Conversation about daily routine, nutrition, hygiene during pregnancy. Reception of pregnant women at the antenatal clinic, about pregnancy hygiene Plan of a conversation with a pregnant woman on nutrition

I conducted the conversation at antenatal clinic No. 4 in Taganrog. 15 pregnant women took part in the conversation.

Conversation plan:

  • 1. Introductory part.
  • 2. About the negative impact of bad habits.
  • 3. Final part.

Pregnancy is a normal physiological process during which significant changes occur in a woman’s body. This obliges the expectant mother to strictly observe, under the supervision of a doctor, certain rules that help preserve her health and the normal development of the fetus.

The mother is, in the broadest sense of the word, the environment for the unborn child, and the favorable conditions of the mother’s body naturally create opportunities for its growth and normal development. No wonder they said in ancient times: “In a healthy body, a woman is the future of the people.”

The nervous system of a pregnant woman is rebuilt in such a way that it subordinates the entire body to one goal - bearing a fetus. In accordance with this, physiological changes occur in its main systems.

Not only the physical functions of the body, but also the woman’s psychology adapt to pregnancy. A woman’s attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth is influenced by various factors, including social, moral, ethical, economic, etc.

As a rule, women's emotional state changes during pregnancy. Along with this, the woman has a feeling of losing her past attachments and habits for the sake of upcoming motherhood. This is exactly what we want to talk about today.

Many women on their own cannot give up bad habits they previously had, which can harm the baby.

Bad habits among pregnant women include habits that, on the one hand, harm the health of the woman herself and, accordingly, the child, and, on the other, cause a hostile and sometimes disgusting attitude of others towards the actions performed by such a woman.

Bad habits of pregnant women include, first of all, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse, and coffee addiction. Scientific and technological progress and the development of new technologies have given rise to such an insurmountable addiction and bad habit as computer addiction and Internet addiction.

Bad habits have an extremely negative impact on both the pregnant woman herself and the child developing in her womb.

According to the World Health Organization, the problem of drunkenness throughout the world has become alarming. Of particular concern is the increase in female alcoholism. If twenty years ago the ratio of female to male drunkenness was 1:12, now it is 1:4. Pathology of pregnancy due to alcohol abuse was identified in 46.5%, and pathology of childbirth in 53.5% of cases

A woman who abuses alcohol and decides to give birth to a child risks not only further compromising her health, but also dooms the child to acquire various pathologies. For an expectant mother who abuses alcohol, the risk of miscarriage increases by 2-4 times. In utero exposure to alcohol leads to a range of problems, from birth defects to neurological and developmental disorders. Fetal alcohol syndrome may develop, a disease that causes congenital retardation of mental and physical development in a child. This syndrome is characterized by specific changes in the face of a newborn; damage to the heart and other organs is observed.

The use of narcotic and toxic drugs is even more dangerous and harmful for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Drug addiction is a chronic disease that is characterized by a painful dependence on psychoactive substances (barbiturates, opiates, hallucinogens, hashish). Unfortunately, drug addiction among pregnant women is becoming more common. In most cases, women who take drugs face complications during pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage increases. Some drugs cause nutritional deficiencies, anemia (anemia) and slow fetal growth. There is also an increasing predisposition to the birth of children with intrauterine developmental defects, drug addiction from the first days of life, and the occurrence of severe late toxicosis in pregnancy. Intravenous drug use can lead to hepatitis and AIDS.

A seemingly harmless drink like coffee causes considerable harm to the body of a pregnant woman and her baby. Scientists call the painful craving for coffee coffee addiction.

Caffeine has a fairly strong effect on the nervous system. Under the influence of caffeine, pressure increases, placental vessels narrow, blood flow is disrupted, less oxygen and nutrients reach the baby, and iron, which the mother and her baby need, is poorly absorbed.

Smoking among women has become a real tragedy for humanity in the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization, by the beginning of the 21st century, every fourth woman in the world is a smoker, and there is a tendency for the number of women to smoke. Women who smoke do not think about the fact that not only their beauty fades prematurely, but also their health, and with it our future - children.

The blood vessels of the fetus are directly connected to the mother’s circulatory system, therefore, when smoking, all components of tobacco smoke that enter the mother’s blood penetrate through the placenta into the body of the unborn child and have a harmful effect on him. The nascent organism works as an accumulator of tobacco poisons, which are supplied to it by a smoking mother. In the tissues of the fetus, the concentration of carbon monoxide is higher than in the woman herself, so the child is already doomed to various diseases even before birth.

Nicotine exposure in the early stages of pregnancy is most dangerous, since mutagenic substances are found in cigarette smoke that damage chromosomes responsible for heredity. For a woman who smokes from the first days of pregnancy, the risk of her baby’s development stopping (frozen pregnancy) and giving birth to a child with deformities increases many times over.

Exposure to nicotine at a later stage, when the formation of the fetus is almost complete, can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or the birth of a child with low body weight, since the increased nicotine content in the blood of a smoking pregnant woman prevents the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body of the unborn child.

Bad habits that negatively affect the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby also include computer and mobile addictions. Computer addiction is expressed in an irresistible, painful desire to use a computer or the Internet:

  • - obsessive attraction to computer games (both role-playing and non-role-playing);
  • - pathological addiction to virtual dating and communication through social networks;
  • - endless traveling on the Internet, searching for information in databases and search sites.

For the sake of a “high” in the virtual world, rest, walks in the fresh air, timely meals, adequate sleep, etc. are sacrificed, which does not contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the child.

Unsystematic and prolonged sitting at the computer, failure to comply with protective and safety measures, can cause enormous harm to the body of a woman and child and cause a number of adverse reactions. We are talking, first of all, about the central nervous system (CNS), the visual analyzer, and the musculoskeletal system, the normal development of which can be disrupted.

A mobile phone poses no less a danger to a pregnant woman and her child if it is used incorrectly due to electromagnetic radiation. According to WHO recommendations, “pregnant women should not use cell phones until childbirth,” because electromagnetic radiation can reduce the rate of normal fetal development, cause embryo pathology and lead to premature birth. Indeed, in the early stages of development, the embryo is very sensitive to external influences. Numerous studies show that long and frequent conversations on a mobile phone lead to certain deviations in a woman’s health: increased blood pressure, headaches, sleep and memory disturbances, telephone addiction, anxiety and a deterioration in general well-being.

A woman who wants to have healthy children and live a fulfilling family life must give up bad habits herself and, if possible, wean her husband from them.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of her body, a woman not only participates in the creation of a human embryo, but also provides him with a place within herself designated by nature for his life before birth. It delivers to the embryo, through the work of its body, all the substances necessary for its development.
This state of a woman is called pregnancy, and during all this time the fetus does not for a moment lose its direct connection with the mother’s body.
When, after a number of months of intrauterine life, the fetus reaches such a limit in its development that it becomes capable of living outside the mother’s body, the woman goes into labor.
Being separated from the mother, a newborn child immediately begins an independent life, but this is only apparent independence. For many months, his mother feeds him with the most important product of her body - milk. For many years, the child needs the caring care of his parents and, above all, his mother. Her love and self-sacrifice extend to him infinitely. This is the law of nature. And this inimitable, infinitely deep feeling is the feeling of motherhood.
In this lecture we will tell you how pregnancy occurs and proceeds, how the fetus develops inside the mother’s body and what changes are observed in the mother’s body at this time. We devote most of the lecture to hygiene issues - pregnancy, because compliance with certain hygienic rules at this time is extremely important both for the health of the woman herself and for the intrauterine development of the fetus.
Not only the pregnant woman, but also the relatives around her should have a correct idea of ​​pregnancy hygiene, because at this time a woman really needs care and reasonable help from people close to her.


During sexual intercourse, a man's seminal fluid enters the woman's vagina, which contains a large number of male gametes - sperm, which have the ability to move. From the vagina, sperm penetrate into the cervical canal, then into the uterine cavity and then into the fallopian tubes. Of the large number of sperm that enter the vagina with seminal fluid, only one, having met the female reproductive cell in the fallopian tube - the egg cell, penetrates it. Fertilization occurs, i.e., the fusion of two germ cells - male and female.
As already mentioned, only one sperm takes part in the fertilization of an egg cell. When it approaches the egg cell, a tubercle forms on its surface, protruding towards the sperm. At this point, the head of the sperm, which is its nucleus, is introduced into the egg cell. It approaches the nucleus of the egg cell and merges with it.
Subsequently, entering the uterus from the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg is embedded in the loose mucous membrane of the uterus (as if already prepared for the reception of the fertilized egg) and is immersed in the thickness of the membrane, which covers it from all sides. As a result of this, the egg is firmly strengthened in the uterus and acquires the ability to easily receive from the mother’s body everything necessary for its further development.
How does a fertilized egg develop in the uterus? Soon after implantation into the mucous membrane of the uterus, the egg is covered with so-called villi. These villi receive from the maternal tissue the substances necessary to nourish the embryo. As a result of rapid growth, the embryo needs a large amount of nutrients, so the supply of nutrients through the villi becomes insufficient.
By about 3 months of pregnancy, the villi on the side of the egg that faces the wall of the uterus grow luxuriantly; The baby's place and umbilical cord are formed.
By the end of pregnancy, the thickness of the baby's place in the center reaches 2-3 centimeters, and the weight is approximately 450-500 grams.
The baby's place is attached to the wall of the uterus and connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord. The latter is like a cord, the length of which before birth reaches approximately 50 centimeters. The umbilical cord contains blood vessels that carry blood from the baby's place to the fetus and from the fetus to the baby's place. The children's seat performs various functions. Through it, the exchange of substances occurs between the blood of the mother and the blood of the fetus. The fetus receives nutrition from the mother's body through the baby's place and through it removes waste substances. This is a very complex process in which the child’s place plays for the fetus the role of a respiratory, nutritional, and excretory organ. In addition, the child's place is an endocrine gland. Before entering the fetal body, the nutrients in the mother's blood undergo a number of changes in the child's place and pass into a state that is assimilated by the fetal body.
The development of the fetus largely depends on the state of health of the pregnant woman, on her living conditions and, in particular, on her nutrition and compliance with hygiene rules.
The fetus located in the uterus is surrounded by special membranes that make up a kind of bag, inside of which there is liquid - amniotic fluid. This protects the fetus from external damage and infection from the vagina, and also protects the baby's place from possible compression by the fetus.
Most women experience some characteristic signs soon after pregnancy. These primarily include the delay (cessation) of menstruation. Later, pregnant women sometimes experience a change in taste, a desire for salty or sour foods (herring, pickles, sauerkraut, salted cheese, etc.).
Some women experience nausea and sometimes vomiting during pregnancy. As a rule, in healthy women with a normal pregnancy, these phenomena do not occur at all or are very mildly expressed.
Often in the first months of pregnancy, women's mammary glands swell and become tense. Sometimes pregnant women experience a “tingling” feeling in the nipple area; When you press on the gland, a few drops of liquid are released from it - the so-called colostrum. It resembles milk in appearance, but its composition differs significantly from it.
All these signs usually indicate the onset of pregnancy, but the appearance of each of these signs separately and even several of them simultaneously can also occur in a non-pregnant woman. For example, the absence of menstruation even for a long time can be observed in non-pregnant women with tuberculosis, malaria, after severe infectious and other diseases, nervous shock, etc.
A sexually active woman should consult a doctor when the first signs of pregnancy appear to find out if she is really pregnant and to get the necessary advice.
During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the woman’s body and in the condition of the fetus. The length and weight of the fetus gradually increases; The functions of its organs, the work of the endocrine glands, its own metabolism, etc. become more complex.
By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fetus reaches approximately 8-9 cm in length; At this time, differences in the structure of his external genitalia begin to appear.
The presence of amniotic fluid allows the fetus to move. They usually begin in the third month of pregnancy, but the woman feels them later: primiparous women first feel fetal movements usually in the middle of pregnancy, i.e., by 20 weeks, and multiparous women approximately 2 weeks earlier - at 18 weeks of pregnancy. These movements are sometimes not clearly expressed, and therefore not all women feel them for the first time at the same stage of pregnancy. By the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is 15-16 centimeters and the weight is 110-120 grams.
The duration of pregnancy is calculated in so-called obstetric months, consisting of 4 weeks.
By the end of the fifth month, the fetus reaches 25-27 centimeters. If you apply a special tube (obstetric stethoscope) to the pregnant woman’s belly at this time, you will be able to listen to the fetal heartbeat through it. At the beginning it is heard unclearly, and then, as pregnancy progresses, it becomes clearer and clearer. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate is about 130 beats per minute.
At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is 35 centimeters and its weight is more than 1000 grams. Termination of pregnancy before this period is called abortion, or miscarriage. A living child born during a 30-32 week pregnancy screams weakly, swallows poorly, does not latch onto the mother’s breast, but is still viable, and with good care such children can often be delivered. Until the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus can change its position in the uterus. At a later date, this is observed less frequently.
The normal position of the fetus is longitudinal, in which the fetus is positioned according to the longitudinal direction of the uterus. This position of the fetus is the most common. In this case, the fetal head is usually located below - at the entrance to the mother's pelvis.
The length of the fetus at the time of birth reaches 50 centimeters, and its weight is 3200 grams or more.
The average duration of pregnancy is 280 days, i.e. 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. However, there are often cases when, with a shorter duration of pregnancy (270 and even 260 days), fully mature children are born. In other cases, the duration of pregnancy can reach 290-300 days or more.
It is a very difficult task to accurately determine the date of the upcoming birth in advance and correctly set the time for granting a pregnant woman prenatal leave.
This can most accurately be achieved by regularly monitoring the woman in consultation from the first 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.
From the first weeks of pregnancy, the body of the uterus begins to increase in size and becomes softer; in addition, the shape of the uterus changes - from relatively flat it becomes spherical. The growth of the uterus is observed throughout pregnancy. At 5-6 weeks of pregnancy it reaches approximately the size of a chicken egg, and at 11-12 weeks it reaches the size of a large man’s fist. Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus emerges from the small pelvis and is palpated through the abdominal wall.
At the end of the VI obstetric month, the fundus of the uterus is determined at the level of the navel, and at the end of the VIII month - in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum, i.e., the epigastric region.
At the end of the 9th month, the fundus of the uterus reaches the epigastric region, and then the uterus descends, and at the end of the 10th obstetric month, its fundus is approximately at the same level as at the end of the 8th month.
During pregnancy, the weight of the uterus increases approximately 24 times, and the volume of its cavity increases 500 times or more. Along with the development of the muscles of the uterus, the development of its blood and lymphatic vessels occurs, which is of great importance for the metabolism of the fetus. At the end of pregnancy, approximately 5 times more blood is delivered to the uterus than was the case in a non-pregnant woman.
The vagina during pregnancy and especially towards the end of it becomes more elastic and stretchable. The same is observed in the cervix, which contributes to its dilatation during childbirth.
Significant changes are observed during pregnancy in the ovaries.
During its first half, the development of the corpus luteum, which is an endocrine gland, occurs. The corpus luteum hormone (progesterone) performs various functions, including facilitating the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus and its proper nutrition in the first months of pregnancy. Subsequently, the functions of the corpus luteum are performed by the sac, which is also an endocrine gland.
The activity of other internal organs of a woman also changes during pregnancy. The work of the lungs increases due to the consumption of large amounts of oxygen and the excretion of increased amounts of carbon dioxide.
During pregnancy, the work of the kidneys, heart and other organs, as well as the endocrine glands, increases, significant changes are noted in the woman’s metabolism, etc.
As already mentioned, significant changes occur during pregnancy and in the mammary glands. From about the second month of pregnancy, swelling of the mammary glands is noted.
Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs due to substances produced in the woman’s body. During pregnancy, all a woman’s organs work under increased load, under slightly different conditions than usual. Most women cope well with this.
Under favorable conditions, pregnancy not only does not worsen a woman’s health, but contributes to the flourishing of all her powers. However, as already mentioned, pregnancy places increased demands on a woman’s body. This obliges her to take special care of herself during pregnancy and after childbirth and carefully observe the hygienic regime recommended by the doctor, which is of great importance both for the health of the pregnant woman herself and for the proper intrauterine development of the fetus.


Maintaining body cleanliness

Maintaining body cleanliness is of great importance in the life of every person, and even more so in the life of a pregnant woman. Untidy maintenance of the skin disrupts the functions it performs, and the skin takes part in the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, in regulating heat, protects our body from the harmful influence of the external environment, from the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body. If a pregnant woman does not keep her skin clean, this will inevitably affect her general condition. In addition, when the skin is contaminated, diaper rash and pustules can easily form on it, which poses a danger for a pregnant woman.
Human skin contains many tiny glands, the holes of which extend onto its surface. Thanks to the sweat glands, sweat is released from the human body through the skin - a liquid with waste harmful substances. In addition to sweat glands, the skin also contains sebaceous glands. Accumulating on the surface of the body, sweat and sebum decompose and emit an unpleasant odor; they can clog the excretory ducts of the glands. In addition, dust with microbes contained in it settles on the skin.
Keeping your skin clean does not present any difficulties; First of all, the skin must be thoroughly washed with soap and water, since sebum does not dissolve in water without soap. In the morning, a pregnant woman is recommended not only to wash her hands, face, and neck, but also to wipe her entire body (or at least to the waist) with warm water or water at room temperature, followed by rubbing with a hard towel.
This rubdown helps strengthen the nervous system, improves blood circulation, breathing and makes the pregnant woman feel cheerful and good. In the hot summer, communal warm showers are especially useful.
Before going to bed, you should wash your hands, face, neck, and definitely your feet, since with increased sweat, your feet get dirty faster than usual.
A pregnant woman should trim her nails short to prevent dirt from accumulating under them. With long nails, a woman can easily scratch the skin, which is always associated with the possibility of infection.
Many pregnant women experience increased vaginal discharge. A pregnant woman should be especially careful to keep her external genitalia clean. Untidy keeping them leads to the formation of diaper rash, the appearance of pustular rashes, which in the future can cause severe postpartum diseases. Caring for the external genitalia should become a mandatory daily hygiene skill for every woman, and especially for a pregnant woman. It is recommended to wash yourself twice a day - morning and evening - with warm water and soap, over a basin, under a flowing stream of water from a jug or mug. You should never wash yourself with water poured into a basin, because from the very beginning of washing, the water becomes contaminated. Before and after washing, you should wash your hands thoroughly. When washing, it is recommended to use cooled boiled water. You can also use raw water taken from the tap. Washing should be done by moving your hand from front to back, that is, from the pubis to the anus, so as not to spread infection from the rectum to the vagina. When washing, it is recommended to use a piece of clean cotton wool.
To wipe the external genitalia after washing, a separate towel should be provided, which should be washed as often as possible (be sure to boil) and ironed with a hot iron. You should never douche during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription.
How often should a pregnant woman wash her entire body with hot water and soap? It is impossible to give an exact answer that is the same for everyone. In the hot season, when the sweat and sebaceous glands work hard and when the skin becomes dirty faster, you need to wash more often. The frequency of washing should depend on the condition of the skin, the nature of the work being performed, etc. The skin must always be clean, and for this, the entire body should be thoroughly washed with hot water at least once a week.
It is recommended to wash at home in the shower. When using the bathroom, you must first wash it thoroughly. The water in the bath should not be very hot. A pregnant woman should not sit in the bath for a long time, as it tires her. After taking a bath, it is advisable to rest - lie down for 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to take a bath just before bedtime, or shortly after eating. At the end of pregnancy, it is better not to use the bathroom; It is recommended to take a shower at this time.
If you need to use a bathhouse, you need to take a number of precautions. It is better to visit the bathhouse in those hours (usually the morning) when there are few people in it and it is not very hot, since pregnant women, as a rule, do not tolerate high temperatures well, especially in combination with stuffiness. Sometimes in such an environment they faint. Of course, a pregnant woman should never take a steam bath. The bench in the bathhouse, before sitting on it, must be thoroughly doused with boiling water several times. You need to wash the basin especially carefully, and it is best to bring your own basin from home.
You should not stay in the bathhouse for a long time. In the last months of pregnancy, it is better not to visit the bathhouse, but to wash at home. At this time, wherever the pregnant woman washes, someone should help her.
Bed linen should be changed weekly, and underwear even more often.

Caring for the mammary glands

A woman's milk is the only food for a child in the first months of his life. It remains the most important component of a child’s nutrition in the future - until the 9th and 10th month of his life. Breastfeeding largely determines the development of the child and, in turn, depends on the general condition of the mother and the condition of the mammary glands.
Of exceptional importance in the development of the mammary glands during pregnancy and in the secretion of milk after childbirth is the care of the mammary glands, rational nutrition of the pregnant woman, her observance of a general hygienic regime, sufficient rest and peace of mind.
The basic rule for caring for the mammary glands during pregnancy is to keep them immaculately clean. Failure to do this leads to diaper rash and irritation of the skin under the mammary glands and around the nipples.
We have already said that the lobules of the mammary glands developing during pregnancy secrete colostrum, droplets of which sometimes involuntarily flow out. Lingering on the nipple itself or at its base, they form crusts, under which small cracks can easily appear. In order to prevent the formation of crusts, cracks or diaper rash, you should wash your breasts daily with warm water and soap and wipe dry with a hard towel. Of the various types of soap, it is especially recommended to use the so-called baby soap.
Nipples should be washed and dried carefully so as not to damage the skin. If crusts form on the nipples, under no circumstances should they be peeled off. You need to consult a doctor and, if necessary, remove the crusts according to the method prescribed by the doctor.
It is very useful to expose your chest to fresh air 1-2 times a day for about 10 minutes - undressed to the waist in a warm but well-ventilated room.
Clothes and underwear should not tighten the mammary glands and interfere with their normal development during pregnancy. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the mammary glands do not hang down. This is achieved by wearing a bra with cups. The cups must be wide and deep enough, i.e., match the shape and volume of the glands. Therefore, bra sizes sometimes have to be changed during pregnancy as the mammary glands gradually enlarge. The bra should have a wide belt, as well as wide straps that do not injure the skin of the shoulders. It is recommended to sew bras from thick fabric. This contributes to some roughening of the skin of the nipples and preparation for breastfeeding.
The size of the mammary gland does not matter for feeding the baby. Small glands can produce enough milk for a baby. The shape of the nipple is essential for proper breastfeeding. The nipples are usually convex above the surface of the gland and, in addition, during the act of sucking they become more elastic, which makes it easier for the child to grasp the nipple with his mouth. Some women have flat or inverted nipples, which make feeding a newborn difficult, and sometimes even impossible. During pregnancy, such women need, as directed by a doctor, to prepare their nipples for the upcoming feeding of the child. In these cases, to improve the shape of the nipples, it is useful to wash your hands daily with warm water and soap, grab the nipple with two fingers, and gently pull it out. This should only be done with the permission of the doctor and after the pregnant woman has been trained in this by a doctor or midwife.
Good care of the mammary glands both during pregnancy and after childbirth ensures proper feeding of the newborn and prevents the formation of cracks in the nipples. If there are cracks, feeding the baby becomes painful. Microbes can enter the body through cracks and cause inflammation of the mammary gland - a disease called breastfeeding. The occurrence of breastfeeding disrupts the normal feeding of the child and has a serious impact on the general condition of the mother.

Sex life

During pregnancy, a woman must introduce some restrictions into her sexual life. This primarily applies to the first months of pregnancy. Sexual arousal and increased blood flow to the genitals can sometimes lead to detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall, bleeding and lead to miscarriage.
You should especially abstain from sexual activity on days corresponding to menstruation.
For women who have experienced spontaneous miscarriages in the past, sexual activity should be sharply limited, and completely stopped in the first months of pregnancy.
Sometimes pregnant women note that sexual activity worsens their general condition, causes a feeling of weakness, headache, increases the tendency to nausea, etc. In these cases, at least temporary abstinence from sexual activity should be observed.
2 months before giving birth, sexual activity should be completely stopped for fear of premature birth and serious illnesses caused by microbes that can be introduced into the vagina during sexual intercourse. Women who do not follow these instructions sometimes experience premature rupture of amniotic fluid and untimely onset of labor, complications during childbirth, and postpartum diseases.


Proper nutrition is of great importance for maintaining the health of a pregnant woman and the development of the intrauterine fetus. A pregnant woman's food should consist of a variety of foods containing sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins.
Meat, fish, and dairy products (especially cottage cheese) are richest in proteins. There are many carbohydrates in vegetables, bread, cereals, sugar and other foods.
During pregnancy, a woman especially needs mineral salts - calcium, phosphorus, which are necessary for building the skeleton of the fetus and play a big role in the mother's metabolism.
One source of calcium and phosphorus salts is milk. A pregnant woman should consume 400-500 milliliters of milk daily (including lactic acid products).
Many mineral salts necessary for the body are found in vegetables and fruits. A pregnant woman's food should be mixed (dairy-vegetable and meat) and prepared from fresh ingredients. If possible, you should avoid eating canned food, especially meat and fish.
At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman does not need to suddenly change her usual diet. You should only slightly limit the consumption of meat soups and replace fried meat with steamed or boiled meat. At this time, one must take into account the peculiar appetite of a pregnant woman. If a healthy woman has a need for sour or salty foods - sauerkraut, cucumbers, etc., she can eat them, but in moderation.
A lack of mineral salts in a pregnant woman's diet can contribute to dental disease. A pregnant woman’s diet should include more vegetables, milk, cottage cheese and other foods containing minerals. Vitamins are of great importance for the pregnant woman and the fetus.
Currently, there are several dozen different vitamins (they are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet). Vitamins play an important role in all the most important processes of the body and, in particular, in the absorption of food and metabolism. With a lack of vitamins in food, a deterioration in the general condition is observed, weakness, irritability, headache appear, resistance to infection decreases, and other disturbances in the functioning of the body are also observed. In addition to the general effect on the body, each vitamin also has a specific effect. With a severe lack of vitamins, serious diseases occur.
Thus, in the absence or severe deficiency of vitamin C in food, scurvy occurs, a lack of vitamin D leads to rickets, in the absence of vitamin A, vision deterioration is often observed, etc. The need for vitamins during pregnancy increases, especially in the second half.
The main source of vitamins is plant foods, but they are also found in foods of animal origin.
Vitamins A, B1, C, D and E are of particular importance for pregnant women. Insufficient amounts of them in food can cause a number of diseases and contribute to the onset of premature birth.
Vitamin C is found mainly in plant foods. Of the vegetables, the richest in this vitamin are parsley, dill, green onions, spinach, tomatoes, cabbage and turnips. Potatoes are relatively poor in vitamin C, but when eaten in large quantities they can provide the body's needs for this vitamin.
Beets and onions contain some vitamin C, carrots even less. Of the fruits and berries, the richest in vitamin C are rose hips, black currants, strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, northern varieties of apples, lemons, oranges, tangerines, and gooseberries. Vitamin C is also found in canned fruits and vegetables (tomato paste, tomato juice, etc.).
To provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin C, in winter and spring it is useful to consume sauerkraut, tomato juice, early greens, and rosehip infusion.
Vitamin B1 is found in large quantities in black bread, yeast, liver, beef and poultry meat. There is a lot of vitamin B1 in oatmeal, barley and buckwheat. A lack of vitamin B1 in the body can lead to diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. In this case, rapid fatigue and muscle weakness are noted, which is reflected in the intensity of labor (weakness of contractions).
Vitamin D (the so-called antirachitic) is found mainly in fish oil, egg yolk, caviar, and dairy products.
We get vitamin A mainly from animal products. The richest sources in it are fish oil, liver, butter and egg yolk. Dill, green onions, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, rose hips, apricots and many other fruits and vegetables contain a special substance - carotene, which is converted into a vitamin in the human liver. A. Therefore, consuming these products is extremely beneficial for a pregnant woman.
Vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, various grains, vegetables, and egg yolk. The absence or insufficiency of vitamin E in a pregnant woman's diet can contribute to abortion.
Some people mistakenly believe that in order to get enough vitamins from food, they must eat fruits such as oranges, tangerines, expensive varieties of apples, etc. This is wrong! Tangerines and oranges do not grow in all places, they are not always imported everywhere, and the most important thing is that they can be replaced with other products of equal value in this regard. First of all, you must be able to correctly use the vegetables and fruits that grow in any place, using, of course, those brought from outside.
Such almost ubiquitous apples as Antonovka and Titovka contain more vitamins than many varieties of apples growing mainly in the south.
Raspberries and strawberries contain many vitamins. However, these berries can be successfully replaced in our northern regions with berries that grow there, such as lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries. And finally, nowadays, anywhere and in any season of the year, we have the opportunity to purchase various vitamin preparations, but they can only be taken on the advice of a doctor. It should be taken into account that vitamins are easily destroyed during long-term storage, as well as when food is cooked incorrectly and especially when it is boiled again. That is why fruits, berries and some vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw.
The widely distributed “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” provides a table of the preservation of vitamin C during culinary processing of the product. It states the following. If we conventionally take the content of vitamin C in potatoes as 100 units, then potatoes boiled in their skins will contain only 75 units; the same potato, but boiled in its peeled form, will already contain 60 units of vitamin C. Freshly prepared potato soup will retain 50% of vitamin C, and the same soup, but standing for 3 hours on the stove at a temperature of 70-75°, will retain only 30%, etc. When cooking vegetables, you need to cut them, immediately put them in boiling water, and do not leave peeled vegetables in the water for a long time. The pan in which vegetables are boiled must be covered with a lid (vegetables must be immersed in water). Once the dish is ready, it should be immediately removed from the heat. This preserves more vitamins.
A healthy woman does not need to give up foods that she was accustomed to before pregnancy from the very beginning of pregnancy. In this matter, one should largely take into account the peculiarities of the climatic and other living conditions of a woman, her habits, taste sensations, etc.
Only taking into account certain features that arise in the pregnant woman’s body and, above all, metabolic features, it is necessary to make a number of changes to the pregnant woman’s diet and limit the consumption of certain products.
Monotony in food or a table consisting of foods that a pregnant woman is not accustomed to can lead to loss of appetite, which is essential for the absorption of food. Therefore, during pregnancy, as always, it is very important to take care of the taste of food.
A pregnant woman should not exceed her desire to “eat for two” and overload her stomach with excessive amounts of food. This brings nothing but harm. If a woman received food of sufficient quantity and quality before pregnancy, then there is no need to significantly increase nutrition during pregnancy. You just need to add more dairy products to your diet.
In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to somewhat limit the consumption of meat dishes, observing mainly a dairy-vegetable diet. Cottage cheese is very useful at this time. It is recommended to replace meat soups with vegetarian ones, and eat boiled meat no more than 3 times a week. Women who are prone to obesity should eat less starchy foods and sweets.
In the last months of pregnancy, and sometimes as directed by a doctor even earlier, the use of table salt should be reduced; It is better to undersalt the food a little.
A pregnant woman should not drink a lot of fluid, as this can lead to fluid retention in the body. However, you should not sharply reduce fluid intake in cases where pregnancy is progressing normally and when there is no rapid excess weight gain. You need to quench your thirst with boiled or mineral water, weak tea, milk, and even better, vegetable or fruit juices. Drinking sparkling water is not recommended. Alcoholic drinks (vodka and various wines) have a harmful effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and especially on the fetus. Their use during pregnancy, even in the smallest quantities, is prohibited.
Some women experience nausea and vomiting early in pregnancy. Usually this does not require any treatment and soon all these unpleasant phenomena disappear. To reduce nausea and vomiting, you need to eat more often, but in small portions, try to take liquid or semi-liquid food in a cold form; In the morning it is useful to eat (first breakfast) while lying in bed, 30 minutes or an hour before getting up.
For heartburn, it is recommended to drink alkaline water such as Borjom, or 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda diluted in 1/4 glass of water. If vomiting is severe or frequent, you should consult a doctor immediately.
During pregnancy, especially at the end of it, some women suffer from constipation. In such cases, it is recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits or yogurt on an empty stomach.
Eating black bread has a good effect on the intestines when it is sluggish. Laxatives, like any medications in general, should not be taken by a pregnant woman without a doctor’s prescription. Occasionally you can resort to small enemas.
In addition to all that has been said, pregnant women should especially carefully follow general hygiene rules - wash their hands before eating, eat raw vegetables and fruits only after they have been washed, etc. It must be remembered that gastrointestinal diseases always pose a danger to the successful outcome of pregnancy.
You should eat as often as possible than usual, but in small portions, and do not eat immediately before bed. Hasty, hurried eating is harmful. Food must be chewed thoroughly. If this is not observed, as well as as a result of disordered eating, appetite decreases and a disorder in the secretion of gastric juice occurs. You should not add hot and spicy seasonings to your food - vinegar, mustard, pepper and other food substances that irritate the kidneys.

Dental care

For a pregnant woman, the condition of the oral cavity and teeth is of particular importance. In diseased teeth, particles of food are retained, which decomposes, causes the process of decay and is a nutrient material for various microbes. The latter can penetrate the blood and lymphatic vessels and subsequently lead to severe postpartum diseases.
It has already been said before that a woman during pregnancy especially needs mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus salts). In cases where food contains few mineral salts, the reserves of calcium and phosphorus in a woman’s body decrease. As a result, women's teeth sometimes become damaged during pregnancy. This happens when the hygiene regime, and especially the diet, is not observed.
During pregnancy, especially careful oral care is required. In the morning and before bedtime, teeth should be brushed with tooth powder; In addition, you need to rinse your mouth after eating to remove food debris stuck between your teeth. A pregnant woman should visit the dentist regularly, starting in the first months of pregnancy. Sick teeth must be treated, and damaged teeth must be removed. The common belief that treatment of diseased teeth during pregnancy can contribute to miscarriage or premature birth is incorrect.

Clothes, underwear, shoes for pregnant women

There are no special requirements for pregnant women’s clothing, except that they should be loose and not constrict the chest and abdomen, especially in the second half of pregnancy.
For the same reason, a pregnant woman should not wear tight belts and tight bras. The best clothing is a loose dress like a sundress. A very comfortable dress, cut in such a way that it can easily be made wider at the waist as a woman’s belly increases during pregnancy.
Skirts are recommended to be worn with straps. A pregnant woman should wear tights in winter and light panties in summer.
During pregnancy, most women experience increased sweating, which causes their underwear to become dirty faster. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to wash and change her underwear and bed linen more often than usual. You should sleep in a nightgown; be sure to fasten a duvet cover to the blanket, as it protects the skin from direct contact with the blanket. Starting from the fifth month of pregnancy, you must wear a bandage. As pregnancy progresses, the uterus begins to put pressure on the anterior abdominal wall. The bandage protects the abdominal wall muscles from overstretching and promotes the correct position of the fetus. The bandage is especially recommended for pregnant women whose abdominal wall has become flabby after previous pregnancies (as a result of polyhydramnios, the presence of twins, a large fetus, etc.). The bandage is put on while lying down, over the shirt, so that it does not squeeze the stomach, but rather supports it. If the bandage is put on correctly, the woman feels much better wearing it than without the bandage. At night, the bandage must be removed. The bandage can be bought at a pharmacy, sanitation and hygiene store, or ordered from a special workshop.
In cases where it is not possible to purchase a bandage, you should replace it with two sewn towels. You can sew a bandage yourself from thick fabric approximately 35 centimeters wide (thick fabric or canvas); It is recommended to make fasteners or ties on the side. Several darts should be made in the upper part of the bandage on each side. Stockings should be supported by long garters fastened to a wide belt; in the second half of pregnancy they are attached to a bandage. Round garters should not be used; wearing them is generally harmful, and especially during pregnancy. Such garters impede blood circulation, cause swelling and contribute to the expansion of veins in the legs.
With the gradual development of pregnancy and an increase in the size of the abdomen, women's gait changes somewhat. This becomes especially noticeable towards the end of pregnancy, when a woman, in order to better maintain her balance, arches her back somewhat, as if throwing her head and upper body back. This gait is called the “proud gait of pregnant women.”
Wearing high-heeled shoes at this time creates unnecessary difficulty for the pregnant woman to maintain body balance and causes increased tension in the muscles of the lower extremities and back. Pregnant women's shoes should be loose, with wide low heels. This makes a pregnant woman's gait more stable.

Physical training

A woman's sedentary lifestyle and low mobility adversely affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Lack of movement causes muscle relaxation, decreases appetite, and contributes to constipation. At the same time, the pregnant woman becomes excessively fat, weakens, and her general condition worsens.
Special physical exercises, reasonable use of the sun, air and water - all this helps a woman prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period.
Numerous studies by doctors convincingly prove the beneficial effect of physical exercise on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Under their influence, pregnant women's appetite and sleep significantly improve, and nausea and vomiting, which are sometimes observed during pregnancy, appear less frequently or disappear much earlier. As a rule, constipation disappears, and the ability to control breathing, abdominal and perineal muscles is developed.
For the majority of athletes, as well as for women who do hygienic gymnastics during pregnancy, childbirth proceeds faster and easier, the course of the postpartum period is more favorable, separation of the abdominal muscles is less common after childbirth, etc.
All healthy women whose pregnancy is progressing normally should do hygienic exercises every day. However, this should only be done as directed by a doctor, as not all exercises can be recommended for pregnant women. For them, light, special physical exercises are mainly selected that improve general health, prevent metabolic abnormalities, regulate the functioning of the intestines, cardiovascular system and other organs, as well as strengthen the muscular system. Particular attention is paid to the selection of exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles, promote the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles and thereby contribute to the correct and faster progress of labor. A pregnant woman can do hygienic gymnastics at home, but she must be systematically shown to a doctor. This allows the doctor, by monitoring the woman’s health and observing the course of her pregnancy, to make certain changes in the selection of exercises depending on the condition of the pregnant woman, stage of pregnancy, etc. (see lecture 6 “Physical education during pregnancy and in the postpartum period").
All sports, as well as exercises associated with high stress, with the possibility of falling, with fast running, jumping, should be prohibited during pregnancy (basketball, horse riding, cycling, etc.).
The systematic action of water on the skin makes the body strong, resistant to diseases, strengthens the nervous system, cleanses the skin, which promotes proper skin respiration and the release of harmful substances from the body. For a pregnant woman this is especially important.
Pregnant women - women who are accustomed to this - can swim only with the permission of a doctor on nice warm days, in shallow places, in a slowly flowing river with a flat sandy bank. The water temperature should be no lower than 18-20°.
Women who have previously experienced spontaneous miscarriages or premature births should not swim in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water.
Healthy pregnant women can swim in the sea (with the permission of a doctor) only when there is no surf, strong waves or wind. Swimming is not recommended during the second half of pregnancy.
The water of stagnant lakes and ponds is usually contaminated with phase waste and rotting plants and is generally not suitable for swimming, much less for pregnant women.
It is best to swim in the morning and evening hours, being in the water for 2-3 minutes during the first swim, and then no more than 5-6 minutes. You should not swim immediately after eating. A pregnant woman should never be allowed to swim alone. Clean air improves human blood circulation and breathing. A pregnant woman needs it not only for her health, but also for the development of the child. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to be outdoors as much as possible, especially in the summer. Sunbathing is not recommended for pregnant women.

Work and rest

In the Soviet state, special laws protect the work of women in general and the work of pregnant and nursing mothers in particular. Such legislation is of great social and hygienic importance. While protecting the health of pregnant women and mothers, these laws also contribute to protecting the health of the child.
Pregnant women are not allowed to work in a number of industries and professions, because some work associated with lifting or carrying heavy weights, with frequent sharp bends of the body, etc., can adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman and the course of pregnancy, can cause miscarriage or premature birth and therefore should not be performed by pregnant women. Pregnant women are not required to work at night, but from the fourth month of pregnancy to overtime. If the work usually performed during pregnancy is harmful and difficult for the woman, then, based on the doctor’s conclusion, she is transferred to another job. Pregnant workers and employees are given eight weeks leave before childbirth, etc.
However, this does not mean that a pregnant woman should not do any work and that the best thing for her is to do nothing and lie down as much as possible. Ordinary work is not only not harmful for a pregnant woman, but even has a beneficial effect on her condition. Complete inactivity and prolonged lying down have an adverse effect on the health of any person, including a pregnant woman.
The result of such a life is muscle weakness, excessive obesity, irritability or depression. A healthy person cannot live without work, just like a healthy child cannot live without play. It is only necessary that this work is not harmful for the pregnant woman. This applies not only to work in production or in an institution. In her home life, it is necessary that the pregnant woman be freed from difficult work that requires a lot of effort or leads to fatigue. This should be especially remembered at the end of pregnancy and, in particular, in the last 2 months before childbirth.
The expectant mother should spend the leave provided to female employees and workers before childbirth with the greatest benefit. It is necessary to establish the correct daily routine, alternate light work at home with rest and walks, engage in physical exercise as directed by the doctor and follow the hygienic advice recommended by him. All this, of course, also applies to the housewife.
Walking should not tire a pregnant woman: they should be done slowly and always on level ground. Then, after being in the fresh air, the pregnant woman will feel cheerful and cheerful. At the end of pregnancy, you should walk at least 3 times a day. The best time for walks is in the morning, in the afternoon before lunch and in the evening before bed.
Particular attention should be paid to sleep. During sleep, the human body receives the most complete rest. It is well known that sleep plays an important role in the treatment of many common diseases, as well as complications of pregnancy.
Sleep duration cannot be determined equally for all pregnant women; it depends on the state of the pregnant woman’s nervous system and other reasons. It is important that the pregnant woman feels completely rested after sleep and does not experience a feeling of lethargy or weakness. However, every pregnant woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours at night; In addition, during the day you need to sleep or rest lying down for about an hour.
The best time to sleep is from about 11 pm to 7 am. However, these hours may be slightly pushed in one direction or another. The most important thing is that a pregnant woman always goes to bed and gets up at a certain time. Dinner should be no later than 1 1/2-2 hours before bedtime. You should not drink strong tea or coffee before bed. In good weather, it is very useful to take a short, quiet walk shortly before bed.
Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room well. In the warm season, it is useful to sleep with an open window or vent. When you go to bed, you do not need to do any work or read.
The work and rest of a pregnant woman should take place in the most favorable hygienic conditions. The living space must be kept clean, systematically ventilated and cleaned using a wet method. Smoking should not be allowed in the room where a pregnant woman lives.
Compliance with a rational regime of work and rest helps to improve the health of the pregnant woman and promotes the proper development of the fetus.
However, it is necessary to take care not only of the physical condition of the pregnant woman, but also to protect her in every possible way from all kinds of strong emotional experiences, unnecessary worries, and difficult worries.
Hundreds of years ago, people knew about the importance of maintaining a cheerful, good mood and cheerfulness in the expectant mother. Among some nations, pregnant women were forbidden to attend funerals and generally visit cemeteries, take part in quarrels, act as witnesses in court, etc.
All this was often justified for completely absurd reasons. However, this had a positive meaning, because in reality it all came down to protecting the pregnant woman from mental experiences that could adversely affect her condition. There are many examples of how, as a result of severe mental trauma - anxiety, fear - a woman suddenly experienced premature birth.
A pregnant woman's compliance with general hygienic and psychohygienic regimes largely depends on the relatives around her, whose care the pregnant woman always needs.


Throughout pregnancy, a woman should be under the supervision of a doctor at the antenatal clinic. You should seek advice when the first signs of pregnancy appear. This will make it possible to identify the health status of the pregnant woman and establish medical supervision over her from an early stage of pregnancy. In addition, this will allow the doctor to most accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and subsequently provide the employee with prenatal leave in the most correct (timely) manner.
During an initial consultation visit only in the middle of pregnancy, it is extremely difficult to more or less accurately determine the duration of the pregnancy, and this is not always possible even for an experienced doctor.
In view of this, errors in setting the time before maternity leave are most often made in relation to those women who do not come to the consultation at the beginning of pregnancy.
Each pregnant woman undergoes a comprehensive medical examination and observation in consultation in order to identify her health status, prevent complications and diseases that can sometimes arise during pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, during the consultation, all pregnant women undergo a measurement of the bone pelvis, the dimensions of which are very important for the course and outcome of childbirth. If a narrow pelvis is detected, if necessary, the pregnant woman is placed in a maternity hospital or maternity ward of a hospital even before the onset of labor.
Consulting doctors determine the condition of the pregnant woman’s lungs and heart, systematically measure blood pressure, a significant increase in which during pregnancy is a sign of a serious illness that requires a special regimen and treatment. They establish control over a woman’s weight gain during pregnancy, which is a very important point for assessing the correct course of pregnancy.
In the consultation laboratory or another medical institution (as directed by the consultation), the pregnant woman’s blood is examined, and urine tests are also systematically performed, which makes it possible to judge the functioning of the kidneys, discharge from the genital tract is examined, special tests are performed for ganorrhea, etc. All this helps determine the woman’s health status, and in some cases, identify the nature and cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment method.
Syphilis is extremely rare among the population of our country. But, despite this, all pregnant women are given a blood test for syphilis during consultation in order to be able to begin treatment as early as possible if a woman contracts syphilis. This achieves the cure of the woman herself and the birth of a healthy child. The consultation provides pregnant women with the supervision of a dentist, since dental care during pregnancy must be especially thorough.
Regular visits by pregnant women to antenatal clinics enable the doctor to systematically monitor the intrauterine development of the fetus and its position in the uterus. If the fetus is abnormally positioned, which is relatively rare, as well as if any complications or diseases of the pregnant woman are identified, the consultation doctor, if necessary, places the woman for observation and treatment in the so-called pregnancy pathology department of the maternity hospital or in other medical institutions. The medical staff of the consultation provides treatment and preventive care to pregnant women both within the walls of the consultation itself and at the pregnant women’s home. With such visits to pregnant women at home, it is possible to get a correct idea of ​​the environment in which the woman lives, and, if necessary, take measures to improve this environment, since to a certain extent it can influence the course of pregnancy and its outcome.
Many antenatal clinics have social and legal offices, the staff of which introduces women to the basics of Soviet legislation on the protection of motherhood and childhood and, if necessary, provides pregnant women with social and legal assistance, protecting their rights and interests.
Doctors and nurses at antenatal clinics carry out extensive sanitary and educational work among pregnant women, instilling in them special hygienic skills. They teach a pregnant woman to observe the rules of personal hygiene, to use the sun, water and air wisely, and give advice on how to properly conduct prenatal leave.
During the consultation, a pregnant woman is prepared for the upcoming motherhood, taught how to care for the child, how to create an appropriate regime for him.
A woman receives all the necessary knowledge on maintaining pregnancy hygiene during a personal conversation with a doctor or nurse, through consultation with exhibitions and posters, by reading special scientific literature recommended to her, etc.
In addition, many antenatal clinics organize motherhood schools. By attending classes at such a school, a pregnant woman better acquires practical knowledge of caring for herself and her newborn baby.
In recent years, psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth through consultations has acquired exceptionally great importance, with the goal of developing in women a clear understanding of childbirth as a natural process; teach how to behave correctly during childbirth to reduce pain.
In the perception of pain during childbirth, emotional factors and the woman’s experiences are of significant importance, including unreasonable fear of childbirth, fear of an unfavorable outcome. Therefore, it is very important to acquaint the woman with what she herself will observe and feel during childbirth, to identify the cause of the anxiety that sometimes arises, and to convince her that childbirth does not have to be painful.
During individual training and group classes, the doctor acquaints the pregnant woman with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body, with the expediency of the changes that occur during pregnancy in her body, which ensures not only the gestation of the fetus, but also the normal course of childbirth.
During practical classes, women receive instructions on correct behavior during childbirth; they are taught a special set of techniques that help reduce painful sensations during childbirth.
Experience has shown that women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training do not experience fear when the first contractions appear; during the birth process they remain calm and consciously follow the instructions of medical personnel. For many women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training, pain during childbirth is significantly reduced (see lecture 4 “Childbirth”).
Along with consultations that carry out treatment and preventive work among the urban and rural population, there are consultations that serve exclusively female workers. These are consultations that are part of clinics or medical units at industrial enterprises. The nature of the activities of these consultations has its own characteristics. Doctors and midwives of these consultations get acquainted with the working conditions of female workers, monitor compliance with laws on the protection of their labor and, in particular, during pregnancy. All bird prevention measures, including the transfer of pregnant women, if necessary, to easier work, are carried out by medical personnel in consultations together with representatives of the administration and trade union organizations of enterprises, making extensive use of the help of public activists.
These, in brief, are the basics of the activities of antenatal clinics aimed at ensuring the correct course of pregnancy and a favorable outcome of childbirth. In turn, pregnant women should regularly attend a consultation on the days prescribed by the doctor and carefully follow all his instructions and advice.
We have already said that pregnancy is the natural state of a woman. However, if the function of some organs is insufficient and if metabolic abnormalities arise, pregnancy can turn from a physiological state into a pathological one. At the first signs of this condition, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. These signs include increased salivation, severe nausea and frequent vomiting, which is a severe suffering that, without appropriate treatment, can lead to excessive exhaustion of the pregnant woman’s body. These phenomena are observed mainly in the first half of pregnancy.
In the second half of pregnancy, women sometimes experience swelling in the feet, most often towards the end of the day. Usually they disappear during sleep, but sometimes they become persistent and, spreading to the lower legs and thighs, can reach large sizes. This is usually the result of metabolic disorders and retention of water and mineral salts (sodium chloride) in pregnant tissues, but can also occur with heart disease, kidney disease, etc.
The appearance of edema is an urgent indication for seeking advice and even calling a doctor at home, especially if the appearance of edema is accompanied by a headache. In these cases, the pregnant woman usually has to be hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department for special treatment, without which the pregnant woman’s condition can worsen even more and lead to a very serious complication of pregnancy - so-called eclampsia.
An indication for immediate consultation or inviting a doctor to consult at home is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, especially of a cramping nature, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genitals, etc. It is obvious that the sooner a pregnant woman seeks consultation if she develops signs of illness or complications, the more successful the treatment will be and the faster recovery will be achieved.

At the School of Motherhood

Preventive care is recognized as a priority in healthcare. Based on order No. 50 dated 01/01/01. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On the improvement of obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics”, created on the basis of antenatal clinics “Schools of Motherhood”, actively conduct education, training and development of skills for correct behavior during pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, up to the first years of a child's life. The training is aimed at improving the medical literacy of parents and their general hygiene culture.

Preparation for childbirth and motherhood can be carried out individually and in groups. The most fruitful and effective sessions are with married couples. Preparing future fathers for the birth of a child helps in many situations to avoid conflicting relationships during a woman’s pregnancy and after childbirth. Involving family members in active prenatal preparation helps to change the lifestyle of the pregnant woman and her family, and focuses on the birth of the desired child.

Training is carried out in accordance with modern requirements. The method of psychoprophylactic training is widely used. This method is applicable to all pregnant women; there are no contraindications to it.

Along with the family form of preparation for childbirth, traditional methods of psychophysical preparation of pregnant women for childbirth, teaching them the rules of personal hygiene, preparation for future childbirth and child care at the “School of Motherhood” continue to be widely used.

“Motherhood schools” must have modern equipment: TV, VCR, audio equipment. Demonstration materials, visual aids, technical means, and child care items should be actively used. It is advisable to have a library and video library on relevant health topics. The video library provides the opportunity to independently watch videotapes on pregnancy hygiene, family preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding rules, newborn care, contraception after childbirth, with a mandatory and priority emphasis on natural methods of family planning (NMFP).

Women should be involved in classes at the “School of Motherhood” from the first trimester of pregnancy, preferably with future fathers or close relatives. To conduct classes, a pre-worked schedule is drawn up, where a particular topic is covered, corresponding to certain days and times. This contributes to the active involvement of future fathers or close relatives in attending classes, depending on their free time.

To conduct classes with pregnant women, it is advisable to form groups of no more than 10-15 people, trying to combine them with the same pregnancy period. Information about programs and class times should be available.



LESSON 1 . Anatomical and physiological changes in the mother’s body during pregnancy.

1. Brief information about the structure and functioning of the reproductive system.

2. Female and male reproductive cells.

3. Development of the intrauterine fetus


The first signs of pregnancy

Development of the fetus by months of pregnancy, its reactions to external stimuli,

The role of the placenta and amniotic fluid in the life support of the fetus,

Physical changes in a woman’s body, periods of pregnancy.

4. Risk factors for pregnancy

Characteristics of risk factors,

The influence of parental health on the health of the unborn child,

The role of heredity

Alcohol, smoking, use of narcotic and toxic substances by parents as

harmful risk factor for fetal pathology,

The influence of other unfavorable factors on the fetus: industrial,

infectious, medicinal, radiation, etc.

Complications of pregnancy

5. Medical supervision

The importance of early referral of women to antenatal clinics,

Frequency of visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist,

The need to perform a mandatory volume of medical examination,

Introduction to modern instrumental methods of monitoring

health status of mother and fetus,

Teaching pregnant women some tests to assess the development of pregnancy and

condition of the fetus.

LESSON 2. Hygiene rules during pregnancy

Legislative rights of a pregnant woman,

Daily regime,

Sexuality and pregnancy.

2. Food

The concept of caloric content of food and a balanced diet of food,

Taking fluids

Features of nutrition in pathological conditions: early toxicosis, constipation,

hypertension, kidney disease, etc.

3. Personal hygiene

The importance of keeping the body clean: caring for the skin, teeth, mammary glands,

genitals, etc.

Clothes, shoes, underwear,

The role of breastfeeding up to 6 months of a child’s life,

Using natural factors to harden and heal a woman’s body.

4. The role of hygienic gymnastics during pregnancy

Training in a set of physical exercises depending on the stage of pregnancy,

Learning the ability to relax – “quick rest”.

5. Features of the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman

Psychological adaptation of a woman to pregnancy,

The role of the family in the psychological and physical support of women during

pregnancy, childbirth, after the birth of a child.

LESSON 3. Preparing for “birth without fear”

1. Calendar dates for the onset of childbirth.

2. Harbingers of childbirth.

3 Preparation for admission to the maternity hospital.

4. Periods of labor and their duration

5. Behavior during childbirth

The importance of correct and calm behavior of women during childbirth,

The role of partnership in childbirth,

Trust in medical personnel

Training in various breathing methods for a successful birth,

Training in pain management techniques during childbirth,

Auto-training and acupressure self-massage to strengthen the psycho-emotional state

6. The first hours after childbirth: the importance of early attachment of the baby to the breast in the delivery room.

7. Therapeutic gymnastics in the postpartum period.

8. Contraception after childbirth. Training in natural methods of family planning.

9. Legislative rights of motherhood.



LESSON 1. The baby was born

1. Signs of a full-term baby.

2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the newborn.

3. Hormonal crisis in newborns.

4. The importance of mother and child being together in the maternity hospital.

5. Rules of personal hygiene when communicating with a newborn.

6. Technique for attaching the baby to the breast.

7. Tips for preparing clothes for a newborn.

LESSON 2. Caring for a newborn in the family

1. Preparation and hygiene of the child’s “corner” in the family.

2. Baby care items.

3. Child care rules

Child's toilet and bathing,

Skin and umbilical wound care,

Free swaddling

Daily regime.

4. Feeding a newborn

The role of breastfeeding in the formation of a healthy child,

The importance of control weighing a child during breastfeeding,

Newborn drinking,

Artificial feeding.

5. The influence of harmful factors on the child’s health

Inadmissibility of bad habits in the family: smoking, alcohol, taking drugs and

toxic substances.

Massage techniques and gymnastics for newborns,

Technique for measuring body temperature,

Using a cleansing enema and gas tube,

Using a heating pad, applying warm compresses,

Preparation and technique of giving medications when prescribed by a doctor, the danger of self-medication.

The interior of the room or hall where classes are held should create psychological comfort for students. It is recommended that all teaching materials be stored in separate folders and albums: a set of pictures and tables. Try to use poster wall aggressiveness as little as possible.

Consultations with a psychologist and lawyer are carried out as needed.

Svetlana Khramova
Conversation “The Happiness of Motherhood”

Class « The happiness of motherhood»

Target: awareness of purpose motherhood.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Parable about motherhood.

Feelings somehow argued. Who is stronger?

“I am stronger,” said Hatred. - I can force a person to do anything, thanks to me Betrayal and Wrath appeared.

No, I’m stronger,” said Jealousy. “Thanks to me, although no feelings have appeared, I can push a person to commit a crime, even murder.”

Come on! - Loneliness was indignant. - What is murder! Now I can drive myself to suicide, which means I’m stronger.

No! - exclaimed Kindness. - Why are you talking about such terrible things? I am stronger, I can help create, give, share.

Ha! And what is the power here? Hatred interrupted her! - This is bullshit! Just think, create! If everyone starts hating each other, then who needs it, your creation?

Don't argue! There is no one stronger than me,” exclaimed Love. - I can make a good person bad, and vice versa. I can take you with me. I can overcome any obstacles.

But in our time, no one values ​​Love anymore,” muttered Treason.

Yes, Love gave up its position a long time ago,” Doubt grinned.

It turns out that everyone is the same,” said Disappointment.

But no! - said Wisdom. - There is a feeling that does not shout about its strength, but it is much more powerful than any of you. It overcomes Betrayal and Anger.

It is not afraid of Hate, it is not at all familiar with Treason, it carries Love within itself, and can create and give.

It is stronger than each of you individually, and even all of you together, because it does not know fear and its own strength.

Can't be! - everyone shouted in unison, “This doesn’t happen!” There is no such feeling, and if there is, then where is it?

He has no time to participate in your disputes. It still protects, instructs and protects, and does not waste time. It's always on guard Happiness and Peace.

Because it - Motherhood.

2. Discussion of the issue "In what happiness of motherhood.

Motherhood- This is generally the function of every woman, regardless of whether she now has children or not. The girl is ready from birth to motherhood, the only question is that over time she begins to think about it. Often motherhood sublimates into other energies. Previously, when people lived in communities, it was easier to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. The girl saw how women nurture children, breastfeed them, and care for their babies. Subsequently, she did all this at ease.

Now this is sad. It’s good if we come to the idea of ​​a child with at least zero information. Then we select information about motherhood according to your inner feeling. Every woman finds something that is in tune with her inner tuning fork, that she is ready to accept. It is much worse when there is a strong image of the mother, then everything inside is on strike against the new, there is only one thought that it is necessary to do only this way and not otherwise.

When a girl doesn't play daughter - mothers, which means she is in an information vacuum, with zero understanding motherhood. By the age of 14, ideally, a girl should know how pregnant women behave, how to care for a child, how to raise a girl, and how to raise a boy, how to be a wife... Now, having become pregnant, a woman rushes to the Internet, and there, as you know, you can find a lot, but not always natural. Therefore, you need to take a break from all your activities, except motherhood. We were born women, which means that by definition we are ready to be mothers. The most common fear is that I will be a bad mother. We cannot become a bad mother, because if the child chose us, then that’s what he needs, he needs exactly this experience. Fear arises when we lack information. So you need to go and look for information about what you think might prevent you from being a good mother.

If you want to have happy life, marry the man you love and be loved, give birth to healthy, cheerful children.

When a child in a family grows up healthy, parents are boundlessly happy. But their grief is immeasurable if they have a sick, weak child. To cure her, her parents are capable of any sacrifice, agree to any operation, giving her their kidney and other organs for transplantation. However, many of them do not think about the fact that the disease could be prevented if they knew about the reasons that cause or provoke its occurrence. The cause of most diseases is the consumption of alcoholic beverages and "friendship" with tobacco.

It must be remembered that the female egg is affected by alcohol and tobacco more often and more strongly than the sperm.

Not only systemic alcohol consumption, but also a single consumption of alcoholic beverages can negatively affect a woman’s reproductive cell. The harmful effects of alcohol on offspring have been known for a long time. The most severe consequences were observed when a woman drank alcohol during pregnancy. A mother deliberately poisons her unborn child. And the consequences of this can be very serious. The fetal brain is most sensitive to the effects of alcohol and tobacco, mainly those structures responsible for future intellectual activity.

In women who smoke and drink alcohol, pregnancy is twice as likely to end in stillbirth, premature birth, and spontaneous miscarriage. In children born to smokers mothers and drink alcohol, common pathologies are mental retardation, congenital heart failure, abnormally small head (microcephaly, underdeveloped limbs, incomplete number of digits on the limbs, severe strabismus, spina bifida, cleft lip, abnormalities of the kidneys and external genitalia.

In early childhood, these children do not gain weight well, often get sick, are restless, irritable, and whiny. They study poorly at school, are undisciplined, and have an early tendency to drink alcohol.

Smoking and drinking alcohol cause irreparable harm to the pregnant woman herself. woman: this includes a difficult pregnancy, a large loss of blood during childbirth, and moral suffering, a feeling of guilt if a child is born with defects.

If a woman continues to drink alcohol or smoke after giving birth, she continues to endanger her baby as toxic substances pass into breast milk. They continue to affect the body, especially the nervous system. Children are whiny, their sleep is disturbed, and they often develop convulsions and even epileptic seizures. Of course, it is very offensive in the future, because the mother is always an example for the children and with her passion for tobacco or alcoholic beverages lays this unhealthy train in them.

Alcohol consumption causes great harm to your health, negatively affects your children, present and future, and destroys family happiness.

So, think about it and choose the path forever mothers-Take care of your health and the health of your children. Show wisdom and willpower.

Expensive mothers!

May health, beauty and joy always be your companions in life. Our the conversation is over. Thank you for participating.

Publications on the topic:

“Happiness is given only to those who know!” Preschool education is a very important issue, at least for those parents who strive to raise a happy child. Upbringing.

The children of our group, together with their parents, took part in the “Family Happiness” competition. The purpose of this competition is to strengthen the connection between family and children.

Each person has their own understanding of happiness. Women's happiness is special. The “For Happiness” doll is a folk amulet doll. This is a tiny girl.

Abstract of the educational activity "Happiness" Summary of GCD Topic: “Happiness” Goal: To create conditions for familiarizing children with the concept of “happiness.” Objectives: 1. Encourage children to express themselves.

Ø Changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Food, clothing, hygiene;

Ø Breathing during childbirth. Relaxation methods;

Ø Precursors of childbirth. First, second, third stage of labor;

Ø Interaction with staff during childbirth;

Ø Newborn in the maternity hospital. Vaccinations;

Ø Development of children under three years of age. Techniques;

Ø Nutrition for a nursing mother;

Ø Breastfeeding and others.

Group special gymnastics classes

The complex of physiopsychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth includes hygienic gymnastics, which is recommended to be done daily or every other day from the early stages of pregnancy under the guidance of a physical therapy instructor or a specially trained nurse.

Use of natural factors

The set of measures to use natural conditions should include:

Ø 1) walks in the fresh air;

Ø 2) air and sun baths;

Ø 3) water procedures;

Ø 4) physical education

Physiotherapy during pregnancy

Ø Physiotherapy allows you to achieve results with lower doses of medications and reduce the adverse effects on the fetus.

Ø Physiotherapy is used for early toxicosis of pregnant women, having a positive effect on the vomiting center in the brain. If there is a threat of miscarriage, a decrease in the tone of the uterus is possible, for example when using magnesium electrophoresis during a pregnancy of more than 8 weeks, because magnesium reduces the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin, a hormone that causes muscle contractions of the uterus.

Issues of organizing physiopsychoprophylactic training. Pedagogical aspects of conducting classes with pregnant women.

Groups are formed from 8-10 people, taking into account the timing of pregnancy. Classes are held in the morning, and for working pregnant women, additionally in the evening. Physical exercises are divided into 3 complexes according to the timing: up to 16 weeks, from 17 to 32 weeks and from 33 to 40 weeks. Each set of exercises provides training in certain skills necessary for the body to adapt to the corresponding period of pregnancy. It is advisable to complete gymnastics classes with ultraviolet irradiation, especially in the autumn-winter season. If a pregnant woman cannot attend a physical education room, she is introduced to a set of gymnastic exercises, after which she continues gymnastics at home under the supervision of an instructor every 10-12 days.

Sick pregnant women perform therapeutic exercises in a differentiated manner, taking into account the underlying disease. Physical education is contraindicated in acute or frequently exacerbating and decompensated somatic diseases, a history of habitual miscarriages and the threat of termination of this pregnancy.

In preparation for childbirth, pregnant women are not only introduced to the process of childbirth, but also taught exercises auto-training and point self-massage as factors that develop and strengthen a person’s volitional abilities for self-hypnosis. The methodology for organizing and conducting classes on the psychophysical preparation of pregnant women for childbirth is presented in the methodological recommendations of the USSR Ministry of Health "Physical and mental preparation of pregnant women for childbirth"(1990, appendix no. 2). Pregnant women are taught the rules of personal hygiene and prepared for future motherhood in “Motherhood Schools”, organized in antenatal clinics using demonstrative materials, visual aids, technical means and child care items. All women should be invited to attend the “School of Motherhood” from the early stages of pregnancy. Pregnant women should be advised of the importance of attending these classes. The consultation should contain clear information about the program and time of classes. The direct assistants to doctors when conducting classes at the School of Motherhood are midwives and child care nurses.

When conducting classes on certain days of the week, it is advisable to form groups of 15-20 people, preferably with the same gestational age. The group may include pregnant women under the supervision of one doctor or several. The head of the consultation organizes classes, taking into account the peculiarities of local conditions, monitors the work of the “School of Motherhood” and communicates with the territorial health center to receive methodological assistance and printed materials.

The curriculum of the "School of Motherhood" provides for 3 classes of an obstetrician-gynecologist, 2 pediatricians and 1 legal adviser, if available. The curriculum and program of an obstetrician-gynecologist at the School of Motherhood are presented in the appendix. In order to inform the obstetric hospital about the woman’s health status and the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor gives it to the pregnant woman at 30 weeks of pregnancy. "Exchange card of the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital".