Child's name and numerology: free online calculation by name. How to choose a name for a child based on date, month of birth and other criteria

Choosing what to name a child, it’s worth thinking not only about what name you like by sound or naming your baby after someone close or famous. No less important is when the child is born - this gives him certain character traits. In order to mitigate possible shortcomings and enhance advantages, correctly selected names will help.

Personality of people born in September:
Children born in September usually have a hot-tempered and overly emotional character. They confidently move toward their goals, regardless of obstacles. They love to give gifts to loved ones. They are economical, although it is difficult to call them “miserly”, but in material terms they always respect their own interests. Proud.
These are very sociable people, but for the sake of friends they are not ready to make serious sacrifices. They don’t like to take on debt, and repaying it is not easy for them. And despite the fact that “September” people are very jealous, they do not tolerate it when their spouses make a scene for them. Women are characterized by independence and lack of patience. They cook well and become excellent housewives.
Men born this month doubt for a long time before deciding to get married. They make great money and provide for their family. Such people can happily squander large sums. But if it seems to them that the spouses are not spending money rationally, they will start quarrels and scandals.

When choosing what to name a child in order to enhance the advantages and mitigate their shortcomings, it is better to choose one of these names: Ariadne, Anna, Vera, Raisa, Elizaveta, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Sophia, Lyubov.
Suitable names for men: Anatoly, Denis, Zakhar, Miron, Illarion, Roman, Pavel, Ivan, Efrem, Gennady, Gleb, Yakov.

"October" character:
A person born this month takes work and job responsibilities very seriously. But if it comes to friends or family, then there is no need to rely on him - his “obligation” does not apply to this. These people have a great tongue - they are witty and love to embellish reality in stories.
In friendly relations, “October” people are generous and open, but in financial matters they are principled and cautious. They decide for a long time, thoroughly considering all the consequences. In their actions, they are guided mainly by their own opinions, and only sometimes listen to the opinions of those closest to them.
Women born this month are very reasonable, objective and principled. Their memory and abilities can be envied. This usually gives them the opportunity to make a good career. Although it is quite difficult for them to forgive betrayal and treason, they strive with all their might and at any sacrifice to preserve the family. In a couple, they most often occupy the position of leader; they rarely need the support of their spouse.
Most “October” men are distinguished by thriftiness and affection for home. They are prudent, pragmatic and are often overly economical and even stingy. You shouldn’t criticize them - they won’t listen to you, but a serious scandal will break out.

If you are expecting the baby to appear in October, then when deciding what to name the child, it is better to choose one of these names: Alexander, Alexandra, Mikhail, German, Innokenty, Trofim, Vladislav, Sergey, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Mark, Oleg, Grigory, Nikita, Vladimir, Kirill, Philip; Zoya, Olga, Zlata, Sofia, Zinaida, Vasilisa.

Characteristics of people born in November:
These people are characterized by excessive prudence. For the sake of material benefits, they are ready to go to great lengths. These are very purposeful people who will go towards their goal even “over their heads.” Often, selfishness, envy and narcissism are added to their shortcomings. “November” people will not miss an opportunity to save money in any situation - they do not spare money just for their own pleasure.
All of the above applies to women to a greater extent. They are not distinguished by neatness and homeliness. The selfishness and pride that are inherent in them can destroy any of their relationships. In family relationships, they almost always become leaders. People born in November should pay attention to what their spouses are trying to convey to them and at least sometimes take into account their opinions, otherwise there is a very high chance of being left alone.
These people often cheat, and may not even hide it. They love sex and are indiscriminate in choosing partners. Women choose companions who will indulge them in everything. Men often suffer from nervous breakdowns and depression. Therefore, the choice of name must be approached with the utmost care and caution.

When deciding what to name your child, you should not dwell on such options as: Dmitry, Nikolay, Anatoly; Margarita, Ekaterina, Marina, Tatyana - negative character traits will only get worse.
And with these names you can soften the shortcomings of the “November”: Maxim, Zinovy, Bogdan, Konstantin, Terenty, Mark, Artem, Valery, Valentin, Gabriel, Gregory, Victor, Philip, Mikhail; Elena, Capitolina, Euphrosyne, Claudia, Maria, Cleopatra, Nastasya, Evgenia, Elizabeth, Irina, Natalia, Vera.
Based on this, you can choose a name that will help your child in life.

I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a minute, they don’t let you feed, but they don’t let you expose your breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to demonstratively expose your breasts? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your baby, so take with you a cape, a scarf, a snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it so happens that you don’t have anything on you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded, so that you don’t feel embarrassed and don’t embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, the issue, in my opinion, is controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on my mother’s side. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency can we talk about in connection with the exposure of the chest if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, Michelangelo’s David without a fig leaf, do not cover the children’s eyes, etc. But this is done as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I would not drag an infant into a public place during the SARS season, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child? And then it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby ostentatiously in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous glances, strangers, not always positive thoughts, etc. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I would never get into trouble with a nursing mother, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother started making a fuss in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, I would leave her alone. Why take a sin on your soul, get into a quarrel with it, make it nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that by your actions you are harming the baby, why is this?

When a person is called, it is the most pleasant sound for him. For this to happen with your baby, you need to take this task responsibly. Everything in this world is named, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, one cannot deny the great influence of specific several letters on a person’s sense of self and worldview.

Some argue that a name can even change one's destiny. If you do not approach the matter with such fatalist views, the question still remains of how to choose the right name for a boy.

Indeed, in ancient times people were called both in honor of heroes and gods, and also with words with an impartial meaning that could express belonging to one or another family or type of activity.

Now parents are accustomed to relying on sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to make mistakes when using Old Slavonic names. Because the true meaning may be very different from what is commonly understood now by this word.

Choosing a name for a boy: approaches

There are several decision-making methods in this matter. Sometimes a whole family council even gathers. To reach a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will follow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A man is the head and successor of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even character begins to form with a name. The baby hears it even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. A person will never forget or confuse this name with any other. Remember, when bullies at an early age wanted to offend, they changed names. Because there is nothing more personal that completely belongs to the future man. Therefore, before going through the options in your head, pay attention to these supporting points:

  • Think about the future. In the future, the boy’s name should become a harmonious middle name for his children.
  • Don't mock children. Names that are funny, made up on your own, or borrowed from a TV series are not the best way to express your love. Because the baby will simply be bullied at school or in kindergarten. In this way, you strive to express your individuality, but the child will suffer as a result, who will become uncomfortable in society. This brings particular inconvenience in childhood, when spontaneous children say everything they think, or in youth - the time of first loves and romantic experiences.
  • Don't name him after your father. Continuity of generations is a plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in sound, it is more difficult for a boy to identify himself as a separate person. He begins to feel like his father’s shadow, which leads to depression, neuroses, and loss of the sense of his uniqueness.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely determined by taste. The name can be considered a gift from the parents to the child. It is the very first and most important, so that the little person subsequently appreciates all its value to the fullest, take these rules into account.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way of life. Therefore, they are reluctant to experiment. But if you are in doubt about what is the best name for a baby boy, unusual or familiar. This technique has its advantages, because if a child wants to know the history of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So baby:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect his past;
  • represents the destinies and lives of his relatives;
  • stores important facts about his family and passes them on to his children.

To make the stories more visual, pick up a family photo album. Such a family book will last through the years if it has a strong case. The Russian House of Genealogy will help with this.

Heraldry specialists will be able to design a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The life story of relatives, the intricacies of their destinies will come to life before the eyes of the baby.

Leafing through the pages, he will study these facts against the backdrop of developments in the country's past. In this way, a person learns to fit his life into the general context, thanks to which he is brought up as a responsible and honest family man, a patriot of his homeland and a conscientious specialist. People of this type of character are highly valued in society. And the beginning of a brilliant path begins with a name.

According to the church calendar

Previously, the question of what to name a child did not arise, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name a boy according to the church calendar. Until now, many believers consider this approach to be the only correct one. By naming a child after an archangel or saint, you can hope for good health and a happy life for the little one. Some are confused by the archaic sound of these options, others think that the possibilities in this regard are rather limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Moreover, it is not necessary to call it as it was pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy by Alexey. But you can be one hundred percent sure that none of the names carry negative meanings.

Many meanings are associated with God, so if you believe that a name can become a talisman and protection for a boy, you won’t find a better option.

So the beautiful name Jeremiah (transformed into Eremey-Erema-Ermiy) is understood as “exalted by God.” Also, when baptizing a child, no difficulties will arise: the worldly name will not need to be translated into a church name.

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected direction and you may hear a suitable option in a conversation with a friend or colleague. But it is better to choose what name to name a recently born boy in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important points as:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then the husband and wife need to use all their diplomatic abilities. But, if you both have eastern roots or, on the contrary, are originally Russian, then it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the child’s name will sharply contrast with his appearance, lifestyle and traditions.
  • Place of residence. In a big city, where there is a high level of agglomeration and people of different views, religions, and origins live on the same territory, unusual names are not so surprising. But if in a small town or settlement you name a young city dweller Alfred or Marcel, this will arouse great interest.
  • Diminutive forms. You should consider the possibility of transforming the name. When you want to express your tenderness and call your child differently, it should not be too difficult to pronounce or hurt the ear.

These rules will help even close people avoid making the wrong choice, and will also influence the avoidance of disputes.

By euphony

In everyday communication, we pay special attention to sound. Therefore, when deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, change it, decline it. Pay attention to how it is perceived by ear in combination with the surname and, most importantly, with the patronymic. There are several rules to help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the naming traditions of one nation. Since not only does Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sound ridiculous, foreign names themselves do not have the opportunity to become patronymics later. The combinations Evgeny Dzhekovich or Semyon Dzhonovich are incorrect and not acceptable.
  • Length of components. Combinations acquire special beauty if the name is short and the middle name is long, and also if they consist of approximately the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Alexandrovich.
  • The end is the beginning. Pay attention to the junction of words. The best option is if the first of them ends with a vowel, and the next begins with a consonant: Danila Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. The reverse combination is also acceptable: Semyon Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Also take into account alliteration: the name should be melodious and melodious. Avoid rough, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, th, skr).

This point is very important, because when the young man grows up and becomes a man, subordinates, strangers and officials will address him in this way.

By time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then each season affects the character and psychophysical characteristics in the development of the baby. How to beautifully name an already born boy according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. The little man is guaranteed a strong and decisive character. It is in the first months that hardening for future life occurs. For fearless fighters against frost, names such as Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help soften a stubborn disposition.
  • Spring. Nature itself is conducive to lyricism, and it is no coincidence that future poets, directors, actors and musicians are born at this time. Be able to consider the subtle mental organization of the first-born, but for a happy path, award one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, lively personalities. The energy in them is boiling and calm names will not be to their taste; they will feel like they are wearing someone else’s clothes. Take a closer look at these options: Lev, Gleb, Gordey, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Autumn. Such people are most prone to analysis and reflection. They make sensitive, talented psychologists. Therefore, the name should reflect all the dignity of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Having chosen the right combination, walk around with this thought. Simulate life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you call him that.

List of beautiful names

The process of selecting combinations is quite complex, so do not try to solve everything at once. Write down the options that you like the most, take a break, and then come back to them again. This should eliminate more assumptions from you. To decide what to name your child, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. This could be a church calendar, an alphabetical index, or a personal list.

Please note that the fashion for foreign or fictitious names is becoming a thing of the past. Now more and more people are turning their attention to family and national traditions. In order to have something to rely on, it is necessary to think now about their preservation. The Russian House of Genealogy will make durable and exquisite family books, which will contain significant family talismans - photos, movie tickets from the first trip together with the baby, the first drawings of a young artist.

To make it easy and happy for your baby to go through life, pay attention to forgotten but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Afanasy;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, Vladlen, Vsevolod;
  • German, Gordey, Gabriel;
  • Demid, Demyan;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lyubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martyn, Matvey, Mark.

Once you have decided, look up the value. It will either confirm your choice or make you think again.

As a conclusion

It’s up to you to decide what name you can name a boy, but you shouldn’t ignore simple rules that will make this process easier and save you from disappointment later. Remember that the baby must go through all stages with complete comfort and self-love - from the cradle to old age.

All parents face the question of how to name their child correctly. And it is advisable to make a choice before his birth, since parents are given only a month after birth to register their baby. Choosing a name is an interesting and enjoyable task. But you need to approach its decision with all responsibility. After all, a person’s name largely determines his character, temperament, and perhaps even his destiny. So what to name the child?

How to name your unborn child

When choosing a name for their unborn child, parents first of all think about how the name sounds, what it means and what it symbolizes. Many parents, following newfangled trends, name their babies after popular actors or movie characters. Some people prefer American and European names. But most parents still choose names that are common in Russia. If you are thinking about what name to name your child, to make your search easier, consider the options for names that you can choose.

If you prefer to name your baby one of the popular names in Russia, then keep in mind that the fashion for names is constantly changing. For example, the most common names among adults in Russia are the male names Alexander, Sergey, Dmitry, Andrey, Alexey, Maxim, Evgeniy and Ivan, as well as the female names Anastasia, Elena, Olga, Natalya, Ekaterina, Anna, Tatyana and Maria. At the same time, in the choice of names for newborns, the leading names for boys are now Yaroslav, Nikita, Daniil, Kirill, Artem, Maxim, Matvey, Mark and Egor. For girls, parents most often choose the names Sophia, Eva, Milena, Polina, Arina, Alisa, Kira and Anastasia. Perhaps one of them will suit your baby.

If you want to find a rare name for your baby, not similar to others, I will give you examples of such rather extravagant names that modern parents choose: boys are called Vladlen, German, Rodion, Arsen, Lev and Yan, and girls are Renata, Angelika, Vitalina , Albina, Stella, Snezhana, Eleonora, Lada, Elvira, Nora, Tamila, Elina, Dana and Nonna.

If you want to find a beautiful name among European ones, then, for example, in Germany the most common names are Leon and Mia, in France Luke and Emma, ​​in Spain Daniel and Lucia, as well as Jan, Lucas, Oliver, Christopher, Julia, Olivia, Maria , Lara and others.

Among American names, the most popular are Madison, Isabella, Samantha, Ashley, Jacob, Michael, Matthew, Daniel, Christopher, Joseph and William. Americans prefer to choose Protestant names associated with the Bible, and some of them actually sound good in the Russian interpretation.

If you don’t mind finding a beautiful name among biblical characters, or among the saints of the Orthodox Church, take a look at the church calendar. You can take any name you like from there. Or you can give the baby the name of the saint on whose day he was born. Deciding to name your child according to the church calendar is a good choice. This is what our grandparents did. It is believed that the saint on whose day the child was born and after whom he is named will always protect him, protect him and help him in difficult situations. If you did not find a suitable name in the church calendar on your child’s birthday, take the name of the saint on one of the following days. The Church does not recommend taking the name of a saint from the days preceding the birth of a child.

If the church name seems outdated to you, you can choose a more modern one, and at baptism give the child the church name of his patron saint. It is believed that if the name that a child receives during baptism is not known to anyone except his godparents, this makes the person more protected from envy and slander.

What not to call a child

In principle, you can choose any of the names you like, but it is still not recommended to name your baby after a relative or friend who lived a hard life, died from illness or an accident. It is believed that a child named after a certain person can repeat his fate. You also cannot name a baby after an older child who died.

If you decide to name your child after a relative whom you love and respect very much, who lived a long, happy life and left behind pleasant memories, why not. Especially if the child really has something to be proud of.

But be sure to think about how well the name combines with the surname and patronymic. What do the initials look like? Isn’t it possible that something funny or offensive happens so that the child’s name does not become an object of ridicule in the kindergarten or school? You should not choose a name that you personally associate with your favorite character from a book, but in real life sounds ridiculous. It is also better to avoid names that are too long and difficult to pronounce. As for the rest... think, consult with your family and friends, use your imagination, and choose the name that will delight you and your baby.

Does a name affect a person's life?

This is a question many parents ask themselves when naming their baby. If you give him the name of a martyr, he will suffer all his life; if you give him the name of a monk, God forbid, he will become a monk. Maybe give the name of a king, commander, thinker?

And every time the priests patiently explain: the name given to the child does not affect a person’s life in any way. And many common names - this is easy to see by opening the calendar - were borne simultaneously by kings, monks, and martyrs.

Here's an example: John.

The name is Hebrew, which translated means Grace of God.

There are 188 Saint Johns in the modern church calendar.

Here are the Apostle of Christ John the Theologian, and the poet-hymn-writer and theologian John of Damascus.

And one of the founding fathers of the harsh monastic feat, John Climacus, abbot of the monastery on Mount Sinai.

John Vlasaty - a holy fool for Christ's sake, who labored in Rostov.

John of Damascus is a hermit who left the city and shut himself up in a cave.

John of Kronstadt is a great Russian pastor and public figure.

John of Palestine is an outstanding faster.

John of Constantinople is a patriarch and an outstanding personality of his time.

John the Baptist, the first of the martyrs, and behind him many more martyrs of John, who suffered both in ancient times and in modern Soviet times.

We see the same thing with other famous names.

The conclusion is obvious: the name of the saint in no way affects the fate of the child.

Now let's say a few words about the history of naming.

What was the name of a child in pre-Christian times?

In the Bible, the name was not at all some random symbol; name - determined the place that its bearer should occupy in the world. God completes creation by giving names to its elements: day, night, sky, earth, sea (), naming each of its luminaries name(), and this determines the location in the universe of these elements of the universe. Or, God leaves it to Adam to name names all animals () and thereby determining their place and role in the world of Adam.

It’s the same with a person: initially, the name given to a child at birth signified his fate or future occupation. This is easy to see by remembering the names of the ancient Old Testament heroes: Jacob means taking the place of another(); Naval - madman() and so on. Sometimes the name indicated the peculiarity of birth: Moses - out of water, sometimes - on a person’s destiny: Isaiah - may God save you. The name was considered to be an imprint of a person’s personality!

In Ancient Rus', a child was given a folk name. The Russians were not as inventive as the Greeks or Romans. Often the baby was given a name derived from the number of children in the family - Perva, Pervaya, Pervak, Vtorak, Chetvertunya; from the color of his hair and skin - Chernysh, Chernyai, Belyai, Belukha. Names were also invented based on other external characteristics - height, body features - Sukhoi, Tolstoy, Dolgoy, Mal, Malysh, Malaya, Malyuta, Hare, Bespaloy, Golovach, etc.

Often, a child was named depending on some noticeable trait of his character (Zabava, Krik, Istoma, Molchan, Neublya, Smeyana, Nesmeyana) or the attitude towards him in the family (Goluba, Lyubim, Nezhdan, Chayan, Milava, Pospel, Khoten, etc. .).

Names consecrated

With the emergence of Christianity, the situation began to change, but not immediately. Until about the 3rd century, all those receiving Baptism left the names with which their pagan parents gave them. Many names, even such as Faith, Hope, Love... are pagan names: Roman, Greek or Jewish.

Names could indicate virtues, some kind of occupation, character traits, and much, much more. For example, name Novel- came from the name of the city of Rome; Name Victor(in Latin winner) for the virtue of valor, etc. The parents wanted their child to be like ancient heroes, gods, and through the name they wanted to attract the blessing of unknown higher powers to the child.

However, with the spread of Christianity, other principles of naming are born. Already in the 3rd century it became customary to give a child the name of an ascetic of the Christian faith. This saint, Christians thought, would become a friend to our son or daughter, and would pray for him in heaven, before the throne of the Heavenly Father.

Get yours name, and name consecrated, which the ascetic of the Church wore before you, means to enter into a mysterious connection both with Christ - the Absolute Person, and with the personality of the previously living ascetic of the Christian faith.

Modern theologian Father Alexander Schmemann writes: “Human nature does not exist outside of individuals, each of which represents a truly unique and completely personal type of embodiment and realization of this nature. Therefore, the rite of naming is the recognition by the Church of the uniqueness of this particular child, the presence of the divine gift of “personality”... A person’s name, distinguishing him from all other people, identifies his personality and affirms his uniqueness. The incarnate Son of God has a human name, because He is a perfect person, and not a man in general, an abstract and impersonal bearer of abstract human nature.”

People who lead a genuine Christian life often say that they feel a connection with the person whose name they bear, with their heavenly patron saint.

The day on which the memory of our saint is celebrated in the church is called name day.

St. John Chrysostom persistently taught the parishioners:
“Christians should try in every possible way to give children names that would not only arouse those who receive these names to virtue, but also serve as an instruction in all wisdom for all others and for subsequent generations.”

Most often, Christians named their children after the Apostles of Christ, so that in the 5th century, as today, most of all there were Ioannov, Petrov, Pavlov...

How to name your child correctly

Nowadays it is customary to give a child the name of a glorified saint, and a saint of the Orthodox Church. However, if parents persistently want to name the baby some extravagant name or a non-Orthodox name, this is possible. In this case, according to the passport, the person will have the name Olesya, Alena, Ruslan, Sanchez, etc., but at Baptism he will be given the name of the saint.

Some saints have two names - the name they had before Baptism, and the Christian name. Prince of Kyiv Vladimir received a name at Baptism Vasily, Olga - Elena etc. In honor of these saints, either of their two names can be given.

Today, children are named after their beloved grandmother or grandfather, the name of a book character, or simply a sonorous and beautiful name they like. There is nothing wrong with this, but we can recall another, ancient tradition: the baby was given the name of the saint whose memory fell on the day the name was given (the 8th day after birth).

I will repeat once again what some priests sometimes don’t know: if we want to name a child according to the church name, or, as they say, according to the calendar, then this will be the name of the saint, whose memory is celebrated on the 8th day after the birth of the child.

You can give a name (as is common today) in honor of the saint on whose memorial day the baby was born. They say: “my girl was born on the day of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg. Can I call it anything else?..” There is some logic in these words, but this is modern practice, and not a church tradition.

Since ancient times it has been established that those who are baptized cannot accept the Names of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother - Mary. (You can take the name Jesus in honor of the Old Testament saint Joshua, and the name Maria - in honor of the Saint Marys, of which there are many.)

When choosing a name for your child, you should remember that this name is for life, so you should not try to stand out when naming the baby. Names such as Aristoclius or Anempodistus are certainly beautiful and original, but don’t they oblige too much? , a real example when parents who bore the surname “Fools” gave their daughter the name... Idea).

At the same time, we note that in recent decades the choice of name for children has been limited to a dozen or two names. Among them - necessarily: Natalya, Tatiana, Maria, Ekaterina, Elena, etc. (you can even identify a certain fashion in names).

Parents forget that there are a lot of interesting and wonderful names that are almost never used today. And these names are no less euphonious or interesting than those popular today, and their bearers, the saints, in their Christian deeds are no less famous than those whose names are well known.

To show how, unfortunately, we know little about our names, we will give examples of male and female names that are rarely or not found at all in practice. From an extensive list, I selected only a small part of the euphonious and ancient names and indicated what this name means in the language of the people in whose midst it appeared.

Male names

Habakkuk love of God ( euro); a name, unfortunately, discredited by the leader of the Old Believer schism, Archpriest Avvakum, but, nevertheless, ancient and expressive; comes from the name of the biblical prophet.

Augustine from the city of Augusta ( lat.)

Averky holding, removing ( lat.)

Agapius Love ( Greek)

Agathangel good news ( Greek)

Agathon Kind ( Greek)

Adrian from Adria (small Italian town) ( lat.)

Adam Human ( euro); Etymologically, the name is derived from “adama” - “red earth”.

Alypy carefree ( lat.)

Alpheus turn ( euro)

Ambrose immortal, divine ( lat.)

Anastasy resurrection, resurrected ( Greek)

Andronik husbands winner ( Greek)

Aristarch best boss, excellent ( Greek)

Arseny courageous, man ( Greek)

Valerian from the city of Valeria ( lat.)

Varlaam God's Son ( hald.)

Bartholomew son of Folomey (Tolomey) ( euro)

Vissarion forest ( Greek)

Boniface philanthropist ( lat.)

Gabriel fortress of God ( euro)

Galaktion milk ( Greek)

Hermann warrior ( ancient upper)

Gregory awake ( Greek)

Gury lion cub ( euro)

David beloved ( euro)

Damian conqueror, tamer ( Greek)

Daniel God is my judge ( euro)

Didim twin ( Greek)

Diodorus God's gift ( Greek)

Dionysius divine of Nisa ( Greek.)

Eulogius blessing ( Greek)

Eusebius pious ( Greek)

Edesius joy ( Syrian.)

Elisha his salvation is God ( euro)

Erast loving ( Greek)

Ephraim prolific ( euro)

Zosima life ( Greek)

Jacob caster ( euro)

Iannuarius gatekeeper ( lat.)

Ignatius fiery, red-hot ( lat.)

Jerome sacred ( Greek)

Hilarion quiet, joyful ( Greek)

Or me fortress of the Lord ( euro)

Irenaeus peaceful ( Greek)

Justin son of Justus ( lat.)

Cassian empty, empty ( lat.)

Cyprian from the island of Cyprus ( Greek)

Kirill Sun ( Persian.)

Clement gracious ( lat.)

Cornelius strong ( lat.)

Lavrentiy laurel ( lat.)

Lazarus Helper God ( euro)

a lion a lion ( Greek)

Liverius free ( lat.)

Longinus long ( lat.)

Luke originally from Lucania ( Greek.)

Macarius blessed ( Greek)

Manuel definition of God ( euro)

Mark dry, fading ( lat.)

Mercury merchant ( lat.)

Methodius ordered ( Greek)

Nazariy dedicated to God ( euro)

Nestor returned home ( Greek)

Nikandr husband of victory ( Greek)

Nikita winner ( Greek)

Nikon victorious ( Greek)

Nifont sober ( Greek)

Paisiy children's ( Greek)

Palladium from Pallas ( Greek)

Pankratiy all-powerful, omnipotent ( Greek)

Panteleimon all-merciful ( Greek)

Parthenius virgin ( Greek)

Pimen shepherd ( Greek)

Plato wide ( Greek)

Polycarp multiple ( Greek)

Porfiry crimson ( Greek)

Proclus distant ( lat.)

Rodion heroic, pink ( Greek)

Rustic rustic ( lat.)

Savvaty Saturday ( euro)

Sebastian venerable ( Greek)

Seraphim fiery ( euro)

Force silence, peace ( euro, lat.)

Silouan forest ( lat.)

Sylvester forest ( lat.)

Simeon hearing ( euro)

Simon hearing ( euro)

Sophrony sane ( Greek)

Stephen crown ( Greek)

Terenty polishing, rubbing ( Greek)

Timofey worshiper of God ( Greek)

Tikhon happiness ( Greek)

Trofim pet ( Greek)

Thaddeus praise ( euro)

Theodore God's gift ( Greek)

Theodosius God-given ( Greek)

Feoktist created by God ( Greek)

Feofan Epiphany ( Greek)

Theophilus friend of God ( Greek)

Theophylact God-protected ( Greek)

Ferapont servant ( Greek)

Philadelphia brotherly lover ( Greek)

Filaret lover of virtue ( Greek)

Philip lover of horses ( Greek)

Florenty blooming ( lat.)

Thomas twin ( euro)

Khariton gracious ( Greek)

Christopher Christ-Bearer ( Greek)

Women's names

Agapia good ( Greek)

Agnessa Agnia immaculate ( Greek)

Ada noble ( ancient upper.)

Aquilina eagle ( Greek); among the common people, this euphonious name was turned into Akulina. You can suggest that parents demand exactly this from friends and relatives, Greek, and not the common Russian (Akulina) version of the pronunciation of the name

Alevtina strong ( lat.)

Angelina messenger ( Greek)

Apollinaria Apollonova ( Greek)

Ariadne strictly maintaining marital fidelity ( Greek)

Afanasia immortal ( Greek)

Varvara foreigner ( Greek)

Vasilissa regal ( Greek)

Veronica image of fidelity ( Greek, Lat.)

Glyceria sweet ( Greek)

Diodora God's gift ( Greek)

Eve life ( euro)

Evdokia favor ( Greek)

Eusebius pious ( Greek)

Euphrosyne joy ( Greek)

Genevieve(in Church Slavonic - Genovefa)

Zinaida divine ( Greek)

Ilaria quiet, joyful, clear

Joanna grace of God ( euro); Usually this name is rendered in the Western manner: Zhanna or Yana;

Isidora gift of Isis (Egyptian goddess) ( Greek)

Juliana, Juliania, Iulitta, etc. daughter of Iuliev, or Yuliev ( lat.). This is the name of an ancient Roman family. One of the representatives of this genus is Gaius Julius Caesar.

Justina daughter of Justus.

Kasinia maid ( lat.)

Kiriya Lord's ( Greek)

Cleopatra glorious by father ( Greek)

Constance constant ( Greek)

Leah tired ( euro)

Lukia light ( lat.)

Mariam their rebellion, star of the sea ( euro)

Melania black ( Greek)

Pavel small ( lat.)

Pavlina, Paulina belonging to Paul ( lat.)

Paraskeva Friday, cooking ( Greek)

Pelagia sea ​​( Greek)

Rufina reddish ( Greek)

Sofia wisdom ( Greek)

Susanna White Lily ( euro)

Theodora God's gift ( Greek)

Feodosia God given ( Greek)

Feofaniya Epiphany ( Greek)

Harita dear ( Greek)

Kharitina blessed ( Greek)

Christina Christ's ( Greek)

Junia young, young ( lat.)

When choosing a name, the priest may advise following modern reference publications, especially church calendars, since secular publications often give Soviet or distorted Western names and there is no trace of such saints.

Let us remind you that the Church calendar of the Moscow Patriarchate is published annually, where a list of the most famous saints is given, it is sold in church shops and stores.

Remember: the name given to the child will be carried by him until his death and can serve as a reason for ridicule and bullying from peers in childhood and adolescence. Many of the ancient names that the ascetics of piety bore are hardly appropriate today. Among such names we will mention: Algabdil, Amavs, Aod, Arab, Atom, Eupl, Euprobus, Square, Mudius.

Women's: Aksuya, Golindukha, Dragon, Kazdoya, etc.

And just recently...

Just a few decades ago, newborns were given “new” names generated by the ideas of socialism, industrialization, etc.

Boys often received the name Kommunar, and girls Kommunara. The names October appeared ( husband.) - Oktyabrina ( wives); May ( husband.) - Maya ( wives) and so on. In one family, the son was named Revo, daughter of Lucius, which together meant “Revolution.”

In Soviet-era calendars you can also find some very extravagant ones: Dazdrasperma (stands for “Long live the First of May”), Vladlen (stands for “Vladimir Lenin”), Volya, Interna, Iskra, Idea, Perkosrak (the first space rocket).

In the 60s - 70s, interest in new “original” names faded away. If children and name in a new way, then these are no longer “communist” names, but “industrial”, “cosmic”.

So, the following are becoming relatively popular: Ion, Apollo, Venus, Mercury, Phoebus, Helium. You can also meet Icarus, Odysseus, Titan, Selene. In the early 70s, at the Leningrad Palace for the ceremonial registration of births “Baby”, two girls were given the names Spring and Mystery.

Since the 70s, interest in old Russian names (especially for girls) has been awakening. By the 90s, the following became especially popular among them: Ksenia, Varvara, Juliania, Elizabeth, Evdokia, etc.

In the 90s, the following became especially popular among them: Ksenia, Varvara, Juliania, Elizabeth, Evdokia...

What to do if your Christian name is forgotten?

Often people come to church who have a non-Orthodox name, but were once baptized in childhood. They do not remember their Christian name, and the parents who baptized them have died. What to do? So coming to a church named after Lenian, Marxin, Oktyabrin?.. There is nothing wrong with this situation. You just need to come to the priest and tell about it. The priest will read a special prayer For naming and will give you a new name as an Orthodox saint.