Drawing a portrait of mom. Integrated lesson for Mother's Day for children of senior preschool age

Master class "Bouquet for Mom"

Novikova Raisa Andreevna, kindergarten teacher
Place of work: GBDOU kindergarten No. 58 of a combined type, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg
Audience: This material will be useful for teachers of middle and senior groups, as well as parents.
Purpose: The wonderful Mother's Day holiday is coming soon. On this bright holiday, I want to give my closest person, my mother, all my warmth and love. But in addition to everything mentioned above, I want to give a gift that will remind mothers of our love not only on November 30, but also on any other day, which will make mothers smile when they look at it. And as you know, the best gift is the one made with your own hands.
Target: development of artistic and aesthetic culture, using non-standard techniques of artistic expression.
- development of creative abilities;
- improving expressive skills;
- development of the child’s imagination and fantasy.
Materials: white sheet of A3 paper, gouache, sponge, pencil, newspaper, colored paper, palette, brushes, hole punch, glass of water, glue.

On a white sheet we conditionally mark where the flowers will be located

In order for our picture to look more impressive, we need to add a background. To do this we need blue gouache, a glass of water and a sponge. First, we wet the sponge with water and dip its tip into a tube of gouache, then carefully apply the gouache using a sponge onto a white sheet.

Now let's move on to the flowers. We will draw them using crumpled newspaper; you need to tear off a square approximately 30X30 and crumple it into a ball. If the flowers are of different colors, then we prepare our own lump for each color. On the palette, I used a disposable plate, pour gouache.

Dip lumps of newspaper into the paint, then apply them to the sheet.

Now you need to draw a vase, for this we take a brush and gouache (the color can be any), I used blue.

After the vase is drawn, the only thing left to do is draw the branches and leaves with green gouache.

Using gray color we indicate the surface on which the vase stands.

We begin to decorate our vase, for this we use a hole punch to make circles from colored paper, then glue them, giving the vase a pattern.

Finally, let’s decorate our flowers and make them sparkle. For this we use gouache with gold and silver sparkles.

It turned out to be a wonderful gift for dear mothers.
Thanks everyone for your attention!

Tatiana Prokofieva

Integration of educational regions: "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic and aesthetic"

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.


1. Expand children’s ideas about the holiday "Mothers Day"

2. To form children’s knowledge about the genre of painting - portrait. Learn draw a portrait of mom, observing the shape, proportions, location of parts of the face in the drawing; convey the characteristic, individual features of their moms(eye color, hair color).

3. Cultivate love, care, tender attitude towards the person closest to you; aesthetic attitude to the image moms.

4. Activate children's vocabulary on this topic.

Preliminary work: looking at reproductions, drawing portraits in independent activities.

Materials: landscape sheet, brushes, watercolor.

1. Introductory word from the teacher. Organizing time.

By tradition, at the end of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country.

Mom is the very first word a baby says. Mom is the closest person, mother constantly takes care of her child, protects him. Mom will always regret, understand and forgive, and will love her child, no matter what. Motherly care and selfless love warm us to the very old age.

On Mother's Day, I will say thank you

To all mothers of our Earth,

So that a billion of your smiles,

We could see every day!

After all, mother gave life,

We come to her with joy and with trouble,

Always strive to take care of it,

She will respond with kindness!

And now I will read you a story by Yuri Yakovlev "Mother"

(reading a story by a teacher)

Didactic game "Sweet Nothing" (children call affectionate words addressed to mother)

2. Conversation. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, we will be there today draw a portrait the person you love most - moms.

Before you start paint, let's remember what it is portrait? (children's answers)

What shape is the human head? (children: oval). Draw an oval in the air.

Where are a person’s eyes located and what shape are they? (the eyes are located below the forehead and also have an oval shape, where is the nose and mouth located?

(children name the location of the parts, and the teacher makes a linear drawing on the board)

And now, guys, remember your mother’s eyes, the color of your mother’s hair, your mother’s smile, your favorite jewelry moms and start drawing.

3. Practical part.

The teacher reminds the children where to start drawing, about the relationship between the sizes of the head, neck and shoulders.

4. Summary. Reflection.

Analysis of finished works. Organization of a creative stand "My mom".

Zheldasheva Oksana Valentinovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MCOU "school 31 named after Nuri Tsagova" preschool module 29
Locality: Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Notes on drawing in the senior group "Portrait of a Mother"
Publication date: 21.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Mother”

1. Expand children’s ideas about the holiday “Mother’s Day” 2. Form children’s knowledge about the genre of painting - portraiture. Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, observing the shape, proportions, and location of parts of the face in the drawing; convey the characteristic, individual characteristics of your mother (eye color, hair color). 3. Cultivate love, care, tender attitude towards the person closest to you; aesthetic attitude to the image of mother. 4. Activate children's vocabulary on this topic. Preliminary work: examining reproductions, drawing portraits in independent activities.
album sheet, brushes, watercolor. Contents of organized children's activities
1. Introductory word from the teacher. Organizing time.
By tradition, at the end of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country. Mom is the very first word a baby says. Mom is the closest person, mother constantly takes care of her child, protects him. Mom will always regret, understand and forgive, and will love her child, no matter what. Maternal care and selfless love warm us until old age. On Mother's Day, I will say thank you to all the mothers of our Earth, So that we can see a billion of your smiles every day! After all, mother gave life, We are with joy and in trouble, Always strive to take care of her, She will respond with kindness! And now I will read you Yuri Yakovlev’s story “Mom” (reading of the story by the teacher) Didactic game “Tender Word” (children name affectionate words addressed to mom)
2. Conversation
Introduction to the topic
. Guys, today we will draw a portrait of the person you love most - your mother. Before we start drawing, let's remember what a portrait is? (children's answers) - What shape is the human head? (children: oval). Draw an oval in the air.
- Where are a person’s eyes located and what shape are they? (the eyes are located below the forehead and also have an oval shape, where is the nose and mouth located? (children name the location of the parts, and the teacher makes a linear drawing on the board) - And now, guys, remember mother’s eyes, mother’s hair color, mother’s smile, favorite decoration moms and start drawing.

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”
Eyes - eyes Eyebrows - eyebrows Nose - nose Lip - sponge Cheek - cheek Lips - lips, lips Forehead - forehead Ears - ears Hair - hairs, etc. Physical education lesson “Like our guys” Like our guys, their legs are merrily knocking: Top-top-top, top-top-top. And the legs are tired, their palms clap: Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. And then the children dance side by side in a squat. Down-up, one-two, one-two. This is how kids dance. And once they start running, no one can catch them.
3. Practical part.
-Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy your mother has, and whether there is a smile on her face. - Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, and how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can begin to implement it. Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table. During the lesson, I advise you to draw a large face on a sheet of paper, paint over its shape with the entire brush, and leave room for hair at the top of the sheet. We depict parts of the face with the tip of the brush. All children draw diligently, the teacher provides assistance. I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.
4. Summary:
Today each of us gave a gift to our mother - we painted her portrait. Children analyze their drawings, talking about their mothers. You all tried very hard and drew a good portrait of your mother. The portraits of your mothers turned out beautiful because all children love their mothers.

Summary of direct educational activities

on mastering artistic creativity.

Theme: Flowers for Mom (for Mother's Day)

Notes from the teacher of MKDOU No. 17, Kirov, Natalia Sergeevna Sedelnikova

Goal: Development of artistic and creative abilities of children through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques.

Expand the understanding of the Mother’s Day holiday, continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue, talk about their relationship with their mother, share thoughts and feelings for their mother. Enrich children's vocabulary

2. Master the techniques of unconventional drawing methods

3. Develop the child’s creative potential (provide children with the opportunity to

ability to show creativity and imagination in your activities); develop independence in choosing a subject, the ability to apply non-traditional drawing methods in practice.

Equipment and materials: a drawing in an envelope “Children congratulate their mother”, gouache, flower stencils, vegetable stamps, a sponge, sheets of paper with a drawn outline of a vase, rags, a box with a surprise.

Progress of the event:


Someone threw it to me at the window,

Look - a letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles my face.

Maybe it's a sparrow

Did you drop it while flying?

Or is he a letter, like a mouse,

Lured to the window? (finds an envelope)

I wonder what's in the envelope? (drawing “Children congratulate mother”)

Who is shown in the picture?

Who do the children congratulate?

Who came to me this morning? Mommy!

Who said: “It’s time to get up!” Mommy!

Who has already cooked the porridge? Mommy!

Who poured tea into the cup? Mommy!

Who as a child loves laughter? Mommy!

Who is the best in the world? Mommy!

What holiday is coming soon? (Mother's Day holiday)

This is the day of the closest and dearest people - our mothers. Many countries celebrate this holiday, but each country has its own day and month. And their own traditions of celebrating this holiday.

Do you want to know about this?

For example, in Finland and Estonia flags are flown on this day. In the USA and Australia, a carnation flower, either red or white, is attached to clothing. In Austria they bake special cakes.

And all mothers are given nice words and souvenirs.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Let’s try to say nice words to mom and play the “Continue the Sentence” game. I will start the sentence, and you will finish it.

My mother is the most...

My mom is the best at doing...

My mom is happy when I…..

My mom gets upset when I...

I like it when my mom…..

I affectionately call my mother.....

How much you love your mother is evident from your answers.

Who washes, cooks, washes,

Gets tired at work

Waking up so early?

Only caring... (mother)

Indeed, our mothers have a lot of work. But we can help her.

(A physical education session is held - children perform appropriate movements)

Together we help mom,

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are now washing clothes,

Rinse and wring out.

We sweep everything around,

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.

Mother's Day is celebrated in the family, flowers, congratulations, gifts, cards are given. Dads and children wish mothers health, happiness and love. Or you can just come over. Hug your mom and say “thank you” for her love and care.

It is customary to give gifts on holiday. Mothers are pleased to receive flowers.

Have you already prepared bouquets for mom? No? I suggest that everyone together now prepare bouquets for mothers, which you can create yourself using stencils and a sponge.

(Practical work: children use a contour stencil to imprint flowers with a sponge and make bouquets)

There are also vegetable stamps on the tables. They can be used to decorate a vase, or they can be used in your bouquet.

Let's get to work.

(From the teacher - individual help and advice on drawing techniques.

After the work is completed, an exhibition is held.)

Look what beautiful bouquets you made for mothers! Let's come up with our own congratulations. After class, we will sign these words on your resulting postcards. I offer you a hint:

Dear mommy, my mom......


... This bouquet will be just for you!

... Let this rose be yours.

Great words! Do you like it? What's your mood now?

Guys, a beautiful box appeared in place of the letter.

And the box is not simple

But it’s not empty inside.

This is a miracle, this is a treasure -

Here's a reward for the guys!

Thanks for the work!

Topic: “My dearest mother!”

The music “Baby Mammoth Song” is playing softly. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.


Guys, listen, who is this song about?


About mom.


Mom - how much warmth and affection this word carries, this word is used to call the dearest, closest person

Mom is the beginning of our life, the warmest look, the most loving heart, the kindest hands.

Mom teaches us to be honest and brave, gives advice, takes care of us, and protects us.

Mom always wants her children to grow up healthy, smart, kind, and polite.

At the end of November, our country celebrates the wonderful holiday “Mother's Day”. People congratulate their mothers. And today we dedicate our lesson to this day.

Children, who is your mother?

(Children read poetry).


Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!


Mom is happiness!

There is no better mom!

Mom is a caress!

Mom loves everyone!


Mom - golden autumn!

Mom is the dearest!

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help out!


Yes, a lot of beautiful words can be said about mom - beloved, sweet, beloved...

I suggest you say beautiful words about your mother, passing this beautiful flower to each other.

What is your mother like?


Affectionate, sweet, beloved, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly,.


Well done guys, you said a lot of wonderful words about your mothers.

Guys, a mother is needed and important for every person! I'll tell you a story about this. And it's called "Mother's Heart."

“A big beautiful birch grew in the forest with three little birch daughters. Don’t be afraid, daughters, I will protect you from the heat with my spreading branches,” Mother Birch said when it was hot. Snuggle up to me, daughters, so that the wind doesn’t break off your branches,” Mother Birch asked when the strong wind was blowing. The birches grew quickly and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything. One day there was a strong thunderstorm in the forest. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the sky. The small birch trees trembled with fear. The birch hugged them tightly with its branches and began to reassure them: Don’t be afraid, lightning won’t notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest. At that moment, a deafening crash was heard, sharp lightning struck the Birch directly and scorched the core of the trunk. The birch tree, remembering that it was protecting its daughters, did not catch fire. The rain and wind tried to knock down Birch, but she stood. Only when the thunderstorm passed and the sun shone above the ground did the birch trunk sway. As she fell, she whispered to her daughters: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it.” When it fell, the birch trunk did not hit any of the three daughters. Since then, three slender birch trees have been growing around the old stump. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass, in which the mother’s heart beats.”

(Questions for children)

Why do you think mothers always protect their children?

(Children actively answer the question)


Have you ever observed what mom does at home with housework?

(Children's answers).

Game "Mom's Helpers".

Stand in a circle. Let's choose a leader, he will stand in the center of the circle. And the rest will pretend that they are mothers. The presenter will list what mom does at home, and we will show.

(Children complete the task).

(Sit on chairs).


What can we do to please mom?

(Children's answers)

Drawing: “Gift for Mom”


I suggest you draw something that will please your mother - a beautiful rose flower.

(Children draw with their palms).


What parts does a rose consist of?

(stem, leaves, bud)

The teacher clarifies the meaning of the word “bud”. Then he conducts finger gymnastics “Flowers”:

Our scarlet flowers have opened their petals.

(Show palms with fingers spread.)

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

(Slowly shake palms left and right.)

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals.

(Slowly clench their fingers into fists.)

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads.

(Perform up and down movements with your fists.)

The teacher suggests starting drawing, shows and explains.

The teacher observes and helps.

(The music “Song of the Baby Mammoth” plays softly).

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Who were we talking about today? What do you remember most? Let's stand in a circle and hold hands. Now “warmth” will flow from me in a circle, that is, with my eyes closed, I will lightly shake my neighbor’s hand, he will shake the next one’s, and so on in a circle. I also want to give you a small heart that symbolizes my love for you. Thanks to all!