When a pregnancy test shows the correct result: a comment from a gynecologist. How and when is the best time to take a pregnancy test? When can you buy a test?

Often young women are impatient to find out whether conception has occurred; it happens that girls, without waiting for a missed period, run to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. And then they begin to worry about a popular question: when can you take a pregnancy test to get a reliable result?

How does a pregnancy test work?

The method of work is very similar to the method of tests that detect drugs in the body. Urine contains many different substances that react to special developers. A pregnant woman’s body begins to rapidly produce a special hormone (hCG), which all pregnancy tests are aimed at identifying. The presence of hCG in the blood is a reliable sign of pregnancy, therefore, if the test result is positive, the probability that you are carrying a future baby is 99%.

When can I do a pregnancy test?

It is produced very quickly, but this process begins only after implantation, which occurs 6-12 days from the moment of conception. Before implantation, the test will give a negative result. As a result, an ultrasensitive test that detects hCG from 10 mU/ml will be able to show a barely visible second line no earlier than 8-10 days of pregnancy. An ordinary cheap test with a sensitivity of 25 mU/ml will detect pregnancy after 10 days from the moment of conception, provided that implantation occurs very early. But we can talk about the reliability of a negative result of such a test only after a couple of weeks. Therefore, when thinking about what day to take a pregnancy test, count two weeks from the expected day of conception.

How to properly perform a pregnancy test?

Each test is accompanied by instructions, but some women make mistakes when trying to determine their position. Firstly, you should not touch the special reaction zone where the developers are located. Do not allow the test to get wet before using it. Secondly, all tests except midstream tests cannot be used in a stream of urine! Find any clean container, glass or plastic, that will help you with this procedure. Third, pay attention to the test results three to five minutes after use, as indicated in the instructions. You should not wait 10 minutes or more, as during this time the moisture evaporates and damages the reaction layer. Often a negative test will show a second line 11-15 minutes after use. It would be a mistake to assume that you are pregnant if only one control line appears after the time specified in the instructions. The most suitable time of day when you can take a pregnancy test with the most accurate results is morning. In the morning, a pregnant woman’s body contains the maximum amount of hCG hormones. It should be noted that the brightness of the second strip does not matter. The weakest second line indicates that you are pregnant if the test is performed correctly and you are not taking special medications containing this hormone.

If you correctly calculate when you can take a pregnancy test, and the test gives you a negative result, the probability that you are not pregnant is 90%. The remaining 10% is the likelihood of late implantation and a slow increase in the amount of hCG. Therefore, if a week after a negative result, menstruation has not started, take the test again. A false negative test result may be affected by kidney problems.

By knowing how and when to take a pregnancy test, you are most likely to get a reliable result. You can now find out whether you will soon become a mother at home, without making an appointment to see a doctor!

- a special period in a woman’s life. Some people with all their hearts want it to happen, others don’t. However, every woman wants to be informed about what is happening to her body. And such a useful thing as an express pregnancy test can help her with this. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to handle such tests and when to take a pregnancy test in order to get an accurate result.

How portable pregnancy tests work

They use one interesting physiological feature of the woman’s body - the release of a special hormone during pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Usually the hormone level is close to zero. However, as soon as the egg is fertilized and attaches to the endometrium, this hormone begins to be intensively produced. And every two days its level in the urine doubles. And the hormone level reaches its maximum a few weeks after conception, towards the end of the first trimester. Thus, just a few days after conception, an analysis of the level of hCG in urine or blood makes it possible to record the fact of pregnancy.

In portable tests, urine is taken for analysis. In order to determine whether hCG is present in the urine, products with reagents that come into contact with urine are used.

There are several types of tests. First of all, these are strip tests. When using test strips, you need to dip one of them into a jar of urine for 10-20 seconds. Then the strip must be placed on a horizontal surface and wait a while until stripes appear.

There are also cassette (tablet) tests. In them, the measurement technique is slightly different from the measurement technique for test strips. To carry out testing, you need to collect urine in a pipette and drop it into a special window.

Inkjet tests have the greatest sensitivity and accuracy. They usually come in the form of small plastic boxes equipped with an analysis strip. They do not need to be dipped into a container with urine; it is enough to simply moisten the strip in a stream of urine to show the correct result.

Rapid tests can be purchased at any pharmacy, and even in some supermarkets.

How to understand that the result is positive?

Shortly after the test strip or cassette comes into contact with urine, a chemical reaction begins. If hCG is present in the urine, it will interact with the anti-hCG antibodies contained in the test strip. And the results will not keep you waiting. They are very easy to interpret. If after several tens of seconds or several minutes (the exact period should be checked in the instructions) one cross line (control indicator) appears on the strip, then the result is negative. If two – positive. If not a single line appears, then this means that something went wrong. Most likely, the test strip is simply defective, since the control indicator does not appear.

There are also electronic devices for testing. In them, no lines appear on the strips, and the results of a rapid urine test are displayed on the screen. However, the results also do not appear immediately, but after a few minutes. This can be either a plus sign or the inscription “pregnant”, it all depends on the tester model.

If the second trait is weak, what does that mean? Most likely, this means a positive result. After all, it is not the brightness of the feature that is important, but simply its presence. However, after some time, the urine from the negative strip may evaporate and some semblance of a line may appear on the strip. Therefore, you need to check the test only during the period specified in the instructions, for example, no later than 15 minutes.

Express tests also differ in sensitivity. There are four sensitivity standards for test strips - 10, 20, 25 and 30. The numbers indicate the concentration of the hormone in international units per milliliter. This is the concentration for which the test is designed. The most expensive and sensitive tests are designated by index 10. These tests belong to the inkjet category. They allow you to diagnose pregnancy several days earlier than tests with sensitivity of 20, 25 and 30. As a rule, this happens on the 7-10th day of pregnancy.

All rapid tests only indicate the fact of pregnancy. Based on the results, it is impossible to determine how long the pregnancy lasts. To obtain this information, a quantitative analysis for hCG in the blood is required, which is carried out in medical institutions. Also, a blood test for hCG will help indicate a frozen pregnancy.

When can I take the test?

It doesn't always make sense to take a pregnancy test. For example, there is no point in taking a test on the first day after intimacy. After all, the beginning of pregnancy is not a one-step process. To do this, several conditions must be met. First of all, ovulation must occur - the release of the egg from the follicle. This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then fertilization must occur as a result of the meeting of the egg with the sperm, the fertilized egg must pass through the fallopian tube and attach to the endometrium - the inner layer of the uterus. All this takes several days. Therefore, a pregnancy test is best taken at the end of the menstrual cycle. From the moment of fertilization to the moment when the hCG level reaches values ​​at which it can be identified by rapid tests, at least 14-15 days pass. In principle, you can do a pregnancy test during menstruation, since the presence of blood in the urine should not affect the results.

In some cases, the attachment of the egg can be observed quite late, on the days of menstruation. This may be due to a delay in ovulation, during which it shifts several days (up to 10) ahead compared to the norm. Therefore, tests taken before your period is due may not show pregnancy.

What time of day is best to take the test?

There are also recommendations regarding the most suitable time of day to conduct an inspection. It is best to take the test in the morning. This is due to the fact that the first morning urine has the highest concentration. Consequently, the level of hCG in urine is highest in the morning, and it drops in the evening. Although inkjet tests are so sensitive that they should show a positive result in the morning, afternoon, and evening. But to be on the safe side, it is best to use morning urine in any case. Moreover, during the day and evening there may not be suitable conditions for carrying out analysis.

When should you not take a pregnancy test?

The test will definitely never make things worse. Another thing is whether it is always necessary to do it? Especially when you consider that some tests cost a decent amount. Despite the fact that manufacturers claim 98-99% accuracy, these figures are only correct if the rules for taking a urine test are strictly followed.

In what cases is there a high probability of a false negative result:

  • Evening urine is used for testing,
  • the amount of urine is not enough,
  • The woman drank a lot of fluid before collecting urine.

Nicotine and alcohol do not affect the results. However, their use in the first days of the intended pregnancy is in any case undesirable.

What does a negative result mean?

In most cases, it is evidence that pregnancy has not yet occurred. However, pregnancy may occur, but this is not reflected in any way on the strip. What could be the reasons for this condition:

  • the test was wrong (the probability of an error is low, but it cannot be completely excluded);
  • too few days have passed since the beginning of pregnancy, and the hCG level did not have time to reach high values;
  • expired test strips are used;
  • the conditions for preparing for the analysis were not met (for example, the woman drank a lot of water before collecting urine, and the urine turned out to be too diluted).

If a woman has reason to suspect that pregnancy is present, but the result is still negative, then a repeat test can be done, preferably after a few days. Perhaps after a few days the hCG level will increase and become available for measurement.

What could cause a false positive result?

The opposite situation may also occur - two cherished lines appear on the strip, but the result is erroneous, there is actually no pregnancy. What could be the reason? There are two most likely reasons for this: either the woman took medications containing hCG, or she has malignant tumors in her body that secrete this hormone. In any case, a positive result in a rapid pregnancy test is not proof of pregnancy. In order to verify this fact, it is necessary to take a laboratory blood test for hCG (in the blood the concentration grows faster, therefore this test is more sensitive), and also undergo an ultrasound examination.

It is also worth keeping in mind that in case of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, the test will still show a positive result. Therefore, to exclude this situation, you should undergo additional examination by a doctor.

Many girls, feeling or suspecting the first signs of pregnancy, run to the pharmacy for the simplest and most affordable way to check: a test. There are a lot of them, for different tastes and budgets. When can you take a pregnancy test and at what period are the results most accurate? Let's try to figure it out.

If there is a delay, many girls rush to take a pregnancy test

The most important questions: which test is of higher quality, which gives an accurate result, how to choose and do it correctly? – an excellent solution to an exciting issue without visiting a gynecologist and having an unpleasant blood test.

Some similar products provide 100% accuracy after just a few days of delay. But there is one important condition: everything must be done correctly. How to properly use this miracle - a device of modern medicine?

How does it work?

The principle of operation of absolutely all tests is the same: they help determine whether the girl’s body contains the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which appears in the blood as soon as the embryo attaches to the cavity of the uterine wall.

All tests can give accurate readings only some time after the delay, because hCG is not immediately observed in the woman’s urine.

The only way to find out if pregnancy has actually occurred is to take venous blood. Of course, with the help of this analysis, you can find out about the occurrence of conception much earlier (about 5 days) than by taking a test. In high-quality and expensive products, the strip has a high level of sensitivity, so the result will be accurate.

Express test indicators start at 25 mUI hCG. According to frequent statements by experts, sensitivity, which can be indicated with even more accurate data (10 mUI hCG), is simply a ploy by developers to increase sales. Also, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to determine pregnancy before the delay using such a means, because the amount of chorion in the urine and blood is negligible.

Conception occurs on the day of ovulation, so the test is recommended 12 days later

How to do it?

The main thing in this matter is to choose not the time of day, but the day on which the result will be most accurate. Ideally, this will be after a delay.

In many ways, the answer depends on the regularity or irregularity of a woman’s menstrual cycle and her sex life. Why does the cycle affect performance? Because the correct result is to calculate the required number of days after ovulation.

After a delay

Experts insist that no matter the quality of the test, it will most accurately show the result a week after a missed period - it is at this time that the hCG hormone increases in the urine and blood, which means it is possible to get an accurate result. Of course, the choice of test is extremely important for correctly determining the interesting position of a girl.

Before the delay

High accuracy depends on the time of the analysis; it is not always possible to obtain a reliable result before the delay. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of sensitivity of the product if you still decide to carry out it before the delay appears.

Many women panic or rejoice in advance, citing sensations that indicate an interesting situation.

For example, if a woman’s normal and regular cycle is 28 calendar days, then the procedure performed on day 23 will be useless. If you repeat on day 26, you can achieve results, but the second strip may be unclear - the hCG level is not yet high enough.

With a regular menstrual cycle

In a healthy woman who has no problems with the regularity of her cycle, fertilization of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle. Menstruation begins on day 30 of the cycle (day 15), and ovulation occurs on day 14. The fertilization process can occur over the next 2 days.

The transition of an egg that has merged with a sperm occurs within 5 days until it attaches to the uterus. If the cycle lasts 30 days, the test can be performed as early as day 26, but this does not give a 100% guarantee, since each organism is individual.

With an irregular menstrual cycle

If the menstrual cycle is irregular, it is necessary to calculate the time of estimated ovulation. Based on this period of time, you need to count the number of days after which the test is done. How to ovulate in this case:

  • you can use a special test for ovulation;
  • control and measure basal temperature, because it increases significantly;
  • Signs of PMS may appear, which is similar to the onset of ovulation.

After the ovulation days are determined, it is necessary to add 12 days to these data, which is the threshold for conducting a pregnancy test. If the product is highly sensitive, the test can be used from day 12. But the most accurate indicators will be only after the delay occurs.

There are several ways to find out the date of expected ovulation

What time of day should I do it?

The best time to carry out the analysis, according to the recommendations of gynecologists, is in the morning. This is because urine is less concentrated during the day and evening due to frequent urination, so the result may not be accurate.

If you do everything correctly in the morning, the indicators will be correct and there will be no possibility of error. This is especially important in the very early stages. If there is a delay, the test will show the correct result in any case.

How to take a pregnancy test correctly?

You can get correct and accurate answers to all your questions about a girl’s test, only by visiting a gynecologist. There are also a lot of thematic videos on the Internet, which show step by step all the actions that need to be done with the test (strip or inkjet - each type is considered).

What are the features of conducting the test at home? Things to consider:

  • This is best done using overnight urine collection (in the morning);
  • before collecting urine into a container, you need to wash yourself and wipe your genitals dry;
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands, dry them and use exclusively packaged, sterile collection containers;
  • the packaging with the dough must be intact;
  • immediately after opening the package you need to start the process;
  • The test is used only 1 time!

Storage should be carried out in a dry room, the test should not be exposed to moisture or direct sunlight. Keep small children away as they may damage the integrity of the packaging.

If the expiration date has expired, the product must be thrown away.

Do not reuse. You only need to lower the strip to the level indicated - if the strip picks up more moisture, the test may show an inaccurate result. It is important to maintain exactly the time indicated on the package.

Each type of test has its own rules for conducting


Exclusively all manufacturing companies guarantee the high accuracy of the express test, but you need to choose the product individually. At the moment, the most popular products are from the German companies Evitest and Frautest.

They are characterized by high sensitivity, affordable cost, and false readings are very rare. Their range is quite wide: there can be inkjet, tablet or strip tests. The main characteristic of the successful use of Evitest products is strict adherence to the instructions.

This company also has a popular test for detecting ovulation. The products of this brand can be used by any woman, regardless of the conditions and income (budget plays a big role).

It is worth remembering that cheap products put the procedure at risk - a low-quality reagent most often shows inaccurate results, therefore, it is recommended to choose from a medium-cost category.

Venous blood sampling is the most reliable way to confirm or refute pregnancy if the test result is questionable

Strip test

This is one of the most common and popular means of pregnancy testing. They are inexpensive and have good results. This test looks like a small narrow strip of paper on which hCG antibodies are applied in one layer.

Why is this necessary? It is this strip that shows whether a woman is pregnant. The principle of operation is simple: the hormone contained in the urine of the expectant mother interacts with the impregnation of the strip. And if there really is a pregnancy, a second line appears - the test is positive.


To use this test, simply collect urine into a sterile container; a small amount will be required. The paper strip is lowered into the container to the level indicated on the top of the strip (most often, arrows are drawn).

You need to hold it for no more than 10 seconds. The result will appear within a few minutes, the optimal amount is from 1 to 10. It all depends on the level of hCG, if it is enough, the result will be immediately.

What day does it show?

After the first day of delay.


Affordable price.


From time to time it may show incorrect results; more accurate indicators can only be obtained if applied after a delay.

Strip test - the simplest type of test

Modern strip tests

  • Evitest No. 1;
  • FRAUTEST Express;
  • Eva (can determine from 1 day of delay);
  • Secret;
  • BBtest;
  • Femitest Practical;
  • Femitest Practical Ultra;
  • Itest Plus.

Tablet tests

Packaging – cardboard box with two openings in the form of windows.

For example, Evitest Proof, a tablet cassette test, operates on the same principle as a strip. Equipment: a container for collecting urine and a pipette for directly carrying out the procedure.


First of all, drop a few drops of urine into the first compartment (window), wait a little time (from 1 to 10 minutes) and look at the second window - the result appears there.

What day does it show?

High probability - from the first days of delayed menstruation.


The result is determined quickly. The price is affordable.


There are many steps that need to be taken before the result appears.

Modern tablet tests

There are several options for popular tests that are widely used among women:

  • Frautest Expert;
  • clearblue;
  • Femitest Handy;
  • Evitest Proof;
  • Sezam;
  • Know Now Optima;
  • LadyTest-C.

Jet test

To use this remedy, you need to place it under a stream of urine.

The most important thing is to use the product correctly, according to the instructions in the package.


How the procedure is performed using this tool: the test is placed under a stream of urine while urinating - hence the name.


The most reliable result is on the 5th day after a missed period. This type of test is characterized by high accuracy and sensitivity, so if pregnancy has occurred, there cannot be a negative answer. This is one of the few tools that will show an “interesting situation” before the delay.

The jet test is easy to use


Reliability of indications, ease of use.


High cost is a significant disadvantage of this material.

Modern inkjet tests

Today, the following brands are very popular:

  • Femitest Jet Ultra;
  • Duet;
  • Frautest Exclusive;
  • clearblue;
  • Clear View;
  • Evitest Perfect;
  • Frautest Comfort.

Electronic test

The second name is a digital pregnancy test.

This is one of the most famous and accurate means for determining pregnancy, according to customer reviews.

The electronic test will show the result within three minutes


It is necessary to first collect urine into a sterile container and place the product with the end into the urine. Accuracy assessment can be carried out 3 minutes after impregnation. The word “pregnancy” or the “+” sign means that the woman is pregnant.


Able to show the presence of pregnancy even before the delay (4 to 5 days). It has high accuracy and excellent sensitivity, which helps 99% even 1 - 2 days before the expected date of the start of menstruation.


This type of test is the most effective - its reagents show pregnancy immediately and are never mistaken.


The average price in Russian pharmacies is 400 rubles. This is not affordable for women with average incomes, which is certainly a disadvantage. One of the most popular is Clearblue (blue test). It is quite expensive, but the result exceeds all expectations. The only negative is that the result disappears from the window after some time, which can overshadow a woman’s desire to keep this element as a souvenir.

Usually a woman tries several different tests

Reusable digital tests

The newest development in this area is a state-of-the-art pregnancy test with a USB connector. In order to see the result, you need to connect it to a PC or other gadget.

If we talk about the P-Teq USB device, we can highlight its feature - you can check the result up to 21 times, which is very convenient. Contents: 20 replaceable cartridges, on which a layer of reagent is applied that interacts with hCG in the urine.


The correct result will be already 5 days before the missed period.


A reusable test is an incredibly convenient device for determining pregnancy. You don’t have to run to the pharmacy; this unique product is always at hand. The time of conception can be determined down to the smallest detail – 95%. Some models are designed to reliably check even the gestational age.


Expensiveness is an unpleasant disadvantage of the product, and it is quite difficult to buy replacement cartridges separately.

Blood test for pregnancy

If a girl is interested in the question of whether conception has occurred, then the most reliable method is to take blood for the level of the hCG hormone, which is taken in a laboratory-clinical setting.

Blood is donated on an empty stomach, from a vein. On the 6th - 8th day after fertilization of the egg, using this laboratory diagnosis, we can safely say whether the woman is pregnant. By a certain amount of hormone produced, you can find out how the pregnancy is progressing, whether there are any complications or pathologies. The latter, of course, will not be shown - this is not an ultrasound.

A blood test for hCG will show pregnancy if present.

If there is no dynamics of increase in hormone concentration or the levels are several times lower than normal, there may be a threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

However, an increase in the level of hCG in the blood or urine may also indicate a multiple pregnancy, especially if the woman has diabetes. Also, the problem may lie in early toxicosis or a discrepancy in the timing of pregnancy, real and established.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition for the health of both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, it is important to donate blood to exclude this terrible diagnosis. Why is this necessary? The fact is that during intrauterine pregnancy, hCG value and increase in its level are higher than during ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Negative pregnancy test

It often happens that the test shows a negative result, although pregnancy has occurred (this was confirmed by the doctor and a blood test).

It all depends on the individuality of the women’s body, in which the level of the hormone becomes higher after a certain time, for some earlier, for others later. A very common and quite dangerous reason: endocrine dysfunction or threatened miscarriage.

Some types of tests are not very sensitive, so the results may be unreliable. Failure to check in a timely manner (before the delay occurs) may result in a negative result.

Tests may show false positive results

Even if the cycle lasts 25 days, and ovulation occurs on time (you can use a calendar), and the test is negative, you can repeat the test in a few days. The reason for this may also be improper use of the product.

False Positives

If the fact of pregnancy is not confirmed by other methods (venous blood sampling, examination by a doctor), and the test shows two stripes (positive result), the reason for this may be:

  • expiration of the product;
  • hormonal state several months after delivery;
  • the appearance of a neoplasm (due to hormonal levels);
  • ovarian dysfunction

Are the results reliable if testing is done during menstruation?

Carrying out a pregnancy test while having menstruation is normal, especially if a girl has certain symptoms that are characteristic of the period after conception: menstruation can continue after pregnancy.

Many people are concerned about the question: does menstrual blood affect the test result? Experts say no. In case of an interesting position, there will be two bright lines on the strip.

Results for ectopic pregnancy

The first sign of an ectopic pregnancy during an express test is that there is a second line, but it takes on a vague outline. In this case, hCG production occurs, but very slowly, so if menstruation is delayed and similar testing is done, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Ultrasound in the early stages will help detect ectopic pregnancy

There is a very convenient development - the Inexscreen test, which makes it possible to determine an ectopic pregnancy. The principle of its operation is as follows: the strip accurately detects the modified isoform that is part of hCG. If the indicators are less than 10%, there is an ectopic pregnancy.

Results for frozen pregnancy

How to determine fetal freezing in the early stages? Carrying out a pregnancy test in this case will give different results each time: the first time - two clear stripes, the second time - one line will fade a little, and the third time - the strip has disappeared completely.

If something like this happens, it is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist, who will establish an accurate diagnosis and refer the patient for tests and further actions, including surgery.

What to do next if the result is questionable?

According to reviews from many women, a questionable test takes place on any day of the cycle and there may be several reasons for this.

If there are signs of a frozen pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Many doubts arise when the strip is unclear: it is not clear whether it is one or two. The second one may be blurry, with unclear outlines. Why this might happen:

  • a girl’s health disorder, which was caused by an insufficient amount of the hCG hormone;
  • expired product;
  • psychological factor - a woman who desperately wants to give birth to a child very often provokes signs of pseudo-pregnancy (nausea, dizziness).

In this case, the best option is to take a blood test from a vein to check the hormone at the nearest laboratory. If for some reason the girl does not want to donate blood, you can repeat the testing in a couple of days.

Which tests “cheat” most often?

Many years of experience allow specialists to make a certain rating of “bad” tests, which very often deceive with their incorrect indicators. This list includes:

  • "Bebichek";
  • "Rest assured";
  • "Bee-Sure";
  • "Mon Ami";
  • "Faith".

Correct application of the test is the key to a reliable result


For an accurate and high-quality result, it is very important to choose the right test. It doesn’t have to be expensive to help the expectant mother come out of ignorance and enjoy her new status - pregnant.

Of course, each of these methods is unreliable if used incorrectly and if the instructions are not followed. It is best to confirm your situation by visiting a gynecologist who will give the correct instructions regarding the future regimen, nutrition and schedule for all required tests.

It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged family without children. Almost every couple sooner or later has a question about conceiving a child. Some people manage to achieve this immediately, while others have to wait a longer time for a joyful moment. A pregnancy test helps you find out quite accurately the answer to the most important question. Moreover, the test helps to find out about a possible pregnancy even in the earliest stages.

Using a pregnancy test saves the fairer sex from painful guesswork and systematic visits to doctors to confirm their guesses. Modern medicine and pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a huge selection of pregnancy tests. Before purchasing this product, you should familiarize yourself with their features, principles of operation and procedure for use.

Pregnancy tests - types

Despite the variety of tests, each of them operates on the same principle. The test is impregnated with a special reagent that reacts to the hormone (hCG) present in the urine of a pregnant woman.

There are four groups of tests in total, namely:

  • jet;
  • tablet;
  • tank;
  • test strips.

Similar to inkjet pregnancy tests, there are also ovulation tests. With their help, girls can determine for themselves the most suitable day to conceive a baby.

How to choose the right pregnancy test - tips and tricks

The choice of this product should be approached responsibly. It is better to read the information on the packaging. This is what will help avoid the wrong result and disappointment in the future. When choosing a test, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • best before date;
  • you should choose an option with high sensitivity (about 10 mIU/ml);
  • It’s better to pay attention to products from a well-known and trusted manufacturer;
  • a higher cost indicates the use of better quality reagents. This means a more reliable result;
  • the packaging must not be damaged, opened or wrinkled;
  • Pay attention to the presence of moisture-absorbing bags inside.

The reliability of the result directly depends on the correct use of the test. This is why it is so important to follow the instructions carefully.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Many girls immediately after sexual intercourse think about when they can go to the pharmacy and buy a test. Excessive haste may cause the test to fail. Such a development will either be a disappointment or a premature relief.

Every girl should remember that you can find out about pregnancy only 7-10 days after sexual intercourse. It is then that the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. After this time, the hCG hormone begins to be present in the woman’s urine.

It is also worth remembering that the amount of this hormone grows in parallel with the fetus. The longer the period, the higher the hCG level and the likelihood that the test will work correctly. Highly sensitive inkjet options can detect the onset of pregnancy without even waiting for a delay (several days before the onset of the critical days). More economical options are recommended to be used after the first day of delay.

You can dispel all doubts and get the most truthful result if you conduct several pregnancy tests. You can leave a gap of three to five days between tests. It is better to carry out the procedure on the eleventh day after ovulation.

How to use a pregnancy test correctly

The result and its reliability directly depend on the correct application of the test. Even the most expensive and most accurate option can show an erroneous result if you do not initially follow the instructions and make mistakes during the procedure. You should carefully study the packaging, its tightness, and the expiration dates of the product.

The very first step to correctly perform a pregnancy test is to read the instructions in detail. Most tests have a similar procedure. Initially, the indicator should be removed from the sealed package. The next step is to combine the urine and the reagent. The last step is to familiarize yourself with the result.

An important factor that many manufacturers of this product write about is the time of the test. Most often it is recommended to carry out the test in the morning. At this time, the hCG hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman is at its highest level.

Carrying out the procedure requires a little forethought on the part of the girl. You should initially make sure that the watch is at hand. This will allow you to time it correctly and avoid doubts in the future. The time frame is very important for the procedure. In early pregnancy, the second line may be barely noticeable - very pale in color or a thin line. Even such manifestations indicate the probable occurrence of fertilization. If you still have doubts, you can wait another three to five days and repeat the procedure. Within a week, the hormone will become many times greater, and the test result will be as truthful as possible.

The sooner you find out you are pregnant, the better for you and your unborn baby.

The onset of pregnancy can be detected at home even in the early stages - in the first 2 years. For this you only need . It is inexpensive and is sold in every pharmacy.

After conception, the woman’s body gradually increases in blood pressure, which produces trophoblast cells - these are the precursors for the formation of the placenta. Thanks to its presence in urine, early diagnosis of pregnancy can be carried out.

The test can be carried out already after the second day of missed period.

But many women who are faced with this issue for the first time do not know how to choose such a product, how to use a pregnancy test and how to avoid mistakes?

Mechanism of action

The standard test that determines the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine has two strips - control and diagnostic.

The first one works if any moisture gets on the surface.

A diagnostic strip has special substances (antibodies) that react to the presence of hCG in the urine.

During direct contact of human chorionic gonadotropin with labeled antibodies, the diagnostic strip turns red.

Buying a pregnancy test

Buy tests only in pharmacies. This will help you avoid purchasing a low-quality fake.

When purchasing a pregnancy test, check the integrity of the packaging. The strip should be packed in thick cellophane. Sometimes it is filled with air.

If the product's expiration date has expired or you find damage to the packaging, then there is no point in doing such a test - the result will be unreliable.

When studying a wide range of pregnancy tests, you see products from different companies and different price ranges. But the reliability of the result does not depend on the manufacturer and cost. Is it true, more expensive tests respond even to the lowest dose of human chorionic gonadotropin.

That's why, if you can't wait to find out the answer to a question whether you are pregnant or not, but only a couple of days have passed since your missed period, give preference to a sensitive test. Thanks to him, the situation will certainly become clearer.

When to take a pregnancy test?

If you want to achieve maximum accuracy in diagnostics at home, in the evening before the test, do not eat fatty foods and refuse sexual contact.

It is advisable to use the test strip in the morning, taking the first urine of the day for research.

Do your research only before meals. After eating, the answer will be untrue.

It is at the beginning of the day that the concentration of the hormone is highest and the result will be the most accurate. Therefore, immediately after waking up, go to the toilet.

Collect the urine in a container and lower the tip of the test strip into the urine to the indicated mark, holding it there for a couple of seconds. After this, place the test on a horizontal surface.

The result will be ready in 5 minutes. After 10 minutes the test is considered void.

Two stripes indicate that conception has occurred. But it is worth considering that a positive result can also occur in the absence of pregnancy. This mainly occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body.

To find out exact result, it is better to go to a gynecologist after the test, who, after examining the uterus, will be able to determine whether pregnancy has occurred.

Sometimes in the early stages, if the gynecological examination was not indicative, an ultrasound examination or tests are prescribed.

But even if the second line appears faint and barely noticeable on your test, most likely you are pregnant. You can additionally use a couple more tests from other manufacturers.

Remember, in some cases, hormone production begins not on the 6th day after conception, as usual, but on 14-15.

This is the period of maximum concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin. Therefore, if the test result is negative and there is no period, there is a reason to wait a few more days and repeat the study, which next time, perhaps, will tell you the long-awaited answer.

Types of tests

  1. Strip strip– the most common type of pregnancy test. This is a thin strip with a reagent inside. Using this test, human chorionic gonadotropin is determined in the urine. Open the package immediately before use.
  2. Tablet test is an analogue of laboratory pregnancy diagnostics adapted to home conditions. It gives the most accurate result. It differs from test strips in that it does not need to be immersed in a container with urine and this product is more reliable because it is protected in a plastic box. You should take a portion of urine into a disposable pipette and insert 4 drops into the special window of the test cassette where the reagent is applied.
  3. Electronic test. The method of application is identical to the tablet and conventional tests. But in this case, under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin, not a colored stripe will appear, but the inscription “pregnant” or “not pregnant.”
  4. - this is the most reliable method for early detection of pregnancy at home. This product has a more sensitive reagent. This affected its cost, which is higher than the price of tablets and test strips. You can find out about the onset of conception 4 days before the start of menstruation. The jet test is especially convenient because you do not need a container to collect urine.

Remove the cap from the cassette and grab the test in the place where there is a mark in the form of an arrow. You need to place the marked tip, which was under the protective cap, under a stream of urine for a few seconds and then close the test with the cap.

The result according to the standard will be ready in 5 minutes and will become invalid after 10 minutes.

The study can be carried out at any time of the day, because a very sensitive reagent detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin, regardless of its concentration level. But follow the instructions as precisely as possible, otherwise the result may be false.

False positive pregnancy test result

False positive result- this is the case when the test shows 2 stripes in the absence of pregnancy.

In low-quality tests this can happen: that the dye will split off from the conjugate before the entire antibody-hCG-dye complex reaches the reaction zones.

This is how blurry spots appear. This result is often mistaken for a “false positive”. But true false positives are extremely rare.

Besides, a faint second stripe appears, if the test is “overexposed”, that is, study the readings after 10 or more minutes.

A similar line is formed due to the evaporation of water from the surface of the dough. This destroys the conjugates, which release the dye.

Precisely because not every woman strictly follows the instructions and incorrectly interprets the test result, doctors, especially old-school gynecologists, do not have too much faith in early diagnosis of pregnancy carried out at home.

A false positive response can be caused by taking specific medications, kidney problems, or drinking too much fluid.

Sometimes this result indicates about the presence of a trophoblastic tumor. Some gynecological diseases can provoke increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin and in order to exclude them, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist after a positive test result.

If you were given hCG to maintain the luteal phase(preparations Pregnil or Profazi), then traces of this hormone remain in the body for 10 days after the last dose of the medication. Therefore, a pregnancy test in such cases gives a false positive result.

False negative test

There are times when tests give false negative. This occurs much more often than cases with a false positive result.

A false negative test is typical for conducting the test too early. or for a low sensitivity test.

During a pregnancy that is on the verge of, human chorionic gonadotropin will not be produced as intensively as during a normally developing pregnancy.

Anyway a pregnancy test allows women not to run to the doctor at the slightest delay, but first check at home and only then consult a doctor to clarify the results.

It is after this that we can clearly speak about the presence or absence of pregnancy.