The effect of hair dye on human health. About the dangers of chemical dyes on hair. Does chemical dye affect

Every girl one day thinks about looking at herself from a different perspective and changing her image. People often experiment with their hair: they change their hair color and hairstyle. We will touch on the very popular and interesting topic of hair coloring and figure out whether such experiments are safe, as well as how permanent coloring affects hair.

How effective are hair dyes?

Thanks to the coloring pigment that gets into the center of the hairline and also breaks the cuticle layer, you can change the color of the curls. It is worth noting that the cuticle opens when the pH reaches a high level - this is in the range of 7 or more. Dyes mainly contain acidic and alkaline components. Such products contain amines because it is an alkaline element and thanks to it you can increase your hair color by several tones.

Is hair dye harmful?

Scientific research has long shown that dyeing your hair is harmful. Let's take a closer look at why:

  1. Hair structure and ammonia: a negative effect on the condition of the scalp, and also after the dyeing procedure, many hairs are lost; In addition, with constant hair coloring, the structure changes and dandruff occurs.
  2. Coloring pigment: it is this that causes harm; it is not washed out, but only accumulates, and the only way to prevent this is to cut off colored hair.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide: plays a major role in the procedure, since it helps reduce the harm from the paint used. So, the idea of ​​various balms arose, because after their use, the curls look healthy and incredibly luxurious. However, do not forget, dear ladies, that this is just an appearance.

It is worth remembering that regardless of what hair dyes are used, adverse effects can be traced in all products produced.
Negative aspects also include an allergic reaction to certain substances, as well as deterioration in the appearance of the hair.
Deterioration in the appearance of hair occurs at home, rather than when the work is carried out by a specialist in a salon, using various professional expensive products that help not only moisturize the color, but also do everything at a high quality level.
At home, as a rule, cheap cosmetics are used, which contain more hydrogen peroxide, as well as ammonia. Due to the influence of chemical elements in the dye, the top layer of the hair is revealed, which is gradually destroyed.
Remember! At home, use exclusively expensive coloring products, because they contain many components to make your hair truly healthy and beautiful.
Regarding allergic reactions, we can say that this effect occurs quite often and ranks second in terms of deterioration in the quality of curls, as well as, directly, in human health. An allergy can occur to any of the components presented in the paint, individual intolerance, or sensitivity to coloring pigments. A similar reaction can occur both in a professional salon and at home, regardless of whether it is an expensive or cheap product. Even biological dyes do not guarantee a safe reaction to, for example, henna or basma. Allergic reactions may affect the skin and cause tearing and itching.
All of the above unfavorable moments are the most common situations after a hair coloring procedure.

Benefits of hair coloring

We have considered the possible harm and one question remains: what to do and what to do in such a situation? After all, you always want to look bright and be diverse. However, there are also positive nuances in coloring and maintaining hair in a healthy and attractive form.
It should immediately be noted that chemicals cannot guarantee an improvement in the color and condition of hair in general. Dyes, which are made from natural ingredients, namely henna and basma, add silkiness and shine to the hair, they do not tangle and help restore the hair structure. The natural coloring substances used give the growth of healthy and beautiful hair, thus affecting the hair follicles.


Today there are many types of hair dyes: natural and chemical. Natural dyes help improve hair health in many ways, but there are also chemicals that have both benefits and harm. On the one hand - shine and aesthetic pleasure, incredible long-lasting color, and on the other - the possible consequences described in the article.
Dear girls, in any case, remember that you need to use the ingredients wisely, not so often, and adhere to some rules of proper hair care.

All lovers of experiments know: changing your hairstyle and hair color is the easiest way to add variety to your life. We don’t argue with this, we just want to figure out how safe such transformations are and how frequent dyeing affects the hair.

How hair dyes work

Let's start with the fact that each hair consists of three layers:

  • The medula is the medulla through which nutrition enters the hair;
  • cortex is the main substance that gives hair strength and elasticity;
  • cuticle is a protective layer that consists of keratin scales.

In order to change the color, the coloring pigment must get inside the hair, that is, slightly disrupt its cuticular layer. The cuticle opens only under high pH conditions: at values ​​of seven and above. The acidity of the scalp is 4.5-5.5 pH. Therefore, in order for the pigment to penetrate the hair, alkaline or acidic components are added to the dyes. Amines are derivatives of ammonia; this is an alkaline component that is most often found in paints. It raises the pH so much that enough artificial pigment can penetrate into the hair to change the hair color by several tones.

Artyom Chepchugov

Despite the fact that coloring poses absolutely no danger to human health, harm to the hair is still possible. But if you go to a good hairdresser, this harm will be minimal.

There are four categories of dyes: ammonia, with ammonia derivatives, ammonia-free and direct dyes. Ammonia is necessary to make hair lighter or to obtain permanent coloring. To do this, ammonia must penetrate the hair, partially disrupt its cuticular layer and oxidize the natural pigment. In fact, we need to “clear the site” and plant our “guys” - artificial pigment - on the vacant field. If everything is done with professional dyes with a small amount of ammonia and by a specialist who works competently with oxides, then the damage to the hair will be quite insignificant.

Which paint to choose

Hair dye is a fairly harmless mixture of chemical components. Essentially, any dye changes hair color, but the principle of each one is slightly different. The choice depends on what color you want and how long you want the paint to last.

Permanent ammonia paint

In addition to ammonia or its substitute, permanent paints must contain hydrogen peroxide. Ammonia helps open the hair cuticle, and the oxidizing agent partially washes away the natural pigment and reveals the color of the dye. With this dye you can change the color by several tones, completely cover gray hair, or even lighten your hair.

Due to the fact that ammonia allows the dye to penetrate very deeply, permanent dyes cannot be washed off. Therefore, if you want to return to your natural color, you will have to wait until your hair grows back.

Permanent dyes damage the protective layer of the hair more than others: the cuticle opens, but there is no natural mechanism to close it. In addition, the oxidizing agent, together with the pigment, washes nutrients from the hair. Therefore, if you choose such paint, you need to remember special care. The minimum is an acid shampoo and leave-in conditioner. The shampoo will help restore pH, and the conditioner will “smooth” the cuticle and protect the hair from environmental influences.

Artyom Chepchugov

hairdresser, art director at drugmyhair, winner of Hairbrained Video Awards 2018

Paints with ammonia substitutes can be even more aggressive than ammonia ones. Therefore, if you are told that you can make your hair lighter using ammonia-free dye, know: there are definitely either ammonia substitutes or ammonia derivatives.

Semi-permanent ammonia-free paint

For those who want a softer effect on their hair, there is semi-permanent hair dye. It does not destroy the hair structure, but after you wash your hair five times, the color will begin to fade. Since such paints contain no ammonia and almost no oxidizing agent, they are not suitable for lightening: the natural pigment simply cannot be removed.

Artyom Chepchugov

hairdresser, art director at drugmyhair, winner of Hairbrained Video Awards 2018

The harm of ammonia-free paints is almost imperceptible. Moreover, they contain a bunch of care components that, after coloring, will make your hair even better than it was before. But dyes without ammonia can only tint hair, creating tone-on-tone or darker shades.

Sometimes you want to change something in your life. “Something” could be marital status, job, place of residence, hair color. The last example seems to be the simplest way. An hour and a half - and from a burning brunette you become a blonde... But is it so easy and simple?

The brunette turns...

The modern arsenal of hairdresser's tools allows you to realize the most frivolous fantasies (from blonde to brunette and vice versa). However, according to stylists, such transformations are only possible for people who have a stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser at their disposal. For women who are far from celebrity parties and modeling shows, stylists do not advise radical color changes. The ideal transformation is no more than 4 tones. (They can be viewed and counted in departments that sell hair dyes.) And even in this case, you need to remember about the upcoming additional costs: you will need special shampoos, conditioners, balms, nourishing masks, more painstaking styling, constant (every 2-3 weeks) touch-up. And although you can learn to cope with the last point at home, the resulting shade may be different from that of the master. Because, like any other specialty, coloring has a large number of professional secrets.

The mystery of color

The most important. In order for the dye to penetrate inside the hair, it is treated with a special acidic composition, which opens the scales of the surface layer - the cuticle. Hair becomes more hygroscopic and porous.

The duration and technology of dyeing depends on the natural hair color. Light ones contain fewer natural pigment granules, so they are lighter, thinner and more hollow. Accordingly, the paint is absorbed more easily. Dark ones are more pigmented, so the places for the “loose proteins” to combine with the hair dye are a little more difficult.

Color mysteries can be solved from another point of view. If the desired color is lighter, first a substance is used that destroys the granules of its pigment, and then the desired paint is used. If the selected tone is darker, then only dye. Naturally, the first option is more aggressive. When darkening, the dye fills the hollow areas of the hair, and its own pigment is preserved.

After crystallization, the dye molecules are firmly fixed inside the hair, so it is quite difficult to remove them. For example, it will take an hour and a half to get rid of the paint that turned you into a burning brunette. And this process is very painstaking!

Completely bleached hair can be compared to a glass cone covered with a scaly layer. Therefore, if you want to go back from a platinum blonde to a burning brunette, it will not be easy to do. Hair completely devoid of natural protein will completely refuse to hold dye. Only special professional means can accustom it to order: first you will need to “nourish” the hair with protein so that the dye has something to hold on to, and only then color it.

Temperature mystery

The correct sequence of applying paint is: temples, back of the head, forehead, parietal area. If it is violated, the shade will be different. The secret is that the number of blood vessels, and therefore the temperature of the skin, varies in different parts of the head. And since the speed of any chemical reaction, as is known from chemistry courses, depends on temperature, the difference in color is quite understandable... By the way, it is for this reason that hair roots are painted over faster.

The secret of shades

Is it possible to say with 100% confidence that if all the rules are followed, the color of the tester will correspond to the final result?

A stylist's positive answer to this question may indicate his lack of incompetence. Despite the fact that the amount of dye is weighed on electronic scales and fixative is measured using measuring cups, it is incredibly difficult to obtain a guaranteed result. Because determining hair type, degree of blondness and color choice is reminiscent of plotting a graph in a three-dimensional coordinate system.

On the one hand, you need to take into account the existing hair tone, on the other, the required “strength” of the paint and another whole section of physics. After all, colors “transition” into each other according to their own rules and laws, voiced by Newton himself! Since the wavelength of green is between yellow and violet, experiments with recoloring in one direction or the other can have unpredictable results. You need to remember about such an accidental transformation even... when going on vacation. Dyes and strong chemicals are sometimes added to pools to disinfect the water. Therefore, the hair may accidentally acquire a blue, purple, or greenish tint!

Special secrets

Certain taboos are associated with pregnancy. We hasten to please you: if the master follows all the rules, the paint may not come into contact with the scalp, and therefore toxic substances cannot penetrate into the systemic bloodstream. One of the safest technologies is using foil. All the harm lies in chemical fumes, which are not very useful. Therefore, gynecologists sometimes play it safe and advise not to wear makeup during the first and last trimesters. The first is the time of formation of all organs and systems of the child. The latter is due to the risk of developing allergies in the baby.

The mystery of gray hair

At first glance, it seems that after the loss of natural pigment, the hair should “hold” its color better. But the changes don't stop there. Gray hair is less elastic and seems to fall out of style. Its surface layer becomes denser and allows paint to pass through more easily. In addition, due to the fact that there are fewer pores in the hair and even the penetrating granules are less well fixed. Therefore, slightly gray hair should be tidied up only by a specialist.

The secret of thick curls

Does the presence of natural curls affect the coloring process? Yes! Straight hair in cross-section resembles a circle, wavy hair resembles an oval, and completely curly hair is elongated, like a ribbon. Therefore, they all paint at different speeds.

But the dyeing process does not affect the thickness of the hair! Hair is formed in the middle layer of the skin and neither preparations for bio-curling nor dyeing get into it. They can only begin to fall out due to a chemical burn to the scalp. “Losing out” is often confused with breaking off. The latter really is the case, because no technology can seal the cuticle cells perfectly.

One of the classic beauty battles between fans of natural beauty and those who prefer its man-made version is the debate about how harmful hair dye is and the dyeing process in general. In these debates, dye appears either as an innocent cosmetic product like conditioner, or as an evil monster devouring the hair of unsuspecting beauties. The question remains: how harmful is hair dye really and how to minimize the damage?

Initially, confusion in opinions and conclusions arises due to the wide variety of hair dyes. In essence, paint is a chemically active cosmetic product; its composition directly depends on its type and the desired result, and this composition can vary significantly, including both completely gentle and mild substances and aggressive components. In general, when talking about paint, you always need to take into account what kind of product we are talking about. Henna is a paint, a product with hydrogen peroxide is a paint, and a light tint foam is also a paint. All of them have a different composition and in different ways.

All hair dyes can be divided into 3 types:

Persistent. Permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes contain components such as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - this is what determines the depth of effect of the product on the hair. These are chemically active substances that “open” the hair and replace a person’s own pigment with paint pigment. Permanent and semi-permanent paints are suitable for covering gray hair; they do not wash off - except that they may fade a little over time. You can get rid of them only by dyeing your hair a different color or growing it out. Semi-permanent hair dyes contain less ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and other aggressive chemicals, making them more gentle and less likely to radically change hair color.

Tinted. Tinting agents do not interfere with the structure of the hair in any way: they create a film on the surface of the hair - the color that you have chosen. Tinted shampoos, foams and dyes are very unstable: it is enough to wash your hair 4-6 times and not a trace will remain of the artificial color. They cannot radically change the hair color - only slightly shade your own. For example, if you have light brown hair, using a tint product you can make it more golden or slightly reddish, or darken it a little with light chestnut. Such products do not cover gray hair.

Natural. Natural dyes - henna and basma - also do not damage the hair structure, but create an indelible film on its surface. The main advantage of natural dyes is their harmlessness and incredible durability (henna is almost impossible to remove - and it is also quite difficult to paint over), the main disadvantage is the limited range of shades (red, red-chestnut, black) and the unpredictability of the result. Natural paints can behave very capriciously and even insidiously, giving different effects under the same conditions. On gray hair they often look too bright (for example, henna can give an orange color).

When talking about the dangers of hair dyes, we primarily mean permanent and semi-permanent products, because tinted and natural dyes do not affect the hair at a deep level, they simply envelop it in color.

What are the harms of hair dyes?

The main danger to health - hair and the whole body - are aggressive chemical components. Here are the negative consequences you face when dyeing your hair:

Hair structure disorder. Penetration into the hair structure and removal of natural pigment cannot go unnoticed by the hair: it loses not only its color, but also a number of nutrients, and its integrity is compromised. Hair becomes drier, brittle, and splits more at the ends. In modern professional paints, this effect is partially compensated by caring elements, but this does not change the essence. Dyed hair is by definition less healthy and stronger than naturally colored hair. If you dye your hair constantly, it can become thinner, weaker and lose shine for a long time or permanently.

Allergic reaction. It is very possible to have an allergic reaction to one of the many chemicals contained in paint, or a combination of them. Therefore, paint manufacturers always strongly recommend doing a control test on the crook of your arm before using paint. Don't ignore this advice: an allergic reaction to paint can be quite severe!

The effects of “chemistry” on the body. Active chemicals can harm not only your hair, but your entire body. First of all, the scalp may suffer (unsuccessful dyeing is a risk factor for various problems such as seborrhea, hair loss, dandruff). It is also possible for a hidden allergic reaction to occur, which manifests itself indirectly. In addition, there is a suspicion that the impact of chemical components of paint may, in the future, with frequent painting, accumulate and result in negative health effects - for example, an increase in the risk of developing cancer.

Should you dye your hair? It would be healthier, of course, not to dye your hair, especially since naturalness is now in fashion. On the other hand, it is clear that many people perceive possible negative effects as a small sacrifice placed on the altar of beauty, so people will still dye their hair - and not only women. And few people are willing to put up with gray hair. Therefore, it is important to follow a few simple rules to minimize damage. First: for painting, use only high-quality paints, preferably professional ones. Second: if possible, if you do not need to cover your gray hair, choose gentle paints with minimal ammonia content. Third: take proper care of your hair after dyeing, use special restorative products; If you notice any negative effects after dyeing (itching, hair loss, feeling unwell), try another product or stop dyeing altogether.

Modern permanent coloring in any case does not promote human health. Many dyes contain ammonia, a substance that allows molecules to penetrate deep into the hair and provide a more lasting color. Basically, such coloring does not lead to serious side effects and, if done correctly, practically does not change the hair structure, however, there are cases when, under the influence of ammonia, not only the hair is damaged, but also a skin rash, burning eyes, difficulty breathing and even headaches appear. The effect of hair dye on human health depends on individual tolerance, since when dyeing, ammonia enters the hair, lungs, and skin.

Paints containing ammonia

Ammonia is a fairly persistent toxic substance that has a characteristic pungent odor. It is this component that determines the depth of penetration of the coloring pigment into the hair structure and is responsible for the brightness, intensity and durability of the color. Hair dyes containing ammonia guarantee long-lasting color from one and a half to three months. This type of paint is recommended when covering gray hair.

The disadvantages of ammonia hair dyes include fragility and weakness of the hair, they become lifeless, since ammonia destroys not only the outer hair column, but also its internal structure. With constant use of such dye, the natural color pigment of the hair is also damaged. If ammonia stays on your hair longer than expected, you may end up with an unexpected hair color or even lose a good part of your hair, as lifeless hair will eventually fall out.

In addition, various chemicals, when reacting with hair and skin, can provoke severe allergic reactions. People who are prone to allergies, have problems with the immune system and suffer from chronic diseases need to think about the possible consequences before purchasing this or that hair dye. After all, in addition to ammonia, they contain parabens, which tend to accumulate in the human body and cause various cancers.

Ammonia-free paints

Hair dyes that do not contain ammonia are very popular among people who care about their health. However, in order to get the desired hair color using this dye, you must follow certain rules. The required shade on hair that is too dark can be obtained only after preliminary bleaching, since such dyes are only suitable for blondes or brown-haired women.

The effect of ammonia-free hair dyes is quite gentle, which is both a plus and a minus, because the resulting color is quickly washed off.

Tinting products

The most harmless and safe method of coloring is the use of tinting agents that do not have a negative effect on human health. However, the number of possible shades for such preparations is not so large and is mainly limited to natural color. Typically, hair tonics are used to change the base color of the hair by just a couple of tones, either darker or lighter. The only negative is the very low color fastness; in most cases, the color is washed off during the first wash.

Natural dyes

Natural dyes are plant-based or completely natural in origin. These products include: basma, henna, onion peels, tea leaves, chamomile flowers and much more. It was with the help of these simple components that our great-grandmothers often changed their image.

The undeniable advantage of natural dyes is that they are completely free of aggressive chemical substances, which allows you to provide your hair with care and attention, as well as preserve its natural beauty. As for the disadvantages of natural paints, this is a rather weak, unstable coloring, sometimes even uneven. For example, basma is a natural dye that strengthens hair roots, promotes hair growth, and eliminates dandruff, but it is recommended to use this product mixed with henna to avoid the original dark green color.

Hair coloring and pregnancy

Many women wonder whether hair dye has such a great influence on the health of the expectant mother and fetus. To date, there is no evidence in medicine that hair dye used during pregnancy can in any way harm him. However, it should be remembered that significant hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, so often when dyeing hair during this period, the dye may not adhere to the hair at all. Experts still do not recommend using chemical dyes during pregnancy; it is better to give preference to natural dyes or tinting agents.

Preparing for the coloring procedure

2-3 days before the planned hair coloring, it is necessary to carry out healing and strengthening procedures, do a head massage, a nourishing mask and conduct a skin sensitivity test. If even the slightest allergic reaction occurs, you should stop using the dye and consult a doctor, because the negative effect of chemicals on the body can be so great that another attempt to dye your hair may not happen.

After dyeing, special care is recommended for hair in the form of restorative masks, special balms and shampoos. The effect of dye on the health of human hair is quite noticeable, especially in the first two weeks after dyeing, so during this period you should not use hair dryers, curling irons, curling irons and straightening irons. Proper care and care will help your hair undergo the coloring procedure almost painlessly.

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