Five years of Oboronservis: Who covers Serdyukov, Vasilyeva and their accomplices? Why the outcome of the "Vasilyeva case" will not become a trump card for the opposition Why Serdyukov and Vasilyeva are not imprisoned.

Only a very naive person can seriously think that Putin, the Kremlin and the government are the real sources of power in Russia. As in any other country, this is impossible by definition.

Only hidden supranational formations have real authority. This is how the current “Bible World” works, and Russia is no exception here: it’s another matter that this is not good ...

If we take as a basis the fact that our president can only “resolve” the situation, maneuvering between the interests of various “elite” clans, pushing them against each other, limiting their freedom of maneuver and benefiting from this for the development of the state, then we can at least somehow understand the real state of affairs. In all other cases, no analytics will work.

That is why, year after year, the so-called “expert community” issues some forecasts and calculations that are completely unviable, short-sighted and simply stupid; designed for the "Twitter consciousness" of the modern creative plebs. Russian “public analytics” operates in a non-existent coordinate system, which is only suitable for looking “smart” in the eyes of a simple layman.

Despite the numerous cries of various “specialists”, “political scientists” and “political technologists” that “everything is lost”, Russia, nevertheless, is slowly but surely emerging from the era of the “Time of Troubles”. And this happens only due to the fact that our president, as well as a certain part of the national elite, have accurate information about the real state of affairs and use it competently. It costs a lot.

Simply put, Putin has to work with the human material that is offered to him by the established “elite” clans, and not with the one he wants to. In this situation, the choice is usually made on a best-of-worst basis.

For example, Serdyukov, a furniture maker, was brought to you and you know that he is not a military man, that he is not a professional, that he will steal, and that because of him you will have many problems; but you don't have a better alternative...

How can you do it here? You can do it like this:

To force him to perform a certain important function that is unlikely to be performed by anyone else - the other will not be allowed to do this by “their own”. The task of the former Minister of Defense Serdyukov was ONLY to ensure that budgetary funds reached the army.

No matter how badly we treat this character, it was under him that military planes began to fly again, warships began to sail, and money (albeit not all) began to get where it was needed.

Limiting someone else's power is also power ...

Before Serdyukov, the financial flows of the defense industry were not at all controlled by the state and were distributed according to the will of unknown persons. By the way, many clans were seriously impoverished because of this maneuver: frankly, the owners of the furniture maker themselves were very surprised by some of his actions.

Actually, it was precisely because Serdyukov dared to block the most powerful channels of enrichment of the “elites” that he “burned out”

At the same time, the case of Oboronservis and Vasilyeva has nothing to do with it at all: this is just an excuse for “ELITE” to decide to remove it themselves. Putin had only to sign his resignation. Moreover, the enrichment channel called “Oboronservis” appeared as a result of the fact that Serdyukov closed the previous channel. This is what they agreed with Putin. There was no agreement about Oboronservis...

Thus, having played on the contradictions of the “elites”, Putin, using the hands of the enemy, first neutralized some “elite” clans, and then got rid of this enemy, using the hands of other “elite clans”. This is what “disintegration” is. There is no other possibility to change something under the existing management system...

Or, the big blood of Khrushchev's repressions of the 37th year

Yes - Serdyukov is a thief, yes - he caused serious damage to our state and destroyed a lot of things. But if you look at the situation not with "Twitter eyes", but from the point of view of prospects, then he completed the task. Otherwise, how did it happen that Sergei Shoigu literally in a year recreated it from a “completely destroyed army”?

So it wasn't as bad as it was...

As for the "resignation" of Medvedev, it will not happen in the near future. He is kept in the government due to the fact that he is a mediocre manager and literally fails all the orders of the “elites”. This is precisely what manifests itself in the form of stupid initiatives like changing the clock or zero ppm. He was set to break, but he does not succeed. Therefore, for Putin, and for us, Medvedev is still needed ...

What is happening now with the Serdyukov case just gives a reason to raise the issue of executions and black funnels. So, Serdyukov, this is not just the first corrupt official that came across, this is a top-ranking official who had the most direct access to the secret data of the Russian Federation. Mostly through their own ministry, that is, the Ministry of Defense. Serdyukov has knowledge that is a state secret, and the fact that he lost his post does not at all deprive him of this knowledge.

If he is imprisoned, in accordance with the current laws of the Russian Federation, he will be able to hire a lawyer and through him transfer all secret data to those who may be interested in them. Therefore, instead of jailing him, they are going to appoint him to the post of adviser to the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov. In this post, Serdyukov will have absolutely no power, well, what power can an adviser have? But he will be on a short notice, since there are people in the Ministry of Defense who can monitor compliance with the State Secrets in Russian Technologies.

Some political analysts believe that he is appointed advisers to RosTekhnologii in order to mock him.

News - Political scientists: The new position is a sophisticated mockery of A. Serdyukov

As Alexei Mukhin, general director of the Center for Political Information, told RBC, such an appointment is bad news for A. Serdyukov and a “special mockery” of him.

“If he still had informal immunity, in the event of his resignation, he could be appointed as an adviser to the president, like former ministers Tatyana Golikova and Yury Trutnev. The appointment of S. Chemezov as an adviser, who does not have the warmest relations with A. Serdyukov, is not even a link, it is an attempt to keep A. Serdyukov in sight, but cut him off from a real opportunity to influence the situation around Oboronservis and other companies that attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies,” A. Mukhin explained.

As an adviser to S. Chemezov, the ex-head of the defense department will always be under the supervision of people who are unfriendly to him. According to the political scientist, such a step could be beneficial for S. Ivanov, who is now laying the foundation for the Kremlin's anti-corruption initiatives: it is the head of the presidential administration who has recently acted as the main newsmaker on high-profile cases.

Let me disagree with Alexei. Firstly, because Ivanov is being made into the future Prime Minister, who is to replace Medvedev after the resignation of the government. It seems to me more than obvious, well, or in the extreme case of Rogozin.

Secondly, because the reason for this strange appointment of Serdyukov is not a mockery at all, but the need to preserve the State Secret. This is also obvious because, being a political scientist, Alexei missed the direct adoption of the law on State Secrets.

News - The State Duma adopted a law on state secrets

Deputies of the State Duma in the second and third readings approved a government bill that toughens the punishment for divulging state secrets and introduces criminal liability for illegally obtaining information constituting a state secret. According to Interfax, the amendments provided for by law have been made to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Russia.

In accordance with the bill adopted by the Duma, an article appears in the Russian Criminal Code providing for fines from 200 to 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to four years for persons guilty of obtaining information constituting state secrets without the use of violence. In the event that violence is used or there are other aggravating circumstances, the perpetrators will face imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

A very soft law, for good it is necessary to give VM punishment, which at the moment is a life sentence. It is amazing how quickly this law was passed. There is every reason to believe that he has just been accepted for the resignation of such personalities as Serdyukov and the possible future resignation of the Medvedev government.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is good or bad. I have no desire to justify such an appointment of Serdyukov or the adoption of such laws. I'm just trying to analyze and compare facts.

In general, I believe that corruption in the highest echelons of power should be exponentially shot on Red Square. And not only so that those who come to the places of corrupt officials know what will happen to them if they steal and saw.

But also to ensure that there is not the slightest probability of divulging State Secrets. Secret information - must remain secret, and if a bad person takes possession of it, he must take his knowledge with him to the grave. This is due to a completely banal national security.

That is why the black funnels and executions that were used 75 years ago, from my point of view, are the absolutely right solution to such problems.

The former head of the property relations department of the Russian Defense Ministry, Yevgenia Vasilyeva, previously convicted in the high-profile case of Oboronservis, received parole on Tuesday. While Vasilyeva is preparing to leave the Vladimir colony - and she intends to do it today, the RIA Real Estate portal recalls the history of the official's misadventures.

Way to the top

Evgenia Nikolaevna Vasilyeva was born on February 20, 1979 in Leningrad. In the late 1990s, she entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Her fellow students were the future defendants in the case of "Oboronservis" Ekaterina Smetanova and Maxim Zakutailo. At the same time, Anatoly Serdyukov, a businessman and future Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, received his second higher education at St. Petersburg State University. After graduating from the law faculty with honors in 2001, Vasilyeva was engaged in real estate activities for some time, worked as a legal adviser in various commercial organizations.

Her life changed dramatically in March 2007, when Vasilyeva went to the international real estate exhibition MIPIM in Cannes as an interpreter for Vladimir Resin, who at that time was the first deputy mayor of Moscow and head of the capital's construction complex. The girl made such a strong impression on the honored builder that he offered her the post of his adviser. Vasilyeva did not refuse.

Ex-official of the Ministry of Defense Vasilyeva will leave the colony today - courtThe Sudogodsky court released on parole ex-official of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement of over 800 million rubles, she will leave the colony today, RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom.

After the exhibition, the career growth of the future defendant in the case of "Oboronservis" could no longer be restrained. After working for several months with Resin, she headed Baltikstroy LLC. Former colleagues of Vasilyeva, who were interviewed by the media, called Vasilyeva "a very purposeful and ambitious girl" who "goes towards her goal like a tank, crushing everything in its path."

It is not known exactly how and when Vasilyeva met Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. A number of media outlets write that they have known each other since the days of the law school, while other sources claim that Vladimir Resin recommended Vasiliev Serdyukov as a valuable employee.

In any case, in 2010, Serdyukov offered Vasilyeva the position of his adviser - chief of staff, and then appointed head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense. Vasilyeva also joined the board of directors of Oboronservis, Slavyanka and a number of other enterprises controlled by the defense department. In the summer of 2012, the official left the Ministry of Defense - many officers complained about conflicts with her - and was going to open her own jewelry boutique.

A life like a fairy tale turned into a nightmare on October 25, 2012. Early in the morning, operatives came to Vasilyeva's apartment, located in an elite club house in the Golden Mile area, with a search in the scandalous case of billions of dollars embezzlement in the defense department.

During the search, antiques, several wardrobe trunks with jewelry (including 120 rings), authentic paintings by famous Russian artists from the Cultural Center of the Armed Forces and 3 million rubles were seized. Shots of operational shooting with all the juicy details were soon shown in the program "Special Correspondent" by Arkady Mamontov on the air of the federal TV channel "Russia". “If all the jewelry was immediately hung on Vasilyeva, then they would cover her like chain mail for three million dollars,” the authors of the program sarcastically commented on the search process.

Later, Vasilyeva's father told the media that the ill-fated elite apartment, the cost of which was estimated by experts at 3-5 million dollars, was not bought by her daughter at all, but received from him as a gift. According to Vasiliev, he could well afford such an expensive purchase, since he is a co-owner of companies that manufacture and supply fiber-optic cables and plastic pipes, and is a multimillionaire.

golden cage

On November 23, 2012, Vasilyeva was detained by the FSB. She was charged under the article "fraud on an especially large scale." The ex-official has become the main defendant in the so-called "Oboronservis case." Under this name, ten criminal cases against officials of the Ministry of Defense on the illegal sale of large real estate objects of the ministry by the Oboronservis holding were combined into one proceeding. According to preliminary estimates, the damage from real estate transactions is about 4 billion rubles.

The Khamovnichesky court refused to release Vasilyeva on bail of 15 million rubles and chose her a preventive measure in the form of house arrest. Due to the imposed restrictions, Vasilyeva was left all alone in her huge luxury apartment in Molochny Lane. In December, the defendant's lawyers said that Vasilyeva was at risk of dying from starvation, since cooks and housekeepers could not visit her. The court listened to the arguments of the defense and allowed the servants to come to Vasilyeva.

Another trouble was the electronic bracelet, which the judge ordered Vasilyev to wear on his leg. From this device, which tracks the movement of the wearer, the defendant could not get rid of, although she complained about the hard strap.

Court with lollipops and heels

The trial of the ex-official lasted almost three years. During the trial, while Vasilyeva was under house arrest, she composed poetry and even released her own collection. In July 2014, after a meeting of the Presnensky Court of Moscow in her criminal case, she announced the opening of an exhibition of cat portraits and her own line of jewelry. She also organized an exhibition of her paintings and shot the music video "Slippers". At the same time, the person involved in the case of "Defense Service" painted a portrait of American President Barack Obama and sent him her work. As reported, cultural figures disagree about the creative talents of the former official.

The HRC member who visited Vasilieva in the colony is not sure if it was herAndrei Babushkin, a member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC), who visited prison colonies in the Vladimir region on Friday, the former Defense Ministry official Yevgenia Vasilyeva, convicted of corruption, could not determine whether it was her.

During the court hearings, the ex-official behaved quite confidently, if not defiantly. She periodically talked on the phone, drew something, ate candy and even sat down without the permission of the judge.

However, on the last day of the trial, she still had to listen to the verdict standing up, despite the protracted reading and high heels. The Presnensky Court of Moscow appointed Vasilyeva five years of real imprisonment, however, including 2.5 years, which she spent under house arrest, in Vasilyeva's sentence. The defendant herself clearly did not expect such a verdict, she even staggered after the court named the term and decided to take her into custody.

Initially, there were 12 episodes in the case - Evgenia Vasilyeva was charged with fraud, attempted fraud, money laundering, abuse and abuse of power. Later, in a number of episodes, she was acquitted, and the damage, which was originally estimated at about 3 billion rubles, was reduced to 800 million rubles.

school cleaner

Vasilyeva went to serve a prison term in the Vladimir colony. Here she also mastered a new specialty - she was appointed as a cleaning lady in the household detachment, entrusting a responsible task - to clean the school during the summer holidays. She lived in a quarantine block in a room with 8 single-level beds, occupied by 6 people.

However, not everyone is sure that Vasilyeva was in the colony at all. Andrei Babushkin, a member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC), who visited Vasilieva late last week, could not say for sure whether it was her. True, he admitted that he himself had seen her before only in photographs.

Vasilyeva told Babushkin that her job in the colony was to take care of the flowers, and she liked it. She also stated that she had no complaints about the conditions of detention, and she would very much like to avoid the attention of the press.

The path to freedom

Vasilyeva did not have to be bored in the colony for a long time - as soon as the verdict came into force on August 21, the Sudogodsky Court of the Vladimir Region got the opportunity to consider her request for parole. According to the lawyer, during the time of house arrest and imprisonment in the colony, Vasilyeva showed herself only on the positive side, she treated all employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service with respect.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / A cage for the accused in the hall of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which will consider the petition of the convicted ex-head of the Department of Property Relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Yevgenia Vasilyeva for parole.

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A cage for the accused in the hall of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which will consider the petition of the convicted ex-head of the Department of Property Relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Yevgenia Vasilyeva for parole.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / Journalists at a meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which postponed to August 25 the process on an application for early release on parole of the former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Yevgenia Vasilyeva, who was sentenced to 5 years in a penal colony for embezzling funds from the military department.

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Journalists at a meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which postponed to August 25 the process on an application for early release on parole of the former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Yevgenia Vasilyeva, who was sentenced to 5 years in a penal colony for embezzling funds from the military department.

© RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev / The meeting of the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region, which considers a petition for parole of the former head of the department of property relations of the Russian Ministry of Defense Yevgenia Vasilyeva, sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzlement of military department funds. Center: Judge Ilya Galagan.

All that we see is only one appearance.

Far from the surface of the sea to the bottom.

Consider the unimportant obvious in the world,

For the secret essence of things is not visible.

Only a very naive person can seriously think that Putin, the Kremlin and the government are the real sources of power in Russia. As in any other country, this is impossible by definition.

Only hidden supranational formations have real authority. This is how the current “Bible World” works, and Russia is no exception here: it’s another matter that this is not good ...

If we take as a basis the fact that our president can only “resolve” the situation, maneuvering between the interests of various “elite” clans, pushing them against each other, limiting their freedom of maneuver and benefiting from this for the development of the state, then we can at least somehow understand the real state of affairs. In all other cases, no analytics will work.

That is why, year after year, the so-called “expert community” issues some forecasts and calculations that are completely unviable, short-sighted and simply stupid; designed for the "Twitter consciousness" of the modern creative plebs. Russian “public analytics” operates in a non-existent coordinate system, which is only suitable for looking “smart” in the eyes of a simple layman.

Despite the numerous cries of various “specialists”, “political scientists” and “political technologists” that “everything is lost”, Russia, nevertheless, is slowly but surely emerging from the era of the “Time of Troubles”. And this happens only due to the fact that our president, as well as a certain part of the national elite, have accurate information about the real state of affairs and use it competently. It costs a lot.

Simply put, Putin has to work with the human material that is offered to him by the established “elite” clans, and not with the one he wants to. In this situation, the choice is usually made on a best-of-worst basis.

For example, Serdyukov, a furniture maker, was brought to you and you know that he is not a military man, that he is not a professional, that he will steal, and that because of him you will have many problems; but you don't have a better alternative...

How can you do it here? You can do it like this:

To force him to perform a certain important function that is unlikely to be performed by anyone else - the other will not be allowed to do this by “their own”. The task of the former Minister of Defense Serdyukov was ONLY to ensure that budgetary funds reached the army.

No matter how badly we treat this character, it was under him that military planes began to fly again, warships began to sail, and money (albeit not all) began to get where it was needed.

Limiting someone else's power is also power ...

Before Serdyukov, the financial flows of the defense industry were not at all controlled by the state and were distributed according to the will of unknown persons. By the way, many clans were seriously impoverished because of this maneuver: frankly, the owners of the furniture maker themselves were very surprised by some of his actions.

Actually, it was precisely because Serdyukov dared to block the most powerful channels of enrichment of the “elites” that he “burned out”

At the same time, the case of Oboronservis and Vasilyeva has nothing to do with it at all: this is just an excuse for “ELITE” to decide to remove it themselves. Putin had only to sign his resignation. Moreover, the enrichment channel called “Oboronservis” appeared as a result of the fact that Serdyukov closed the previous channel. This is what they agreed with Putin. There was no agreement about Oboronservis...

Thus, having played on the contradictions of the “elites”, Putin, using the hands of the enemy, first neutralized some “elite” clans, and then got rid of this enemy, using the hands of other “elite clans”. This is what “disintegration” is. There is no other possibility to change something under the existing management system...

Or, the big blood of Khrushchev's repressions of the 37th year

Yes - Serdyukov is a thief, yes - he caused serious damage to our state and destroyed a lot of things. But if you look at the situation not with "Twitter eyes", but from the point of view of prospects, then he completed the task. Otherwise, how did it happen that Sergei Shoigu literally in a year recreated it from a “completely destroyed army”?

So it wasn't as bad as it was...

As for the "resignation" of Medvedev, it will not happen in the near future. He is kept in the government due to the fact that he is a mediocre manager and literally fails all the orders of the “elites”. This is precisely what manifests itself in the form of stupid initiatives like changing the clock or zero ppm. He was set to break, but he does not succeed. Therefore, for Putin, and for us, Medvedev is still needed ...

I’ll make a reservation right away: in general, I agree with the author of the article. Because practice is the criterion of truth. And practice demonstrates brilliant successes in the reorganization of our armed forces. compared with the collapse of the Yeltsin era. The same was confirmed by the conflict of 08.08.08.

Even the very fact that Putin, despite a possible sharp decline in his own popularity, did not hand Serdyukov over to justice ( which, by the way, it is not clear whose rights it protects), - this fact indirectly confirms the main idea of ​​the proposed publication.

And it prompts another, that Putin is in the Kremlin - one of us among strangers, a stranger among "friends".

There is another thoughtful moment. Serdyukov was appointed Minister of Defense immediately after three years of leadership of the Federal Tax Service. Those. he studied the official, gray and black financial flows like no one else. And he understood how corruption schemes could be regulated so that the illusion of ongoing theft remained, but at the same time, the bulk of the finances would be transferred to the actual needs of the army.

After all, the latter did not rise from practical non-existence by magic, did it?!

Operation Serdyukov is the biggest geopolitical success of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century

First, a little chronology.

1996 Operation Jihad was an assault on Grozny by Chechen militants in the month of August, during which they took control of most of the city. Chechen detachments attacked and captured other major cities of the republic - Argun and Gudermes. After that, the shameful Khasavyurt agreements were concluded, which put an end to the first Chechen war.

2008 The five-day war, during which the American-trained and well-equipped Georgian army was defeated. At the same time, it is worth considering that the forces of the parties directly involved in this war were approximately equal in number and weapons (about 18-20 thousand soldiers on each side of the parties, in terms of tanks and armored vehicles, approximate equality). In aviation, the Russian Federation had a serious superiority, but the fate of the war was decided by land waxes. A brilliant military victory without any reservations in a record short time. The Israelis, pushed off their pedestal with their seven-day war, are offended smoking on the sidelines.

year 2014. Crimea is part of Russia without a single shot being fired.

What has changed since the end of the last century and where did Russia get a new excellent army, if we take ground forces and air defense, then the best in the world at the moment (In terms of aviation and sea power - the undisputed second in the world).

At the turn of the millennium, only the lazy did not bury Russia. Even the arrival of the then young Putin inspired few people - there were no chances of salvation. Let me remind you that oil in 2004 cost $24, and before that it was even cheaper! (Are you talking bad now? And then I remember there was euphoria when the barrel climbed up to thirty!)

And things were worse in the army. Beggarly wages in the nineties wiped out many professionals, the prestige of the service fell below the plinth. The pilots had a flight time of 5-10 hours a year, large-scale exercises were not carried out for decades. The average age of military equipment approached 20 years, new equipment was not purchased at all. The defense complex was breathing its last.

In the early 2000s, as soon as Russia paid off the enslaving debts received back in the USSR, as soon as the oil broke off the plinth and rose a little, as soon as Khodor was imprisoned and the oligarchy and concessionaires were pressed, in general, as soon as the money appeared, they were allowed to go to the army .

Until about 2005, there was a patching and plugging of priority holes, bringing the army at least a little into a combat-ready form, modernization and investment in the ROC, re-equipment of the defense industry began, but even then it became clear that the structure of the armed forces was hopelessly outdated and no good.

By 2006, there were 15 thousand military units in the Russian Federation, and not a single one was fully combat-ready and equipped, especially with modern equipment. Most of these thousands of parts (sorry for the tautology) existed only on paper or were "framed" shelves. That is, in fact, apart from the command of the unit and several officers and ensigns and warehouses with equipment (some of which were long outdated, plundered and rotted), there was nothing in them. In Soviet times, it was supposed to replenish these units during the threatened period with mobilized citizens who had previously completed military service.

Perhaps during the period of global confrontation and the Cold War, such a system made sense, but in our time it turned out to be completely unviable - it devoured a huge amount of funds and gave a false sense of a large and powerful army, while there were no really combat-ready units at all. It got to the point that in the first Chechen one, consolidated units were formed from the Far Eastern Marines - because there were no full-fledged completed units.

A radical reform was brewing. Painful and unpleasant, especially for the old generals and senior officers of Yeltsin's leaven.

At the same time, it was worth considering the close attention of our Western friends, who closely followed the attempts to restore the former semblance of military power. I pay tribute to the foresight of our leadership - long before Crimea, they calculated the exact reaction of our overseas friends to an attempt to restore national sovereignty, restore Russia's influence in the world, and restore the army as the main and necessary condition for this.

Be that as it may, it was necessary to carry out the reform of the army, and it was absurd to start rearming, having ten thousand military units consisting of ensigns and colonels and warehouses with rusty equipment.

And a brilliant idea appears - to put an absolute amateur, a civilian specialist, alien to the military generals in order to clean out the "Augean stables" with further hanging all the dogs on him. Serdyukov was ideally suited for this role, and the women's battalion served as an excellent illusion and a veil for attentive foreign eyes.

And they began to cut in a living way! Instead of ten thousand military units, we will make forty brigades of a new model. For the attentive American ear - a balm for the soul. After all, a brigade is about one regiment in size. A laughingstock, not an army turns out. Yes, against the backdrop of outright "corruption" - these stools will definitely ruin everything they get to.

With a cunning maneuver, the servicemen were relieved of all household chores - from outfits for the kitchen, peeling potatoes, washing and cleaning, and other non-military components. Under the guise of all the same semi-mythical cuts and outsourcing. (The corruption component was undoubtedly present, at least for plausibility and knowing our realities, but obviously more modest than it seems). The size of the army rapidly decreased - half a million people began to be considered civilian specialists). Americans are smiling.

At the turn of 2009, wages were raised fantastically sharply, especially for those who are on direct combat duty. It was not without excesses and tearing up bonuses in the field, but the salary really grew up to 3-5 thousand dollars from a pilot or submariner. Not all yet, but many already. Compared to Yeltsin 50$ especially impressive.

In the same period, they massively began to give housing to the military! The queue was reduced three times (by the arrival of Shoigu, the queue had actually disappeared, except for the current newcomers).

The prestige of the service went up, the competition for military schools tripled. The schools themselves unexpectedly turned out to be not quite dead, although they were virtually "destroyed" by turning into branches of larger schools and military universities.

Meanwhile, a period of mass modernization and replacement of equipment unfolded on a fantastic scale!!! Mainly in the Southern and Western districts. For example, in the Southern Military District, by 2011, all brigades had 100% either new or freshly modernized armored vehicles (T-90A and T-72B3 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, BTR-82A, MTLB with a 30-mm gun, etc.). The helicopter fleet of the Southern Military District has been replenished with a hundred new MI-8AMT/Sh, MI-35 and Mi-28N. Aviation received the Southern Military District and the Western Military District up to a hundred new and modernized fighters.

Each brigade was fully staffed, provided with artillery and self-propelled guns, communications and electronic warfare equipment.

Since the budget is not rubber, then all the brigades beyond the Urals and the Far East remained with the old Soviet equipment (now it is better, but we are talking about Serdyukov). However, ours again guessed with the future theater of action. And overseas friends watched with emotion how part of the brigades of the new look is still armed with old Soviet T-72Bs.

The number of teachings has grown tenfold! It got to the point that the staff and accounting departments began to do two field trips a year.

The Caspian flotilla has received more than ten new ships over the past ten years.

With the ocean fleet is more difficult. For it is an expensive pleasure to maintain and build aircraft carriers. One frigate costs as much as a dozen S-400 battalions, or five hundred new tanks. (In my opinion, we are a land power, we need aircraft carriers and battleships like a fifth wheel in a cart, but where to go - geopolitical prestige requires). And the development and construction of large ships is a matter for many years, or even decades!

Much more could be written, but the picture is clear enough.

I hope it is now clear why Serdyukov is not in prison? Because that's the fate of an undercover agent.

Evgenia Vasilyeva came out the same skoschukha, which, as Vladimir Putin promised, she should not have been. Remember how it was? This was in 2012, when the Oboronservis case began, which quickly turned into the Vasilyeva case: already after the end of the traditional press conference for journalists, Vladimir Putin, answering the question of why ex-defense minister Anatoly Serdyukov was not even suspected yet, pointed out with two fingers in his eyes and said: "There will be no scourge to anyone! Do you hear?! I'm telling you!"

"Skoshchuha" in jargon - this is a reduction in the term of punishment, that is, parole, which Evgeniya Vasilyeva was granted by the Sudogodsky District Court of the Vladimir Region at the request of her and the defense. Before that, her father Nikolai Vasiliev, a millionaire, owner of a pair of plastic pipe factories, paid damages in the case - 216 million rubles. And for the daughter, and for the rest of the participants.

FSIN did not object against parole, characterizing Vasilyeva positively: in the certificate of the colony leadership, Interfax quotes, it was said that she participates in concerts and cultural events, is neat, builds good relations with other convicts, and also makes her bed well.

As you can see, skill making a good bed is always useful to a woman.

The case of Vasilyeva, ex-head Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, in whose apartment one early morning the investigators found Anatoly Serdyukov, lasted 3 years. Serdyukov himself somehow fell out of business along the way, like Pyotr Ruchechnik, leaving the citizen Volokushin, that is, Vasiliev, to answer before the court. In May, before the final meeting, everything went to the fact that she would get off with a slight fright - the victims withdrew their claims, the amount of damage was reduced from 3.3 billion rubles by several times, the prosecutor's office requested a suspended sentence and a fine of 1 million rubles. by awarding the defendant 5 years in prison. Apparently, considering that it’s somehow very ugly, it’s so easy to just take and let go of a person from whom they have sculpted a symbol of Russian corruption for 3 years.

4 months have passed and she is released. Moreover, during the trial, she was under house arrest and, apparently, did not deny herself anything. No one really even really knows if she actually managed to sit in the colony. A month ago, a bunch of social activists were looking for Evgenia Vasilyeva in all the Vladimir zones and did not find it. And eyewitnesses seemed to have seen her at that time in Moscow.

Well, in general, the opposition now there is a great reason to compare the outcome of the Vasilyeva case with any other case. Which, in fact, has already begun: Oleg Mironov, the “drug-Russian”, disrupted Makarevich’s concert and received 3 years, and Evgenia Vasilyeva stole either 200 million, or 300 million, or even more than 3 billion, but at large. Director Oleg Sentsov was given 20 years, and Vasiliev is free. And everything like that. Interestingly, when the Investigative Committee calculates the damage to Alexei Navalny in the Kirovles case, it is considered that all this is lies and nonsense, and when the damage to Yevgenia Vasilyeva is calculated according to the same scheme, then everything is correct and the investigators are great.

The stories themselves seemingly not the most significant (well, in fact, have we ever seen collapsed corruption cases? Yes, even take the St. Petersburg "pipe case", intersecting with other news, acquire an explosive sound. Like chemical reagents - individually the ingredients are harmless, but you mix them and you get a bomb. As the other day Sergei Lavrov announced the end of the era of Western domination; nothing special, he says this all the time, but just at that moment the ruble was falling rapidly, queues lined up at the exchangers, and the result was a macabre picture of the minister burying his own currency with mocking cynicism.

There is nothing to cover up - a corrupt official is at large, such a picture is obtained. From the point of view of the effect produced, the Vasilyeva case has great political weight. And no one pulled Putin by the tongue either. Now all cases and sentences will be compared with Vasilyeva, and when Putin says something about thieves who should be in prison, Vasilyeva will always be remembered to him too.

It is unlikely, however, induce citizens to do something. After all, the layman, even if he is indignant aloud, in the depths of his soul and in the strict sentences of the opposition, and in the release of Yevgenia Vasilyeva, he sees just one more soothing proof that the usual course of things has not been violated, that everything continues as before, the system works. This is how it has been done from time immemorial, the masters of life rule at the top, who have never had anything. This is stability.

Some kitchen outrage is included in this program by the authorities, but if it’s for real, then you can’t seriously oppose the fact that kilograms of jewelry are found in the apartment of the head of the department of the ministry, because suddenly you’ll be lucky tomorrow, and maybe not yourself, but your children or your friend will find themselves in this or a similar chair - and what, they will have to behave differently, give up jewelry and huge apartments? And it will not be necessary at any cost to imprison those who encroach on them? Yes, almost any average Russian mentally tries on such a role and - no, is not ready to really condemn either Evgenia Vasilyeva or the government that let her go. Getting into power or Gazprom is a great national dream (all opinion polls of graduates speak about this), and it is important to be sure that if you are lucky, then nothing will happen to you. The layman would rather be frightened by her real landing in the colony, but it would be a symbol of change, which it is still unknown where it will lead.

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