based on plan. They are able to use various materials together with teachers to create books. The communicative function of speech and cognitive activity of children have intensified; The vocabulary has been enriched, the grammatical aspect of speech on this topic has improved. Parents realize the value children's reading as effective facilities education and upbringing of preschool children, the intellectual resource of their personal development, as the key to their success in life.

Used Books

1. Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., "Education", 1970.

2. Gurovich L. M., Child and book: Kindergarten teacher's book. M.: Education, 2002., 64 p.

3. Sidorchuk T. A., Kuznetsova A. B. Teaching preschoolers creative storytelling based on a picture. – Ulyanovsk, 1997.

4. Alieva T. N., Antonova T. V. Program "Origins"- M.: Education, 2003.

5. Gritsenko Z. A. Place your heart on reading - M.: Education, 2000.

6. Gurovich L. M., Beregovaya L. B., Loginova V. I. Child and book. – M.: Education, 1992.

7. Doronova T. N. Program for parents and educators on the formation of health and development of children 4-7 years old. "From childhood - adolescence» .- M.: Education, 2002.

8. Zhukova G. D. Parent meeting children's reading. - M: Russian School Library Association, 2007.

9. Zhukova G.D. Family reading in the year of the family. - M: Russian School Association, 2007

10. Kanavina G. A. Features of the library’s activities in support of social "families" and in preserving the tradition of family reading in conditions orphanage, organized according to family type. - M.: Education, 2000

11. International Day children's books. - Zh.: Preschool education, 2010. - No. 6.

12. Nezhdanova L. I., Kichenko E. A. Working with the family and promoting family reading - M.: Education, 1996.

13. Holiday books and readings. A collection of scenarios for attracting children to reading and the ability to work with information. Russian state children's library. -M: School Library Reading Support Program.

14. Electronic resources:;

Target. Development of patriotic feelings in children.

1. Formation of children’s knowledge about their hometown and its attractions.

2. Continue working on dialogic and monologue speech.

3. Fostering love for your hometown, respect for the history of your city, the desire to make it better.

Project type.

Cognitive and creative.

Duration of the project.

Long term.

Project participants:




Children are our future, and therefore the future of our country. Each of us should love our country, but young children do not understand the concepts: country, patriotism, Motherland. Our task is to raise a true patriot of their country - the future belongs to them! This project “My Favorite City” will help children learn the history of their city.


Interest in the history of their hometown is lost; our task is to interest children as much as possible in studying the history of their small homeland. Children do not simply not know what their hometown is famous for. They don’t know anything about its history or attractions.

Implementation form: didactic, communicative, verbal, finger play, role-playing games, direct educational activities, conversations, reading fiction, learning poetry, looking at illustrations and photographs, listening to songs.

Final event.

Exhibition of drawings “My City”;

Protection of individual projects “My Favorite City”.

Expected result.

- Showing interest in the history of the city.

The ability to talk about the sights of your city.

Forming in children a love for their hometown and a desire to make it better.

Stages of work on the project.

I. Preparatory stage.

Educator: drawing up a plan for joint work with children, teachers and parents, organizing a subject-development environment, determining the theme, goals, objectives, content of the project, predicting the result, search work on the selection of illustrations, local history material, flags, selection of works of art and songs.

II. Main stage: “Project implementation”.

Activities for working with children:

- Conversations: “Whose street is this, whose house is this?”, “My home is my fortress”, “My city”, “Sights of Omsk”,

GCD cognitive activity of FUKM “My Favorite City”. Drawing “Houses on our street”, “My city”. Speech development “Learning poems about the city of Omsk.” Application “My street”.

Examination of maps of Omsk and the Omsk region, photographs, illustrations of the city of Omsk, coat of arms, flag.

- Role-playing games:“City Tour”, “Travel to the Native Land”, “Supermarket”, “Post Office”, “Polyclinic”, “Hairdresser”, “Theater”, “Circus”.

- Didactic games:“Make a picture.”

- Finger game:"Our native beloved city."

Outdoor games: “Football”, “Hockey”.

- Reading fiction: collection of Omsk ABC by O. Grigoriev.

Music: listening to the song “Omsk Streets”, “Omsk Streets”, “Happy Birthday Omsk City” music by O. Cherlakova.

Activities to work with parents:

Consultation “How to introduce children to the city of Omsk”, “Old Omsk”, “Karbyshev”, “Museums of Omsk”, “Omsk - theatrical”, reading fiction.

Community work day for cleaning the territory, planting seedlings in flower beds on the territory of the kindergarten.

III. The final stage.

Final event – ​​Defense of individual projects “My favorite city of Omsk”, joint leisure time for children and parents.

The result obtained.

Children know the name of their city;

Children know the rivers that flow through the city;

Familiar with the sights of Omsk;

They know about Omsk enterprises;

They know the names of some streets in Omsk;

They know the names of theaters;

They have ideas about the people who glorify our city;

Children want to make our city better.

Adults and children are satisfied with the work done and the result of the project.