The boy learns to write while standing. When to teach boys to pee standing up? How to teach a boy to write while standing

Despite the fact that diapers are now actively used, not diapers, many parents look forward to the moment when their child begins to grow up. In the second year of life, one of the stages of education is teaching the child to the potty. Particular difficulties, as the practice of many young parents shows, arise when it is necessary to potty train a boy. It must be remembered that such a task is quite feasible, the main thing is to show patience.

Main Aspects

Initially, it is worth noting that the process of teaching a child new skills for him should be based on generalized experience. For example, you can think about how to motivate a child. You also need to understand how important it is to follow the training schedule. If it is violated, you should not hope for the possibility of quickly getting rid of diapers.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to wait for signs indicating that the boy is ready to use the pot. Despite the fact that among pediatricians and child psychologists there is no unanimous opinion regarding the age of the child suitable for training, most experts agree that accustoming should begin at the age of 1.5-2 years.

The best option is to pay attention to a number of features that signal the boy's readiness for such radical changes for him. Let's consider the most significant of them.

Features of a physiological nature

We are talking about the fact that a child ready for learning should produce the amount of fluid necessary for his age, have formed, as well as quite predictable bowel movements, and remain dry for at least 2 hours (for example, during daytime sleep).

Of particular importance is the correct coordination of movements, it is important that the baby walks and runs without additional effort.

Signs of Behavior

If a boy is ready for such a specific type of learning, he should be able to sit quietly in one place for at least a few minutes. It is also important that the child has all the skills to help take off and put on panties. Many parents point out that the boy can signal his desire to relieve himself by showing certain signs(as a rule, in each case they are strictly individual) and demonstrating disgust for a dirty diaper. There is also an interest in toilet procedures that adults have.

Cognitive signs

The boy must necessarily have an idea of ​​​​what actions are performed by adults when visiting the toilet room. If the child has a corresponding interest, you can tell him in more detail about all the features in an understandable language.

Previously, attention was drawn to the fact that a child will use the potty only if there are appropriate motivating factors. One of them is the presence of a beautiful pot. Therefore, every parent who is distinguished by a serious desire to teach a child to visit the potty should be concerned about this issue.

In addition to external attractiveness, it is necessary to focus on both psychological and physical comfort. It should be noted that The child should feel comfortable and independent. Some boys are reluctant to change their habits because they are afraid of falling into the toilet and do not feel in a stable position.

It is important to choose the model of the potty, sitting on which the baby will be able to feel a certain surface with his legs. This will reduce severe anxiety.

As for the additional parameters, adults need to pay attention to them on their own.

For example, recently pots with a ledge for urine have become very popular. Due to the presence of this element, it is quite possible to protect the floor from liquid splashing. It must be remembered that if the item itself is not made very well, the child may have negative associations, which in the future will create problems in an effort to potty train him as quickly as possible. Some models are equipped with removable elements that prevent splashing.

Choosing a potty, you need to focus not only on your own wishes and budget, but also on the interests of the child. Child psychologists note that only if the baby shows interest in one or another version of the potty, one can hope that after a completely short period it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

One of the conditions for effective potty training of a son is to ensure their preliminary acquaintance. For example, you can leave this device among toys. Thus, the child will initially demonstrate interest, sit on it, and understand that there is nothing wrong with using it.

Another trick that can be used is to "personalize" the pot. It is permissible to write the name of the baby using a marker or come up with a specific name for a new item (just like with your favorite toys), stick a picture you like. Many parents do not allow their child to sit on the potty with clothes on and make one of the most common mistakes.

Both mother and father of the child should be clear that the transition in question is a long, very stressful and continuous process. Everything will work out only on the condition that all these actions will not be interrupted.

What to do?

It is recommended to start teaching the subtleties of urination in boys after reaching 2 years. In the event that every trip to the toilet ends in tantrums, psychological pressure should not be exerted on the child, as this can be fraught with even greater complication of the situation. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the rules that will help to cope with accustoming.

  • For every boy, the indisputable authority is dad (or another close relative who can be trusted, for example, grandfather, older brother). For this reason, it is desirable that all basic skills be demonstrated to them initially.

  • Each time you urinate, you need to lift the pot closer to the boy's genitals so that it is convenient for him to get into the container. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the child's body should be reduced.
  • One effective option is to purchase a removable children's urinal, which should be set to the maximum height acceptable for the child.
  • Near the toilet, it is necessary to install a small hill (provided that it should be sufficiently stable) in order for the baby to be as comfortable as possible to relieve his need and not depend on adults.

  • It is best to conduct training in the warm season, when the child is dressed lightly enough. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems due to the presence of many things. At the initial stages, it is necessary to help the child.
  • Many parents note that boys like to urinate on weed the most. That is why all relevant procedures are recommended to be carried out during outdoor recreation.

To teach a boy to write while standing, you need not only to show how it is done. For each successful stage, it is recommended to praise the child, to tell him that he did everything right. But you can’t scold for mistakes, since the baby does it unconsciously.

Important: if you decide to start training, use diapers only while walking. No one will like wet pants at home, and the child will have an additional incentive to learn a new skill as soon as possible.

Thus, despite the seeming simplicity, the process of teaching a boy to write standing up has a significant number of nuances that must be taken into account without fail.

Teaching at an early age

The process of potty training a boy can be started, taking into account individual characteristics, from an earlier age, for example, from 8 months. True, in this case it is necessary to take into account a whole set of features.

For the purpose of maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to start accustoming in the warm season. This is due to the fact that there is the possibility of walking without diapers. You can also use the option when the pot is taken with you for a walk and placed in the most suitable place for this. Such actions can be practiced only when the child is not afraid of certain places and is not embarrassed by strangers. Otherwise, there is a possibility of causing psychological trauma to the baby.

Young children are quite sensitive to temperature changes. That is why it is necessary that the pot be pleasant to perceive. Give preference to items made of plastic. Considering that a child under a year old can be quite picky, it is extremely important to have two pots. In this case, an effect is observed that resembles interaction with toys.

Since the potty is perceived by many children as a toy, it is best to offer options for selection. Naturally, such a step requires significant material costs, but take it as a kind of payment in pursuit of the desire to ensure the rapid maturation of the child.

A couple of days before leaving the baby without a diaper, you need to remember the approximate time when he defecates and the frequency of urination. It is also important to pay attention to how the main emotions are expressed.

For information on how and when to potty train children, see the following video.

The key to success in this difficult undertaking is to start at the exact moment when your baby is really up to it. ready . Some children go to the potty at the age of one and a half, while others master this wisdom much later. You may already know that boys are behind girls in this matter, andsecond childrenlearn to use the potty faster than firstborns. There is not much point in early potty training. Studies have shown that if parents start potty training early, the learning process takes longer. In other words, whenever you start, you will only be able to achieve results at a strictly defined time.
If all signs of readiness are present, choose the right time. The baby should have a clear daily routine. If he has just started going to the nursery or you have a second child, the baby may not like the change. Wait until he is ready to learn new skills, and then you will be successful.

Let the kid learn on his own

Children learn by imitating the actions of adults, so it is only natural that at first the baby will want to watch how their parents go to the toilet. Here you can not do without a man as an example to follow. If your son wants to, let him go to the toilet with his father, grandfather or other relative. If he notices that dad uses the toilet differently than mom, you can take advantage of this and explain to him how boys use the toilet.

We buy everything you need

Most experts advise buying a potty that will become the personal property of the child and on which he will feel more comfortable than on an adult toilet. Many children are afraid of falling into the toilet, and this fear can prevent the baby from learning to go to the toilet on his own. If you want to buy a special child seat for the toilet, make sure it is comfortable and can be fixed firmly. In addition, you will need to put a chair or a comfortable step next to the toilet so that the child can sit on the toilet and get off at any time when he needs it, and also so that his legs do not hang in the air.

Help the boy get used to the potty

First, your little boy will need to get used to the very idea of ​​using a potty. You can help him with this if you tell him that the pot belongs only to him. You can write your baby's name on the potty or let him decorate it with colorful stickers. After such an “acquaintance”, you can try to put the baby on the pot right in the clothes. After a week of such “landings”, invite the baby to sit on him with his bare booty. If he starts to protestno need to persuade and force. This can only lead to resistance on the part of the child and nullify all your efforts.
If your son has a favorite soft toy or toy hero, try using them to teach him how to use the potty. Most children love these kinds of games. They are often more effective than words. Some parents even build a small pot on which they put a toy to keep the baby company.

Buy nice panties

Help your little one understand the benefits of using the potty. To do this, you can give him a special task: to choose underwear in the store. Let him decide on his own model and color (lingerie with the image of their favorite cartoon characters is especially popular with kids). Tell him in advance about the upcoming trip to the store. This way he can enjoy being old enough to use the potty and wear "real" underwear like his dad or big brother.

Choosing the right time

How soon you can forget about diapers depends on your employment, as well as on whether your son goes to or with a nursery sitting nanny . In this case, you will need to discuss your strategy with the nanny or caregiver.
You also need to decide if you're going to go completely off diapers or just use them occasionally. There are also special diaper panties that help the baby learn to go to the potty. However, many experts and parents believe that it is better to immediately switch to ordinary or special waterproof panties. And in those, and in others, your child will immediately feel that he wet them. The downside is that you will have to repeatedly change your little son and wipe the floor. If you're not sure how best to proceed, try asking your pediatrician for advice. And remember that for some period you still have to put on a baby diaper or disposablet rusiki for the night and in long travel .

How to write: sitting or standing?

Since the emptying of the bladder and bowels often occurs at the same time, it makes sense to first teach the boy to write and poop while sitting. So he will understand that the pot is for both actions and will not amuse himself with how to better aim to hit the pot, but will focus on the main thing.
Once the boy is used to the potty or toilet seat, let him try standing up to pee into the toilet (you will need a stable chair for him to stand on). However, do not get ahead of events: let the baby pee while sitting for as long as he wants. If your son doesn't want to pee standing up, try throwing pieces of toilet paper down the toilet so he can aim at them. Be also prepared for the fact that you will have to repeatedly wipe the floor in the toilet behind your ugly one until he hone his skills. If the baby wants to pee on the street, you can ask him to aim at a pebble or flower.

Let the boy go naked

Nothing helps a baby understand when he wants to go to the toilet like going without panties. Place the potty next to where your baby plays and ask him to sit on it from time to time. Of course, in this case, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that several puddles will appear on the floor (carpets can be temporarily removed or covered with plastic wrap). Look for signs that your child wants to go to the toilet (he may squat or dance in place) and use those clues. You can try to allow the baby to walk without panties, for example, in the evenings when the whole family is at home, or on weekends or at another time convenient for you. The more time he spends without a diaper, the faster he will learn to go to the potty.

Praise for Success

“Accidents” are inevitable, but in the end, when your son starts to succeed, he will rejoice in his small “accomplishments”. Be sure to celebrate this event. Tell him that he has become a grown-up boy, and reward him in a “grown-up way”, for example, allowing him to watch a new cartoon or read not one but two fairy tales before bed. However, you should not make an event out of every trip to the potty. Excessive attention can make the baby nervous.

Don't give up if you fail

As with other skills, the more a child practices, the better they get. But you can help him with this too. Dress your baby in loose-fitting clothes so they can easily take them off, or buy panties that are a size larger. If he doesn't succeed, don't get angry and punish him for it. Nothing harms the process of potty training more than feeling guilty about soiled panties. Remember that even for those children who have long learned to go to the potty, "accidents" happen from time to time. In moments of desperation, remind yourself that your reproaches for wet pants will turn you into a longer period of getting used to the potty.

Turn potty training into a fun activity

Try to get creative with the process of potty training your baby, and then your child will show more interest in him. Pour a few drops of paint into the toilet to get your little one interested. Place a few children's books next to the potty so he can "read", or read to him while he does his chores. He might like to cut out toilet paper figures and use them as targets when he learns to pee standing up.
If, as you think, your son began to lose interest in the process, but, nevertheless, he is doing well, you can try to introduce a reward system. One popular way is to use special stickers and a calendar. Each time your child has successfully gone to the toilet, give him a sticker to put on the calendar. There will be more and more stickers, and this will definitely inspire your "hero" to new feats. If the stickers don't impress your little one, you can lure him in with an extra reward, like something yummy or a new toy in exchange for a certain number of stickers, or if he can stay dry for days on end. You can check out our community for more ideas.

diapers for the night

Once your boy stays dry throughout the day, you can try skipping diapers at night. When the baby is already well accustomed to the potty, check if the diaper is dry when worn at night or during daytime sleep. Many children within six months after they have learned to go to the potty stop peeing during daytime sleep. As for the night hours, things are more complicated here, as everything will depend on the ability of your child's bladder to hold urine for a long time, as well as how soundly he sleeps.
If the child has expressed a desire to sleep without a diaper, buy a disposable diaper or oilcloth and lay it on top of the mattress. If this experiment shows that it is not yet ready, you can start using diapers again. Never blame your child for failure. Tell him that his body is not quite ready for this yet, and that soon he will grow up and be able to try again. If your son stays dry for three out of five nights, it's not worth going back to diapers. To help your baby, limit the amount of fluids you drink after 5 p.m. and make sure he goes to the bathroom before bed. If your child still continues to pee at night, don't worry. Until the age of seven, this is considered normal.

Down with diapers!

If your baby is already ready to completely say goodbye to diapers, then he has achieved a lot. You, for your part, should also understand and appreciate this. To keep your child proud of himself, let him give the remaining diapers to a familiar mother with a younger child.

“My son, from the age of two and a half (now he is five), has been taught to write standing up. And at home he does it well, does not stain anything. But recently, the son came from the kindergarten and complained that the teacher began to force the boys to write while sitting. My baby resists, and our dad is also categorically against it. As a result, the teacher refused to listen to us, and the question remained open. How to be? - Ekaterina, a reader, wrote to us.

“Now this topic is being discussed quite sharply among parents and you can look at it from several angles.

The most important thing is the comfort of the child. In this case, the boy is accustomed to pee standing up, he absorbed the concept that it is masculine, because it is instilled at home, so does dad, dad is a man, why should a boy - a future man write while sitting? He feels resistance and discomfort if he is forced to write sitting down, sincerely not understanding why he should do this. It's not good for a child, forcing him to pee while sitting is breaking him in some way. If he accepted it calmly, did not resist, obviously it would not matter much to him, but in this case, the importance of identifying with one's gender is carried out with the help of the idea of ​​the male role and what it is expressed in, "to write while standing ' is one such representation.

On the other hand, teaching boys to write sitting down is now the norm in Europe. Personally, I heard about this for the first time at a seminar conducted by a clinical psychologist from Belgium, who specializes in the topic of sexual education for children with autism spectrum. She talked about a whole system of sexual education, part of which is teaching hygiene skills. Autistic children are taught in this case to write sitting down, because, due to their characteristics, it may be difficult for them to "hit the target" and, perhaps, some are not able to learn this.

But if we are talking about ordinary children, initially hygiene skills are instilled in the family and are supported in parallel in kindergarten. If the family does not attach importance to how the boy pees - standing or sitting, then how he does it in the kindergarten will not become an acute problem. But if a child is taught to pee while standing, and he is forced to do it while sitting, I have only one question - why?

The answer suggests itself: it is more convenient for the teacher, because not all children of kindergarten age can write without falling on the toilet seat. But they teach him to lift first, right? The process that the child performs while pissing is associated with gender-role behavior. We have always known that boys pee standing up and girls pee sitting down. But the volatility of the world shows us that this is no longer the case.

I would like to emphasize that the main guideline for parents in this matter is the psychological and physical comfort of the child. Parents have every right to explain their position to the teacher and ask her to adhere to her child. After all, nowhere in the law is it written that boys should write while sitting.

“The question of writing while sitting or standing can be viewed from three sides. The first side is the rules and habits that are inherent in the family, the team and even the people. As for the family, everything is purely individual. It is already more difficult in a team, it is necessary to fit into the rules that are established there. And in some eastern countries, men are generally forbidden to write while standing.

The other side is hygiene. American scientists conducted an experiment that showed that the process of urination while standing is less hygienic than sitting.

And the third side is physiology, the facts show that writing while sitting is completely harmless to a person.

Well, in conclusion, I’ll add on my own, an extra skill will not hurt the child. And it’s up to adults how to agree among themselves and how to teach a child to follow the rules.”

What do you think, dear readers? Share your opinion in the comments!

Potty training can be difficult, but it will be easier for both you and your son once he starts using it. But before you start learning, it is important to understand if your child is ready for this. If the child is ready, first teach him to sit on the potty. Then make a study schedule. If the child does everything right, praise him and reward him so that he does not lose motivation.


How to understand that the child is ready

    Expect a child to be potty ready between 2.5 and 4 years of age. Most children begin potty training around the age of three. Remember that there is no single right age to start potty training a child, so be guided by the behavior of the baby.

    • Because babies can be very stubborn, you may need to start actively potty training your child if this could be a problem in the nursery or garden.

    Advice: If you start training a child before he is ready, you will simply have to train him longer.

    Pay attention to whether the child can stay dry for at least two hours during sleep. Check if the diaper is wet. If not, it means that the muscles are strong enough to hold urine. In very young children, these muscles are weak. A child cannot be potty trained until he can control his bladder, so it is important to wait until the child can control himself.

    • If the child is rarely dry, it means that he still cannot hold back urination. This is completely normal! However, it's not worth it to start learning yet.
  1. Make sure your child urinates in large quantities at once, and not in small amounts too often. Young children tend to urinate little and often until the muscles are strong and the child learns to hold back. If your child is still urinating a little, he is not potty ready yet. However, if he has begun to go to the toilet less often and in larger quantities, it may be time to potty train him.

    • You can check the diaper several times. If your child stays dry for at least two hours, they are most likely potty ready.
  2. Make sure your child goes to the big toilet regularly. For example, if your son usually goes to the toilet after breakfast or in the evening, that is, his routine is predictable, most likely he is ready for the potty.

    • If your child walks big at different times during the day, it will be more difficult for you to potty train him, as you will not be able to establish a regular schedule.
  3. Pay attention to whether the child can sit still for at least five minutes. If not, it will be difficult for him to use the potty - he will jump up from it without finishing.

    • If the child cannot sit in one place, you should first help him learn to do so. Ask him to sit quietly during the game, and then praise him and reward him with something if he succeeds.
  4. Make sure the child can take off and pull up the panties. This is necessary from a practical point of view. It will be difficult for your son to start using the potty if he can't get his pants on and off by himself.

    • Wear elastic pants for your child during potty training.
  5. Pay attention to how the baby feels in a dirty diaper. When the child grows up, he will no longer like wet diapers. This is a good sign! Talk to your child about the potty and how he or she will be more comfortable with the potty.

    • You may notice that the baby pulls off the diaper or asks to change it.
  6. First, put the child on the potty in clothes. This will allow him to get used to sitting on the potty. Let the pot be one of the home furnishings. Thanks to this, the child will not be afraid of him.

    • Give your child 1-2 weeks to get used to the potty before starting training.
  7. Give your son toys when he sits on the potty so that the process is interesting for him. Find toys your baby likes (like her favorite things or a secret set of toys to use in the bathroom). You can even invite the child to choose toys himself. It is important that the child perceives the potty as a fun and not scary thing.

    • For example, you can turn a baby tissue box into a small toy storage box in the toilet. Put some special toys in it that you can play with while sitting on the potty (for example, a small book, a doll, a fire truck).
  8. Let your son watch his parents or caregivers sit on the potty or toilet. This will help the child understand what the potty is for. Allow your child to ask questions and try to answer them honestly. If the child is interested in the potty, it will be much easier for him to teach him.

    • Children take their cue from adults, so this is the perfect way to help a child.
    • If the child is interested in the potty, let him try using it. But don't force your son, because otherwise he will be afraid of the pot.

Where to begin

  1. Pick a time when you won't be distracted. Do not try to potty train your child during difficult periods (for example, during a move). Your son needs to know exactly what is expected of him in the first few weeks, otherwise it will be harder for him to adjust. Before you start classes, make sure you can stick to your study schedule.

    Advice: To keep classes regular, take the potty with you on trips. So the child can sit on the potty at the same time even away from home.

    First, teach your child how to use the potty while sitting. So going to the toilet will be easier and more convenient. Show or explain to the child where he should put his penis so that it does not rest against the seat or partition, if you have one. The penis should be lowered down when the child is sitting on the potty.

    Potty seat your child for five minutes every two hours. Start classes in the morning after the child wakes up. Take your son to the toilet every two hours and after sleep. Sit next to your son so he doesn't get bored. After five minutes, let the child get up from the potty if he still does not go to the toilet.

    • While the child is sitting on the potty, entertain him with singing or playing.
    • If the child does not go to the toilet, there will be nothing to worry about.
  2. Let your child go without pants to encourage him to use the potty. Without pants, the child feels more vulnerable. He needs to choose where to go to the toilet: on himself or in the potty. Remind your child often to sit on the potty, and take him to the potty if the child acts like he needs to go to the toilet (for example, hugging himself or jumping on the spot).

    • It is best to do this on a tile or plastic floor, as the child can use the toilet on the floor.
    • Place the potty in the room where the child plays to make it easier for him to find it.
  3. Start potty training your baby at night when he can walk around with a dry diaper all day. But remember that children can wet the bed until the age of 10. To understand whether the child is ready to get up at night, in the morning check if he wet the diaper at night. If the diaper is usually dry in the morning, suggest that the child change the diaper for underpants. If not, keep using diapers until your baby's body is ready.

    • If your son wets the bed, his bladder may not yet be strong enough to hold urine all night. This is completely normal, but if something bothers you, see your doctor.
    • If your son really wants to wear underpants but occasionally goes to the toilet in panties, try using special underwear (like Skippy Pull Up) to gradually transition from diapers to underwear.
    • Give your child less fluids after 5 p.m. so they don't want to go to the bathroom at night. But do not deny your child water if he is thirsty.

How to keep your child motivated

  1. Celebrate every small victory so your child stays motivated. Every step is important, from learning to sit on the potty to going to the toilet. In order for the child to see that you are proud of him, and to cheer him up, praise him, hug him and give him small gifts.

    • When your child learns to use the potty, throw a little party for him. Let him throw away the diapers. If you have younger children who need diapers, encourage your child to "gift" them to their siblings. For example, a child might give their diapers to a younger sister or cousin to celebrate the fact that they are older.
  2. Focus on the good, not the bad. Potty training is often stressful for both parent and child. If the child feels that you are angry with him, or begins to be ashamed of himself, he will not succeed. Do not yell at your son and do not point out his mistakes to him. Instead, praise him when he does things right. Praise your child for using the potty and say that you would like to see it more often.

How much joy parents experience when their baby begins to ask for a potty. But if it’s enough for the girl’s mother that the baby refused diapers and now copes well without them, then the boy’s parents face another task - how to teach their son to write while standing, not sitting.

How to write correctly for boys, and at what age to start teaching standing up to relieve themselves

At the age of 18-24 months, children, as a rule, begin to go without a diaper and go to the potty. At first, both boys and girls relieve their need while sitting. But if a two-year-old baby looks quite normal at the same time, then a three-four-year-old is a little awkward. And parents begin to wonder at what age it is necessary to start teaching their son to write “like a man”.

No specialist will give you a specific answer. Everything is individual and depends on the readiness to urinate like an adult of each child individually.

Parents often worry that their son cannot urinate standing up. There is no need to make a problem out of this. He will soon realize that standing will be more comfortable for him, especially if he sees several times how other boys or his father do it.

Komarovsky O. E.

It is necessary to teach a child to write standing up gradually. The boy should first learn to control the processes of filling and emptying the bladder, to realize what a pot is and what it is intended for. Thus, it will be most effective to start training from the age of two.

The boy should begin to consciously go to the pot while sitting, since in this position it is still more convenient for him to relieve his need.

How to teach a boy to write while standing

In no case should children be forced to do something for which they are not physically and mentally ready. If the child resists writing while standing, and every trip to the toilet is accompanied by hysteria and tears, it is better to postpone training until better times.

Psychologists advise not to delay learning to write “like a dad” too much. The older the child, the more difficult it is to retrain him. Many boys become accustomed to the comfort of peeing while sitting and do not want to change their habits.

The child must be gradually prepared for this stage of development. Mom should talk with the baby about how big he is already, and therefore should behave accordingly, paying attention to the fact that all adult boys pee standing up.

Children repeat everything after adults. They try to imitate all the movements and habits of their parents. Therefore, the best assistant in mastering a new skill will be a father or older boys. They will show him how to pee like a man.

Many boys start peeing standing up as soon as they go into the garden and see how others do it.

Basic Rules for Successful Skill Mastery

There are several ways to teach your baby to write standing up:

  • he must see how papa does it;
  • every time you urinate, mom should lift the potty to the boy's genitals to make it easier for him to get in. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the "device" of the child must be increased;
  • buy a removable children's urinal and hang it at a comfortable height for the crumbs;
  • put a small chair or stand near the toilet so that the child can relieve himself on his own;
  • combine training with a warm season so that the child is lightly dressed;
  • include game moments in the process of mastering the skill.

The main activity of the kids is the game, so the game elements will not be superfluous in the process of teaching them to write like a man.

“Raining” requires toys that wash well: plastic, silicone and rubber. After the child has done his business, they must be washed in warm water with baby or laundry soap and disinfected with an antibacterial agent that you can prepare yourself. To do this, dilute one tablespoon of chlorine bleach with a liter of water. The best option is if these toys will continue to be used only for the purpose of teaching the baby to write standing up.

Parenting aids

The modern market offers a large number of children's devices for learning to write while standing. The kid will obviously be interested in a urinal with a turntable that rotates under the pressure of the jet pressure, and the child will try to aim at it.

A baby urinal should only be installed in a bathroom or toilet if space permits. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to its size.

Another necessary device is a footrest in the form of a stool, which provides the most comfortable position for the baby when urinating like an adult. But the stand-ladder with handles is designed to make it easier for the child to climb onto the toilet and pee while sitting. The width of the step is not enough to maintain balance, and the baby may fall while urinating while standing. In addition, all his efforts will be directed to how to hold on, and not hit the target.

Assistants to the child in mastering the skill of writing while standing - photo gallery

Baby footrest for maximum comfort when urinating while standing up Baby urinal with spinner makes urination more fun Baby urinal with legs adjusts in height to suit your baby's height
The children's mounted urinal saves space in the toilet and helps to teach the child to urinate standing up.
Outdoor baby urinal for maximum comfort when urinating outdoors

What is a camping baby urinal

Camping children's urinal - a recent invention of mankind, which provides maximum comfort for the baby when urinating in the field. And also it is well suited for teaching a boy to write standing up. Thanks to the funny unusual design in the form of a little animal, it will be interesting for the child to “water the elephant”. It can be used equally effectively both in the car and outdoors. At the same time, the mother can be calm that the urine will not spill, and the son's genitals will be protected from drafts.

For safety reasons, the boy should not go to the urinal while the car is in motion. It is necessary to pull over to the side of the road, and continue the path after the child pees and takes his place.

Hiking children's urinal - video

The main nuances in the development of a new skill for a baby

In the early stages of training, adults should hold the child's genitals and direct the jet during urination. Later, your son himself will understand what and how to do. Of course, the baby does not immediately learn to hit the intended target, and parents need to make a lot of efforts to help him master a new type of activity. Mom will have to run around with a rag more than once, wiping puddles near the toilet and pot. But do not immediately give up and scream at the crumbs. The skill will come with time, the main thing is daily training and parental support.

In the process of teaching to write while standing, parents should provide the baby with maximum access to the toilet - remove the child pad, if any, and raise the toilet seat. In this case, it will be easier for the child to hit the intended target.

The best way to teach a boy to write standing up is by a personal example of his father and an unobtrusive calm atmosphere. The main thing is that the child himself must be ready for this.