Periods of childbirth and how to behave. How to behave during childbirth - a cheat sheet for a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, a woman thinks about the upcoming birth of a baby. Because the expectant mother is aware of how to behave during childbirth, what is allowed and prohibited. The well-being of childbirth depends on the actions of the woman in labor.

Behavior before birth

Some signs indicate an imminent onset. Every woman’s body is different, so the warning signs may be different. By paying attention to them, the woman in labor will be able to arrive at the hospital on time.

Signs of the onset of labor:

  • the stomach drops;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • the cervix changes;
  • discharge increases;
  • fetal movement decreases;
  • training contractions appear.

When the belly drops, the expectant mother needs to start preparing for the trip to the hospital. During a woman’s first birth, the baby is born 10–20 days after she notices the prolapse. With the second - on days 2–4, sometimes after a few hours. Under the influence of estrogen, the discharge becomes liquid and mucus is noted. Contact a doctor to confirm or deny leakage of amniotic fluid. The mucus plug comes off at different times from two weeks before the start of contractions.

Childbirth is a natural but painful process. The duration of delivery takes from two to twenty hours. The first time the period is from 12 to 18 hours. The second time, less time passes, since the tissues of the birth canal are elastic and prepared for stretching.

According to Komarovsky, preparation is carried out in three directions:

  • women in labor;
  • partner;
  • places where the process will take place.

During contractions before childbirth, a woman needs to learn to breathe correctly, take deep breaths, and hold her breath. This will reduce pain and prevent tears and cracks. Special training and preparation videos will help you behave correctly.

Behavior by stages

Despite the emotional state, a woman needs to behave calmly during childbirth, as this will help set her up for a positive outcome. At this time, they remain calm and avoid actions that negatively affect the course of the process. The duration of the period depends on individual characteristics. During childbirth, the uterus opens, reaches 10 cm, and the baby begins to move along the birth canal. Every enlargement of the uterus is accompanied by contractions.

Behavior during childbirth by stages:

  1. at the first stage of contractions, the woman endures uterine spasms, breathes deeply, uses self-massage, and acts on biologically active points;
  2. during pushing, push three times in one contraction without putting pressure on the uterus;
  3. in the third phase of placenta rejection, you need to breathe through the contraction once, then push.

Depending on the period of labor, contractions may be rare, then intensify and become frequent. A woman needs to record the duration of the breaks between them so as not to miss a moment. At this time, painful sensations arise in the lower back, lower abdomen, and legs. The woman in labor experiences anxiety, agitation, and uncertainty.

How to behave correctly for a woman during childbirth:

  • keep track of time;
  • breathe correctly;
  • listen to the midwife's advice;
  • do not shout;
  • relax;
  • choose a comfortable position;
  • push.

Useful tips will help a woman in labor prepare for the process. At first you need to rest. It’s better to sleep at night, do household chores during the day: cook food, pack a bag, tune in to a positive outcome of the birth and arm yourself with the support of relatives.

The next stage will begin in the maternity hospital, when it is necessary to take the correct position. During childbirth, an upright position is practiced due to the force of gravity. The uterus opens, labor proceeds quickly and does not drag on. Massage of the lower back and sacrum will help relax the stomach, reduce tension from the spine, which will lead to a decrease in pain. Regardless of the chosen position, the legs are placed so that they are wide apart.

When contractions begin, the woman behaves actively, but does not forget to rest. You need to save your strength, because the third stage is ahead, when you will have to make efforts for the fetus to be born. During pushing, they mobilize their strength and listen to the midwife. Her tips will help you understand how to push and breathe correctly.

Actions during contractions

Many pregnant women do not know how to behave correctly during the first contractions. The stages of childbirth occur in a certain sequence. The first period is the most painful and longest. Contractions pass, then pushing and natural childbirth begins. Correct behavior affects the duration, well-being of the woman in labor and the condition of the fetus.

How to behave during contractions:

  1. take an upright position and walk so that the uterus opens faster;
  2. perform circular movements with the pelvis using an inflatable ball;
  3. massage the sacral area;
  4. breathe correctly to prevent oxygen starvation of the baby.

During labor and childbirth, a woman in labor should not strain her muscles, otherwise the pain will only intensify. Tension occurs and the delivery process slows down. The severity of pain depends on the characteristics of the body, pain sensitivity, and the emotional mood of the woman. During contractions, endorphins are released, which help you relax and get rid of pain. If labor has begun, with relaxed muscles the cervix opens faster, and there are no difficulties in moving through the birth canal.

What to take to the delivery room:

  • slippers;
  • socks;
  • compression underwear;
  • water;
  • mobile phone;
  • first clothes for a newborn.

During contractions, choose a comfortable position. It is allowed to lie on your side, walk, and stand on all fours. You cannot sit or lie on your back. This leads to compression of large vessels, disrupting blood flow to the heart. A woman's blood pressure decreases.

What is the best thing to do during contractions:

  1. do not lie down;
  2. move;
  3. take a comfortable position;
  4. Do massage;
  5. pay attention to breathing.

At the beginning of labor, when contractions begin, the woman can sit. It is recommended to use a fitball. Towards the end of the process, the head crashes into the birth canal. Sitting down creates additional pressure, so they prefer a lying position.

Is it possible to drink during childbirth? Eating and drinking are prohibited in the maternity ward. During childbirth there is a need to use anesthesia. A woman often feels sick, so her stomach should be empty.

Pushing behavior

At this stage, the mother controls the birth process. Although contractions are involuntary, they can be controlled by intensifying or holding back. The woman is transferred to the prenatal ward, at which time she will need to remember the doctors’ advice. It is necessary to prepare for the meeting with the baby.

How to behave when pushing:

  • sit on the bed;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • do not squeeze your thighs;
  • don't push in the face.

If a woman in labor tenses and sulks, hemorrhages will appear on her eyes and face. The effort is aimed at emptying the body. If a woman is weak, the obstetrician guides the pushing period in order to increase or decrease the strength in time. To do this, relax, breathe frequently and shallowly. You cannot scream, as the muscles contract, which leads to rupture.

How not to harm your baby during childbirth:

  1. push with the midwife's permission;
  2. do not raise the pelvis;
  3. collect energy in the abdominal muscles area;
  4. relax in time between contractions.

After the birth of the baby, the mother awaits the third final stage - the birth of the placenta and examination of the birth canal. The separation takes place within 5–30 minutes. The woman feels weak contractions that pass quickly.

How to behave correctly for your husband during childbirth:

  • make sure your wife relaxes;
  • provide moral support;
  • comfort;
  • praise;
  • massage if necessary.

Correct actions during childbirth will help you recover faster and the woman will be able to play sports. This will avoid the transition of psychological discomfort into physical and will not harm the mother and baby.

What happens after childbirth

Recovery is an important stage that will go faster if a woman knows what to do. Everything happens gradually, there is no need to rush. Conventionally, the process is divided into two parts: the first hours and days after delivery. The transfer of the mother to the delivery room occurs under the supervision of doctors. Sometimes there is fever, thirst, chills. At this stage, the uterus is examined and a massage is performed.

After a few days, such care will no longer be needed, as the condition improves over time. After childbirth, muscle pain and cramping sensations appear. At this time, postpartum contractions of the uterus occur. When ruptures occur, discomfort in the perineum and chest occurs.

Mom needs rest and hygiene. During the period of active healing, you should not sit down due to the risk of suture ruptures. Within a week, the woman is examined to ensure there is no infection.

In the first weeks, pain remains. The discharge lasts up to two months. It is important to keep an eye on your stitches while showering. Adhesions are treated with antiseptics. The scar appears a week after birth. In the absence of complications, discharge is made on days 3-5. If psychological discomfort occurs, the mother needs to take more walks and rest.

How to behave after childbirth:

  1. lie on your stomach so that the clots come out;
  2. apply ice for half an hour;
  3. in the first hour, a massage is performed to check the absence of afterbirth residues;
  4. after an hour, the woman in labor is transferred to the ward, the pain is relieved, and the general condition is monitored;
  5. after 8 hours, all indicators are measured: pressure, temperature, pulse.

After a caesarean section, the same manipulations are carried out, only the time the woman in labor spends under the supervision of an obstetrician increases. Then the woman and baby are transferred to the ward. If the woman in labor is with her husband, the father will look after the newborn so that the mother can rest.

How to behave with your wife after childbirth:

  • give the woman the first few days to rest: get some sleep, come to her senses;
  • help establish lactation: with nutrition, often offer to put the newborn to the breast;
  • help physically: bring things, accompany you to the toilet;
  • take on household responsibilities for the first 2 weeks;
  • do not be offended, be calm, understand that the spouse has suffered stress, is weak physically and psychologically.

Mom often thinks about how to withstand moral and physical stress. My husband will come to the rescue. Dad will be nearby to take care of the baby.

After childbirth, a woman has more responsibility than during pregnancy. The body is exhausted, in order to recover, you need to go for a walk, enjoy communication with the baby, and concentrate on positive emotions. Pay attention to proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

Every woman during pregnancy knows that contractions are a sign that the baby will soon be born. This is a very difficult time, because it is completely unclear how to behave and what to do if labor pains begin unexpectedly. Many people panic and are afraid to go to the doctor. However, contractions are a process that has already been well studied and analyzed. If you figure out what it is in advance, it won’t be so scary later. And, most importantly, you will know what to do and the birth will be successful.

What are contractions?

Let's start with the fact that the uterus has several functions in a woman's body. She keeps the fetus inside throughout her pregnancy, providing it with everything it needs. But when the time comes, she “expels” the child from herself. The placenta and pituitary gland of the fetus produce special hormones that cause uterine contractions. Gradually, the cervix dilates enough for the baby to be released into the world. In total, this process can last from 8 to 14 hours on average.

The most important thing is that at first you don’t need to do anything during contractions. The main thing is to come to the obstetricians on time and not miss possible deviations.


It all starts with an unpleasant weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen. These pains are slightly reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation. They are not very strong and do not last very long, so try not to miss them - this is a sign that contractions have begun.

If you don't know what to do if contractions start, remember: first, find a notepad and a watch. Try to have you or something near you record the beginning and end of each contraction. This way you can calculate the frequency of contractions - a very important parameter.

Many people at this moment take out a camera to film this magical moment of the birth of a baby. True, there is still a very long time before labor begins, but you can already prepare the apparatus so that you don’t have to look for it in a hurry.


In total, there are 3 phases during contractions:

  • Initial – approximately 7-8 hours
  • Active – approximately 3-5 hours
  • Transitional – approximately 1-1.5 hours

But remember, everything is individual: many women do without the first phases of contractions, and for some, contractions last much longer than planned.

At the end of the last phase, the contractions smoothly turn into attempts - the child is trying to come out, you must help him with this. By this time you should have been in the hospital for a long time. There, obstetricians will tell you what to do during contractions and pushing, how to breathe and how to behave.

During the first phase, the duration of the contraction is approximately 20 seconds. The interval between them is 20 minutes. This is a fairly simple time when you can still relax, rest, and ignore the pain. Take this chance and rest, it will be difficult to do this in the future.

The next phase is much more painful. Labor contractions come every 5-10 minutes and last 30-60 seconds. Remember: if the interval is less than 10 minutes, go to the obstetrician: labor is coming soon. Gather all your belongings, including your camera if you plan to make a video. If the maternity hospital is far away, you better hurry. You should be with your obstetrician when the transition phase begins - contractions lasting more than a minute every 2-3 minutes. Then more active labor will begin, where you will have to try. It will be nice if you watch a video in advance on how to breathe correctly and how to behave, then the birth will be successful.

This is an ideal scenario. However, the phases can pass either faster or slower. The main thing is to focus on the interval between contractions, then you will be able to successfully survive them.

Although you don't have to do much during contractions, there are some rules and tips on how to behave. Try to follow them.

  1. Postures during contractions are completely unimportant - you can try to survive them sitting, standing, lying on your side or back, on all fours. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and can relax. You can behave as you wish, as long as you feel calm. This does not affect childbirth in any way.
  2. Breaking water is a sign that labor is starting. Regardless of the phase of contractions, rush to the maternity hospital. Don't delay.
  3. Any bleeding during contractions is unnatural - it should not happen. This is a sign that something has gone wrong. Call the doctor, go to the maternity hospital immediately.
  4. Try to rest and relax. Labor can take a very long time, and contractions are the only time you have a chance to sleep and gain strength. In addition, they are easier to carry when the body is relaxed and the muscles are not tense.
  5. Learn to breathe correctly. There are many techniques, you can learn them on videos on the Internet. Choose one for yourself in the middle of pregnancy. If you didn't do it then, learn now. During contractions, breathing is very important, because the baby’s body receives less oxygen than before. This needs to be made up.
  6. Movement is good. If you can, try to walk around the room and move your pelvis at least initially. This will open the cervix faster.
  7. Try not to eat anything and empty your bowels and bladder more often. In case of complications, leftover food will serve you poorly. Surgery will be very difficult.

Relax. Problems rarely arise. Much more often everything goes well. Don't panic, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine with you too. The birth will be successful, and the child will be born healthy and strong.

It is best to print this chart and keep it in front of your eyes when labor begins. The table is compiled based on materials from lectures at the school of preparation for childbirth at the Spaso-Perovsky Hospital.

This cheat sheet provides brief instructions on how a woman should behave during childbirth. Childbirth consists of five stages called phases:

  1. latent (hidden) phase, which some women do not even notice - during it the cervix begins to dilate and reaches 3-4 cm;
  2. active phase (contractions), during which the woman in labor usually arrives at the maternity hospital - dilation gradually increases to 8 cm;
  3. transitional phase, during which full dilatation of the cervix is ​​achieved;
  4. the expulsion phase, or pushing period, in which the child is born;
  5. birth of the placenta.

Photo - photobank Lori

Each phase of labor has its own characteristics. In the latent phase, contractions are rare, short-lived and almost painless; at the beginning they last about 30 seconds with an interval of 20-30 minutes; at the end of the latent phase, contractions last up to a minute and the interval between them is reduced to 5-7 minutes. During this phase, you can do household chores, walk, and take a shower. You should not sit or lie down - this can slow down contractions and weaken labor. Reducing the interval between contractions to 5-7 minutes is a reason to go to the maternity hospital.

During the active phase, contractions intensify, they become more painful, so it is useful for the mother in labor to start using slow deep breathing. As the contractions become more intense, you can use rapid breathing (doggy style) at the peak of the contraction. Many people find pain-relieving lower back massage helpful.

In the transition phase, the dilation of the cervix is ​​completed, reaching full, the baby’s head enters the birth canal. You cannot push at this time, because you can tear the cervix. The midwife asks the woman in labor to breathe through several contractions; for a woman this is the most difficult moment of childbirth. But it doesn’t happen to everyone; often the active phase is immediately followed by pushing.

Attempts bring relief to the mother in labor, since pain is easier to bear with vigorous activity. In addition, the climax moment has arrived when the baby is about to be born. Usually the pushing period does not last long; after 3-5 pushings the baby is born. During contractions, it is important to listen to the midwife’s commands, push down, as if with a hard stool, and do not strain your head. During standard childbirth on a chair, the woman in labor is pressed to her chest; when a contraction approaches, you need to take in air and push, then release the air smoothly (not sharply), take another breath and push again. Usually, during one contraction, a woman in labor manages to make three attempts. In the interval between contractions (which have become very short, about 30 seconds), you need to try to relax and gain strength.

As a rule, in a few attempts the head is born, in the interval the midwife makes a turn, guiding the shoulders, and with the next attempt, much easier, the whole body of the baby is born. It is laid on the woman’s stomach at birth; it is still connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, which is still inside the uterus. After a few minutes, the umbilical cord stops pulsating and the baby can breathe on his own. The umbilical cord is cut, often the father is allowed to do this. The baby is taken away to wipe and suck out mucus from the respiratory tract, then the newborn is swaddled and the mother is helped to attach him to the breast. Sometimes children immediately latch onto the breast to suck in a few drops.

At this time, the midwife ask the woman to push again, and without much effort. is born. It is examined to ensure its integrity (parts of the placenta should not remain inside the uterus, so the umbilical cord should not be pulled; the placenta should be born spontaneously).



What is possible What not to do
Latent (hidden) phase of labor (contractions) 30 sec. int. 20 minutes.

1 min. int. 5-7 min.

Deep in the chest, with the nose (you can use the mouth, if convenient) Do household chores. Walk, sing, breathe. Take a shower, bath. Do an enema: warm, acidified with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 1.5-2 liters. Drink tea with thyme. At the end of this phase, go to the maternity hospital! Scream. Sit. Lie down (at the end of the latent phase). Drink a lot. Eat.
Active phase of labor (contractions) 2 minutes. int. 2-3 min. Slow deep breathing (4 counts inhale - 6 counts exhale), increasing at the peak of the contraction (doggy style with the upper part of the lungs) Walk, sing, breathe. Listen to music. Relax! Save your strength! Pain relieving massage. Rinse your mouth with water. Scream. Sit. Lie. Drink. Eat.
Transitional phase of labor (pre-latching efforts) 2 minutes. int.1-2 min. Deep, chest, diaphragm, pushing the baby to the exit. Walk. Squat. Stand on all fours. push
Expulsion phase (pushing) 3-5 min. When the contraction begins, draw in air, push only into the perineum and exhale the air completely. Repeat three times per bout. When the head is born, breathe “like a dog” and only through the mouth. Listen to the midwife. Relax in between, breathe deeply. Relax your stomach. Wet your mouth and lips. Push on the head. Scream. Bringing your legs together
Birth of the placenta 15-30 min. Free. You can push by taking in air. Push, cough. Pull the umbilical cord. Hurry

Greetings, my dears! Inessa is in touch with you again. Today we will talk to you about a topic that many women are even scared to think about: Childbirth and how to behave correctly. If you have already been lucky enough to experience all the delights of childbirth, then you understand what I’m talking about, and if you just have to go through this test, then I wish you good luck and patience. Let's start with the fact that childbirth is usually divided into 3 stages, which have their own time frames. Next, we will look at each of these stages separately, and I will give you recommendations on how to behave in each of them.

If you're not already giving birth on the other side of the screen, then let's go!

Stage 1 of labor: how to behave?

How long does labor last and how does it begin? This question will not leave any first-time girl indifferent. After all, the unknown scares us most of all, that’s how we are built.

Usually a woman learns about the onset of labor with a decrease in the interval between them, and also if she has . As a rule, a reliable harbinger of an imminent birth is the situation when the plug comes out, looking like a clot of mucus streaked with blood.

The first stage of labor, or as it is also called preparatory, is the most unbearably long and painful, which is divided into 3 phases:

  • hidden or latent phase – neck 3.5 cm;
  • active phase – up to 8 cm;
  • the decline phase is full disclosure.

During this period, not only does the cervix open, but the birth canal for the baby is also softened and smoothed. For all women, this stage takes a different amount of time, although doctors have accepted the average duration as 8-12 hours, and with subsequent childbirth 6-8 hours. The same cannot be said about rapid and quick labor, when the whole process lasts from 2 to 4 hours.

What do we have to do

If you understand that labor has begun, and not another uterine training session, then you need to perform certain actions:

  1. Your first and wisest decision will be lie down and rest for a while. Why do you need rest? The fact is that further you will be required to have a colossal supply of energy, and by the end of the first period and the beginning of pushing you will simply be exhausted.

  1. When you can’t really rest and the contractions become more intense, you need to stay upright more. You can stand, walk, or sit in a special chair with a hole or on the toilet. All this will help the cervix soften and open under the pressure of the baby’s weight.
  2. Are contractions already quite painful? Hooray! We are coming to the end of the first stage. In the meantime, concentrate and relax, accept every contraction with open arms, don't panic and don't be afraid, so you will not delay the birth process.

If you think like that, what is there to be afraid of? If labor has begun, then it has only one way out - to end! And fear will only slow down the process. You don't want to spend more time suffering, do you? Then free yourself from the chains of fear and take all this torment for granted for the fact that very soon you will meet a new person who will enter this life thanks to your patience and efforts.

  1. Going to the toilet in small steps need as much as possible more often, which will make the work easier for both the uterus and your baby, even every 5 minutes.
  2. Helps you relax well breathing exercises. Do you know how to do it? If not, then I will teach you.

Latent phase

In the latent phase, you need to use economical breathing tactics. How to do it? Lie flat on your back and place your hands on your stomach. Take a deep breath through your nose, and then slowly exhale into a tube. Did your hands first rise and then fall? If yes, then you are very smart - the technique is done correctly! This kind of breathing helps to tune in to the right mood and speeds up the opening of the cervix.

Then the active phase begins, when even and calm breathing becomes simply impossible. How should you breathe correctly in such a situation? Probably everyone has heard about “doggy style” breathing, during which a woman quickly, quickly breathes shallowly through her nose during a contraction. At the beginning and end of the contraction, you need to take a deep breath and exhale.

As a result of performing these actions, the process of the birth of a belly will not only speed up a little, but you will also be able to mentally prepare and endure contractions more easily with less loss of energy and strength.

Stage 2 of labor: how to behave?

With the beginning of the second stage, strength leaves the body at an incredible speed and, when it begins to seem that there is no more strength, it appears - the whole meaning of your life. The first baby cry, a storm of emotions, happiness, joy and fear, all this now overwhelms the mother, the pain and emptiness go nowhere, and the third stage of childbirth, examination, suturing are trifles that no longer worry the woman much.

How to behave correctly so that the meeting with the baby occurs as soon as possible and without negative consequences for both mother and baby?

The main assistant during pushing is again correct breathing. The most common mistake that many women make is pushing “in the face.” It turns out that the woman is actually pushing, but incorrectly. Such attempts are not capable of leading to the advancement and release of the child from the birth canal. Therefore, the answer to the question: “How to push correctly?” - lies in a special breathing technique:

At the moment of contraction, take a deep breath, then exhale slowly and direct all the effort into the stomach. To understand that your breathing is performed correctly, pay attention to whether you feel tension in your head or face as you exhale? If you don’t feel any tension, then you’re doing everything right.

Of course, the most important thing at this stage is to listen to the doctor and midwife, because who, if not them, knows how and when to push, and when to be patient and wait. So keep your mind clear, don't panic, and listen carefully to the instructions!

Stage 3 of labor: how to behave?

This period is the easiest and most painless compared to the previous two, but no less significant, since the future health of the woman in labor depends on it. Usually, at this stage, the woman reacts quite calmly to all the doctors’ instructions, and in general clearly perceives everything that is happening.

Why does this happen, because the pain of childbirth has not yet been forgotten, contractions, although less painful, are still present, and tears, tears and incisions hurt, and the whole body aches. But nature, as we know, is a skillful and intelligent creator. Immediately after childbirth, the hormone oxytocin is released into the woman’s blood in large quantities, which, in addition to numerous functions, is designed to induce a feeling of happiness and joy; the woman is euphoric, and therefore does not interfere with the doctor’s performance of further manipulations. Even suturing is perceived quite calmly.

If you are reading this article, then this is already the first step towards a safe and easy birth. Next, you need to learn to breathe correctly and understand your body so as not to lose composure in stressful and extreme situations. Yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, and special courses for expectant mothers will help you with this. Start by spending 10 minutes a day doing breathing exercises. Also practice directing the push not to the face, but to the stomach.

Peculiarities of behavior in non-standard situations

There are situations that are quite rare, for example, breech birth. Usually in such a situation a decision is made to perform a caesarean section. However, it may also happen that childbirth will take place naturally. In this case, pain relief is recommended because:

  • at any time a decision may be made about the need for a caesarean section;
  • during natural childbirth, they almost always resort to dissection of the perineum;
  • the pain from contractions can simply cloud the mind, which is unacceptable, because maximum attention and effort is required from a woman.

According to statistics, breech presentation most often occurs during early birth, when the baby is not yet large enough and has the opportunity to “furrow the expanses” of the uterus.

Another situation is late labor, when the baby refuses to leave his cozy, warm house. In this case, they often resort to induction of labor.

What stimulates labor:

  • oxytocin or prostaglandin is administered intravenously;
  • puncture the amniotic sac to drain the waters;
  • A tampon soaked in hormones is inserted into the vagina;
  • use special drugs.

In any case, stimulation is an intervention in the natural process, which sometimes, unfortunately, cannot be done without. At what period of time do they resort to induction of labor? If by 41 weeks you have not yet met your baby, then you will be admitted to the maternity hospital, where you will be under the strict supervision of doctors who will decide your future fate based on the situation.

How to tune in to induce labor?

The most important thing is not to panic and not refuse stimulation, because if the doctors decided on such an appointment, then they had a good reason for this. You can wait until labor begins on its own for no more than 42 weeks if the pregnancy is ideal. Otherwise, you simply risk harming your baby and yourself. Therefore, trust the doctor, relax and tune in, all your knowledge and skills will be required from you, because artificially induced childbirth is often more painful and difficult.

If you have personal positive experience in how to relieve pain during contractions and how to behave in general during childbirth, be sure to share in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

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Contractions are contractions of the uterus that are necessary to expel the baby from the womb. They are accompanied by severe pain in the back and abdomen. How to behave during contractions to alleviate the condition?

How to behave as an expectant mother during uterine contractions

A woman feels severe pain during contractions. To reduce it, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Most expectant mothers find it easier in an upright position.
  2. It is recommended to move to relieve the condition. Doctors advise walking, squatting, and taking a cat pose.
  3. If you have a fitball at home, then you can lean on the ball while swinging. There are no specific guidelines. Every woman finds a position that is most comfortable for her. The main thing is to move, as movement is capable of. It also improves uterine contractions.
  4. How to behave during childbirth? Having taken a comfortable position, it is recommended not to strain. You should rest between contractions of the uterus. You can even take a nap and save your energy for the birth process.
  5. A woman shouldn't worry. Worry only makes the pain worse.
  6. To avoid being so painful, it is recommended to think about the upcoming meeting with the baby and set yourself up for the positive. The expectant mother must drive away fear and worries. If the pain becomes stronger, it means that the long-awaited meeting is closer.
  7. Doctors advise breathing deeply. You should inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  8. It is better not to take a sitting position.

How does the fetus behave in the womb before birth?

Childbirth brings a woman a lot of new sensations, not always pleasant. But this is also a big test for the baby. After all, he also takes part in the birth process. How does the fetus behave during labor?

It is important that the baby behaves actively during the period of uterine contractions. This will speed up his birth. It becomes easier for a woman if the baby moves.

A child has a natural reflex - pushing off something with his feet. For this reason, during labor, he moves, pushes his limbs away from the walls of the uterus, and presses his head on the bottom of the pelvis. This helps his mother give birth faster.

Having a baby is a difficult process. A woman should prepare for pain and discomfort. But there are some ways to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother that are worth using. The child also helps her with this.