How much should a newborn baby eat? Norms of breast and artificial feeding. How much breast milk should newborns eat? How much milk does a newborn drink at a time?

The birth of a baby is the best thing that can happen! But along with happiness, parents have a whole series of questions: how to dress the baby, when should he sleep, and most importantly, how much milk can be given at one feeding. Nutrition, first of all, must be balanced, and the body must absorb it well.

Stomach size in a newborn

Data on the size of a child’s stomach may surprise you, because on the first day it is only 7 milliliters.

That is, in order to fill it, it is enough to give just one spoon of mother's milk . The product does not overload the digestive system, and most importantly, it meets all the baby’s needs. In addition, the walls of the stomach are very dense and they simply cannot accept more milk.

However, we must not forget that your child is growing and already on the third day from birth he will be able to eat about 30 milliliters milk per feeding. On the seventh day - 60 , and per month almost three times more - 150 .

Amount of milk for a newborn per feeding by month

In the first month after birth, lactation begins, and the mother should put the baby to the breast as often as possible.

In this way, more and more milk will begin to be produced, so that no nutritional problems will arise. But how much milk should be given depending on age and how often it should be done:

  1. Aged up to one month baby in bitch eats about 700 ml milk, for one feeding approximately 100 ml .
  2. Aged from a month to two the number of milliliters increases by 200, that is, now the child will eat 900 ml, every time 140 ml .
  3. From two to four no more than months 1000 ml per day, for one feeding 160 ml.
  4. From four months to six months dosage increases by 200–250 ml, in one feeding the baby can eat 180 ml .
  5. One more gap - from six months to nine. The dosage remains virtually unchanged, but now the baby will eat in one feeding 200 ml.
  6. From nine months to one year a child drinks about 1300 ml milk, for one feeding the mother can give him 240 ml milk or a little more.

How to feed at night?

At night, children eat one meal twice, during the day it is recommended to feed every three hours.

But naturally, everyone has a different diet and everything depends on individual characteristics. Many mothers do not follow these dosages at all and give as much milk as the child wants to eat.

Feeding rules

Young parents can be confused by myths, advice and everything else that is given not only by doctors, but also by those close to them. But how to feed a child correctly and what advice should you trust? There is a whole list of rules that must be followed:

  1. Mom's breasts should be clean Before feeding the baby, you need to wash it, the same goes for your hands.
  2. Attach your baby to the breast correctly . In order for the lower jaw to grasp as much of the areola as possible, the nipple should be directed upward.
  3. Make sure that during feeding the head was higher than the body , otherwise the child may choke.
  4. For one feeding let's have one breast , change it next time.
  5. , but there is a lot of milk in the breast, express it .
  6. It is necessary to feed the baby at night .
  7. By time the child must eat at least 15 minutes , and make sure that he swallows the milk, and not just sucks the breast like a pacifier.

At first, closeness with the baby is very important; try not to be distracted by anything while you feed him.

For your own convenience, master several feeding positions. During the entire time you are feeding your baby, try not to experience stress, because all this will be passed on to the child.

Controlling milk intake for newborns

The main indicator that a child is eating adequately is his increasing height and weight.

However, not all mothers can wait to go to the clinic for a control weigh-in. They independently try to track how much the child should eat.

But not everyone knows how to get reliable results:

  1. The baby should be weighed before and after feeding. , there are special tray scales for this. This must be done every day, otherwise the results will be unreliable.
  2. . Another way to find out how much your child has eaten is to weigh and measure him every seven days. Until the 13th week, the infant gains about 200 grams. If the result obtained differs greatly from this indicator, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  3. Watch out for diapers! You will have to give up diapers for a few days. Mom must count wet diapers all this time. In the first month after birth, the baby pees very often, up to twenty times a day. That is why if you see that the number of diapers is less than fifteen, you need to visit a pediatrician.
  4. Pay attention to your child’s mood and well-being . If he behaves well, sleeps fully, is actively awake, and eats as before, there is no reason to worry. But a whiny and restless baby should be wary; it is possible that he is malnourished.

Breastfeeding is first and foremost a sensible approach. A nursing mother should know how much her baby eats, what the norm is, and we must not forget about her diet. In this case, enough milk will be produced and no problems will arise in the future.

Features of artificial feeding

If a child eats not from his mother’s breast, but from a bottle, then you need to know that there are some features here too:

  1. Feed the baby at least eight times a day .
  2. The baby’s stomach digests artificial food much more slowly, which is why the interval between feedings will be longer .
  3. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby. . The sucking reflex will already develop well, and sucking a pacifier is, of course, much better than sucking a breast.
  4. If suddenly your child eats much less of the formula, you don’t need to worry. It's a must at the next feeding. will get the right amount of milk .
  5. If a little time has passed after feeding and the baby suddenly starts crying, then There is no need to stuff him with food . It is possible that due to the fact that air got in. Place it in a vertical position and hold it for a few minutes.


Remember, every little one is individual in his own way and the attitude towards him should be special. Your child knows better than you how much and when he needs to eat. Just be careful, it will take some time and the correct diet will be developed.

Video about how much a newborn should eat

The baby was born. For a happy mother, a time of worries, worries and worries comes. The main thing that a mother who is breastfeeding is now concerned about is whether the baby is getting enough nutrition, is her milk fatty or not?


First feeding

After childbirth, milk usually begins to arrive by the fourth day. The baby is brought for the first feeding most often on the second day. And now the young mother begins to worry that her baby will remain hungry, that there is very little milk. This should not be done for several reasons:

  • The newborn is still weakly sucking on his mother’s breast (the sucking reflex is poorly developed), he needs to learn how to do this, so he eats very little.
  • The colostrum that the mother’s body now produces is fatty and nutritious. It contains everything necessary to ensure the full functioning of a newborn.
  • The volume of the baby's ventricle is still very small (on the first day only about 10 ml), therefore the amount of colostrum eaten per feeding is also small, about 7 - 9 ml.
  • It turns out to feed a child 10 - 12 times per day, that is, in the first day the baby’s norm is about 100 ml of milk.
  • Do not think that a breastfeeding baby will remain hungry because there is not enough milk. It will begin to arrive soon. But unnecessary worries can delay the increase in lactation.

Milk standards in the first ten days

How much milk a baby will eat now depends only on his weight and age. Day by day, the volume of the ventricle in a newborn increases, and the volume of milk consumed increases accordingly.

  • On the second day, the baby already drinks about 20 grams per feeding, the daily dose is 200-240 ml,
  • For the third - 30 ml (300-340 ml, respectively) and so on.
  • For a child in the first 10 days of life, you can calculate the required volume of milk consumption per feeding by simply multiplying the number of days old by 10.

Nutritional formula for the first 10 days: N (number of days) * 10 = one-time amount of food in ml.

Accurate scales for measuring the weight of a newborn baby

More accurately, the volume of a single dose of milk consumed can be determined by weighing the baby on a medical scale before feeding and immediately after it. The difference between the weighing results is the volume of milk the baby drinks. It is advisable to weigh several feedings in a row. Knowing the approximate dose ( see above standards), you will understand whether the baby sucks his portion or not.

When and how is it best to feed a baby?

In ten days, mommy's milk will stop coming. Now the approximate amount eaten per day will be equal to a fifth of the baby’s weight.

Pediatricians have come to the conclusion that there is no need to force-feed a child at strictly designated hours. It is better to wait until the baby himself demands to feed him. Usually this happens 10-12 times a day with an interval of 1.5 - 2 hours.

As a rule, the baby actively sucks the breast for 15-30 minutes, sometimes even 40. It happens that the baby has sucked all the milk, but continues to suck the breast for some time, either sucking out the last drops of milk, or he simply likes the sucking process itself. Don't let him nurse for more than an hour.

Table of nutritional norms for up to a year

Child's age

Amount of milk consumed per feeding, ml

Amount of milk consumed per day

20% of the child's weight

1/6 of the child's weight

1/6 of the child's weight

5-6 months

1/7 of the child’s weight (800-1000 ml)

7-12 months

1/8-1/9 of the child's weight

On artificial nutrition

Everything that has already been discussed above applies to breastfeeding. What if your child receives artificial nutrition? How to calculate the required amount of milk or formula?

  1. Diet is important here. It is necessary to feed the baby at least 8 times a day.
  2. We calculate the norms as for breastfeeding, but if the baby eats less often, then the norm can be slightly increased.
  3. The main thing is not to overfeed the child. After all, it is easier to suck milk from a pacifier, and the baby’s sucking reflex is already highly developed a few days after birth.
  4. If you are feeding your child not with milk, but with formula, then everything is even simpler - the package indicates the dose required for each age.

For example: Let's use the table. The child is 2 months old, weight - 4800 g. Daily amount of milk: 4800/6= 800 ml. Dividing by the number of feedings per day, we get a single dose: 800/6 = 130 ml. So, in one feeding the baby should eat 130 grams of milk/formula.

Features of nutrition during artificial feeding

  • Don't worry if your baby has eaten less than the norm - at the next feeding he can eat a little more and get the required amount.
  • You should know that the ventricle of a bottle-fed baby digests food more slowly, be it milk or formula. Therefore, during the day you should feed every 2.5 - 3 hours, the night break in feeding can be 5 - 6 hours.
  • If the baby wakes up some time after feeding and cries, you should not feed him further. Most likely, he did not burp the air, and his tummy hurts. Hold it upright. As soon as he burps the air, let him go back to sleep.
  • If he hasn’t drunk the whole amount, it’s better to let him finish it a little later, when you know for sure that he’s hungry.

How can you tell if your baby is full?

An attentive mother will determine by many signs that the baby is eating:

  • He is calm;
  • Sleeps soundly;
  • Good weight gain);
  • Pees regularly (12-15 times a day) and poops regularly.

When a child simply cries frequently, this is not an indication of underfeeding. Most likely, he is simply tormented by gas and colic.

The birth of a child is a joy for the family. But with the birth of a baby, a number of hassles arise. The mother is concerned about the health and development of the baby, so she strives to comply with all the rules and regulations.

Nutrition is especially important for a child. Pediatricians recommend. Every mother should know the amount of milk for a newborn per feeding.

Feeding the baby can be breastfeeding or. For newborns, the first option is preferable. It has a unique composition that allows for the normal functioning of all organs and systems and the development of the child. Whether the baby receives breastfeeding in the first days of life will determine his future ability to independently resist various pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

This is explained by the fact that mother’s antibodies enter the baby’s body along with milk. It is believed that the child himself knows how much food he needs. But we must take into account that some children suckle at their mother’s breast not only when they are hungry. For them, this is a special process of unity with a loved one. They're used to it.

After birth they have to exist separately. This causes fear and anxiety. Contact with mother gives the baby peace of mind. If a child consumes milk in excess of the norm, this can lead to indigestion and obesity. Overeating also increases stress on the pancreas.

Some, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • pathological structure of a woman’s nipples. For example, they are too hard or flat and this makes it very difficult for the baby to suck out milk. He gets tired, falls asleep prematurely and stops eating, remaining hungry;
  • poor ability to latch onto the chest. In newly born children, the sucking reflex is poorly developed;
  • uncomfortable position chosen for feeding;
  • reduced fat content of milk;
  • bad taste of breast milk. This happens if mom uses various spices and herbs. Pepper, garlic, and onions worsen the taste of milk.

Thus, babies may overeat or remain hungry after breastfeeding. Therefore, it is useful for mothers to know how much a newborn should eat at a time. It must be understood that standard values ​​are approximate.

Experts say that all children differ from each other in the following ways:

  • speed of metabolic processes. The better the metabolism, the faster food is digested, and vice versa. Accordingly, by the next feeding the baby may already be very hungry or still be full;
  • degree of physical activity. Active children spend a lot of energy. To replenish it, they need more milk;
  • the presence of pathologies of internal organs. For example, if a baby has gastritis or pancreatitis, then it is better to feed him often, but in small portions;
  • time of birth. All organs are smaller than normal. Their stomach can hold very little food;
  • weight. Thin children require more food for normal growth and development.

Table of norms for one feeding and per day

Newborns are children from birth to one month of age. How much milk to give a baby at a time and per day is determined by his body characteristics. But there are average standards for feeding infants. They are shown in the table.

Correct calculation of the amount of milk according to Geibner

To calculate the norm of food for a baby according to Geibner, you need to divide the body weight by a certain number, which changes depending on the age of the baby.

To find out how much a child should eat at a time, you need to divide the result by the number of feedings per day. For example, a one-month-old baby weighs 4100 grams. He should be given 820 ml of milk per day (4100/5). With six feedings a day, the serving volume will be 136 ml (820/6).

Norms according to the Shkarin method

How can you tell if your baby is full?

It is easy to understand that a child is full based on certain signs. During and after feeding, the mother is advised to monitor the baby.

The following indicates that the newborn is full:

  • the baby refuses breastfeeding and looks happy;
  • after feeding, the breasts become softer;
  • the baby is active and gaining weight well;
  • stool 2-3 times a day, mushy, yellow or light brown;
  • the child empties the bladder at least 10 times per day.

It should be taken into account that most children up to three months of age are observed. They arise due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized by . after feeding and. But that doesn't mean he's hungry.

If the baby is not full, it will manifest itself like this:

  • poor restless sleep;
  • crying, groaning;
  • lethargy;
  • low level of activity;
  • the appearance of a sucking reflex;
  • when the baby is picked up, he looks for the breast with his mouth;
  • infrequent bowel movements and urination.

But you need to understand that the signs listed above may indicate the presence of a disease. The pediatrician can determine whether the baby is eating the allotted portion during an examination.

If the child grows and develops normally, this means that the selected dose of milk is optimal. If there are deviations, the doctor will recommend changing the diet and the volume of a single serving.

If there is any doubt that your baby is not getting enough milk, it is recommended to purchase or rent a special scale. By determining the baby's weight before and after feeding, you can calculate the volume of milk consumed for each feeding.

Many mothers are very worried about lactation. They worry that the baby won't have enough milk or that he will overeat and get sick. Experts recommend stopping worrying. After all, nerves can cause lactation to worsen.

Newborn feeding positions

The problem of cracked nipples is relevant for many mothers. If there are no contraindications, it is best to treat problem areas with sea buckthorn oil for internal use.

If the problem gets worse, you need to visit a doctor; in this case, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Some mothers begin to lubricate their nipples with brilliant green. This leads to even more drying and cracking.

Doctors give the following advice to breastfeeding women:

  • Give your baby breastfeeding regularly. This ensures good lactation. , then you should take a course of natural-based medications. They must contain royal jelly. The medicine Apilak Grindeks helps a lot. This product is rich in micro- and macroelements, helps maintain vitality, stimulates milk production;
  • especially stimulates lactation;
  • eat healthy food. What a mother eats affects the taste and composition of her milk;
  • Do not wash nipples with soap before each feeding. This can cause them to dry out and crack. Hygiene procedures should be performed no more than a couple of times a day using warm water without soap or gel;
  • If an hour after feeding the baby cries and asks for the breast, you should not refuse him this. The child probably didn’t eat enough last time;
  • do not perform often . This results in the removal of thick milk containing the enzyme lactase. This element is necessary for the breakdown of sugar contained in breast milk. After pumping, the baby will receive milk with a high concentration of glucose. This can lead to stool disorders and obesity;
  • apply the baby either to the left or to the right breast. This is good prevention and;
  • choose a comfortable position for feeding;
  • Monitor how the baby latch onto the nipple. He should take the entire areola area. It is important that the lips are turned outward. With this grip, feeding will be successful. Otherwise, the child may swallow air. This is fraught with colic;
  • Visit your pediatrician regularly for an examination to determine whether the baby is developing and growing normally.

Video on the topic

Approximately how much should a newborn baby eat and how to calculate the norm? Answers in the video:

Therefore, it is useful for a mother to know how much milk a baby should suck at a time and per day. There are special formulas for this. All standards are advisory in nature. Parents should pay attention to the baby's weight gain, activity, and behavior.

With the birth of the baby, the happy mother begins to worry about his nutrition. How much should a newborn eat at one feeding, does she have enough milk and is it too much for the baby’s stomach? All these questions undoubtedly worry parents.

This topic does not lose its relevance today. Every woman who has children, at least once in her life, has thought about how much a newborn baby should eat. Most often, a young mother’s anxiety is caused by the pediatrician’s conclusion. After examining the baby, doctors make a conclusion about whether the baby is full or malnourished based on weight gain (or loss).

It should be borne in mind that the main criterion for a pediatrician will indeed be a monthly gain of 600-800 g. However, modern experts dispute this point of view, since the question of a child’s weight gain or loss should not be limited to just one indicator. Also today, the very essence of understanding and attitude towards breastfeeding has changed radically.

It is difficult for a young mother to independently and comprehensively assess whether the newborn is eating his or her quota or not. As a rule, it seems that the baby is malnourished, but there is still no need to rush to feed him. Properly organized breastfeeding provides the baby with the complete diet he needs. Mothers of formula-fed children, of course, need to calculate how much formula the child should eat per feeding and per day.

Breastfeeding: first time

Physiologically, it is designed so that immediately after childbirth a woman does not yet have milk. The child can only eat colostrum. On average, milk arrives within 3-4 days. Of course, every mother thinks that her baby is malnourished and remains hungry. This is a common misconception regarding the insufficient amount of breast milk produced by a woman's body. Please remember that:

  1. The newborn's sucking reflex is still poorly developed; he must learn to do so. That is why the baby, as a rule, eats very little and sucks weakly at the breast.
  2. For the first 3 days of feeding, the baby eats colostrum, and it is certainly quite fatty and nutritious. It is produced by the female body in such a way as to ensure the supply of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the full functioning of the baby.
  3. The volume of a newborn's stomach is still very small, so the child cannot eat much per day. On average, this figure is no more than 10-12 ml, so colostrum should also be about 8-10 ml.
  4. In the first 2-3 days, the baby should eat 10-12 times a day, so in total he will eat about 100-110 ml of colostrum.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should always remember is that anxiety and excitement have a detrimental effect on lactation. It is necessary to ensure maximum peace of mind so that the woman receives a sufficient amount of milk.

Rules for breastfeeding in the first 10 days

How much milk a newborn needs in the first days after birth directly depends on two factors: his weight and age. Every day the baby’s stomach grows and increases in size. The baby suckles more and more, and a specific feeding schedule is developed.

Literally on the second day, the baby should drink 2 times more nutritious breast milk. Now he needs about 200-240 ml per day, that is, about 20 ml per feeding.

On the third day, the child should eat about 30 ml of milk to be full. Thus, the daily norm will be about 300-340 ml.

The formula will look like this:

N (number of days from birth) * 10 = required volume of breast milk for 1 feeding.

Table of nutritional norms for a child of the first year of life

Baby's age Amount of breast milk consumed per feeding, ml Total amount of breast milk consumed per day, ml
3-4 days from 20 to 60 250-300
1 week from 50 to 80 400
2 weeks from 60 to 90 20% of the total weight of the child
1 month from 100 to 110 550-600
2 months from 120 to 150 800
3 months from 150 to 180 1/6 of the child's weight
4 months from 180 to 210 1/6 of the child's weight
5-6 months from 210 to 240 1/7 of the child’s weight (about 800-1000)
7-12 months from 210 to 240 1/8-1/9 of the child’s weight

A young mother should also calculate the amount of fluid her baby consumes. The easiest way to do this is to use a medical scale. First you need to find out the baby's weight immediately before feeding and immediately after it. The difference between them will be the volume of milk the newborn drinks at a time. However, it is necessary to repeat the weighing several times to obtain the correct result about the approximate dose of milk that the baby consumes. Only after this can one draw a conclusion about whether the child sucks out his entire portion or not.

Baby feeding: when and how?

The milk supply ends approximately on the tenth day of the baby's life. During this period of time, the approximate amount of liquid consumed per day will be 1/5 of the baby’s total weight.

The issue of newborn nutrition and weight gain is still controversial. However, most pediatricians agreed that the main thing is to feed the baby without force and at a strictly designated time (as they say, “by the hour”). Today, it is mainly recommended to feed “at will”: when the newborn asks, then they put him to the breast. Babies will require to eat on average 10 to 12 times a day, the interval between meals can be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

A nursing mother should be prepared for the fact that the feeding process itself will take at least 30 minutes, and sometimes can reach up to 40. It is not uncommon that the baby has literally drank all the milk, but continues to suckle. Maybe, of course, he is trying to get the last drops of his delicacy, but most likely he just likes the process itself, it calms him down. The mother should not allow the newborn to nurse for more than 1 hour.

Artificial feeding: what you need to know?

What is the norm of milk for a newborn was discussed above, however, the same amount of formula will be needed with artificial nutrition. The principles of organizing IW are fundamentally different from GW. What to do if the child is not weaned to the breast, and feeding is carried out using special mixtures?

Basic principles of correct IW:

  1. Diet. It is necessary to monitor how many times a day the baby eats. Its norm per day should be at least 8 times. This is as important as how much food the baby consumes per feeding and per day.
  2. Calculation of the norm of formula or milk. This criterion may change depending on how often the baby eats. The volume of formula for 1 feeding can be increased if necessary, if a newborn baby’s diet includes a number of feedings less than the established norm.
  3. The basic rule, as with breastfeeding, is based on not overfeeding the baby. You should note how much your baby eats at one feeding and per day. It is much easier for him to suck milk or formula from the nipple than from the breast. Moreover, a few days after birth, the baby knows how to do this perfectly: the sucking reflex is developed quite strongly.
  4. How much formula a newborn should eat can be seen on the packaging. As a rule, all manufacturers provide detailed information on this issue, taking into account the age of the child and the required dose for 1 feeding.

Artificial feeding: calculating the norm

In order not to overfeed your baby and not leave him hungry, you should correctly calculate the norm and know how many grams of formula you will need. Below is a table calculating the amount of food a child should eat per day, taking into account his age.

Table of the daily norm of the mixture for IV by month

Based on these data, you can easily calculate how much a newborn should eat not only per day, but also per meal. In this case, the total amount of the mixture should be divided by the number
feedings per day.

In order to properly organize nutrition during artificial feeding and calculate how much a newborn should eat per feeding and per day, the following must be taken into account:

  1. If the baby's lunch (or any meal) is less than the required amount, you can feed him a little more next time. In general, the amount of formula or milk is calculated per day. Therefore, you can easily compensate for the “uneaten” volume of the mixture at the next feeding.
  2. The stomachs of newborns who are on IV digest food much more slowly. This does not depend on whether they eat milk or formula. Based on this fact, it is necessary to increase the intervals of night meals to 5-6 hours, during the day the interval is 2.5-3 hours.
  3. When a baby wakes up literally immediately after feeding and cries, you should not try to feed him. Many mothers mistakenly believe that the baby is hungry. However, most likely he has a stomach ache. This is due to the fact that the baby did not burp air. Mom can help him by simply holding him upright in her arms. When the excess air comes out (the baby burps), you can put him to sleep again.
  4. If the mother knows how much the newborn eats normally, but he did not drink the entire amount, it is better to simply give food a little later. When the baby gets hungry, he will gladly finish what he left earlier.

Baby's satiety: how to determine?

How much milk a newborn should eat was discussed above, but the question remains of how to determine his satiety. For an attentive and loving mother who cares about the full development of her baby, this is very easy to do. It is enough to observe the child’s behavior. Here are the main signs that the baby is full:

  • the newborn is calm;
  • sound and deep sleep;
  • monthly there is a good weight gain, which corresponds to the norm;
  • The baby regularly empties the bladder and bowels (peeing and pooping).

A caring mother should remember that a baby can cry not only from hunger. Most often, a newborn is tormented by gas or colic. And this situation will only be aggravated by overfeeding the baby. How much a newborn eats is an important measure of their diet, but there are other factors to consider.

If it is noticed that the child is excessively restless, sleeps very poorly and the weight gain is very insignificant (compared to the established norm), then the problem is in the diet. Perhaps lactation was not established correctly, little breast milk is produced, or it is too “empty” and low-fat. The reason may be different; it is better to discuss this problem with your pediatrician. Only a doctor can determine how full the baby is and whether he is receiving adequate nutrition.

A few final words

How much breast milk a child should eat at 1 year or 6 months, what a six-month-old baby or newborn will need, has been studied in detail. There may be many opinions and recommendations on this issue, but you should not blindly follow all the advice. There cannot be the same criteria and rules for infants. All children are individual, each with their own character and needs. The main thing is that every mother remains attentive and patient towards her baby, loves and cares for him.

In addition, the calculated volume of breast milk and amount of formula does not apply to other liquids consumed. Regardless of whether the baby is on IV or breastfeeding, it must be supplemented with boiled water. This is especially true when summer comes and it gets very hot. While a one-year-old baby can independently ask for a drink, a newborn does not yet know how to express his desires.

In general, a mother stops carefully monitoring her child’s nutrition when a certain regimen is developed. When feeding enters the noma, as a rule, the baby himself will eat exactly as much as he needs.

All young mothers are concerned about the same question: is my baby getting enough to eat? Especially if this is a woman’s first child. Of course, on a subconscious level, we all understand that the instinct of self-preservation will not allow the baby to starve, and yet every mother wants her child to eat well and develop properly. To do this, you need to know about nutritional standards. They differ depending on the type of feeding of the newborn - natural, artificial or mixed, the age of the toddler and its weight. Next, we will consider all the nuances of this important issue.

Nutritional features of a breastfed baby

Breastfeeding (BF) is a natural continuation of the mother-child bond, which allows the baby to more easily cope with the stress of birth. But in the new world, the baby needs to learn everything, including numbers and eat (for this you need to develop a sucking reflex). So it’s not surprising that a new mother worries whether her baby is full.

First feeding

Colostrum, or the first portions of mother's milk, is a real treasure trove of nutrients for the baby. Good health and well-coordinated functioning of the baby’s immune system largely depends on the huge amount of vitamins, well-digestible proteins and antioxidants contained in colostrum.

The first feedings are important for the rest of the little person’s life.

This is interesting. The volume of a newborn's stomach is about 12 ml.

You can't overeat colostrum. At the first meal, the baby eats about 8 ml. Considering that the number of feedings per day is usually about 12 times, in total the newborn will eat approximately 100 ml of liquid. Every day the daily norm will increase by 10 grams.

Table of nutritional norms for a child 2–4 days of life

There is another option for calculating the amount eaten. It requires a mathematical solution to the equation X x 10 = ml per single meal, where X is the age, that is, the days of the child’s life. For example, a newborn on the 7th day after birth should eat about 70 ml of breast milk at a time.

Table of nutritional norms for a child from 2 weeks of life to one year

Feeding standards are developed taking into account the introduction of complementary foods from six months of age

Please note that these figures are approximate, so a difference of plus or minus 5-10 grams is not significant. But what is really important is the interval between feedings. At first it should be no more than 2 hours. Then the intervals will increase, as the little one will suck more intensely, that is, receive more fluid. Improving the sucking reflex will lead to the fact that feeding time will decrease.

How to determine the amount of milk that needs to be consumed (depending on the child’s weight)?

So, numbers are a good thing, but many mothers will definitely have an absolutely logical question: how can you find out how much your child has eaten?

The easiest way to find out how much your baby has eaten is to weigh your toddler before and after meals.

To do this, you can weigh the baby before and after feeding. The difference will be the desired value. To calculate the daily intake, you need to add up all the feeding results obtained over 24 hours. This method is suitable for both natural and artificial scientists.

How long to keep a baby at the breast?

On average, the baby stays at the breast every 2-3 hours. How long should food intake last? Breastfeeding experts say about 30–40 minutes, unless the baby releases the breast earlier. By the way, feeding for 15–20 minutes is not a deviation from the norm if the child is gaining weight well and is not capricious. But staying “on the chest” for more than 40 minutes indicates that the baby is using the nipple as a pacifier, that is, playing. In the future, this can create a lot of inconvenience for both mother and baby, so it is better not to indulge in such entertainment.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: the best feeding regimen for a newborn

Features of the nutrition of a bottle-fed child

Artificial feeding (IF), unlike breastfeeding, requires more accurate calculations, because formula is more difficult to digest than breast milk, so too much can lead to problems with the child’s gastrointestinal tract. But even such a task is feasible for a young mother.

Diet and feeding time

This is the most important component of proper care for an artificial baby.

For the proper development of an artificial child, you need to follow a diet

A child under 2 months should eat 8-9 times with a break of 2.5-3 hours, at 2-3 months - 7-8 times, at 4 months - 6-7 times, at 5-6 months - 5-6 times , and from 7 months to a year - from 4 to 6 times a day. In this case, one feeding will last no more than 15 minutes, because drinking from a nipple is much easier than sucking the breast.

Nutritional standards for IV

As a rule, manufacturers of mixtures indicate doses and norms on the packaging. But it still doesn’t hurt to know the average, approximate data.

Table of nutritional norms for children from 10 days to one year

How many grams are in a daily and single dose and how to calculate them?

Cans of formula must indicate the norms for children of different ages.

This is interesting. The most popular calculation formula for a daily and single dose of formula for children on IV is called the Geibener and Cherny method.

For example, a baby weighs 4,850 grams. He is 2 months old, which means he should consume 1/6 of his body weight per day. Accordingly, 4850/6, we get a daily dose of 808 ml. We divide this amount by the number of feedings, we get a single dose - 135 ml. Another example: a newborn weighs 4,000 grams, eat 1/5 of its weight, it turns out that the daily dose is 800 ml, and a single dose is 100 ml.

Methods for calculating the amount of formula for children from 10 days to a month

In the first month, the baby is just beginning to adapt to the new diet. Therefore, the calculation of the amount of mixture is slightly different from that described above. There are two ways.

  • Use Zaitseva's formula. We multiply 2% of body weight at birth by days of age, which gives the daily dose. We divide the result obtained by the number of feedings, which is equal to the volume of a single dose.
  • Use the Finkelstein formula. If the baby weighed less than 3,200 grams at birth, then multiply the age in days by 70, the resulting value will be the daily dose. If the birth weight was more than 3,200 grams, then to obtain the daily norm, the age in days must be multiplied by 80.

In both cases, to determine a single dose, the daily dose must be divided by the number of feedings.

How many feedings does a 400 gram jar of formula last?

Again, these calculations will be approximate, since it all depends on how much your baby weighs and how many times a day you feed him. In addition, the older the child, the more he eats. On average, up to 2 months, 1 jar is required for 5–6 days; 5 jars are used per month. At 3-4 months, 1 can will last for 3-4 days, which means 7.5 cans will be needed per month.

How much formula does a mixed-fed baby need?

In this case the math will be very complicated. We recommend using one of two methods of introducing supplementary feeding.

With mixed feeding, breast milk is still considered the main one.

  • Mom introduces the mixture, starting with a minimum amount. For example, 30 ml 1-2 times a day. Once a week, the mother carries out control weighings and, if the gain is less than 125 g/week, increases the amount of supplementary feeding per day by a minimum amount: adds 1-2 more feedings of 30 ml each. If there are 6-7 feedings of 30 ml, then the volume of one-time feeding begins to increase: 6 feedings of 30 ml + 1 feeding of 40 ml until all feedings are 40 ml, etc. Increasing the amount of supplementary feeding should be stopped when the child begins to gain 125g/week or more. You can carry out one more additional control weighing (control - not the one before and after meals, but control - whether you gained 125 g or not) to make sure that this volume is enough.
  • The mother counts the number of times the baby urinates and adds approximately 30 ml of supplementary food for each missing time. For example, a baby peed 8 times in one day. He is 2-4 times short of normal, which means the minimum amount of supplementary feeding can be set to 2 feedings of 30 ml each. After two or three days, the urination count is repeated. As soon as the number of urinations is set slightly above the minimum norm (12–14), the increase in supplementary feeding is stopped. Attention: this method requires confirmation by monitoring weight gain! Those. Once the desired number of urinations has been established, one or two weigh-ins are required, 7 days apart, to ensure that the weight gain is 125 g/week or more.

3 rules for supplementary feeding of children on SV

Following these tips will allow you to supplement your baby's feeding without reducing lactation.

  • The mixture is given not from a bottle, but from a spoon. This will avoid a situation where the baby is too lazy to suckle, if there is an easier option - drinking through the nipple.
  • Supplementary feeding must be dosed in small portions, that is, the required daily volume should be divided into several times.
  • The mixture must be given strictly on an hourly basis. The rest of the time, food needs are satisfied with breastfeeding.

How can you tell if your baby is full of milk?

There are 4 main signs that the toddler is full:

  • he sleeps well and is active when awake;
  • the baby has stable stools, not accompanied by bloating or tantrums;
  • the baby can withstand the intervals between meals; at night they are twice as long;
  • Every week the child gains weight by 150–200 grams.