Educational games and toys for children (3 months). What games and toys to choose for three-month-old babies What toys does a 3-month-old baby need?

Video Burpee technique for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Burpees are a series of exercises in one complex that involves up to 90% of the muscle groups of the body. In the classic version, the target muscles are the thighs, buttocks, calf muscles, erector spinae, chest, deltoids, triceps and many others. The abs work in static conditions, the forearms are loaded. And if you include other movements in burpees, this will allow you to shift the emphasis of the load anywhere, depending on your goals, while maintaining the main concept of the exercise and diversifying the workout.

Benefits of Burpee

The main advantage of the Burpee exercise is its versatility. It is suitable for athletes and beginners, for those losing weight and bodybuilders, for those who want to build strength and those who are working on endurance.

For beginners and ordinary people, this exercise will strengthen the muscles of the entire body in just a few short workouts per week.

Athletes can replace aerobic exercise with burpees, and this will have a positive effect on strengthening the heart and blood vessels. In addition, the exercise provides a strong stimulus to hypertrophy of the body along with the release of huge amounts of lactic acid.

Overweight people can significantly increase the body's metabolism by getting the blood pumping with burpees and burning off extra calories.

Burpees burn approximately 10 calories per minute. In 30 minutes you can work off 1 cake.

Burpee develops a person's strength and speed, as it involves the main vital muscle groups in training. In addition, flexibility, coordination and endurance improve.

The work of all joints and muscles keeps the blood moving, dilating blood vessels and improving the functioning of the heart and lungs.


How to do Burpees correctly?

Training program

Burpees are now part of CrossFit exercises, the Tabata protocol, and classical training.

Perform the exercise non-stop for 20 seconds with a rest of 10 seconds. 8 such trips.

The average standard for an athlete is 12-15 times in 30 seconds.

Beginners 4 times for 2 minutes with a 1 minute break between sets.

Advanced workouts: 6 sets of 2 minutes or 4 sets of 3 minutes, 1 minute rest.

Athletes do 6 times for 3 minutes at a minute interval.

Supermans I do 6 x 3 minutes with a 30 second rest.

Interesting fact In the Guinness Book of Records, the record for the number of burpees in 60 seconds is 47 times, performed by an Italian in 2016.

Burpee Research

In 2014, American scientists from DHES conducted an experiment on two groups to study the effects of exercise on strength and the amount of fat burned. People performed a variety of strength exercises. Burpee turned out to be one of the leaders in calorie consumption per workout, far ahead of squats and deadlifts in this indicator.

The journal Strength and Conditioning Research published another study looking at the fat-burning benefits of two exercises: interval cycling and burpees. From a scientific point of view, the results were approximately equal. So, you can safely replace your cardio workout with the Burpee complex.

Disadvantages of Burpees

The classic version of the exercise is characterized by a low load on the pulling muscles, so diversify the Burpee complex by including elements such as pull-ups and various rows of dumbbells, barbells or blocks.

Who invented Burpee?

The founder of this exercise is considered to be the American physiologist Royal Burpee, who combined a complex of 4 movements and named it after himself. At first it was a simple and quick way to maintain physical fitness, but after the use of the Burpee in the US Army to assess physical fitness, the exercise gained wild popularity.

The correct pronunciation of the exercise BURPEE [ˈbɜː.piː], in Russian is closest to Burpee, but not burpee.


Burpee is not recommended for many factors and diseases, as it requires a person to be in general healthy shape, because the load on the body will be enormous. Therefore, all people with problems with joints, muscles, blood pressure, blood circulation and other things can perform a set of exercises after a doctor’s permission.

There are so many options for performing Burpees that it is impossible to list them all, since absolutely any exercise can be varied in combination.

Execution options

Video 25 variations of Burpee

Video 15 variations of Burpee

When arranging a nursery for our long-awaited baby, most of us either put off buying toys until the last minute, leaving them to friends to buy, or, on the contrary, buy up the entire assortment at our disposal. Meanwhile, toys for a baby, especially in the first months, are one of the most important sources of obtaining new information about the world, a tool for the development of consciousness and fine motor skills, which are directly related to the development of the baby’s speech. That is why we have created a short guide for you with information about what toys your child will need in the first six months of his life.

General rules when buying toys

Check the strength of the toy and make sure that it does not have small parts that could fall off and get into the baby’s mouth, or sharp edges that could cause injury. The best option is toys in red, yellow, green and blue colors. It is them that babies perceive first. Remember that the child should be surrounded by no more than 2-3 toys at a time, which you will change every few days.

Remember that the child should be surrounded by no more than 2-3 toys at the same time.

First month

In the first month of your baby's life, you won't need toys yet. But you can stimulate your baby's vision development by hanging several simple black and white images with geometric patterns. With their help, he will learn the ability to focus his gaze.

Second month

At this point, your baby will begin to be interested in his immediate surroundings, so it’s time to secure it above his crib or changing table bright mobile(movable structure with music and various figures), a funny rattle or cardboard figures(cubes, prisms, balls) with black and white geometric patterns. They will contribute to the development of the baby's vision and his ability to fix his gaze on a moving object.

Third month

Now is the time to start developing your baby's grasping abilities. Perfect for this purpose rattles and any other toys that can be taken by hand ( balls, mushrooms, plastic and rubber rings and so on). Make sure that you have rattles of different shapes at your disposal: with a grooved handle, in the shape of a ring, with a stick-shaped handle, and so on. Such toys can be either plastic or fabric. It's better if you have both at your disposal. Another necessary element of the nursery is educational mat with arcs. In addition, you will need a large beach or gymnastic ball, on which you can ride your child in the morning.

Fourth month

You will need several bright toys that can attract his attention.

At this stage, your task is to strengthen the baby’s interest in lying on his tummy and stimulate his desire to roll over. Therefore, you will need several bright toys that can attract his attention. You can use it for this purpose tumblers, rattles and soft balls, bells or other sounding toys. In addition, now is the time to develop tactile sensitivity. They will cope with this task perfectly toys made from different fabrics, or simply set of different shreds(feathers, satin, fur, flannel and other materials). To develop fine motor skills, purchase bright rag bracelets or socks with a bell, which can be put on the baby's hand. This toy will teach the child to connect two handles together and touch one handle to the other. A month later you will attach them to your baby's legs.

Fifth month

This month's toy is cubes. They can be either plastic, wood or even vinyl. Getting to know their rectangular shape will develop your baby's grasping skills. To develop fine motor skills at this age, stock up on small balls(about the size of a ping pong ball) , sticks and small cubes. It is better if all items are wooden. With their help, you will teach your child to transfer objects from hand to hand and make decisions. Another useful toy at this stage is a ring- teether, intended for chewing during the period of teething. Give preference to products with surfaces of varying degrees of ribbing and those that can be cooled in the refrigerator. In this case, they will help relieve pain when the first teeth appear.

Sixth month

At this age, the child becomes interested in playing with picture books.

It's time to pay attention to the development of your baby's hearing, diversifying his life musical toys. They will teach the child to find the source of the sound, and can also stimulate his desire to crawl towards it. In addition, purchase bath toys. Your baby will have fun playing with them in the bath. At this age, the child becomes interested in playing picture books. They can be wooden, thick cardboard, rag or even vinyl. In addition to this, also purchase toys that contain mirror, the child will study his reflection with interest.

In the next article we will tell you about what toys your baby will need in the second half of the year.

A newborn baby grows gradually. During the day, he no longer sleeps constantly; his periods of wakefulness increase. By 3 months, children are ready to play. They are no longer bothered by colic, the baby begins to show greater interest in the world around them and events. Many mothers ask how to play with a child at 3 months. After all, this is one of the important moments in its development.

Baby development at 3 months

Parents, starting from this time, need to understand that the child has a new condition. He learns about the world around him. Mothers should try to help their baby gain new experiences. You should act carefully, because the load on his nervous system should not be large. The child gets tired quickly. If the baby gets nervous, the mother needs to pick him up and rock him a little. Mom should smile and look into his eyes. After all, eye contact is no less important than tactile contact.

Parents begin to understand that a baby in the 4th month of life laughs not reflexively, but quite consciously. You should not skimp on affection. Mom needs to hold the baby in her arms more often and smile at him more.

If a baby begins to act up, it is important for parents to learn to understand him. After all, at his age, crying is the only accessible way to talk about his problems. The baby is capable of expressing joy, fear and disappointment. A calm environment in the family ensures normal psychological and emotional development.

When mom or dad approach the baby’s crib, he begins to smile and move his legs and arms. He associates the appearance of his parents with pleasant feelings and care. The baby wants to see his mother's face all the time. And when she disappears from his sight, he begins to worry.

Therefore, at this stage it is important for the baby to begin to get acquainted with the world around him, because there are so many interesting things here. Parents need to devote a lot of time to him.

Moms often ask the question: what are the best educational games for 3-month-old babies? Further in the article we will talk about their varieties.

Speech development classes

At 3 months the baby begins to actively “talk”; it is important to understand the sounds he makes. Parents need to constantly communicate with him and tell him about what is happening around him.

There are several games known for playing with a 3 month old baby. While the baby is awake, the mother should constantly talk to him, commenting on all her actions.

When dressing him for a walk, parents list the whole process. First, they put on a suit, then a hat and overalls so that the child does not freeze. It is important at this time to address him by name so that he understands that it is his mother who is addressing him.

During the dialogue, she needs to change the timbre of her voice and the speed of pronunciation. Over time, the baby will learn to respond in his own language. You shouldn't interrupt him. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to finish his “phrase”. The more people talk around the child, the more willing he will be to answer back.

How to develop hearing

Many mothers are interested in what educational games to use for children 3-4 months old. Music, singing and favorite instruments perfectly train a child's hearing.

Singing is a useful activity for children in the first year of life. Moreover, the repertoire should be as diverse as possible.

Parents, when rocking their baby to sleep, can sing soothing songs. And during the waking period, cheerful and perky compositions are suitable.

Soon babies will learn to recognize changes in rhythm. Mom can turn on the sounds that various animals make. They should be said when communicating with the child to cause his laughter and fun.

Certain classical works can have a beneficial effect on a baby. He takes them well. The same can be said for the sounds of wildlife and wildlife. However, parents should not play music for more than 5 minutes. This is done so as not to overload the baby’s auditory channels. If you play the same musical compositions, the child will begin to recognize them and actively respond to them.

Mothers ask how to play with a child at 3 months. To do this, you can turn on rhythmic music for your baby and dance with him. You can make faces at mom or do exercises at this time. Parents can make rhythmic sounds themselves using a spoon, knocking on the table or clicking their tongue.

Sensory development

Many parents do not realize that sensory development activities can be conducted for children at this time. Indeed, during this period they are able to feel all the objects that come to their hand. This will not only give the baby new sensations, but will have a direct impact on the proper development of mental and intellectual abilities.

The following games can be played at home with a 3-month-old baby. You should invite him to touch different types of fabrics and at the same time talk about them. Smooth, rough, cold, ribbed and other objects are interesting for the baby and contribute to his harmonious development.

Vision development classes

At the age of 3 months, a child is able to distinguish colors. Therefore, you can attach toys of bright colors above the crib. The child will be able to focus his gaze on them.

One of the excellent options is a developmental mat. You can attach toys to its arcs. Educational mats also have safety mirrors, rustling inserts, pockets, etc. If you put a child on the mat, you can keep him interested in toys for a long time. You can put it on your tummy and back. The child will be able to enjoy looking at the surrounding space and bright toys. Over time, they can be replaced with new ones.

Physical development

Playing with a 3-month-old child may involve improving his physical development. The simplest exercises will help parents with this.

You can do a “bicycle” with your child. Exercise helps strengthen muscles and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, relieving it of gases. The child is placed on his back, then his legs are alternately bent and unbent in the manner of riding a bicycle. At this time, mother can recite rhymes.

Next, you need to place the child on his back and place a bright toy not far from him. Trying to get it, the baby will try to roll over. If the baby doesn’t succeed in this right away, then you can help him a little.

One of the most effective exercises is pull-ups. To do this, the baby is placed on a mat and his head is placed on a pillow. Next, the mother takes the stick and holds it suspended at a distance of 50 centimeters from the child. When the baby grabs it, you need to slowly lift it. He will tense his muscles and begin to pull himself up.

Toys for a 3 month old baby

During this period, children are especially interested in toys that make different sounds. These include traditional rattles. Products should be of a simple shape that the baby can hold in his hands independently.

The baby will be able to hold heavy rattles with an abundance of rotating elements at an older age.

But toys such as stretch marks and mobiles will come in handy. They will not only entertain the child, but will also encourage him to reach out to them with his hands. You can attract the baby's attention so that he follows the source of the sound by moving the toy in different directions.

You can play with your child by hiding the rattle behind his back and watch his reaction. When he starts looking for the source of the sound, you should take out the toy and show him. It is not recommended to bring it too close to the child’s eyes; 40 centimeters is enough. Toys should be chosen large enough. Then the baby will be able to watch them.

DIY baby toys

Surrounding objects can act as toys for a three-month-old baby. Typically, babies like rustling and ribbed surfaces.

You can make finger games for 3-month-old children yourself. To do this, the fingers of the old glove are cut off and replaced with multi-colored stripes or figures. Adults put them on their hands and let the baby touch them. This develops their tactile perception.

You can pour any cereal into the jars, close the lid and shake periodically. As a result, sounds will be heard that depend on the contents of the container.

It is important to remember that all toys for your baby must be completely safe. They should not contain small parts that a child could swallow.

Parents should not give their baby toys that could lead to negative consequences. They must be made of high-quality, non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials.

Games for babies

Many mothers ask how to play with a child at 3 months. Such classes should be short and as simple as possible. At this age, kids still cannot concentrate their attention for a long time and get tired quickly.

Educational games for mother should be accompanied by poems, songs and nursery rhymes. This will not only entertain the baby, but will also make a certain contribution to the formation of his speech apparatus. Parents should avoid making sounds that are too harsh or loud so as not to frighten the child.

A mother can cover her head with a scarf and, bending over the baby, ask: “Where did mom go?” Over time, the child will learn to remove the fabric from her face. For this he should be praised.

One of the types of games is “grabbing”. To do this, various small objects made of fabric, wood, metal, etc. are tied to a ribbon. They are lowered over the child until he grabs one of them with his hand. If mom pulls the string, a stronger grip can be achieved. The game promotes the development of tactile sensations.


Many mothers are interested in how to play with a child at 3 months. Classes should be carried out when he is full and in a good mood. Otherwise, entertainment will not interest him. However, with the help of a game, you can cheer up a baby when he is a little naughty.

For a 3-month-old baby, toys that develop his auditory and visual concentration, that is, those that make bright sounds, are still useful. But a developing baby is already making attempts to reach for a toy with his hand, even if this is a poorly coordinated movement - therefore, by this age it is useful to hang toys in such a way that the baby can accidentally touch it or deliberately try to grab it.

This stimulates the 3-month-old baby to develop his very first motor skills of grasping an object with his hand. If the baby manages to grab a toy, he tries to pull it to his mouth, this is how his first experience of actively learning about the world begins through sensory sensations of “touch, taste and color.” The more varied in quality objects are available to the baby for such studying, grasping, chewing, the better.

To do this, you can create entire hanging systems using baby bars or simply stretching elastic bands between the sides of the crib.

The good thing about an elastic band is that, having grabbed the toy, the child has the opportunity to pull it to his mouth. Can be hung individually or whole Garlands from a variety of safe, but interesting to the touch objects and toys.

On the neck of a nursing mother - this is also an educational toy for a baby of this age.

At the age of 3 months, the baby can already hold his head for some time while lying on his stomach. When laying the baby on his stomach, it is useful to place some new interesting object or toy in front of him. For him, this is an additional incentive to try to hold his head up longer, which means strengthening the muscles of his neck and back.

Also, the child may begin to make attempts to stretch one arm forward in order to, as it were, scoop this object towards his mouth. If it looks like such movements will appear, it is important to choose a soft toy that will give him the opportunity to do this. It should not be very large (but not too small for safety reasons), perhaps flat or with an element that is easier to catch on. It could be ring toy , a fabric doll or something with legs, tails, protruding laces that the baby can grab onto, unlike, for example, a too large toy or ball.

At the age of three months, a child with proper development for his age begins to actively explore the world around him, he rises, leaning on his forearms, and tries to hold his head in order to examine everything that is around. If the baby lies on his back, he sees everything that is on top and studies it with interest. It is very important that a three-month-old baby be able to focus and concentrate his attention on objects, study them, and understand that their sizes are different from each other. In order for a child to develop correctly, he will need toys for children of 3 months.

Educational toys for children of three months

To determine what toys are needed for children at 3 months, the parent should know that at 3 months the baby develops the following skills and abilities:

  • Hearing,
  • Vision,
  • Coordination,
  • Observation,
  • Ability to determine the distance to an object,
  • Ability to hold an object and move it,
  • Tactile sensations.

In order to develop each of the factors described above, you can choose several toys, or even one combined one, the main thing is that it can help influence the comprehensive development of the baby.

Toys for 3-month-old children that develop hearing

An excellent example of such toys are classic rattles. When choosing them, pay attention to the fact that the baby can grab the handle and the rattle is small in size, then the baby will be able to move it independently and observe, thereby developing attention.

Another great example of a toy that develops hearing are hanging bells or carousels that start and sound pleasant music.

Toys for children from 3 months that develop attention

A three-month-old baby already recognizes his parents perfectly and examines their faces. If you want him to become more and more attentive, then place a baby doll in the crib, at a short distance from his face. The baby will probably start looking at his face; he will become interested in watching you play with the doll. Show your child where the doll's nose is, then show him yours with your finger, and then his nose. Do the same with the cheeks and eyes. The baby will focus his attention and watch your actions. In the same way, introduce your baby to body parts.

There are special colorful rattles that can be tied to the baby’s hand, making involuntary movements, he will understand that the toys make pleasant sounds and will watch them. Thus, for the first time the baby will become acquainted with the cause-and-effect relationship, that his movements are not random, but something always follows them.

A play mat with a sound mobile hanging above it is an excellent example of a toy that will captivate a child and develop hearing, vision, attention, and the ability to determine the distance to an object.

Toys that develop tactile sensations

Simple beads are a great example of a toy that will help a child understand tactile sensations. Lightweight wooden toys with a refrain texture will also help your baby learn tactile sensations. With his fingers, he will pluck objects and understand that they can be different.

Educational games for 3 month old babies

The first game for a three-month-old baby “What do we have here?”

You have already noticed that the baby has learned to fix his gaze on an object that interests him, then the educational game “What do we have here?” is suitable for you. Choose a bright toy of orange, yellow or red, show it to the child when he fixes his gaze on it, move it from side to side and follow the baby’s gaze. It is very important that the child learns to concentrate his attention in this way.

Game "Bicycle"

An excellent exercise game for three month olds. Place your baby on a hard surface, lift his legs and make gentle circular movements with them, as if riding a bicycle. This activity is very useful for the muscle development of a child in the first year of life.

Game "Grab it!"

A great game for a 3 month old baby - “Grab it!” It helps develop attention and coordination of movements. Tie a small, bright rattle onto a bright satin ribbon. Raise it above your baby and shake it to get their attention. When the child begins to stretch on it, move it a little so that the child begins to move differently. Allow your child to grab the toy and praise him for his attentiveness and persistence.

When choosing games and toys for children aged three months, remember the baby's safety. It is better not to allow your baby to play with rag toys on his own, as he will put them in his mouth, suck and chew them, and dyed fabrics may contain elements that are harmful to health. Toys should not be easily disassembled or contain small parts that a child could swallow. Do not buy toys “for growth”; most likely, after a while, more modern and effective games for the development of the baby will appear.

Video on the topic