How to draw a fish with chalk. How to draw a fish step by step

Explaining to children how to draw a fish is not at all difficult, because these inhabitants of the sea, rivers and other bodies of water have a relatively simple structure. Thanks to the help of adults, kids will successfully cope with this not too difficult task. Moreover, they will probably be very interested in coloring the finished drawing with bright colored pencils.

It is best to explain and show the children how to draw a fish step by step, because this way it will be much easier for them to understand and learn the lesson. First you need to prepare everything you need:
1. Eraser;
2. Sheet of paper;
3. Colored pencils;
4. Black tint handle. Gel is best;
5. Mechanical pencil.

Having everything you need, you can start working on the drawing:
1). First outline the outline of the fish;
2). Draw a small round eye and an equally small mouth;
3). Draw in the fins;
4). Draw a small tail;
5). Draw the veins on the tail, as well as on all the fins of the fish;
6). The clown fish, which this lesson is dedicated to, has an original color. Therefore, you need to note where the stripes are located;
7). If you wanted to understand how to draw a fish with a pencil, then at this stage you can finish the work. But it’s still better to continue, because a color drawing looks much more impressive. Trace the sketch with a pen;
8). Erase the original sketch with an eraser;
9). Start coloring the fish. First, shade her body (except for the stripes) with an orange pencil. Color the upper part additionally with yellow, and darken the lower part with brown and red-brown. Color the fish's eye blue;
10). Color the fins and tail with orange and brown pencils, and the stripes on their edges with gray and black;
eleven). Use a gray pencil to darken the bottom of the white stripes;
12). Use blue pencils to shade the background.
The clown fish drawing is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step, and then color this image with colored pencils.

Hi all! In today's lesson we will tell you how to draw a fish.

For some, these creatures are a favorite delicacy, and for others they are pets, but for us today the fish will become a model with which we will draw. Let's immediately say that we planned this lesson as one of the simplest - that is, it is in the category of drawings that beginner artists or even small ones can handle. Try your hand at it too - let's get started and find out about it!

Step 1

First, let's draw a contour for rugby - later it will turn into the body of our fish.

Step 2

Now let's demarcate a small area on the left side of the fish's body - it looks like stubble.

Step 3

At the very edge of the selected area, draw a shape similar to a heart.

Step 4

At this stage, we will draw the eye of the fish - it should not be particularly expressive and carry any emotional load, just an ordinary circle, inside of which there is another circle. When painting the pupil, be sure to leave a speck of highlight.

Step 5

Let's draw the tail of our fish. In fact, this is a very simple step, you just need to draw the outline of the tail, and then mark four smooth lines along its entire length. By the way, do you know that today’s heroine of the training lesson is one of the most ancient inhabitants of our globe? The very first creatures, similar in structure to modern fish, appeared on Earth about 450 million years ago.

Step 6

This step will be so short that we suggest you take a little break and watch a very funny video about home aquarium fish and the brave one.

Great, now let’s actually continue drawing. In this stage, we will draw the lower fin of the fish - it looks like a triangle, lined inside with two stripes.

Step 7

Now let's draw another fin, which will be located on the upper part of the body of our fish

Step 8

In the final step, we will cover our fish with large scales, just don’t forget about the small fin in the area of ​​the lower part of the head.

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The body of almost all fish is oval in shape. Therefore, at the first stage we draw this geometric figure. We draw an axis that will divide the oval in half. Inside the oval, draw the shark’s body using smooth lines.

Sharks, fierce and predatory, attack other fish and sea animals suddenly. They also swim near the surface of the ocean, but can also descend to greater depths.

Thin lines indicate the mouth and eye of the fish. We finish drawing the fins and tail.

Let's color our picture of a drawn shark - a dangerous predator

Hammerhead fish (shark) - how to draw

Draw an oval again. Since the hammerhead fish has a unique shape, the oval should be slightly wider on one side. We divide the oval in half with an axis. We cross it with another line. Draw the body of the fish.

Erase the extra lines. Draw the hammerhead face and tail. Let's add fins and strokes that will give the drawing volume.

This fish is also part of the shark family. Her eyes and nostrils are placed on the sides of the hammer. Therefore, she sees and smells prey better. The hammerhead shark is a very dangerous predator.

When coloring a picture with a drawn shark or hammerhead fish, pay attention to how smoothly the colors of the paint change

How to draw a catfish

Again, draw an oval with an axis. The shape of the catfish's body is similar to other fish. Only his head is big and wide. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. The head of the catfish is decorated with unusual mustaches. By them, catfish can be easily recognized among other fish. Let's draw them. There are no scales on the catfish's body. But the fins and tail consist of thin plates, like those of other fish. Shade the fins and tail with thin lines.

Catfish is an inhabitant of fresh water bodies. This fish can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 300 kilograms. Favorite treats are small fish and frogs.

Picture of a drawn catfish for coloring

How to draw a pike

The pike's body looks like a narrow oval. In it we draw the outline of the fish. Let's finish drawing the fins and tail. Let's make some lines double, so we will add volume.

Let's draw the details of the head - eyes, gills, mouth. Shade the tail and fins. When coloring, pay attention that the pike’s scales are motley.

Pike lives in rivers, lakes, ponds, even swamps. This fish is a voracious predator. Pike are considered the longest-living fish. In the 18th century, a pike that was almost 200 years old was caught near Moscow. In its gills was a copper ring with a date carved into it indicating when the fish was released into the pond.

Picture of a drawn pike fish for coloring with pencils or felt-tip pens

Learn to draw a clown fish

The body of a clown fish is an elongated oval. The dorsal fin of this fish is of an unusual shape. First we draw several arcuate lines. The closer they are to the tail, the shorter they are. The remaining fins and tail are wide and short. We connect the arches of the dorsal fin. Shade the fin and tail. We draw stripes on the body of the fish that will help color it. This fish needs to be painted only according to the sample. After all, it was precisely for this striped coloring that she was nicknamed the clown.

How to draw a clown fish step by step with a pencil

These fish are one of the most popular species of marine fish kept in aquariums. Their homeland is the Pacific and Indian oceans. Clown fish live under the reliable protection of sea anemone tentacles. These tentacles can severely burn any sea creature except the clownfish. By the way, many species of these fish are protected by law and it is prohibited to catch them.

Picture for coloring - drawn clown fish

How to draw an angelfish fish

The angelfish has an almost square body. Therefore, the basis for the drawing is a circle, and the axes intersect in the center of the circle. We draw the body of the fish in relation to them. We draw the fins of the angelfish, they look like wings. The tail of the angelfish is also unusual.

Let's complete the details - the eye, mouth, add volume to the fins. When coloring the fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

The angelfish is a very beautiful and elegant fish. She settled in aquariums almost a hundred years ago. Angelfish are peaceful - they easily get along with other inhabitants of “glass houses”. Scientists believe that angelfish have quite developed intelligence.

Draw an angelfish fish with a pencil step by step

While coloring the picture of this drawn aquarium fish, pay attention to the unusual shape of the stripes on its body.

Picture of a drawn aquarium fish angelfish for coloring

How to Draw Guppy

The guppy's body is the same length as its tail. Therefore, we draw a small oval. The fins and tail are easy to draw - wide and long with wavy edges. Don't forget about the small details - eyes, mouth, gills.

Shade the tail and fins. Let's draw small scales on the body.

The fish was named after the English priest and scientist Robert John Lemcher Guppy, who in 1886 reported that guppies do not spawn, like all fish, but give birth to live young. The scientists laughed at him. However, this fact was soon confirmed by other researchers.

Can be painted. A picture of a drawn guppy in front of you (click to enlarge it)

How to draw a rooster fish

Although the rooster fish's body resembles an oval, its outline is bizarre. Try to repeat the artist's first drawing. Erase all the extra lines and proceed to the tail and fins. They are also unusual in location and shape. Draw the eye and gills.

In Mexico, the rooster fish is also called the parrot fish. The thing is that its second dorsal fin has one spine and several soft rays and resembles a cockscomb.

Shade the fins and tail, draw small scales. Rooster fish is very bright. Try to depict a smooth transition from one color to another. You will succeed!

Drawing lessons are a comprehensive development of a child, during which he not only learns drawing techniques, but also has the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him and its inhabitants.

In this article we will tell you how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step with your children.

The body of almost all fish is oval. A child who learns to draw a fish must be able to depict it. But the appearance of the oval may vary slightly depending on the type of sea animal. But, as always, we start the drawing with something simple.

From this article you will learn

We depict and study

The image of the fish is very simple. Children can draw this from a young age.

The first thing a fish consists of is its long oval body. At this moment, you can tell your baby about where fish live and about their body structure. If the child already knows this, let him say how it differs from another animal. Meanwhile, an oval appears on the paper.

The second step is to make a fish head and tail from the sides of this figure. To do this, one side is slightly lengthened. This will be the head. It is separated from the body by special plates that cover the gills of the fish. Explain that this is their respiratory organ.

You need to draw the tail of the fish on the opposite side of the oval. It will be a continuation of the oval and therefore slightly expanded towards the end. While we are drawing the tail, we will tell you that this organ helps this aquatic animal move, turn and regulate the speed of movement.

The next thing to draw are the main components of the head:

  • eyes;

Do not forget about the additional fins that are located on the back of the animal and on the lower abdomen. When finishing your drawing, use a pencil to add the final touches to the image. All! The simplest image of a fish is ready step by step. You can complement the drawing with algae and other sea inhabitants.

Next time, invite your child to pretend to be a fish himself and don’t forget to prompt and praise the little one for his efforts.

Having such practical knowledge of drawing fish, it will not be difficult for a child in the future to draw other inhabitants of the aquatic world. For example, a pike is drawn from an initially longer oval, since its body is more elongated.

But flounder, on the contrary, is distinguished by a rounded body and small fins. Goldfish are distinguished by the presence of a bushier tail that hangs beautifully downwards.

More detailed step-by-step drawing

You can begin to practice more detailed images with children who are confident in using a pencil. It is not difficult to do this step by step. Therefore, arm yourself with a sheet of paper and pencils and start drawing a fish. In total, the image will be completed in six steps.

  • On the left side of the paper we draw the face of a fish and, starting from it, draw a smooth line, slightly raised to the top, and then smoothly descending down. We managed to draw the back.
  • Let's return to the muzzle: we draw its lower part, forming the mouth. The line smoothly passes into the gills, thereby separating the head of the fish.
  • A belly line is drawn from the gills. You need to draw it so that it goes symmetrically to the already depicted back. The upper and lower lines of the back and abdomen converge slightly towards the end, but do not connect.
  • Next, a fin is drawn with a pencil on the back where the back descends. He is the largest of all. The lower fin should be drawn in the place where the line of the abdomen begins to rush towards the upper line. The size of the lower fin is slightly smaller than the upper one, but also quite large.

  • Next you need to draw the tail, which is a continuation of the lines of the abdomen and back. We finish the fish with a beautiful tail.
  • The final touch is drawing the eyes, additional fins near the gills. Drawing scales all over the body except the head. Shading the fins and tail with a pencil.

This is how easy it is to draw a fish. For children, this lesson may seem difficult, but with a little practice, it will turn out very quickly and beautifully.

Swordfish image

The underwater world is very multifaceted. There are plenty of fish here, so kids might want to learn how to draw a swordfish. She swims quickly and has an agile body. Its speed can reach 130 km per hour. But its main feature is considered to be a long nose, which is similar to a sword. Thanks to this, the fish was named that way.

We start drawing with the body, which is depicted as a curved oval, narrowed at the end - this is the tail. It is small, short and wide. The dorsal fin is high, pointed and not wide. The two lower fins are the same.

Next you should draw the face step by step. We remember why this fish was called a sword - we make a long nose. Draw the gill and round eyes. The body of the fish must be divided lengthwise into two identical parts with a barely noticeable line. The top part should be darker than the bottom. This is her specialty.

The final touch is to remove excess lines with an eraser and shade the body with a pencil. That's how quickly we depicted this sea animal.

How to draw a fish with a pencil? To make the drawing as realistic as possible, you need to pay attention to the characteristic features of the body structure of most fish species. You can draw these creatures both from images and photographs, and from nature. Naturally, first you should learn how to most accurately reproduce the simplest fish on paper.

We study the anatomy and structure of individual parts of the body

By paying attention to the main principles of artistic depiction of common fish species, you can then figure out how to draw a fish. Her body will be a combination of various shapes. It will not be difficult to create a unique, inimitable fish on a sheet of paper using a regular pencil.

Features of the structure of the fish skeleton:

  • the head of the fish is motionlessly connected to the spine, which is a set of peculiar spines;
  • the fish's tail consists of caudal fins;
  • the dorsal fin is located on top along the body of the fish (some species have more than three dorsal fins, sometimes combined into a single whole);
  • The pelvic fins are located in the lower part of the fish’s body (usually in the middle), the pectoral fins are located directly behind the head, and the hind fins are located directly in front of the caudal fins.

Choosing a Body Shape

To understand how to draw a fish, you should remember that most representatives of aquatic vertebrates have similar main body parts. Their body consists of a torso, head, tail and fins. There is nothing difficult about drawing a fish. First of all, you need to draw an elliptical shaped element on paper (this will be the body), then add a head, fins, and tail to this ellipse.

Drawing fins

In the picture you can depict the fins in the form of hard spines or soft rays. The first option will add aggression to the picture. Fins with rays look softer, their ends somewhat resemble airy feathers.

Depending on the type of fish and its image style, you can draw the following options for tail fins:

  • jagged with jagged edges;
  • forked;
  • round;
  • square;
  • sharp with and without a hard fin;
  • crescent-shaped fins;
  • asymmetrical fins.

Draw the head and eyes

How to draw a fish so that its image matches reality as closely as possible? Despite the fact that individual types of fish have different head shapes, you can draw the most typical one - wide closer to the body and tapering towards the mouth. It should be remembered that most fish have gills closed by characteristic armored valves.

When trying to figure out how to draw a fish step by step, you should pay attention to the detailed drawing of the eyes. Almost all fish have round eyes, but certain differences are hidden in the shape and shine of the iris. Sometimes the fish eye acts as part of the camouflage, which is why you often come across fish with multi-colored, heterogeneous irises. Therefore, the flight of fancy when depicting the eyes of a fish is unlimited!

How to draw a fish in an aquarium?

First you need to draw the sides of the aquarium in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. Next, you should move on to the image of the lid and bottom of the aquarium, decorating these details with pronounced dark shades. After completing the drawing of the aquarium, you can proceed directly to drawing the fish, rocks and vegetation.

On one side of the sheet it is necessary to outline the sharp muzzle of the future inhabitant of the aquarium, and then depict the back using lines smoothly moving up and down. The mouth of the fish should be drawn with a hard pencil, creating thin lines that go into the gills.

From the gills it is necessary to draw a line of the abdomen, which first goes down and then rises slightly. As a result, a line almost symmetrical to the back of the fish should form. Then we draw the upper, small lower fins and tail. On the head you need to draw a round fish eye, the iris of which consists of several circles.

Finally, you can color the drawing by adding a small amount of algae in the form of elongated green leaves. To depict the play of light on the walls of the aquarium, it is enough to draw several short diagonal lines distant from each other. If some of them are uneven, they can be erased or corrected. You can add color to the drawing using pencils or paints.

Using these simple recommendations, you can quickly learn how to portray the inhabitants of the water element. How to draw a fish using a regular pencil? Very simple! Follow the instructions and you will succeed. Moreover, both an adult and a child can cope with such a simple task.