What shapes can be made from the snake diagram. One puzzle and endless snake figures

Rubik's Snake is a fascinating toy, puzzle, consisting of 24 prisms. These are isosceles figures, identical in shape and size, connected together...

From Masterweb

06.05.2018 14:00

Rubik's Snake is a fascinating toy, puzzle, consisting of 24 prisms. These are isosceles figures, identical in shape and size, connected together on hinges. Thanks to the flexible connection, all the parts rotate in different directions, and more than 200 different geometric and object figures can be made from a long strip.

Along with the cube of the famous Hungarian inventor, although the Rubik's snake was invented almost 40 years ago, it is still popular. Not only children, but also their parents love to rearrange prisms to create new objects.

Who invented the puzzle

Erne Rubik is a world-famous inventor of puzzle toys. His homeland of Hungary is proud of its sculptor, architect, teacher and designer. In the 80s of the last century, he founded his own furniture design studio and helped the country's talented inventors realize their talent. In the 90s he already founded his own technical academy.

His inventions: a cube, a snake, a watch, magic rings and a ball are known to people all over the world. The surname of the great scientist and professor has become a household name. All children know the Rubik's cube, but not all kids understand that this cube was invented by Professor Rubik from Hungary.

Snake composition

Externally, the Rubik's snake looks like a long stick consisting of 24 multi-colored parts. Now some manufacturers even produce copies of 36 elements. Each prism has a rectangular cross-section, which allows the parts to fit tightly together when rotated.

The real toy has circular joints, but now there are many fakes on sale in stores, in which all the elements are connected using fishing line. It’s better not to save money, but to buy a high-quality puzzle, because the game involves frequent turns and movements of prisms around its axis.

Benefits of the puzzle

Rubik's Snake is not only a fascinating, but also a useful toy. In a playful form, the child develops logical thinking, the ability to navigate in space, the imagination is stimulated, and the ability to fantasize. In creating new figures, fine motor skills of the hands and fingers are developed, which will be useful in further studies at school.

From the prisms that make up the Rubik's snake, you can create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions. Starting from assembling the simplest structures - a broken line, a triangle or a rectangle - the child becomes interested in creating more complex figures.

The puzzle, invented by a talented inventor, can be taken with you on the road, on a trip to the country, or given to a sick child in the hospital. It will engage the child and make him think about completing the task. The toy takes up minimal space, so it won’t weigh down your travel bag. You can use two puzzles and collect figures at speed, organizing a competition. Let's look at a couple of examples of what can be made from a snake.

Assembling the Rubik's snake

To create a heart from prisms, you need to fold a square. The excess edges should be turned inward, connecting the figures first at right angles to the sides. The following parts on one side and the other need to be turned with their bases up so that they fit snugly against each other.

Turn the final two prisms with their sides towards the middle so that the bases form a right angle.

Making a dog

If you don’t know how to make a dog out of a Rubik’s snake, then carefully look at the photo below. Since the puzzle consists of different colors, you can easily guess which piece needs to be turned in which direction.

One of the popular toys of our time is the Rubik's snake. The puzzle became a hit back in the last century. But even today it has not lost its relevance. The design of the toy consists of isosceles triangular prisms - there are 24 of them in total. They are connected by rotating hinges. The snake puzzle develops perseverance, spatial thinking, imagination, logic and fantasy. It captivates both adults and children. In this article we will introduce you to Rubik's snakes and tell you how to collect various shapes.

For fans of the Rubik's puzzle, creating a ball is the most common shape. You can start assembling not only from the end of the toy, but also from its middle. In this case, there is no exact assembly algorithm. Either way is correct.

The addition scheme is as follows:

Watch the algorithm for assembling a snake into a ball in our video.

Collecting the dog
Here is a snake puzzle; instructions for the pieces accompany each description. Now let's talk about how to fold a dog. After assembly, the child will be happy to play with it.

Teach your child to create different shapes from a snake cube. By putting together a puzzle, he will not only have an interesting time, but also benefit it. Adding various shapes trains memory and attention. Pay attention to the dog assembly diagram.

Video instructions for the algorithm for adding a cute puppy.

Cute kitten

Professor Rubik developed his idea with the goal of developing logical thinking and fine motor skills. The mechanism of the toy is designed in such a way that it can be folded into different shapes: dog, cat, swan, bat, ball, and so on. Over 50 interesting animal figures are collected from the snake. There are no algorithms for this, only human imagination.

Almost every child loves kittens. You have a unique opportunity to make a cute pet out of a cube.

This is the kind of original cat that a snake puzzle can assemble; the diagram of the figure is shown in our video.


As already mentioned, the Rubik's puzzle helps develop skills. Having such a toy at hand, you will spend your leisure time interestingly not only at home, but also during your lunch break at work, during a break at school, in transport, relaxing in the park, etc. The snake takes second place after the Rubik's cube.

The Hungarian inventor developed it for those people who have never succumbed to the cube. The difference between them is that the snake does not have an addition algorithm. That is, the result can be anything. Mathematicians have calculated that the rotation mechanism of the puzzle makes it possible to assemble over 90 quadrillion combinations, which include flowers, plants, animals, furniture, objects, buildings, birds, etc. A person determines for himself which forms to collect - complex or simple.

The Cobra figure is not considered difficult. Try folding it using the video instructions.


By turning the snake mechanism you can assemble interesting figures. At first glance, it seems that assembling combinations is not difficult. In fact, it’s easy to twist a snake, but to create an accurate figure, you need skills and abilities. The elephant is the largest animal. But with the help of a snake you can assemble it.

Detailed instructions are provided in the video. Take the snake in your hands and start creating an eared elephant.


Boys will be interested in assembling a rocket. Children need such educational games. Essentially, they make toys for themselves with their own hands. This includes puzzles. The snake is designed in such a way that the child develops during play and learns new skills without knowing it. Assembling a puzzle is also useful for adults. Over the years, memory deteriorates, and any thought processes activate the convolutions.

It is better to start learning with simple figures. First, try to assemble a rocket.

It should be noted that with the help of a snake you can fold a variety of aircraft, for example, this one.

It all depends on the difficulty level. If desired, you can add several more types of rockets.

Let's talk about the benefits of the Rubik's snake. This puzzle combines play and learning. During the assembly process, the child develops analytical and imaginative thinking. He perceives the world in a new way. It is these qualities that will help the child adapt in adulthood.

We invite you to watch a video with instructions for assembling the rocket.

Psychologists are convinced that the specific results that a child achieves independently have a beneficial effect on his overall mood. He begins to believe in himself, becomes bolder and more active in any actions. The child's self-esteem rises. Finding the right solution improves math skills. Therefore, develop your child and develop yourself. Watch the video to see what other shapes you can make with the snake puzzle.

Rubik's Snake is a fascinating toy, puzzle, consisting of 24 prisms. These are isosceles figures, identical in shape and size, connected together on hinges. Thanks to the flexible connection, all the parts rotate in different directions, and more than 200 different geometric and object figures can be made from a long strip.

Along with the cube of the famous Hungarian inventor, although the Rubik's snake was invented almost 40 years ago, it is still popular. Not only children, but also their parents love to rearrange prisms to create new objects.

Who invented the puzzle

Erne Rubik is a world-famous inventor of puzzle toys. His homeland of Hungary is proud of its sculptor, architect, teacher and designer. In the 80s of the last century, he founded his own furniture design studio and helped the country's talented inventors realize their talent. In the 90s he already founded his own technical academy.

His inventions: a cube, a snake, a watch, magic rings and a ball are known to people all over the world. The surname of the great scientist and professor has become a household name. All children know the Rubik's cube, but not all kids understand that this cube was invented by Professor Rubik from Hungary.

Snake composition

Externally, the Rubik's snake looks like a long stick consisting of 24 multi-colored parts. Now some manufacturers even produce copies of 36 elements. Each prism has a rectangular cross-section, which allows the parts to fit tightly together when rotated.

The real toy has circular joints, but now there are many fakes on sale in stores, in which all the elements are connected using fishing line. It’s better not to save money, but to buy a high-quality puzzle, because the game involves frequent turns and movements of prisms around its axis.

Benefits of the puzzle

Rubik's Snake is not only a fascinating, but also a useful toy. In a playful form, the child develops logical thinking, the ability to navigate in space, the imagination is stimulated, and the ability to fantasize. In creating new figures, fine motor skills of the hands and fingers are developed, which will be useful in further studies at school.

From the prisms that make up the Rubik's snake, you can create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions. Starting from assembling the simplest structures - a broken line, a triangle or a rectangle - the child becomes interested in creating more complex figures.

The puzzle, invented by a talented inventor, can be taken with you on the road, on a trip to the country, or given to a sick child in the hospital. It will engage the child and make him think about completing the task. The toy takes up minimal space, so it won’t weigh down your travel bag. You can use two puzzles and collect figures at speed, organizing a competition. Let's look at a couple of examples of what can be made from a snake.

Assembling the Rubik's snake

To create a heart from prisms, you need to fold a square. The excess edges should be turned inward, connecting the figures first at right angles to the sides. The following parts on one side and the other need to be turned with their bases up so that they fit snugly against each other.

Turn the final two prisms with their sides towards the middle so that the bases form a right angle.

Making a dog

If you don’t know how to make a dog out of a Rubik’s snake, then carefully look at the photo below. Since the puzzle consists of different colors, you can easily guess which piece needs to be turned in which direction.

All connections are made inside the snake, and its edges serve as the pointed tips of the animal’s ears and tail. If your puzzle consists of 36 elements, don’t worry, you can leave the extra prisms in the center and make an elongated dachshund body.

This is the beauty of the toy. Even if something doesn’t work out for you, you can use your imagination and come up with a name for this “creation”, and at the same time laugh.

The desire to show off some abilities lives in each of us. Some people can jump forward a considerable distance, while others enjoy surprising others by touching the tip of their tongue to their nose.

In the early 1980s, demonstrations of intellectual ability and manual dexterity in combination were especially exciting. Then new puzzles appeared in the USSR, including the Rubik's cube and the snake, from the links of which you can assemble many two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures.

Who invented the puzzle

Hungarian inventor Erno Rubik became famous throughout the world thanks to his Rubik's cube - an intellectual game that requires concentration, a calm state of mind, systematic strategic thinking and sports passion. The author patented the puzzle in 1975, and in the 80s it made him a millionaire.

Another, no less famous, but not so difficult puzzle that has captivated children and adults from all walks of life is the Rubik's snake. The ball is the most popular figure assembled from it, perhaps due to its compactness.

What is a snake made of?

24 prisms, identical in size and interconnected by hinges, seem to be a simple device. Its initial form for assembling figures really resembles an elongated snake. Usually the snake is two-colored - this makes it easier to assemble.

From the instructions for the puzzle you will learn how to make a ball, a dog, a cat and many other intricate geometric shapes from a snake.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a snake ball

The puzzle seems unusually difficult at first. How to assemble a ball from a snake is completely unclear. However, by spending just a few minutes, you will surely “tame the snake” and transform it into a smooth, beautiful figure.

So, how to make a ball out of a snake:

  1. You can start assembling the ball by turning the snake links both to the left and to the right. Place the snake vertically in front of you so that the longer edge is on top, and the topmost prism is with its base facing the ceiling. Let's assume you are right-handed. Hold the prism in your left hand and use your right hand to rotate the top joint 90 degrees to the right.
  2. Rotate the second prism in the same direction, also 90 degrees.
  3. We rotate the third joint of the snake in the same way, continuing to fold the prism segments in one direction.
  4. After you spin the snake for the fourth time, as if turning it all the time to the right, you should get a completely distinct part of the future ball - a depression of three edges of the same color, and adjacent to each of them are edges of a contrasting color.
  5. Next, holding the snake itself, turn it towards you to the right.
  6. Repeat steps 1-4 so that you get another indentation - the second part of the ball. Moreover, you need to perform the last two actions almost simultaneously in order for the snake prisms to press tightly against each other.
  7. And we repeat the key action - we turn the snake itself away from the ball, free it in order to make another - the third part of the ball. Repeat steps 1-4 again and bend the snake away from the ball. In total you will end up with 8 indentations.
  8. At the end we get an almost assembled figure with a sticking tail. How to make a ball out of a snake so that it is even, regular in shape, and symmetrical? Find the “tail” from which you started collecting it and move it away from the ball.
  9. We turn the second end, consisting of two prisms, to the right, and its very top - away from us.
  10. Now it's simple - lower both ends towards the ball. The snake ball is ready.

Why is the invention useful?

The Rubik's Snake perfectly develops spatial and figurative thinking and imagination. After all, in order to assemble a figure, you need to constantly keep its picture in your head and understand what you are ultimately striving for. Creative people will definitely come up with something new in the process of unfolding the joints of the snake at their own discretion.

This is also a kind of gymnastics for the joints of the hands. It’s rare that anyone regularly performs gymnastics to prevent arthritis and arthrosis in older age, but with a toy like a snake, this happens by itself.

After it becomes clear in practice how to assemble a ball from a snake, make another figure, come up with a story about it and tell it to your child. And be sure to help him see and imagine his living prototype in the angular hippopotamus you made, for example.

And then invite your child to assemble something simple himself. Let him twirl the snake to his heart's content, developing fine motor skills at the same time.

Which snake is better to choose?

Rubik's snake can be large or small, of different colors. If you take the snake in your hands, it will immediately become clear how convenient it is to handle it - check that it turns without much effort. In a good way, instructions should be included in the package, although you yourself can easily find different ways to assemble a puzzle of several levels of complexity. Study practical videos: how to make a ball, swan, turtle, dinosaur or flower from a snake.

A small snake is convenient to carry with you - there are snakes even in the form of key rings. But the owner of a larger toy will certainly feel like a real designer. The most important thing when choosing a snake is a strong desire to turn it in your hands and do something with it yourself.

Rubik's Snake is one of the most famous toys in the modern world. The design is a combination of 24 isosceles triangular prisms that move using hinges. The popularity of this puzzle came back in the last century, but today it attracts not only children, but also adults who like to spend time thinking.

The snake perfectly develops qualities such as perseverance, concentration, flexible thinking, as well as hand motor skills, so it is recommended for every person.

Rubik's snake figures

We will look at the most common Rubik's snake shapes you can create.


A similar Rubik's snake figure is popular among owners and is considered the most interesting problem. The ball is executed not only from the edge, but also from the middle. There is no exact diagram for assembling a Rubik's snake, so everyone can follow according to their own preferences and spend time usefully, developing their thinking and hand motor skills.


If a person doesn’t know what can be made from a Rubik’s snake, a dog will be an excellent option for a fun pastime. The design is based on a simple scheme, so even a child can cope with the task. The figure of a dog from Rubik's Snake is distinguished by its beauty and laconicism, so it can be used to improve the interior.


The Rubik's snake assembly diagram for this figure is very simple, so the design can be completed without any preparation. Today, Rubik's snake figures are not far behind the Rubik's cube in popularity due to the many advantages and benefits for the owner. Most importantly, designs such as a cute cat will appeal to children and keep them interested during breaks between classes.


What can you make from a Rubik's snake? The cobra figurine is ready to answer this question. The construction is carried out on the basis of a simple Rubik's snake assembly scheme, so even a child can cope with the task. Visually, the cobra looks great, and the process can interest not only children, but also their parents, who have not played with puzzles for a long time.


The figure of an elephant is representative of the very first designs that were invented after the release of the snake. The scheme can not only interest, but also arouse sporting interest. Such figures from Rubik's snake have an excellent effect on the development of children, and also have a large number of possible variations.


Boys of any age will really like this Rubik's snake figurine, like a rocket. The excellent execution of the design by the manufacturers arouses real interest among children, as well as nostalgia among their parents, who in their youth loved to play with such puzzles. Boys will be able to have fun and compete in their wits.


Do you want to spend time usefully? Then the crab will become an excellent Rubik's snake figurine, which you will have to work hard on to get an effective result. Despite the complex assembly scheme, the design is capable of developing in children such a quality as obtaining the desired result despite difficulties.


The assembly diagram for this figure is not the easiest. However, smart children quickly practice assembling it and compete with their peers in their skills. Parents who buy a Rubik's snake for their children can be sure that each child will have a good time, and the figures will definitely arouse interest.


These Rubik's snake figures are the most flexible design, so the child can realize all his ideas. You can use a Rubik's snake to make any number up to 9. The design can be an excellent tool for children to learn numbers. The figures will arouse interest and also force the brain to remember each number.

Schemes for assembling figures from Rubik's snake

In addition to the presented figures, you can collect many more interesting things from the Rubik's snake. You can watch more information about assembling figures from a Rubik's snake in this video tutorial:

Interested? You can buy a Rubik's snake in our store and assemble various shapes.