Why don't men ask for forgiveness? How, why and why men apologize

Dear ones, as you know, scold - they just amuse themselves. Quarrels in family life are inevitable. The main thing is to stop and apologize to each other. The latter most often has to be done by women. Today we’ll talk about how to force your husband to apologize.

Quiet, peaceful

Any quarrel leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul, especially when no apologies were made. How to force your husband to ask for forgiveness - we act directly.

Men don't understand hints, that's a fact. Any conflict requires you to express what you feel, what worries you. The main thing is to sort things out not in a raised voice and without insults. You may bitterly regret the latter later. Try to control yourself and your emotions.

How to get your husband to apologize and make peace?

Don’t be silent and don’t make complaints about your husband to yourself. Be sincere and build a dialogue. Without hysterics and nerves. If something offended you and greatly upset you in your husband’s behavior and actions, then tell him about it. Let him know that you would like to hear an apology specifically for certain words and actions. Explain to him what specifically upset you. Just stay calm and reasonable. Why not just tell your loved one: “You offended me with your action. Apologize and don't do this again, please. You know how much I love you.”

Some men are ready to “do anything at once” when they see a woman’s tears. Sometimes you can resort to similar methods. However, you should not abuse this weakness and overplay. Constant hysterics and crying your eyes out will soon develop immunity in your spouse.

Blackmail and revenge are not the surest ways to solve a problem. Show your husband how to solve difficult situations by your own example and kind attitude towards him.


Many men simply never apologize; they do not know how to speak words of love and ask for forgiveness. Every woman knows how unpleasant and offensive it is when her husband, after another quarrel, is not going to ask for forgiveness.

A little science

Scientific research shows that the brains of women and men think differently from birth. For example, an increased amount of the hormone estrogen in women makes them more emotional, which cannot be said about men. As a result of the action of this hormone, they develop different thinking and behavior. From birth, girls are distinguished by their abilities; for example, in the first days of their lives they are able to distinguish a child’s cry from extraneous noise. In addition, they react more strongly to children's screams and moans, unlike boys. Girls develop faster and therefore, at 4 months of age, react to photographs of people they know.

The male brain differs from the female brain in its structure; it is 10% larger. Therefore, men easily and quickly cope with logical problems, design and work in measurements. This suggests that their right hemisphere is much better developed than that of women. But women are not lagging behind in their abilities; thanks to the strong connection between the hemispheres of the brain, representatives of the fair sex quickly process the information they receive from both hemispheres at once. This is both intuition and logic. All these studies tell us that a man and a woman are different people, therefore they simply cannot behave the same way and think the same way.

The right approach to a man

In order to make a young man show emotions, think and feel guilty, a woman must learn to use the above in practice. The fact is that from childhood, men live by the principle: “Less words, more action!” They attach more importance to deeds rather than words. This principle also applies to relationships; a man believes that he cannot ask for forgiveness after a quarrel, since he could undermine his status and his courage. He cannot admit his guilt and, as a result, shows complete reluctance to be the first to reconcile.

Men do not use apologies to restore contact with relatives or loved ones; this is the prerogative of women. Therefore, in order for him to understand his guilt and assess the situation, he needs to be given some time after the quarrel. His actions will show that he has changed his mind. When a young man admits his guilt, he tries to help the woman around the house, thus expressing his apologies to her. You shouldn’t immediately demand more; this is already an achievement, because the husband has accepted his guilt and is trying to atone for it.

Over time, family relationships become stronger, trust and mutual understanding increase, so a man can even admit his guilt during a quarrel and ask for forgiveness. In family relationships, it is necessary to show wisdom, because guilt depresses a man the most and gives him great discomfort. Only a woman who will thank him for trying to fix everything and for the fact that her beloved husband asked for forgiveness and admitted his guilt can consolidate the current situation.

It is important for a man to know that his wife appreciates him in any situation, even if they quarreled.

After another quarrel, the husband does not always understand that the situation is his fault. A woman always has her own point of view, which very rarely coincides with a man’s opinion. For some wives, it is important that their husband act according to this point of view. But first, you should explain to him and tell him that he is doing wrong, logic should be supported by arguments and facts. A man may agree with the conclusions, but not everyone wants to overcome himself and ask for forgiveness. In some situations, it is enough for a woman that he understands her.

But there are also cases when a man, even after the arguments presented, will not agree with the woman’s opinion. He has his own moral principles and principles, he is, of course, an independent person and has every right to own his own opinion. It’s bad if this opinion cannot be changed even a little. Many women act wisely and leave their husband alone with his right.

In the case of a caring and loving young man, it’s simple. In order to force him to apologize, the girl only needs to be upset or cry. If a young man is in love, he will do anything to appease his beloved. He will give flowers, sweets, shower her with compliments and ask for forgiveness for any of his ugly actions.

Men who possess the spirit of chauvinism are difficult to unbalance with tears alone. There may be a backlash; the guy will get angry and become even more confident. In such a relationship, a girl needs to behave in a different way.

You can achieve an apology in a calm way by talking and telling him that the man did wrong and describing your emotions. The guy can be sure that he is right, but it is necessary to point out his mistakes, or even better, use a clear example. He will not apologize right away, he needs time to think about the offense, understand his mistakes, then he will understand everything himself. If you demand an apology by force, then he will resist and disagree.

After realizing his mistake, the man will try to find the culprit; an intelligent woman, using all the advantages of her loved one, will help him understand the situation.

Even the most difficult character can be brought under control. A calm conversation and analysis of mistakes made will help a man admit that sometimes he makes mistakes. Then the moment will come when he will ask for forgiveness from his beloved. The trouble with modern young people is that some of them prefer to break off relations with a girl rather than ask her for forgiveness for their mistakes.

Causes of the problem

There are some reasons why a guy does not admit his guilt and, of course, does not consider it necessary to apologize.

  • If a man admits his mistakes, then this will be a strong blow for him, which will affect not only self-esteem, but also pride. He can sort it out in his soul and understand that he is to blame, but he will never openly agree with it.
  • Unlike women, men cannot share their experiences or joys; they do not like to show their emotions. This is a psychological feature of every young person; they keep all their emotions and experiences within themselves. A husband or boyfriend can reveal himself only in an exceptional situation, for example, when something terrible has happened and he is afraid of losing his soulmate.
  • In a conflict, both are always to blame, but most women try to shift all responsibility onto the man. That is why they avoid the conversation, because they are sure that they cannot avoid criticism and condemnation. Despite all the restraint, men are vulnerable creatures, like other people, they are easily offended by words.
  • The male sex feels when an apology is expected and demanded from him, so they also try to avoid answering. He doesn’t just close himself off, he can do the opposite, especially if you openly demand him to apologize.

There are no ideal relationships - this is a fact, and even more so ideal family relationships. And, whatever one may say, quarrels and disagreements happen even between the most loving people. And in order for a small quarrel not to develop into a huge scandal, you need to learn to apologize on time and correctly. But there are situations when you are sure that it is your husband who should apologize, but not you, so let’s figure out how to make your husband apologize.

It hurts me, it hurts...

In fact, a woman doesn’t care that much about a man’s apology. The main thing for us is that the man understands, moreover, that he realizes that he caused us pain, that he made us cry and, for example, hurt our feminine pride. After all, only those apologies that will truly reassure us are those that came sincerely from the heart, and were not just said for the sake of a catchphrase. So, in order to get a sincere apology from your husband, you shouldn’t demand them at all, it’s enough just to show the man by your behavior that you are hurt, that he offended you greatly. Your husband, seeing your upset state, tears welling up in his eyes, will immediately calm down and understand that he was wrong, and then an apology is not far away. So, let's take acting classes.

After a quarrel, there is no need to shout and prove the man wrong - this will only ruin the situation even more, there is no need to pull forgiveness out of him with claws, turn away, make a very sad face and be sure to tell your husband that your heart is breaking at his words. Of course, you don't like to play the victim, but there are situations where it is useful, and this is the bottom of them. After all, you are sincerity and kindness itself, and he is a despot and tyrant! Oh, how it hurts you!

Words don't matter

There is a type of man who finds it very difficult to say the words of apology. No, not because they are proud or do not admit that they are right, they just do not know how to ask for forgiveness. Perhaps this type of behavior was established in childhood, thanks to parents. For example, he never saw his father apologize to his mother, and such behavior became normal for him. By apologizing, he deals a blow to his pride.

In such a situation, take a close look at your husband; most likely, he has long realized his mistake, but cannot utter words of apology, then he will begin to apologize through actions. Let's say he comes home with a bouquet of flowers or invites you to a restaurant, soft toys and jewelry also count. In this case, do not demand words of forgiveness from him, he has already shown you with all his appearance and behavior that he is wrong and regrets what happened.

There will be no punishment

This is how male psychology works, every man, and your husband is no exception, I am sure that asking for forgiveness means admitting your guilt, and remember how in childhood you admitted guilt - you will be punished. On a subconscious level, your husband is sure that after he utters the words of apology, punishment will follow. For example, hours of lectures await him, or you refuse to have sex with him, or something else.

A conspiracy to make the husband repent and ask for forgiveness

In this article:

Quarrels can happen in any family and for a variety of reasons. But even small grievances can lead to a serious breakdown in relationships.

There are often cases when it is very difficult to make peace even with a loved one, there is no longer any resentment, but pride does not allow you to ask for forgiveness or simply speak first. In this case, you may need a special conspiracy so that your husband will be the first to ask for forgiveness.

A woman is designed in such a way that until the loved one who offended her asks for forgiveness, she cannot free herself from negativity. Only when the lover admits his mistakes does the woman agree to restore the relationship, her heart will thaw and love will reign in her soul again.

Spell on a glass of water

This magical spell uses a church candle and a half-full glass. The candle must be placed in a glass and set on fire, and the words of the spell should be read on it until the fire drops to the water itself. Words:

“Until my husband (name) repents, he will repent from my candle every day. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the candle fire goes out from contact with water, the cinder must be hidden for three weeks, during which the offender must ask for forgiveness.
Pronounce the words clearly, but quickly enough to pronounce the spell as many times as possible.

Conspiracy on an icon

The ritual is performed with the help of an icon of three saints. The icon is placed on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Three church candles are placed and lit on the table and the icon is spoken with the words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, just as there is a union of the three saints Basil, John and Gregory, how close they are to each other, how they are strong bound by their friendship forever and ever, so the servants of God (names) will love each other , will be friends with each other. And let the guilty one (name) take the first step forward and ask for forgiveness. And after this the servants of God (names) will be together forever. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the husband does not repent

There are often cases when the offending husband not only does not repent of his actions, but, on the contrary, gloats at the sight of your suffering.

With the help of this plot, you can cause an awakening of conscience in your husband, the emergence of a feeling of guilt, which will lead to him asking for forgiveness.

“You are my mother, night, today I will be your daughter. Open to me the ninety-ninth star, I, the servant of God (proper name), will find this star and go to it. Night, call the soul of my husband (name), force him to apologize, and if it doesn’t help, then beat him and torment him. Break his heart into ninety-nine pieces, don’t let him sleep at night. Let him not finish the bread, let him not drink the water. You prick his wounds, torture him, sprinkle him with salt, pour vinegar on him. Until he enters my house, until he comes to the threshold, until he asks for my forgiveness. There will be a night of fear and horror on him. My word will become deed. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of forgiveness

To perform the ritual you will need white paper (without stripes or designs), a black pen and three church candles. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the grievances your husband has caused you, pour out all your pain and anger onto the sheet, concentrate on your own negative emotions, they can significantly increase the effectiveness of the ritual.

Such methods are very effective, they allow you to clear your mind.

Now you need to fold the sheet three times to make a triangle. Place the candles on the table in a horizontal line. Light candles with your right hand from left to right.

Take the folded paper and hold it so that all the corners are directed towards you. Next, we set fire to the left corner of the triangle from the leftmost candle, then from the central candle - the middle corner, and from the right - the last corner. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, as soon as all the corners are set on fire, you need to grab the paper in your right hand, as soon as you feel the heat, you can throw the sheet into a steel bowl. When the paper burns completely, the ashes must be collected.

When night falls, open the window and shake out all the remaining ash from the paper. Only after this can the candles be extinguished (if they have not burned out on their own).
During the entire ritual, you must constantly pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“How fire devours this paper, how it does not spare the paper. So they will burn my offender, my husband, God’s servant (name), and they will not spare him. Just as the wind blows away this ashes and scatters them across the ground, so it will take away my resentment against my husband (name), take it with it and free my soul. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Never forget to bring gifts as a sign of gratitude.

Ritual with paper and water

To carry out the ceremony you will need a blank sheet of A4 paper and a blue ballpoint pen. With these items you need to go to the nearest river or stream. On paper you need to describe all your grievances against your husband, everything for which you want them to ask you for forgiveness. At this time we read the words.

Many women have encountered a situation where, after a quarrel, a man withdraws into himself and, despite the obvious wrong, not only does not want to apologize, but even to make contact at all. Sometimes getting a well-deserved apology is not at all easy, and all attempts to force a loved one to admit their guilt end in an even bigger scandal. The reason for such difficulties is male psychology and peculiarities of thinking, knowing which, a woman will always find a way to solve the problem.


If a man is not able to overcome himself and say “I’m sorry, I was wrong,” this does not mean that he does not admit his mistakes.

Why doesn't a man want to apologize?

As you know, most men are very stingy with emotions and do not like to show them even in front of their closest people. A sincere request for forgiveness is always based on an emotion or even a whole explosion of feelings and experiences that, in principle, are not characteristic of the stronger sex. It is simply impossible to shake a person into such emotional unrest within the framework of everyday routine; for this to happen, something truly terrible must happen. In addition, some are afraid to admit that they are wrong, as this will undermine their authority in front of the woman and other people.

Body language

Women are very emotional and love, as they say, “with their ears,” so they are often not able to notice male body language. Guilty husbands usually first withdraw into themselves, thinking hard about what happened, and then, realizing their guilt, silently approach their wife and begin to help her with housework, offering help through gestures, cooking or cleaning. Women with rich life experience, as a rule, still know how to understand these silent apologies and accept them, allowing their spouse to understand that he is forgiven.


Immediately after a quarrel or some time after it, men try to hug or kiss their beloved, thus offering her peace.

How to make your husband ask for forgiveness

If your spouse has committed an act that is too unsightly, where a downcast gaze and coffee brought to bed in the morning will not be enough, then there is one way to make him apologize. Men do not like conversations, and when their partner is overwhelmed with emotions, they strive to self-destruct as quickly as possible. Therefore, if a woman wants to achieve her goal, she will have to turn off her feelings for a while and turn on constructiveness.

Whether he wants it or not, a man’s brain, which loves logic and restraint, will hear his wife’s constructive comments, especially if they are replete with evidence and examples without getting personal. In this case, you will need to calmly and confidently explain why certain of his behavior or actions are unacceptable, how and in what ways they insult you as a woman. Next, you should leave him alone for a while. As practice shows, sooner or later this approach to business gives the desired result, and the man apologizes.

Why is it important for a man to apologize first?

Ideally, the one who is at fault should apologize first. But most women, under the pressure of circumstances, their own emotionality and male pride, are the first to make contact and, wanting to make peace, ask for forgiveness just like that, for the quarrel that took place. A man who was wrong, but did not apologize, and even received one from the injured party, begins to feel his power. Realizing that he can do bad things and offend a woman and get away with it, he loses respect for her and does what he pleases. That is why you should not allow such a situation to happen and never apologize first if he is to blame.