Ways to wear a pareo. Pareo for the beach: choosing the right one, wearing it skillfully and tying it in an original way

The pareo appeared in tropical regions and came to us not so long ago, but today it is difficult to imagine summer and, in particular, a beach holiday without it.

The main advantage of a pareo is its versatility, because it can easily be turned from a simple scarf into real beachwear - it just depends on how you tie it. This accessory will also help to correct your figure, hiding its flaws and drawing attention to its advantages. This practical and stylish wardrobe item will attract attention to its owner on the beach. Let's look at some options for tying a pareo.

Tying options

The simplest and most popular way to use a pareo is to tie it in the form of a skirt. To make this accessory into a skirt, simply place it on your hips, bring the ends together and tie them into a knot. This option is comfortable and always effective.

According to the classical method

The classic way of tying turns this wardrobe item into a truly elegant dress for the beach. To do this, wrap it around your back, place both ends in the center of your chest, twist them, cross them and place them behind your head, tying a bow around your neck. You can also wear this accessory as a dress without harnesses. To do this, tie the ends of the pareo behind your back if its length allows, or on your chest if it is not long enough.

You can wear a pareo more elegantly by tying its ends on one shoulder and leaving the other flirtatiously slightly open. Place one end of the scarf on your left shoulder, pull the right corner under your arm and pass the pareo forward over your back. Wrap the accessory around your body and tie the ends over your left shoulder. This asymmetrical effect looks very interesting.

If you want to highlight your tanned legs, try turning it into a skort. Tie the ends behind your back, pass the scarf back between your legs, and then tie the ends in front on your stomach.

For a short pareo, a simple method of tying it on the chest is suitable. Hang the accessory around your neck, align its ends and place it on your chest. Then they should be brought behind the back and all four ends of the scarf should be tied.

You can also wear this wardrobe item as a swimsuit. To do this, drape its narrow part over your chest and tie the ends at your back. Pull the free leading edge between your legs. Take the corners of the fabric in your hands, pull them forward along the waistline, then tie them over your stomach so that the fabric hugs your body.

Another option for using a pareo as a swimsuit is to wrap it from the back around the waist with the narrow side, tie the upper ends on the stomach. The lower ends should be passed between the legs and tied in a knot on the back, raised above the chest.


For this option you will need two scarves measuring approximately 140x140. Throw the first scarf under the right armpit and tie it on the left shoulder. The second scarf is thrown on the left under the armpit and tied on the right shoulder in the same way.


You will need two pareos measuring 140x140. Place the first scarf over your chest and tie the upper ends at the back so that it rests on your neck. Tie the second one on top of the first one so that the knots are placed directly above the chest.

"Evening Breeze"

Wrap a pareo measuring 115x300 around the chest so that its short edge is located in the middle of the right chest. Pick up the right side and twist the fabric into a rope on both sides. Then tie the ropes so that the fabric fits tightly to the body. After this, twist a small rope from the longest edge in front and pull it back under the armpit, throw it from back to front and pin it with a pin or brooch.


Wrap the scarf around your body, leaving the top end of the fabric in front above your chest so that it protrudes just above the main edge. Tie the free edges at the shoulder.


Fold the pareo in half so that the back is about 15 centimeters longer than the front, and fold it over the front. Then the scarf should be applied to the back, pinched under the arms, and tied above the chest with a main knot.


This option appeared and became widespread in the capital of French Polynesia, where, for the first time, girls began to tie a pareo in such a beautiful way. Hold the scarf vertically and tie it behind your back, wrap it around your body and pull it until you have a spreader on one side. Tie a scarf at your hip. This option for using a pareo also involves the presence of a belt with rivets or shells.


Place the pareo on your back, wrap it around your body, then tie the ends over your breasts in a strong knot or simply cross them and bring them behind your neck, tying a knot at the back of your head.


Hold the scarf not in the center, but at a slight angle to your body, and wrap yourself in it. Then tie the pareo on your chest so that one end is long and hangs freely. Bring this end over your shoulder, throw it behind your back and tuck it into a scarf that fits tightly to your body.


Another exotic option for tying a pareo, which is ideal for the beach. Wrap yourself in a scarf, holding it vertically, so that its edges meet at the sides. Tie the top corners above the chest, then gather enough fabric and tie the scarf at the side, at waist level. You can change the model a little by tying the top knots on the shoulder, and not above the chest.

Bora Bora

Hold the scarf vertically and tie the ends at the front above your chest. The bottom corners can be turned up, put on a strap and tuck them into your belt.


Tie the scarf at the front, leaving one end free. This end at the front should be tied into a fancy shape and secured with a decorative buckle if desired.

How to shape your figure using a pareo

When choosing this item of clothing, before learning how to tie a pareo in an original way, you should study your body type.

Girls with extra centimeters in the hips and bellies should prefer a light, opaque scarf. It is best to tie it diagonally - this will hide problem areas and look slimmer.

Pareos made of thick fabric are suitable for girls with small breasts; they can be tied in the chest area with a small knot.

Short ladies should take a closer look at zebra print scarves with vertical stripes. This will make it possible to visually “stretch” the figure.

How to choose?

Choosing this accessory is not at all difficult, be sure to pay attention to the following details:

  • uniform density of the material (small holes and stretch marks are unacceptable);
  • even cut (the scarf should have an even rectangular shape without elongated edges);
  • high-quality coloring (clear and well-printed pattern);
  • finished ends.

Useful video

A serious debate broke out in our editorial office about whether this thing, a pareo, is a good thing. I believe that you should not ignore this piece of fabric, but just learn how to wear it. The advantages of a pareo over other things that can replace it (dress, tunic, towel) are undeniable.

A flowing fluttering translucent pareo turns a girl walking along the beach into a nymph who has emerged from the sea foam, the waves echo her steps, the wind blows her hair, and the sun flirts with her, reflecting and sparkling in the lenses of her glasses. Such a picture, you see, cannot leave either men hungry for female beauty or women on the beach indifferent.

1. Learning to choose a pareo

Surely many of you will say that finding a beautiful pareo is extremely difficult. I agree. This is true. In addition, buying one of these can cost a pretty penny. So I would suggest doing something smarter. We go to a fabric store and buy a piece of 1.5 * 1.5 m, you can take more, taking into account the fact that natural fabric, of course, will shrink a little after the first wash. Choose two or three fabric options that suit your appearance and

Let one piece be plain, the second - brightly printed, the third - heavier, white with fringe - it will come in handy on cool evenings. Finish the edges with an overlocker and voila! You have three wonderful pareos for your vacation. When you return, you can sew them into something else or save them for next year.

2. Sew a pareo-tunic

If you are a needlewoman or you just have a sewing machine, then you can sew an improved pareo-tunic from a piece of fabric. There are a lot of patterns on the Internet. Most often it is enough to simply make a slit in a square piece of fabric for the head and sew a little of the sides to make sleeves. See for yourself.

3. Sew on the straps

The easiest and most interesting way to transform a pareo and make it really comfortable is to sew straps, ties or a belt to it. Let's see how this can be done.

4. Tie knots

There are two or three well-known techniques for tying a pareo. It doesn't look very good this way...

Here are some examples of how the right knots can turn a pareo into a stylish outfit.

5. We use a pareo as a stylish accessory: a bag or a headband

Don't limit yourself to the familiar. Make a hat, a bag out of a pareo, throw it on a sunbed... Try it. For inspiration, I will give a few successful, in my opinion, examples.

Remember the important rules:

  • Avoid cheap synthetic fabrics with frankly vulgar prints.
  • Prefer noble tones to bright ones: turquoise, white, rich green, red-pink suit almost everyone.
  • Consider height. If your legs are not the longest on the beach, then tie a pareo like a long skirt. By “cutting off” your shoulders and legs from the knee, you visually shorten yourself very much.

Today it is impossible to imagine a beach outfit without a pareo. It can be tied in many ways, resulting in a variety of wardrobe items - from a swimsuit to a dress in which you can go on a date night while on vacation at the resort.

A little history

Pareo is an item of national costume for Tahitians and Polynesian women. It was originally a rectangular piece of fabric with a bright, large floral pattern, tied at the hips or under the arms to form a skirt or dress. For the first time, European women saw such an outfit in the paintings of the famous French post-impressionist artist Paul Gauguin at the end of the 19th century. In those distant times, the question of how to tie a pareo did not arouse any interest among French women and ladies from other cities of the Old and New Worlds. They could not even imagine that after only 40-50 years their granddaughters and great-granddaughters would happily flaunt such attire at the most fashionable resorts in Europe.

Pareo on the hips: how to tie beautifully

Relaxing on the beach isn't just about water activities and lying in the sun. Sometimes you want to sit in a cafe or bar, or take a walk along the shore. In such cases, a pareo comes to the rescue. It can be of any color, but its size should ideally not be less than 140 by 140 cm. There are a lot of answers to the question “how to tie a pareo,” but the easiest way is to wrap it around your hips. Just like men do with a bath towel. You can also tie this piece of linen with a nice knot at the front or side. Moreover, in the last two cases you can get a skirt of different lengths. To do this, you just need to first fold the scarf and then place it on your hips so that the fold is at the top. By using two different colored pareos you can create a maxi skirt with two knots tied at the sides of the waist.

Pareo in the form of a dress: options

A woman should be beautiful always and everywhere. In addition, on vacation you always want to relax and not waste time changing clothes and worrying about toilets. During the holidays, you can often hear the question of how to beautifully tie a pareo in the form of a dress. Below are several simple but beautiful options on how you can get original beach outfits using one or two scarves:

How to tie a pareo on the beach

Anything can happen in life. For example, a girl may find herself on the beach without a swimsuit. In this case, the same pareo can come to the rescue, however, if it is wide enough. It is folded lengthwise several times. The scarf is placed on the back of the neck, crossed over the chest and tied at the back to form a top.

Using a pareo you can also get a closed swimsuit:

  • take a wide pareo and tie the ends of the narrow side with a knot;
  • put a “collar” on the neck (the knot should be at the back);
  • place the free end of the fabric between the legs and tie the ends at the waist in front.

Pareo shorts

Also, in a situation where a girl finds herself on the beach without a swimsuit, we can recommend learning how to tie a pareo in the form of shorts. It's easy enough to do. Take a scarf and tie it at the waist so that the knot is at the back; the lower end is placed between the legs; the free corners are tied again at the waist, but in the front.

To get mini-shorts, reminiscent of the men's "tanga" swimming trunks worn by the aborigines on the islands of Oceania, you need a scarf at least 160 cm wide. Its narrow end is wrapped around the waist and tied with a knot in the front. The hanging end is then passed forward between the legs. They pull it up by the knot and pass it between the legs a second time, but this time from front to back. The final touch is to hide the end of the pareo under the belt at the waist. If the scarf is small, then you can get a loincloth. To do this, proceed according to the same scheme as in the previous case, but, having pulled out the free end from under the knot, leave it hanging freely in front.

Pareo blouse

Among the methods of tying scarves, there are also very exotic options. For example, you can use a pareo to create a blouse. To do this, take a square cloth and fold it diagonally. Place it on the chest with the fold down. And then they cross the upper corners, bring them behind the neck and tie them. After this, the two sharp corners that are on the fold are connected into a knot on the back.

The ways to tie a pareo are extremely varied. Here's another one: a square scarf is folded diagonally and placed on the chest with the fold up. Place sharp corners under the arms and cross them on the back. The ends are rolled into bundles, brought forward again and tied at the back of the neck.

Pareo pants

With the help of a couple of scarves you can get very cute ethnic style trousers. First, tie one scarf at the waist, so that the knot is on the side, and the free lower ends are on the leg. The same is done with the second pareo, but on the other side. The result is oriental bloomers that will go with any top or one-piece swimsuit.

How to tie a pareo on your head

Residents of many islands located in the Pacific Ocean traditionally used pareos as protection from the scorching sun. Today, wearing such large scarves as a headdress is also popular. And there are several dozen ways to tie a pareo (a photo of one of these options can be seen in the article).

For example, a scarf is folded diagonally and placed on the head so that the fold is on the forehead. The ends are rolled up and tied to the side or at the back of the head.

A very fashionable option is a turban. To do this you will need a relatively small pareo. This scarf is folded in half, exactly the same as in the previous case. However, they are folded symmetrically onto the back of the head, so that the right angle is on the forehead. After this, two sharp corners are brought forward, crossed in front and tied with a knot at the back of the head. Then the corner that is on the forehead is turned back, covering the place where the ends intersect and hiding under them.

P areo is an attribute of beachwear, so it is made exclusively from thin fabrics. It can be cotton, silk, chiffon or crepe de Chine. You can buy a ready-made pareo, but you can also make it yourself. To do this, you will need to buy a piece of fabric of the required size in the store and trim its edges so that it does not fray. A DIY pareo can be beautifully tied at the waist, hips or neck to create an original outfit.

Before we answer the question of how to wear a pareo for the beach, it would be useful to know that a pareo is not only a very comfortable type of clothing. With its help, you can and should correct some figure flaws. For example, obese women can hide the lack of a waist by tying a pareo low on the hips, and the unattractiveness of a large belly and voluminous hips can be disguised by tying a pareo diagonally at the waist.

If you are not of model height, then a pareo with a length just below the buttocks or up to the ankle will visually add a couple of centimeters. A standard pareo will give the same effect if you tie it crosswise around your neck.

If you tie a pareo on your chest, a small bust will appear a little larger. By the way, knots attract special attention, so they need to be located as far as possible from problem areas. So, if you have a double chin, a short neck and, in general, a not very beautiful décolleté area, then it is best to tie a pareo at the waist, on the chest, on the hips - anywhere, most importantly, not on the neck.

At the beginning of the beach season, the question becomes relevant: how to wear a pareo? Residents of tropical countries know the answer. For them, pareo is traditional clothing.

If you go to the beach, then a pareo is an irreplaceable thing, you will agree. You could even say that a pareo is an integral and very functional addition to any girl’s beach style. It can highlight all the advantages of your body, or help hide its shortcomings. Do not forget that a pareo protects from direct exposure to sunlight and prevents sunburn.

If you know how to tie a pareo correctly, then you can easily turn it into a skirt, tunic, cape, and even a beach one.

Photo 1 of 25

Set - swimsuit and pareo in the same style

1-10 photos out of 25

Modern female representatives should be grateful to the inhabitants of Tahiti and French Polynesia for the appearance of such a thing as a pareo. It was there that a simple piece of fabric tied around a woman's hips initially served as a skirt, and then as a dress, cape and, in some cases, even a turban.

Basically, the fabric for pareos is voile, crepe, thin nylon, chiffon. Colors can be very diverse - from the brightest and most exotic to delicate and monochromatic shades.

The most common pareo sizes:

  • 90 x 90 cm - this size is used to create tops and small bustiers.
  • 110 x 110 cm – this size is used for spacious tops and skirts
  • 110 x 140 cm; 110 x 160 cm; 110 x 240 cm - these sizes are intended for spacious tops, dresses reminiscent of blouses, as well as for beach dresses;
  • 90 x 180 cm is a universal size for tops, skirts, draperies, reminiscent
    overalls, as well as for bustiers and dresses;
  • 90 x 220 cm - this size is used to create spacious tops like blouses,
    dresses, draperies resembling overalls;
  • 110 x 300 cm - a pareo of this size can easily be worn as a sari.

We present to your attention the simplest schematic ways of tying a pareo in the form of light sundresses.

How to tie a Nefertiti pareo

1. Take two pareo scarves, measuring 140x140cm.
2. Place the first scarf at the side under the arm and tie the top ends with a simple warp knot on the opposite shoulder.
3. Symmetrical to the first scarf, tie the second one in the same way.
4. (if desired, you don’t have to tie the second scarf)

How to tie a Balboa pareo

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take two pareo scarves, measuring at least 110x110cm, it is best to take scarves 140x140cm.
2. Place the first scarf over your chest and tie both upper ends at the back of your head.
3. Tie the second scarf in front on the chest.

How to tie a beach pareo “Evening Breeze”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a pareo measuring 115x300cm.
2. Wrap the long side around your chest so that the short right edge ends up in the middle of your right chest.
3. Pick up the right side of the fabric a little, taking it in your palm and twisting it into a rope.
4. Also tuck the long left side of the pareo into a plait so that your figure fits snugly.
5. Tie the ends of the fabric with a simple knot.
6. Take the upper corner of the free long edge, which is located in the front, and pull it under the armpit back, twisting the edge of the fabric into a rope.
7. Throw the twisted end of the fabric over your shoulder in front and secure with a pin or brooch in front.

A way to wear a pareo in the form of a light sundress “Bahamas”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Starting at the front, wrap the pareo above your chest.
2. Wrap the pareo around yourself again.
3. Tie the two ends of the pareo at the shoulder with a main knot.

How to tie a Viennese Waltz pareo

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take two pieces of pareo, measuring 140x140cm.
2. Take the first pareo and throw it over your chest.
3. Fold the top edge back so that it covers your chest once again.
4. Wrap this pareo around yourself and tie the top ends of the pareo at the back.
5. Throw the second pareo over your back.
6. Bring the ends to the front.
7. Tie the top edges of the second pareo at the back of your neck.
8. The underscarf can be replaced with a simple dress or not worn at all, if your shape allows.

How to tie a pareo dress “Assol”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a piece of pareo, size 110x240cm.
2. Wrap the long side of the pareo around your chest from behind.
3. Cross the top two edges on the left under the armpit.
4. Pull one end forward and the other along the back to the right shoulder.
5. Tie the two ends into a knot at the right shoulder.

A way to beautifully tie a Tonga pareo dress

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
2. Place the scarf on your back.
3. Bring the upper ends of the fabric forward under the arms.
4. Tie both ends in a knot at the back of your neck.
5. Stretch the pareo at waist height.
6. Tie at points A and B with a knot on the chest.

A way to wear a Fiji pareo beautifully

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a large piece of fabric that is twice as wide as your hips.
2. Fold the pareo in half so that the back is 15cm longer than the front.
3. Fold these 15cm over the front edge.
4. Hold the pareo with your hands at points X and tie ends A and B in the center of the front chest with a simple knot.

A simple and tasteful way to tie a Hawaiian pareo

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a large piece of pareo that is twice the size of your hips.
2. Place the scarf on your back.
3. Bring the upper ends together in the chest, first taking 5-10 cm from the end.
4. Tie it in a beautiful bow.

A way to elegantly tie a “Shine” pareo

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take one pareo measuring at least 110x140cm, the second one measuring at least 140x140cm.
2. Take a smaller pareo.
3. Mark the middle along the length of the pareo and place it around the back of your neck.
4. Leave the bottom ends.
5. Take a larger pareo.
6. Wrap yourself from behind
7. Tie at the front center of the hips, over the first pareo.

An unusual way to knit a pareo dress “Two Sides”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
2. Fold them diagonally.
3. Having marked the middle, tie them with a simple knot.
4. Place the pareo in front so that the knot is just below the navel.
5. Tie the top ends at the back of the neck.
6. Tie the middle ends at the back of the waist.
7. Leave the lower ends unchanged.

How to wear a pareo the “Snake” way

1. Take a pareo measuring at least 140x140cm.
2. Wrap a piece of pareo around the back of your armpits.
3. Take the upper ends and twist each one into a rope one by one.
4. Twist the ends together into a rope.
5. Secure the ends at the back of the neck with a simple knot.

A simple way to tie a pareo “Blouse”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take identical pieces of pareo, measuring at least 110x110cm.
2. Tie the top two ends with a simple knot.
3. Put on the pareo so that the knot is on the right shoulder, and the pareo scarves are one piece at the front and back.
4. Wrap the front piece so that it fits tightly and tie at the back.
5. Wrap the back piece in the same way, but tie it in the front.

Method of tying a pareo “Cape”

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a pareo scarf, square in size, at least 110x110cm.
2. Tie the opposite parallel ends with a simple knot.
3. Wear the pareo as a cape.

Pareos can be tied not only in the form of sundresses. Using ingenuity and a little imagination, you can make a very beautiful skirt and even a top from a pareo.

Ways to tie a pareo skirt

How to tie the simplest pareo skirt correctly.

The easiest way to turn a pareo into a skirt is to fold the pareo lengthwise, taking into account how long you need the skirt. Wrap it around your hips and tie the ends into a knot on the side or in the center, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Or you can simply tuck the edges in, like you would with a bath towel.

A way to tie a pareo skirt.

Take your pareo, spreading it lengthwise, start wrapping it around your thighs from one edge until the second ends. Tie the ends into a simple knot.

How to wear a long pareo skirt.

Wrap one leg in a pareo and grab the top end. Wrap the other end around your thighs and tie the upper ends with a simple knot.

You can also simply take the two ends of the pareo, wrap it around yourself, and tie the top ends at the side or front of your hips.

A way to tie a pareo into a skirt.

take a pareo, wrap it around yourself from behind, bring the ends of the pareo together in front and cross them. Start rolling the ends into ropes and tie them at the back of your thighs.

Ways to wear a pareo top

How to tie a Diana pareo top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
2. Fold the ends diagonally and tie them into a knot
3. Put on the pareo so that the knot is in the middle of the back.
4. Lift the bottom end in front and connect the free ends at the same level.
5. Cross the ends together and tie at the back of your neck.

How to tie a pareo in a “Party on the Beach” top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a square pareo measuring 90x90cm.
2. Tie the ends at one edge around the neck.
3. Tie the lower ends at the back, wrapping them tightly around the waist.

Way to wear a Florida pareo top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
3. Wrap the pareo around your chest so that the ends of the scarf are at the side of your armpit.
4. Tie them in a knot, move the knot slightly towards the back.
5. The ends of the pareo should be long.
6. Pull one end of the yarn and one back, wrapping it around your shoulder.
7. Tie them at the shoulder with a simple knot.

Way to wear a pareo in the Vulcan top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a scarf measuring 140x200cm.
2. Fold the pareo to the desired width.
4. Tie the ends of the pareo into a beautiful bow or knot, straightening the ends nicely.

How to wear the Monaco pareo top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a square pareo measuring 90x90cm.
2. Fold the pareo to the desired width.
3. Tie the pareo with a knot in the middle
4. Place the pareo on your chest like a bra.
5. Tie the loose ends into a tight knot at the back.

How to dress a pareo with a Biarritz top

In order to tie a pareo using this method, you must perform the following steps:
1. Take a square pareo measuring 90x90cm.
2. Fold the pareo to the desired width.
3. Wrap the pareo around your chest so that the ends of the scarf are on the front of your chest.
4. Twist the ends together into strands or just crosswise.

Don’t forget that the possibilities and options for wearing a pareo don’t end with tops, skirts and sundresses.
How unusual it is to wear a pareo

An unusual way to wear a pareo “Hat”

2. Fold the pareo diagonally.
3. Place it on your forehead like a scarf.
4. Wrap one end around your head from behind.
5. Tie the knots into a beautiful bow or knot.

An unusual way to wear a pareo “Bag”

If you want to stand out and attract attention, make a unique bag from a pareo scarf. To do this you need:
1. Take a square pareo measuring 110x110cm.
2. Tie knots at each end.
3. Tie two adjacent ends into strong knots.

If you learn how to tie a pareo beautifully and unusually, you will be able to surprise everyone around you and, soon, a pareo will become the first thing on the list of necessary things for a beach holiday.