To whom did Katya's husband from the arrows go. The husband of the soloist of the Strelka group received seven years for beating his mistress

The girls from the British group Spice Girls blew up dance floors all over the world in the second half of the 90s. The influence of their work was very significant, including on our stage. It was in their image and likeness that the group was created "Arrows" which we want to talk about.

We invite you to learn a little more about how the fate of the girls developed, to the songs of which 20 years ago they danced at all discos and parties of best friends.

When the seven of the first composition of the team had already been selected, they could not come up with a name for a long time. They offered many options: "Alyonushki", "Nuns", "Snow White", "Lu-lu-toys" and others. But when the choreographer suggested calling the group Strelka, everyone agreed.

The first songs of the group were not very popular. Only in 1998, a year after its creation, did the above-cited "At the Party" come out. This composition for a long time sunk into the soul of many fans, and away we go ...

Then there were other songs: "Handsome", "First Teacher", "You abandoned me" ... The girls became recognizable, and each of their compositions was doomed to success.

During the existence of the team, its composition has changed several times. Let's find out what happened to the most famous members of Strelok.

Julia Beretta - Yu-Yu

When she performed at Strelka, she was known by the surname Glebova. After completing the performances in the team, the girl began to promote her solo project and took such a weapon alias.

Today Julia is 39 years old. She did not return to Strelka even after the reunion of the “golden squad” of the team in 2015. What for? The girl acts in films and plays in the theater, she also performs solo, performing, among other things (with the permission of the producers), some of the songs "Shooter". She is married and has a son Volodya.

Maria Solovieva - Mouse

Not much is known about the fate of this girl. She left the group third in a row. It is known that she gave birth to two children from the writer and businessman Dmitry Lipskerov, with whom she lived in a civil marriage, but then they broke up.

Leah Bykova

She was a member of the team for about a year, she didn’t even get a nickname. Then she was still a student. Perhaps, studies outweighed, or maybe the realities of show business were not satisfied, but Leah did not stay. In 2000, she left to study in Australia, where she still lives. Raising a child...

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

She left the band in 2003 and created the duet "Bridge". The project did not justify itself. After that, Hera tried herself in the cinema: she starred in about 10 films. Now Svetlana is 43 years old, she returned to Strelka.

Maria Korneeva - Margot

The second half of the duet "Bridge". Then the girl rarely appeared in public and did not lead an active social life. It is known that she got married, gave birth to a son and was engaged in her brand of jewelry. She also became a member of the new-old Strelok.

Anastasia Rodina - Stasia

The reason for leaving Strelok was marriage. The girl went to Holland, where she gave birth to a child's wife. Now she practices yoga and teaches it to other people.

Ekaterina Kravtsova - Radio Operator Kat

The girl was fired from the team, considering her image no longer relevant. After leaving, Katya organized her own business, and also gave birth to two sons. Now she has returned to Strelki again.

The Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow has sentenced businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who is the husband of the singer from the Strelka pop group. The man tried to kill his model mistress, preferring the artist, nicknamed Radio Operator Kat.

By a court decision, Sergei Lyubomsky will spend seven years behind bars. He will serve his sentence in a strict regime correctional colony, RAPSI reports with reference to Oksana Mikhalkina, the victim's lawyer.

It has been established that Sergei Lyubomsky, even before his marriage, was in a love relationship with two women at once - artist Ekaterina Kravtsova (Radio operator Kat) and model Ksenia Timoshchenko. Moreover, the businessman lived with Kravtsova in a civil marriage, raising two common children, as reported by the NTV channel.

In the winter of 2015, Lyubomsky planned to kill Tymoshchenko.

On February 2, the convict was waiting for Tymoshchenko at the entrance to her house. “When she approached the apartment, he hit her in the face, breaking her nose, and then stabbed her multiple times. Prior to that, he threatened to kill her mother,” lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina said.

On February 13, Lyubomsky was arrested. The committed crime and investigative actions caused a great resonance. In early March, this story became the subject of Andrey Malakhov's talk show "Let them talk" on Channel One.

Once in a pre-trial detention center, Lyubomsky married Ekaterina Kravtsova, the soloist of "Shooter".

According to Mikhalkina, the defendant during the hearing did not repent of his deed and did not plead guilty to the threat of murder and attempted murder.

The prosecutor asked for 11 years and three months in prison for Lyubomsky.

After the verdict was read out, the injured party expressed satisfaction. "We will not appeal this decision, but we will insist that he serve his sentence in full, without parole," Mikhalkina said.

Version of Radio Operator Kat

As Ekaterina Kravtsova explained earlier, her common-law husband was allegedly set up because of a lawsuit for land.

Six years ago, Sergei Lyubomsky, doing business with his father, acquired a land plot of 62 hectares worth 329 million rubles in the Chekhov district. It was supposed to organize a cottage village on this land. But then Leonid Venzhik, an old acquaintance of Sergey's, "tried to wring out" this site, Kravtsova told Express Gazeta.

Three times Chekhov's court ruled in favor of Lyubomsky, but the Moscow Regional Court overturned it. And when the judge of the Chekhov Court saw signs of fraud in Venzhik's actions, he decided to "set up a set-up with Ksenia Timoshchenko," Kravtsova believes.

According to her, Sergei left the family in February 2014 and lived with his mistress until November. During this time, Ksenia took over the house bought with Lubomsky's money and received three expensive cars from him. And after parting, she allegedly blackmailed him that she would not allow him to see the child if he did not leave her all the property.

According to Kravtsova, after the arrest, the operatives began to offer Sergey a deal: "You refuse the site, and we let you out."

“And some people of Caucasian nationality are breaking into my house and sending text messages with insults and threats to my phone. In general, everything is in the best traditions of the 90s,” the artist added.

We add that Leonid Venzhik admitted the fact of a financial conflict with Sergei Lyubomsky, whom he had known since the age of 13. But he claims to have loaned Sergei $500,000 during the land infrastructure development partnership. Then Lyubomsky offered him to buy land for 900 thousand rubles to pay off debts. But after receiving the money, he began to evade registration of the transaction.

Investigation by KP columnist Uliana Skoybeda. Part 3: Venzhik's business partner version [photo]

Photo: Personal archive

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Singer Ekaterina Kravtsova from the Strelki group contacted the KP editorial office and told a fascinating story: her husband, Sergei Lyubomsky, was imprisoned for murder, although he only broke his mistress's nose. The criminal case was fabricated, law enforcement agencies were influenced by the deputy head of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow, Pavel Pyatnitsky, and, possibly, businessman Leonid Venzhik, who seized land from Lyubomsky in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region.

We began to check the words of the pop diva, and it turned out that the broken nose was actually an attack with a knife on two women, Ksenia Timoshchenko's mistress is a long-term cohabitant of Lyubomsky and the mother of his child, and the marriage with Katya was registered after the arrest.

After the initiation of a criminal case, members of the organized crime group came to Pavel Pyatnitsky, Ksenia's new lover (now husband), and reported on the order placed on him. Pavel really had to use connections in power to make the criminal answer for what he had done. The conflict involved the singer Lolita, the prosecutor of Moscow and the son of Osya Butorin, the leader of the Orekhovsky ...

So who is Sergey Lyubomsky, the soloist of this corps de ballet?

Tatyana Zavyalova drives up in a white sparkling car with a driver, she is a representative by proxy of the same Leonid Venzhik, whom Katya calls the possible customer of the criminal case against Sergei, as well as the treasurer of one of the structures that were formed in the 90s.

Lenya, - Tatyana says sincerely, - is an old friend of the Lyubomsky family, and it was with him that Seryozha lived in America. For five days, Sergei studied at a closed school, and on weekends he went to Venzhik. The school was in Miami. There are photographs where we are together, on Lenin's yacht, catching trepang.

The world is turning over again. After all, the person to whom the child is sent across the ocean is almost a relative.

In America, Seryozha met Katya, - the woman says. - "Arrows" were on tour, and he saw her at a disco. He began to slowly fly towards her. He lied to adults that he was not let out of school, sat in the library, then the children of his acquaintances saw him in a club in Moscow.

History plays with new colors ...

I just want to say that Katya's life was difficult. Seryozha is a golden boy, everything happened. Katya calls him a businessman, but it is enough to request documents from the tax office: he has never registered a single company. But he went on vacation, he could sell the car - and squander in three days ...

Is Serezha a bandit? - I ask painfully.

No, of course, but Seryozha is very similar to his dad. Dad, Vladimir Lyubomsky, from the 89th year he was engaged in the purchase of land in the Moscow region: he registered it for his driver and sold it to the group of companies of Gennady Novakhov. Depending on the situation, Vladimir was able to talk to both bandits and merchants...

I remember: in the early 90s, such people were called "cool" and "businesslike". At the same time, I understand that I am trampling on a patch of land in a narrow circle of people: Katya lives in the Navakhovo cottage village, built by the same Navakhov, and we talked with her near the Geo Spa Resort Navahoff, to which Ksenia called the Federal Drug Control Service to get Sergey out ...

And the story continues:

And here is one plot, fifty-one hectares in the Chekhov district, dad, Vladimir Lyubomsky, issued for the still immature Seryozha. It was the 98th year. Then dad wanted to complete the deal, but he didn’t succeed ... As far as I know, from that moment on, dad no longer talked to his son. He never saw his grandchildren, although they live in the same village.

I guess:

Is this the same area?

This is the only asset that Sergei had in his entire life.


Serezha sold the land several times, information about this was preserved in the Regpalat. Then he bought it. How? I went to my dad or to Uncle Lena, cried that I had done something stupid while drinking, they sent guards ... In 2013, Sergey came to Venzhik and said that he finally wanted to do something with the site. My trustee gave him some money for land surveying, drainage, road filling, and so on, in order to later sell the land for cottages.

After some time, Tatyana went to Chekhov and made sure that the field was untouched.

Lenya calls Serezha, Serezha says that I mixed up the field. Because he will arrive in a month, a month turns into a month and a half, then Serezha arrives and says that the Chekhov authorities deceived him, and asks Leni for another 500 thousand euros. I was against it, but my principal insisted, and I made a pledge agreement: if Serezha does not return this amount, the land goes to Venzhik. We hand over the contract to the Regchamber, and a month later we find out that Sergey took it from the Regchamber. Secret from us.

- It is legal?

Yes, he is the owner. We found him a month and a half later, heavily overgrown. He cried, said: robbed, skipped. He persuaded Lenya to buy this plot so that he, Sergey, did the necessary work, and then, from the sales, Lenya would return everything that he had spent ...

- It turns out that your client paid for the same land three times?

It turns out so. And in January 2014, we learn that Serezha began to sell our land to "physicists". Myself.

Here Robski ends and Latynina begins in person.


Local residents run into the new "cooperative": those with many children, the disabled, all categories of low-income citizens. Sergey announced a small price, and two hundred plots are snapped up in flight, according to pre-agreements.

Venzhik quickly registers his contract of sale with the Regpalat. Two hundred families who donated money go there, and there they are told: the owner is not that one, but this one. Your papers are a filkin's diploma ...

Serezha gathers a meeting on the field and, under the video recording, declares: “I don’t know Venzhik, I don’t know him. It's a raider." The courts begin. Children stand with posters “Aunty, give back the land”, people throw stones at the representative Zavyalova, Seryozha scares her with a pistol, takes the pistol from the guard ...

The first court recognizes the right of Venzhik, the second sees signs of a crime in his actions and recommends that the police initiate a criminal case. The appeal cancels this decision, i.e. the land again turns out to be with Venzhik, and not with Lubomsky, the people run with a roar to the administration ...

Let me emphasize once again: this is how the representative of Venzhik describes the events. Lyubomsky's wife Katya says something completely different: Venzhik promised Sergey to find an investor, for this he asked to draw up a fictitious contract of sale in order to negotiate as an owner, and not as an outsider. The transaction was imaginary, the piece of paper was not notarized, no money was transferred to Sergey ...

In general, the parties accuse each other of deceit, and it is impossible to understand who is telling the truth: the affected residents of Chekhov and Sergei's parents avoided communicating with KP, and the Moscow Region authorities took the position: "Two partners did not share the business."

The case of deceived equity holders was taken over by the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov, once every ten days he heard the situation at a conference call. Venzhik agreed to negotiate with the buyers of the plots, that is, he recognized the contracts for which he did not receive money ...

The settlement agreement was difficult: some left-wing citizens arrived, those who were not identified by the crowd were not included in the document. For some bona fide buyers, the receipt number did not match the contract number, and it also turned out to be impossible to register their transactions (the settlement agreement is approved by a court ruling). According to Tatyana, one of these unfortunates approached Sergei and asked him to rewrite her receipt. He refused. The woman hanged herself two days later...

Well, then Sergey sat down, Katya already signed the settlement agreement, and Venzhik found out from the newspapers that it was he who killed the Dead Sea, that is, he paid for the novel by Ksenia and Pyatnitsky.


I don’t understand why Katya needs this, says Tatyana. - Katya is a talented, smart girl. Now she has realized the grievances that Sergey inflicted on her: she took his last name, stood in the office of the head of the detention center in a white dress: after all, a prisoner is not invited to register a marriage, he signs documents in a cell ... She proved to everyone and herself that she is the main in this man's life. But how to get used to the role of the guardian of the hearth, when we all know that Sergei until the last moment tried to return Xenia? He met with me after she left, asked me to reconcile them, he was nothing ...

- None?- I ask again.

It was hard not to notice. He could go to the toilet in the middle of a conversation and return with white flowing snot. Or the strange line of defense he chose after the attack on Ksenia: he took a knife to protect himself from Pyatnitsky. When you just had to ask for forgiveness, because Ksenia is the mother of his child, she did not want blood. The situation could have been minimized...

Ksenia Timoshchenko - a long-term cohabitant of Lyubomsky and the mother of his child Photo: Personal archive

- Would you agree to help him? After all?

Leonid Yurievich treats Sergei like a lost child. During the entire proceedings on Chekhov, he called Serezha: “Child, well, come to the office, we will discuss everything, everything can be resolved.” He raised Sergei. Now the child periodically calls us from the colony and says that he has sentenced us. That the first ones he kills will be us.

- Is it true that Venzhik is a representative of the Solntsevo group?

Thin smile:

We were all young, and each of us knew someone. Leonid Yuryevich grew up at the time when the Mercedes exploded. He comes from Solntsevo, but left for America when these criminal formations were formed. In Russia, he is not judged. Now he is an adult with his own business, his company bought and reconstructed the famous Moscow architectural monument - the Tea House store on Myasnitskaya.


That, in fact, is the whole story. It turned out to be about the girl Katya, the daughter of the shuttles, who fell in love with the prince. Member of an influential clan of the time.

Times have changed and the clan has changed. And the prince somehow survived in the same form.

According to relatives, Sergey called the godfather of one of his sons a thief in law Badri Koguashvili. Sergey could send a hundred thousand rubles to the girls at the next table in the restaurant. And in the temporary detention center after the arrest, the criminal investigation officers immediately came to him: “Tell me, who killed the killer of the Kemerovo organized criminal group Drunk” (the fact of the check was confirmed in writing by the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) ...

When Sergey Lyubomsky came into conflict with Pavel Pyatnitsky, a public figure who entered many offices, the elite of the 90s met with the elite of our time. And the methods also met ...

Singer Ekaterina Kravtsova talks about the “attempted murder” article, which was pushed through by administrative methods and, in her opinion, is clearly unfair: after all, experts regarded the wounds on Ksenia’s face and hands as a slight bodily injury.

I would venture to say that if Ekaterina had not started giving out insulting interviews about the model and scaring Pavel with FSKN officers, the case would have been resolved less traumatically for Sergey. Because Ksenia herself would have asked for a trial for her ex-husband, whom she considers a sick person.

And so, of course: a year after the attack, Pavel wrote to everyone and everywhere. He wrote to German Gref, raising a long-standing, 2006, material from the security service of Sberbank: a Chekhov alcoholic tells how scammers divorced him for a loan of 85 million rubles, promising a partnership in a company selling land for cottages (and he threw only familiar names).

Pavel wrote to the Prosecutor General's Office and succeeded in initiating another criminal case about Sergei's attack on Ksenia: once, in the summer of 2014, he shot her in the leg, and Sergei was already being transferred back to the Moscow region ...

... Ksenia, by the way, turned out to be positive and nimble. She told in detail how she cooked cabbage soup and borscht for five years, talked with Sergey's mother and friends, braved him from bad company, suffered beatings, lived either in a rented apartment or in a luxurious cottage. Her story is such a classic about a domestic tyrant who forbids you to work, but reproaches that you are a fool and sit at home, makes you wipe drops from the mirror if you go to work, gives Chaumet rings in tears, and wakes up the next day with the words: “How are you piss me off, when will you die.

I was especially shocked by the episode when the beaten Xenia locked herself in the nursery with her four-year-old son, and Sergey silently picked the lock with a knife ... With the same knife ...

But it's not about that.

There is no Katya in Ksenia's story at all. Ksenia, of course, never sent her any text messages: this family had completely different problems.

And in Katya's story there are almost no specifics. As if she hadn't spent much time with her prince. I found her interview where she says that he left her in 2003. And then in 2006.


There is little left to say. From the very beginning, Katya claimed that right after Sergey’s arrest, some scammers sold her apartment: they forged a passport and made a deal, and how, they say, so much fell on her, Katya ...

A criminal case on the fact of fraud has indeed been initiated, the police are looking for villains, and in parallel, Katya demands in court to recognize the transaction as invalid.

Unfortunately, there is a witness who claims that he saw Katya in a black wig while receiving money from the bank. And these testimonies are in the criminal case, and in the civil process, and the buyer, and this is a well-known Moscow bank, vomits and thrashes, and spews curses at the “stinking yellow press, which, of course, happily gives a podium to the “singer deceived by scammers”, because they are one field of berries "...

That is, in fact, there is a version that Katya herself pulled off this scam. According to Pavel, because money was urgently needed to protect Sergei. It happened right on the same days: the beginning of the document flow in the apartment and the detention of Lyubomsky.

Of course, only the court will tell whether this is true or not.

I tried to remember cases of great love, when a woman does everything for a man who is always in another place.

“To me you will return, you will love me,” the forgotten Solveig sings in Peer Gynt's hut.

And waiting for him, and waiting. All life.

The soloist of the Strelka group Ekaterina Kravtsova was robbed of an apartment for 60 million rubles. But how did the scammers manage to deceive Radio Operator Kat?

Sergei Vinogradov/TASS

A few years ago, the singer acquired real estate. Through a realtor, Ekaterina rented out housing to a certain Bella Moiseeva, who acquired a passport in the name of Elena Kravtsova in order to introduce herself as the owner's sister. After that, the fraudster turned to a notary and received the right to sell the apartment, which was allegedly signed by Radio Operator Kat herself. “I find out that my apartment, it turns out, is no longer mine. I found out about this on May 25, 2017. As it turned out later, the apartment was resold twice, and then also mortgaged to the bank. There is a difficult scheme, ”Kravtsova told


Kravtsova filed a civil suit. The singer won the first hearing, but the defendant filed an appeal, and the court overturned the original decision. The case has now gone to the Supreme Court. So far, the date of the new hearing has not been set, and the case has been re-registered as a criminal case.

However, according to the singer, so far the investigation has not brought results: “Everything is going sluggishly there. All of this is very hard for me. The most difficult thing is to prove the guilt of the notary. She claims that I myself signed the notarial journal on the transfer of the right to sell, when an examination was carried out, during which it was proved that the signature was not mine. But the notary continues to assert the opposite. The fact of negligence is obvious. But, alas, so far it seems only to me. But nothing, we will fight, ”Ekaterina shared.

As you know, trouble does not come alone. Shortly before Kravtsova's apartment was stolen, her husband was sent to prison. She lived with Sergei Lyubomsky in an actual marriage for 15 years and gave birth to two children from him. In 2013, the singer found out that a man was cheating on her with model Ksenia Timoshchenko. Moreover, Sergei has an illegitimate son. Kravtsova forgave her husband.

In February 2015, Sergei returned home and said that he hit his mistress. A few days later, Lubomsky was arrested for attempted murder. But even this could not shake Kravtsova's love for her husband: they got married right in the pre-trial detention center. “The wedding was terrible,” says Ekaterina Kravtsova. “They searched me: “Sit like this, stand like that,” they undressed me ... You walk around the territory in a veil, the prisoners shout at you through the bars ... Then I sat in the bathroom for three days, I couldn’t wash myself. Yes, that's not how I imagined it. After all, I'm a girl, I've been going to this moment all my life ... ".


Katya Kravtsova from the Strelka group turned to the KP editorial office with a request to intercede for her husband, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who received seven years under the article “attempted murder”. According to the singer, Sergey simply hit his ex-lover Ksenia Timoshchenko, broke her nose, and the case received an inadequate assessment, because Ksenia's new companion is Pavel Pyatnitsky, deputy head of the Public Monitoring Commission (ONC) of Moscow, a person close to the State Duma and law enforcement agencies. Most likely, he is acting in collusion with the "raider" Leonid Venzhik and unknown scammers.

Katya was not very convincing: her husband turned out to be not a husband, but a cohabitant, the marriage was registered only when Sergey got into a pre-trial detention center, the singer could not name a single successful project of her businessman and was not even going to explain where Xenia, who, it turns out, was such same mistress, like herself, stab wounds came from ...

Bli-i-in, how tired of all this ... - moaned the statesman Pavel Pyatnitsky. - How this Katya got us ... !!!

And he roared a few insults at the singer, but made an appointment. In a restaurant where cold appetizers cost from 1500 to 1900 rubles.

A young handsome guy, in a T-shirt with Putin. From the links sent by Katya, I know that he is a defender of pedophiles, an assistant to Zhirinovsky and suffers from delirium tremens: documents from the Ambulance are posted on the Web, which, however, indicate not alcoholic psychosis, but brain damage ... Strange, but it looks like this Will not say.

You yourself are a media worker, - says Pavel, - you know how such things are done: sixty percent of the truth is taken and supplied with the most vile lies. Yes, I called an ambulance when I worked in the State Duma as an assistant to Zhirinovsky and lived in a hostel, because I really have problems with blood vessels and pressure, I had brain concussions, and I had to get an iron pipe in fights! About a pedophile - it was the broadcast “Let them talk”, about a girl who gave birth from an adult. I said: “Yes, I agree, he is to blame, but the fault is on both sides, the bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up,” and that’s it !!! After that, I was called names at all corners, I myself was proclaimed p ... m, I wanted to sue!!! And all these leaks of compromising evidence were made by the people who imprisoned Sergei Polonsky: I worked for Seryoga, and I stood up for him with a mountain. Polonsky fled and left me powers of attorney for the entire business, I could rob him, re-register all legal entities, and I climbed the construction site from seven in the morning, for a salary of 320 thousand ...

Pavel almost screams, he pronounces at the break, and it is clear that he was in a lot of pain. I personally do not sympathize with either Zhirinovsky or Polonsky, but I appreciate loyalty in people.

I met Ksyusha in January 2015, I write poetry - she commented on something on Instagram. I have two unsuccessful marriages behind me, I was so fed up with family life ... I thought: women are only meat, I don’t need anything else, I saw Ksyusha ... I told her my whole life, as if in confession. I realized that I had never loved anyone before! And she said that she was married to businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, she has a son ...

Married? - I'm surprised.

They were not scheduled, but Sergey lived with her: there were always rumors about Strelka, and Sergey's parents did not accept Katya. When their son got together with Ksyusha, Sergey's mother took her grandmother to her so that Ksyusha and Sergey could live in the vacated apartment. Maxim is born...

History turned over like an hourglass.


Ksyusha is not a model at all, she is a normal person, she worked in the personnel department when we met, and before that she and her friend sewed clothes: Ksyusha carried bales of fabrics from China. "Vorotyla" Sergey was registered in the Kravtsova IP, used, as he himself puts it, "rubbish", Ksyusha lost money and things, she even found a diamond ring in the pawnshop, with which Sergey made her an offer. She has been living with this man for five years, loves him, forgives him, fights with hucksters, calls the Federal Drug Control Service to the hotel where he sticks out. He hits her like a dog! Shoots her in the leg, breaks the glass in the car, pulls her through the window, cuts her arms, she's covered in scars. He runs after the car, hits the hood with a knife, and then kneels: "I'm an animal, I'm sorry, I'll die without you" ...

Rocker. Loose emotions, loose psyche. Typical codependent behavior.

The tragedy almost happened precisely at the moment of such an aggravation of feelings: Sergey, whom Ksenia left in the fall of 2014, when she lost her child from beatings, in January 2015 begins to bombard her with letters: “I love you! You are my soul mate ”(“ KP"I am familiar with the correspondence. - Ed.). Note that he is scribbling this while sitting in Katya's kitchen, whom at the same moment he proposes to get married and give birth to a daughter, and Katya believes ... Poor Katya.

Sergey buys a husky puppy that Ksyusha dreamed about, takes pictures, sends it to her, and then walks with the dog around Katya's house. He brings money for Max, his son and Ksyusha, 45 thousand rubles. At first I thought: a normal father! Wanted to talk to him...

The idyll ended as soon as Ksenia told her ex that she had a new relationship. It began: “Pi ... r”, “Let your Pavlushka come here, I’ll piss in his mouth”, “Hey, you, Zhirik’s litter, I’ll justify you,” because Sergey also read those very links ...

Pavel grabbed the phone: “Are you stuck in the 90s? So you, according to those concepts, have told yourself a death sentence!”

Shoot the arrow. Pavel, knowing about the inappropriate behavior of the client, asked to control the meeting of two operatives. Suddenly, Sergei apologized and wished happiness to his former lover, the conflict seemed to be settled ...

And a few hours later, Pavel heard Ksyushin whisper in the receiver: “Please, he poked me in the face with a knife, he wanted to kill me ...”


The details of the crime are known every minute, because the case went to court.

Sergei went to the west of Moscow, where Ksyusha's mother lives in Khrushchev. By the way, Ksenia is not a Ukrainian, as I was told at the beginning of the investigation, but a Muscovite, and her mother is a teacher.

He entered the entrance, waited for his mother, slept on the stairwell, the neighbors saw him.

Mom came - grabbed her by the hair and put a folding knife to her throat: "Be quiet, I'll kill you." He walked around the apartment, turned over vases with flowers donated by Pyatnitsky. He poked the sofa with a knife. He asked his mother-in-law: “Will you first bang or this whore?”, Ordered: “If I leave you, give Max to Katya” (but she needs it. - Ed.).

Finally, Ksyusha called from below.

“They are coming,” mum said in a choked voice, and Sergei realized that “they” were Ksyusha and Pyatnitsky. I went to the kitchen for a bigger knife, and Ksenia was only with her son. The grandmother managed to grab the child and drag it into the apartment, and the man knocked his ex-girlfriend in the face down the stairs so that she flew over the span, and began to knead. Ksenia screamed, fought back with her hands and feet, all the glancing blows fell on her hands and face. The doors began to open, the knife broke against the wall. The offender grabbed the victim and dragged him outside, on the playground he pressed his knee to the ground and put a folding knife to his throat, Ksenia held on to the blade and wheezed: “Seryozha, don’t kill, we have a son!”.

"Hey!" some passers-by stepped in in the dark. Ksenia was able to escape and, choking on blood, ran to the highway ...

When I rushed to the traffic police post and saw her in the ambulance, - says Pavel, - I thought she was finished! The pads of the fingers hang half-cut off, there is a hole on the face, it is sealed here, a hematoma, everything is leaking ... I yell: “Do something !!!”

Lubomsky was taken ten days later. He was sitting at Katya's house, the opera filmed him walking with the same husky on the territory of the cottage village, and they detained him ... near Ksenia's house. Again with two knives.

“Well, what are you wondering about? the opera asked. "You almost killed a girl."

Sergei replied: "It would be better if I killed her."

... To exclude doubts from readers: the crime was filmed on video, the camera was installed at the entrance. Mom and the opera testified, and the boy testified, who picked up the bleeding girl and took her to the post, where doctors were called.

There are still drops of blood on the stairs: I went there on purpose and looked ...

Ksenia was sewn, she underwent several operations, albeit not the most serious ones. The second victim, a frightened mother, shook for a long time and drank valocordin ...

The prosecutor asked for eleven years for Sergei, the judge gave seven. The Moscow City Court approved the verdict.

And the question arose. Why was I invited to this celebration of life?


Pavel tells, and I listen like a detective.

My job is to visit places of detention, and I am familiar with different people, and with criminal authorities, and with intelligence officers. When they found out that I had a misfortune, many came and said: "Pasha, we will bang him." Me: “No way! I will only act within the law!” - otherwise it is impossible in this profession ...

I immediately understand where the terrible letters with promises to put Sergey down came from, which Ekaterina showed me, and why Pyatnitsky asked the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service to put the detainee in a special unit under round-the-clock surveillance: three or four people in the cell, a refrigerator and a TV. The human rights activist had to hide the enemy from voluntary assistants.

And so it begins: Sergei is brought to court for a measure of restraint, and our lawyer sees bearded uncles there - they look like Chechens. And hear my name. I figure out what's what, I'm going to the State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic and explain that, perhaps, an order has been received for my murder. The lawyer managed to take a photo on her phone, these people are found and told to them: "Pasha - do not touch."

Two months later, my friend, a former intelligence officer, comes and says: “Colleagues took an order to break your legs.” He accidentally found out that those people who were preparing already had all the information: where I eat, drink, where I rent an apartment - a few more days, and I would have fallen! And there are only six such cases in a year - I come to the cell, they ask me: “Pass the person a kettle”, I pass it on, and it turns out to be the son of Osya Butorin (the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group. - Ed.). In the evening they come to me: “Listen, it turns out that you are a normal guy, but they told us that you robbed Lyubomsky, took away his land.”

The trial of Sergei begins, Katya and three officers of the Federal Drug Control Service come there: one in civilian clothes, two with chevrons of the Grom special forces, I go up to shake hands, they say to me: “Listen, p ... s, our service will deal with both you and your deed"!!!

Pyatnitsky loses his temper:

For what?! What have we done to whom? Did I take Ksyusha out of the family? Or I imprison an innocent: there is a video of how he cuts it! Katya says: "Pyatnitsky took advantage of his position in the PMC." Yes, if I wanted to take advantage, I would have put him in the most densely populated cell, and he, with his character, would have been banged there - but he didn’t catch a cold in my pre-trial detention center for a year!

And Katya again runs on the TV show, and again Ksyusha is a model - what kind of model is she to you ?! Why is my wife being poured with mud, with this Lolita (long colorful epithets addressed to Lolita. - Ed.), the same ... as Kravtsov's "shooter" herself !!!

With Lolita, the scandal came out notable: the host, after listening to Katya’s version of events (her husband just hit his mistress), said: “Wow, the poor thing’s nose was broken, she won’t be able to smell the new oligarch ...”

Pyatnitsky posted an answer on the Internet, in which the words were mostly censored: “Lolita, aren’t you ashamed ?!”

Lolita was offended and ran to complain to the general director of NTV Kulistikov, Pavel called "from the very top" and demanded to apologize ...

Pyatnitsky says that at that moment he was ready to take a gun and shoot off the head of everyone who slandered his family and does not allow him to answer, despite the height of the offices.

...Fearing to incur the wrath of an expressive person, I would venture to write here that he did use the administrative resource. An ordinary person cannot go to a deputy from Chechnya: once I really needed it, but I didn’t succeed. And an ordinary person cannot dismiss the soldiers of the special forces of the Federal Drug Control Service "Grom" by organizing an internal audit, which will establish that they, using uniforms and certificates, were protecting E. Kravtsova for money, which caused damage to the reputation and authority of the drug control authorities (document at the disposal of "KP ”, according to the rest of the statements about “orders”, criminal cases were refused, so we only report Pavel’s opinion about why they wanted to kill him, but we don’t say who exactly. - Ed.). And certainly an ordinary person cannot convince the Moscow prosecutor to take the case under personal control if he believes that the investigator is not investigating in the right way, forges the signature of the victim and inclines to the defense version: “Two people fought in the entrance, and the girl herself ran into a knife five times” …

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Pavel Pyatnitsky about businessman Sergey Lyubomsky. The investigation is led by Skoybeda: Detective from the life of Rublev's wives "A bloody divorce with the Strelka group, or the rich sing and cry"