How to quickly dry porcini mushrooms. Dry mushrooms: how to dry, whether to wash before drying and how to cook

Drying mushrooms compares favorably with other types of their harvesting in its simplicity, availability and ease of storage of the final product: 10 kg of fresh mushrooms turn into one, thanks to which they take up little space on the shelves in the cabinets of city kitchens. In terms of nutritional properties, dried mushrooms are superior to salted and pickled ones. Drying only enhances their flavor, which is why soups and main dishes from dried mushrooms are tastier and richer than from fresh ones. In addition, they are easier to digest and digest without causing heaviness in the stomach, as happens from dishes of fried and canned mushrooms; they can be safely eaten without the risk of getting botulism.

Being a perishable product, fresh mushrooms require immediate processing. If the so-called quiet hunting was successful and a lot of mushrooms were collected, drying in this case will greatly help out the hostess. When the weather is hot, sunny, dry and living conditions allow, it is convenient to dry the mushrooms on the street, strung on threads. In bad weather or lack of space, one of the most reliable ways is to dry mushrooms in ovens on gas and electric stoves. Those of them that are equipped with thermostats and convection mode, built-in fans, will greatly simplify the process and speed up the time, ensuring high quality drying.

What mushrooms can be dried in the oven?
All tubular mushrooms are suitable for drying, but the best of them are porcini (boletuses). Boletus, boletus, boletus and other tubular mushrooms (whose hats look like a sponge from below) darken when dried, which is why they are less suitable for making broths, but can be used for other dishes. Lamellar mushrooms (with the exception of mushrooms) are not subject to drying at all. Marsupials (morels, stitches and truffles) can be dried.

Each type of mushroom should be dried separately from the others.

Processing mushrooms before drying
Only young, fresh, strong specimens without damage and wormholes are selected for drying.

Do not wash mushrooms intended for drying! Excess moisture complicates the process itself and contributes to the rapid deterioration of mushrooms during storage. Dirt, needles and leaves adhering to the mushrooms are removed only mechanically, wiping the mushrooms with a soft cloth or scraping off the debris with a knife. Wherein:

  • in porcini mushrooms, the roots are completely or partially cut off, leaving no more than half of the stem; the cut parts are dried separately;
  • in boletus and boletus, they do not cut anything, but cut the whole mushroom vertically in half or into four parts;
  • in morels and lines, only the lower part of the leg is cut off;
  • truffles cut into slices;
  • small mushrooms are dried whole;
  • large legs and caps are cut into several parts: slices of 3-4 cm or plates from 4 to 5 mm thick.
For uniform drying, large and small mushrooms are dried separately from each other.

How to place mushrooms in the drying oven?
There are several different ways to optimally place them. Mushrooms can:

  • lay in rows at some distance from each other with hats down on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or foil;
  • spread out on a wire rack or grid with large cells so that they can be used instead of baking sheets; there can be several lattices and grids at once;
  • strung on long wooden knitting needles or on short splinter and spread them, as on skewers, across the oven on the ribs of its side walls or put them by sticking the splinter into a container with sand;
  • strung on a harsh thread stretched in several rows on a frame with nails (along the perimeter of the oven);
  • put on metal pins or wooden knitting needles, driven in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 6–10 cm from each other into metal shields or wooden boards.
Any of these options is suitable for drying in the oven, the main thing is that it ensures the isolation of the mushrooms from each other and free access of air from all sides to each of them, especially at the first stage of drying, while the mushrooms are still fresh. In a suspended state, the mushrooms dry out evenly and retain their best qualities.

The first stage of drying mushrooms - drying
Mushrooms laid in one of the above ways are placed in an oven heated to 40-50 ° C for drying. At higher temperatures, droplets of secreted protein form on them. This will make drying difficult and degrade the quality of the final product; such mushrooms darken, lose their aroma and taste, and may become completely unsuitable for food.

The convection mode, if any, should be turned on immediately. It will provide a 100% successful result by blowing the moisture evaporating from the mushrooms out. But in any case, with or without a fan, the oven door must be kept open throughout the entire drying process to ensure continuous air circulation inside the oven. In a closed oven, the mushrooms will rot and bake rather than dry.

The main stage of drying mushrooms in the oven
As soon as the surface of the mushrooms dries up and stops sticking to your hands, the temperature in the oven is increased to 60-75 ° C. But no more! Otherwise, the color, taste and aroma of mushrooms will suffer.

The exact drying time cannot be determined immediately. Even specimens carefully selected in size and thickness will dry out at different speeds. Therefore, from time to time, the mushrooms should be checked by touch, turned over and removed dry, leaving the unready for drying.

In old stoves with primitive gas ovens, the process with periodic airing, heating and cooling can take two days, but it will allow you to keep the beautiful color of the mushroom pulp and insure the product from burning and overdrying.

Mushrooms can be strung on threads and dried first in the sun, and then dried in the oven. Or vice versa - first dry in the oven, and then dry in the sun.

If necessary, mushrooms from the oven can also be dried in the air indoors.

How to determine the readiness of dried mushrooms?
The readiness of mushrooms is determined by touch and by breaking. Properly dried, they should be light, easy to bend, break, but not crumble.

How to store dried mushrooms in the oven?
Ready dried mushrooms are completely cooled and only then laid out in containers, metal or glass jars. Storage containers should be perfectly dry, with tight-fitting lids. It should not get moisture from the air. Only in this case, the mushrooms will be stored for a long time, without losing their taste and aroma.

If the room in which the mushrooms will be located is sufficiently dry and well ventilated, you can string them on a thread, wrap them with clean gauze and hang them. In this state, dried mushrooms can be stored for more than one year; however, over time, they will still begin to lose their taste.

If during storage the mushrooms suddenly become wet for some reason, they should be immediately sorted out and dried.



Drying mushrooms in an electric dryer- this is a completely simple, but useful activity for those who want to save healthy and tasty foods for the winter without marinating them. Of course, mushrooms can also be frozen, however, dried ingredients retain much more useful trace elements, as well as taste, making them much more pleasant to use in cooking.

Very often, dried mushrooms are used to make delicious mushroom soup, and they are also often added to various salads, baked with vegetables and meat, or excellent fillings for pies or tartlets are prepared. You can independently find a use for dried mushrooms by properly preparing them for the winter.

It is important to read the instructions for using the electric dryer in which you will dry the mushrooms, since each kitchen gadget has its own algorithm of actions. It is impossible not to notice the fact that the drying of mushrooms can be carried out in any electric dryer, even in isidry or supra. Also choose the temperature very carefully so as not to dry out your mushrooms too much.

Almost any variety of mushrooms is suitable for drying. Aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, and also boletus are dried especially often for the winter, as they have a structure suitable for drying and do not dry out too much, stopping into a solid inedible matter.

You can read a detailed description of the process of drying mushrooms for the winter in our step-by-step recipe with a photo. In case you want to play it safe, you can always find plenty of tutorial videos on the internet. Let's try the method of drying mushrooms demonstrated in a simple recipe right now!

. "KP in Ukraine" understood the intricacies and technology of drying mushrooms.

The first thing that amateur mushroom pickers should pay attention to is that only some types of mushrooms are dried, the rest are salted, pickled or frozen. White mushrooms are considered ideal for drying, followed by boletus and boletus in the top three.

The drying procedure maximizes the mushroom aroma, which is why mushroom soups and their main dishes have a richer taste and smell compared to fresh ones. "KP in Ukraine" has collected simple tips that will help mushroom pickers create the perfect homemade preparations at home:

  • During drying, mushrooms fully retain all their valuable nutritional properties.
  • Subject to all the rules, mushrooms become more compact (out of 10 kg of fresh product, about 1 kg of dried mushrooms is obtained), which is important at home.
  • For drying mushrooms at home, ovens, special dryers, microwaves and sunlight are suitable.
  • Before drying the mushrooms in the oven, they should not be washed. Due to washing, they lose their appearance, absorb a lot of moisture and, as a result, dry longer.
  • Ready-made mushrooms are elastic - they bend, but do not break.
  • Dried mushrooms should be stored in closed glass jars in a dark, cool, ventilated place, away from strong-smelling foods.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

Clean the mushrooms from the ground, grass and leaves with a stainless steel knife - this will help to avoid darkening in the places of cuts.

Wipe dry each mushroom cap and leg.

Cut the mushrooms into thin plates, no more than 5 mm thick.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and lay the mushroom plates on it in one layer so that they do not touch.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 45 degrees.

After the mushrooms stop sticking to the paper and dry, raise the temperature to 75 degrees. Important! Do not close the oven door completely.

Drying of mushrooms is carried out for two days with interruptions and taking them out of the oven to cool and air.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

Prepare the mushrooms for drying (Read the first four paragraphs of the section "How to dry mushrooms in the oven")

Set the temperature to 100 degrees, place the mushrooms in the microwave for 20 minutes.

Open the door to evaporate excess moisture for 7-10 minutes. Close and dry for about 20 minutes more.

One batch of mushrooms in the microwave is dried for about an hour.

How to dry mushrooms outdoors

Of course, the most correct way to dry mushrooms is in natural conditions. However, it is possible only if you have your own site and sunny weather.

String the fruits on a strong thread or fishing line, keep a distance so that they do not touch.

Hang the bundles in the most lit place on the site.

From gauze or thin linen, create a barrier against insects and dust.

Dry the mushrooms until tender.

To the point

Map of mushroom places in Kyiv region

"KP in Ukraine" compiled a list of the most.

The rains have passed and autumn mushrooms have appeared in the Kyiv region. "KP in Ukraine" figured out where, in the Kyiv region, to find the most mushroom places.


"Silent hunting" has begun: how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous

Often mushroom pickers mistakenly put in the basket something completely different from what you can eat. Let's try to figure it out.

By the way

First aid for mushroom poisoning

Simple tips for mushroom pickers on how not to become a victim.

Often mushroom pickers mistakenly put in the basket something completely different from what you can eat. Let's try to figure out what to do in case of mushroom poisoning.

Mushrooms, salted or pickled, we all love to indulge. But sometimes you want fresh mushroom soup in winter. Canned mushrooms will not work here, here you need to know how to dry mushrooms at home, correctly and in different ways.

The mushroom season begins and we go hunting with whole families in order to collect more forest trophies. We collect them in baskets, buckets, bags, bathtubs, trunks, and simply, in the bosom.

But few people know which mushrooms can be dried and how to prepare them, we tear everything in a row, but for home drying you will have to choose well, if half of everything.

If for all types of canning, or pickling, you can take almost all edible mushrooms, then not all are suitable for drying, and you even need to collect them in a special way. Now we are with you and we will understand this.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying at home

To begin with, let's still decide which mushrooms we will dry in order to treat ourselves to soup or fried potatoes. So, what kind of mushrooms will we leave for drying?

  • Chanterelles
  • White
  • boletus
  • Aspen mushrooms
  • obabki
  • Mokhoviki

In general, only tubular mushrooms are suitable for drying. Lamellar ones contain a bitter juice, which, after drying, makes them generally unsuitable for eating. and among the lamellar ones there are too many poisonous ones that are not so easy to recognize.

How to collect mushrooms for home drying

Before the process of drying the mushrooms, they cannot be washed, generally wetted. To you. I hope it is known that tubular fungi absorb water like a sponge and then retain moisture for a long time. Washed mushrooms are unlikely to dry out, rather covered with mold.

The mushrooms that we decided to dry, no matter how, we go to pick in dry, sunny weather. We choose not contaminated, so that they can only be cleaned with a knife. We look for the mushrooms to be young, strong, without wormholes. These are just right for us. After the mushrooms are collected, selected and cleaned, we will determine the method of drying them. Everything is very simple here, choose the most convenient way for you and go ahead, act.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

It is easiest and most convenient to dry mushrooms in the oven if you are a resident of a city apartment. Mushrooms, if too large, are cut into pieces and laid out in one layer on a grate, it must be made of stainless steel. Mushroom drying trays are not suitable because air will not circulate.

The oven during drying heats up to 40-60 degrees, you need to put a towel under the door so that it is ajar. In this form, dry until completely dry.

You can determine the degree of drying, whether the mushroom is ready or not ready for long-term storage, by touch. over-dried mushrooms become brittle and break, under-dried ones will be too soft, and dried ones are moderately elastic, hard to bend, but do not crack.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

This method is more complicated and in order to properly dry the mushrooms at home in the microwave, you need to be patient and it does not hurt to gain experience.

The most important thing for this method is to cut the mushrooms into absolutely equal parts so that they dry for the same length of time. And it is also very important to slightly dry the already prepared, peeled and chopped mushrooms in the air, so the process will go faster.

We lay out the prepared mushrooms directly on the bowl, turn on the power of 180 watts and the time is twenty minutes. After that, we check if moisture can stand out, it needs to be removed, open the door for ventilation. Repeat the process after ten minutes. Repeat this until you see that the mushrooms are dried properly.

If you have overcooked the mushrooms and they are brittle and brittle, don't be discouraged, you can make a great mushroom seasoning by simply chopping the mushroom pieces in a blender.

How to dry mushrooms at home on a thread

Probably the oldest way. For as long as I can remember being little, mushroom beads were hung around the house, and this wonderful forest smell. Mushrooms, also preferably of the same size, are pierced with a thick needle with a threaded nylon or canvas strong thread. You can hang such "beads" in the house or in any room where there is good air circulation and no humidity. Some put fly gauze over the mushrooms.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The electric dryer was invented for our convenience, the most optimal option for drying the gifts of the forest. To dry mushrooms in an electric dryer, they also need to be prepared in a special way, do not think that if the device is specially designed for drying, it will dry absolutely everything.

The fact is that the mushrooms need to be cut into plastics, and the thickness of the plastic depends on the drying time. The average thickness is taken about 10 cm.

All pieces are evenly distributed over the grid. At a temperature of 55 degrees, you will get well-dried mushrooms in two to three hours.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

What can compare with the smell of dried mushrooms? We specially select them in the forest for drying. They are always clean and beautiful. It's expensive to dry them.

Porcini mushrooms can also be dried in the oven, cut with plastics and laid out in one layer on a grid or grate. The temperature for drying is 60-75 degrees, the time is usually about two to three hours, depending on the thickness of the plastics.

Also, cut into slices, whites are dried in an electric dryer. You can also dry them in a conventional dryer in the fresh air, only so that there is no direct sunlight.

You can dry porcini mushrooms on a thread by separating the caps from the legs. The legs can be immediately fried with potatoes, and the hats can be dried

How to store dried mushrooms

Everything is very simple, I use cloth or paper bags for storage and just store them in the kitchen in the upper cabinet, where there is no humidity and strong odors. You can also put a salt shaker next to the bag so that the salt absorbs excess moisture. also, we must not forget about the mushrooms and sometimes visit with a check.

How to dry mushrooms at home, video