The animated series Barboskins is a modern cartoon for modern children. What are the names of the characters from the cartoon "Barboskiny"? In what year did the cartoon Barboskina come out?

The cartoon "Barboskiny" is distinguished by its cheerfulness and friendly atmosphere that reigns in a dog family. This cartoon project is an animated series consisting of 145 episodes. The Barboskin family - father, mother and 5 children: two adult sons - Genka and Druzhok, one little one - Malysh, and two sisters - Rosa and Lisa. Each character has an individual image: habits that make young viewers smile and imitate the mannerisms of their favorite.

About 5 years ago, an animation film studio called “Melnitsa” released the cartoon “Barboskiny”. The animated series quickly gained popularity; it was loved not only by children, but also by adults. Every character in the animated series is of interest. The Barboskin family are dogs who live in their own apartment and each do their favorite thing. Dad spends a lot of time on his laptop, mom is a lover of pop and cinema, and their five children have a variety of characters. The eldest son, Druzhok, is an active puppy who plays sports, Lisa is a creative person, Gena is distinguished by his curiosity and affection for science, Rosa Barboskina is a fashionista and a beauty, and the smallest member of the family is the puppy Baby.

Children of both preschool and school age enjoy watching the story of the Barboskins. Each episode contains an instructive story with elements of children's humor. Every character is individual, bright and interesting. The Barboskin family is, first of all, friendly dogs, in whose lives new, interesting events occur every day. In the series you can observe a training component, as well as a developmental one. The main idea of ​​the project is to solve any problem that arises in a dog family through humor and kind attitude towards each other.

Cartoon characters

The educational animated series is designed for different audiences. Many people like it for its cheerfulness and smiling characters, who, despite everything, cope with problems through joint efforts. The first show of the animated series took place in early October 2011 in the famous program called “Good night, kids.” Now a cartoon about friendly dogs is broadcast on many domestic TV channels.

The Barboskin family lives like people: they dress, talk, etc. Children go to school, parents go to work. The main characters of the cartoon, which children like so much, are interesting in their own way. These include:

  • The older Barboskins are mom and dad.
  • Eldest son Druzhok.
  • Little funny baby.
  • Stylish Rose.
  • Responsible Lisa.
  • Scientific genius Genk.

The eldest Barboskin is constantly busy with work, the mother is filming commercials, and everyone takes turns sitting with the Kid. None of the children are bored at home, even without their parents. All puppies are different both in age and in hobbies, but they get along well with each other.

Sisters Lisa and Rose

Lisa Barboskina is distinguished by her desire to always be first in everything, she is an excellent student at school, and conscientious in household chores. However, despite all this, Lisa is often mischievous, loves sweets and snitches on her brothers and sister. Often Druzhka, Gena and Rosa are enraged by her singing and improper playing of the violin. Parents often leave her as the eldest in the family, since among everyone she is the most responsible and conscientious.

Rosa Barboskina was remembered by the audience for her beauty and charm. The character is confident in himself, his abilities and is popular among his male peers. Rosa dresses beautifully, puts on makeup, draws and dances. Her favorite activities also include roller skating, crafts and collecting. The female puppy is distinguished by her intelligence and desire to be an excellent student at school.

Buddy and Gena

The oldest of all the children, Druzhok, is a real athlete. He loves football and often plays it, ignoring his homework. The character often upsets his parents with poor performance and frivolity. In addition, the puppy really loves computer games. A friend, despite his shortcomings, is a reliable friend, the life of the party, always ready to help his brothers and sisters.

Genka is shy and modest. He communicates with children in a rather constrained manner. His goal in life is to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. The puppy is distinguished by prudence, well-read, and good upbringing. My favorite activity is conducting laboratory experiments at home. He has his own mini-laboratory, which he created at the age of 8. They are trying to teach Gena to have fun and games, but the puppy completely devotes himself to science.

Baby and parents

Baby Barboskin is one of the most beloved characters by viewers. He is the smallest, he is very loved by both his brothers and sisters and his parents. The kid is distinguished by his prudence beyond his years, as well as his intelligence. He has a sweet tooth and loves to play and watch cartoons. The character's interest lies in the fact that in some situations he surprisingly manages to combine childhood pranks with the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation that none of the other children can cope with. The character is quite sensitive to conflicts between sisters and brothers, constantly trying to reconcile them.

The Barboskins' mother dreams of an acting career. She starred in a commercial and has since been constantly trying to advance her career as a TV star. However, due to the fact that her husband is often busy, she has to be responsible for raising the children herself. There are two personalities fighting in it - a TV star and a responsible housewife. This character does not appear very often in the animated series, since the main plot revolves around children. The mother of the puppies is distinguished by her prudence and moderate severity. She doesn’t particularly notice anyone among the puppies; she leaves everyone in turn for the eldest, trying to instill responsibility and discipline in her children.

The head of the family is constantly in a hurry to do some business and spends a lot of time at work. Appearing in the episodes, Daddy Barboskin reads newspapers or talks on his mobile phone. The character is not particularly demanding of his own children, but in some situations he shows firmness. He loves his family very much and therefore constantly strives for career growth.

Other characters from the animated series

Other characters from the animated series are also interesting, which are not so often seen in the cartoon. Grandfather's favorite of children. He can make little viewers laugh with his incredible stories and ideas. He is energetic, cheerful, and always has something interesting to do for his grandchildren. In the attic of the Barboskin house, grandfather has his own workshop, in which there are many things left over from his previous occupation. Deda was a long-distance sailor.

Another character - Timokha - is a friend of all young Barboskins. The hero lives next door and is distinguished by his love of physical exercise. With his studies and preparation, he tries to impress the beautiful Rose, with whom he is secretly in love.

“Barboskiny” is a domestically produced family animated series. Mainly aimed at young children, but cartoons about a cheerful dog family appeal to both parents and older children. The plot of the animated series is based on the adventures of a family consisting of humanoid dogs.

The Barboskin family is very similar to an ordinary modern large family, where several generations live together. It consists of grandfather, mother, father and children: Rose, Druzhka, Gena, Lisa and Baby. All heroes recreate a certain type, close to life. For example, the father of the family is a workaholic, Rosa is a young fashionista, Druzhok is a noisy prankster, and Gena is a nerd. Among the heroes there are also people similar to real people and stars, for example, singer Zhanna Kiska, actor Brad Pitbull, football player Arshavkin.

The animated series reflects the realities familiar to the viewer - life in an apartment building, technical innovations, etc. At the center of the conflict in the cartoons about the Barboskins are school and family problems that the heroes must learn to solve. Thus, they teach a lesson to their young viewers and show how to cope with difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Thanks to their humor and understandable problems, the Barboskins cartoons became very popular in a short time.

Animated series

The first episode of the animated series “Barboskins” appeared on screens in 2011. It was developed by the Melnitsa studio, widely known for such cartoons as “Three Heroes”, “Luntik”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”. According to producer Alexander Boyarsky, the studio worked on the release of the first 50 episodes of “The Barboskins” for a year. Initially, it was planned that the cartoon “Barboskiny” would be similar to the famous family series “Daddy’s Daughters,” but then the idea was transformed.

The animated series "Barboskins" is divided into seasons, each of them with 15 episodes. One episode lasts 4 minutes 40 seconds and contains 7000 frames. As the creators of “The Barboskins” explain, there is a demand in society for kind, understandable and native Russian animation. According to this request, the Rossiya-1 TV channel ordered the creation of an animated series that could be shown in the TV show “Good night, kids!” Representatives of the Melnitsa studio explain that they wanted to make touching children's cartoons with simple, funny stories on current topics. The cartoons “Barboskiny” are devoid of intrusive didactics and any aggression that is filled with modern children's animation products. But at the same time, the animated series is full of humor that is understandable for children.

Cute and funny characters immediately fell in love with children

After appearing in the program “Good night, kids!” the cartoon about the Barboskins quickly became famous. Its broadcast was launched on the TV channels “Carousel”, “Mult” and “Culture”. However, the animated series is watched not only on TV, but also on the Internet all over the world.

"Barboskins": season 1

In the first episode, viewers are introduced to the characters of the animated series “Barboskins”. Season 1 consists of episodes dedicated to a specific character, thanks to which it is possible to see the characteristics of each of the characters. So, in the series “Deuce Again”, “Irreplaceable Friend” and “Hound Dog” we learn about Druzhok’s successes in sports and his failures in studies. The “Intergalactic Community” and “Nobel Prize” series of the 1st issue of the Barboskins cartoons demonstrate Gena’s scientific hobbies, and the episodes “Development of Talent” and “Who is More Beautiful” allow you to meet the fashionista Rosa and the creative Lisa.

Such different Barboskins

"Barboskins": season 2

Those who decided to continue watching the series “Barboskins” will not be disappointed by episode 2. This season is dedicated to the relationships between family members. Puppies often have conflicts, they constantly compete (the “Best” series), argue (the “Right to Vote” series, “Control Yourself,” “Remote”) and share something. It’s not surprising, because all the Barboskins are so different, and it’s very difficult for them to communicate together. The puppies will have to learn to negotiate and gain politeness skills. And in the most difficult situations, the Kid will come to the aid of the brothers and sisters (the series “It’s All the Bunny’s Blame”), who really wants to reconcile everyone.

Something always happens to the Barboskins

"Barboskins": Season 3

Cheerful commotion remains the main theme of the Barboskins cartoons. Season 3 of the animated series tells about the relationship between puppies and their parents (the “Superup” episode) and Rosa’s adventures on the path to a career as a model and singer (the “Triumph of Willpower”, “Housing Issue” series). Among the educational themes of the season are values, as well as the importance of fashionable gadgets, which in the Barboskin’s world are called “Lyphones” (the “Eternal Values” series). A real horror movie for little ones is the “Attack of the Clones” series of the cartoons “Barboskiny” issue 3, it is based on a scary story about an evil clone brother performed by Druzhka.

"Barboskins": season 4

Although this is not easy for puppies, mutual respect and tolerance for each other’s characteristics is one of the main motives of the animated series “Barboskiny”. Issue 4 explores this topic in the series “Innocence Itself” and “Communication Experience.” The educational themes of this season are the opinions of others (revealed in the episode of the same name) and the ability to say “No” (the episode “Failure-Free”). Also in the fourth season, new characters appear - the wise grandfather and friend Druzhka Timokha. The latter, seeing the beautiful Rose, begins to develop an interest in her, which opens up the theme of feelings in the animated series.

"Barboskins": season 5

In the fifth season, cartoons about the Barboskins became even more interesting. Together with Gena, the kids will learn more about life in space (the “Contact” series), and with Druzhok and Timokha they will take part in a new linguistic discovery (the “Descendants Will Thank You” series). Thus, viewers will become interested in science and their native language. What else do the Barboskins teach the kids? Issue 5, in addition to the usual funny stories, contains stories about health (“The Right Remedy”) and the ability to share with loved ones. The friend again ate all the fruit alone and did not share it with the rest of the puppies. In the “Crocodile Tears” series, viewers of the cartoon will be told why this should not be done, and what the name of a person who does not share is called.

"Barboskins": season 6

The Barboskins are in turmoil again: Buddy is ready to eat a huge amount of sweets on a dare, Gena is fighting virtual and real villains, and Lisa wants to master practical magic. And only grandfather is in no hurry; in the series “Grandfather Wants to Go to the Sea” he spent his entire pension on gifts for his grandchildren. But the puppies are not discouraged, they are Barboskins! Season 6 of the cartoon teaches kids to show kindness to their neighbors; they decide to clean the house to earn candy and help fulfill their grandfather’s dream of going to the sea. Also in the 6th issue of the animated series “Barboskiny”, fans will learn how difficult it is to be an adult (the “Big” series), and how Timokha tried to win the heart of the little beauty Rose (the “Taming of the Shrew” series).

It's good when everyone makes peace in the end

"Barboskins": season 7

None of the children like to eat healthy food. But it’s so good for your health! Viewers will find out what the puppies will come up with to get Buddy to eat spinach in the episode “Spinach, Chocolate and the Conditioned Reflex.” Is it important to know physics? “Yes!” say the Barboskins! Issue 7 tells kids about how knowledge of physics can be useful in life. Also this season, grandpa will tell the puppies that they can have fun and communicate without gadgets (the “Battleship” series), and Timokha will again try to woo Rosa (the “Secret Admirer” series). In addition, in the cartoons “Barboskiny” of the new season, viewers will learn how important it is to believe in your dreams (the “Treasure” series).

"Barboskins": season 8

Each of the puppies is talented in their own way in the cartoon “Barboskins”. The 8th episode of the animated series, using the example of Lisa, who decided to take up sculpture, and Druzhka, who wants to become a famous figure skater, will convince viewers how useful it is to believe in yourself and develop your talents (series “Controversial Art”, “A Little Trick” and “Skater”). Among the funniest and kindest episodes of the season is the story about how Grandfather decided to become the best for his grandchildren (“The Best Grandfather”). Of course, there were some oddities, but the grandchildren and puppies showed that they love their wise grandfather even without any gifts.

"Barboskins": season 9

The baby shares secrets with Lisa that the other puppies really want to find out, and Timokha tries to find out what feelings Rosa has for him (the series “Family Secret”, “Disguise”). At this time, Gena and Druzhok are exploring natural anomalies, and Lisa is studying psychology - all this can be seen in the ninth season of the animated series “Barboskiny”. Issue 9 will also tell the kids about the benefits of hardening and how to do it using Druzhka as an example. Among other interesting and very useful topics for children from the 2015 Barboskins is how to learn to give in to each other (the “Day of Concessions” series).

"Barboskins": season 10

What kind of stories do Barboskina puppies end up in? New adventures of Druzhka in the field of teaching, Genes in science (the series “Five in Physical Education”, “Cogs-Sputniks”), and the rest of the puppies in funny pranks await the audience in the cartoon “Barboskiny” issue 10. Among other things, from this issue little fans of the cartoon will learn how great and useful it is to be honest (series “The Most Honest City”).

"Barboskins": season 11

Season 11 is a long-awaited season for many viewers. What are the episodes of the 2016 animated series “Barborskins” about? Of course, about kindness and mutual assistance between loved ones (the “Honest Exchange” series). True, Druzhok overdid it a little when training Gena. But the puppies will cope with all the difficulties - not for the first time! Also in this issue, the guys will learn to apologize together with the proud but conscientious Friend, who offended Lisa (the “Resonance” series), learn the whole truth about the pirate past of the Grandfather (“Piastres”) and the courage of the Kid (“Show Courage”). Episodes of “The Barboskins” for the new 2016 season will be released throughout the year. It is still unknown whether “The Barboskins” will be released in 2017, but the popularity of the animated series speaks in its favor.

Popular series

The Barboskins cartoons have a lot of interesting, educational and funny episodes. Among the most popular episodes of the Barboskin cartoon is “Hello, Grandfather Frost.” Everyone loves holidays, and the Barboskins are no exception. The dog family started celebrating the New Year by decorating the Christmas tree. Loving relatives decided to fulfill the Kid's dream - to see Santa Claus. Who would have thought that three fairy-tale characters would come to visit the Kid at once! But viewers like not only New Year’s “Barboskins” (“Santa Claus on call”, “Hello, Grandfather Frost”). The very first episode of the animated series "Boroboskins" - "Bee" - is also among the popular ones. This is a funny episode about how a real bee flew into the puppies' apartment. While the older puppies were running away from the bee and trying to get rid of it, the Kid showed kindness and released the bee into the wild.

Many Santa Clauses

Among the new Barboskins cartoons of 2016, the series “Amnesia” received a lot of views. In order not to clean the house, Druzhok decided to pretend that he had lost his memory. What will the rest of the Barboskins do? Their brother's amnesia only plays into their hands! Of course, they will tell Druzhka how generous and thrifty he really is. Among the latest releases, the Barboskin series “Reboot” is a success, about how to have a good time with your family without gadgets. Many viewers like the episode of the cartoon “Barboskiny” “Beauty Requires Sacrifice.” It tells the story of how Rosa tried to get a much-needed jar of reagent from Gena to finish her manicure. Despite Gena's ban, Rose and the Kid still steal the reagent. Only now Rose is not going to the cinema, but to clean her brother’s room.

Another interesting episode of the animated series is “First Place.” In it, viewers will find out whether the Barboskins will take first place in a music competition if they join forces and work as a team. The main thing is not to forget to press the button on the video camera. In the popular Barboskina episode “Luck for Breakfast” the secret of the Kid’s extraordinary luck will be revealed, and in the Barboskina series “Saving the Earth” they will show an operation to destroy a dangerous alien creature by puppies.

"Barboskins": heroes

Rosa Barboskina is one of the most popular heroines of the Barboskina cartoons for girls. Rose knows everything about fashion, cosmetics and personal care. She constantly cares about her own appearance and the opinions of others about her beauty. Rose is older than all the other brothers and sisters, and therefore can be arrogant. But in reality she is sympathetic and kind. Rosa's talents include dancing and sewing, but she cannot sing.

Friend Barboskin is the eldest boy in the family. He is actively involved in sports and plays computer games, but is not as successful at school as on the playground. He is lazy, and because of this he often gets bad marks, which he tries to hide from his parents. He is helped by Gena, who studies with him. If something is done in the house, they immediately look for where Druzhok is. The Barboskins know that their brother can play pranks, and at times they try to teach him a lesson.

Gena Barboskin - unlike his brother, Gena is the best student at school. Possessing the makings of a child prodigy, Gena devotes all her time to science and interesting experiments. Most of all he likes to study biology, chemistry and physics. In the future, Gena dreams of receiving a Nobel Prize. It is thanks to this character that little viewers learn a lot about the world around them and interesting scientific facts. Usually Gena sits in his room and conducts experiments, so he really doesn’t like it if the puppies make noise, quarrel and interfere with his concentration. Despite the fact that he has different interests with Druzhok, he maintains a warm relationship with him.

Lisa Barboskina is the youngest of the girls in the family. Lisa has many hobbies: she likes to be a doctor for her toys, eat sweets and help her mother with housework. Lisa is very honest and she doesn't like it when her siblings are up to something. The girl always strives for justice and therefore often lies to her parents. Despite her funny burr, Lisa dreams of becoming a famous singer, like the singer Zhanna Kiska, famous in the world of the Barboskins. Sometimes Lisa’s difficult character causes inconvenience to the family (the Barboskins series “Red”).

Baby Barboskin is the youngest in the family. A kind and sensitive child, he really doesn’t like it when someone quarrels. The baby is responsive and never leaves his brothers and sisters in trouble. Sometimes Baby, like the rest of the puppies, likes to play pranks and eat sweets. If he gets caught in his prank, he says that the toy bunny is to blame for everything, or looks at his parents with his signature pitiful look.

Papa Barboskin is the head of the family, an attentive and sensitive father who is not often at home due to work. A business person, he even works at home on his laptop. He knows how to cheer up in a difficult situation, but he can also punish.

Barboskin’s mother also works a lot, which does not prevent her from being a good mother. She treats her children with great love and tirelessly takes care of them. He considers his puppies the best. Knows how to cook delicious food. In his free time he plays the violin.

Grandfather Barboskin is the father of the head of the family, a retired sailor. He is retired, appears in one of the episodes and remains one of the heroes of the series. He lives with the Barboskins and looks after his grandchildren. He loves to pamper them, give them gifts and spend time together. Like all Barboskins, grandfather has his own characteristics. He often recalls stories from his service as a sailor and cooks sailor's food.

Timokha is an old acquaintance of Druzhka, lives next door to the Barboskins. He communicates a lot with Druzhok and often competes with him in their common interests - sports and games. Appearing in one of the episodes of the animated series “Barboskiny”, Timokha becomes interested in the beautiful Rose. She is very embarrassed by her feelings, especially since Rosa does not share them at first. He takes care of her throughout all episodes (the Barboskin series “Romance” and “Thank you Timokha”).

"Barboskins": voice actors

Many fans of the animated series are interested in who voices the Barboskins. Cartoon characters are voiced by professional theater and film actors. So, Lisa speaks in the voice of Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, a famous actress and theater critic, who also voiced Alyonushka in “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” and Zabava Putyatichna in “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Snake Gorynych.”

The friend is voiced by Elena Shulman, a professional announcer, in whose voice the characters from “Smesharikov” and “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray and the Wolf” speak. Gena's voice belongs to the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Mikhail Chernyak, who previously voiced the animated series "Smeshariki", as well as Ksenia Brzhezovskaya, whose voice is spoken by Malysh. Rosa's voice belongs to actress Maria Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova, who constantly participates in the dubbing of many famous films. The puppies' mother is voiced by Irina Goryacheva, father by Oleg Kulikovich, and grandfather by actor and playwright Vadim Bochanov. Viewers could already hear Oleg Kulikovich’s voice in the cartoons “Smeshariki”, “Monsters Inc.” and various episodes of “Three Heroes”.

"Barboskins": songs

As fans of the animated series “The Barboskins” know, music interests many members of this cheerful dog family, who dream of the stage and, in particular, the career of a singer and musician. Therefore, in different episodes, the characters sing, shoot videos and dance every now and then. The most popular melody of the animated series “Barboskiny” is the song “You and I”. The full version of this song is performed in the credits of the cartoon, and in a shortened version in the episode "First Place". As the title suggests, the Barboskins' song is dedicated to friendship. The lyrics of the song were composed by Valeria Kotelnikova. In the credits it is performed by Russian pop singer Anna Khokhlova, known for her participation in the music talent show “X-Factor” and as the new soloist of the group “Disco Accident”. The Barboskins' song was very much loved by fans of the animated series, and the phrase “You and I are friends” from it became the motto of the dog family.

Another popular music from the cartoon “Barboskiny” is the song “Chamomile, Chamomile, White Petal.” It was written specifically for the “Star” series, where it is performed by Rosa in a clever computer processing so that no one would guess about her poor musical abilities.

Composer Mikhail Chertishchev is responsible for the overall musical design of the animated series. He has solid experience in creating music for cartoons. The composer constantly collaborates with the animation studio "Melnitsa" and took part in writing music for the cartoons "Luntik and His Friends", "Three Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 2". It was Mikhail Chertishchev who wrote the music for the song “You and Me” performed by Anna Khokhlova. According to Mikhail, the studio staff liked the melody of this song so much when he brought it “for testing” that for a long time everyone hummed its simple tune every now and then. So Mikhail Chertishchev became the main composer of the animated series.

Video games

Many video games of various genres have been created for fans of the animated series “Barboskins”. Girls will be more interested in dress-up games. Barboskins are a diverse family, but the most beautiful among the puppies is, of course, Rose. In such games you need to help her put on makeup and get dressed for a date. If the player prefers Lisa, he can do household chores with her in the game “Barboskins: Lisa washes the dishes.” Boys will be interested in another entertainment of the Barboskin family – football, which is the theme of the games “Barboskins: Football Tournament”, “Barboskins: Covering Their Tracks”. And after winning the tournament, you can go fishing with the puppies in the game “Barboskins: Fishing”.

Logic games featuring cartoon characters are also popular: “The Barboskins are looking for a match,” “The Barboskins’ Mind” and numerous puzzles. For those who want to play with a friend, you can offer the game “Barboskins for two”. Among the educational entertainments, we note the game “Barboskins Guess the Words”, where, together with the Kid, the young gamer will have to expand his vocabulary. Well, those who prefer active games will like “Barboskina’s Adventure” and “Barboskina’s Racing” more.

Toys and related products

The popularity of cartoons about a restless dog family has created a demand for a variety of toys. “Barboskiny” is no longer just a cartoon, but a real brand under which games, educational materials, stationery and even children’s clothing are produced. Creative people will be interested in “Barboskins” coloring books, stained glass frescoes depicting the main characters, sets for burning, artistic modeling, appliqués, three-dimensional paintings, and magnetic drawing boards. Little fans of the animated series will be especially interested in the Barboskins coloring pages for girls, as well as kits for creating beautiful soap with your own hands.

Creative kits “Barboskins”

“Barboskiny” puzzles with images of cartoon characters or funny scenes from cartoons are suitable for family holidays. The whole family can play board games based on the animated series. For those who want to combine business with pleasure, educational games are suitable. Together with Rose, Druzhka, Lisa, Gena and Baby in such games, children will improve attention, memorize letters, learn to read syllables, master arithmetic operations, get an idea of ​​colors, shapes, etc.

From educational books with interactive elements and sound modules, fans of the Barboskins will learn interesting information about science and the world around them. They will be able to gain new knowledge in a playful way. Along with the fairy tales “Barboskiny”, the magazine “Barboskiny”, created based on the animated series, is successful. This is a periodical publication with a bright design, intended for children of preschool and primary school age. The magazine contains stories to read, stickers, fun activities, quizzes, games, craft ideas and kids' recipes.

Magazine "Barboskiny"

For the little ones, they make bathing toys in the shape of cartoon characters. Older children will be interested in soft Barboskins toys, backpacks and school stationery with images of their favorite characters.

Criticism and public perception

The cartoon "Barboskins" caused a mixed reaction from the public. Opinions about this product from the Melnitsa studio were divided into two camps. One part of the audience, critics and parents believes that the Barboskins cartoons correspond to their idea - they carry good ideas, optimism and implement educational goals. In their opinion, the animated series helps children learn about the world and the people around them. They believe that Barboskins is a series that teaches communication skills, mutual respect and decent behavior. Fans of the series assure that with the help of the plot of the cartoon “Barboskiny” the child will learn to navigate justice and honesty and will be able to make the right communicative decisions in life.

Many parents believe that the m/f "Barboskiny" is, if not useful for children, then at least not harmful. At the same time, its brightness, high-quality drawing, positive attitude, modernity and humor are noted. Some viewers admit that the cartoon does not have a particularly deep meaning, but benefits from its lightness and positivity.

Strange stories in cartoons

There is also an opposite opinion. Reviewers and ordinary viewers talk about anti-educational elements in the animated series. They note the lack of truly positive images and the hypertrophied nature of the characters: a loser and a bully (Druzhok), a nerd (Gena), a stupid blonde (Rosa). At the same time, the relationship between members of the Barboskin family is described as consumer. The lack of selflessness stands out, since the puppies communicate with each other according to the principle “you tell me - I tell you.” Critics also attack the plot of the animated series. In their opinion, in each episode there are quarrels, the cause of which is selfishness and deceptions accepted in the Barboskin family.

It has been noticed that after a quarrel, the heroes do not correct themselves and do not resolve the situation, the characters do not develop, and difficult situations resolve themselves, which, of course, cannot happen in life. In many episodes, critics saw instructions for deception, blackmail, sneaking and other mischief, for example, causing a flood in a house. It is believed that children can take these instructions at face value and try to implement them in life. A negative assessment is also given to the Barboskins' parents, who rarely appear in the plot, and the puppies are mostly left to their own devices. According to some viewers, this distorts ideas about family relationships.

  • According to Youtube, the animated series “Barboskiny” is one of the five most viewed children's animated series in Russia.
  • Barboskina's YouTube channel is included in the TOP 100 popular channels.
  • According to the assessment of the “Stock Leader” publication for May 2014, the animated series “Barboskiny” is the second most popular among Russians and the first in terms of promotion on the Internet.
  • Among the fans of the animated series is the director of the Cinematography Department of the Russian Ministry of Culture, Vyacheslav Telnov, who spoke positively about the Barboskins.
  • The puppies' favorite cartoon is “The Adventures of Luntik and His Friends,” which is mentioned as a reference to the animated series of the same name created by the Melnitsa studio.
  • The animated series “Luntik” and “Barboskiny” were shown in the program “Good night, kids!”, alternating episodes.
  • The animated series contains many allusions to contemporary realities, for example the Skype program, the Windogs system (Windows), the Layfon smartphone (iPhone), a bitten bone (a bitten Apple apple), and the Sobachini brand (Panini).
  • Stars from the world of Barboskina remind everyone of famous personalities: actor Brad Pitbull - Brad Pitt, football player Mukhtar Arshavkin - Andrei Arshavin, etc. Also in the animated series you can hear recognizable parody names of songs, films, football teams.

Among the characters in the animated series Barboskina, you can easily find a hero that your child will fall in love with, because each member of the cheerful family has a different character and different hobbies. The smart guy Gena, all immersed in science, the fashionista Rose, the noisy Druzhok, the mischievous Lisa and their younger brother Baby. The adventures of brothers and sisters take place in our days, Baraboskin boys love computer games, girls love fashion and much more - everything is like real modern children.

Like any children, they commit pranks, make mistakes, offend each other, but the main thing is that at the end of each episode of the animated series Barboskina, the culprit of the next adventure understands what he was wrong about and makes amends, which, of course, serves as a good and kind an example for young viewers.

Animated series Barboskins. Heroes and characters: cartoon and reality

The five heroes from the Barboskin family are very different. But the behavior of each of them can be characterized by several types of psyche, which are clearly visible in the characters of the animated series Barboskina, making them lively and believable.

Coquette Rose constantly thinks about fashion. Her main concern is a beautiful dress and a wonderful appearance. Rose doesn’t like to study, but she loves to watch TV series about love. She loves attention and cannot live a day without compliments. Rose strives to prove to everyone that she is the most beautiful girl, and if someone starts to doubt this, Rose gets very upset.

The character of Rose reflects the essence of the one whom system-vector psychology calls the owner of the cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors. This type of psyche instills in its owner very specific desires. If you notice that your child looks like this cute, but slightly superficial heroine from the animated series Barboskina, then it’s time to develop your daughter’s character traits deeper than an interest in the external beauty of things.

Parents of a child are able to raise from a little person who is interested in fashion and beauty, a subtle, sensitive nature, able to empathize, not afraid of life’s difficulties, not burdened by any other fears. The properties of the vector must be developed towards the depth of perception: from joy for beautiful objects to positive emotions from sensory experiences.

The vector of development of such children should be directed from external appearance to internal content. You can learn to see the depth behind the external beauty of objects with the help of empathy, which is easy to evoke in a visual child. A heightened sense of perception is manifested in everything; the external beauty of objects is most clearly perceived by viewers, but they also feel other people’s emotions just as strongly, thanks to which sympathy easily awakens in the soul at the sight of the corresponding scenes.

Visual people love the world through their eyes. Their emotional states depend on how the world around them looks - beautiful and bright or gray and dull. A visual child must be given the opportunity to realize his sense of beauty in painting. And you can start by simply painting your little world, room, walls, thus embodying your ability to bring brightness and color to life. And this will be a wonderful impetus for the development of the viewer’s talents.

Another hero of the animated series Barboskins is Druzhok. Active, noisy, he loves to kick the ball and, like Rosa, does not like to learn lessons, is not particularly worried about the correctness of his actions, and can easily shift the blame onto another family member and take advantage of the situation for his own benefit.

A friend is an example of how a child with a skin vector grows up. The main thing for him is movement and his own benefit. In addition, Buddy from the animated series Barboskiny loves to compete and be the first in everything, although not necessarily in an honest way. These properties determine all his behavior, so you should not be surprised if your child does the same. This means that the skin vector is also present in it and you need to find out how to develop it correctly.

System-vector psychology suggests why it is so important to teach an undisciplined skinner to obey. At the same time, it makes no sense to focus on conscience, but it is necessary to clearly show what benefits he will have from this. Learn your lessons well - go play a ball on the street. Finish the quarter with good grades and receive the desired gift as a reward. The main thing in dealing with a skin child is the appropriate motivation that will interest him.

Disobedience and pranks of a skin tomboy can be regulated by choosing the right punishment. A ban on walking or limiting the time spent at the computer will work great. A person with a skin vector has an internal perception of prohibition and limitation, so he will easily understand the language in which you want to convey to him his mistakes, and will learn to obey you. And just like the diligent hero Gena from the animated series Barboskina, he will be able to achieve excellent results in his studies.

Gena, as we have already found out, loves study, various sciences and constantly conducts some kind of research and experiments. He is not interested in games and pranks, but he loves to teach his careless brothers and sisters, giving them lectures and trying to instill in them a love of knowledge.

Gene reflects the character of a person with an anal vector. It seems that such a child is ideal and the least problematic. But even here, parents need to be very careful so that from an obedient and golden boy they do not turn the baby into a gloomy stubborn person prone to cruelty.

What do you need to know about a child who looks like Gena from the Barboskina animated series? It is necessary to understand that he is meticulous and slow by nature, so he always needs time to slowly express his thoughts, time to slowly finish the work he has started. Haste has a very bad effect on a child with an anal vector. It cannot be rushed or interrupted, otherwise it causes stupor, a desire to start all over again and ultimately leads to stubbornness and many other negative consequences.

Animated series Barboskins - Amenable to education

The heroes of the Barboskins cartoon series, like the heroes of any other good cartoon, at the end of each episode, realize their mistakes and correct themselves. In order for a child, looking at the Barboskins, to also have the opportunity to understand when he is doing badly and what needs to be corrected, he needs to be helped by setting the right tasks for him, applying the right measures of punishment and reward, treating the baby according to his vector set and nothing else.
The bright personalities of the main characters of the animated series Barboskiny will help you see certain vectors in your children, and the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you understand which of them is imperfect, in what ways, and will give accurate recommendations for development. And let all behavior problems remain only in cartoons.

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Rose. One of the main characters of "The Barboskins". She loves to take care of herself, is a fashionista, follows her latest trends, and every time she tries to change the image of her sister, who is not so willing to take care of her appearance. Rose's main advantage is her self-confidence and beauty. She is not devoted to her studies, but is confident that her appearance and well-groomed appearance will help her in everything. Although her grades are high, she is not stupid, the main thing in Rosa’s life is entertainment, she plays sports and loves to sew. She has many fans, sometimes difficult relationships with her brothers and sisters, but she is always ready to help if necessary.

Lisa. Another cartoon character. Lisa is smart, she has well-developed intuition, she is always learning something new, loves to teach and is a little arrogant. She constantly changes her interests and preferences, strives to be able to do everything, to be the first, to be proud that at home with her brothers and sisters she always remains the eldest. He loves sweets and wants to outdo his sister Rose in everything. She hides it well, but is very worried about her younger ones, tries to be correct and successful due to her knowledge.

Baby- the youngest. This character is the youngest, he requires care for himself, wants to cope with all the tasks and requests of his parents on an equal basis with other brothers and sisters. But due to his small age, he still doesn’t understand many things, although he tries very hard, he is responsible and likes to reason like an adult. Kindness, justice and honesty are the main qualities of the Kid.

Buddy- oldest. The character of the animated series is the embodiment of a modern teenager. He is more interested in sports than studies, which he does not do with all his dedication. He puts more effort into football and computer games, pranks and ideas, which he encourages his younger brothers and sisters to do. My friend is a little lazy, it’s difficult to get him to clean or study, much less be obedient and calm.

Gena- the middle child in the Barboskin family. He is very smart and quick-witted, he is engaged in experiments and studies, he is developed and resourceful in bad weather. But, unfortunately, doing homework and extra tasks completely protected him from walks, pranks, sports and entertainment. His brothers and sisters always turn to Gene for advice if they have done something wrong.

Timokha- Druzhka's neighbor and friend. The character is friends with the eldest child of the Barboskin family, so he is a frequent guest in their house. He is in love with the beautiful Rose, but, alas, almost unrequitedly. He is the same as his friend - he loves sports and games, does not devote much to study and knowledge, but is cheerful and takes care of his youngest child - Baby.

The Barboskin family are the main characters of the popular animated series that has been airing since 2011. Consisting of a mother, father and five children, the Barboskins live in a big city in a huge two-story apartment, where the main action of the cartoon takes place. Parents work a lot, so children are often left to their own devices. Sometimes a grandfather appears in the Barboskins’ house, a retired naval sailor who knows everything about adventures, pitching, storms and uninhabited islands. Another episodic character is Timokha, Druzhka’s friend and classmate, who is secretly in love with Rosa.

At home, children are doing the usual children's things - studying or shirking homework, playing, stealing candy from the cupboard, quarreling over the TV and about whose turn it is to play on dad's computer. From time to time they create a small mess, however, without destructive consequences.


Dad is calm, smart and reasonable. He wears a vest, glasses, and apparently serves as a manager in an important production facility. He is rarely at home and often spends time at the computer. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time for his children.


Mom is smart, beautiful, athlete and Komsomol member. She secretly dreams of becoming an artist. She is very affectionate with children, even when they are mischievous. He sees through all the children's pranks, but constantly forgives the little Barboskins.


Rose is the eldest in the family. The owner of beautiful blond curls, a charming snub nose and fashionable slang. Like any girl her age, she loves to watch soap operas, lie on the couch with a player, and chat with a friend on the phone. By right of age, she often remains in charge of the family, which she does not always succeed in. He carefully monitors his appearance and often goes on diets.


Gena - this Barboskin clearly takes after his father in analytical skills and intelligence. He is interested in physics, chemistry, and is friends with algebra and other exact sciences. From time to time he organizes experiments and experiences of varying degrees of success. He watches scientific programs on TV, reads a lot, and designs and assembles instruments himself. In terms of development, he is significantly ahead of his age, which is why he is not always understood by his brothers, sisters, and even parents. When he's not being smart, he behaves like an ordinary boy, loves chocolate and going to the movies.


Lisa is the youngest in the family besides Baby. He pronounces the letter “r” poorly, wears a sundress and perky ponytails. A big fan of the work of pop diva Zhanna Kiska. She herself dreams of becoming a singer, for which she regularly participates in various talent competitions. Since her vocal abilities and hearing leave much to be desired, she usually drives the whole family into a frenzy with her performances. Not endowed with the beauty and charm of Rose, Lizka takes her toll with wit and ingenuity. Sometimes he sneaks around. She was noticed to be infatuated with Hollywood celebrity Brad Pitbull.


My friend is a football player and a slob. The main provider of bad grades in the family. He passionately loves his idol Mukhtar Arshavkin, collects football cards, does not part with the ball and does not miss a single match on TV. He is overly interested in computer games, especially shooting games. The friend cannot boast of the intelligence and perseverance of his brother Gena; he is often lazy and a little stubborn. Teaching is difficult for him. However, he is a good guy at heart and cares deeply about his little brother.