Poppy: growing from seeds, planting and care. Poppy in the garden: planting, care and cultivation Why the oriental poppy does not bloom

Of all the varieties of poppies that exist in nature, the oriental perennial poppy is considered the most beautiful and favorite among gardeners. Planting and caring for this luxurious flower will not require you to have special skills or knowledge of agricultural technology. Some difficulties can arise only when transplanting an already adult plant - I want to tell you about these and other nuances.

With its beauty, this flower is able to compete even with a rose, and it can simply outshine many common garden inhabitants. Large rich red poppy buds bloom with the advent of summer, the stems of the plant can reach a meter height. Poppy grows powerful bushes, and thanks to the efforts of breeders, it now boasts a wide range of colors, a variety of petal textures.

Cream and pink varieties, photo:

Oriental perennial poppy can be propagated by sowing seeds into the ground, dividing the bush, green shoots. Cuttings (lateral shoots) must first be rooted, it should take about 2 or 3 years for them to give color. Transplanting this plant is quite difficult, but still possible, despite the fact that it does not respond well to movement from place to place.

When to sow oriental poppy?

If annual poppies bloom in the same year, then perennial poppies are likely to show their buds to the world the next season (for example, if you sow seeds in the fall). If sown in the spring, then the flowers on the bushes will appear later than in the autumn sowings. By the very beginning of summer, poppies bloom for only 2 weeks. The poppy fruit is like a box covered with a “lid” on top, when this box dries up, small holes form between it and the lid. If you leave boxes with seeds on the bushes, then by self-seeding, seeds will spill out through these very holes. This cycle can be repeated annually if no bolls are collected.

How to collect oriental poppy seeds? There is nothing complicated here: you need to wait until the boxes are completely dry, carefully cut them off, and store them in a tight fabric bag. You can leave small, grayish-black seeds right in the boxes, or you can remove the lid, pour the seed into a glass container. Sometimes in the plots you can see flower heads wrapped in gauze - this is also one of the ways to collect seeds, which does not allow the seeds to wake up on the ground. As you know, poppy seeds can be used not only for the cultivation of flowers, but also as a food product widely used in cooking.

Boxes with seeds, photo:

How to sow oriental poppy? Sowing material is buried in specially designed beds or immediately directly into the ground in the spring, if before winter, then in the fall. As mentioned above, after sowing, flowers appear in the second or third year.

The seeds themselves are very small, they don’t even have to be deeply deepened, you can only press lightly, cover them with special material for plants on top. If the seeds were sown in order to obtain seedlings, then at the phase of the appearance of 5 young leaves, the plants can be dug up and planted in flower beds or beds. However, most often this seedling method is not used, but the seeds are immediately sown at the intended permanent place of residence of the flower.

Oriental poppy, photo:

There is an opinion that for subsequent comfortable germination, poppy seeds need stratification, that is, a “shake” with cold. That is why experienced gardeners recommend sowing in early spring, when the likelihood of frost is still high. If you live in regions with a mild climate, sow poppies in the fall, so the seeds will receive the necessary stratification, and they will sprout safely with the advent of spring. At the site of the future flower garden, simply loosen the earth with a rake, scatter the seed, sometimes it is mixed with sand - this is at your discretion. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of loose earth. The main thing is not to deepen them too much, because subsequently they simply do not have enough strength to reach up. The landing site should be watered, but carefully, without flooding with water.

How to grow oriental poppy?

This plant is quite unpretentious, tolerates low temperatures well. Despite the fact that it prefers sunny places, it also grows well, blooming in the shade. Like all flowers, poppies love soil saturated with mineral fertilizers; it can also be pre-fertilized with compost or humus. They give good results when planted in sandy loamy soil, under any circumstances they react very poorly to stagnant water, too abundant watering. This plant is not afraid of stones in the ground, grows well on sandy soil. Due to its long taproot, it extracts moisture from the ground and can go without watering for a long time.

This variety of poppy responds relatively well to transplanting, but this process is best done with the onset of autumn, when it rains. In order to avoid damage to the roots, for better survival, Eastern poppy should be transplanted together with an earthen clod. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the tap root system of the flower, therefore, the depth of digging the soil at the site of the future flower garden should be at least 30-40 cm. During this process, it will be advisable to add compost or humus; ty kg of similar organic fertilizers.

You should know that the maximum period of comfortable growth, abundant flowering of poppy in the same area is approximately 5-7 years, after which its place of residence must be changed. This representative of the plant world is large in size, so even when planting (and transplanting), make sure that the distance between the bushes is about 50-70 cm.

If you lay peat or mulch around the bushes, it will not only look aesthetically attractive, but will benefit the flower. The plant can be fed with mineral fertilizers with the advent of spring, during leaf growth, and also during budding, that is, before flowering itself.

When to transplant oriental poppy?

Since this plant is a perennial, you can imagine what size it can reach in 3-5 years of life. A large sprawling bush can be quite divided, thereby propagating it. To do this, it is not necessary to completely remove the plant from the soil, you can try to carefully separate a fragment of the rhizome from the side.

It cannot be said that the oriental poppy takes root very well in a new place, but if you pay attention to it, surround it with care, the result will be crowned with success.

It should be borne in mind that its roots are quite fragile, so for best results, separate the roots from the sides. The best time for this operation is the month of May, when the plant has not yet begun to bloom. To minimize the risk of breaking the rhizome, the detachable fragment should be covered with a large clod of earth. When it is possible to transplant oriental poppy - the Internet will help to find a lot of recommendations on this question, where the dormant period of the flower is mentioned. It turns out that after the plant has faded, the procedure for dividing the rhizome can also be carried out.

The method of propagation by dividing the bush is also good because after the procedure it gives an almost 100% guarantee of the preservation of all varietal characteristics of the species. Thus, new bushes will have similar decorative features as the mother plant. To do this, the poppy bush is completely removed from the soil along with an earthen clod, after which it is very carefully divided into several fragments. These parts are called divisions, they are seated, keeping a distance of 70-80 cm from one another. Remember that with the onset of winter, in the first year of life, such plants will need to be covered with special covering material.

Oriental poppy can also be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to separate the side shoots from the bush; weak representatives are usually chosen for this role. After cutting, the cuttings are kept in a disinfectant for about 24 hours (you can also use the Kornevin solution to stimulate root formation). At the end of the specified time, the shoots are planted in containers with moist, loose soil, covered with plastic wrap or transparent disposable (plastic) cups. After the formation of roots, the cuttings are transplanted into a flower bed. If for some reason it is necessary to transfer the whole bush to a new place, it should be dug out with an earthen clod immediately after flowering has ended.

Oriental poppy in garden design

Unfortunately, the vibrant beauty of the poppy is short-lived. A cut flower will stay in a flowerpot for no more than one day, and a blooming flower in a flower bed will last a little more, about 2-3 days. After this time, the plant loses its petals, a box with seeds remains in place of the bud. It should be noted that such a bush also has a peculiar beauty. A rounded seed box is crowned with a “cap” with carved edges, and a thin graceful stem elevates it above other plants.

Oriental poppy is a very tall plant that looks very harmonious with other flowers. It can be used as a background for smaller garden representatives, as well as a separate decorative element of a flower garden. It is very convenient to place a poppy in the background of a flower bed, during a short flowering period, it will show itself in all its glory, while its neighbors are still growing. Thus, other flowers will not obscure it during flowering, but will subsequently hide the faded bushes when they grow and give color themselves.

On a flower bed, as the main accent, it will look harmoniously with geraniums, oregano, white or blue garden bells, yarrow, irises, lupins. Plants with decorative leaves, such as hostas or astilbes, can act as a frame for a poppy bush. To close the bush after flowering, plant other perennials next to it that have wide spreading leaves, for example, buzulnik or trillium. Oriental poppy looks good, planted along the borders, but you should remember about its high growth.

Poppy with clematis, photo:

It is desirable that some kind of support be present near the bushes, otherwise the plant, under its own weight, may simply lie on the ground. This flower will perfectly complement the atmosphere of a garden in a rustic or Provence style. Remember that poppy does not tolerate excessive moisture in the root system. If there are places on the site that are subject to flooding during the spring snowmelt, it is impossible to place a flower garden or flower bed there. The sunny side of the plot with fertile soil is the best place for poppies, where it will grow in all its glory, it will delight you with its lush color.

Sometimes on flower forums you can see such a question - why does the oriental poppy not bloom? If the plant was planted by sowing seeds, then in the second or even third year of life it can produce only one or two buds. This is usually followed by a burst of active flowering. If you plant it in a very shaded place, the setting of flower buds can slow down significantly. Due to the lack of proper care, the poppy may also not produce flowers. Damage to the roots, for example, when loosening too actively, can also be the cause of the lack of buds. Plant recovery after such an injury is rather slow. Transplanting a bush from place to place is another reason for the temporary absence of flowers (it takes time for the poppy to take root).

Care for the oriental poppy after flowering consists in cutting off yellowed, dried stems, leaves - this is done if you do not plan to collect seed. The ground part of the plant is cut off near the ground itself, by the beginning of autumn new leaves appear, but not so sprawling and tall. If you want to save the seeds, then after the end of the flowering period, leave everything as it is, wait until the seed pods are completely dry, then carefully cut them off. After collecting the seeds, the ground part of the plant is to be pruned; by the time cold weather arrives, poppies can be covered with mulch, but not necessarily, as they are quite frost-resistant.

It is also worth mentioning the diseases that can affect the plant - this is a black spot fungus, ashpel (powdery mildew). The affected bush is recommended to be irrigated with preparations containing copper in its composition. Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate (copper sulfate), contact fungicide "Maxim", systemic fungicide "Topaz" will help you out. If the disease has made itself felt, then all the affected leaves, shoots should be cut, burned, and the plant itself should be additionally fertilized with potash top dressing.

For longer flowering, cut off the poppy seed heads in a timely manner, of course, if you do not plan to collect the seed. In order to retain its varietal qualities, Eastern perennial poppy should be planted and cared for separately from other types of poppy. These are necessary so that the flowers do not cross-pollinate with each other, subsequently do not change the varietal color, the texture of the petals. Plant these lush flowers in your garden - you can admire them for many years.

Despite the fact that the decorative poppy blooms for only one or two days, its cultivation in flower beds is very popular. The fact is that by sowing just one box of seeds, you can get up to twenty plants, which, blooming one by one, will provide your flower garden with decorativeness for more than a month. And if you sow poppy flowers more abundantly, then the flower bed will turn into a mini-garden with blazing lights.

How do poppies bloom?

Poppy belongs to the poppy family. There are perennial or annual species that produce seeds in the current year. It has strong, high (up to 1 m) stems and beautiful pinnate leaves, naked or pubescent, decorative for a long time.

How does poppy bloom and what is its beauty? The main beauty of the plant, of course, is in the flowers. They are large and very bright, of various colors - from fiery red to milky white. At the base of the flower there is a dark, almost black spot.

The very process of blooming a garden poppy flower is unusual and interesting. First, the bud cracks, the calyx falls off and a flower crumpled like tissue paper appears to the admiring gaze. But instantly, before our eyes, the petals straighten out, turning into a delicate flying flower.

Look at the photo - the poppy flower in the center has a lot of stamens surrounding the future fruit-box, covered with a pistillate velvety disc-lid.

A flower on a long peduncle triumphantly rises above the dense green foliage and attracts with its brightness.

However, its flowering period is short - only 1-2 days. To replace it, more and more new flowers appear, preserving the beauty and freshness of a blooming garden.

Poppy is a light-loving and unpretentious plant, it can endure both cold and drought, it grows on any soil, but prefers loose, nutritious, cultivated. In this case, the poppy bloom is abundant and luxurious. When caring for poppies, remember that this plant tolerates stagnant water.

Types of perennial poppies

Of the perennial poppy species, oriental, hollow-stem, alpine and bracts are used in culture:

Oriental poppy - the king of perennial poppies. There are many garden forms and varieties of this species. The plant is tall, up to 60-80 cm. The leaves are large, basal, pinnately dissected.

As you can see in the photo, in this type of poppy, the flowers are bright red or pink, solitary, on elastic peduncles reach 10-12 cm in diameter.

Bright, usually with a black base, the petals are surrounded by black anthers. Leaves, stem, calyx densely pubescent. Blooms in May-June. Prefers light, open places and fertile loamy soils.

Poppy propagation is carried out by seeds, division of the bush. Ornamental poppy seeds can be sown both in spring and autumn. They do not lose their germination for 2-3 years. Old bushes are divided at the end of summer.

This type of garden decorative poppy is used for group plantings and cutting. Flowers should be cut at the beginning of bud opening. Flowers stand in water no longer than 2-3 days. This view is very effective in the background of flower beds as a bright background.

Poppy golostebelny, or Siberian. This perennial is often grown as an annual, as it needs to be renewed after 2-3 years. This species differs from others in the absence of leafy stems. The leaves are only basal, dissected, pubescent, but may also be bare.

Flowers on low stems - up to 20-30 cm, 2.5-5 cm in diameter. The color is white, yellow or orange. Flowering is plentiful due to numerous peduncles, from May to frost, which is of great decorative value for this poppy. It is unpretentious in culture, but prefers open sunny places and warm, permeable soils. Despite the fact that it is a perennial, it propagates only by seeds that have good germination, both in spring and autumn. Easily propagated by self-seeding.

Used in flower beds and for cutting. The flowers are cut at the half-bud stage.

Poppy bract. This is the tallest of the poppies. Its height is up to 130 cm. The plant itself is powerful, with large dissected basal leaves, up to 45 cm long. The flowers are also large, up to 16 cm in diameter. They are crimson-red, with a black spot at the base of the petals. Blooms in spring. Flowering is short.

Reproduction of decorative poppy seeds

Both annual poppies and perennial poppies are easily propagated by seeds. For many, this is even the only way to reproduce.

Perennial poppies are propagated by dividing the bush after flowering and by daughter rosettes of leaves that appear at the end of summer on mother bushes.

It is better to plant them in peat. They are allowed to take root and only the next year they are planted in a permanent place.

The seed method of reproduction in perennial poppies is somewhat different than in annuals.

Seeds should be sown immediately after they are collected in seedling boxes. With the advent of 1-2 true leaves, they are dived into peat pots, which are dug into the ground. In a permanent place they are planted in pots as needed. For the winter, plantings are covered with a dry leaf. This whole procedure can be done starting in early spring. But the seeds no longer have the same germination capacity as immediately after they were collected.

Caring for poppies consists in rare watering, frequent loosening, fertilizing with humus, which is used as mulch.

In a hot, dry summer, the leaves of faded poppies quickly wither and dry out, so their systematic removal is necessary. By the end of summer, rosette leaves reappear, delighting us until frost with the freshness of greenery and its beauty.

Oriental poppy varieties

Of the oriental poppy varieties, the most common are:

"Perry White". Old variety with white flowers. There is a black spot at the base of each petal. Peduncle height 90 cm.

"Marcus Perry" - a classic variety with large orange-scarlet flowers and black markings at the base of each petal. Peduncle height 90 cm.

"Salmon Glove" - terry, salmon-orange.

"Goliat" - red.

Poppy in the garden creates spectacular bright compositions. Oriental poppy with its open leaves and bright large flowers is good for single plantings. Cut poppies are able to give any attractiveness and brightness. Oriental poppy is a favorite cut poppy. It is cut off in the phase of a bursting colored bud. In addition, due to the small height of some varieties, they are decorated with them.

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“Each vegetable has its own time”, and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has experienced planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in spring, the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat, and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely organic, healthy fruits and vegetables in his own garden. The microbiological fertilizer Atlant will help in this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the zone of the root system and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, stay healthy and give high yields. Usually, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants there are many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and the optimal duration of daylight hours, they are able to outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops look like living bouquets.

Poppy (Papaver) is a genus of herbaceous plants that combines more than 50 species of annual, biennial and perennial herbs of the Poppy family. In culture, this flower was the first to be grown by the Greeks, who considered it a symbol of fertility. In Babylon, Ancient Rome, Egypt, poppy has become one of the most common garden flowers.

In addition, people used the plant for the preparation of medicines and for various rituals, they were driven away by all sorts of unclean forces, in some beliefs it was called the "flower of sleep and death." Today, these bright colorful flowers are grown most often for decorative purposes.

Ornamental poppy is an elegant plant with bluish-green, shortly pubescent leaves and brightly colored red, purple, yellow and even purple corolla petals. They begin to bloom in April, and bear fruit in June-August.

Their flowers are much larger than those of wild or industrial varieties, have more pollen and delicate, quickly crumbling petals. The flower opens in the morning and falls off in the evening. In place of the flower, an oblong box with a carved edge is formed, which contains many small black seeds.

Timely removal of faded shoots significantly prolongs flowering. But if it is planned to harvest seeds, then the boxes must be collected only after they are fully ripe.

Types and varieties of decorative poppy

The gardens grow annual, biennial and perennial poppies. Of the perennial forms, M. bracts, M. Oriental, M. Holostebelny are more common.

M. east (R. orientale) grows in the Caucasus, Iran, Turkey. This is a powerful tall (up to 80 cm) plant with pinnately dissected leaves located on a straight, densely pubescent stem. Large (15-20 cm) single flowers have a color that varies from light pink to orange. This type of poppy begins to bloom from June.

M. bract (P. bracteatum) - the most beautiful of all poppies. It differs from the eastern m. in the ability to grow up to half a meter in height and in larger flowers that stay on the stems much longer.

M. golostebelny (P. nudicaule) is also called Siberian, since its homeland is the mountainous regions of Siberia and Mongolia, where it grows as a biennial. The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm. Its flowers are smaller than those of the eastern m., their diameter is only 5-7 cm.

Breeders have created many varieties of poppy for decorative purposes. The most beautiful varieties are considered: "Shirley" and Koenig Sharlach.

"Shirley" differs from other varieties in the presence of two-color simple or double flowers. Due to its lush flowering, it is used to form beautifully flowering lawns, patterned flower beds. Plant height 60-75 cm.

M. sleeping pills (P. somniferum) is more appreciated in the cut. Its tall (80-90 cm) stems are crowned with beautiful large flowers with carved petals of various colors.

M. peony (R. paeony) - a plant with a smooth stem and irregular bluish-green serrated-lobed leaves. Terry flowers have a large number of entire petals. This type of poppy is good in bouquets. Flowers cut early in the morning stay in the flowerpot for a long time.

Conditions for growing ornamental poppy

All poppies are sun-loving, prefer sunny areas. In the sun they bloom brighter and more magnificently.

They grow well in the shade, but do not produce many flowers.

Plants are unpretentious to soils, but prefer its deep processing. They are winter-hardy, so they do not require winter shelter.

Reproduction of decorative poppy

Adult poppies do not tolerate transplanting well, as they have a tap root deep in the soil that cannot be dug out so as not to damage it. For this reason, perennial forms are more often propagated by seeds than vegetatively, although they grow in one place for several years.

Poppy seeds are tiny, so they are mixed with coarse river sand (1:5) before sowing. But even with this method, the seedlings germinate very densely and need thinning. At the first thinning, a distance of 4-5 cm is left between shoots. When the plant gets stronger, they are thinned out again, leaving intervals of 20-30 cm. If this procedure is not carried out, the plants will stretch out and develop poorly.

Caring for decorative poppies

Seeds are sown directly on the bed in spring or autumn. After thinning, the best and strongest plants are left. Further care is not difficult, it consists in regular watering, loosening the soil, weeding from weeds and fertilizing the land with humus.

Bright, fiery oriental poppy attracts attention with its beauty and rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Interestingly, in addition to the traditional red, its varieties have a white, pink, crimson color. Therefore, growing perennials in the open field can turn into an exciting collection of flowers of different shades. All agricultural technology - from planting to reproduction and care - does not require significant effort. But it is still worth knowing its main aspects.

Description: varieties and varieties of Oriental poppy

The oriental (small-leaved) poppy owes its origin and, accordingly, the name to the meadows of the Caucasus and Western Asia. This variety is considered one of the most beautiful among all poppy families.

Culture Characteristics:

  • stem - thick;
  • height - from 30 cm to 1 m;
  • leaves - elongated;
  • buds - ovoid, different shades;
  • blooms in June.

To date, many beautiful perennial varieties have been bred:

  • Salmon Glow - these poppies have a salmon color with a dark core, semi-double;

Salmon Glow

  • Marcus Perry - a classic variety of scarlet shade with ink spots;

Marcus Perry

  • Pikoti - a bush with luxurious white flowers, bordered by a red stripe, and others.

Planting a plant on the site

Oriental poppy has good vitality. It will sprout even on poor soil, but it is better to choose fertile, loose, well-aerated soil for it. In acid soil, the flowers will be small. The site must be sunny. In partial shade, the perennial will also grow and develop, but not as intensively as with sufficient lighting.

Before planting, you need to dig up the soil, apply fertilizer to it. Usually compost is used. For 1 sq. m requires 5-10 kg. Sometimes 50 g of mineral top dressing is added to this amount for the same area. If you are planting seeds, do not plant them too deep. Keep the distance between plants at least 0.6 m.

Attention! In one place, the poppy blooms well for 6-7 years, then it is recommended to renew the bed.

Perennial care

Attention! Oriental poppy is able to withstand harsh winters with frost down to -40 ° C.

Fertilizer and top dressing of oriental poppy

In the spring, it is worth adding mineral fertilizer under the bushes. In the growing season, you can repeat top dressing. It is also allowed to use liquid organic mixtures and mullein infusion. It is brought under the root, combining nutrition with other poppy care procedures: watering and loosening.

Attention! All fertilizers must be diluted according to the instructions.

Plant propagation: methods

  • in summer, during the dormant period, the plant is taken out along with a clod of earth;
  • form several parts from it;
  • each is rooted in a prepared hole at a distance of 0.6-0.8 m from each other.

Advice. Experienced flower growers do not completely extract the bush, but only dig in from the side, separating part of the rhizome.

Another method of propagation is the separation of lateral shoots. Cut cuttings are kept in a growth stimulator for a day, then placed in the ground under a film. After rooting, they are moved to open ground and covered in the first winter, protecting them from frost. Also, to obtain cuttings, you can dig a bush and divide the thick root into several fragments (make the upper cut horizontal, the lower cut oblique). They should be completely covered with earth, placing them strictly vertically. Regular watering, t not lower than +10 ° C - and in 1-2 months you will receive the first shoots, which will soon have a full planting.

Poppy can be propagated by dividing the bush

The seed method does not guarantee the preservation of the decorative properties of the variety, but is also used by gardeners:

  • buy or collect seeds yourself. It is necessary to remove ripe boxes in any case, otherwise the poppy will be sown in random order;
  • plan landing on a permanent site for autumn or spring;
  • pre-harden the seeds with cold (stratify).

Particularly valuable varieties can be planted in seedlings. To do this, the seed is placed in containers and placed in heat. After 2 weeks, sprouts will appear, which dive in the phase of 2 leaves. It is important not to injure fragile roots. After the appearance of the 4th and 5th true leaves, the poppy is rooted in a permanent place in the open field.

Attention! Too active reproduction and cultivation of poppy in large quantities (from 10 bushes) can lead to criminal punishment, since the culture serves as a raw material for obtaining opium.

Diseases and pests of culture

The peculiarity of the perennial poppy is that it is rarely attacked by insects. If, nevertheless, aphids, thrips, caterpillars appear on the perennial, add the use of insecticides to the main care: Aktara, Aktellika and others. But much more often you can notice signs of the reproduction of ailments on the plant: root rot, downy mildew, black spot.

Insects rarely infect poppies

Photos with symptoms of diseases will help to make a correct diagnosis, and copper-containing preparations will eliminate the problem: Bordeaux mixture, blue vitriol or Topaz, Maxim. Launched plants must be removed from the open ground and burned.

Attention! Proper cultivation combined with proper care - and your poppy is not afraid of diseases, pest attacks.

Oriental poppy in the flower garden. Combination with other plants

In addition to all the advantages, poppy varieties also have several disadvantages that do not depend on agricultural technology and care: a short flowering phase, rapid wilting, and after that - a rapid loss of decorativeness. The leaves turn yellow, die off, and an empty space remains in place of the flower, which can be seen even in the photo. These features must be taken into account when planning a landing site.

Poppy in landscape design

It is best to plant poppies in the background of a flower garden or garden, and in front of it - crops that will decorate the void in the garden. It can be sprawling daylilies, cinquefoil, geraniums, cereals, asters. It will be successful to grow and combine poppy with oregano, Korean chrysanthemum, kochia, cuff and multi-flowered euphorbia.