What to do if you write in errors. Problems in studies

According to statistics, 70% of schoolchildren make one or another mistake in writing. What is this - widespread illiteracy? Are teachers really not able to teach everyone to write correctly?

If the child makes mistakes, parents force me to cram the rules and rewrite each text an infinite number of times. As a result, for some reason, the number of errors, on the contrary, increases. And the schoolboy begins to hate Russian language lessons.

Previously, such children were considered quitters, fools, and not amenable to standard training. The teachers gave up on them, gave them “stretched” C grades and periodically left them for the second year.

Now such children are diagnosed with... According to statistics, the number of children with dysgraphia among primary schoolchildren in Russia is 30%!

With dysgraphia, a child, oddly enough, knows the rules of the Russian language very well, but when writing, he cannot apply them. Paradox. How is this possible?

Let's see what a child must do to write without errors?

First, isolate the desired sound from the word. Then remember which letter represents this sound. Then imagine what this letter looks like, how its elements are located in space. After this, the brain “gives a command” to the hand, which performs the correct movements with a ballpoint pen. At the same time, the student must remember which rule needs to be applied in writing at this moment.

As you can see, writing is a complex process in which the entire brain is involved: the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. More precisely, in the process of writing, one part of the brain transmits the necessary impulses to the next part, and so on along the chain. If at some stage an obstacle occurs, the process is interrupted, the impulse goes along the wrong path, and the child begins to write with errors.

This means that we must teach the brain to write, and the child’s brain must be ready for this learning.

How to determine if a child has dysgraphia

Or does he just not know the rules well?

Let's look at the student's notebook. The following types of errors indicate:

1. Errors in stressed syllables, for example, “joy” instead of “joy”.
2. Skipping letters.
3. Failure to complete words and letters. For example, “staka...” instead of “stakaN”
4. Rearrangement of syllables. For example, “yabkolo” instead of “apple”.
5. Repeating the same letter. For example, “MagaziM” instead of “shop”.
6. The letters “b”, “c”, “e”, “z”, the numbers “4”, “3”, “5” are turned to the other side (mirror writing).
7. Forgetting and skipping rarely encountered letters (“ъ” and “е”).

And finally, “sloppiness” in the notebook:

8. The child “does not notice” the margin and continues to write to the very edge of the notebook.
9. “Moves out” from the lines towards the end of the sentence.
10. Translates words at random.
11. Often does not leave spaces between words.
12. Does not notice the end of the sentence, does not put periods, and continues to write the next one with a small letter.

How can you help a child with dysgraphia?

Here are some games and exercises that speech therapists use and that parents can play at home with their children:

1. If the child misses letters– Exercise “Magic Dictation”.

You read a sentence or part of it (3-4 words). The child taps out the syllables: ma-ma we-la ra-mu to catch the rhythm of the sentence. After that, he writes down this rhythm in the form of a dotted line, where instead of syllables there are dashes. The next step: write down each word in the form of dots, according to the number of letters in the word.

2. If the child does not write the ending– Exercise “Image of a word”

Say the word and ask your child to name the word that begins with the penultimate letter of your word. Or a third from the end. Or to the letter that needs to be remembered in a dictionary word: for example, in the word ship - to the second letter. Words can be selected on one topic, for example, animals, plants - this will be good training in classification.

3. If the child makes mistakes in vocabulary words – Exercise “Funny cartoon”.

We give the child a task: mentally compose a very funny cartoon in which the objects you name will appear in order. The child closes his eyes, and you begin to dictate vocabulary words, very clearly pronouncing all unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants and other difficult cases: ship, cow, ladder, basket...

He links them in his head into some funny plot, then opens his eyes and tells his cartoon. You react quickly.

After this, the child must, remembering the plot he invented, write all these words.

Then - a self-test: you give him the sample from which you dictated, and ask him to check whether he wrote correctly.

If there are mistakes, the next task is to draw the word in which the mistake was made so that it is clear what the difficulty is in this word (for example, we drew a cow on a bicycle or a cow with huge round eyes in the form of two letters O; a train station with a large letter K; staircase with the letter T).

4. If the child does not remember the rules of the Russian language well– Exercise “Encryption”.

This is how we play in group literacy classes. The alphabet is written on the board, each letter corresponds to some image: a square, a triangle, a dancing man, etc. We need to write a note to a friend so that at least one word contains the rule that we are practicing.

For example, alternating ber-bir. The entire text of the note is encrypted, except for these three letters BER or BIR. The friend must understand what was written to him and respond in the same way.

5. If the child does not apply rules when writing– Exercise “Zoo”.

Everyone sits in a circle, preferably on the carpet. Everyone chooses an animal and a symbol: for example, a lynx uses its hands to depict ears with tufts, a sparrow waves its wings with its elbows... Everyone demonstrates their movements, the rest try to remember.

The one who starts the game makes his movement, then the movement of one of the participants. He must catch this, repeat his movement and again make the movement of one of the participants. The pace gradually quickens. Anyone who makes a mistake works off the forfeit: publicly sings, dances, reads poetry, etc. This is also useful for emancipation and overcoming fear of an audience.

To help your child write correctly, you can also give the following: advice for parents:

  • Let the child play enough in preschool. Research results show that out of 100% of children with problems in the Russian language, 95% do not know how to play role-playing games, do not know the rules of even the most famous children's games, such as hide and seek and tag. In games you need to follow the rules, so the baby learns to voluntarily regulate his actions and behavior. But it is voluntary regulation that underlies competent writing.
  • Walk with your child more often. During walks, the brain is saturated with oxygen and its performance improves. Which is also very useful for successful learning.
  • Enroll your child in a sports section or dance class. Sport perfectly teaches voluntary regulation, develops motor skills, develops attention and reaction speed. And deep breathing during training saturates the subcortex with oxygen.
  • Playing music, in particular playing the piano, develops hand motor skills and improves the interaction of both hemispheres of the brain.
  • After school, massage your child's neck and occipital area more often.

All of this, taken together and individually, will immediately have the best impact on writing and overall performance in school.

Irina Nadrus

"Advice from a speech therapist. If a child reads and writes with errors"

So what is it - a violation of writing and reading? Why is this happening? How does it manifest?

Often, both parents and teachers tend to see the reason for poor school performance solely in the child’s laziness, in his inattention: “He just doesn’t try.” But experts believe that 80% of problems with studying are not caused by laziness. With what?

The development of reading and writing is a very complex process. Several analyzers are involved in it, and only with their coordinated work will successful mastery of written speech be ensured.

Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder that manifests itself in numerous typical persistent errors. From the Greek “dis” - bad, “grapho” - writing.

Dyslexia is a reading disorder, expressed in persistent specific errors in reading (“dis” - bad, “lexis” - speech)

Specific errors – not related to the application of spelling rules.

What reasons lead to reading and writing impairment?

1. The first and most common is the so-called minimal brain dysfunction (MCD). They arise due to small organic lesions of the brain. Let's say that during intrauterine development the fetus experienced a lack of oxygen. Or the birth was difficult. Or, in early childhood, the baby fell and hit his head - the injury seems to be trivial, but its consequence can be minimal brain dysfunction and related problems. External manifestations of MMD in early childhood may include problems with speech development, hyperactivity, and attention impairment.

2. Hereditary factors also play a role. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are associated with congenital structural features of the brain. The back part of the left hemisphere “specializes” in reading, and while in children who learn to read easily this area of ​​the brain is slightly larger, then in dyslexicscics, the back parts of the left and right hemispheres are the same. This feature can be inherited. So if dad had problems with reading or writing at school, then it is quite possible that the children will have exactly the same difficulties. It also happens that children are fine, but grandchildren “inherit” their grandfather’s problems.

3. Of great importance for mastering the processes of writing and reading is the degree of formation of all aspects of speech. Therefore, a violation or delay in the development of phonemic perception, lexico-grammatical aspects, and sound pronunciation at different stages of development is one of the causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Special attention also requires those children who do not have speech disorders, but have unclear articulation (they are otherwise called “mumbles” or “can barely move their tongue”).

4. Reading and writing disorders can be caused by bilingualism in the family. Currently, this problem is becoming more and more urgent for our region. The number of children who do not speak Russian is growing in schools.

5. The cause of impaired reading and writing may also be a disorder in the systems that provide spatial and temporal perception.

You need to pay special attention:

1. If your child is left-handed.

2. If he is a retrained right-hander.

3. If your child attended a speech therapy group.

4. If the family speaks two or more languages.

5. If your child went to school too early (unreasonably early learning to read and write sometimes provokes the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia). This happens in cases where the child has not yet reached psychological readiness for such training.

6. If your child has problems with memory and attention.

It is necessary to note that errors that can be attributed to reading and writing disorders are all specific and persistent. If these errors are rare or even isolated, then this is most likely the result of overwork and inattention.

Now let’s talk about how to distinguish the written work of students who need the help of specialists.

What mistakes should alert us?

There are several types of reading and writing disorders, each type has its own errors.

1. Mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-u.

2. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (fur coat).

3. When phonemic perception is impaired, the vowels o-u, e-yu, consonants r-l, y-l, paired voiced and voiceless consonants, whistling and hissing, sounds ts, ch, shch are mixed. For example: tynya (melon), klyokva (cranberry).

4. Missing letters, syllables, missing words. For example: prta - desk, moko - milk, cheerful (cheerful). Inserting letters: December - December. Continuous writing of prepositions, separate writing of prefixes is also one of the manifestations of dysgraphia, inability to determine the boundaries of sentences, the child does not write a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

In dyslexia, specific errors are slow reading, hesitation, repetition of words, syllable reading or reading in words that does not turn into smooth fluent reading. When reading, the letters get confused, the line does not stay on, jumping from one line to another. Usually reading is difficult for a child, he experiences negative feelings, does not like and does not want to read.

Parents and teachers believe that if such a child reads more, then everything will pass and the skill will be formed. But in fact, the more he reads, the more the wrong skill is reinforced and two options are possible. The child will learn to read quickly, but in order to maintain speed, he will read by guesswork, composing himself what is written there. Or he will read correctly, but very slowly, forgetting by the end what he read. And these problems with reading begin to manifest themselves in mathematics, since the child has to read the terms of the problem, which he cannot understand due to poor reading.

Often both types of disorders are observed in the same child, but no one finds signs of mental retardation in him.

Dyslexia occurs 3–4 times more often in boys than in girls. About 10 percent of schoolchildren suffer from dyslexia. Reading disabilities often become apparent by 2nd grade. Sometimes dyslexia is compensated over time, but if there is no correction, it remains for life.

Some experts consider dyslexia a unique gift. Dyslexics can demonstrate remarkable abilities in the fields of physics, mathematics, painting, and music. A dyslexic person can make an excellent inventor or even a writer. Dyslexics have developed imagination, intuition and insight. About 40% of successful businessmen are dyslexic. And all because these people have a very unconventional approach to solving problems. They see ways that others cannot see. Of course, no one can guarantee that a dyslexic child will grow into a genius, but there is no doubt that he has just as much chance as his peers to achieve success.

People who knew closelyWalt Disney , they assured that it was much easier for him to draw Mickey Mouse than to write “Mickey-Mouse”. And all because of the letter “s” - his main problem since school days. Walt couldn't remember which way to point his hooks, and instead of an "s" he always ended up with something like a "z." No mnemonic devices or other tricks helped. The fight against the insidious letter was stubborn, exhausting and did not result in a final victory. Teachers considered Walt a lazy and dull boy. The art teacher had a different opinion, but Walt did not want to become an artist. He dreamed of becoming a newspaperman. Over the notes that other reporters made in 15 minutes, he suffered for whole days. Then the editor had to agonize over them: literacy was clearly not among the strengths of the novice journalist. “What did they teach you at school?!” - the editor asked rhetorically, shaking the pieces of paper covered with red pen. Walt wisely remained silent. He was fired from the newspaper after a couple of months - for incompetence. A few years later he became a millionaire and the world's leading multi-magnate. The signature, according to eyewitnesses, posed a particular problem for Disney. Walt Disney developed his signature over the years. Afraid of making a mistake, he drew it slowly, carefully, drawing out the letters over several minutes, like a real picture. Today, Disney's signature flourish is the most expensive autograph in the world, officially registered as the Disney Pictures logo.

Keanu Reeves. The future famous actor read with great difficulty, studied poorly, and therefore constantly skipped classes. He couldn't even finish school, failing almost all his exams. But when Keanu learned that Einstein and Churchill were dyslexics, he realized that all was not lost for him. Today there is hardly a person who does not know the magnificent performer of the role of Neo in the film “The Matrix”. And his own story, in turn, serves as an example for children and teenagers striving to succeed in life.

Tom Cruise , actor. Cruz, like his mother and his three sisters, wrote some letters in a mirror image. At school, he could not quickly learn to distinguish letters, which made the process of reading and especially writing painful. Cruz's problems arose after they tried to teach him, who was left-handed from birth, to write with his right hand. Cruz had to change more than ten schools, but this did not solve his problems. However, school difficulties did not prevent Tom Cruise from becoming a successful actor.

Carl XVI Gustaf (b.1946), King of Sweden since 1973 Carl XVI Gustav is a wonderful speaker and rarely delivers his speeches from a piece of paper. He does this not because he wants to please the impromptu audience, but because he is dyslexic and cannot read.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), Danish writer. Andersen composed his wondrous philosophical stories and tales at night and took them to publishing houses. But the editors, shocked by the author’s complete ignorance, returned them to him, sometimes without reading them to the end. One editor even wrote on the manuscript: “A man who mocks his native Danish language so much cannot be a writer.”

Hollywood actors Vin Diesel, Steve McQueen, Tom Cruise, Liv Tyler, Keanu Reeves, Whoopi Goldberg, singer Cher, English actresses Keira Knightley and Jamie Murray, Joseph Gilgun, Orlando Bloom, Steve Jobs, and the outstanding British actor and director Anthony suffered from dyslexia in their youth. Hopkins; Daniel Radcliffe still has clear symptoms (inability to tie shoelaces) of dyslexia. British billionaire Richard Branson suffered from dyslexia as a child, which caused problems at school. Young actress Bella Thorne also suffers from dyslexia. This once again proves that it is quite possible to live with dyslexia if timely measures are taken.

Exercises for dysgraphics and dyslexics.

1. Solving puzzles and crosswords.

2. Exercise "Proofreading".

For this exercise you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. The student works every day for five (no more) minutes on the following task: crosses out the given letters in a continuous text. You need to start with one letter, for example, “a”. Then “o”, then the consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time.

After 5-6 days of such classes, we switch to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled.

The letters should be “paired”, “similar” in the student’s mind. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs “p/t”, “p/r”, “m/l” (spelling similarity); “y/d”, “y/y”, “d/b” (in the latter case the child forgets whether the tail of the circle is pointing up or down), etc.

The pairs required for development can be established when viewing any text written by your child. After seeing the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.

Attention! It’s better if the text is not read (that’s why the book needs to be boring). All attention must be concentrated on finding the desired shape of a letter, one or two, and work only with them.

3. Exercise “Write out loud”

An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken out loud by the writer at the time of writing and the way it is written, with underlining and highlighting dangerous places. That is, “Another O-din h-rez-you-cha-Y-but-important reception” (after all, in fact, we say something like “LOOKING FOR AN EMERGENCY IMPORTANT PREMIERE”).

“ON THE TABLE WAS A JUG WITH MILK” (A jug of malak melted on the steel).

It is also important to clearly pronounce the end of the word, since for a dysgraphic person it is difficult to finish a word to the end, and often for this reason they develop the habit of “putting sticks”, that is, adding an indefinite number of squiggle sticks at the end of a word, which at a quick glance can be mistaken for letters . But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters at the end of the word. It is important to determine whether your child has developed this habit.

4. Exercise “Look and figure it out” (Punctuation for dysgraphics and more)

Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already added, and check that there are no typos). Assignment: carefully reading, “photographing” the text, explain the placement of each punctuation mark out loud.

5. Exercise “Missing letters”

When performing this exercise, it is suggested to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills. For example:

Mar_. There are still frosts,

N_ve_na is not from_mountains_.

I'm sewing my brains

Gave this to me.

6. Exercise “Labyrinths”

Labyrinths are good for developing gross motor skills (movements of the hand and forearm), attention, and continuous line. Make sure your child changes the position of his hand, not the sheet of paper.

Move the figures to new places. Draw them in empty circles.

Which way will the hedgehogs get to the garden?

Guess who loves what.

What not to do?

Children with dysgraphia usually have good visual memory. Therefore, under no circumstances should you offer them exercises where you need to correct mistakes that were initially made. Performing such exercises can have a detrimental effect (due to the same visual memory) on students who have the skill of writing correctly.

Some tips for parents:

2. Do not force your child to rewrite homework many times; this will not only harm the child’s health, but also instill in him insecurity, and also increase the number of mistakes.

3. Praise your child for every success achieved, humiliate him as little as possible.

4. Follow the rules of writing and reading. At an early age, it is still possible to influence the development of writing skills with the help of a suitable writing instrument. There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.

Massaging your fingertips is important for proper brain function when writing. This is what I recommend to ALL speech therapists. Therefore, it is good if the place of “grip” of a writing object (pen or pencil) is covered with ribs or pimples.

But it’s even better if the student is comfortable holding this very pen, then the handwriting is more likely to stabilize. And for this, the body of a pen or pencil must be triangular. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section to support three holding fingers are produced, for example, by the companyStaedtler. There are triangular pencils and felt-tip pens from the companyCentropen.

Unfortunately, I have not yet seen both “conveniences” combined: the triangle and the pimples. So buy a bubble pen and a triangular pencil.


What should parents do, what behavioral tactics should they choose, how to help a left-handed child?

The first condition is that a left-handed child should never, in any form, in any situation, feel your negative attitude towards left-handedness.

The second condition is not to dramatize the situation of school failures. The child must be sure that there is nothing irreparable, that all difficulties are temporary, and with your help he will cope with them. However, try to understand their true reasons, because they can be varied. If writing is not possible, if the letters are clumsy or of different sizes, if the stroke is unsteady and the hand trembles, classes are needed to develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination. These classes should be daily, but last 15-20 minutes. Modeling and drawing, embroidery, knitting, weaving macrame and other activities that develop coordination of movements of the fingers and hand are good.

The third condition is a rational daily routine, because a left-handed child, as a rule, is excitable and gets tired quickly, which means that the child’s day should be structured so that there is no overload and fatigue.

The fourth condition is that preparing lessons should not be the cause of quarrels, mutual irritation, or conflicts. It is better if the child sits down for homework and asks you for help if he needs it. Unlike lessons (homework), during training sessions you should work together with your child. It is not worth preparing lessons in one sitting; this regime is much more effective (approximately): after every 15-20 minutes of work there is a 10-15 minute rest, which the child can use at his own discretion.

The child must have the right to make a mistake, but at the same time be sure that mistakes are not punished, but corrected. There is a very important rule of upbringing: it is not the child who should be praised or blamed, but his actions. This rule should not be neglected.

Typical behavioral disorders of a left-handed child are excessive motor restlessness, restlessness, inattention, increased excitability, irritability. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the child to relax and relieve tension.

Finally, I would like to once again urge parents to cooperate. Only in close contact will we be able to overcome all the school difficulties our children have.

Petryasheva Natalia Eduardovna,

teacher speech therapist

To denote writing disorders, the terms “dysgraphia” (from the Latin “grapho” - I write) and “dysorthography” (persistent spelling errors) are used. The particle “dis” indicates a qualitative violation of the process. The main symptoms are the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which in schoolchildren is not associated with either a decrease in intellectual development, or with severe hearing and vision impairment, or with irregular schooling.

Dysgraphia, or specific errors in writing are errors that are not related to the application of spelling rules. Errors are persistent.

Error groups:

  • Errors at the letter and syllable level (omissions, substitutions): "Snokey-sleigh", "kick-scream", "travel-journey"
  • Errors at the word level (separate, combined spelling of parts): "and they blow", "under the bed", "shining moon"
  • Errors at the sentence or phrase level (lack of boundaries, errors in coordination, management): “The geese came out of the yard and walked onto the rod”
  • Mirror writing of letters "Z" - "E", "I" - "R"
  • Replacement letters based on similarity of writing method: a-o, and-y
  • Replacement letters based on optical similarity: p-t, x-f, b-d, h-e, shhh
  • Other errors

There are different reasons for writing disorders; they cause different types of errors.

  • Disadvantages in the development of spatial concepts are caused by: mirror spelling of letters, substitution of letters based on optical similarity, merging and splitting of words when writing, fused spelling of words with prepositions
  • Insufficient development of fine motor skills of the fingers is caused by: violations of calligraphy, slipping from the line, lack of proportionality in the size of letters
  • Defective pronunciation of speech sounds and their sound replacements can manifest themselves in: mixing in writing sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation: z=zh: zhazhim, kozhochka (goat); r=l: tray…. and etc.
  • The lack of formation of phonemic perception is caused by errors associated with insufficient phonemic perception: substitutions of voiced-voiceless, whistling-hissing consonants, especially the affricate sh-ts, ch-ts
  • The lack of formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis, sound-letter analysis and synthesis is caused by: omission of vowels and consonants, addition of letters, omission of syllables
  • Violations of language analysis: violations of sentence boundaries, fused spelling of words, separate spelling of parts of words, fused spelling of several sentences

To successfully master writing, a child must:

  • distinguish “by ear” all sounds of speech;
  • correctly pronounce all the sounds of your native language;
  • have a good command of simple and more complex forms of phonemic analysis of words;
  • navigate in space, the diagram of your body, on a sheet of paper;
  • be able to identify, distinguish and remember parts of natural and painted objects;
  • have well-developed fine motor skills of the fingers.

Methods for overcoming writing impairments:

  • correction of sound pronunciation disorders;
  • development of auditory attention and memory;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • development of phonemic, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills;
  • development of spatial orientations and ideas;
  • development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • development of grapho-motor skills.

For the development of fine motor skills it is necessary to perform finger exercises (a variety of finger games can be found on the Internet).

Development of graphomotor skills– this means working with various hatching patterns, stencils, and performing various graphic tasks.

Visual perception and spatial orientation develop such tasks and exercises as: “Complete the picture”, “Find words” (among letter rows), “Graphic dictations” - drawing in cells under dictation, developing orientation on a sheet of paper: top-bottom, right-left, right- top, left-bottom corners.

Games for the development of visual-spatial concepts

“Find the Hidden”: Invite your child to find the object you hid in the room, following the instructions. For example: “Stand with your back to the TV and take two steps to the right, turn to the left and take one step, etc.”

Ask your child to show different parts of the body: right eye, left hand, etc. Make the task more difficult by asking them to show their right ear with their left hand, their left eye with their right hand, etc. This type of exercise helps to develop the ability to navigate the right and left sides of space.

On the street, you can ask your child to look at the surrounding objects and name their location relative to each other. For example: “The car is parked near the house.”, “The bus is driving to the right of the girl.”, “Flowers grow to the left of the tree.” etc.

Children often mix letters that are similar in image when writing. I offer you an approximate algorithm for distinguishing mixed letters (using the example of the letters “b” and “d”):

  • What does each letter look like? (woodpecker squirrel)
  • Distinguishing sounds b - d in words (listen to words, name the sound, show the letter)
  • Letter dictations - listen to words, write down only letters: b or d
  • Syllable dictations - recording syllables under dictation
  • “Correct the mistakes”: beaver, deldelka, dodry, beaver...
  • Write words in 2 columns: in one - with the letter b, in the second - with the letter d
  • Other exercises for distinguishing letters b – d (can be found on the Internet)

In order for the child not to miss letters and syllables in writing, and also to be able to determine where to apply the spelling, it is necessary to teach him to clearly hear all the sounds in a word, determine their order and relative positions in words. It is also necessary to distinguish the names of letters from the pronunciation of sounds. For this purpose, games are used to develop phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis.

  • Say a series of words and ask the child to clap his hands (raise his hand) when he hears a given sound, for example: “Clap your hands when you hear the [R] sound in a word.” This way you can “play” with any speech sound.
  • Ask to remember and name the objects surrounding the child (on the street, in the room, in the store...) that begin with the sound [Ш] (or any other sound): Hat, hose, closet...
  • Offer to come up with 5-7 words on your own that contain a given sound, for example, the sound C: dog, pump, forest...
  • “Name the first sound in words”: we pronounce words with the first vowel sound: duck, stork, pointer, orange, needle, hoop, etc.; with the first consonant: cat, fur coat, umbrella, ribbon, etc.
  • “Name the last sound in words”: parents pay attention to the fact that the child must pronounce the sound, not the letter. (the letter “es”, and the sounds – (c), (сь), the letter “er”, sounds (р), (рь))
  • “Count how many sounds are in the words”: example: elephant (4 = s, l, o, n), drink (3 = p, i, t), apple (7 = th, a, b, l, a, k, A)…
  • “Where is the sound hidden?”: the child must determine the approximate location of the sound in the word: at the beginning, middle, end. For example: “Where is the sound [S] hidden in the word “sledge” (at the beginning), in the word “bowl” (in the middle), in the word “nose” (at the end)”
  • “Guess the word”: parents invite the child to guess the word that they pronounce based on individual sounds, making a pause between them in pronunciation. For example: [s]-[l]-[o]-[n]

Games for the development of syllabic analysis and synthesis

  • “Add the syllable to make a word.” For example: ma-li-(na), ka-ran-(dash), kar-tosh-(ka), etc.
  • “Count how many syllables are in the words.” For example: elephant, house, tap, stump (words with one syllable); porridge, summer, bag, lesson, cheese (words with two syllables); raspberry, picture, chicken (words with three syllables)
  • “Make words from mixed up syllables.” For example: shi-na-ma (car), ru-ken-gu (kangaroo), etc.
  • “Which syllable “ran away”?” For example: the word “milk” is given, then a truncated form is suggested: “moko” (the syllable “lo” ran away), “loko” (“mo” ran away), etc.

Games for the development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis

  • “Make as many words as possible using the letters of the given word.” For example: subway, cyclist, excavator, etc. You can use any long words
  • “Scattered” The child is asked to assemble words from letters that have “scattered”, i.e. switched places. This task does not have to be done at home, sitting at the table; It’s more interesting to unravel words written with a stick on the sand or ground while walking. You can guess words of 3, 4 and 5 letters. For example: a r k (crayfish), i a l s (fox), s o t l (table), o k sh k a (cat).

Working at the proposal level

  • “Count how many words are in the sentences”: “Mom washes the dishes”, “Petya drinks delicious juice”, “Dad goes to work”
  • “Name the first and last word in the sentence.” Petya, juice; mom, dishes; dad, work
  • “Come up with a sentence yourself that contains two or three words,” etc.
  • “Come up with a sentence with a small word “on”” For example: “The vase is on the table.” (this can be done with any pretext)
  • “Come up with a sentence with the first word, gradually adding words related to each other in meaning.” For example: “Cheerful...”, “Cheerful cat...”, “Cheerful cat is playing...”, “Cheerful cat is playing with a skein of thread.”

Dealing with spelling errors

It is necessary to develop phonemic, sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Learn to correctly name all the sounds of the Russian language: hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless. Distinguish them from letters.


  • After soft consonants we write the letters i, e, yu, i, e, b
  • Voiceless consonants at the end of words or before another voiceless consonant need to be checked!

Learn to determine the stress in a word, find unstressed vowels, determine which consonant they come after.

Application: 5 unstressed vowels need to be checked: a, o, i, e, i

For better mastery of spelling, use poetic rules!

We know 5 dangerous unstressed vowels.

We repeat them, friends,

a, o, and, e, I!

Without a doubt, put them under emphasis in the word!

There are dangerous paired consonants in words.

Quietly, dully they say: p, f, t, k, w, s

Before a voiceless consonant there are: p, f, t, k, sh, s

Or at the end of words there are: p, f, t, k, w, s

We check them in words!

Next we substitute the vowel.

It is important for parents to know that the child must have a developed system of his native language, namely: have a developed phonetic-phonemic system, a fairly rich vocabulary and master the basic grammatical forms, then he will be successful in all areas of the school curriculum.

If necessary, seek advice from a speech therapist teacher!

Is this about your child? Or maybe even about you?

Why does a child know all the rules, but write with errors?

In order to write without errors, it is not enough for a person to know the rules; he also needs spelling skills.

Spelling skills are the skills that enable a person to write correctly. In total, it is customary to distinguish four such skills.

Ability to see spellings

The most spelling skill is considered to be the ability to see spelling patterns. If a person does not have such a skill, then he cannot see places in words and between them that require choosing from several options and does not understand that only one spelling option is correct.

How to develop this skill

First, you need to invite the student to find spelling patterns based on special features. For example, let’s take words where a voiceless consonant is heard at the end: zu[p], le[f], that is, identifying features of the spelling of the letter of the consonant being checked. And when the child discovers this “dangerous place,” he must apply the rule.

Thus, the child must be taught to find spelling patterns in words based on certain characteristics, since even knowing the rule, the child may not see the place in the word where it needs to be applied.

Ability to choose spelling

If this skill is not developed in a child, then he cannot apply the spelling rule.

Thus, after we have taught to see the spelling, we must teach to apply the rule, that is, to make the right choice.

In order to correctly write the words tooth and lion, the child needs to choose a test word that will allow him to clearly hear the consonant sound at the end. In our example, these will be the words teeth and lions.

Ability to graphically explain your choice

Many people stop after mastering only the first two skills, but this is a stop halfway. In order to write competently independently, a child must be able to analyze what he writes.

So, in order to develop a child’s analytical skills and attention, it is necessary to teach him to graphically explain what is written.

How to learn it

Let's return to our example: zu[p] and le[f]. The child writes:

tooth - teeth - the letter s is emphasized by two features, thereby showing that this helped him make a choice. In this way, a graphical representation of the rule is obtained, thanks to which both the teacher and the student himself understand the reasons for choosing a particular letter.

Ability to find and correct errors

If a child has learned to see dangerous places in words, has learned to make the right choice and explain it graphically, then it’s time to learn how to find and correct mistakes.

In order to test yourself, you need to once again apply all three skills that we listed above. This will allow the child to make sure that the choice was made correctly or to correct mistakes.

By the way, at school very often this skill is destroyed by reducing grades for corrections, while the fact that the child carefully checked everything and discovered errors on his own should only please and always be encouraged.

Now you know why, knowing the rules, the child continues to write with errors and can independently solve this problem by selecting exercises that allow him to develop all 4 skills.

When oral speech suffers, everything is clear, a speech therapist is required. When written language suffers, you need... what? Severe punishment for lack of diligence? Or “you just need to teach better,” as liberal-minded parents say?

Sometimes it’s “better to teach.” And sometimes - both to teach and to heal a little. And in general, you will have to turn to a speech therapist (yes, and with written speech too) so that he can figure out whether emergency speech therapy help is needed. Some parents are very surprised when the school advises them to check with a speech therapist. And they are even more surprised when the speech therapist advises to work out. And under no circumstances should you use a belt or other medieval methods of influencing a person. The speech therapist also says the word dysgraphia, which means a disorder of written speech.

Diagnosis of dysgraphia

By what signs can you guess that a child has dysgraphia? First of all, if he makes mistakes when writing... let's say, strange ones. They are not associated with violation of grammatical rules. It is impossible to find rules for these errors. Errors occur in completely innocent words, the spelling of which does not allow for ambiguity.

Instead of “house” he writes “don” or “tom”, instead of “for” he writes “dyal”, instead of “cat” - “who”, instead of “came” - “sat down”, “squirrel” turns into “blok” and so on Further. The child may not complete words, insert extra letters, or skip them.

One 11-year-old boy wrote during the examination: “The girl hid in a tree.” The phrase was dictated to him: “The squirrel hid in a hollow.” When asked how we write prepositions, the sufferer answered correctly - “separately.” He knows the rule, but cannot apply it in practice.

But this child is not bad, not stupid, he is very nice. He just has a hard time writing. Only special exercises and self-confidence can help.

People with dysgraphia often have very poor handwriting - small or very large, illegible. It’s hard for a child to follow the line, the words run into the fields, onto each other, slide off the line or suddenly fly over it, the word is free birds. Also, young dysgraphics do not complete endings. They may write in a mirror way, turning the letters over, they may not complete certain elements of the letter or they may add extra ones.

When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of his learning, but they quickly disappear. A person with dysgraphia is very slow to master literate writing. One gets the feeling that he is uncomfortable writing, he doesn’t like to do it. And indeed it is. Often, a schoolchild seems scared by the sheer volume of what needs to be learned, read, and written. And when they also scold you for failures, you completely give up.

Treatment of dysgraphia

It is better not to try to cope with all problems at once. You need to choose one and focus on it. For example, a child confuses b-p, d-t, and also confuses prepositions with prefixes. If you take on everything at once, the amount of work can be daunting. But if you try to cope only with b-p, and then draw the student’s attention to the fact that, they say, there are fewer mistakes, then you can awaken enthusiasm. And the struggle for universal literacy will continue to be much more fun.

A speech therapist at the clinic will be able to, with a timely visit (at three years old, at five years old and before school itself), determine whether there are any speech therapy problems that will come back to haunt you later, and, if necessary, recommend special classes. The speech therapist may be joined by a neuropsychologist and a neuropathologist.

I often see very sad children at receptions. They frown when asked to write a dictation and immediately admit that they are “bad students.” Then, to cheer them up, I begin to remember various famous people who were also not friends with writing and reading. Maybe a modern child will not be interested in learning that Sergei Rachmaninov, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, most likely, were also dysgraphic, but I think almost any boy will be touched by the information that the great Neo, the winner of the terrible Agent Smiths from The Matrix ", also had difficulty coping with letters and words in childhood. Well, or rather, actor Keanu Reeves. I usually tell girls about Agatha Christie. Despite the fact that the creator of Poirot and Miss Marple studied poorly and wrote with errors, she became a famous writer. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Briefly about the main thing

Dysgraphia is a specific and persistent disorder of the writing process, caused by deviations from the norm in the activity of those analyzers and mental processes that ensure writing.

The disorder occurs in both children and adults. In children, damage or underdevelopment of the corresponding parts of the cortex is most often associated with the pathology of pregnancy or childbirth in the mother, or injuries.

Symptoms: specific and repeated errors in writing, not related to ignorance of grammatical rules. The peculiarity of these errors is as follows: they are made where writing words does not seem to cause any difficulties.

Five types of dysgraphia

1. Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia

The child writes as he hears. If all sounds are not delivered by the school period, problems with writing may arise.

For example, a child replaces “r” with “l” in oral speech. And instead of “rum” he writes “loma”, instead of “gunpowder” - “polokh”. Or, if the sound is completely absent in speech, it may be completely missed. For example, write “koshun” instead of “kite”.

2. Acoustic form of dysgraphia

The child can pronounce all sounds clearly, but at the same time replaces letters denoting phonetically similar sounds. In writing, pairs of letters are most often mixed: d-t, b-p, zh-sh, v-f, g-k or s-sh, z-zh, ch-shch, ch-t, ts-t, ts-s .

3. Dysgraphia due to impaired language analysis and synthesis

Most often occurs in children suffering from written language disorders. With this form of dysgraphia, children skip letters and syllables, rearrange them, do not complete words, write prepositions together or write prefixes separately. Sometimes you can encounter such a violation as contamination: when a word contains syllables from different words. For example, “crabs” are crab sticks.

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia

As the name suggests, it is associated with underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. There are no grammar rules for such a child. Agreement between nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs suffers (“Masha ran”, “blue coat”).

5. Optical dysgraphia

The elements that form letters are few in number: mostly sticks, circles, hooks... But they are combined in different ways in space, forming different letters. But for a child whose visual-spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis are not sufficiently developed, it is difficult to grasp the differences between letters. Either he will add an extra stick to t, or he will not add a hook to w.

If a child does not grasp the subtle differences between letters, then this will certainly lead to difficulties in mastering the outline of letters and to incorrect representation of them in writing.

Forewarned - almost forearmed

It is better to prevent dysgraphia at an early age, without waiting until problems suddenly arise in the second or third grade, and the child develops an aversion to studying. You should keep an eye on the child and closely monitor the process of mastering written language:

  1. if the child attended a speech therapy kindergarten;
  2. if at 2-3 years there was a delay in speech development;
  3. if the child has problems with memory and attention;
  4. if the child left-handed or a retrained left-hander;
  5. if the child has had head injuries;
  6. if by the age of seven the violations of sound pronunciation have not been corrected.


Fine! All clear!. Tell me, is it possible to correct these violations at the age of 10? Just answer yes or no. There is no need to ask and ask questions about why you didn’t study before and what else!!!

Hello, Larisa111!
I really want your article, my son suffers from dysgraphia, at school he was completely bombarded with bad grades and there is no improvement in sight.

There are good notebooks and albums for correcting dysgraphia
Publishing House "Litera", "GNOM I D", etc.
“For young smart people and smart girls” by O. Kholodov (Informatics, logic, mathematics - 1st grade) - also very good aids for training spelling vigilance, phonemic hearing (dictations according to the manual).

I can’t say that I have “finished” my dysgraphia 100%, but there is progress. The letters are no longer confused. Errors usually appear due to haste or inattention. Now we are struggling with handwriting so that the letters can be written quickly, but at the same time they remain understandable and more or less neat. And in other subjects, you constantly need to further explain, “pull up”, practice spelling, solve problems and examples in a column... Based on my experience (I’m just a mother, not a specialist, experience - only my son with dysgraphia and books from the Internet) I wrote an article about HOW we fought it, WHAT exercises we did. Anyone interested?

To overcome dysgraphia you need a lot of time, a lot of patience, exercises to train spelling vigilance and phonemic awareness.

09.10.2012 11:34:00, Larisa111

Work with the teacher additionally if the child is in third grade, and even in fifth grade. At home, write more small dictations, and read more - this develops visual memory.

Sorry, I didn't rate the usefulness correctly. I accidentally poked one apple, but wanted 5. The article is useful and gives me hope.

We worked with a speech therapist and he knows the rules inside and out, but he can’t write. We are 13 years old, I don’t know what to do - tears....

And if it’s too late and a child in the third grade misses syllables, go to the speech therapist again, what should children who are already schoolchildren do? Any general recommendations? read more?

Comment on the article "Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors"

He writes... my God! This is not “bad”, this is a terrible nightmare! Error upon error, and the most basic ones at that... I can answer as the mother of a child who, by the middle of 2nd grade, “suddenly” developed terrible dysgraphia. In 1st grade, the child wrote very slowly, letter by...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of his learning, but they quickly disappear. school for a child with dyslexia and mental retardation.

When treating a child’s cold, mothers may encounter erroneous recommendations that not only will not help the baby recover, but are sometimes even dangerous to his health. We propose to consider the most common mistakes and misconceptions in the treatment of respiratory infections in children. “The temperature must be brought down urgently.” An increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the child’s body, the purpose of which is to destroy the infection. Reducing the temperature already at...

This video will change your ideas about the origin of school problems and the catastrophic illiteracy of Russian youth. Parents, colleagues, be sure to watch to the end! The statistics given in the study are as follows: Only 30% of 11th grade graduates can read. Reading refers to the ability to understand what is read. That is, 70% of children graduate from school without being able to comprehend the text they read. There is a short test at the end of the lecture. You will learn how modern school methods...

Dyslexia exists only in societies where there is writing. No writing - no dyslexia. Dyslexia, broadly defined, is a persistent selective learning disability. But Russian speech therapy, unfortunately, looks at dyslexia narrowly - as an inability to read. All domestic methods for correcting dyslexia are based on the child’s lack of development of higher mental functions, language skills, phonemic hearing, etc., they try to form these functions, and even sometimes...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of his learning, but they quickly disappear. school for a child with dyslexia and mental retardation.

🔹 In the first months after birth, the baby spends all his time with his mother; he needs her for full development. The mother leans over to the baby, looks into the baby’s face, coos affectionately with him, intuitively choosing the right way of communication. It is important that the mother constantly talks to the child, singing to him: A-a-a! Ooo! So that the baby can see the mother’s face and see her articulation. 🔹 Talk to your child about everything, comment on all your actions: “Mom took a bottle. Mom poured it into...

“It is incorrect to say that children began to read less than their parents at their age,” says school psychologist Natalya Evsikova, “they simply read different literature.” Does this mean that we worry in vain? “When forcing children to read, parents often go too far and easily “get the taste,” continues Natalya Evsikova. – Parental pressure, as a rule, begins simultaneously with the start of first grade, but gradually the style of relationships based on coercion becomes...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of his learning, but they quickly disappear. school for a child with dyslexia and mental retardation.

Conference "School and additional education of children." Section: Teachers (dysgraphia individual training at school). I also write dictations and essays with a lot of mistakes, but there are other tasks: answering the rules, exercises where you need to substitute a word in the right place...

Anyone who has encountered THIS knows HOW MANY problems arise in all subjects at school and HOW difficult it is to solve them. There are a LOT of problems, why? start and HOW?. These questions really tormented me about 2 years ago, when my kinder was in 2nd grade. He read very slowly, copied words with 3 mistakes per word, and did not pronounce at least 9 consonants. The baby teeth fell out, but the permanent teeth “stayed” for the WHOLE SCHOOL year, i.e. "We came out already in the summer. If you are interested in the story of my war with dysgraphia, take a look at my...

So as not to get lost, I decided to write down smart thoughts in my DIARY. And from foreign articles on the topic “Dysgraphia and Dyslexia” there are also smart thoughts there (like a squirrel in a hollow), maybe they will suggest something smart. [link-1]

Hello! Tell me what to do: my son is 7 years old, he told his grandmother that sometimes he doesn’t want to live, when my mother offends me (I’ll yell for something or spank me), I’m sitting in the room, and there’s a voice in my head “kill yourself ", you can jump from the roof or from the stairs (we have a Swedish wall at home) onto something sharp... Grandma says to him, “Dimochka, you’ll die then,” and he answers her: “Grandma, but your soul will remain.” "...I'm shocked how to properly talk and rid my son of these thoughts...

My son is April, now in the 4th grade. Inattention, poor memory. At school he is interested ONLY in friends, lessons (homework) are in some last place, after games and entertainment with friends, the computer. We are struggling with dysgraphia (grades 1-2 - IT was a NIGHTMARE and HORROR) now it’s easier. But, at the end of the 4th “State Final Certification” in language, reading, mathematics, you need to prepare him both morally and “accumulate” knowledge, skills, train, test. There is still a lot of work to do.

dysgraphia and English. School. The child is from 7 to 10. The speech therapist answers perfectly, but as soon as he starts writing... Errors are classic for those with dysgraphics: There is a chandelier hanging on the ceiling, the little boy is playing with a klupka, Vova is picking up flowers.

My 9-year-old son is suspected of having dysgraphia. Has anyone encountered this problem? What exercises are there?

Conference with Yulia Borisovna Zhikhareva, psychologist-defectologist at the children's clinical diagnostic center MEDSI II 1. My 3-year-old daughter speaks very poorly. Should I start taking her to a speech therapist? Yes! First of all, you must come for a consultation with a speech therapist, who will make a conclusion: what and why? After this, you and your speech therapist will discuss the need for speech therapy classes. 2. My daughter is 4.5 years old. Constantly says “I did”, “I took a walk”, in short, he confuses the feminine and masculine genders. At your...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of his learning, but they quickly disappear. school for a child with dyslexia and mental retardation.

Is dysgraphia curable? School problems. A child from 10 to 13. You can learn to write and read with dyslexia and dysgraphia (using special methods), and even skipping a letter is considered an error, mirror writing is also, in my opinion, why should a daughter be a poor student?