Map of where you've been. Travels of Dr. Etceterini

Scratch map of the world The perfect gift for kids and adults for any occasion. Our store contains about 40 best options for erasable world maps, choose the best model for the person you are going to congratulate. All cards are of high quality and for every wallet! From up to 2499 rubles for a super exclusive made of elastic plastic

In order to better navigate through the samples and select a map according to various parameters (price, size, region, language, color of the stretch layer, material), use the filter below.


If you are still thinking about what an unusual gift to give to a traveler, then be sure to check out the wooden wall maps of the world - they will be a hit in 2018 and for many years to come!

Very solid and interesting gift, super quality! If we have been selling erasable maps of the world for 5 years and many have them, then no one else has them! Come to our showroom and see for yourself.

Scratch world map is the best gift

There are at least three reasons that explain why scratch world map is the most versatile gift.

  • Firstly, the scratch map of the world is suitable for congratulating almost any person. After all, the love of travel does not depend on gender, age or status.
  • Secondly, this is a useful thing that helps to awaken the thirst for knowledge in children and broaden the horizons of adults.
  • Thirdly, an erasable world map is quite suitable as a family present. With its help, the family will spend many exciting evenings without leaving home.

And yet, choosing this gift, you present a whole range of sensations: from exciting contact with something still unknown to the joy of a traveler who has returned home.

What is an erasable map of the world?

A scratch world map (sometimes called an erasable world map, an erasable world map, an erasable world map, an erasable layer world map, a plan to conquer the world, etc.) is a large-format wall map 84x59 cm, on which multi-colored countries and continents coated with a special coin-erasable scratch layer. On some types of such maps, interesting questions, wonders of the world, mysterious places and pictograms are covered with such a layer. Each scratch map of the world is folded into a colorfully designed tube and closed on both sides with metal lids.

Before even taking out the gift, its recipient is already experiencing pleasant moments. An attractive brightly designed tube that protects an unusual map of the world with an erasable scratch layer, hides an exciting promise of adventure and, as it were, invites you on a journey.

At first glance, it may seem that the washing map of the world does not contain anything interesting. This is a sheet of thick laminated paper of large format (A1), on which oceans, seas and continents are highlighted using contrasting colors. However, do not rush to be disappointed, all the most interesting things are ahead.

Scratch the world map works on the principle of modern lottery tickets, the top layer is easily removed with a regular coin. Beneath it lies more detailed markup:

  • all countries of the world
  • administrative borders of states
  • capitals and major cities
  • seas, oceans, continents
  • pictograms and secret places
  • quiz questions and interesting facts
  • wonders of the world
  • many other interesting features

Buy a scratch map of the world

Of course, the use of an erasable world map makes it easier for children to learn geography, but many adults will also find use for this gift.

We have collected for you only the highest quality world maps with scratch layer, no Chinese disgrace with bending tubes and poor quality of printing, lamination and scratch layer.

We invite you to choose and buy a scratch map of the world, which will undoubtedly attract new journeys into your life!

We are official representatives of manufacturers, so we are ready to offer the best prices and only original world map scratch! We also work with corporate and wholesale orders. We have sold over 8400 cards and we know everything about them!


With the help of this site, you can prepare exciting interactive videos showing your movement on a Google Maps map. They look like this: from one point to another, a red line passes sequentially, indicating your route. At key points, traffic stops to allow the viewer to read information and watch a photo slideshow; all this is accompanied by a musical composition. At any time, you can pause the view, switch to manual mode and change the scale of the surface.

Travel map created with

To create a map, you must log in to the site under your account (registration is supported only through Facebook). After that, you should click the Create a new map button, which is located next to the search bar. There are three ways to create a map:

Let's take a closer look at the manual editing option. At the first stage, you need to enter the name of the card, its type (trip, hike, cruise, etc. - more than twenty options in English), the place where you visited (for example, Europe or Africa), privacy settings (private, for friends, public ) and check other options.

Creating a new map in

The next step is to add the key points that make up the journey. The starting point is your location on Facebook, which you can edit or delete. You need to add new places using the add places button - they will be marked on the map with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on. You can do this in three ways: by searching for settlements on Google Maps, by entering geographic coordinates, and manually by dragging a marker on the map. However, in the same way, you can change the position of points added automatically. For each point, not only the location is indicated, but also the date, time of visit, and information such as the name, description, personal notes, as well as how it appears in the video: stop at it, drive past it, or view a slide show. You are free to determine how many points you need to fix in the route - however, it should be borne in mind that the service lays straight lines between them, not taking into account any roads or obstacles, and if you want to demonstrate the complexity and sinuosity of the route, you will have to create many points at every turn of the road.

Editing a Point on a Map in

Before saving the map, you can edit the information about it again and choose a melody that will accompany the viewing. Unfortunately, you cannot upload your own sound file - you have to be content with a choice of more than ten standard compositions: African motifs, jazz, indie and others. Photos can be added after the map has been created by clicking on the camera icon in the point options. You can upload photos from your computer or import them from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, and Picasa online albums. Comments are also added to the descriptions of places.

Adding travel photos to


This is a Russian service, the purpose of which is to help organize independent travel. Here you can find questions and answers from travelers, search for flights and hotels, and in your profile you can mark cities where you have already been and where you plan to travel. Registration is carried out in several steps. On the first of them, you need to check the boxes next to the visited cities of Russia, Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. Only the most popular cities are displayed, you can add the rest later.

Registration on First step

When you click the "Get a card" button, you go to the second step, where you need to enter profile data - e-mail, page address on the service (like, first name, last name and the name of your city. After that, you can proceed to bulk adding marks near all visited places: in this mode, a Google Maps map and a list of settlements corresponding to this zoom level are displayed. If the European part of Russia is in the center, then Moscow, St. Petersburg and others will be on the list, and if Siberia, then Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and so on. The usual search by city names also works.

Adding cities to

The finished travel map can be viewed in your profile, as well as embedded in a blog or personal website. To do this, you need to copy the HTML code of the map in the settings. It displays a Google Maps section with labels, and above the map there is a plate with approximately the following information: “user was in 28 cities and 7 countries”, and you can switch to more detailed statistics, including the place and result among all users of the service. In addition, you can embed a button on your site with similar information, but without a map.

Map from inserted into a post by a LiveJournal user

The service also allows you to mark the cities you want to visit and collect various information about upcoming trips. You can use these opportunities to organize future trips.


Another Russian service that hosts a large amount of information from travelers. You can mark places you have visited, post travel reports and plan future events, upload photos and videos, and share reviews. The site has well-developed elements of social networks - you can view the profiles of other users, add friends, join communities. After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to start creating your card. To do this, go to your profile and click the "Create and edit" link.

Creating a trip map on

First, you can add or change your current place of residence and list the places you have visited one by one. When entering a name, they are selected from the list; as elsewhere, the cartographic database Google Maps is used. Please note that visiting places are added not only here - they can also be noted when creating reports. The report is generated in several steps. On the first one, you need to select the start and end dates of the trip, mark its type (hitchhiking, trip with children, bicycle, and so on), enter the points of departure and destination, and there may be several of the latter - you can tick “was passing through” on them. For each point, you should note the type of transport that was used for movement (they are presented in the form of icons - an airplane, car, bus, boat, and others), and in destinations you can also indicate the hotels where you stayed.

Create a trip report on

On the second step to the report tags are added, and on the third, a description is entered. It includes the title of the report, information about the trip (the visual text editor allows you to highlight the font, insert links, emoticons, photos, videos and tables), individual facts and a folder with the corresponding photos. After clicking the "Finish!" the report will be generated and the labels of the listed items will appear on your map. You can set the size of the map (small, medium, large or custom) and copy the HTML code to paste on your website or blog LiveJournal, LiveInternet, Blogspot. You can also copy the button code "I visited so many countries" or "I visited so many places in so many countries".

Profile of

The places you have visited are marked on the map with flags. This is not the only category of objects - in addition to locations, icons of hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment, events, and outdoor activities can be located on the map. You can switch between them using the buttons in the top right row. To add such an object to the map, you need to leave a review, indicating the name, location, rating and description. If you did it first, you will receive the status of the discoverer of this place. Reviews are available for viewing by other users in the "Travel Guides" section, where a significant information base has been formed through the efforts of travelers. Useful information from it can be added to "Favorites". In addition to reviews, you can post photos and videos. Another feature that is worth mentioning is the ability to plan future trips in the same way that a report is generated on those already made.


This site is a community of traveling people. It contains a large amount of reference information, topographic maps, books, routes, a calendar of events, a search for places, schedules and tickets, hotels, a forum and services such as an online store for travel equipment, car rental. Among the functions there is the ability to compile reports on the routes traveled and a map of your travels. Registration is rather unusual: you need to correctly answer at least three of the five geographical questions - where is Kamchatka, Baikal and the like. Interestingly, to answer you need to set a marker on a Google Maps map; if you put it in the wrong place, you will be prompted to choose one of four answers.

Registration on Passing the geography test

After you have given the correct answers, you should complete the registration, then add at least five directions of travel by train or plane - this is necessary to form the initial travel map. Here you select the start and end points of the trip, as well as the type of transport. The service uses its own database of geographical objects, which is not as extensive as Google Maps, and the most deaf settlements in the list cannot be found. Remarkably, the routes are laid taking into account the existing railways and airlines, even the distance is shown in kilometers (routes of existing carrier companies are taken, in some directions a link is provided for more detailed information). Although if you specify a non-existent route (by train to the USA), then a straight line will be drawn between the two points. The only frustrating thing here is that the map does not take into account road traffic.

Adding initial directions of trips to

After filling in the directions of travel, you can mark the places visited by simply indicating the cities, seas, rivers, mountains and caves that you have visited. Cities are grouped by regions and countries, other objects are also divided by regions. It is worth saying that there are much fewer of them in the directory than settlements (only the most famous ones are the Volga, Everest and the like), and you will have to indicate the location of most of the conquered peaks and rivers passed manually. To do this, you need to specify brief information about the object - type, name, description, where it is located - and mark the point on Google Maps. All added objects on your map (mountains, rivers, etc.) are highlighted with a symbolic icon, visited regions will also be highlighted and travel extreme points on the four cardinal points will be marked.

Map of the active traveler on

You can generate not only a travel map, but also reports on the routes traveled; links to them will be present in the description of the added objects. The new route is added in several steps. First you need to enter the name, description, travel area, start and end dates, indicate the types of activity (cycling, diving, and so on). You can then edit the interactive route map. This is done either manually or by importing a finished track, which can be downloaded from a GPS navigator or created using Google Earth - wpt, gpx, kml and kmz formats are supported. If you form the route yourself, then you should add the places visited one by one (these can be both settlements from the directory, and “halts on the side of the road”) and draw a travel line. The transition to the drawing mode is carried out by clicking on the map; you can create an unlimited number of points by forming a path path. You can also link photos to the map. To do this, you need to add an album, upload pictures to it and associate them with a place, which is done automatically if they contain geotags in EXIF ​​information (there is another function - combining images by date and time with a track from a GPS navigator), or in manual mode, marking a cross on the card for each shot.

The route report on is replete with various information

Unfortunately, the created maps cannot be embedded on your website or blog - you can only share links to them. Site visitors have the opportunity to see your profile, which displays the number of countries, cities and other places visited, the total length of rail and air travel (in kilometers), the extreme points reached.


Strictly speaking, Panoramio is not a service for travelers, but it is great for this role - but only if you bring back loads of pictures from your trips. This site, owned by Google, is designed to post photos with geographic coordinates. Uploaded images will be displayed on your map in the places where they were taken, which will allow you to estimate the geography of your movement around the world. In addition, after verification by the moderator, the photos will be available for viewing by other users of the service, and will also be displayed in Google Earth with the "Images" layer active.

You can sign in to the site with your Google account. After that, you should upload photos, they are also imported from Picasa Web Albums or Google+ albums. If the file already contains geographic coordinates in EXIF ​​information, the service will automatically determine them; otherwise, you need to link photos to Google Maps. To do this, you need to drag the marker to the appropriate place on the map (you can use the search) and click the "Finish" button.

Linking photos to the map on

You should be aware that the pictures will become public after a certain amount of time required by the moderators - from a couple of hours to several days. In Google Earth, after that, they become visible when the database is updated, which happens several times a week. Regardless of whether the photos have been moderated or not, you can view your photos in both ways - on the map and in Google Earth, by downloading the file with tags in the kml format. The map will look something like the following screenshot - you can place a link to it wherever you want.

By the efforts of one person, of course, such a map cannot be made. But that's what you need to strive for.

Similar functionality is present on the Yandex.Fotki website with their Photo on Map service. If you are a supporter of Yandex, then you can just as well use a similar solution from a domestic company.

⇡ Conclusion

Summing up this review, we cannot unequivocally say which of the services is the best for creating a travel map - everywhere they use their own approach to complete this task. allows you to create vivid presentation videos about your trips. On you can mark all the cities and countries you have visited. is more of a social network where users post reports and reviews. Service adheres to a certain scientific approach when analyzing travel. And finally, will be useful for those who like to travel the world with a camera.

Application: Mark O'Travel| Free | Universal application | Install

There is nothing better than travel. After all, each new trip is a real discovery, which can even be compared with a holiday. It is not at all surprising that many people dream of traveling around the world. Each country is unique in its own way, moreover, individual regions in a particular country can fundamentally differ from each other. And, of course, you always want to keep track of your progress so that, firstly, you don’t forget about the countries you have already visited, and secondly, each time you choose a new destination, planning your route in a new way.

Mark O'Travel is a simple application that will help you keep track of which countries you have already visited and which ones you have yet to go. There are 260 countries on the world map in total. The names of all, of course, almost no one knows. And only thanks to such tools you can truly understand how much you can and should discover for yourself. A good motivation, by the way, to immediately start planning your next vacation after installing the application. Somewhere out of the ordinary.

The application will help you create a bright and unique travel map. Initially, the entire world map will appear before you in a light gray color. All you need to do is to indicate those countries that you have already visited. You can mark in two ways. The first is to indicate countries directly on the map. But, however, even despite the possibility of scaling the map, the second method is still more convenient - choosing countries from a list in which they are conveniently sorted by continents and alphabetically. You can also search by name if you wish.

As soon as you start selecting countries in any convenient way, they will be painted over on the general map. For different geographical areas, their own colors are provided so as not to mix everything into one. Also, when tapping on the group name, you can change the colors of specific zones. So it will be more beautiful and clearer. In addition, statistical information will be shown under the map itself. For example, that of all the countries that are part of Europe, you have visited only thirty percent. Also quite interesting and motivating figures that open up many new opportunities.

If you want to get more accuracy, you can mark individual states and regions on the map. Now detailed maps are available, for example, for the United States of America, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and other countries, the list of which is constantly updated. The only caveat is that, unlike the application itself, which is available for free, you will have to pay for detailed maps using in-app purchases. You can buy such cards separately, or you can buy them all at once - it will be cheaper, in bulk.

Name: Mark O'Travel
Publisher/Developer: Sergei Shpygar
Price: For free
In-App Purchases: Eat
Compatibility: Universal Application

Travel technologies. Maps of countries and routes May 26th, 2013

People are vain. Bloggers are vain all the more. They are measured by places in the top, social capital and other attributes of success in virtual life. Well, travel bloggers are triple conceited. They have the opportunity to compete in the number of visited countries and cities, in kilometers of routes and flights. Fortunately, on the Internet there are enough all kinds of services that allow you to visualize and calculate your tourist achievements. The main one of these tools is travel maps. I do not set myself the task of reviewing sites and programs that allow you to map your travels. There are a lot of them. I will only talk about the ones that I use myself.

Although I am not a blogger or a traveler, curiosity and vanity are not alien to me either. I also try to keep travel statistics and maps are my favorite tool for this.

In this post, I will limit myself to post-factum travel mapping (mapping routes already traveled). Maps used online during trips (both paper and electronic), navigation and building routes online are a topic for a separate discussion.

Maps of visited countries

The most global map available to a tourist or traveler, unless, of course, he has patched to Mars is a map of visited countries. Such a map usually also performs the function of a counter, indicating the number of countries.

You can find at least a dozen sites that allow you to create such a map interactively and provide a code to embed on your page, for example, in LiveJournal.

They differ in ease of use, graphics and, most importantly, in their approach to the number of countries. Someone considers only officially recognized independent states, someone also includes territories with a special status (for example, Hong Kong and Macau), and someone does not find any little-known countries like my beloved Kiribati.

I use the very first service that appeared on the web (, which generates the simplest graphical map (1):

This service considers only "official" countries, of which I have accumulated 61.

Another version of the map - from - looks good, but adds Hong Kong, Macau and the Åland Islands to me (2):

The prettiest in terms of graphics, but not the most convenient for embedding on your site, is the map from (3):

Maps of visited regions by country

This type of map allows you to paint over visited regions on a world or country map. This makes sense, first of all, for large countries with a federal structure, so there are such services for the USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and Russia.

For Russia, such maps can be built using at least two services - and

Maps of visited places and cities

Some services allow you to combine visited countries and visited places. True, the choice of places remains the privilege of the authors of the service and is not always clear.

RunKeeper draws routes in GoogleMaps and saves them on its website in the user account.

Here, for example, is a RunKeeper 12 km walking map of Riga with additional information (time, pace, calories, terrain and pace change graph) (15):

And this is a GPS tracking walk in San Francisco with a length of 16 km (16):

The only big disadvantage of RunKeeper is its buggy. With long routes, it often hangs and does not allow you to record the entire route. However, this may not be related to the application, but to its carrier.

Rail route maps

For these purposes, I did not find a suitable service. I built a map of my train routes in Google's Maps Engine, not caring too much about the accuracy of displaying the railways. On a small scale it looks like this (17):

Air travel maps and databases

Here, unlike the railway, there are several good services that allow you to maintain a database of air travel and display them on the map. I use Flight Memory ( and Open Flights ( services. One of them is better suited for maintaining a base of flights, and the other is better at building maps. Fortunately, Flight Memory data can be imported into Open Flights.

Both services allow you to maintain a database of air travel, generate a lot of interesting statistics and flight maps.

Here, for example, is my general flight statistics for 2010-2012 (I was too lazy to enter earlier flights) from Flight Memory (18):

And here are the statistics for airports, airlines, aircraft, routes (19):

Flight Memory generates separate cards for domestic and international flights, which, in my opinion, is inconvenient. This is how my map of international flights for 2010-12 from Flight Memory (20) looks like:

The map from Open Flights seems to me to be more successful in terms of graphics and it does not divide flights into domestic and international ones. My 2012 flight map (21):


With all the variety of services for building route and travel maps, there are no ideal tools. In this regard, several questions remain.

Are there any universal services for maintaining travel statistics with routes and maps - like Flight Memory, but for any type of movement?

Are there specialized services for building routes by rail and sea?

Well, I will be glad to any advice on the topic.

Good luck satisfying your curiosity and vanity. The cards have been dealt out.

Marks visited countries and calculates statistics based on the user's travel history.

To bookmarks

My name is Evgeny Chugunov, I am 27 years old. I am the developer of and this is my second project of my own. I have been working in startups for three years.

A few years ago, I saw a paper sketch map of the world on which you can erase the protective layer from the countries you have visited. I liked the idea, and I began to wonder if there are such interactive maps on the Internet.

Now there are several ways to create your own map of visited countries: mapping services from well-known companies (Google, Yandex) and JavaScript libraries (Amcharts, Highcharts), based on which there are several sites that allow you to create your travel map.

Having studied all the available options, I did not find a service that would be convenient: some sites do not have the ability to save your travel history, others are too overloaded with functionality.

As a result, about a year ago I decided to create my own project - Its main features:

  • Saving the history of your travels: both already completed and just planned ones. For each trip, the user can specify the place of stay, the time period and a brief description or links to third-party resources (photo album on a social network, publication on a personal blog, and so on).
  • User travel statistics (number of countries visited; number of trips per year; number of visits to countries and cities; number of trips in different months; number of days spent traveling per year).


  • Multilingual site.
  • Registration and authorization of users by e-mail and phone number.
  • Mobile applications for iOS and Android.
  • Functionality to create and view user posts with photos and videos.
  • Integration with other social networks.
  • Adding new user statistics.
  • General travel statistics by users.
  • Rating of users by the number of trips.

The monetization of the project is possible through targeted advertising from various companies in the tourism sector and the provision of general travel statistics for users.