Forming a group in kindergarten: tips and examples. Play areas in kindergarten (group design) Design of learning areas in kindergarten

...If we can teach a child to feel

Beauty, marvel at the wondrous creations

human hands, the beauty of nature, then

Let's raise a person with high culture

feelings, but to reveal to children the beauty of the world

possible through creativity, which

brings joy... (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Our group is called "Buratino". Compensatory speech therapy group for children with severe speech impairments. We tried to create all the conditions for our children so that they feel comfortable throughout the day. When opening the group and registering it, we took into account all the standards of the program.

Let's start our excursion, dear colleagues, from the entrance to the group. Welcome! The changing room is decorated according to the name of the group. We dressed our fairy-tale hero in an Olympic uniform. After all, the Olympics in Sochi 2014 are coming soon. The children and I are also preparing for it (we have conversations, look at illustrations, study sports).

Our stands are also designed based on the fairy tale “Pinocchio” (information stand and menu).

When we have holidays, open days, we make sure to decorate our locker room according to the theme of holidays, lexical topics, and events.

To the left of our fairy-tale hero is our sports corner.

Well, what shall we go further? Before entering the group we have a mood corner. Modern life requires from a person qualities that allow a creative and productive approach to any type of activity. This is explained by the fact that preschool age is sensitive for the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and mental processes that form the basis of activity. We need to create conditions for psychomotor development in the speech therapy group. Therefore, almost all corners of the group are associated with the work of fine motor skills. Children find the appropriate symbol of their mood at the moment and hang it on the stem of a bright dandelion (hook). It was not by chance that we installed the mirror, since children sometimes simply do facial exercises to show their emotions and can change the symbol (the group has a card index of exercises).

Right at the entrance we have developed a corner “Hello, I’m here!” or in another way we call it “Zodiac circle”. Photos of children are attached to those rays of the sun, which zodiac sign they are. The kids really like it. They learned the entire zodiac circle. They know the signs of their family and friends, even each other. When children come to kindergarten in the morning, they turn the photo over to the front side, and when they leave in the evening, they do it all the other way around. It is possible to combine the correction of existing disorders in children with the improvement of motor skills using non-traditional methods and techniques.

Let's go further and what do we see? Wow! Pinocchio and his children found themselves in a field of miracles. What miracles happened to our children today? We know, we know, our Anya learned to say the sound “R”, so she got another gold coin. Both children and parents can always track the progress of their children. Due to the fact that every year there is an increase in the number of children with various disorders, including speech disorders, we must focus on the current, immediate and future development of children, as well as on the development of their individual abilities.

Immediately on the opposite side there is a large stand for creative works “City of Masters”. The exhibitions at the stand change very often, because in addition to NOD on visual activities, we conduct the group work “Skillful Hands”. There is also a shelf for making plasticine and other DIY projects. The principles of our work are the development of children's free activity, during which self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation of the child's personality and individual capabilities occur.

On the opposite side of the creative stand there grows a miracle - a tree. We use it to get to know our surroundings. The seasons change according to the calendar: leaves, birds at the feeder, snow, insects, buds and much more, depending on the season and changes in nature. The children themselves help us organize our work. Observing the activities of children during the day, we ask ourselves the question, what else can we do in our work so that our students can reveal their potential?

We use wood for environmental education. Rules of behavior in nature.

Some topics in fine arts may also be suitable for our wonderful tree, for example, “Bullfinches are like apples.” Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth.

Oh look! What a caterpillar. Are there any pockets on her belly? These pockets are for mommies, daddies and kids. And in the pockets there are many different riddles, poems, signs about the seasons. We learn them together with moms and dads at home. Parents themselves choose what to teach today. We base our activities on both previously developed methods and our own proprietary developments, including unconventional methods. Thus, our group has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

We ask you to move on, dear guests! We have a fun corner for duty officers. Do you know why he’s funny? Yes, because our little cook always calls those on duty to set the tables with a cheerful song. Teachers turn it on at a time. The guards on duty hear the song and run to be on duty. Like this. The information in the corner changes frequently: table manners, table settings, national dishes, and more.

A little further away we have a children's library. Yes, you heard right, it’s the library. If children want to take a book home, they sign up on their library cards. Just like in a real library. There is a library card for every child, and even for adults. The library has: a card index of books (list of literature); first aid kit for books; bookmarks that the children made themselves; illuminated magnifying glass; little books for your own authorship (design); table lamp for individual reading or evening reading (we have an evening tradition in the group, reading fairy tales by candlelight. A magic chest containing objects with which we find out how the book appeared, what we used to write on? Children can do it themselves at any time try to write: on clay, papyrus, bark, stone, leather.We organize various exhibitions dedicated to writers and poets.

Next to the library we have a creative area. Here you can find everything “Whatever your heart desires.” We love to “create”. We practice a lot using unconventional techniques. Our doll Alyonushka changes her outfits, or rather national costumes. Decorative and applied arts products are changing.

To the right of the creativity zone we have a fine motor zone. As researchers of children's speech note, hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development. In the process of manipulating the materials, there is a natural massage of biologically active points located on the palms and fingers, which has a positive effect on the general well-being of the child. Therefore, our children use these trays with different objects to develop their fingers and hands in their free time. There are various massagers, sujo-ki, tops, tablets for tactile sensations, sorting cereals, stringing beads, working with tweezers, a pipette and much more. To ensure that children do not lose interest, benefits are changed once a week.

A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena.

And we have something to watch. Now you will see for yourself. In order to improve the state of speech function and reduce the number of speech disorders, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it is necessary to create a system of correctional work with children. For such children, the process of acting with objects throughout the day is often important. In order to form in children initial concepts about the basic calendar units of time and give a correct interpretation of these measures, we have developed a nature calendar for children with severe speech impairments.

Children determine the time of year and month using an arrow. On the calendar, children determine the state of today's weather and move the arrow to the corresponding symbol. When determining the weather, children change clothes on dolls - templates also located on the calendar. All templates can be easily removed and reattached.

At the bottom of the calendar there are tree templates. In our case, it is birch. The tree can be traced in all months throughout the entire season (without leaves in winter, in spring it begins to turn green gradually, in summer with green leaves, in autumn with yellow leaves). Then we determine which week is in this month. To do this, buttons are attached under each tree for the number of weeks in this month.

On each button hangs a week (lace) on which we put a bead (day of the week). The beads are also the corresponding color: Winter - white, spring - pale green, summer - bright green, autumn - yellow. Every day beads are added and we count which day, for example Wednesday, if there are three beads? (third). We identify weekends with red beads. At the end of each week we count the beads (how many days are in the week). The proposed manual served as a model of the calendar year, since with its help the interrelation of all measures of calendar time was clearly reflected. The children themselves took down the weeks of the calendar and added the weeks together to form a month.

The months gradually and consistently formed into a year. Children at any time could come up to determine how many days had passed since the beginning of the week, how many weeks had passed since the beginning of the month, how many months had passed since the beginning of the year, and by the empty weeks - how much was left before its end. By performing all these actions, children gradually comprehend and realize the complex quantitative relationships between individual measures of time. Working with a calendar and a calendar year model makes the learning task much easier. Children develop clear ideas about the length of the year and the standards for measuring it.

Look, dear colleagues. We use a hoop to hang pictures and illustrations on lexical topics. We also use it for speech breathing exercises: snowflakes, butterflies, flowers and more. To ensure truly comprehensive development of the child, it is necessary to maintain the unity of the subject-development environment and meaningful communication between adults and children.

We live in the far north. And we always lack warmth, sunshine, some greenery, vitamins. Children see snow for almost 9 months. We implement mini-projects throughout the year. Children are invited to prepare a mini-report. Projects are developed and implemented taking into account the program being implemented. These projects well fill the gaps in educational work with children. The children and I worked on the “Little Gardeners” project. The child encounters phenomena of the surrounding world, in particular living and inanimate nature, very early and strives to understand them.

The defense of the project consists of transmitting the collected information on the topic by the child himself, using photographs, drawings, crosswords, riddles - prepared together with parents on this topic. The child, defending his project, learns to speak in front of a group audience and answer questions from those present. Evelina defends the “My Motherland” project.

Well, the time has come to look into the quietest place. This is a children's bedroom. Here we wake up, do exercises and walk along the corrective paths that we sewed ourselves. My children and I call it the “Health Path.” How great it is to do everything yourself, with your own hands, with your parents and children. Caring for the health of the younger generation is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

And this is our pride. Our theater is the best. We host children's productions, finger theaters, tabletop theaters and other theaters. Behind the curtain we have a dressing room with a mirror, a costume room and various types of theaters. Conditions are created for the predominance of positive emotions in the organization of children's theatrical activities.

We even show the REMP theater (the poem “Once a cube went into the forest, there he found a cylinder!”). This way the children remembered geometric bodies better. After all, we don’t have classes now, but we have direct educational activities. The purpose of this theatrical performance was to generalize, systematize, and clarify ideas about geometric figures and geometric bodies.

Well, all that remains is to look at our washroom. There are fish swimming around the algae. Scheme maps (algorithms) are posted everywhere. And in the group, locker room, bedroom.

Today we need education that faces the child, his characteristics and abilities, and gives him the opportunity to express himself where he is successful. This is especially important when raising children with disabilities. Taking into account the importance of this problem, the work being carried out does not lose its relevance. The novelty of this work lies in understanding the priority of correctional work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands using non-traditional methods and techniques as an effective means of developing the personality of a child with severe speech impairments.

List of used literature:

1. Development program for a preschool educational institution (from the experience of the MADU)

2.N.E. Veraksa "Project activities for preschoolers"

3.L.D. Postoeva L.A. Martynenko “Play, listen, learn!”

4.L.L. Timofeeva “Project method in kindergarten”

5.M.E. Khilko Developmental psychology

6.E.A. Lifits "Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills"

7.Own developments (from work experience)

Certificate of publication in the media Series A 0002223- 0002224 ShPI 62502666132205 date of dispatch November 16, 2013.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Subject-spatial development environment in preschool educational institutions.

Junior group of kindergarten "Solnyshko"
The organization of the subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the principles of the program“From birth to school”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, N.E. Veraksa and T.S. Komarova and “Concepts for building a developmental environment” by V.A. Petrovsky, corresponding to the personality-oriented model of interaction with preschoolers.
The group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developmental materials. All items and materials are available to children.
Such organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them throughout the day, and gives the teacher the opportunity to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:
The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.
Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.
It is necessary to provide space in the group for children's experimental activities.
Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

The kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy, original, warm, and different from others.
In accordance with the principles discussed, the following subject-development environment was created in the junior group of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko”:
1. Center for theatrical activities;
2. Center for “Dressing” and role-playing games;
3. Center for physical development;
4. Center of the book;
5. Game center
6. Center for educational games;
7. Center of water and sand;
8. Center “Creative Workshop” (for the exhibition of children's drawings, children's creativity);
9. Hanging modules
10. Information blocks.

The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

Center for theatrical activities.
The Theater Activity Center is one of the active sectors in our group.
The purpose of the theater corner:
Development of creative abilities in children;
Development of imagination, ability to improvise;
Development of memory, attention, expression of basic emotions;
Instill a sustainable interest in literature, theater, music;
All costumes and attributes are arranged so that it is convenient for children to take them and use them, and they will unite in subgroups based on common interests.
In the corner there are props for various types of theater: finger theater, tabletop, flat, masks for acting out scenes.

Dressing center.
In our group there is a corner that all children, without exception, love. Everyone chooses their own image, according to their sympathies and feelings living in their soul here and now. This provides psycho-emotional release and lifts your spirits. Children learn to combine things, fabrics, sizes. They study the purpose of things and their seasonality. They choose their own image.

Center for Physical Development.
To successfully solve the problems of physical education in preschool institutions, it is necessary to have physical education equipment, which should also be in the group room, in a specially designated place “physical education corner”. The selection of equipment and maintenance of the physical education corner is determined by the program objectives of both physical and comprehensive education of children. The teacher’s task is to teach children independent physical activity in limited space and the correct use of physical education equipment.
In our kindergarten group, the motor activity center is designed as part of a large play area. There are rolling toys for kids; balls of different sizes; balls - hedgehogs; bags filled with peas for hands; massage mats; massage mittens; skittles; dumbbells; ringbross; hoops; jump ropes; ropes, cords; dry pool; Children are constantly in active motion and use the toys offered at their own discretion. In the sports corner there are devices for organized children's activities: for sports games and exercises. That's why our center has masks for games. Basically, these are the characters that are most often found in their games: cat, hare, fox, bear, wolf. Items for carrying out exercises - for all children in the group: cubes, soft balls, plumes; breathing simulators - houses. Be sure to have a tambourine to perform exercises in the suggested rhythm.

Book Center.
The most accessible and effective way to develop children is reading. For many parents, this is also a very cheap way to keep their child busy. The educational potential of a children's book is limitless. Thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination - all this is formed through communication with a book. For this reason, we decided to create a book museum. Our museum displays modern books, books from the childhood of our grandparents, and books created with our own hands. Moms, dads, grandmothers and even grandfathers responded to our proposal to create a book with their families. The topics chosen were varied: “My favorite pets”, “Polite words”, “Seasons”, “Our favorite kindergarten”, “My favorite grandparents” and many others. We actively use all the books presented, since fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic development of children.

Game center.
The play area contains a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

Center for educational games.
The center for educational games is aimed at developing speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

Center of water and sand.
The “Water and Sand Center” in our group helps organize children’s cognitive and research activities. We are talking about playing and experimenting with various objects and natural materials. By organizing games with water and sand, we not only introduce children to the properties of various objects and materials, but also help them consolidate ideas about the shape, size, color of objects, develop fine motor skills, and lay the foundation for learning to design (molding from sand).

Suspended modules.
Small children do not know how to get bored; they need to constantly do something: look at something, touch something, observe something - for them this is the same action as running, jumping, playing. Therefore, the presence of hanging figures, butterflies, birds, stars in the room creates an atmosphere in which something is constantly changing and moving. A color cascade is very useful from an aesthetic and psychological point of view. There are many such cascades in our group room.

Creativity Center.
Creativity in the broad sense of the word is an activity aimed at obtaining something new and unique. In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity. The exhibition is very colorfully decorated, where we display children's drawings and applications. In the creativity center, something is constantly changing depending on the lexical topics and techniques being mastered.

Before enrolling their child in a preschool institution, all parents carefully study it. Therefore, the design of the group in the kindergarten, its appearance, the cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the premises play a decisive role in their final choice.

Kindergarten group design project

The main task when designing the interior of a kindergarten is to create a favorable atmosphere for the psychological development of children. The environment should be such that the child wants to come back here every day.

When developing a design project for a kindergarten, pay close attention to its lighting; it is advisable that the windows are located on both sides. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps in rooms; use natural light as much as possible.

Game Zone

Play areas in senior and preparatory groups should be quite spacious, so we recommend placing furniture around the perimeter. A mandatory element is indoor plants; their selection and placement should be harmoniously combined with the overall design.

The basis of the design of children's rooms is the creation of a special microworld that would arouse children's interest.

This is achieved by arranging functional areas:

  • game;
  • workplace;
  • dining room;
  • bedrooms.
  1. The interior of the kindergarten should not resemble an official institution. Large soft toys, light bright curtains, and sofa cushions can help make the rooms cozy.
  2. Children's furniture must be quite durable, since it is subject to particularly rapid wear. Interior items and furniture must have the correct size and height, selected in accordance with the height of the children in the group.
  3. Furniture should be placed so that there is enough space for games and exercise.
  4. In the premises it is necessary to provide play islands with toys, materials for crafts, pencils, albums and light movable furniture. Such areas require a bright design.
  5. Another important component of interior design is a variety of pictures hung on the walls depicting cartoon characters and animals. They will create a fun, comfortable environment.
  6. Provide a corner in the project in which children's drawings and crafts will be placed. At the same time, parents should have access to them; they should see what their baby creates with their own hands. Place the display area at a height so that children can easily pick up and put down the artwork.

Features of the design of different zones in the group

Bedroom in kindergarten

The interior of the kindergarten premises should be moderately saturated with different tones so that there is no clearly visible contrast.

Color solution

This will help to visually erase spatial boundaries and create harmony in the interior of the group.

Note! Child psychologists do not recommend actively using the color red, because its excess leads to aggression and nervous excitement. But all shades of green calm, lift the mood and have a good effect on the child’s psyche.

Game Zone

The playing area should be decorated brightly - in blue, yellow, orange and green tones, this will increase gaming activity. In younger groups, the interior should resemble a fairy tale; this will create a joyful mood in children and help their imagination develop.

The dining area should be designed depending on whether it is combined with a study or play room. Furniture should be comfortable and made of durable and environmentally friendly materials.


The most important aspect is organizing a place for daytime naps. The peculiarities of physical development are such that children get tired quite quickly. Based on this, their activity depends on the quality of rest.

Beds should be appropriate for the height of children; mattresses should be comfortable and not too soft. The use of spring products is strictly prohibited, as they can provoke curvature of the spine.

Bright and exciting colors are not allowed in the bedroom; the best solution in this case is to decorate the area in pastel colors.

About facing materials and equipment

The walls of the kindergarten should not be covered with wallpaper. All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. In the games area, you can plan a wall painting that will depict cartoon characters or funny animals.

Plastic panels are quite suitable for the bedroom. in kindergarten it can be done with decorative plaster, which has a weak texture. The study area can be painted in bright colors, with decorative accents.

The floor covering should be as safe and tactile as possible. This could be a light-colored laminate flooring covered with medium-pile carpeting.

All furniture in the kindergarten should be adapted to the growth and needs of the children. In addition, its objects should be bright and interesting, attracting attention. It is best if it is made of natural wood.

If the beds in the bedroom are bunk, the second tier must be equipped with a side. In addition, the area must be equipped with lockers for storing clothes.

Play areas are equipped in different ways; the best option is to use soft ottomans, as well as racks and shelves with toys.

In the study part of the groups, as a rule, there are open cabinets for books, notebooks and other study supplies, small desks with chairs. Do not forget to provide a workplace for the teacher.

Textiles play an important role in the design of a kindergarten; it gives the premises a homely look. Use light and bright curtains, complement them with napkins, tablecloths, and towels that add comfort.

Indoor decor elements need to be safe and unbreakable. Toys are perfect for this, but they should not be placed in the learning part of the groups, otherwise the children will be distracted all the time.

Living plants, which are placed in flowerpots at a height where children cannot reach them, will help decorate the design of the kindergarten premises.

Summing up

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Basic principles of zoning groups in kindergarten

The environment is a system of interrelations of a subject and personal nature. It should help teachers most effectively develop the child’s individuality, taking into account his interests and inclinations.

Zoning a kindergarten group is the creation of that very “pickle”, a developing environment around the child.

Since the premises of a kindergarten group usually do not resemble the size of the Luzhniki Stadium, we use the so-called cassette system , that is, easily transformable equipment with which we can create areas of activity for children at will, combining them or separating them from each other. In this way, the principles of stability and dynamism will be observed - a variety of individual moving blocks in a stable room. Children in these zones will be able to engage in various activities without interfering with each other, and, if necessary, have the opportunity to unite for joint activities.

It is impossible to be in a group all day, especially if the child is an introvert. It is necessary to have a zone in the group where you can have privacy.

Mandatory, very important principle of zoning - aesthetics and unusualness of space . The “corners” you create in the group should be attractive, so that the child wants to be in them, look at their contents, and perform actions that correspond to the theme.

The zones you create in the kindergarten group must take into account the leading modal channels of children . We are all different: there are auditory people among us who perceive the world mainly by ear; visual people for whom the main thing is to see. There are kinesthetics - the world is given to them in sensations, mainly tactile. There are also mixed types - the so-called digitals. Therefore, it is necessary to build the zones of the kindergarten group in such a way that the child can use his main channel of perception, and at the same time, so that all channels of receiving information participate in his mastering of reality.

When creating zones in a group, we must not forget about gender difference . Boys and girls perceive the world differently; their characteristics must be taken into account, especially since preschool education in our country is left to women.

It is also necessary to ensure the separation of boys and girls in the bedroom, shower, and toilet.

To increase the effectiveness of actions carried out by children in group areas, it is necessary to remember that the teacher, as a true leader, must always be several steps above the children, leading them with him, ahead of their level of development. Orientation towards the child’s zone of proximal development should be laid down in each of the zones in the kindergarten group.

When zoning kindergarten groups, it is very important to take into account the main characteristics of the children’s age.

  • So, for three year olds It is still difficult to quickly get used to a changing space, so in the younger group of kindergarten it is not advisable to change the space often.

Zones in the younger group will help develop children's sensory abilities. Use as many different materials and technologies as possible to equip zones for groups of this age, so you will help your child develop his analyzers. It’s not for nothing that the kindergarten environment is called subject-developmental; use as many different objects as possible, knowing exactly how each one will help the child’s development. And we repeat once again: do not forget about the principle of aesthetics of the environment! There is no need to fill the space with a bunch of disparate objects “fighting” with each other in style and aesthetics. The development of thinking and visual perception of three-year-old children is helped by the use of symbolic drawings and diagrams. But it is necessary, every time before you offer children some new symbolism, to first explain what exactly you had in mind, especially at the first stage of application.

  • Increased mobility middle group children involves increasing the space of zones specifically for such games and activities.

At this age, interest in playing together in small groups in specially organized “scenery” for role-playing games grows.

  • Senior preschool age – a time of creativity and self-affirmation. Zones in the senior group of a kindergarten should already change quite often with a focus on maintaining the child’s interest in the subject-developmental environment, on the material studied, the individual characteristics and capabilities of children, ensuring the zone of proximal development, and growing information content.

Standard zones in a kindergarten group can be focused both on the areas of child development and educational areas of preschool education programs:

  • cognitive-speech, social-personal, environmental, artistic and aesthetic development;
  • artistic creativity, music, sports, theater, folk art, folk crafts, local history, the basics of life safety including the study of traffic rules, as well as forms, methods and technologies for implementing these programs: didactic games, role-playing games;
  • There must be a book area, an individual area, and a hygiene area.

Here, for example, is how and what can be equipped with zones dedicated to cognitive-speech development (didactic games zone), social-personal and artistic-aesthetic development and the educational area “Theater”.

Cognitive and speech development

Type of equipment: objects for research in action

1. Tumbler (various sizes)

Tumblers Alyonka, Bobblehead, Cutie, Clown, Cat, Mouse, Bunny, Piglet, Dog

2.​ Simple lacing

Magic strings 1, Magic strings 2, Series “Laces”, “On a string”

3.​ Mosaic with a large base, sample images and large chips

Mosaic “Princesses of flowers-1”, “Princesses of flowers-2”, Puzzles “Funny mosaic on the screen”, “Colored trains”

4.​ Mosaic with a base, sample images and large chips with a storage case

Mosaic on the screen (puzzles), “Funny mosaic” in a pack, “Haze”, “Gzhel”

Equipment type: building material

5.​ A set of medium-sized cubes

Cubes “Russian Fairy Tales”, “Smart Cubes”, “ABC. Cubes", Cubes "I will speak"

6.​ A set of colored elements from basic geometric shapes

“To the kids. Form", "For kids. Magnitude", Geometric mosaic, "Dominoes for kids. Geometric shapes”, “Close the figures”, Lotto “Shape”, Handouts and demonstration materials in mathematics, “Think on”, “Soon to school 2”, “Soon to school 3”, “Compare and match”, “Learning to compare” ", "What's extra", Set for children's creativity No. 2, "Magic geometry"

Type of equipment: construction kits

7.​ Creative construction for children. City

"Laws of streets and roads"

8.​ Creative construction for children. We are building a road

“Big Walk”, “Laws of Streets and Roads”

9.​ Creative construction for children. Set of special elements

Homemade game “Battle for the Fortress”, set for children's creativity No. 2

Type of equipment: figurative and symbolic material

10.​ Board with inserts

Games with pockets: “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”, “Mitten”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Locomotive”

11. Cut pictures

“Cut-out doll” (“Winter-summer”, “Carnival”, “Folk costumes”, “Professions”), “Dress Violetta”, “Fashion salon”

12.​ Pictures-halves

“Colored engines”, a series of games “In the world of words”: “Prepositions”, “First words”, “Tell who does what”, “First story”, “One and many”. “Entertaining squares-3”, “Pictures-halves”, “Pictures-halves-2”, “Funny stories”, “Funny stories”, games with cards “Part - whole”. Series "Couples"

13.​ Thematic sets of cards with images (besides the fact that these are thematic sets of cards - the games are all on different topics - they can be played according to the rules included in the games)

“Merry Lotto”, “Once upon a time there were fairy tales”, “My favorite fairy tales”, “Read it. Getting ready for school”, “What first, what then?”, “Tell a story”, “A, B, C, D, E...”, “Analogies”, “Visiting the bunnies”, “Choosing opposites”, “Everything for counting”, “Everything for counting-3”, “Remember. Getting ready for school”, “Mine or not mine”, “Shopping trip”, “Soon to school”, “The whole year”, “What’s extra?”, “Miracle tree”, “Miracle animals”, “Big and small”, “All professions are important”, “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”, series “Couples”, “Pick up a picture. Flora and fauna", "Pick up a picture. Objects of the surrounding world”, “About animals”, “About plants”. Lotto for kids “Seasons” “Birds, animals”, “Vegetables, fruits”

14.​ Set of board-printed games for early ages

  • Direction “Development of hand movements”: “Pick up the key.”
  • Direction “Speech development”: “In the world of sounds”, “Colored trains”, “Dominoes for kids”, “Let's play lotto”, Cubes “I will speak. Color. Form. Size. Taste", "I will talk. Actions”, “I will speak. Part and whole”, “Loto in pictures”, “I am learning letters”, “ABC song”. Direction “Development of thinking”:
  • Series getting ready for school: “Analogies”, “Think a little”, “Race in the kitchen”, “For smart people and smart girls”, “Dominoes for kids”, “Logic train”, “Fun arithmetic”, “Mathematics handouts”, game-activity “Play!”, “Turnip”, “Soon to school 2”, “Soon to school 3”, “In the city”, “My house”, “Funny colors”, “About fairy tales”, “Smart cells”, “Learning numbers”, “Compare and match”, “Colored lotto”. Direction “Development of ideas about the world around us”: “Dominoes for kids. Transport and road signs", "Wings, paws and tails". Lotto for kids. Direction “Socio-emotional development”: “Rush Hour”, “Find Friends”, “House of Moods”, “Neboley’s Tooth”, “Fairy Tale Theatre”, domino “Berry”

15.​ Figures of people and animals (character toys)

PVC plastisol figures: Soldier, Military, Doggie driving, Cat driving, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pony, Horse, Angel, Dragon, Boa constrictor, Lina, Arina, Rita, Rabbit, Piglet, Cheerful clown, Gnome, Fat man with propeller, Parrot, Freckle, set “Fish”

Social and personal development

Equipment type: character toys

1. Soft anthropomorphic toys depicting animals

Mikhail Ivanovich, Rusik the Hare, Spring Hare, Gosha the Wolf Cub

2. Large doll in clothes

Plastic dolls of the “My Friend” series Milana, Snezhana, Vika (height from 70 cm to 1 meter)

3.​ Doll in clothes

Plastic dolls of the series “My Favorite Doll”, “Anastasia”, “Clever Girl”, “Freckles”, “Ethno”, “Profi”, “Play with Me” (soft stuffed doll)

4.​ Toddler dolls with gender characteristics

Baby Vesna, Baby Vesna, Karapuz Vesna (boy), Karapuz Vesna (girl)

5.​ Medium size baby doll in clothes

Plastic dolls from the “Toddlers and Babies” series: Vladik, Vlada, Zhenechka, Deniska, Sonya, Alyonka

6.​ Neck doll

Plastic dolls from the “Toddlers and Babies” series: Peanut Spring in the bath

Type of equipment: toys - operating objects

7. Clothing sets for baby dolls

Clothes sets for plastic dolls of the “Toddlers and Babies” series

8.​ Clothes sets for toddler dolls

Sets of clothes for plastic dolls of the “Toddlers and Babies” series: Karapuz boy and Karapuz Girl

9.​ Trucks, cars

Turbo car, Rally 3 set

10. Play house

"Doll's House 2"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment type: character toys

11.​ Construction set with scenery elements and characters from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Game with pockets “Ryaba Chicken”, homemade game “Puppet Theater”.

Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters set No. 1

12.​ Hat-mask for theatrical performances

Horse, Cutie, Goat

13.​ A set of costume elements for the dressing up corner

Carnival costumes: Bow, Tomato, Carrot, Bell, Rose, Flower Girl, Chamomile, Curious Boy, Girl with Blue Hair, Poet Boy, Girl in a Red Riding Hood, Ivan, Marya, Wolf, Squirrel, Bunny, Baby Fox, Bull , Bear, Polar Bear, Dog, Duck, Tiger, Lion Cub, Cat, Dwarf, Cheerful Mouse, Count of the Night, Night Hero, Penguin, Musketeer, Russian Hero, Clown, Bee, Ladybug

14.​ Glove doll

Puppet theater Vesna - 4 characters (with screen). Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters set No. 1. Fairy tales: “Fear has big eyes”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “The Fox and the Jug”, “Tops and Roots”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “Girl and the Fox”.

Glove puppets

15.​ Tabletop screen for puppet theater

Puppet theater Vesna - 4 characters (with screen). Puppet theater Spring - 7 characters

Creating comfortable conditions for children to stay in a preschool educational organization is not possible without taking into account the characteristics of developmental psychology reflected in the current SanPiN and Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education. - an important aspect of designing an innovative educational space that contributes to solving priority problems:

  • creating conditions for active cognitive activity of children;
  • strengthening the physical and psychological health of children;
  • ensuring free and comfortable development.

Decorating a kindergarten: principles and norms

In domestic pedagogical practice, the issues of decorating the premises of preschool educational organizations have invariably received sufficient attention. At the same time, for a long time the design of groups and kindergarten premises remained monotonous and did not fully correspond to the age-related needs of children, and in modern times such tactics require immediate revision. - an important component of the organization of the educational process, which can not only contribute to the achievement of educational goals, but also largely determine the format of the teacher’s activities and ways of organizing useful leisure time for children.

The issue of designing a kindergarten (including) today is closely related to the creation of a subject-developmental environment, which, contrary to popular belief, goes beyond the group and covers the entire complex of objects that influence the psychophysical development of a preschooler. The object component of the children’s environment should contribute to:

  1. Consistent implementation of educational programs used in the educational process and achievement of target pedagogical objectives.
  2. Ensuring inclusion provided that there are children with special educational needs in the group.
  3. Creating comfortable conditions for all students, without exception, regardless of their level of development, temperament, range of interests, national and cultural affiliation.

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Requirements for the subject-spatial environment that should be taken into account when decorating kindergarten premises

Indicators of the developing subject-spatial environment Implementation Features
Content richness

The design of the educational space should not interfere with the provision of:

  • gaming, cognitive-research, creative activity of pupils, incl. carried out using various materials of natural and artificial origin;
  • motor development (carrying out various games and competitions in a group, in common areas, on the site);
  • opportunities to expand emotional impressions and self-expression.
Transformability When implementing targeted design solutions, it is important to provide for the possibility of re-planning the educational space in accordance with the applied goals of educators and changes in the age interests of children.
Multifunctionality The use of multi-level, mobile surfaces and design elements provides an option for the multi-purpose use of the components of the educational space and the organization of various types of children's activities without the need for serious preparatory work on the part of the preschool teacher.
Variability When decorating a kindergarten and groups in particular, it is important to ensure that in the space accessible to children there are various zones adapted for outdoor games, making observations, constructing, and implementing role-playing scenarios. Game material in the group should be periodically updated to develop a wide range of interests of students and stimulate cognitive activity.
Availability and security

This requirement presupposes the opportunity for all pupils in groups, including those with disabilities, to use educational equipment of interest and safe objects of the developmental space - toys, materials, manuals, thematic sets that promote interest in the world around them.

The implementation of the principle of accessibility involves strict monitoring of the serviceability of objects and objects, and the safety of teaching materials.

Creating a meaningful and aesthetically attractive space in a kindergarten, which cannot be realized without design work, requires coordinated and creative work of a team of teachers directed by the head of the preschool educational institution. Activities in this direction should be multi-vector to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and recommendations of psychologists:

  1. Taking into account the current edition of SanPiN and the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, regulating the procedure for creating a subject-development environment.
  2. Taking into account the advice of experts in the education industry, who are confident that the variety of toys and oversaturation of the educational space impede the active development of preschoolers of different age groups.

Another important point, traditionally overlooked when kindergarten design, - decorating and improving exclusively group rooms, music and sports classes, while deliberately ignoring corridors and utility rooms. Based on an experiment conducted in one of the Russian kindergartens within the framework, it was quickly found out that pupils feel psychological discomfort if they need to leave the group. Thus, when children were asked to go out to play in the corridor and “visit” group rooms with preschool children of a different age, the overwhelming majority of active and inquisitive boys and girls chose not to leave the group. The psychological barrier associated with the threshold of the group was overcome only after the fourth repetition of the experiment, which indicates the need to “push” the boundaries of the object-spatial environment through the implementation of design solutions beyond the playing premises and to inform parents about the need for such experimentation, subject to compliance with safety regulations, in at home.

The creation of conditions for the stay of children in a preschool educational organization is determined by adults, who are guided by their personal, often erroneous, ideas about the content, zoning and design of playrooms, bedrooms and common areas, which is often erroneous. Registration of a group in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard primarily involves the projection of children's perception of space in order to optimize the process of active cognition of the world around them. Education experts advise not to evaluate the educational environment solely in terms of pedagogical effectiveness. Sometimes it is enough to sit down to understand how the child will feel in the proposed subject-developmental conditions.

When deciding on the design of a group, it is important to focus not only on taking into account age characteristics, but also the essence of the project being implemented. According to experts, preschool educational institutions should be designed in such a way that it is clear at first glance for what age children the premises have been adapted and what educational direction has been chosen as a priority.

The design of a developing subject environment is traditionally carried out under the guidance of educators, for whom, in order to ensure the competent design of a group in a preschool educational institution, it is important to correctly assess the content of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard in matters of developing an educational space. The key principles of the second generation standards on this issue are widely available, the main thing for teachers is to avoid their erroneous interpretation in order to create a meaningful play space for preschoolers.

Registration in the preschool educational institution group a rich, aesthetically attractive, multi-vector subject-spatial environment is an excellent basis for the daily organization of exciting cognitive activities of pupils. An educational space that fully meets age and individual needs will become one of the significant elements in the formation of the personality of preschool children, a source of new social experience and a means of expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality.

Before implementing various design solutions in a group, it is important to create a project that fully complies with the new educational principles. Thus, teachers of many kindergartens are faced with the problem of integrating educational areas of preschool pedagogy, which at first glance may seem contradictory: for example, the richness and variability of the educational environment, transformability and safety. Practice shows that the use of modern furniture and the creation of individual interior solutions during the phased implementation of a well-developed project allows us to ensure a high level of integration of indicators and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. To confirm this axiom, it is worth once again considering the indicators of the developing subject-spatial environment from a practical point of view.

  1. Saturation is the most tangible principle of organizing the educational space, providing for the provision of preschool children with toys, aids, and educational materials in an amount that fully satisfies age-related cognitive needs.
  2. Transformability is a model of an organization, for the implementation of which it is necessary to use modern innovative objects. Thus, multi-level tables with wheels and locking legs are easy to move and securely installed around the entire perimeter of the group, which contributes to the competent use of the available space (which, by the way, in most groups of Russian preschool educational institutions remains modest). Tables of this type can be ordered during the renovation of the institution’s logistics.
  3. Multifunctionality, which has much in common with transformability. The trend in age-related pedagogy in recent years has been a return to low-functional, variable toys and aids, interaction with which contributes to the development of creative thinking and imagination in children. As practice shows, voluminous themed corners - toy kitchens, hairdressers, hospitals - quickly become boring for students, who return after a short time to dolls and cars. Therefore, when designing a group in a kindergarten, it is important to provide for the possibility of systematic updating of gaming and design solutions.
  4. Variability due to the need to arrange various thematic zones in a group room - for playing, learning, playing role-playing scenarios (for which it is necessary to provide children with special play equipment). It is important to use not only the horizontal, but also the vertical space of the rooms.
  5. Accessibility is a principle whose implementation most often remains incomplete due not so much to ignoring the needs of preschoolers with disabilities, but to the desire of the teaching staff to provide an ideal aesthetic component of the subject-spatial environment. The practice of establishing the best toys for decoration as decoration elements is painfully experienced by children who see what they want every day, but cannot get it for reasons that are unclear to them. It has been proven that such situations provoke psychological trauma, so it is important to avoid creating barriers for the child in kindergarten - both in terms of growth and prohibitions.
  6. Safety. The need to comply with SanPin requirements determines the creation of optimal conditions for preserving the physical health of children in groups, but control of psychological safety still requires close attention due to the high risks of dangerous toys being included in the group (inappropriate for age, with piercing or sharp parts, carrying negative emotional connotations ( monsters, dolls in coffins, etc.)). Stories that resonate with modern trends that can harm the psychological health of preschool children should not be used when designing a group, even if representatives of the parent community insist on this.

The atmosphere prevailing in the group rooms of a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the chosen material and color of the main rooms, which are subject to a number of requirements - from sanitary and hygienic to aesthetic. Decoration of walls in a preschool educational institution carried out in accordance with the standards of SanPiN, effective from May 15, 2013.

Among the requirements regulating the procedure for interior decoration of kindergarten walls, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. The walls of the kindergarten premises should be smooth, without raised inclusions or signs of fungal damage.
  2. It is allowed to use any type of finishing that allows cleaning and disinfection using a wet method, incl. use of washable wallpaper.
  3. All materials used for processing and decorating the walls of preschool educational institutions must be safe and environmentally friendly, and be equipped with certificates confirming their origin and composition.
  4. The walls of the catering unit, toilet rooms and other auxiliary premises are lined with smooth ceramic tiles (or other moisture-resistant materials) to a height of at least 1.5 m, which ensures the possibility of effective wet cleaning using disinfectants.

The choice of colors when decorating the walls of a preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with the level of illumination. It is recommended to decorate rooms with windows facing south or east in cool colors, rooms facing north or west - in warm colors. In this case, it is allowed to paint individual design elements in brighter shades, but their total surface should not exceed 25% of the total area of ​​the room.

Popular decorative elements used when decorating walls in preschool educational institutions

Design solutions Advantages and disadvantages
Subject photo wallpaper

Elements of fairy-tale or cartoon scenes printed on a smooth, washable film are characterized by excellent user qualities and an affordable cost. You can choose photo wallpaper of any size and add a frame to it, creating a “window to another world” or decorate the wall with a large image. Due to the cost-effectiveness of the design method, it remains possible to periodically update the “drawing” on the wall.

The disadvantage of the idea is the difficulty of obtaining a certificate of quality for materials of this type, which are mostly produced by private photo studios to order.

Themed sticker sets Sets of shaped stickers illustrating fairy-tale characters, animals, birds, trees and flowers, and other objects of the surrounding world that are interesting to children are an excellent alternative to photo wallpapers. The stickers are created using eco-solvent paints; they compare favorably with:
  • reliable indicators of adhesion to the surface (the stickers can be rubbed, touched with your hands, cleaned using non-abrasive disinfectant solutions);
  • small thickness (less than 1 mm), which eliminates the possibility of small children tearing off the edges;
  • long service life (more than 5 years).
Artistic painting

Supplementing a group room with artistic painting, the theme of which is chosen at random, is a common practice. Studios providing art services use environmentally friendly pigments, taking care of consumer health.

The disadvantage of artistic painting is its high cost and fragility, but if the finished image is coated with an additional layer of water-based varnish, it remains possible to obtain the optimal design option.

Drawing film

An interesting solution that helps create optimal conditions for the development of children's creativity is to cover one of the walls with film on which you can draw with crayons. The coating, applied to the wall at a height slightly higher than the height of the pupils, facilitates easy updating of decorative elements during the implementation of the current educational process.

Unfortunately, this design option remains unavailable due to the lack of mass production.

It should be noted that it has become common practice to use volumetric elements cut from ceiling tiles, fiberboard or other materials that do not fully comply with sanitary and hygienic standards due to the difficulty of carrying out frequent cleaning to decorate walls in kindergartens (especially group rooms). This practice is largely explained by the time complexity of institutions with updating their material and technical base, but in order to improve safety indicators, it is better to abandon such design variations in favor of artistic painting.

The reception room in groups is a special room designed to resolve organizational issues and communicate between teachers and parents. determines the simplicity of pedagogical work in certain areas, the level of comfort of students, the awareness of mothers and fathers about the peculiarities of organizing the educational process. Therefore, design solutions implemented in the reception area should contribute to the consistent implementation of rationalization ideas.

The zoning of the reception room is determined by the nature of the purpose of the room, where lockers and benches are traditionally located, necessary for the comfortable undressing and dressing of pupils. Wall decoration is carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards using artistic painting, applying photo wallpapers or thematic stickers to painted surfaces. The cabinets are decorated with paper applications and stickers with the children's names, which helps to avoid confusion. At the same time, it is important that all decorative elements resonate with each other, which guarantees the creation of an optimal visual effect.

  1. Soft ottomans or armchairs that are located in the corner of the room to create a place for confidential communication between teachers and parents.
  2. Mirrors (no more than 2-3), mounted at the height of children, which are actively used when getting ready for a walk.
  3. Exhibition surfaces for presenting children's creative works (drawings, crafts, applications).
  4. Stand for congratulating birthday people.
  5. A stand for presenting the achievements of the group and individual students who have become participants or laureates of competitions.
  6. Information stands for parents (menus and other documentation are placed on them for review).
  7. Lost and found, where teachers, mothers and fathers, and children can post found things.
  8. “Mailbox” for wishes, in which parents can place letters with complaints and recommendations.

Decorating corners in kindergarten

The practice of creating thematic corners in group rooms, which are not only important objects of the educational space, but also design additions, is due to the need to comply with the principle of integration of educational areas within a single subject-spatial environment. Decorating corners in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, providing for:

  1. Choosing a theme and design solutions for the corner, taking into account the age of the students.
  2. Compliance with the principles of content, attractiveness, aesthetics and practicality.
  3. Ensuring the availability of corner materials for every child, which necessitates the implementation of design solutions at a low height from the floor.
  4. Optimal location of the corner in the group space.
  5. Taking into account the regional component to expand children's knowledge about their native land.

When arranging a corner in a kindergarten group, it is important to take care of decorating the main equipment: tables and chairs installed in the work area, cabinets and racks used for storing applied materials, containers intended for storing equipment and toys. The basic design elements of the corner include information stands, signs, wall newspapers, inscriptions and landmarks, and auxiliary figured pictures.

Decoration of corners in preschool educational institutions

In order to ensure optimal content of the subject environment, additional design of stands in kindergarten is practiced, which can be used in the implementation of various aspects of teaching activities:

  1. Moral education (illustration of good deeds - about helping neighbors, caring attitude towards nature, mutual assistance; Orthodox stand, “family” stand, where examples of family tree design are published).
  2. Patriotic education (stand dedicated to hometown, national corner).
  3. Introducing preschool children to work (stands with illustrated algorithms for self-care, group duty, flower care, supplemented with motivational pictures about the importance of work activity).
  4. Work on the development of social competencies of children (stands illustrated with pictures of representatives of various professions, educational materials on traffic rules and rules of conduct in transport, in nature, in public places, special institutions, birthday parties, etc.).
  5. Creating positive motivation for direct educational activities (presentation of achievements, stands dedicated to preparation for school).

Often, due to the insufficient speed of updating the material and technical base of modern preschool educational organizations, educators are faced with the need to independently decorate the group to create its positive perception and create a rich educational environment. remains an excellent alternative to the use of ready-made design solutions that only partially meet educational needs and sanitary standards. On the contrary, creating colorful decor or its elements in master classes evokes vivid emotions in both the teacher and preschoolers, and helps create positive motivation and an atmosphere of continuous creative search.

When decorating group premises of a kindergarten with their own hands, teachers are recommended to:

  1. Refuse complex design solutions in favor of simpler ones in order to rationally allocate time.
  2. If possible, involve parents and preschool children in decorating work, whose work can become a real decoration for the group.
  3. Systematically create simple three-dimensional decorations - snowflakes, lanterns, butterflies, baskets made of twigs, flowers made of paper - that can become the basis for bringing fantasy ideas to life.

Additional information about setting up a kindergarten is presented in the following articles.