Interesting stories from a pediatrician. Riddles of a pediatrician: stories from professional practice Preparing for a visit to the doctor

Death from heart failure or gross medical negligence? In the Oryol region, a criminal case was opened into the death of a baby. The tragedy of the situation is that a 4-month-old child died right in the hospital corridor, without waiting for the doctors - no one even tried to help!

Whether this is death due to negligence or the fault of doctors remains to be seen. However, there is banal indifference. As they say in the Investigative Committee, specialists who took the Hippocratic oath remained indifferent to the sick child.

History details y NTV special correspondent Olga Chernova.

The Kazakov family has already filed a lawsuit, demanding to recover 100 thousand rubles from the doctors of the Central Regional Hospital for the death of their son. The examination established that Dima Kazakov died from cardiopulmonary failure caused by an acute respiratory viral infection. Experts believe that the child could have been saved if he had received prompt medical attention.

The mother of the deceased says: her 4-month-old son fell ill for the first time. At six in the morning his temperature rose to 39, the baby was very pale.

Natalya Kazakova, mother of Dima Kazakov: “Our local paramedic came and gave him an injection, and he felt better.”

The paramedic called an ambulance. Already at seven o'clock Dima was taken to the Maloarkhangelsk regional hospital, but, according to his mother, the doctor on duty Stepanov did not even ask what was wrong with the child.

Natalya Kazakova: “He said: wait until nine o’clock, the pediatrician will come, go to him for an appointment. He didn’t examine the child, he just came up to us, said something, turned around and left.”

Mother and son waited for medical help for two hours. The doctors were not interested in the well-being of the little patient brought by ambulance.

Natalya Kazakova: “The pediatrician came in and gave him a quick injection. Then the doctors left, and I remained in the office. I took Dima in my arms, and he sighed in my arms, but he couldn’t exhale; his breathing stopped. I run out and shout: help, my child has stopped breathing! And they walk as if they weren’t being addressed, they waddle.”

A criminal case was opened under the article “Causing death by negligence.” The maximum penalty facing those found guilty is up to three years in prison.

Yulia Dorofeeva, senior assistant to the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for Media Relations at the Prosecutor's Office of the Oryol Region: “Currently, the investigation has to find out the reasons for the inadequate care of the child and the failure to provide him with timely medical care during the period of illness from October 1, 2009 to October 7, 2009 of the year".

In the Maloarkhangelsk hospital and clinic where Dima Kazakov died, indifference was again demonstrated today. It was impossible to find pediatricians at the hospital at noon.

The chief doctor, Rasul Abdullayev, refused to assess the actions of the doctors, saying on the phone that he was tired of this story and hung up. Neuropathologist Stepanov, who was on duty on the day of the tragedy, was at his workplace today.

Alexander Stepanov, doctor at the Maloarkhangelsk Central Hospital: “Yes, a tragedy happened, but... Please go out into the corridor, I beg you.”

On November 5, the mother of the deceased child, doctors from the Maloarkhanegl hospital and representatives of the medical insurance company will meet in the Orel district court. According to the victim's lawyer, the process will be difficult. Proving medical error is extremely difficult.

At the height of colds in kindergarten, we took our daughter to her grandmother. The girl is 3 years old. The devil pulled me to buy her a set of children's jewelry. There was such a ring of beads. During the games, the headband fell apart into its components - beads, approximately 5 mm in diameter. The child was extremely upset and with his grandmother tried to collect this magnificence. And the food is burning on the stove... The grandmother rushed to the kitchen at a trot, saying the fatal phrase: Don’t put the beads anywhere.
I arrive in the evening and am greeted by an extremely goofy child. I was incredibly upset: how can we sit at home, there is no unnecessary contact with anyone, and again my nose can’t breathe. I begin hygiene procedures for the child and see a bead in her nostril. At that moment I had more gray hair. How to get it? Smooth, slippery, we’ll just push it deeper. At that moment they didn’t know that you could blow into a child’s mouth. Plus, my grandmother lives in the region and medical care in this town is tight, in the evening there is only a doctor on duty who does not see children, there is no license.
It’s an hour’s drive to Tula, and I’m driving like a blind person in the dark. We got ready, but decided to go to the local hospital. Maybe they won't send it. The man on duty turned out to be a young surgeon who managed to pull this unfortunate bead out of his nose. There were so many emotions at that moment that I was ready to kiss him. We were lucky that we found him - other doctors refuse to help children. Unfortunately, I didn’t recognize the last name, but I am immensely grateful. There are also doctors who are dedicated to their work, not to the bureaucracy.

I’ll say right away that it was a long time ago, now everything may be different.

So here it is. As a child, I almost never got sick. Well, maybe just a cold. And since I wasn’t sick, my mother didn’t take me to the clinic. And my clinic card was completely empty. And now I’m finishing school and I need to go to college. I was 17 years old. It was necessary to collect a bunch of certificates, that is, undergo an examination. And then it began.

First I see a therapist. And so she opens my empty card and her eyes widen. She asks why she wasn’t at the clinic? I answer: “Why, I wasn’t sick.” Then she begins to list all the standard childhood diseases, like what, she didn’t get sick with this either? - No. - and this? -Yes, I didn’t get sick from this either, I didn’t get sick at all. And then she starts to get really angry. She doesn’t believe me and starts attacking me in a rather rude manner, why the hell am I not sick and my card is empty. I remain silent and quietly freak out. I didn’t really know how to fight back then.

Let's move on. In a few days I go to get the results of the blood test. And then it turns out that I have..... syphilis! Whaaat? At the same time, the door to the office is open and the therapist swears at me and yells throughout the entire corridor that my nose will soon fall off. Everyone waiting in the corridor is now also aware. What about me? I’m in complete shock, I don’t understand anything, I’m crying and wondering how I’m going to tell my mother about this. They took my blood for a second test.

I come back a few days later and they tell me in the same rude manner: we made a mistake. You don't have syphilis. You have hepatitis C. That's it, girl, you're fucked. We've arrived.

I have great difficulty telling my mother everything. And I sincerely don’t understand how I could get hepatitis. I'm 17 years old and I'm not a drug addict.

Thanks to my mother, she is as calm as a boa constrictor. She took me to another place to get tested. And of course they didn’t find anything on me.

But they really frayed my nerves.

A couple of years later I again ended up in the same clinic at my place of residence. With a fracture, see a traumatologist. Just in case, I went there with my mother. And, you won't believe it. My mother’s traumatologist refused to see me and yelled at me that I was a drug addict because she saw several bruises on my arm. And she didn’t just scream, she said that I would definitely have green children. I played sports and bruises were normal. Yes, I actually came with a fracture, of course I have bruises.

I don’t go to the clinic anymore, and they eventually lost my card there.

Sometimes it seemed to me that such instructions were passed on from one family to another, although a little like a broken telephone, when everyone added something of their own. In the intensive care unit where I worked, a couple of weeks did not go by without the arrival of patients with burns, mostly about eighty percent of them were children under the age of three. Probably due to the fact that their unconscious actions were aggravated by the stupidity of adults.
The main mechanism of injury was, of course, boiling water.
All the relatives did with the children: they put them in a very hot bath, poured boiling water from a kettle, poured out borscht, soups, compotes, accidentally pushed boiling jam, etc. It’s simply impossible to list all this cruelty. But this time I'm not telling you how to avoid burns. In the end, not every case could be blamed on someone; unfortunately, accidents do happen.
The most idiotic thing happens then. Instead of providing the child with adequate assistance and taking him to the hospital, they simply start finishing him off. This doesn’t always work out with adults; they probably fight back when it hurts. Children cannot - they are already in terrible shock from pain and simply no longer understand the actions of adults. The variety of secret first aid methods for burns passed down from mouth to mouth was simply amazing. They treated the burns with everything before the ambulance arrived: vegetable oil, toothpaste, detergent, urine, some animal fat, eggs, sour cream - you can’t remember everything. Of course, all this dramatically aggravates the child’s condition. It seemed to me that only a sophisticated sadist could make it even more painful during a severe painful shock, but this was done by close people. Sometimes children died because of such help; at best, they got by with multiple plastic surgeries. Although if you had provided basic first aid, the situation would have been many times better.
For burns, you just need to cool the wound with running water if possible, cover it with a clean damp cloth, give painkillers if you can, and immediately go to the hospital. If the child has a very large area of ​​burns, do not cool it much, just cover or wrap it with a damp sheet and immediately go to the ambulance or hospital.
And if this note helps at least one child, I will consider that I wrote it for a reason.

I’ve been reading medical stories for a long time and have always been indignant at posts where an ambulance is called like a taxi. But now I myself was faced with a situation where the ambulance put itself on the same level as a taxi.
And so in order: the night from Friday to Saturday, my 1.4-year-old son does not sleep well, before that he also slept poorly for 3-4 days. At 2 o'clock in the morning she wakes up and cries a lot; after examining the child, she saw a rash on her stomach and back. In shock, I called an ambulance, explained the situation and clarified that I was just nervous and not sure that an ambulance was needed, the operator replied that it was a child and he still needed to be examined. A guy arrives, he looks like he’s about 25 years old, and he puts in a thermometer, although I immediately explained that there was no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea. The child screams even more because of the presence of a thermometer. I freak out and pull him out, saying that there is no temperature. please examine your throat! I ask myself, the doctor disgustedly agrees, conducts the examination without gloves, but puts the wand in the glove. Conclusion - the throat is normal. We went to the infectious diseases hospital. There is measles in the city.
To be honest, I was furious, why??? What diagnosis can you make in advance? The answer is measles - I object, the rash is different and there is no fever. Next, a referral to the clinic in the morning. Again the question is, if there is a suspicion of infection, then how to go to the clinic. Infect all patients??? She refused hospitalization, the rash went away on its own until they found out what it was. In this case, it wasn't a taxi?

When I was little, I suffered greatly from allergies, rashes, itching, and often suffered from bronchitis.

We lived in a small town and all that local doctors said then about the treatment of allergies was “diathesis” and “wait, it will go away on its own.”

And then there was a difficult year, when my mother and I had little time to stay in the hospital several times with severe bronchitis, I was all sleepy and itchy. Mom was almost in despair, looking for a doctor who could at least say something, help, explain. She came with me to an appointment with another specialist, told me about a series of bronchitis, showed me a rash, etc. to which the doctor replied:

Well, what can I say, remember mommy, somewhere you have sinned.

Dear relatives (husband and mother-in-law, if important)!

Yes, children get sick. Yes, often, which is the norm for preschoolers in kindergarten. Yes, they don’t like to dress at home. Yes, the main treatment is drinking, walking and monitoring.

But there are no consequences from such behavior. And this is not my opinion, but the opinion of at least the local pediatrician.

So why the hell am I reading about the cold floor and poor frozen children who cough in the morning? Dear husband, you also cough in the morning if you have a cold. Why don’t you run to the doctor for medicine because of this? Dear grandmother of your beloved grandchildren, have you tried to put warm socks on your granddaughter? Oh, is the baby taking them off? Did I warn you about this? And what do you want from me?

I ran to the doctor for every sneeze, agreed to all hospitalizations (even those that were not particularly necessary), and now that’s it. And the children have grown up, they get sick easily, and I have become wiser and filter the appointments of the replacement pediatrician. And imagine, the absence of interferon suppositories and homeopathic tablets did not make the children worse, but my nerves became calmer. Money is spent on delicious fruits instead of “medicines”. The last antibiotic was a year ago with a specific justification, the last hospitalization was more than three years ago.

If everything is fine with the children, after my treatment, and an adequate doctor does not mind, then I am doing everything right. And even the fact that I allow you to run barefoot at home.

My sister (hereinafter referred to as S) was in the hospital; she seemed to be 12 years old at the time. I don’t know what this is connected with, but her arms at the elbows are very loose and naturally bend in the opposite direction by about 10 degrees, and it looks, I must say, creepy. And she had to have her blood tested in the treatment room.

She walked in, plopped down in a chair, and put her hand on the pillow with her elbow. The nurse (M) swears:

M: Why did you bend your arm? Relax!
S: But she’s already relaxed!
M: Tell me fairy tales, it doesn’t happen like that, the hand must be straight.
The sister tried to keep her hand straight, but it took some effort.
M: Why did you strain your hand?
S: But you said it should be straight...
M: I told her to relax!
The arm extended again to its 190 degrees.

According to the sister, they argued with the nurse for a long time, now bending and unbending her arm. As a result, M stuck the needle into a straight, tense limb. I don’t know whether it was actually connected or not, but the needle went through the vein, leaving my sister with bruises from her biceps to her hand.

Was it worth such a struggle? They always took her normally even with hyperextension...

My three-year-old child unexpectedly fell ill, everything was fine, and in the morning I woke up with a temperature of 39. Of course, they immediately called a doctor from the children's clinic to the house, the latter was diagnosed with angina and prescribed the necessary treatment. Everything was fine, but after a few days of treatment, the temperature remained around 37.5 and the terrible cough intensified, keeping the child from sleeping at night, all this was aggravated by the upcoming New Year holidays, because if something happens, where to run with the child. Of course, the ambulance is always working, but I decided not to push fate... and go to the clinic for an appointment, by the way, it was December 29th. At the appointment, the doctor began to scare me about pneumonia, listening to the child with a serious look, I quietly fell into panic. We were given a referral and urgently told to go to the infectious diseases hospital to get a chest x-ray, and we might have to stay there. Of course, the prospect of spending the New Year in the hospital was not encouraging, but that was not what I was thinking about. Okay, my husband was with me and we drove to the hospital by car.

At the hospital we were met by a security guard who said that the X-ray room was open until three o’clock and no one was there or would be; at the time of our arrival, it was the beginning of four, after which we were “politely” asked to leave. Then my husband and I decided to get into the hospital from another entrance, there was also a security guard sitting there, who very dissatisfiedly went somewhere to find out something, returned and said that no one was working anymore and they would not accept us, so that we would go there, where we were sent here from. In response to our demands to call a doctor, showing directions, the guard only pointed to the exit; none of the medical staff came to us. To be honest, I have never encountered such situations, nor have I ever been in a hospital, and, to be honest, I didn’t know who the fool was in this situation, but on the other hand, suddenly sending a sick child like that, If something happened to him at home, who is to blame later, the hospital, which did not accept him, or the parents, who did not insist? Seeing that my husband was starting to get excited, I dragged him outside and forced him to take us back to the clinic.

Our pediatrician, who sent us to the infectious diseases department, was very surprised, saying that this hospital was on duty for all New Year's holidays and they had no right not to accept us, he also could not get through to them, I already started to get excited, then my husband calmed me down. The pediatrician had no choice but to send us to the Republican Children's Hospital, saying that perhaps they would help there.

On the way to the hospital, I was determined and ready to swear... strongly, but everything ended well, the hospital received us well, asked us everything in detail, studied the child’s chart, examined us, took a blood test, the results of which were ready in an hour, monitored X-ray, placed to wait in a very comfortable box. When all the tests were ready (pneumonia was not confirmed), the doctor explained what was wrong with the child, prescribed adequate treatment, described the nuances of treatment in great detail, even deciphered the blood test, explaining what to look for, after which she listened to all my questions, answering them, we were sent home. I was in a pleasant shock, it’s a pity that I didn’t ask the name of this doctor, I really want to thank her somehow, the person really does his job. We celebrated the New Year at home, my daughter has already recovered and everything is fine.

What is it like to work in the pediatric intensive care unit?
1) In all cases of children ending up in intensive care, adults are to blame! (Parents, educators, guardians, etc.) The only exception that I have had all the time is children with cancer.
2) Most often, children are poisoned with tablets, known nasal drops and detergents. (Gastric lavage and adsorbents, most often such children go home the next day)
3) We save many more children than we bury, despite all the media propaganda. (All the children who died during my time were either severely disabled, or see point 1)
4) Yes, we tie up children. And by the hands and feet. Because they are given a subclavian catheter for infusion treatment and they can tear it out, and its re-insertion means anesthesia again. And no, having tied up the child, we don’t go and have tea, but we can allow ourselves to keep an eye on other children, of which we have many.
5) We always have a lot of children.
6) Only parents can be in the intensive care unit and only in special clothing (hat, mask, gown, shoe covers). The established time for parents to stay in the intensive care unit is 30 minutes.
7) Only parents and only a doctor can talk about the child’s condition.
8) We have a supply of diapers, wipes, oilcloths and other things for care, but for some reason some parents think that we are obliged to provide this. No. Parents must bring all this themselves, otherwise the emergency situation will end with their child, because child care is provided in full, and once again disconnecting from the ventilator in order to wash and change the bed is not particularly good for a small patient.
9) For many parents of disabled people (children with cerebral palsy, mostly) the intensive care unit seems like a sanatorium and they simply bring such children to take a break from them. I will never be able to understand them.
10) We are people too. And if you called the doctor at 3 o’clock to find out the condition of a child who was admitted at 8 pm, and the doctor is sleeping! then there is no need to say that he is not doing anything, he just has time to rest, and nurses are watching over your child.

I don’t know how things are in other hospitals and departments, but I can say that the quality of the nurses’ work depends on the head nurse of the department. Ours holds us in its fist)

Stay healthy and watch your children.

I had a funny incident. She worked in a children's clinic as a district nurse. On duty Saturday I had to work answering calls. The calls were constantly coming. Parents understandably worry when their child falls ill. You try to talk to them as calmly and tolerantly as possible. Another call rings.
- good morning, clinic, call a doctor.
- good morning, accept the call to my son.
- *** Sergey Nikolaevich.
- year of birth of Seryozha?
- girl, what do you allow yourself, what kind of guy is Seryozha to you, he’s 34 years old!
... a few seconds of silence, and then I asked the question, did the lady really want to call a pediatrician to see her son?
The woman turned out (after she figured it out) to be quite adequate, and explained that when she came to see her son on the weekend, she found him with a high temperature, got worried, rushed to call the doctor, knew the number of the children's clinic by heart, and in a moment of stress, she dialed it.

Among young mothers, conversations often arise about bad pediatricians. Such discontent is not uncommon now, but what are its true reasons? Do you know how to talk to a children's doctor?

Faith or distrust?

Patients are people first and foremost, and therefore everyone’s attitude towards medical staff is different. Some may like the doctor who leaves others in a state of shock. Unconditional trust in a doctor is either the life attitude of a particular person or going to an appointment on the recommendation of friends.

In most cases, there is mistrust. It is not clear why, but many mothers prefer to visit the local pediatrician “for show” and do not even take the therapy they are prescribed seriously. They prefer to treat their children in paid clinics. Why do you need a policy then? This “piece of paper” gives you the right to free medical care.

Know how to ask

A standard situation is when a mother leaves the pediatrician’s office, realizes that she did not understand anything that was said, and begins to “walk” on the Internet. And especially on the forums. Dear mothers! There are people like you on the forums, but they are by no means experts. Eliminate this situation from your life.

You need to be able to ask. Ask any question that concerns you. Feel free to clarify, especially points such as:

  • the essence of the diagnosis;
  • possible consequences of the disease;
  • treatment methods.

Be sure to ask about the lifestyle that your child should lead during illness:

  • is it possible to visit crowded places;
  • Will bathing have a negative impact?
  • sleep mode, etc.

By the way, the doctor is obliged to answer all your questions. And this obligation is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Phrases to help you:

  • Please tell us in more detail.
  • Doctor, we are very worried about this, could you clarify some points?
  • We understand that time for an appointment is limited, but please explain to us what this diagnosis means.

Take note! The doctor should not draw conclusions based on the results of the actual examination. He should definitely ask you about the child’s behavior and physical abilities at home.

Getting ready to visit the doctor

You are a mother, which means that the slightest change in your child’s well-being or mood will not escape you. When planning to visit a pediatrician, it is important to tell him everything in detail, then making a diagnosis will not cause difficulties. Therefore, before going to the pediatrician, you need to prepare a little, namely:

Try not to ask “final” questions. Any question asked at the door after the end of the reception will entail advice to come again.

We voice all doubts and worries

Life without the Internet is not the same. Having noticed any deviations in the child’s well-being or mood, mothers immediately “plunge” into the vastness of the World Wide Web and begin to make a diagnosis themselves. Remember the following:

  • Don't look for answers on forums; rather, voice your concerns to your doctor.
  • Only a specialist and only with a personal examination can make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Stop being tormented by doubts, just have a good talk with your doctor and ask him about everything in detail.
  • Any good doctor is able to dispel your doubts not just in words, but also confirm them in practice. Do you think your baby has trouble hearing? An experienced specialist can prove to you that this is not so.

Additional consulting

Any doubts? Try to find out an alternative opinion. Contact another doctor, or better yet, several. Then the picture will be clearer, and you will be sure that everything was done correctly.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

In order not to once again torment your baby with all sorts of tests and procedures, take a medical history and copies of all tests from your clinic. You have this right, defend it if necessary.

Note! You should not refuse to take the prescribed drug if the instructions for it do not indicate the possibility of its use for the age category of your baby. Often, such drugs have no other analogues; their safety is confirmed by positive experience of taking the drug in children of a younger age category. Why isn't this in the description? Yes, because the text of the instructions has been approved by many authorities and changing it is too expensive a procedure for a pharmaceutical company.

Are your rights violated?

If this happens, do not panic. The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

  1. In a calm voice and even tone, remind the medical staff of your rights and, accordingly, their responsibilities. Any screams and hysterics may be interpreted not in your favor in the future.
  2. Does not help? Calm again. We go to the head doctor of the clinic (or department) and write a complaint. Do not forget to describe in detail the essence of the situation and indicate which rights were not exercised.
  3. If this doesn’t work, we begin to involve employees of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the insurance company that issued your policy, a higher-level health care institution, and even the prosecutor’s office.

It is advisable to write a detailed written complaint to all these authorities with a request not to “refer” the issue to your own clinic for consideration.

Trust forums less

A story about an unlucky mother who, instead of going to the doctor, “went” to the forum caused a lot of noise online. As a result of this “treatment,” her 4-month-old daughter died. Do you want to repeat this mistake? We have already said that on the forums there are people just like you. You can’t call them specialists, so why trust them with your most precious possessions? In addition, most of the laudatory reviews are custom-made and written specifically to increase the rating of a particular clinic.

To be fair, we note that some of the reviews were written by real people. But everyone’s perception of the same event is different, so some will scold the same hospital, while others will praise it. And some young mothers are also unable to distinguish good deeds from beautiful “candy wrappers.” For example, mommy was well fed in the maternity hospital. Positive emotions and comfort overshadowed minor health problems of the baby, but she will still leave a positive review. And in another hospital, the nannies did not stand on ceremony with anyone, but the children were all healthy. But my mother was psychologically uncomfortable, so she writes negative things about the establishment’s employees.

Do not trust your child’s health to dubious people and their equally dubious advice.

What needs to be clarified?

First of all, any mother should know the name of the diagnosis given to the child. In addition, you should ask your doctor about the following points:

  • what symptoms does the disease manifest specifically in your child;
  • what studies and tests can confirm or refute the diagnosis;
  • possible causes of the disease;
  • how often has the pediatrician encountered such a disease in practice;
  • the nature of the further development of the disease, what will happen to the child and what the consequences may be;
  • what drugs the doctor is going to treat the child with, what analogues they have and why we will treat with this particular drug;
  • what side effects may occur when taking prescribed medications;
  • the effect of prescribed drugs on the digestive system, intelligence and emotional balance of the child;
  • are there other methods of treating the disease besides those already mentioned;
  • when prescribing expensive tests, it is worth finding out, in addition to the cost, why this test is needed, how to prepare and how long it lasts, what the child will feel and the possible consequences of the study;
  • best and worst forecasts.

Learn about preventive measures for other family members. Especially if you still have children. And in some cases it is worth expressing your desire to consult with a specialist of a more specialized profile. You can also insist on additional studies, such as ultrasound or MRI. At the same time, your pediatrician should not have the slightest bit of indignation about checking the diagnosis. A self-respecting doctor adequately responds to the patient’s desire to hear another opinion.

The best pediatrician in the world. The child smiles from the injections:)

The pediatrician showed how to instantly calm a crying child. R. Hamilton's HOLD technique

Health. How to choose a good doctor?

You can tell whether you have a good pediatrician by how the doctor prescribes medications, whether he takes into account the health of the parents when diagnosing the child, whether he follows hygiene rules, and most importantly, whether you understand the specialist’s recommendations. What else should you know when choosing a pediatrician?

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Today my mother calls me for an appointment and says that the child has an earache and a dark lump is growing in the ear canal. Like how to get to an ENT doctor. (here I must say that I work in a village, and the ENT doctor is 35 km from me, he doesn’t work every day, and my mother’s question is not an idle one)

Suspecting, of course, a boil in the external auditory canal (yes, it doesn’t seem like a fever, but what else could hurt and grow??!) I invited him to an appointment, until the end of which there was an hour left and, I said, we’ll decide then, if anything happens, we’ll go to the reception Children's Regional Clinical Hospital, to the ENT department. All the same, my direction and initial examination are necessary.

They arrived at the end of my appointment. He looks like a healthy child. There is indeed something dark in the external auditory canal, and the mother swears that it was smaller yesterday. It started hurting yesterday, I started dripping otofu myself.

I examine it with an otoscope - a purple ball, perfectly uniform in color, translucent, very beautiful in the rays of fiber optic light. He showed it through the otoscope to his mother - she is a nurse. She and I laughed - the child is already 9 years old, it seems - it’s already a shame to put beads in his ears. We need to get it. He doesn’t admit, like a partisan, what exactly he put there.

I say - maybe it was not smaller yesterday, but deeper? Today it has crawled out, and therefore it seems that it is growing. Well, a foreign body cannot grow! It moves - okay, if there is a beetle or midge stuck there, but it grows!.. My mother herself already believed in this theory of mine - she agrees, “maybe so.”

I carefully removed the ball using the loop of an unbent paperclip; it turned out to be easy. I gave it to my mother - I said, explain to me what it is? The ball contracts like rubber and expands again. And then my mother, in hysterical laughter, recognizes the ball as some kind of filler for flower pots (I don’t know what it is - I’ve never seen anything like it before). The funny thing about the situation is that these balls are made of a special polymer - they swell and increase when watered. That is, mom didn’t lie that it was growing! The mother “watered” it with otofa - and it actually grew in the ear, and had already pushed through the wall of the passage, causing a small bedsore.

I received a recommendation to drip the otofa for another 3 days and return for a second examination, and went home happy, leaving me with a feeling of deep self-satisfaction from the radical operation performed (that’s what I’ve always envied surgeons for).

So even this happens - foreign bodies growing in the ear canal.

On duty at one of the regional central district hospitals, at 23.00 a call from the reception, according to the nurse, a 5-day-old child with gastrointestinal bleeding. It should be noted that my experience in abdominal pediatric surgery is limited to appendicitis and a couple of blunt abdominal injuries; I have never had to operate on newborns (and I hope I never have to). There is no endoscopy on duty.
According to my mother, I was discharged from the hospital this morning, and in the evening I vomited blood several times after feeding. After several minutes of intense thinking about various congenital pathologies and examining a diaper with stains of fresh blood, I decided to examine the mother’s nipples. A miracle happened, cracked nipples were bleeding quite actively. Of course, he left the child with his mother, but thank God the assumption turned out to be correct.

One day, a certain young mother, dressing her three-month-old baby for a walk in the winter, secured the unruly mittens that always slipped off her tiny hands with hair bands. That is, I put them on top of the mittens - on the child’s wrists. Apparently too tight. After an almost three-hour walk, during which the child was absolutely calm, she came home, undressed the baby and discovered that the hands were deathly blue and icy to the touch. Frightened, I called 03.

At the time of admission, there were all indications for amputation of the hands. The hands did not respond to needle pricks, and the long-term disruption of blood supply was aggravated by deep frostbite. That is, by all indications the tissues were dead, they had to be taken away. And this is a disability.

On the other hand, a delay in amputation threatened a sharp deterioration in the child’s well-being in the very near future, which would not allow him to endure anesthesia. That is, delay could result in the death of the child.

Most surgeons were inclined towards the version of immediate amputation, but one of them, experienced and highly respected, took a huge personal risk and postponed the operation, continuously monitoring the child for 6-7 hours, conducting conservative therapy. And signs of tissue viability returned.

Everything ended more than well. The child retained not only his hands, but also their function. But the moral of this case is obvious

A 2-3 year old girl, foam in her ear, I eventually got it out, but this is not relevant to the story. The girl explains her thoughts well, albeit in a very “childish” language. And we had a dialogue with her. I ask, “Why did you put foam in your ear?” She told me: “I go into the room. There is a box. There are foam balls in the box. And what else could I do?”

One of our leading pediatric neurologists examined a 6- to 7-year-old child (first grade). About a month or a month and a half ago, the child’s behavior changed: attacks of anger, rage, irritation, even obvious aggression. The parents turned to the pediatrician. As usual, a bunch of tests for all sorts of viruses and a referral to a neurologist. The neurologist connects all this with first class, prescribes “glycine and motherwort...” and sends me home. Parents are not poor people and, since “glycine and motherwort” do not help, they search and find where else they can consult the child. And so they get to the reception. During a general examination, in general, he is a completely ordinary boy, but upon taking a detailed history and during a detailed neurological examination, it turns out that changes in behavior appeared “increasingly”, it turns out that the child began to fall more often, began to drop objects... All It’s very crude, just a little bit at a time, but it does happen. There is also a gait disturbance (minimal) and a violation of the finger-nose test (also minimal.) Thus. The leading complaint remains about violation of behavior. But the professor paid attention to all this. In short, he urgently sends the child for CT, MRI, and there they find a large tumor in the trunk area...unoperable, alas

One day a mother comes to an appointment with her month-old baby, the doctor sees her for the first time. The mother places a bundle of blankets on the changing pad and sits down to see the doctor.
There is an “introductory” dialogue for a couple of minutes. Mom does not make any obvious complaints, she came for “observation”.
The doctor unfolds the blanket, and in it lies a thin, completely pale and atonic baby, like a rag doll, with barely visible signs of life. Literally - you raise your hand up, and it falls with a flourish on the changing pad. The doctor is terrified! What it is? What a wild contrast between a calm mother and a barely alive child!
The doctor is in a stupor!
- Is he always like this with you?
- yes, he sleeps with me a lot.
- does he eat something?
- Certainly. he is breastfed

A new event brings the doctor out of his stupor - a child poops a copious amount of dark raspberry jelly in front of the doctor! You can hardly see the stool - just blood! The doctor asks in horror: “Does he always poop like this?” and receives the answer “Yes, always. From birth.”

Where was this child born? Observed by whom? How did you even make it to a month? These are unanswered questions.

The doctor panics and calls an ambulance, but the mother flatly refuses to go by ambulance; they are in their own car. The doctor barely persuaded her not to stop at home and immediately rush to the pediatric surgery. He wraps the diaper with copious amounts of bloody stool in a bag and says: “Don’t explain anything to the surgeons, just show them the diaper.”

The child spent the night in intensive care, after which he was transferred to Moscow, it seems to Bakulevka. The child was diagnosed with a rare pathology of the mesenteric vessels, underwent surgery, and, as far as we know, is still alive. Mom never returned to the doctor.

A 16-year-old girl comes with her parents. Mom accordingly begins to speak instead of the child, dad silently watches a little behind...
Here's the thing. The girl, unable to find an intimate place in her own home hidden from her parents’ eyes, went to a public toilet and gave herself an intimate haircut - a vest. She just rinsed this machine in... the toilet.
Now everyone is worried whether the child could have become infected with something....

An attempt to explain to my mother one-on-one that the problem was not in her daughter’s actions, but in the reasons why she could not find personal space in the house, was unsuccessful...

Interesting stories happen to everyone, but there are especially many such cases among those who constantly work with people. For example, doctors. Here is a selection of interesting cases from the practice of a pediatrician.

“At the beginning of the 2000s, I was a young specialist, yesterday’s graduate of a medical university. I also wanted to work, to save people, my rose-colored glasses were already hanging on the only broken temple, but they stubbornly refused to fall off.

I'm coming for another call. The preliminary diagnosis is chickenpox. In the apartment there is a girl of about five, a frightened father of about forty. Mom is on a long-term business trip abroad, which is very noticeable by the pile of unwashed dishes, the light aroma of garbage bags filled with dumpling packaging and the skillfully styled “explosion at a pasta factory” hairstyle, which the girl was very proud of, despite her poor health.

I calm my dad down as best I can. I tell you that chickenpox is not a fatal disease, that there will be no scars if you don’t scratch it. And his princess in thirteen years will definitely become “Miss of some university.” The girl listens with interest to the adults' conversation. Finally, I give some recommendations and remind you that you need to smear with brilliant green. Dad thanks, with tears on his unshaven, stern cheeks, firmly shakes his hand and waves after him.
Several days pass. And the calls bring me to the entrance where the “princess of green leopards” and her inconsolable father live. Suddenly I decide to visit and check if everything is okay.
The door is opened by a bright blonde with sternly pursed lips.
- Who do you want?
“I’m your local pediatrician,” I smile timidly. - A few days ago...
“Ah, it’s you,” the blonde’s lips turn into a narrow gap in the basalt slope. - Well, come in and admire your work.
What could I have done? My thoughts are racing. It seems that she said everything correctly, every recommendation, even now to the prosecutor.
- Anechka, go to your aunt-doctor! - the blonde calls.

The recovered Anechka runs out to meet me with a cheerful cry. And I almost slide down the wall laughing. Dad took my recommendation literally. The doctor said to apply it. So, let’s smear it. And a green-skinned alien with pigtails sticking out in different directions rolled out into the corridor, smiling with white teeth. Dad covered his face and hands, and in some places his daughter’s hair, with an even layer of brilliant green. Mom returned from a business trip - she almost killed the father of the family, so he has been hiding at work for three days. But Anya is delighted. She is now either a Martian, or a child version of the Hulk, or Princess Fiona in the night version.

I’d like to write a complaint against you,” the blonde sighs. - But you are apparently not married. Remember for the future, girl. Men need to be given specific instructions. From and to. So that there is no room for imagination. Otherwise, what will happen is... what happened.
I ran out the door like a bullet. The father of the family hurried towards me with a guilty look and with huge bags in his hands. With green hands up to the elbows.

After some time, I worked in the children's department of the hospital. In the morning, a four-year-old boy is brought in with acute abdominal pain, vomiting, but no loose stools. Of course, immediately suspect an intestinal infection. The child will be placed in a separate box without unnecessary delays. With him is his mother, a typical lady of unknown age in a state of slight drinking. We come with the laboratory assistant to the box. We need to examine the child and take tests. I say:
- Lie down, take off your pants.
While I’m washing my hands, I see the laboratory assistant’s rounded eyes. I turn around, and my mother took off her underwear and lay down, as if at an appointment with a gynecologist. He also looks at me so dissatisfied, like, why are you messing around there for so long?

A couple of years later I decided to become a neonatologist. And now I’m standing in the delivery room next to a sniffling and moaning woman in labor. The woman in labor is unusual. They brought her to us from the neighboring narcology building, because the lady was developing withdrawal symptoms with might and main.
Along with the last grunt, a cyanotic baby slips into the midwife's arms, with whom all the necessary manipulations are immediately carried out. And just half an hour later the child gives us opisthotonus - convulsive muscle contraction, bends in an arc, wheezes, alternating wheezing with piercing frightening screams. Severe tremors of the limbs occur periodically.

I'm in a panic. One of the first patients and I no longer know what to do with him. My curator, the wise and experienced Mikhail Ivanovich, comes to the rescue. He puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, then soaks a cotton swab in alcohol and sticks it under the baby’s nose. Before our eyes, the child relaxes, the wheezing disappears, turning into a standard baby roar.
- Mikhail Ivanovich, what was that?
- Mom was brought to us with what diagnosis?
- Abstinence.
- That's it. And before birth, the circulatory system of the mother and child are practically a single whole. And you and I, Yulia Vladimirovna, have just observed withdrawal syndrome in a newborn. Our area is not very prosperous. Get used to it.
After the third incident in six months, I got used to it.