What to do if your cat has bloody urine. Why does a cat pee in blood, what to do?

The appearance of blood in a cat's urine is a very bad sign. This phenomenon indicates the development of an inflammatory process or other disease. What are the causes of blood in urine? How to properly treat hematuria? Let's look at these questions in this article.

What does normal cat urine look like?

Urine is produced by the kidneys. With it, all harmful substances, excess salts, vitamins, hormones and enzymes are released through the urinary system. Without this process, proper functioning of the body is impossible.

Normal cat urine is clear, ranging in color from light yellow to orange. It should be free of impurities, cloudiness and blood. The urine of a healthy cat does not have a strong odor.

Causes of blood in urine

This is not what normal cat urine looks like

Hematuria develops for several reasons. Its appearance can be caused by infections, various acute and chronic diseases in the acute stage, as well as injuries and falls.

The main symptom of hematuria is urine turning red or brown. In some cases, clots or small spots of blood are visible. The urine may become colored after your cat eats beets or carrots, but in this case the color will return to normal after a couple of days.

With hematuria, the cat loses its appetite and becomes lethargic. She may be bothered by the process of urination; some animals begin to urinate past their potty (on carpets, upholstered furniture).

What does urine look like with hematuria?

Blood in a cat's urine can be found on the litter

With this disease, blood will be noticeable in the cat’s urine. The color depends on the number of red blood cells: the more there are, the more intensely colored the urine will be. Blood clots and inclusions are rare, but this may indicate a severe stage of the disease.

Sometimes blood in the urine may not be noticed. It is recognized only in the laboratory during microscopic examination. Red blood cells are noticeable in the urinary sediment; they can have a variety of shapes: flattened, wrinkled, or not deformed at all.

How not to start the course of the disease

Typically, cat owners do not pay attention to the color of their pets' urine. Any changes in the animal's behavior should be noted. If you notice that your cat is restless when urinating, be sure to look at the color of the urine.

In the initial stages of the disease, it may not change color, but the animal changes its behavior: meows loudly, tries to defecate on a soft surface, and rushes around the apartment. In this case, you should have your cat's urine tested at the first signs of illness.

Collecting cat urine for analysis

Not many owners know how to properly collect urine. To do this, you will need a clean tray, gloves and a sterile container. Follow this algorithm:

  • Wash the cat litter well and pour boiling water over it;
  • remove the filler from the tray;
  • if the cat does not agree to urinate in an empty pot, place disinfected aquarium pebbles on the mesh or buy a special filler for collecting urine at the pet store;
  • after the cat has gone to the toilet, put on gloves and carefully pour the urine into a prepared container;
  • the jar should be submitted for analysis as soon as possible (3-4 hours).

Watch a video on how to collect urine from a cat for analysis.

How to detect blood in cats urine

In some cases, blood is visible to the naked eye. Pour the urine into a glass or transparent plastic jar, place it in front of a window or other light source and examine it carefully. Red or brown coloring, as well as inclusions and clots indicate hematuria.

If blood is not noticeable in the urine, but the animal is worried and behaves differently than usual, a laboratory test should be done. The veterinarian will examine the sediment under a microscope and determine whether it contains red blood cells or other impurities: leukocytes, epithelium, pus, protein, etc.

Diagnosis for hematuria

If there is blood in your cat's urine, your veterinarian will prescribe a list of tests to make a diagnosis. It includes the following activities:

  • general urinalysis - determining the presence of blood and other impurities in the urine;
  • urine culture and sensitivity - determination of the type of infection, selection of antibiotics;
  • vaginal smear – for vaginitis;
  • general blood test - determining the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • biochemical blood test - kidney function is assessed;
  • coagulogram - this test determines blood clotting;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity - to detect stones in the kidneys and ureters;
  • X-ray with contrast - will help detect tumors, stones and possible anomalies in the structure of the organs of the urinary system;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - will detect possible infections, the presence of tumors and stones;
  • cystoscopy - examination of the bladder and urethra using an endoscope, which is inserted into the vagina;
  • stone analysis - to prescribe an appropriate diet and treatment;
  • histology of the removed tumor - determining the type of tumor and prescribing treatment (chemotherapy).

How to help your pet

Give your cat rest and remove solid food from her diet.

You should not self-medicate, as this will only harm your pet. If it is impossible to show the animal to a veterinarian, consult him by phone, he will tell you how to alleviate the animal’s condition.

As first aid, you can do the following:

  • place the cat in a warm, clean room, provide it with peace;
  • for pain relief, give an injection intramuscularly with a painkiller (baralgin, no-shpa);
  • remove all solid foods from the diet and replace them with liquid foods;
  • water must be freely available;
  • Give your cat decoctions of parsley or bearberry root; they have disinfectant properties;
  • A decoction of horsetail or juniper will help remove substances that cause inflammation from the urinary tract.

Never give your cat antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, as this will only make the situation worse. Take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since only he can prescribe a diagnosis and an exact treatment regimen after a clinical examination and tests.

Treatment for blood in urine

Treatment for hematuria depends on what diagnosis the cat has been given. The diagram is drawn up by a veterinarian; it may include the following points:

  • antibiotics (intramuscular, intravenous or oral);
  • for urolithiasis, a special diet is prescribed;
  • intravenous infusions solution or glucose - in case of dehydration;
  • for some - vitamin K1;
  • drugs to stop bleeding;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • surgical removal of stones and tumors;
  • If you have problems with urination, a urinary catheter is inserted.

Blood in the urine of a pregnant or postpartum cat

Cats during pregnancy and after birth sometimes have blood in their urine. This may indicate the development of urolithiasis and the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system.

Many medications are contraindicated during and after childbirth, which complicates the treatment process. You should not give medications to a cat without consulting a specialist, as this can harm the animal itself and its offspring.

How to prevent blood from appearing in your cat's urine

To prevent blood from appearing in your cat’s urine, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • carry out deworming in a timely manner;
  • Avoid walking your cat outside;
  • Protect your animal from injury and falls from heights.

The presence of blood in the urine is a symptom of serious medical conditions that should be treated. Take the animal to the veterinarian, carry out the necessary examinations and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Normally, the color of a cat's urine is yellow and has a very specific smell. Even a slight change in color indicates a disease of the excretory system. If the urine becomes too dark, this indicates that the amount of coloring substances in the body has greatly increased. This is caused by dehydration, nausea and vomiting. The dark brown color indicates that the destruction of red blood cells in the body has begun due to hemolytic anemia and urolithiasis.

A healthy pet's urine is clear, and when blood appears in it, we can say with confidence that a pathological process has begun in the body. Therefore, the cat owner must inspect the tray more carefully in order to notice the deviation in time and contact a specialist.

The main reasons for the appearance of blood in the urine

There are several reasons why a cat pees with blood. And it’s not always a matter of pathology. It often happens that hematuria occurs due to poisoning, tumors in the body, or general diseases such as a cold. The most common reasons are:

  1. 1. Injuries. Very often, blood in the urine appears after a fall from a height, a collision with a car, or a blow to the abdomen with a blunt object. A pet may fall out of a window in the spring, so you should carefully monitor it. You may get injured or hit while walking. Therefore, if a cat has blood in its urine after a blow, it should be urgently taken to the veterinarian, because the likelihood of kidney damage is very high.
  2. 2. Urolithiasis or urolithiasis. It is often believed that the disease occurs when a cat is fed low-quality dry food. But in reality, veterinarians call this statement a myth. Urolithiasis and blood in the urine can be caused by excess weight, poor diet and genetics.
  3. 3. Infections. They can be triggered by the action of microorganisms such as E. coli, staphylococcus and streptococcus. Blood in the urine begins to appear due to the fact that microorganisms destroy the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  4. 4. Tumors. Cancer processes most often occur in cats after 11 years of age. This condition is the most difficult to treat.
  5. 5. Cystitis.

Hematuria is a very alarming symptom of many pet diseases. Therefore, the sooner the owner detects it, the sooner treatment will begin. In the end, the animal can be saved.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you notice symptoms of hematuria, you should immediately consult a doctor, because self-medication at home can only complicate the course of the disease and lead to the death of your pet. But before going to the clinic, the cat should be placed in a warm place, away from drafts. It is necessary to remove dry food from your pet’s diet, give it as much water as possible and disturb the animal as little as possible.

At the clinic, a specialist will conduct a full examination of the cat. Urine brought for analysis will be carefully examined to determine the presence of blood in its composition.

In addition to a general urine test, the doctor prescribes blood tests to determine the inflammatory process in the body and how affected the animal’s kidneys are. If there is a suspicion of infection, a bacteriological study will be carried out to identify pathogenic microflora and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

If it is suspected that hematuria has occurred due to a sexually transmitted infection, the doctor will take a smear from the cat. To diagnose urolithiasis, you will need to perform an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder. The same study will help determine the presence of a tumor in the genitourinary system. If kidney stones are detected, they will be examined to select the correct diet and medications.

To determine hematuria, the doctor often prescribes cystoscopy - an examination of the urethra and bladder through endoscopy. And if poisoning is suspected, a blood clotting test is taken.

First aid for a pet

But it often happens that, having discovered red urine in a neutered cat, the owner is not able to take him to the clinic immediately. Then you need to provide first aid to the cat. But first, you should contact your doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary medications and painkillers over the phone. And after the cat is given the medicine, you can try to alleviate its condition:

  • provide your pet with access to clean water;
  • feed the animal only liquid food;
  • give your pet a decoction of parsley or bearberry, which have disinfecting properties;
  • A decoction of horsetail will help cope with inflammation of the urinary tract.

You should not give antibiotics to your cat without a doctor's prescription. This will only lead to complications.

The health and general well-being of any pet largely depends on the state of the excretory system. This dependence is explained simply: the kidneys remove from the body numerous toxic compounds that inevitably arise during its life. Therefore, if you find blood in your cat’s urine, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic, as this symptom may indicate serious health problems in your pet.

Of course, such a question may seem stupid, but it is not. The fact is that urine is not always truly red. Sometimes the matter is limited to its slight pinkish tint, which not every owner can notice. Very often, “tomato juice” is released only at night or early in the morning, and the rest of the time the cat’s secretion is almost normal in color. In particularly severe cases, whole blood clots can be seen. However, the condition of the animal is such that even an inexperienced breeder will clearly sound the alarm and take his pet to the veterinarians.

That’s why in veterinary clinics they always take urine for analysis, since only through microscopic examination can the presence of blood cells be detected (if they are there, of course). This helps to make the correct diagnosis and quickly begin treatment that will really help the animal.

Hunting period

But what if this pathology manifests itself during estrus? In principle, the reasons may be the same as in the postpartum period. Simply put, in this case it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic as urgently as possible to make a specific diagnosis. The faster you do this, the higher the chances of a relatively “painless” and successful outcome.

In veterinary practice, it is called hematuria, which translated from Latin means “bloody urine.” This symptom is a wake-up call for pet owners. Hematuria, the presence of blood, bloody inclusions, and clots indicate the development of serious urological problems, symptomatic pathologies and diseases. If you find blood in your cat’s urine, immediately take your pet to the veterinary clinic for an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

What does normal urine look like in cats?

Urine is a physiological fluid that is formed in the kidneys and excreted through the urinary tract system. With excreta, decay products, foreign substances, salts, enzymes, and vitamins are removed from the body of animals. This is a natural and normal process of homeostasis that is necessary to maintain a normal internal environment.

Normally, urine in cats should be transparent, light yellow, straw or even orange in color, without a sharp specific odor. The color of urine in furry purrs largely depends on diet, character, and the intensity of metabolic processes in the body. A red tint to urine may appear if your pet likes to eat beets and carrots. By completely eliminating such foods, urine will quickly restore its natural color.

Urine in cats with hematuria

If any malfunction occurs in the body, pathological infectious and inflammatory processes develop, and the color of urine may change. The appearance of flakes, cloudy sediment, blood strands, and clots is possible. The condition and color of urine depends on the general physiological condition and age of the pet.

As a rule, blood in the urine of pets can be seen with the naked eye. Urine acquires a brown, brown, red tint. blood clots may be oblong or round in shape. With obvious hematuria, blood is noticeable in the tray, on the animal’s fur in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

With a mild course of the disease, in the initial stages, bloody spots in the urine are hardly noticeable. Therefore, this pathology can only be detected by laboratory diagnostic methods, microscopic tests that will show red blood cells in the urinary sediment. When examined, blood cells have their usual size and shape, or vice versa, they become deformed.

The intensity of urine color depends on the underlying cause, the concentration of red blood cells in the urine.

Causes of blood in urine

Blood in the urine of felines can occur for a variety of reasons. This pathology can be provoked by various exo- and endogenous factors. The etiology of hematuria in most cases involves disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary tract of animals, various urological pathologies and diseases.

Bloody staining of urine is most often diagnosed with urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and urethritis. In some cases, this pathology may be the result of impacts, severe injuries, or falls from a height.

Causes of blood in the urine of cats:

Blood staining of urine can also be caused by long-term use of certain medications - corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers.

Hematuria often develops against the background of various infections, systemic pathologies, as well as after injuries to the genital organs, bladder, for example, after animals fall from a great height. Blood in the urine of cats may indicate that the animal is being fed low-quality prepared food.

The causes of hematuria include: heart attack, polycystic kidney disease, vascular abnormalities in the genitourinary tract, changes in the shape of the bladder in the case of the formation of polyps, diverticula, and calculi.

Bloody inclusions and blood cells in the urine may appear after surgical operations on the peritoneum, sterilization, or catheterization. In castrated cats and older animals, the presence of blood in the urine always indicates the development of urolithiasis. In cats, bloody spots in the urine may be noticed in the first two to four days after birth or during estrus.

Chlamydia, rickettsia, mycoplasma, and various types of helminths can also provoke the development of hematuria.

Severe bleeding is caused by toxic substances, hemolytic poisons, tumors, and acute inflammation of the bladder. In case of diseases of the reproductive system, urine may be contaminated with bloody discharge from the vagina and prepuce.

It is possible to establish the exact cause that led to the development of hematuria in cats only after undergoing comprehensive diagnostics and laboratory tests at a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of hematuria

The main symptom of hematuria in cats is a sudden change in the color of urine. Bloody inclusions, clots, and strands are noticeable in the urine. This pathology is accompanied by other symptoms, including:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • painful urination;
  • deterioration of general physiological condition;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of favorite treats;
  • decreased physical activity, drowsiness, apathy.

The cat often meows and shows anxiety when trying to go to the litter box. If hematuria occurs against the background of bacterial and viral infections, an increase in general temperature is possible in the initial stages of the disease.

Experiencing discomfort and pain, animals can rush around the apartment and try to do “their business” in the wrong place. Cats hide in dark corners, secluded places, and lie on their stomachs on cold tiles. Reaction to external stimuli decreases. Just yesterday, an active and cheerful pet refuses to participate in outdoor games and shows little interest in the world around him.

Having noticed the first alarming symptoms, you should not delay your visit to the veterinarian and self-medicate. Timely, correct prescribed treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis.


To eliminate the symptoms of hematuria in cats, it is necessary to find the root cause that caused this pathology. Veterinary specialists, in addition to collecting medical history and a comprehensive examination of four-fingered patients, must conduct a number of laboratory tests of urine.

Before submitting urine for analysis, you need to remove the litter and thoroughly disinfect the cat litter box. After the pet goes “little by little,” collect it from the tray with a disposable syringe into a special sterile container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, veterinary pharmacy, or veterinary clinic.

Urine collection is carried out three to four hours before submitting the material for analysis, and only in the morning. It is advisable to keep your pet on a fasting diet for 12 hours. If your pet is being treated, tell your veterinarian what medications are prescribed for your pet.

In case of difficulty urinating, urine for analysis is taken during catheterization in a veterinary hospital.

The delivered sample is tested in laboratories using various test systems that make it possible to determine the concentration of red blood cells, the presence of leukocytes, pathogenic microorganisms, acetone, pus, and epithelium in the urine. Based on the test results, the physicochemical properties of urine will be determined.

For additional diagnostics and clarification of the diagnosis, radiography of the bladder and ultrasound of the genitourinary system are prescribed.

Treatment of hematuria in cats

The treatment regimen and course of treatment are prescribed by a veterinary specialist based on the results of diagnostic studies. Treatment methods are aimed at eliminating the root cause, normalizing the general condition of animals, and relieving the main symptoms of the disease. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the faster the condition of your beloved pet will normalize. The risk of developing chronic pathologies and serious complications is reduced.

Furry patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and analgesic pharmacological agents. To relieve pain symptoms, painkillers are administered intramuscularly. If hematuria has developed against the background of infectious diseases, broad-spectrum antibiotics, cephalosporin and penicillin antibacterial drugs can be prescribed for treatment.

For genital infections, the external genitalia are washed with decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal plants.

In addition, cats can be prescribed a therapeutic diet and their diet adjusted. Cats are provided with peace and optimal living conditions. Ready-made dry food is excluded from the diet, with the exception of medicinal foods, and solid food. You can feed a sick animal only easily digestible foods, having previously agreed on the feeding regimen and nutrition with the treating veterinarian. Animals should always have access to fresh drinking water.

Additionally, homeopathic remedies, immunomodulators, and vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed to increase the body's resistance. During antibiotic therapy, enzyme agents are prescribed to normalize the intestinal microflora.


It is very important to monitor the behavior and general condition of your pet. Pay attention to hygiene, the cat’s immunity, and organize a proper diet. In order not to provoke the development of urolithiasis, the diet should not contain low-quality industrial feed with a high content of salts, flavors, and stabilizers.

If your pet's condition worsens, do not self-medicate. Contact your veterinarian or take your animal to a veterinary clinic.

Blood in a cat's urine is a serious problem that requires an urgent visit to the veterinarian. This phenomenon is called hematuria. The owner must understand exactly why blood may appear as an admixture in his pet’s discharge, and what first aid the cat should receive. Leaving hematuria untreated is strictly prohibited, since without receiving urgent help, in many cases the cat is doomed to death. A comprehensive examination is required to make a correct diagnosis. Based on its results, therapy will be selected.

Causes of blood

There are many reasons for the appearance of pathology, and the owner is unlikely to be able to determine on his own what happened to the pet. In most cases, treatment is required immediately. Every owner should know exactly what causes the appearance of blood in a cat’s urine.

There are not very many main reasons when a cat’s urine begins to contain blood..

  1. Kidney diseases. Inflammation caused by any reason and causing damage to the kidney tissue leads to the urine receiving blood released during injury. Its volume does not depend on the degree of inflammation, and therefore one cannot assume that if the blood admixture has a small volume, then the problem is not serious. Also, profuse bleeding is not always a sign of an extremely severe inflammatory process. The animal needs urgent treatment. In cats, bloody urine can persist for a long time.
  2. Urinary system injuries. They occur more often in animals that have free access to outdoor exercise. Urine containing blood is the main symptom. In them, minor injuries are common and do not cause illness, but if the blow was strong, then the tissue of the kidneys or bladder may rupture, which causes bleeding. The cat requires immediate treatment, as otherwise a severe infection will most likely occur, which will cause sepsis and death of the animal.
  3. Inflammation of the ureters. It occurs most often in urolithiasis, when, passing through the ureters, fractions injure them. In this case, there is usually not much blood, and the urine simply takes on a slightly pinkish tint. It is highly undesirable to delay treatment due to the high risk of complications. The cat's urine goes away completely after treatment. The presence of blood is the first symptom of the onset of ICD.
  4. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). With this pathology, erosions occur on the mucous membrane of the bladder, which causes bleeding of varying intensity, and blood appears in the animal’s urine. The pet's condition requires mandatory and rapid treatment using various anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.
  5. Neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature in the urinary system. Most often, blood in the urine appears when the growth has reached a significant size. If the cat is old, this phenomenon usually indicates that there is an advanced cancerous tumor.
  6. Urolithiasis disease. An admixture of blood occurs regardless of where the stones are located. The sharp cuts of the fractions cut the tissues of the organs of the urinary system, which causes internal bleeding, which leads to more or less blood appearing in the urine. The cat needs to get immediate help.
  7. Taking a number of medications. This phenomenon occurs if the owner prescribes medications to the animal from his own medicine cabinet, without consulting a veterinarian. As a result of this, the cat becomes poisoned and experiences internal bleeding, including kidney bleeding, which causes blood to appear in the urine. It is strictly forbidden to give paracetamol and aspirin to animals. Gentamicin can be used with caution and strictly according to the veterinarian's recommendations if it is not possible to replace the drug with another one.
  8. Systemic diseases– they affect the entire body, including the urinary system, which in some cases causes bleeding. In such a situation, the feces also become bloody.
  9. Pathologies of the reproductive system– when the reproductive system is affected, blood is often released, which is washed off with urine from the external genital organs and for this reason ends up in the tray. In such a situation, there is also an increased interest of the pet in licking itself, especially in the genital area.

In all cases, the cat should receive treatment as soon as possible, before its condition worsens to critical and life-threatening. It is better to visit a veterinarian and find out that the alarm turned out to be false than to discover that your four-legged pet has a serious illness. The problem of blood in urine cannot be called insignificant.

Natural causes of blood impurities

It also happens that blood appears in a cat’s urine for natural reasons. This does not apply to cats. The presence of blood can be caused by 2 factors.

  • During the period of estrus - bloody discharge from the vagina during urination is partially washed away by urine, causing it to acquire a pinkish tint. The amount of blood during urination is sometimes significant. In such a situation, there is not a lot of blood and the animal’s well-being is not affected. After the end of the estrus period, the urine regains its natural color. A cat in heat spends a lot of time on hygiene, and also behaves more playfully and excitedly. The owner will not be able to miss such changes in behavior because of their clarity.
  • Postpartum period. After lambing, the cat discharges louses and bloody leucorrhoea from the uterus for 2-3 days. They are washed off with urine and end up in the tray. It’s not uncommon at this moment for the owner to find blood clots in the cat’s litter box, which is also normal. After complete cleansing of the uterus, the phenomenon will disappear on its own without any treatment. If blood in the urine persists for more than 1 week after lambing, it is necessary to visit a doctor to determine inflammation in the genital organs, which is possible if there was an infection during childbirth.

If there are natural causes for the appearance of blood in the urine, the pet has no reason to worry, since this can rather be called a sign of health. In this case, treatment is not required. There is also no need to make the cat’s menu different.

First aid

When it is not possible to immediately contact a veterinarian, you should provide first aid to the animal yourself. It is aimed at overall improvement of the pet’s condition and will be beneficial in any case. The first thing to do when blood appears in an animal’s urine is the following:

  • ensuring peace - the cat should not be allowed outside uncontrollably and children should not be allowed to play with it. The animal should be in a warm, quiet, dark place where it feels safe and comfortable. The pet will be able to fully rest, which is very important for him in case of any disease;
  • if pain occurs, intramuscular administration of the drug no-spa or analgin with diphenhydramine is indicated. It is important to know the exact dosage of the drug. An error in the dose to a lesser extent is not dangerous for the cat’s life, unlike an overdose of painkillers;
  • transferring the cat to liquid and semi-liquid food with the complete exclusion of solid food and dry food from the diet;
  • constant availability of clean fresh water in the drinking bowl.

It is highly not recommended to use antibiotics for an animal on your own, since they are not required for all pathologies, and in some cases they will simply harm the pet. The main task of the owner, having discovered blood in the urine, is to find a way to show the animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible. It is unacceptable to expect that a disease that has caused bleeding and provoked the presence of blood in the urine will go away on its own. Such a misconception will most likely lead to the death of the cat.

Only a veterinarian can properly treat hematuria, and you should contact him for help..

Prevention of the problem

It is quite difficult to choose one specific prevention regimen, since the reasons why blood begins to appear in the urine are varied. However, veterinarians tend to believe that measures aimed at preserving the general health of cats can help prevent the appearance of blood in the urine, even in old animals. Possible pathologies will be prevented by following simple rules, which include::

  • high-quality feeding with natural food or premium food. It is necessary to avoid food from the economy series, since 1 year of constant consumption is enough for a cat to become disabled;
  • preventing the pet from remaining uncontrolled on the street;
  • regular anthelmintic treatment;
  • high-quality locks on the windows to protect the cat from falling.

A loving owner will provide the pet with proper care and keep it healthy until old age. In this case, blood appears in the cat’s urine only during estrus.