Poker combination dice. Dice poker rules

Dice poker is a gambling game of dice. Two or more users can participate in it, optimally - four players. Five six-sided dice with numerical values ​​from one to six are used for the game. Based on the game situation, from one to five dice are thrown out at the same time. Points are awarded for completing combinations. Combinations and the results of their implementation are recorded in a table. The main task of the game is to collect the maximum amount of points.

Dice poker game rules

Dice poker is an analogue of the well-known game Yahtzee. The game includes two stages. In the first stage (“compulsory game”), users roll the dice, trying to achieve three or more dice of the same value. There are three throws for this. After the first throw, the dice for the intended combination are set aside, the other dice are thrown out again. With new rolls, a change in the initially chosen combination is likely, and it is also possible to roll dice that were previously set aside. After each throw, the intended combination can be changed. After three throws, the result is entered in the table. In the event of a loss of three dice of identical value, they simply note that the combination is completed. If the number of identical bones is less than two or three, then the difference, multiplied by the value of the bone, is entered in the table with a plus or minus sign. Here is an example table:

  • units - -1, in particular, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6;
  • twos - 0, in particular, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5;
  • triples - +3, in particular, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4;
  • fours - 0, in particular, 1, 4, 4, 4, 5;
  • fives - -5, in particular, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6;
  • sixes - +6, in particular, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6.

When all users have completed the first stage, intermediate results are calculated. If the player's total is greater than or equal to zero, he will be added +50 points. In the second stage, users need to perform the following combinations:

  • pair - 2 bones of the same value, in particular, 2, 2;
  • two pairs - 2 dice of the same value and two dice of a different value, in particular, 3, 3 and 6, 6;
  • set - 3 bones of the same value, in particular, 1, 1, 1;
  • small straight - a sequence of 4 bones 1, 2, 3, 4 or 2, 3, 4, 5 or 3, 4, 5, 6;
  • big straight - sequences of 5 bones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
  • even - 5 bones with an even number of points 2, 2, 4, 4, 6 or 2, 2, 2, 4, 6;
  • odd - 5 bones with an odd number of points 1, 3, 3, 5, 5 or 1, 1, 1, 1, 5;
  • full house - "pair" plus "set", in particular, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3;
  • four of a kind - 4 bones of the same value, in particular, 4, 4, 4, 4;
  • poker - 5 bones of the same value, in particular, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5;
  • chance - 5 dice of any value, in particular, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Points are awarded at the second stage by summing up the rolled dice. When performing a combination from the first throw, the amount is doubled (in addition to the “chance”).

So, for a combination of "two pairs" with two dropped threes and two sixes, an additional 50 points are due. If not a single combination is completed in three throws, then a dash is indicated in the column of each of the remaining combinations, there are no negative points in the second stage. At the end of the second stage, the resulting scoring is carried out. Then the points of all users are summed up, the sum is divided by the number of players - this is the arithmetic mean. When subtracting the average from the user's points, the loss or gain of each is determined.

Types of dice poker

The variant of the game, in which mandatory combinations are performed at the first stage, does not provide for the accrual of plus points. However, unused attempts are taken into account here, which can later be used in the second stage or, at the end of the game, receive three plus points for any unused attempt. A reward of 30 points is given in case of a combination of four of a kind.

An option when any combination from the table is played, at the discretion of the user. In the case of playing mandatory combinations (ones, twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes), the sum of the rolled dice of the required value is kept. In particular, when 2, 2, 2, 4, 5 are rolled out, 2*3=6 can be written in twos, 4*1=4 in fours, and 5*1=5 in fives. In other fields of the table (besides the chance) with an unplayed combination, zero is recorded. Combinations can bring the number of points that fell on the bones. When playing poker, the player receives 50 points, regardless of the value. Making a short straight is always worth 25 points. Making a long straight helps to get 30 points. All combinations are played except "even" and "odd".

A variant in which any combination from the table is played, at the discretion of the user. For each unplayed mandatory combination (a combination played when the players have collected less than three dice of the required value), 20 points are recorded, in case of overfulfillment (four or five dice of the required value) the value of the cube is added by the number of "extra" dice, in particular, * deuce - +10, for example, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Combinations give the number of points that fall on the dice. In the case of poker, the player receives 50 points, regardless of the value. When performing a short straight, the user always receives 25 points. When making a long straight, the poker player receives 30 points.

There is also a version of dice poker, where each player rolls all five dice, after which he can either repeat the roll or, being satisfied with the result, end the game. When the player performs the second roll, he will again have a choice - to accept the formed combination or to re-roll the dice. However, he does not have the right to touch the bones that remained intact after the first reset. So, each player has three attempts to collect the most profitable combination. After the third reset, regardless of the outcome, the turn is transferred to the user who is sitting to the left of the active player. At the end of the circle, when the users have made their moves, the user with the highest combination wins. The following combinations are likely to appear (in descending order):

  • poker - 5 bones of the same type;
  • four of a kind - 4 bones of the same type;
  • full house - 3 dice of the same type + a pair;
  • triple - 3 dice of the same type;
  • two pairs - 2 dice of the same type and 2 dice of a different type;
  • pair - 2 bones of the same type.

Maximum point - if no one has a poker hand, the winner is the user with the maximum amount of points among the five non-combining points that fell on the dice. If two players have identical combinations (in particular, two players have four of a kind), then the user whose points on the dice are higher wins. If the combinations of players are identical, they will play a game between themselves.

In English, this game is called Yahtzee, which is the name of one of the trademarks of Hasbro. In Germany, it is known as knifel, or hoist. A simplified version of the game, consisting of two throws, is built into the action / rpg "The Witcher".

Among the many types of poker, the most unusual is dice poker, since it resembles card poker only with combinations. It was played by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. In order to fully enjoy the game, you first need to learn the rules.

How to play dice poker

It is played with five six-sided dice. Before the first roll, the players place bets into the pot. The goal of the game is to win the pot by earning as many points as possible by making combinations of 5 dice.

The game consists of two stages: in the first, the task is to collect as many bones of the same value as possible, in the second - to collect the best combination.

First stage

At the first stage, the players roll the dice, aiming to get three or more dice of the same value. Three throws are allotted for this. After the first throw, the dice for the intended combination are set aside, the remaining dice are thrown again. After three throws, the result is entered in the table. If three dice of the same value fall out, then it is simply noted that the combination is completed, if it is less or more than three, then the difference multiplied by the value of the die is entered in the table with a minus or plus sign.

  • units - -1, for example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6
  • twos - 0, for example, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5
  • triples - +3, for example, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4
  • fours - 0, for example, 1, 4, 4, 4, 5
  • fives - -5, for example, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6
  • sixes - +6, for example, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6

After all players have completed the first stage, a subtotal is summed up. If the player's total is greater than or equal to zero, then +50 points are added to him.

Second phase

In the second stage, players must perform the following combinations:

  • pair - two dice of the same value, for example, 2, 2
  • two pairs - two dice of the same value and two dice of another value, for example, 3, 3 and 6, 6
  • set - three dice of the same value, for example, 1, 1, 1
  • small straight - a sequence of four bones 1, 2, 3, 4 or 2, 3, 4, 5 or 3, 4, 5, 6
  • big straight - a sequence of five bones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • even - five bones with an even number of points 2, 2, 4, 4, 6 or 2, 2, 2, 4, 6
  • odd - five dice with an odd number of points 1, 3, 3, 5, 5 or 1, 1, 1, 1, 5
  • full house - "pair" plus "set", for example, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3
  • four of a kind - four bones of the same value, for example, 4,4,4,4
  • poker - five dice of the same value, for example, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
  • chance - five dice of any value, for example, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Sample scoring table

Scoring and determining the winner

At the end of the second stage, the final scoring takes place. Further, the points of all players are added up, this amount is divided by the number of players who played, thus the average is found. By subtracting the average from the player's score, each player's win or loss is determined.

Dice poker combinations

The game can be played online, which greatly simplifies the scoring process.

The peculiarity is that it 100% gambling, since there cannot be any sound logic in how to throw the dice - everything is decided by chance. Those who like to get drunk will be just right!

Dice poker is a gambling and exciting game. The number of participants can vary from two or more people, the ideal number is 4 people. The competition involves 5 cubes on 6 faces with dots on the sides from one to 6.

During the game can be thrown 1-5 bones. The task of each participant is to accumulate points. They are awarded for the fact that he manages to collect a combination. All dice poker combinations and their results are listed in the table. Main - get the highest score, then the victory will be in your pocket.

How to play dice poker?

This competition is an analogue of the popular game Yahtzee. There are 2 stages of combat. Initially, the participants roll the dice, trying to get 3 or more dice with the same value. Each representative has three throws at his disposal. The rules of dice poker are constructed in such a way that after the dice are rolled for the first time, the rolled dice for the planned combination are set aside, while others are rolled a second time.

At the next roll of the dice, the originally conceived poker combination may be slightly adjusted. The rules of dice poker allow that the set aside dice will be rolled again. After all 3 attempts are exhausted, the result is calculated. The table for poker on the dice is designed to enter accurate data on the success of a poker player in the form of accumulated points. Another moment, when 3 dice with identical denominations fall out, then it is noted that the combination is completed. And if the number of identical dice is less than 2 or 3, then the difference is multiplied by the value of the dice and entered into the table marked +/-.

The dice poker game is played in such a way that when all participants have completed the first stage, the results are calculated. When a participant collects an amount greater than or equal to zero, an additional 50 points are awarded to him. The second stage dictates its own rules, and players need to form the following combinations:

  • pair - two bones with identical rank;
  • 2 pairs - 2 dice of one denomination and 2 of another (example: two triples and a pair of sixes);
  • set in poker - 3 dice with identical value;
  • small straight in poker - an ordered face value on 4 bones (from one to four);
  • big straight - 5 bones with dignity in order;
  • even - five dice with an even number of dots;
  • odd - 5 bones with an odd number of dots;
  • full house - "pair" + "set";
  • four of a kind in poker - 4 dice with the same face value;
  • poker - 5 dice with an identical number of dots;
  • the chance is five dice, all with a different value.

When the time comes for scoring at the end of the 2nd stage, the rolled dice are summed up. If the poker player hits the combination immediately, with the first throw, then the amount of points is doubled(the exception is the "chance" set). These are the basic rules of dice poker.

For example, for a set of "2 pairs" with a roll of 3.3 and two sixes, bonus 50 points are awarded. If none of the possible combinations is collected in 3 throws, then a dash is put in the column of each of the remaining combinations.

When the last stage is over, it's time to take stock:

  1. the points collected by all participants are calculated;
  2. points are summed up;
  3. points are divided by the number of poker players to derive the arithmetic mean;
  4. the resulting number is subtracted from the points collected by the user.

The result obtained is the indicator that determines whether the participant lost or won. The rules of dice poker are easy enough to learn, the main thing is to delve into the process of the game, figure out which sets are valid and how the calculation is performed to determine the winner.

Varieties of dice poker

Various types of competitions are known. Depending on the type of dice poker rules may differ slightly.

  • A game where at stage 1 are performed mandatory combinations. There is no rule that additional bonus points are awarded. But in contrast to other types, this game takes into account unused attempts, which can be used later on in the next stage or converted into 3 bonus points at the end for each chance that was not spent. There is an opportunity to get an incentive prize for the combination of "quads" that has fallen out.
  • type of match when any set from the table is played, at the discretion of the participant. If mandatory combinations are selected, which include ones, twos and up to sixes, then the sum of the rolled dice of the required denomination is taken into account. For example, when a set appears after a throw: 2,2, 2, 4, 5, then twos are entered as 2 * 3 \u003d 6, 4 - in fours and five, respectively, in 5. "0" is written in the empty fields. Combinations bring the number of points that falls with the throw of the player. Having collected a combination of "poker", the participant is awarded 50 points, regardless of the denomination of the rolled dice. For a short straight, the player gets 25 points, and for a long one - plus 30 points. In this type of competition, only combinations of "even" and "odd" are not quoted. The rest of the sets the player can collect and boldly claim the title of winner.
  • The rules of this type of dice poker are as follows: each representative of the competition must roll 5 dice. If he is satisfied with the result, he has the right to end the game, if not, repeat the throw. As a result of the second variant of the rolled dice, the poker player again faces a dilemma: accept the formed combination or roll the dice again, but the player does not have the right to touch the dice that were left after the first roll. It follows that there are 3 attempts in total to make a winning set. When all poker odds have been used, the turn goes to the next player on the left side of the one who just rolled the dice. At the end of the circle, when all participants have used 3 allotted attempts, an analysis of the situation is performed and the combinations that were received by each player are compared. The victory belongs to the one who has the highest rank of the resulting combination. This game of poker on the dice provides the following sets: poker, four of a kind, full house, three of a kind, 2 pair, a pair. In a situation where 2 representatives have identical sets, the winner goes to the one whose scores are higher. If they are equal in number, then the players play a game for two, whoever gets the upper hand is recognized as the winner. It also happens that none of the representatives of the competition has a set, then the prize goes to the player whose total points are the highest among 5 points that do not fit into a single combination.

We hope that after a detailed review, it became clear to you how to play poker with dice. Good luck in the game!

Dice poker can only be called a kind of poker conditionally - to win this game, you also need to get the strongest poker hand, but not playing cards, but dice (dice) are used to make it. Accordingly, practically nothing depends on the player in dice poker - the winner, by and large, is determined only by the result of the roll of the dice.


Most European countries have their own analogues of dice poker, so it is impossible to determine exactly which country is the “progenitor” of this gambling game. So, for example, in Germany a game called “kniffel” (kniffel) is known, in the UK it is called “poker dice” (poker dice), in the USA it is called “yetzi” (Yahtzee). Of course, the rules of these varieties of dice poker are somewhat different from each other. To some extent, the "ancestor" of dice poker is the American version, Yahtzee, invented back in 1956 by entrepreneur Edwin Lau. By the way, it is he who is known as the "godfather" of the most popular gambling game - bingo.

How to play - game description

The game uses five dice, and its main goal is to score as many points as possible by making various combinations. Each player has only three dice rolls per turn.

Making each throw, the player chooses which dropped bones to keep for making a combination, and which ones to leave for the next throw. After each throw, the player thus has less and less dice left for subsequent throws.

The result of three throws - the combination made up of the results of these three throws of the dice - is recorded in the table. The table is divided into two columns: the first contains the names of all combinations, the second - the number of points received by the player when making combinations. In order for the game to end, you need to collect all the combinations indicated in the table.

The combinations in dice poker should be as follows:

  • Units - according to the results of the move, the player is credited with the sum of all the units that he managed to score in three throws (respectively, the maximum points for such a combination is 5, if the player managed to get 5 units in 3 throws).
  • Twos - in the same way, according to the results of the move, the player is awarded the sum of all twos, the maximum points according to the results of the move is 10.
  • Threes - in the same way, the player is awarded the sum of all threes, the maximum points in this field is 15.
  • Fours - the sum of all fours collected by the player in 3 throws of the dice, maximum - 20 points.
  • Fives - the sum of all fives, maximum - 25 points.
  • Sixes - the sum of all sixes obtained in 3 rolls of the dice, maximum - 30 points.​
  • Four of a kind - 4 identical dice, while the values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be any: a player can collect 4 units and 4 sixes. Since all the values ​​of the dice are summed up, it is better to try to collect the maximum number of points - that is, four of a kind on sixes.
  • Full House - as in traditional poker, this is a combination consisting of 3 identical + 2 identical dice (for example, 3 fives and 2 sixes). Based on the results of the move, the values ​​of the dice are summed up, so it is most profitable to collect a full house on the “higher” dice (for example, from fives and sixes).
  • Short straight - 4 dice of increasing value (for example, 1-2-3-4), a player who has collected such a combination in 3 of his throws is awarded 25 points
  • Long straight - a classic poker straight consisting of 5 dice in ascending order (for example, 1-2-3-4-5). The player who has collected a combination receives 30 points
  • Poker - 5 identical dice, the player gets 50 points regardless of the value of the dice - it can be 5 units.
  • Any (chance) - any combination of dice, the sum of points on the dice is recorded.

A game of dice poker ends when the player fills in all the fields, that is, he manages to collect all the combinations listed in the table. The winner is the one who managed to score the most points according to the results of the game.

Rules of the game Poker on the dice

The player can change the conceived combination at any time - after the first, second and even the last, third throw. Of course, changing the combination is fraught with fewer points based on the results of three throws.

In some varieties of dice poker, subtotals are summed up after each round: the player with the most points receives additional (up to 50) points.

In some varieties of dice poker, the game is divided into two stages: before collecting all the combinations indicated in the table, each player must first collect a set (three of a kind) - a combination of three dice of the same value. At the same time, the execution of the combination does not give the player any advantages, but the player who fails to get three identical dice for three throws of the dice receives a penalty - the difference (“shortage”) multiplied by the value of the dice is entered in the table. For example, if a player tried to collect three deuces, but after three rolls of the dice he collected only two, he loses two points (1 * 2). To consolidate these rules will help the game Poker dice online, test your luck!

Dice poker games are based on classic poker, which is very popular in many countries. You can play this type of poker using ordinary dice or special poker dice. Sometimes both sets of dice can take part in the game. The game, which uses five special poker dice, is the most common and popular among poker game fans.

Poker dice rules

For the game, five special poker game dice are taken.

The task of each player is to get the best poker hand using these dice.

Any number of people can play this type of poker, however, it would be better if the number of players does not exceed five people.

Before the start of the game, the order in which those present will make moves is established. To do this, each participant in the gaming table must throw one dice. The player with the highest card must open the game.

Players take turns rolling all five dice. After receiving the result, the player can either agree with him, or reroll those dice, the value of which does not suit him. You can transfer either one or all five.

Having made the second throw, he can either agree with this combination, or re-roll the dice. You can only re-roll those dice that he did not like after the first roll. Those that he did not touch, he has no right to transfer.

According to the rules of dice poker, each player is given 3 attempts to get the combination he needs. After the player has made the third throw of the dice, the turn passes to the player who is to his left. When the last player makes their move, the winner is determined. It becomes the owner of the winning combination.

In dice poker, the following combinations are possible:

  • poker - 5 bones of the same type fall out;
  • caret - 4 bones of the same type;
  • full house - one pair and 3 similar dice;
  • two pairs - two of the same type of bones;
  • pair - two bones of the same type.

If no player at the table managed to collect a winning combination, then the winner is the player whose total points are the highest.

If there are several identical combinations, then the winner is the player with the higher points. For example, quads of queens are higher than quads of tens. If several players have the same combinations on points, then they play a game between themselves.

Before each game, bets are made, which make up the entire bank. It is taken by the winner.