Specialization: magic. Morrowind how to enchant for a permanent effect thing Morrowind enchant for a permanent effect

Question: What is the Soul Stone?

Answer: A soul stone is a container for a captured soul. If you enclose a soul in a soul stone, you can use it to enchant armor, weapons, clothing, jewelry, and scrolls that have not yet been enchanted. Only the souls of monsters can be imprisoned in soul stones; the souls of NPCs (humans or other humanoids) cannot be imprisoned. There are several types of soul stones according to their capacity:

Soul Stones Capacity Weight Price
Tiny 30 0.2 10
Small 60 0.5 20
Regular 120 1.0 40
Large 180 1.5 60
Great 600 2.0 200
Azura's Star 15000 2.0 5000

Soul stones can be found in various smugglers' dungeons and other locations in boxes and barrels. The size of the stones there depends on your level. Soul stones can also be purchased in Tel Branor in the Fadeys Selvain store (tiny, small, ordinary and large) and, if the Tribunal add-on is installed, in Mournhold in Godsdrich in the Hall of Masters from Elbert Nermark (ordinary, large, great). Separately, it is worth noting the soul stone called “Star of Azura”. This stone can be obtained from the quest of the statue of Azura, which is located east of Molag Maar on the coast. Since this soul stone has a very large capacity, it is possible to imprison the souls of Almalexia or Vivec (they are also monsters). In addition, this stone is reusable, i.e. You can enchant it an unlimited number of times, of course, charging it each time with a soul.

Question: Where can I get the “Conclusion” spell?

Answer: This spell can be purchased from the following merchants: in Balmora in the mage guild from Masalini Merian and Rainis Atris, in Sadrith Mora in Wolverine Hall in the mage guild from Ariel Finkel, in the Fort of the Motley Butterfly (near Aldrun) from Arnand the Lyric, in Ebonheart in the Imperial Cult of Kaye and many other spell merchants. Also, the sword Umbra is enchanted to effect this spell, which can be obtained through the corresponding quest in the vicinity of Suran.

Question: How to trap the soul of a creature in a soul stone?

Answer: To do this, we need the soul stone itself, the “Conclusion” spell and a suitable monster that we can kill, and whose soul will fit into the stone we have. We cast the “Confinement” spell on the monster (a sign that the spell worked successfully will be a slight fog around the monster’s body) and while this spell is in effect, we kill it. If the soul capture is successful, a message will appear: “You have captured a soul.” After this, the soul stone is suitable for enchanting.

Question: How to enchant things?

Answer: In order to enchant an object, you must have with you a soul stone with a soul enclosed in it and the object that needs to be enchanted. ATTENTION!!! The item you are enchanting must not have any enchantment on it. Also remember that you cannot remove the effect from an already enchanted item! You can enchant objects in two ways: yourself and from an enchanter. Next, I will list a few enchanters: Galbedir* (Balmora, Mages Guild), Dabianne Mornardle (Sadrit-Mora, Mages Guild), Yananu Maulinie (Vivec, Mages Guild).
If we enchant an item from an enchanter, then, having started a conversation with him, we must select the topic “Enchantment”, after which a window with fields will appear: “Item” - after clicking on this field, a window will appear where you can select the items you want to enchant ( armor, weapons, clothing, jewelry and scrolls); “Soul” – here you select the soul stone that you want to use for enchanting. On the left there will be a field with magical effects that you can enchant your item with (the list of magical effects available for use is formed based on the spells you currently have). Below magical effects is the method of enchanting the item: “one-time” (for scrolls), “effect on use” (if a weapon is enchanted, then “effect on impact”) or “permanent effect” (only available when using a great soul stone or Azura Star with a soul enclosed in it with a capacity of at least four hundred). At the top there will be a field for entering the name you want to name your item. In the upper right corner of the window there are three inscriptions: “Enchantment”, “Spell price”, “Charges”. The numbers after the inscription “Enchantment” show: the first is the number of charges required for this enchantment, the second is the total number of charges that the selected item can hold. “Spell cost” - the number of charges consumed by imposed effects at a time, for example, a weapon in one blow (depends on the development of your “Enchantment” skill; the higher it is, the lower the cost of the spell and the longer you can use the enchanted item without recharging) . And the last number indicates the number of charges in your soul stone. You will not be able to enchant an item if the number of charges for that enchantment exceeds the total number of charges that the enchanted item can hold. After you select any magical effect for enchantment, a window will appear in which you can configure its parameters according to your capabilities and needs, after which they will be displayed in the “effects” field. Several effects can be applied to an item at once, but in this case the required capacity for previous applied effects doubles. Under the “effects” field there is the inscription “price”, next to which the total price of the enchantment is displayed. Once all enchanting options have been selected, click the "buy" button to complete the process and create the enchanted item. Enchanting with an enchanter requires a much lower value of skills and abilities that affect enchanting (intelligence, luck and enchantment) than when enchanting yourself.
In order to enchant an item yourself, you need to move the soul stone with which you want to enchant the item from the backpack directly to the character. After which a sign will appear with a choice of action: “recharge item” or “create item”. If you need to recharge an item, then select the appropriate menu item, after which a sign appears with the items that need to be recharged and the number of charges of the stone with which you are going to charge the item. Double-click on the desired item, and the item is recharged, while the soul stone is fully used. If you need to enchant an item yourself, then select the “create item” menu item, then exactly the same window will appear as when enchanting it from an enchanter. The only difference will be that there is no price for the enchantment, the soul stone will be placed automatically (the one you dragged onto the character’s image), and instead of the “buy” button there will be a “create” button. The enchanting process itself will not differ in any way from that described above (for the enchanter). If an independent enchantment attempt is unsuccessful, the soul stone is destroyed (lost).

* if you want to enchant any item from Galbedir, but before that you stole the soul stones lying in the Balmora Mages Guild on her table, she will accuse you of theft, no matter what operations with the soul stones (with ANY SOUL STONES!!!) you do not tried to produce with its help.


Here are the sizes of the souls of various creatures, as well as the capacity of some items

Shower sizes:

Name-Size-Soul Stone
Mudcrab 5 Tiny
Worker Kwama 8 Tiny
Infested Durzog 10 Tiny
Male Netch 10 Tiny
Nyx Hound 10 Tiny
Rat 10 Tiny
Pestilence Rat 10 Tiny
Scribe 10 Tiny
Infected Scribe 10 Tiny
Killer Fish 10 Tiny
Small Killer Fish 10 Tiny
Kwama Forager 15 Tiny
Alit 20 Tiny
Rock Rider 20 Tiny
Guar 20 Tiny
Kaguchi 20 Tiny
Kwama Warrior 20 Tiny
Pestilence Scribe 20 Tiny
Pestilence Alite 25 Tiny
Infested Alit 25 Tiny
Uterus Kwama 30 Tiny
Shulk 30 Tiny
Skeleton 30 Tiny
Skeleton Archer 30 Tiny
Skeleton Warrior 30 Tiny
Infected Rat 40 Small
Wild Durzog 50 Small
Small walking corpse 65 Normal
Ogrim Titan 70 Normal
Walking Corpse 75 Normal
Large Walking Corpse 75 Normal
Dreug 75 Normal
Female Netch 75 Normal
Ancestral Spirit 100 Normal
Slave of Ash 100 Normal
Ash Zombie 100 Normal
Bone Lord 100 Normal
Clan Horror 100 Normal
Corprus Hunter 100 Normal
Dremora 100 Normal
Battle Durzog 100 Normal
Goblin 100 Normal
Scamp 100 Regular
Fire Atronach 105 Normal
Goblin Foot Soldier 120 Normal
Frost Atronach 138 Large
Storm Atronach 150 Large
Cripple Corprus 160 Large
Giant Fabricator 165 Large
Imperfection 165 Large
Ogrim 165 Large
Daedroth 195 Great
Ghost of the Great Ancestor 200 Great
Dremora Lord 200 Great
Ghost Gnome 200 Great
Big Goblin 200 Great
Goblin Trainer 200 Great
Skeleton Invincible 200 Great
Yagrum Bagarn 200 Great
Ash Ghoul 250 Great
Hungering 250 Great
Goblin Officer 300 Great
Lich 300 Great
Winged Dusk 300 Great
Goblin Leaders 350 Great
Rising Sleeper 400 Great
Golden Saint 400 Great
Vivec 1000 Star of Azura
Almalexia 1500 Star of Azura

The most capacious things to enchant:

Daedric Tower Shield 225
Daedric Shield 150
Ebony tower shield 150
Ebony shield 100
Orc tower shield 90
Steel height shield 75
Iron tower shield 75
Bone tower shield 60
Dwemer/Imperial Shield 50
Steel/Iron shield 50
Glass tower shield 45
Indoril Shield 45
Dreug Shield 45

Telvan cephalopod helmet 100
All Daedric "faces" 75
Helmet of the Hand 65
Ebony helmet 50
Ebony bracers/cuirass 40

(The remaining parts of the ebony armor are much smaller. There must be a mistake somewhere.)

Clothes Capacity
Fine rings/amulets 120
Fancy Rings/Amulets 60
Graceful skirts/pants/shirts 60
Graceful belts/robes/shoes 40

There are also several unique amulets and rings with characteristics of being dainty or ornate.

Weapon Capacity
Ebony saber 80
Bone Longbow 40
Daedric Staff/Daikatana/Claymore 21
Daedric Katana/Longsword 18

In the original Akell version, the Ebony Staff mistakenly had a capacity of 90 (although the unique Ebony Staffs had a capacity of 14). This has been fixed in GFM.

P.S. I'll format it better a little later



Inscription on the scroll of the flight of Icarus.

Magic is a funny thing. It is faster than thought and stronger than physical laws (which it refutes with every manifestation). You make strange passes with your hands, mutter something like "abracadabra", "shirac" - or just "boom" - and there is a high probability that something will happen. Someone dies, something explodes, things disappear and reappear, and otherworldly creatures crawl out of portals. Somehow this is how it all happens – in general terms, of course.

Magic is a complex thing, and it's not all about the pointy hat.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Whether it’s good or bad (in the sense of questions of basic security, which have something subtly similar to “Are you sure it’s worth building an explosives depot in the center of a densely populated city?”), but magic is available to everyone. Thanks to the light hand of the founder of the Mages Guild, Vanus Galerion, the days when magic was the privilege of the rich and noble are long gone. Branches of the guild can be found in almost all cities and paid for its services in specie or - if you have the ability - join there and develop your talents.

But even if you haven’t graduated from any university, and your invisible passport says “Class: Barbarian” in clumsy block letters, the flexible gaming system won’t get hung up on this. Her protest against the use of thin matter by an uncouth lout will ultimately end up in despicable metal, given away for spells and enchanted things. And at the same time, leveling up the teachers’ skills, due to the low values ​​of which the barbarian’s casting of spells will be extremely rare.

In Morrowind, people die not for metal, but because of metal well spent.

Even if a fireball from the hands of a half-naked man who had just brandished an axe will not so much harm the enemies as stun them, but that’s what costs?

Types of magic.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic


For every action there is a consequence, and this certainly applies to spells, the good old residents of myths, fairy tales, fantasy and the like. There are more than a hundred “pure” magical effects in the game, these building blocks of the entire magical system. Giving them such parameters as impact strength, duration and range creates, in fact, a spell ready for use. Without all this, a magical effect is an abstract thing and cannot exist in the game.

For example, “Paralysis - immobilizes the target” - the effect and its description. But “Medusa’s Gaze”, paralysis, 15 seconds, on target, base cost 45 mana, can be purchased, in particular, from Erer Darothril in the Dirty Muriel inn, Sadrith Mora - a spell.

At the beginning of the game, you will receive several spells depending on the selected skills or class, and later, of course, you can buy new ones from special merchants and even create your own.

Also, several spells can be obtained due to race or birth sign. The advantage of such innate abilities is that they cost minimal magic, if any at all, and always have a 100% chance of being used. True, you won’t be able to develop magical skills with them.


They are similar to spells, but are only available by birthright. No kidding. Their presence is determined by the character’s race and the constellation under which he was born (some can also be obtained during the course of the game). When used, powers do not consume magical energy, but it is worth considering that this is by no means an attraction of unprecedented generosity - after all, they can only be used once a day.




Language of the Beast

Command to creature, 5 units. for 60 sec


Dragon skin

Shield, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Ancestral Guardian

Sanctuary, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Absorb 200 stamina on target

Charm, from 25 to 50 units for 15 sec, on target


Eye of Terror

Demoralize a humanoid, 100 units. for 30 sec, on target

Fist of Thunder


Frost damage, 25 units, on touch

Shield, 30 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase health, 20 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase your stamina, 200 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase attack, 100 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Agility drain, 100 units. for 60 sec, on yourself


Adrenaline Rush

Increase agility, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase stamina, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase speed, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase strength, 50 units. for 60 sec, on yourself

Increase health, 25 units. for 60 sec, on yourself


These are... “passives” that constantly affect the character. You don't touch them, but they affect you. As with powers, their presence is determined by the hero's race and birth sign. They are always with you, and there is no need - or even opportunity - to activate them.




Vulnerability to electricity 25%

Vulnerability to cold 25%

Vulnerability to fire 50%

Vulnerability to magic 50%

Increase in maximum magic x1.5


Poison Immunity

Resistance to common diseases 75%

Resistance to common diseases 75%


Magic resistance 50%

Fire resistance 75%

Electrical resistance 50%

Immunity to cold

Magic Resistance 25%


Poison resistance 75%

Resistance to common diseases 75%





Increase attack, 10 points

Increase in maximum magic x0.5

Akaviri Danger Sense

Sanctuary, 10 points

Lady's Favor

Grace Lady

Increased attractiveness, 25 points

Increased stamina, 25 points

Speed ​​increase, 25 points


Vulnerability to fire, 100%


Increase in maximum magic x1.5

Vulnerability to magic, 50%

Burning Dusk

Spell absorption, 50%

Increase in maximum magic x2.0

Frozen Magic (not restored when resting)


Agility increase, 25 points

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Enchantments .

Where would we be without magic wands, grimoires and shimmering crystal balls prophesying the future in a world where magic is literally bottled up?

Well, to be honest, it's quite normal without them.

Magic wands were burned at the stake of the new gameplay, instead of grimoires, characters keep spells in their heads (or tattooed on their palms, quite possibly), and crystal balls flicker uselessly on the shelves. But despite this, magical objects are found everywhere.

An enchanted item is a “materialized” spell that anyone can use. The simplest object, having passed through the hands of an enchanter, acquires magical properties and illumination that looks quite disgusting in the fog. The fusion of magic and matter is provided by the souls of various creatures trapped in special stones using the “soul trap” spell. They can also “recharge” an object. The stronger the soul and the greater the “volume” of the object, the more powerful the enchantment can be.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic


Magic to everyone, dearly, and may the thrifty one win. They are also potions in Morrowind. You drink a strange substance, suspiciously smelling, of unknown color and composition, with an unknown expiration date - after all, the yellowed label depicts either a mystical hieroglyph or children's scribbles - and hope for the best. Hm. Well, okay, not quite “like everywhere else” - in the game the labels will tell you what effect awaits you at the bottom of the bottle, what its strength and duration are. You can either buy elixirs or create them yourself. Potions, like enchanted items, can be used by anyone at any time - even when paralyzed. This includes restoring health, increasing characteristics, levitation, and shield enchantments - a huge number of spells are embodied in the form of the contents of elegant bottles.


What are they doing in this conversation, you ask? It's simple. Diseases are similar to abilities, but their permanent effect is not to improve, but to damage characteristics and parameters, and this effect is calculated by the magic system. Illness is magic, yes. After all, they once believed that diseases were carried by little demons?

The disease can be contracted through close contact with an infected person. Here you are grinning, and we are talking about bites and blows that creatures and NPCs exchange in battle with the character. The disease is also transmitted during a search of the patient’s corpse. You can be healed using appropriate spells, potions, or by receiving a blessing at the altars in temples.

Magic menu.

As you can see, this interface menu is divided into four sectors.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

I. Effects. Labels of those magical forces that are currently affecting the character are placed here. These are characteristics, effects of enchanted objects and potions, enemy spells and your own spells. You can find out what is hidden behind the small picture by hovering your cursor over it. Like this:

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

II. Capabilities. In this case, the ability we have is written in the topmost window - because it was selected for use.

III. Spells. Those that were purchased from merchants, given as a reward for a quest (this happens) or were given because of their race or sign. The price indicates the cost of magic to create the spell, the chance indicates the possibility of creation. The latter largely depends on the character's fatigue. Yeah! And even here, the magician ekes out a rather fragile existence and must eat well, get enough sleep, wear warm socks and not have sex marathons on the eve of the battle.

IV. Enchanted items. Here are all the magical things that the character has in his backpack. When you select an item, it is equipped automatically. The price means how many charges will be spent on using the enchantment (as the enchantment skill increases, this figure will decrease), the charge means how much energy is currently available.

Specialization skills.

Twenty-seven character skills are divided equally between three areas, which correspond to the pillars of the RPG genre - combat, magic and stealth. The hero upgrades the skills of his chosen specialization faster, which to one degree or another determines his life path. Sometimes. At first.

Ah, these jacks of all trades.

Magic schools...

According to in-game literature, the distribution between schools of spells is very arbitrary and was largely done to facilitate the students' learning of magic. The developers are in a hurry to confirm this, from game to game shuffling some spells between schools and, moreover, removing and adding them. For example, the effects of Thaumaturgy, which existed in Daggerfall, were scattered among other schools in Morrowind, and in its place came the unprecedented Witchcraft.

Skills with names identical to them are responsible for using spells of a particular school. High proficiency in a particular skill is responsible for the successful creation of the corresponding spell - otherwise it will be zilch in the most literal sense.


Well, tricks are lies,

Adults know minds.

Still, for them

My secrets


KiSH, "The Magician"

The power of the mind is said to work wonders, but this school does exactly the opposite - it plays tricks on the heads of the objects of its spells. The only school that does not depend on willpower or intellect - for obvious reasons, attractiveness is responsible for the spells that powder the brains of others.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Attractiveness;

The skill increases with:

Who specializes?

5 – Altmer, Argonians, Bretons.

Standard classes whose main skills include illusion:

Mage, Sword of Night.

Standard classes, which include secondary skills:

Spy, Bard, Healer, Pilgrim, Sorcerer.

Aunda clan;

House Telvanni;

Mages Guild;

Morag Tong.

If Illusion is one of your main skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Chameleon, 10 points for 30 sec on yourself, cost: 15;

Sanctuary, 10 points for 30 sec on yourself, cost: 15.

Skill increase.





The Wolf Queen, part 3

Sanit, Sanctuary (a cave in the northwest of Grazeland, located north of Nchuleft, northwest of Tel Vos);

Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer

Endusal, Kagrenac's studio (Dwemer fortress southwest of Dagoth Ur);

Urshilaku burial caves, Laterus burial (cave south of Urshilaku camp, northwest of Falasmarion)

Necrom Incident

Balmora, home of Balin Omavel;

Falensarano, lower level (Dunmer fortress in southern Grazeland, west of Tel Aruhn)

Palla, part 1

Mavia (Velothian tower southeast of Molag Mar);

Tel Vos, Arion's office

The Secret of Talara, part 4

Dagon Fel, home of Onmi Hardmouth;

Burial caves of Urshilaku, burial of Fragil (cave south of Urshilaku's camp, north-west of Falasmarion)

School effects.

Blindness- temporarily impairs vision. At 100% blindness, the game screen will be completely black.

Calm a creature/humanoid– removes the target from the battle, calming him down. Will not retaliate against attacks. Does not affect undead, daedra, mechanical creatures.

Chameleon– makes the target partially invisible (100% chameleon equals invisibility). This may increase your chances of detection, but the spell does not dispel when interacting with objects.

Charm– temporarily increases the target’s disposition towards the caster.

Demoralize a creature

Enrage a creature/humanoid– increases the target’s desire to fight and attack. Does not affect undead, Daedra, mechanical creatures.

Invisibility– makes the target completely, no matter how trite it may sound, invisible. The effect dissipates if the target interacts with someone or something - opens doors and containers, initiates dialogue, or attacks. Stealth mode does not provide any bonuses to this spell, so you can at least dance the lezginka in front of the enemy.

Light– creates an illuminated halo around the target. No, this is not radiation or turning into glowing ghouls from Fallout, just it's magic. Please note that this light is visible to everyone, not just you (as in the case of the “night eye”), so try not to use it in stealth mode.

Night eye– allows you to see better in the dark. Taking into account the increased shading of tombs, caves, and any other room in the game, it not only improves, but generally allows you to see. Only affects the caster.

Paralysis– immobilizes the target. That is, it does not allow her to do anything at all - attack, cast spells, move, use scrolls and enchanted objects. Good for you when it's not on you. It can be the decisive word in a battle with a strong opponent.

Inspire a creature/humanoid– reduces the target’s desire to begin a tactical retreat from the battlefield. Does not affect undead, Daedra, mechanical creatures.

Sanctuary– increases the target’s chances of avoiding physical attacks.

Noise– creates extraneous sounds in the target’s head, preventing her from concentrating and reducing her chances of casting a spell. “So here it comes, the sound of drums!”

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic


I tell you again and again: do not call upon Him whom you cannot subdue to your will. By these words I mean the One who will be able, in turn, to call upon you such forces against which your most powerful tools and spells will be useless. Ask for Less, because the Great may not want to give you an Answer, and not only you, but also much more will be in his power.

G.F. Lovecraft, "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward."

In other words: “Whose are you, taking root?” Every magician-sorcerer-sorcerer should traditionally have an imp at his beck and call. Daedra summoned from the very depths of Oblivion cannot be called imps, but they cope with the protection of the wizard who called them with a bang.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Intelligence;

The skill increases with:

Successful spell creation +1.

Who specializes?

Races that receive a bonus in this skill:

10 – Bretons;

5 – Altmer.

Standard classes whose main skills include witchcraft:

Battle Mage, Sorcerer, Inquisitor.

Standard classes with witchcraft as a secondary skill:

Spy, Mage.

It is one of the important skills for the following factions:

Aunda clan;

Imperial Cult;

House Telvanni;

Temple of the Tribunal.

If Conjuration is one of your main skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Summon a dagger for 60 sec on yourself, cost: 6;

Summon the spirit of ancestors, for 60 sec on yourself, cost: 21.

Skill increase.





Feifolken, part 2

Dabdilla (cave south of Vos);

Dan-Ahhe (cave north of the Cave of Incarnations, far west of Tel Vos, southeast of Zergonipal)

Feifolken, part 3

Maba-Ilu (cave southeast of Molag Mar);

Mallapi (cave northeast of Gnaar Mok);

Odaishah (a cave in southern Ashland, south of the Phantom Gate and east of Caldera);

Court (cave on the western shore of the main island of Shigorada, southeast-east direction from Vasa)

2920, Hearth Fire

Caldera, Mages Guild;

Nallit (cave southeast of Tel Arun);

Tel Mora, upper tower

2920, Beginning of Frosts

Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, entrance;

Suran, tower;

Tel Arun, upper tower

Warrior's Concerns

Balmora, home of Carlirach;

Nammu (cave southeast of Falensarano)

School effects.

All spells of this school can be divided into three main groups: summoning weapons and armor, summoning creatures and commands. In general, if you delve into the nuances, it is always the creatures that are summoned. It’s just that the spirits of Oblivion from the first group are too weak and small to exist in their form - therefore they clothe themselves in things that always have a Daedric appearance.


Summoned items weigh nothing and are equipped automatically. They cannot be removed from inventory or sold. Weapons grant an increase of ten points to the skill that is responsible for mastering this type of weapon. Armor also carries certain bonuses for the one who wears it.

But be careful - they can disappear in your hands at the most inopportune moment.


After casting the spell, a creature appears a few steps away, which, if you normally met in a cave, ruins, or just in the open air, would immediately rush to disembowel you. But in this case, it will gut your enemies (or still you, if it was called by opponents). The creature disappears with the death of the caller, after the spell expires, or with the destruction of its mortal shell, which also sends the entity back to the plane of Oblivion. For the Daedra, as you know, are immortal.

Summoned creatures can be used as training bags - but they also have their own safety protocols, forcing them to defend themselves no less aggressively if their owner behaves aggressively. Also, their souls can be trapped in soul stones like any "normal" monster.


Scare away the undead- It’s not entirely clear what a banishing spell does in a summoning school... Although, perhaps, this is where it belongs. For the duration of the effect, it sharply increases the desire of the undead to flee the battlefield.

Command to humanoid/creature- forces the target to fight on the side of the caster and follow him until the spell expires.


Speaking of physical laws and their violations, this is the specialization of this school, which manipulates the surrounding world.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Strength of will;

The skill increases with:

Successful spell creation +1.

Who specializes?

Races that receive a bonus in this skill:

5 – Altmer, Bretons.

Standard classes, the main skills of which have changed:

Battle Mage, Healer, Mage, Sword of the Night, Sorcerer, Warrior of the Word.

Standard classes, which include changes in secondary skills:

Acrobat, Scout.

It is one of the important skills for the following factions:


Mages Guild;

Telvanni House.

If alteration is one of your main skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Shield, 5 points for 30 seconds on yourself, cost: 15;

Walking on water, for 30 seconds on yourself, cost: 9.

Skill increase.





About water breathing

Piran (a cave far east of Lake Nabia and Marandus, west of Nchulefting);

Telasero, lower level (Dunmer fortress east of Suran);

Vivec, Mages Guild (Sirilon chest)

On the issue of the Dragon Breakthrough

Andasreth, upper level (Dunmer fortress west of Ald'ruhn and northwest of Caldera);

Gnisis, Arvs-Drelev;

Tel Branora, home of Serin Relas

Aharnabi (cave south of Azura's Shrine);

Gnisis, Arvs-Drelev;

Marandus, upper level (Dunmer fortress on Lake Nabia, north of Suran);

Old Mournhold, Manor District (TR)

36 Lessons of Vivec, precept 13

Phantom Gate, Tower of Dawn;

Molag Mar, Redoran Fortress

Lunar Lorkhan

Addadshashananmu (Daedric sanctuary on an island far west of Caldera, northwest of Hlormaren);

Arion Ancestral Tomb (south-southeast of the Phantom Gate, far north of Marandus);

Tel Fir, Hall of Fir

School effects.

Burden– increases the weight of the target’s items. If the mass of junk exceeds the maximum permissible value, then in practice a demonstration lesson will be carried out, codenamed “Greed ruined the fraternity.” Overloading the pockets of the... er, backpack will cause the target to freeze without being able to move, making them an excellent target for spells or ranged weapons. Well, or simply a longer weapon than the victim’s.

Feather- a spell that is strictly the opposite of the previous one (in the localization from 1C it is called the obscure “main skills”). Reduces the weight of the target's existing junk, allowing it to carry more items. Increasing the strength parameter to obtain the same result is exactly five times more effective. The spells are equivalent in cost, but where the “feather” point gives an increase of one Morrowind kilogram, the extra unit of strength gives already five.

Water breathing- aka “scuba gear”. Developed by Magic Tamriel Industries, powered by environmentally friendly magic, allows you to breathe underwater.

Fire/Frost/Lightning Shield– reduces damage from corresponding elemental spells of the school of Destruction. At the same time, it damages enemies with the corresponding element.

Bounce– increases the height and range of the target’s acrobatic tricks. But it does not reduce the damage received upon landing. It's more painful to fall from a great height - you can take a lot of damage when landing if you overdo this spell.

Walking on water- on water as well as on dry land. The speed of movement is the same as on solid ground. Water creatures cannot attack the caster, but he cannot dive at all. This may seem like a plus, but only until you notice a chest or pearl shell in the depths...

Levitation– You can walk not only on water, but also on air. Creates a kind of lilac platform under the target’s feet, deceiving the laws of gravity and allowing it to fly up. Just watch the time, otherwise you will repeat the fate of Icarus. The speed of movement is determined by the letter M in the formula describing the spell “levitation of M points for D seconds.” Set the speed parameter to minimum and throw a spell at your enemies - the effect will be similar to overloading a backpack.

Lock up– locks doors and containers. You can practice your hacking skills, but choose a place away from witnesses - this prank is a crime even if the container does not belong to anyone. Doors locked even by one point can become an insurmountable obstacle for your enemies who do not know how to use a master key and a lock-picking spell. Applicable only for doors inside locations - caves, houses, ruins. However, not a single NPC or monster was noticed changing the location in pursuit of the hero.

Open– opens locked doors. It couldn't be simpler. Does not disarm traps and is considered a crime - if there are witnesses.

Shield– gives a magical increase to the target’s defense level.

Slowing down the fall- or "parachute". Saves the caster from damage from a great height, slowing down the fall. Vital when moving around Vivec...

Fast swimming– allows you to move faster in the water.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic


A school that directly interacts with magical forces. To put it bluntly, it contains spells that have not found their clear niche in other directions.

This is interesting: perhaps this is the most ancient school of magic. Perhaps - but nothing can be said about it for sure. The search for the source of her power goes in a variety of directions - to Etherium to the gods, to Oblivion to the Daedra, to faith and spirituality, and even to the unrealized elements of other spells. The easiest way to believe is that the unpredictable and confusing nature of Mysticism draws its strength from paradoxes.

When talking about this school, the first thing that comes to mind is the Psijics of Artaeum, the oldest monastic order in Tamriel, often called the prototype of the Mages Guild. They call Mysticism the Old Way, which can cause some confusion - this is also what they call their religion and way of life.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Strength of will;

The skill increases with:

Successful spell creation +1.

Who specializes?

Races that receive a bonus in this skill:

10 – Bretons;

5 – Argonians, Dunmer.

Standard classes with mysticism as their main skills:

Healer, Mage, Sword of Night, Sorcerer.

Standard classes with Mysticism as a secondary skill:

Battle Mage, Inquisitor.

It is one of the important skills for the following factions:


Aunda clan;

House Telvanni;

Imperial Cult;

Mages Guild;

Temple of the Tribunal.

If mysticism is one of your main skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Detect creature, 50-100 points for 5 sec on yourself, cost: 19.

Skill increase.





Riot in Firsthold

Mannammu (cave south of Pelagiad, northwest of Balura Farm);

Punabi (cave north of Marandus);

Vivec, Mages Guild

2920, Sunrise

Odirnamath (a cave in the southeast of the Dwemer fortress Nchardark, the eastern coast of the island on which Dagon Fel is located);

Dashariran (a Daedric sanctuary in the Western Highlands, far east of Berandas, a Dunmer stronghold south of Gnisis);

Ald'ruhn, Mages Guild

36 Lessons of Vivec, instruction four

Hanud (Velothian tower west of Indoranion);

Ramimilk (Daedric sanctuary southeast of Ald'ruhn);

36 Lessons of Vivec, instruction thirty-six

Hassur (cave southwest of Moon Butterfly Fort, interior of the Mameya foyada);

Kunirai (cave east of Suran, north of Telacero);

Vivec, Hall of Justice, secret library.

Correspondence between Charvich and Koning, part 3

Tel Uvirit, home of the Arelas;

Tel Uvirit, Upper Tower.

Note: Tel Uvirit will appear in Molag Amur, north of Nchuleftingt and southeast of Mzanchend, once the character reaches a high position in the House and rebuilds his own fortress. If the hero is a member of House Telvanni, then this will be his fortress.

Absorption characteristics– temporarily lowers a certain characteristic of the target and transfers what is taken away to the caster, increasing his abilities. Characteristics are understood as: strength, intelligence, willpower, agility, speed, endurance, charm, luck. After the spell expires, all values ​​​​return to their original values.

Absorbing Stamina- temporarily reduces the target's power reserve and transfers what is taken away to the caster, increasing his abilities. After the spell expires, all values ​​​​return to their original values.

Health Absorption- temporarily reduces the target's health and transfers what is taken away to the caster, increasing his abilities. After the spell expires, all values ​​​​return to their original values.

Absorbing Magic- temporarily reduces the target’s reserve of magical powers and transfers what is taken away to the caster, increasing his abilities. After the spell expires, all values ​​​​return to their original values.

Skill Absorption- temporarily reduces a certain skill of the target and transfers what is taken away to the caster, increasing his abilities. After the spell expires, all values ​​​​return to their original values.

ALMSIVI intervention– teleports the caster to the nearest Tribunal Temple. Good for escape and/or for carrying larger prey when overloaded. The accompanying characters do not move.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magicSeparation of teleportation zones of the Tribunal Temple.

Demoralize a humanoid- Reduces the target's fighting spirit and willingness to fight, causing them to flee in fear.

“We’ve already seen this somewhere,” inquisitive readers will say. That's right, in Illusion there was demoralization of the creature before. For an unknown reason (most likely due to an oversight by the developers), demoralization of a humanoid falls into the realm of Mysticism.

Detect Creature- allows you to see all living creatures nearby the character. They will be marked on the area map with red circles. NPCs are not subject to detection. You can use “enchant detection” or “key search” - if the NPC has an item that matches these criteria, it will appear on the map.

Detect Enchantment- allows you to see enchanted items - lying “open”, located in containers or from NPCs. They will be marked on the area map with blue circles.

Find the key- allows you to see keys - lying “open”, located in containers or with NPCs. They will be marked on the area map with green circles.

Dispel- removes all temporary magical effects from the target - both good and bad.

Divine Intervention– teleports the caster to the nearest temple of the Imperial Cult. Good for escaping and/or carrying larger prey when overloaded. The accompanying characters do not move.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magicDivision of teleportation zones of the Imperial Cult

Flag/Return– the first spell casts a magical “anchor” at the point where the caster is currently located, the second – allows you to instantly move to him from any place. Separately they are useless.

Reflect – Gives a chance to reflect an enemy spell back to the enemy. 100% reflection means you are completely protected from magic.

Soul Trap– allows you to enclose the soul of a creature killed while the spell is affecting it, and enclose it in a soul stone. Subsequently, it can be used to cast magical spells on an object or “recharge” existing ones. The enchantment will be wasted if there is no suitable stone for the soul.

Telekinesis– allows you to manipulate objects at a distance. For example, disarming traps from afar without using a probe or digging into other people's pockets from around the corner with a low stealth skill.

Spell Absorption- there is a chance that spells directed at the character will not affect him, but will be absorbed. The magical power spent by the enemy on the spell will be transferred to the character, replenishing his mana.


- What is your real name?

I am doctor.

And I will be a doctor if I pass the exams... What kind of doctor are you?

Just Doctor.

"Doctor Who".

Considering that behind the madness there is a very specific and rather extravagant personality of divine proportions, healers of human souls are not the most popular profession on Tamriel. But just doctors are in great demand. After all, the adherents of this school know what is necessary for everyone without exception - restoring health and strength, curing diseases, resisting the elements, and so on, so on...

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Strength of will;

The skill increases with:

Successful spell creation +1.

Who specializes?

Races that receive a bonus in this skill:

10 – Bretons.

Standard classes, the main skills of which include recovery:

Healer, Magician, Pilgrim, Warrior of the Word.

Standard classes whose secondary skills include recovery:

Archer, Paladin, Knight, Monk.

It is one of the important skills for the following factions:

Imperial Cult;

Temple of the Tribunal.

If recovery is one of your primary (minor?) skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Healing Hearth, restore health 20-80 points for 1 sec on yourself, cost: 13.

Skill increase.






Alas family tomb (northwest of Mount Assarnibibi);

Ald'ruhn, Mages Guild;

Maar Gan, Andus's tavern (in chest);

Sadrith Mora, Llaarm Madalas: Mage

Notes on racial phylogeny

Nand (cave east of St. Olms Parish);

Pinsan (cave northwest of Indoranion);

Seyda Nin, home of Eldafir

Benita's four suitors

Sadrith Mora, home of Vaden Belas;

Tel Uvirit, home of Amavel;

Urshilaku Burial Caves, Tomb of Laterus (cave south of Urshilaku Camp)

2920, Hand of Rain

Ald'ruhn, Temple, Metal Seran;

Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen;

Onnissiralis (Daedric ruins on the small island of Shigorada, west of Vas, look in the pockets of Hernand Genis);

Skaal Village, Lassnra's House (BM)

The Secret of Talara, part 2

Caldera, home of Valvius Mevureius;

Esuthanamus (Daedric ruins north of Indoranion and south of Tel Mora)

School effects.

Treat common/pestilence disease– Cough syrup and antibiotics are not in use on Vvardenfell, so you have to be treated with potions and spells that remove the effects of diseases. And don’t wait until “it goes away on its own” - that won’t happen.

Treat corprus- used once in the game, as part of the plot. Apparently, it only affects the Nerevarine, so be glad that you belong to the Chosen, and do not be indignant.

Cure paralysis– dispels the effects of paralysis. Quite funny, considering that, being paralyzed, the victim cannot cast spells...

Antidote– cures poisoning.

Increase skill– temporarily increases the value of the corresponding skill. As a spell, you can only purchase it from merchants from add-ons; in the original game, you can only find things with similar enchantments - the Moon-and-Star ring, for example, or the well-known Icarus flight scrolls.

Remove the curse– would remove curses from the target if they were in the game. Alas, Voodoo dolls are clearly inferior in popularity to the fireball here.

Resistance to conventional weapons– reduces damage from conventional weapons. By ordinary weapons we mean unenchanted iron and steel piercing and cutting objects, which are intended to inflict bodily harm... In general, it’s clear. The player can obtain this effect in only two ways - by becoming a vampire (50% resistance) and by obtaining the Ring of Marara (40%) or the Necromancer's Amulet (25%). Some creatures are also vilely guilty of resistance - and even immunity - to conventional weapons.

Restore skill– if the skill was damaged by enemy spells, then this spell will return its normal value.

Corprus disease resistance– reduces the chance of catching corpus. Since you can become infected with it only once per game - and no resistance will save you - it is useless. Presented as 100% immunity (aka immunity) in the character's passive abilities after healing.

Restore characteristic- if the characteristic value was reduced by the “damage” effect, it will return to the base value.

Restore parameter- returns a certain number of parameter points within a specified period. By “parameters” we mean: health, strength, magic.

Paralysis Resistance- increases the chance of avoiding petrification. Does not reduce the duration of the effect - if the resistance to paralysis does not work, then it will last for the duration allotted to it.

Elemental Resistance- reduces damage from four elements - fire, cold, electricity, poison. The parable about a flexible sakura branch that bends under the weight of snow and shakes it off in the end, and an inflexible branch that breaks under winter precipitation, is instructive - but not in this case.

Magic Resistance- unlike the previous one, reduces damage from a wider range of hostile spells, such as “reduce characteristics”, “harm to health”, “blindness”, “burden” and others. Does not protect against spells whose effects have no "measurable impact", only the duration of the effect is "paralysis" or "silence".

Resistance to common/plague diseases- reduces the chances of catching the disease. Magical prevention, in general - after all, garlic and warm socks are also not popular among lone heroes.

Increase Attack- increases the chances of making a successful strike with a weapon or fists.

Increase characteristic- temporarily increases the value of a characteristic. Derived attributes such as health, stamina, magic, carrying capacity and others will be recalculated if necessary. When the effect ends, the characteristics and attributes will return to their base values. There are eight characteristics in total: strength, intelligence, agility, endurance, willpower, speed, attractiveness, and luck.

Increase parameter- temporarily increases one of the character's parameters. By “parameters” we mean: health, strength, magic. Once the effect ends, the value will return to the base value minus the points used during the effect's duration. That is, the parameter value may go negative. Be careful with increasing your health points, or you'll be in for a nasty surprise. Amen.

Increase maximum magic- temporarily increases the maximum value of the character's magical powers.

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic


It is foolish to hope to accomplish something global, for example, to establish peace in the whole world, to create happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small thing, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better.

For example, shoot someone

Terry Pratchett, "The Fifth Elephant"

Has your neighbor annoyed you? His cat? His house? Bring down the classics of the magical genre on their heads and roofs - fire and lightning, as well as ice, poison and reducing resistance to these elements. But let's still remember that murder is punishable by law?

Specialization: magic

Specialization: magic

Depends on specification: Strength of will;

The skill increases with:

Successful spell creation +1.

Who specializes?

Races that receive a bonus in this skill:

10 – Altmer, Dunmer.

Standard classes whose main skills include destruction:

Battle Mage, Paladin, Mage, Sorcerer, Warrior of the Word.

Standard classes whose secondary skills include destruction:

Sword of Night.

It is one of the important skills for the following factions:

House Telvanni;

Mages Guild;

Clan Quarra.

If destruction is one of your main skills, then you will start the game with the following spells:

Fire Bite, fire damage 15-30 points for 1 sec on contact, cost: 6.

Skill increase.





Horror at Xir Castle

Abanabi (a cave on an island northeast of Tel Fir);

Ashurnibibi (Daedric ruins on an island northwest of Hla Oud);

Masseranite (cave southwest of Molag Mar);

Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga, Great Hall

In response to Bero's speech

Ashalmavia, Sanctuary, Sunken Vaults (Daedric ruins east of Ald Velothi);

Ashirbadon (cave on the first island east of Bal Fell);

Dashariran (Daedric ruins on the western side of the mountain range separating the Western Highlands and Ashland; exactly between Ald'ruhn and Gnisis)

Alleged betrayal

Assurnabitashpi (Daedric ruins west of Urshilaku's camp);

Melkashish (Daedric ruins on the western side of the mountain range separating the Western Highlands and Ashland; northwest-west of Maar Gan);

Pansabanith (cave south of Dagon Fell and Mchuleft, north of Rotheran)

The Art of Combat Magic

Almurbalarammi (Daedric sanctuary southeast-east of Molag Mar, look in pockets near Aralos Romori);

Esutanamus (Daedric ruins north of Indoranion and south of Tel Mor, see Arvam Dalvani's pockets);

Morrowind / Magic


Enchant (enchantment)- this is one of the distinctive features of the world of The Elder Scroll and its role-playing system, which allows the hero to create magical items with predetermined properties. What is enchantment?

Enchantment is the process of capturing the soul of a creature and then enclosing it in a soul stone. After which, the enchanter moves the soul from the stone to the object. Thus, imparting special magical properties to the item. This, in a nutshell, is the essence of the enchanting process. Let's take a closer look at it.

To begin with, let's look at the concept of soul. In the world of TES, not only intelligent beings have a soul, but also various representatives of those who are considered monsters (undead, Daedra from Oblivion, animals, etc.). However, there is a big difference between the souls of elves, humans and various beast-like races and the souls of non-human creatures. The souls of people (we will understand by this word all intelligent races living in Tamriel) belong to the Aedra (gods) who created the mortal plane Nirn and filled it with part of themselves, their essence. Therefore, it is impossible to capture people’s souls, because... they belong to the aedra. After death, the souls of people leave Nirn, to another plane. However, experienced necromancers can capture souls, infusing them into various kinds of restored bodies, thus giving birth to individual representatives of the undead squad (skeletons, zombies, etc.). Also, necromancers capture souls in order to give them into slavery to Daedra lords who do not have such power. The famous N'Gasta (The Elder Scroll Adventure: Redguard) was intensively engaged in this, delivering souls to the Daedra Lord Clavicus Vile.

Let's focus on the undead for a moment. Despite the fact that the souls of skeletons, zombies and other representatives of the undead have a human structure, traveling beyond the boundaries of life and death greatly distorts them, and the necromancer’s spells snatch them from the power of the gods, thereby making these souls available for capture and enchantment. It is not difficult to guess that such an act of violence against the laws of the world causes deep indignation among the majority of citizens of the Empire, therefore necromancy is officially prohibited in all provinces, which, unfortunately, does not prevent it from flourishing, albeit secretly. Some of the most famous treatises of the necromancers are "On the Preparation of Bodies" and "Arkay - Our Enemy", the latter book, according to rumors, belongs to the pen of the King of Hearts, the head of the necromancer guild of Tamriel. You can learn more about the undead from the books “Legions of the Dead”, “Unholy Ghosts”, as well as from the play “The Horror of Castle Xir”.

However, let's return to souls. The most interesting, in this regard, are the souls of representatives of various types of Daedra living in Oblivion. The souls of these creatures, in terms of their energy component, are superior to the souls of most types of undead, not to mention animals. For example, a stone with the soul of the Golden Saint allows you to create an item with a permanent effect, the effect of which does not depend on time. True, getting the soul of a Daedra is not very easy; these creatures can be quite strong opponents.

Of particular interest are the souls of the followers of the Sixth House. Despite the fact that Dagoth Ur himself, the head of the house, does not have a soul, his assistants have this gift. Moreover, thanks to the influence of the divine disease Corprus (which many believe to be the legacy of Lorkhan), the souls of such creatures became available for capture and imprisonment. Apparently, the reason for this was the corpus. When this disease strikes someone, their soul apparently becomes the property of the "dead" god Lorkhan, i.e., essentially, no one's.

Finally, you can capture the souls of animals, although they are so small that they are of little value.

Also available for capture are the souls of Tribunal members. Using Kagrenac's tools, they thereby opposed themselves to the Aedra and Daedra, freeing their souls from the power of the gods, but thereby making them available to hunters for such a treasure.

However, even after capturing a soul and enchanting an object with it, you need to be careful. After all, if an object (for example, a sword) breaks, the soul will break free and try to deal harshly with its jailer. Therefore, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the condition of any enchanted item.

Having examined the souls, let us move on to the stones in which they are imprisoned. In fact, these objects cannot be called stones in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is something created through the synthesis of magic and matter. Apparently, during the enchanting process, the energy of the spell flows from the stone into the enchanted object, after which, having lost its binding power, the stone is destroyed. The exception is Azura's Star, a unique soul gem that can be used multiple times. It is obvious that it is supported by a constant flow of energy from Oblivion, although no research has been carried out on this artifact. Once enchanted, the stone's spell continues to trap the soul within the enchanted item. From here, we can conclude that the soul stone continues to exist inside the enchanted object, restraining the soul rushing out. Just like souls, the stones that serve as their prison differ in size and, accordingly, capacity. The capacity of the stone determines whether one or another soul can be enclosed in it. For example, the soul of the Ascended Sleeper can only fit in the Great Stone of Souls or in the Star of Azura. To date, the origin of the soul stones remains unknown; whether they were created by some intelligence, or represent another whim of higher powers - no one knows.

Now, let's move on directly to the enchanting process. What happens to objects during enchantment? Unfortunately, at the moment, none of the researchers have achieved success in understanding this issue. It is obvious that the energy that the soul carries within itself, while moving from stone to object, for some moment changes its structure, giving the enchanter the opportunity to impose some kind of magical effect on the object.

This is what the enchanting process is essentially all about.

Creating Enchanted Items

Let's start with the simplest - who can create an enchanted item? There are two ways to solve this issue. The first is to seek help from the Mages Guild or an NPC that provides similar services. In this case, you will be able to create any of the possible items with a 100% success rate. However, this method cannot be called universal. The fact is that such services cost a lot of money. And the stronger the effect, the more you will have to pay for it. If you don’t have enough money, you can try to create an enchanted item yourself. But before you do this, make sure your skills are well developed" Enchantment"and characteristics" Intelligence" And " Luck". The fact is that with low development of these parameters, the chance of a successful enchantment greatly decreases, but the chance of losing a stone and soul increases significantly. However, even if you have the values ​​of these parameters pumped up to 100, this will not give you a 100% chance successful enchantment. In the case of an attempt to create an enchanted item with a permanent effect, for example, this value may be around 30%. Although the use of potions or spells that increase these parameters slightly improves the picture, nevertheless, even they cannot completely solve this problem. Therefore, it is safer for NPCs to create enchanted items with a strong effect. However, there is a little trick. Before enchanting an item, drink various kinds of potions that increase the parameters responsible for the enchantment. It doesn’t have to be for a long time, a few seconds are enough, you will see that the chance of a successful the completion of the process will increase significantly.

Having figured out who can create enchanted objects, let's look at the next question - why do you need enchantment?? The possibilities that enchanted items provide are quite large. Firstly, they make it possible to cast spells without having well-developed magical skills. In this case, the chance of successfully performing a spell is always 100%. Secondly, enchanted items allow you to temporarily or permanently increase the characteristics of your character, which makes him more powerful. All enchanted items have the ability to restore their supply of magical energy when they are in a calm state. In other words, enchantment allows non-magical characters to use various types of spells just like mages.

Now let's move on to the question about the type and range casting spells. There are three types of spells cast.

Permanent effect - an action that does not depend on time and manifests itself when the enchanted object is worn by the character or is in his hand (for example, a shirt or a sword). As a rule, such a spell with permanent effects is best cast on items of equipment that are constantly on the character - clothing, armor, weapons, amulets or rings. The permanent effect only affects the player character.

Effect when used - this type of enchantment works like a regular spell or scroll and has a limited duration. Similar effects can be applied to myself or to a distant target . Depending on the spell, you can vary the radius and duration of action. Enchanted items with a similar effect serve as a good analogue for various types of attacking, defensive, and other types of spells. In practice, with a large number of enchanted things, you can cast a wide variety of spells, even without having highly developed magical abilities. You can enchant with this type of effect a variety of things that the character carries with him without wearing them.

Effect on impact : This type of enchantment assumes that the spell will work if the enchanted object hits the enemy. In this case, the item is enchanted to touch if you want to harm an enemy or to myself , if you want your character to receive some additional abilities when hitting an enemy. Of course, this type of enchantment only makes sense to apply to weapons. I would like to point out that to create a correctly enchanted item, the type of effect and area of ​​effect must match. It is useless to combine the effect on impact with the effect on a distant target. Also, you should not apply a touch condition to the ring with the effect when using it. You will never touch anyone with it anyway.

As already mentioned, in order to enchant an object, you first need capture someone's soul. How to do this? Capturing any soul looks like this. You find the creature you need and cast a spell on it "Conclusion" (Soul Trap), then you must kill that creature before the spell expires. Once the creature is dead, the soul will end up in the soul gem most suitable for it. Please note that if you do not have a soul stone of suitable size, the soul will go to the Outer Worlds (Daedra souls, in particular, return to Oblivion). Also interesting is the fact that there is a small bug in the game: if you cast “Conclusion” on the corpse of a creature, you will receive an unlimited number of souls (can be fixed in one of the patches). The easiest way to find the creature whose soul you want to capture is to summon it using a scroll or the appropriate spell. However, in this way it is very rarely possible to summon a truly powerful creature, for example, a golden saint, although scrolls with the ability to summon it can be bought in Telvanni cities. Therefore, if you are unable to summon the owner of the soul, you will have to find him. Daedric temples or the area around Red Mountain are best suited for this. In these places you can always meet either strong Daedra or various corpus creatures. In particular, near the Phantom Gate you can often find a risen sleeper. He respawns there with enviable consistency. Many powerful Daedra can be found in the Daedric ruins in the Molag Mar and Azura Coast areas, and they are also often found in the Telvanni lands.

Having dealt with the general problems of enchantment, let's dwell a little on spells with permanent effect. Permanent effect spells are among the most powerful in Morrowind, allowing the player character to significantly enhance their stats or gain new abilities, such as water breathing. However, such effects come at a very high cost. Firstly, you will need a creature with a soul capacity of at least four hundred (see appendix). The Golden Saints, the Ascended Sleepers, some of Dagoth Ur's closest associates, Vivec and Almalexia have similar capacity. Also needed is a soul stone worth 80,000 septims or higher, such as Great Soul Stones or Azura's Star. Unfortunately, there aren't very many Great Soul Stones in Morrowind. The exact number is unknown (many of them are generated during the game), but the smallest number is 20. Fortunately, if you install the Tribunal, you can buy unlimited stones from the Mournhold bazaar. To create an item with a permanent effect, you can also use a small bug. If during enchantment you select a Great Soul Stone and then set the condition to a permanent effect, then when you switch to a smaller stone, the permanent effect will remain. Use this feature before it is fixed in one of the patches.

When creating an enchanted item, you need to keep two characteristics in mind. The first is the size of the charge placed into the enchanted item, a kind of "mana reserve" of the item. The higher the charge of an item, the longer you can use it without recharging. This unit is determined by the size of the captured soul. The second characteristic is the power of the effect, which determines the strength of the spell used. The higher this value, the more powerful the spell can be created. However, it is necessary to remember that the more powerful the spell, the faster the item’s charge will be consumed.

Intelligence- it should be noted that in TES 3, the quality of the potions produced depends not only on the skill itself Alchemy, but also on the character’s level of intelligence. Thus, when creating a potion to increase intelligence, then using it and during the duration of the effect that increases intelligence, the quality of the potions created increases, thereby during the game you can achieve the creation of incredibly long-lasting and strong effects of the potions used.


Enchanted items- these are ordinary items (armor, weapons, jewelry, etc.) that have some effects applied to them. The effects in enchanted objects can either be permanent or activated by some event (for example, touching a monster with a weapon). You can enchant objects either yourself (the skill is responsible for this process). Enchantment), or from NPCs providing the service Enchantment. In any case, for enchanting you need soul stones with captured souls.


Some effects in the game are not included in spells and therefore are not available for creating other spells or when enchanting. These effects are either used during character creation (for example, the effect Frozen Magic included in the property Burning Dusk, imposed by the horoscope sign Atronach), or only available through ingredients and potions (eg. Restore the magic), or are part of the gameplay (for example, Heal Corprus). The same applies to spells - not all of them are available for sale (for example, the spell Tramp's Scent, added by sign Tower); however, having access to the effects included in the spell, you can create the same spell yourself.

Scrolls, ingredients and potions can be purchased from merchants. Individual scrolls are given as rewards for some quests, can be found in some artifact storage areas, ingredients can be collected from plants and killed creatures, and potions can be created from ingredients. Ingredients and potions, like scrolls, differ from spells in that they take up space in your backpack and are disposable (they disappear after use). Moreover, they have non-zero weight (and the weight of the character’s luggage is limited by the characteristic). But when using them, magical energy is not wasted.

In total, the game features about 300 different effects, 85 types of ingredients (including almost 70 different effects), and about 310 spells can be found for sale from NPCs (there are about half a thousand spells in the game) and 130 types of scrolls. But the variety of effects and spells is compensated by their uniformity - for example, a spell Sixth obstacle different from a spell Fifth barrier only by the strength of the effect Shield(60 versus 50) and the amount of magic required for use (180 units versus 150), the option in dialogues with some magicians “Create a spell” will allow you to create your own spell from the ones you have), and among the effects the following groups can be distinguished:

  • Effects Recovery, Increase, Absorption, Decrease And Taking away for each of 27 skills, 8 characteristics and 3 derived characteristics of the character and other creatures (190 effects in total).
  • Increases and decreases resistance to diseases, magic, fire, etc. (19 effects).
  • Treatment of diseases, poisoning, paralysis and curses (6 effects).
  • Summon Ethereal Creatures (16 effects - Summon the Bone Lord etc.) and materialization of ethereal (Daedric) items of armor and various types of weapons (11 effects - Summon Cuirass, Summon Spear and so on.).
  • Control of other characters and creatures (11 effects - Enrage an animal, Scare away the undead, “Charm a Mortal”, etc.).
  • Other effects: Levitation, Open, Lock up
  • Direct Magic Damage Spells: Fire Strike, Lightning strike, Poisoning and so on.

Enchantment specifics is such that every enchanted item in Morrowind has a charge of magical energy, which is based directly on the energy of the souls captured in the stones. When this energy runs out, the spell embedded in the item can no longer be used until the energy is restored. In a word, charge is the reserve of the item’s magic.

No one in Morrowind really explains what soul stones are and where they come from. It is only known that they can catch the souls of creatures and with their help give objects magical properties or recharge enchanted objects. The success of the action depends on your Enchantment skill.

Imprisoning the soul in stone

You will need a spell with the "Conclusion" effect, a soul stone of suitable capacity.

During the battle, use a spell on the creature whose soul you want to imprison in stone. If you manage to kill a creature before the spell's effect ends, its soul will move to the smaller of the stones suitable for it. That is, if you have a small and a large soul stone, and the volume of the creature’s soul is small, it will be enclosed in a small stone.

You can encase and use the souls of animals, ghosts, undead, Daedric monsters, Dwemer machines and humanoid monsters of Dagoth Ur, that is, the essence of all inanimate monsters, but not people of all races and categories. The exceptions are Vivec and Almalexia, as they moved from the human plane of existence to one close to divine immortality. Their souls can be trapped in Azura's Star.
Only one soul can be enclosed in one stone, even if it does not occupy its entire container.

Recharging enchanted items

The ability to restore the spent energy of magical items instantly so that they can be used again. Take the soul stone with the essence contained in it, drag it onto the hero’s image in the inventory window and select “Recharge Item” in the menu that appears. With low Enchantment skill and Luck characteristics, the energy may not be transferred to the item, but the soul stone will still be destroyed.

Enchanting Items

To enchant an item of equipment, be it armor, weapons, clothing, a ring or an amulet, you must have a very high Enchanting skill, and even if your skill has reached the maximum value of 100, this does not guarantee that the enchanting will be successful. Therefore, it is better to enchant things with the help of merchant magicians in shops and branches of the Morrowind Mages Guild. Their servants are not cheap, but they provide a 100% guarantee of successful enchantment.

To call the constructor for enchanting things, you must either select this service in the magician’s services menu, or drag the soul stone in the inventory onto the hero’s figure and select “Create a new item” in the menu that appears. You will see a constructor like this.

In the “item” and “soul” fields, you select from your inventory a soul stone and an item that you will enchant. The menu on the right lists all the magical effects known to you; below you can set the method of action of the spell on an enchanted object: a permanent effect, on yourself, on a remote target, etc. In the upper right corner is the necessary information about the enchantment. When you select a soul stone, as well as a spell and its power, numbers will appear opposite the “enchantment” field that will go through the fraction. The first number is the power for a spell or several spells, the second is the capacity of the enchanted item. The power of the spells cannot exceed the capacity of the item, otherwise the item will not be enchanted. Unfortunately, the capacity of most items in Morrowind is too small to create truly powerful things. Fine clothing and jewelry, Daedric and glass weapons and armor, and some other items have the greatest capacity. And, of course, the more complex the set of spells, the higher the price of enchantment.

Of course, creating things with a permanent magical effect is of particular interest. But not all things and soul stones are suitable for this. The power of the soul stone should be equal to or more than 400. It is best to put simple spells into things, such as " Restore health", "Walking on water", which you are too lazy to read yourself every time. It is desirable that this thing can be removed without compromising the game and giving up other effects if one is no longer needed - for example, you need to dive under water. It is good to enchant elegant clothes for a permanent effect , which has a high capacity, weighs almost nothing and can be removed without affecting the armor indicator. These can also be jewelry. For example, by enchanting two rings for a permanent effect of restoring health by several points, you become practically invulnerable to enemies, because the magic of the rings will restoring your health in battle is better than any potion.And for those who do not like to be distracted on the road by various small animals, such as kagouti and rock riders, which do not pose a particular threat, but are very annoying, an elegant amulet may seem useful: its capacity is enough to enchant it for a permanent effect of invisibility. By wearing such an amulet, you can travel around Morrowind undetected to your heart's content.