How to sew light toys. Simple DIY fabric toys

Every mother knows that her child should have his own soft friends - toys. Child psychologists also insist on this: a child who is three years old should have at his disposal toys made of various materials that he can “explore” and “feel” while playing. Today, the range of toys for children presented in stores and on the market makes it possible to choose toys to suit your taste and budget - from traditional teddy bears to heroes of modern animated films. However, a toy sewn by mother’s hands will be especially warm and unique. And older children can even be enticed to participate in this exciting undertaking. Initial data, namely patterns of soft toys with your own hands, can be found in any magazine on needlework; an abundance of such information is located today on the Internet. As a last resort, you can “open up” an old shabby bear and see with your own eyes what was done and how to get the finished toy.

If you decide to act independently from start to finish, then your own design principles and imagination will be embodied in your toy. Having bought a ready-made kit for making toys in a store, you will have to strictly and strictly follow the attached instructions. We still advise you to remain independent and be creative to the fullest. Be sure to involve children in the activity, but do not forget about their safety: keep them away from needles, scissors and sewing machines without supervision.

Joint needlework is very useful for children, because it disciplines well, promotes the development of motor skills, trains attention and cultivates perseverance. Try to also encourage your dad to do this activity, because working together is a great way to unite the family. And besides, who, if not dad, can handle wire and pliers better than others?

The process of creating a soft toy includes several stages, such as selecting materials and preparing them for processing (washing, steaming), cutting the parts together, basting, final stitching, stuffing and design of the final appearance of the toy.
Do-it-yourself soft toy patterns are best made from hard materials, such as cardboard, since they are more convenient to work with (they fit tighter and are easier to trace) and are durable than, for example, patterns made from tracing paper. The resulting pattern should be attached to the wrong side of the material and traced with a pen if the fabric is dark, or with a white pencil if it is light. Avoid using chalk as it may distort the dimensions of the parts.

Neat toys made with one’s own hands conceal a special thrill and warmth from the person who put his soul into them. Therefore, if you want to give your child joy and a piece of your warmth even in your absence, make handmade gifts for your children.

It is probably impossible to find a person who would be indifferent to a soft toy made with their own hands from natural fabric. For children, such a toy, sewn with love, will be the most valuable thing and best friend, and for adults it can become a unique souvenir or gift that will be remembered for a long time.

In this master class we will talk about how to make a simple soft toy from ordinary fabric with your own hands, the creation process of which does not require a lot of effort and will not take much time. Involving a child in this work will help you spend your time with great pleasure and benefit, as a result of which you will receive a wonderful soft toy - a turtle.

So, to make such a toy we need to prepare:

  • small pieces of cotton or calico fabric of a suitable color (for example, green for the head and paws, brown for the shell);
  • paper patterns;
  • any filler (foam rubber, padding polyester or ordinary cotton wool);
  • beads or small buttons for eyes;
  • sewing needle, thread, pins and scissors.

Also, grab the appropriate creative mood that will help you create this original toy.

Work order:

  • First you need to make patterns for the parts of the future soft toy on tracing paper or plain paper: two parts of a turtle’s head, two parts of a tail, two parts of a shell with a diameter of about thirty centimeters (the lower part of the shell should be slightly smaller than the top), eight parts of paws (two for each out of four).

  • We transfer all the details of the pattern onto the prepared fabric: to do this, pin the pattern parts to the material using pins, trace them and cut them out.

  • To make the turtle's shell slightly convex, we make four darts on the upper part of the shell, cut from fabric, as shown in the photo.

  • Then we sew together the parts of the turtle’s paws and head, which we fill not very tightly with filler, as well as its tail (there is no need to stuff the tail with padding polyester).

  • Next, we sew together the parts of the shell (top and bottom), leaving holes for stuffing and sewing on the head, paws and tail of the soft toy.

  • By hand, using a hidden seam, we sew in all the details in certain places around the circumference of the shell so that the cavities of the head and paws are connected to the cavity of the turtle's shell.
  • After the shell is completely stuffed, you need to sew in the turtle's tail and sew up the hole using a blind stitch.
  • The final stage of our master class is sewing black beads or buttons (eyes) in certain places on the turtle's head.

The work is finished, and a wonderful handmade soft toy is ready! To make it, we used materials that can be found in every home.

Such a turtle can serve not only as your child’s favorite toy: it can be used as a pillow, hugging him with pleasure and quickly falling asleep.

Using the process described above, you can make other simple soft toys from fabric, for example, a bear, for the creation of which we will need the same materials and tools. To do this, you first need to make a toy pattern. It is so simple that you can easily make it yourself using the appropriate pattern.

Then you need to transfer the pattern onto the fabric, folded in half, fasten it, trace and cut out the details of the bear from the fabric. Having connected the parts of the bear with the front side inward, we sew them together, not forgetting to leave gaps for turning the toy inside out and filling it with padding polyester or any other filler. We turn the toy inside out and fill it with filler, and the more filler there is, the cuter and fluffier the soft toy will be.

At the final stage, using beads or buttons, we make the bear’s eyes and nose, and also use thick thread embroidery to decorate the mouth. That's all, our bear is ready. You can dress it up by sewing pants and a T-shirt separately.

You can also make soft toys with your own hands in the form of a cat, baby elephant, horse and many other animals, using a variety of patterns and natural fabrics.

The principle of creating a toy remains the same: we make a pattern, cut out two parts of the figurine from the fabric, sew them facing each other, leaving gaps for turning the toy inside out. Fill the figure with any filler. At your discretion, we decorate the face of the toy, using your imagination and available materials (threads for the cat’s whiskers, beads for the eyes, ribbon for the mouth).

Such toys can be made with a frame, using bendable metal wire to create it, and pliers and an awl to mount it.

Patterns for creating soft toys today can be found in special printed publications, on handicraft websites, as well as in retail chains that sell kits containing the necessary materials for making such a toy (fabric, pattern, thread) and detailed instructions, which is very suitable for beginning needlewomen. And the easiest and most affordable way to make a pattern with your own hands is to rip open an old unnecessary toy and remove the pattern from it. In this case, it is better to use thick paper or cardboard, which will last much longer and are easier to work with than plain paper.

What fabric is most suitable for creating such a toy? The most suitable fabrics for this are:

  • knitwear that stretches easily;
  • cotton fabrics, often having bright colorful colors;
  • terry cloth, velor or velvet, which are useful for simulating animal fur;
  • flannel or flannel, which are suitable for making animals with smoother skin;
  • jeans, toys from which look very stylish and will decorate any interior. At the same time, denim material is very easy to work with.

But it is not recommended to sew soft toys from fabric such as silk, since this fabric is difficult to work with and requires a certain skill.

We hope this master class, as well as our tips, will help you make a toy with your own hands that will delight your child, decorate your home, or become an original gift.

Considering the popularity and demand for hand-made goods, a hand-sewn toy will be an excellent gift not only for a child, but also for an adult of any age: it can be presented as a souvenir or interior decoration. Making such a thing is not difficult. The main thing is to choose according to your experience.

Popular product options

It can be made in the form of a textile doll or animal, and both products made solely for decoration and those that also have a utilitarian function look good. You can choose the option that suits you from the following list:

  • very gentle and romantic tilde dolls;
  • cute and funny coffee toys;
  • functional and funny pillows in the shape of cats and owls.

In fact, there are many types of toys, including specifically textile dolls. Listed above are the most popular and the easiest to make.

Materials and tools

To make a beautiful and neat toy, sewn with your own hands, stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • template, blank, sample (can be printed on a printer);
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil, eraser;
  • scissors;
  • textile;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • filler (sintepon, holofiber);
  • sewing machine;
  • decorative elements (beads, buttons, ready-made plastic eyes and nose (for animals), satin ribbons, etc.

As you can see, nothing complicated or expensive is required (except maybe a machine). Most likely, even a novice needlewoman already has everything listed.

How to sew a soft toy with your own hands: work sequence

Whichever sample or you choose, the execution steps will be as follows:

So, you have learned how to sew a soft toy. It’s not difficult to make simple products with your own hands. Of course, the manufacture of each item will have its own nuances; for example, it may be necessary to dye white fabric in the desired color for the face, arms, legs, and torso. When making coffee, or as they are also called, this operation is mandatory. You can dye the fabric both before cutting and after. This depends on the number of elements being prepared for painting and the convenience of working in one way or another specifically in your case. In addition, you can make hair for dolls, say, from yarn. The design of the face is a completely separate conversation.

Textile dolls

If you decide to sew soft toys with your own hands, you should choose the simplest patterns (of course, if you don’t have enough experience). Textile dolls are very popular now. They are made both in the form of realistic people and humanized animals. Some products may consist of only two parts - the front and back halves of the body, in which the head, arms and legs are made as one whole. Clothes are sewn separately or made permanent, even without a pattern. If experience and time allow, it is better to choose options consisting of individual elements, that is, all parts of the body are performed autonomously, and then the character is assembled from them. Such toys look more realistic and neat.


Everything that was said in the previous section also applies to making animals. To sew soft toys with your own hands, you can create patterns yourself. If you don’t draw very well, but don’t want to use a ready-made template, try creating a simplified animal pattern, and it’s better that all the elements are cut out in one piece with the body.

Coffee toys

Do you want to learn how to sew toys with your own hands (there is nothing difficult here for beginners, so don’t be scared), which will also be scented? Then this section is for you. The patterns for these products are the simplest. Funny and cute things usually consist of two parts. The base material is white cotton fabric. They are also called attic ones, as they resemble souvenirs found in an old chest, darkened by time. In order to give the fabric the appropriate brownish tint, the material or cut parts are kept in a decoction of coffee or tea. This, in addition to color, also gives a pleasant aroma to the product. Often these toys are painted with acrylic paints with a preliminary primer of the painted fabric, for example, PVA glue. Using a thin brush, the expression of the face is drawn (as a rule, animals are made in this technique), and you can also apply various funny inscriptions.

Many parents carefully keep their loved ones Stuffed Toys with whom they played as children and went to bed, tightly hugging a teddy bear, a soft bunny or a rag doll that the mother made for her daughter with her own hands. Time flies quickly and now our children are happy to play with toys from distant childhood, evoking in us tenderness and pleasant memories.
Many child psychologists believe that a child, starting from 2-3 years old, must have his own Stuffed Toys- different sizes and from different materials. Today, many children's stores offer a wide range of soft toys - all kinds of materials for making and intricate toy patterns for dolls, bunnies, bear cubs turn into beautiful and friendly children's characters in the experienced hands of masters.
But soft toys created with your own hands will be much more unique and valuable than purchased ones - you just need to familiarize yourself with the simple technology of their manufacture, select the necessary materials and cut out toy patterns from thick paper or cardboard. We will be happy to help you learn how to do DIY soft toys, we will provide a detailed description of manufacturing with successive stages of work and soft toy patterns, which you can copy, transfer to cardboard and cut out.

We will tell you how you can make an amazing Waldorf doll. DIY doll, will always keep the warmth of your hands and energy, as well as the love for your child that you put into the created soft craft. Your child will enjoy watching the doll making process. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a girl or a boy - for a boy you can sew a wonderful clown doll or spiderman doll, and dolls for girls - a fairy-tale princess or Cinderella. Doll patterns for this or that craft are almost the same. It is enough just to “conjure” clothes and hairstyle, as well as small details of a soft toy. Doll patterns you can easily find it on the Internet or draw and cut out some original patterns with your own hands (with experience you will already be able to come up with your own versions of dolls and create the corresponding soft toy patterns).

To create DIY soft toys,we will need the following tools and materials:
1. Threads of different strengths and different colors
2. Scraps of different fabrics, lace, leather, felt, fur, ribbons
3. Cardboard for toy patterns and for some types of dolls - wire for the frame of certain parts
4. Foam rubber, cotton wool, holofiber, padding polyester and other similar (harmless for the baby!) materials for filling soft toys
5. Buttons, beads, beads for creating small details - eyes, nose, clothing fasteners of a soft toy
6. Scissors, thimbles, needles of different sizes
7. Sewing machine and iron
8. Pliers and an awl for assembling small parts and the frame of a soft toy
9. Ruler for cutting parts, carbon paper and tailor's meter

If you do DIY soft toys from start to finish, you can realize all your fantasies and interesting ideas.
But you can also purchase a set in a specialized store, for example, “Handicraft. Do-it-yourself dolls” - but in this case, you will be very limited in your ability to implement your own ideas and you will have to follow the instructions, bringing to life the ideas of a professional craftsman for making soft toys.
Interesting soft toy patterns can be found not only in the virtual space of the Internet - you can easily find suitable options in specialized publications on needlework, in a children's toy store (you can buy a whole set for creating dolls with your own hands), as well as "children's patterns" in a bookstore. Or you can carefully tear apart old and no longer needed soft toys, then trace the parts with a pencil on a sheet of cardboard, cut them out - here you have them ready soft toy patterns !

When you start working on making a soft toy with your own hands, be sure to invite your child to help. Such leisure time is very useful for the overall development of the baby and will be interesting to him. Step-by-step work during the manufacture of a toy greatly disciplines the child and teaches him to be neat. Working with different fabrics and small parts helps develop attention, coordination of movements, creativity and trains fine motor skills of the hands. But don't forget about safety precautions! A very young child should not be given small objects or sharp instruments. It is advisable to keep the needles in a jar with a magnet with a thread threaded into each needle. The scissors that the baby will work with must have blunt ends. You should only allow your child to use a sewing machine under your close supervision.

What fabrics do craftsmen who make their own soft toys usually use?
1. Knitted fabric.
Their main feature is that they stretch easily and you can sew any soft toy from them - soft balls, cubes, horses, hare, clowns
2. Faux fur with short and long pile of various colors.
Suitable for making original soft animal pillows
3. Silk fabric.
It is flowing and very delicate. It slips in your hands and it is very difficult to sew a soft toy from it. But silk fabric is indispensable for making dresses for dolls, appliqués on clothes for dolls, trimmings, and besides, silk fabric of soft pink color makes excellent doll faces.
4. Cotton fabric.
Fabrics such as satin or chintz are distinguished by their colorful and bright patterns. From them you can make original dolls with your own hands, soft animal toys, pillows, clothes for dolls, and crafts in the patchwork style. Terry cloth and flannel make wonderful little animals with soft “fur.”
5. Wool fabric.
Smooth, dense, brushed woolen fabric in a checkered pattern, striped, with ornamental patterns is suitable for sewing soft toys in the form of animals, pillows, and panels.
6. Velvet and velor.
The surface of these fabrics is covered with silky, thick and short pile. They make wonderful Stuffed Toys, such as fox, bear, hare.
7. Felted fabric.
Interesting crafts can be made from felt. This fabric is durable and does not fray - cut edges do not require overcasting. Felt is very suitable for creating small elements and parts of a soft toy - beaks, paws, tails, crests, noses.

Technique during production DIY soft toys :
1. Selecting materials and preparing them for work (steaming fabric, washing, ironing)
2. Cutting out the parts
3. Basting
4. Firmware for parts of the future toy
5. Stuffing with material for filling a soft toy (foam rubber, padding polyester)
6. Assembly, firmware
7. Final design of the craft

Patterns of soft toys It is advisable to cut them out of thick cardboard - such templates fit tightly to the material, are easier to trace and retain their shape for a long time. Toy patterns placed on the wrong side of the fabric, and then pressed tightly and carefully outlined with a ballpoint pen or marker (use a white marker for tracing if the fabric is dark in color)

So, having become familiar with the basics of making soft toys with your own hands, let’s begin creating a Waldorf doll.
Waldorf doll- a specially designed soft toy that meets modern standards and high requirements for the comprehensive, harmonious development of a child. The “predecessors” of the Waldorf doll are traditional folk dolls, which our great-grandmothers made for children in the old days from rags, yarn, straw, and natural materials as small parts. The idea of ​​​​creating and methods of making a Waldorf doll belong to Waldorf teachers and educators. The production of such dolls has become widespread in many European countries.
This Stuffed Toys, which, unlike the widespread animals made of fabric, repeat the human appearance. Making a Waldorf doll with your own hands,it is necessary to adhere to the proportions of the human body. The head of such a doll is sewn from woolen fabric and requires more dense padding, unlike other parts of the body. In the design of the front part of a Waldorf doll, it is common to adhere to minimalism - unformed facial features are inherent in small children, and minimalism in the doll’s facial features has a positive effect on the child’s imagination, allowing the child’s imagination to actively and freely develop during play.
The best material for stuffing a do-it-yourself doll is sheep's wool. Sheep wool is an ecological, fairly elastic material and makes the doll soft, warm and very cozy for a small child.
The body of a Waldorf doll is made of knitted fabric of a soft pink, flesh color. Hair can be made from cotton or wool yarn, which is attached to the doll's head in a special way, without the use of glue. The doll's clothes are made from natural materials such as linen, silk, viscose, cotton and wool. To create a harmonious image of a doll, you should think through the smallest details of clothing - cut, color combinations, location of fasteners, etc.

Expanded doll pattern in A4 format

In the picture below you can see how the individual parts of the doll pattern are laid out on the fabric. You need to allow at least half a centimeter around the perimeter of the hem. Many craftsmen recommend making the doll’s head first, and only then choosing the appropriate size pattern for the doll’s body.

Shaping the doll's head. The outer shell of the head will be made of cotton fabric. And as padding material you can use scraps of batting, synthetic padding and fabrics that do not fade during washing. There should be a lot of padding material so that the head is dense enough.

You should succeed dense bag for shaping the doll's neck and head. Wrap the area between your head and neck twice with thick thread.

Give the formed craft the shape of a head by tying it with threads, as shown in the figure.

Then we cover the head with flesh-colored knitted fabric. Fold the knitted flap with the right side inward. The head is placed on the flap facing the fold. Using a marker, draw lines for the neck and back of the head on the flap. Then you need to sew with a zigzag (dotted line) on a sewing machine. Then carefully cut it out and turn it inside out.

In place of the doll's eyes and nose You can sew small beads.

doll mouth can be embroidered with pink thread

Connect the tightly stuffed legs and arms with pins. The arms should be left 1/3 empty. Then stuff the torso in the same way. Pack the pieces more tightly dolls so that the shape is well preserved

We take out the pins and fold our hands as shown in the figure. Thumbs pointing in one direction. Seams - in the center

We sew the arms together and secure them with a couple of large stitches on the back of the neck dolls

The fabric on the doll's back is pulled tighter to create the doll's "posture"

We sew the neck to the body with a strong double thread

Places of seams on small parts of the doll

Detailed and step-by-step description of the manufacturing work DIY dolls :

So, our Waldorf doll will be 36-40 cm tall, and its head will be 1/4 of the total height.
We make the doll's head with our own hands.
We will need the following materials:
1. Stuffing (for example: sliver, padding polyester and cut wool jersey)
2. A piece of batting in A4 format
3. Knitting threads and cotton (or wool)
4. Strong linen threads
5. Old children's tights (without pants and socks)
6. Scissors, teaspoon, centimeter and large needle

For stuffing, you can take an old flesh-colored sweater and cut it into small strips

Wrap the stuffing for the doll's head with woolen thread (not too tight)

You should get a ball with a girth of about 30 cm
When stitching the stuffing, try to give the ball an oval shape.

Now let's create the outer shell of the head dolls. It will be made from the “pipe” of children’s tights. We sew up the upper part with linen threads and tighten it, and then turn our shell inside out

After this, we wrap the ball of stuffing in batting (so that the doll’s face does not become embossed to the touch)

Carefully insert the stuffing into the shell as shown in the photo.

The girth of the head should be about 30 cm

We finally form the shape of the doll’s head and neck
Fold the linen thread in half and place it under your head waldorf doll(at the level of the top of the doll's neck)

Tighten the knot properly, catching some of the stuffing. The doll's neck circumference is 11-12 cm

Take another linen thread, fold it in half and wrap it several times just below the middle of the head. Tighten so that the girth is about 25 cm

After this, take the linen thread again, fold it in half and make a vertical constriction as shown in the photo

To fix the intersection of the forming threads, we thread the thread into the needle and crosswise hem the intersection of the threads from the side of the knot

Using the handle of a teaspoon, lower the horizontal constriction to the base of the back of the future doll's head

We tighten the second part of the horizontal waist as shown in the photo

Tighten and hem the bottom of the doll’s neck
To make a charming nose for a doll, cut a strip from the remains of children's tights, roll it into a roll and sew it on the front part where you want to see the nose on our blank.

Now we begin to form the “skin” of the head from flesh-colored knitted fabric. The pattern is shown below (A4 size), folded in half. The lower part of the “skin” will cover the neck, and the upper part will cover the head.

We place the blank of the doll’s head on the table, and symmetrically place the “skin” cut according to the pattern on it.

We forcefully wrap the head blank with “skin” (direction from bottom to top so that the chin dolls grab). We place the sections from the top of the head to the back of the head on top of each other and fix them

Now you can put the doll’s head aside for a while and begin making its body, legs and arms. Doll pattern(torso with legs and arms separately) is presented above. You can download the pattern (or redraw it), cut it out of a piece of cardboard and trace it with a marker or ballpoint pen. Knitted fabric - flesh color. It is necessary to cut along the direction of the knitwear along the lobe (so that the body and arms stretch well and the doll turns out soft and voluminous). Then turn the “skin” inside out

Now we need to fill with stuffing and start shaping the handles
We push the filler into each handle in small portions. The filler should fill the entire space without gaps, so compact not only with your fingers, but also with a pencil. But avoid filling too tightly - otherwise the doll will be very hard

We fill each handle to the end (pay attention to the fact that the doll’s fingers are not empty)

Now we form the brush of the handle, making a constriction, as in the photo. You need to sew small stitches in a circle with flesh-colored threads, without tightening too much, make a knot and go around the circle again

Now we return again to the head of the Waldorf doll and sew it up with flesh-colored thread, bending and straightening one of the sides - with a hidden seam from the crown to the back of the head

After stitching, fasten the thread. We carefully trim the remaining loose fabric at the top of the doll’s head.

Then we fold the top edge of the fabric and sew a blind seam with flesh-colored thread

Put the doll's head aside and let's start stuffing the doll's body and legs. Just like the arms, we stuff the body in small portions so that there is no free space left. The body should be dense, but soft

Now let's start shaping the foot. dolls on each leg. To do this, you can attach a pattern of a doll with a short leg and outline the bend of the foot with a pencil

Now you need to fold the leg at the marking site 90 degrees, sew it with a hidden seam, pull it a little and secure it, and then sew it in the opposite direction, from the tip of the leg to the suturing site about 3-3.5 cm

After this, we return to the doll’s head and begin sewing on the hair. There are many ways to sew hair on a Waldorf doll. Let us describe one of them - the simplest. Wool will produce smooth, straight hair, and mohair will produce voluminous hair.
First, cut off one hair and cut the required amount of hair from the yarn along it. Then we sew the “hair” along a straight parting as shown in the photo

We sew the hair up to the top of the head, make a knot and sew it back (so - 2-3 times)

Then we sew the doll’s hair in a circle several times at the level of the eye line.

Now firmly and several times stitch the triangle from the temples to the back of the doll’s head.

You will get a well-stitched head of hair.

Then we sew the second row in one place, along the parting

We fasten the second row along the parting and you get beautiful, freely hanging hair. You can braid your doll's hair

You can simply sew in the eyes, grabbing a little of the lower part. You can make any eye shape - stripes, stars, with a pupil. You can also make a mouth by taking a pink or red thread

Now we sew the head and arms to the body dolls
Take the body with legs

Open the top, make a small hole in the stuffing and insert the doll's neck into it

Add some padding to form the shoulders. We fasten the joints of the shoulders with a pin and sew them with a hidden seam, without tightening too much

Stitching the front part

Then we stitch the back
The doll's throat can be covered with a piece of folded knitted fabric.

Now let's do our hands
We stitch the shoulder several times with a hidden seam

We attach the doll's handle and sew it with a hidden seam, carefully pulling the thread (allowance - 3-3.5 mm). We make one line, and on top - a second one (strong and neat)

We sew the second arm of the doll in the same way. If there is slight asymmetry, remember the doll, smooth out the back and tummy
Doll finishing:
You can put several stitches on the doll where the hips are so that she can sit. We sew through the main thread of flesh color with strong stitches and secure it firmly. And to mark the seam line, you can simply bend doll pattern as shown in the photo and mark with a pencil.

Using a strip of folded neck patch, we tightly fit the neck and carefully stitch it with a hidden seam.
All that remains is to sew clothes for the doll and dress her up.
Using this technology you can make any Waldorf doll.

Do absolutely anything DIY soft toys not so difficult - just make a few homemade soft toys according to diagrams and photo instructions, which can be easily found in specialized magazines, on the Internet, and you can come up with your own versions of original toys, and you can also easily draw suitable ones soft toy patterns.
The baby takes this soft toy - warm and pleasant to the touch - into his crib with pleasure, carries it with him everywhere and loves it very much.
Having learned to do DIY soft doll You can easily make a lot of plush fairy-tale characters, hippos, bears, dogs and other funny animals. Some of the soft toy patterns you cut out can be combined - by replacing one or more parts, you can make a new funny soft toy by selecting the appropriate materials for the work.
Below you can see a photo of the soft toy Hare "Ushastika". Under the photo - hare pattern, which you can expand and download by clicking on it.

View the Gallery" SOFT TOYS WITH YOUR HANDS" - homemade dolls are made using the Waldorf doll method described above.

Toys are something that attracts both adults and children; they are completely different and serve different purposes.
DIY fabric or textile toys are one of the safest and most attractive types of toys for children. Children can play with them from early childhood, but soft toys do not lose their relevance even in adulthood. For example, it has now become fashionable to give and decorate home comfort with homemade interior toys. As a rule, such toys are not cheap, so many consider them a sign of luxury and prosperity.
Even the simplest toy, made with high quality and with love, can become very valuable and necessary in someone’s family!

For example, my daughter’s favorite toy is the owl Angela, which I made for her a couple of years ago, now she won’t part with it and takes it to bed with her on walks, to the store, to the country house (well, at least they bathe separately)) In general, she liked it. I think most children either have a favorite toy or really want to have one.

Therefore, today I propose to make a beautiful toy as a gift, and only you will decide for whom it is for!

Below I have collected templates with patterns for toys, as well as a step-by-step master class on making them.

How to easily sew a soft toy. DIY soft toys for beginners with templates

For beginning craftswomen, it will be easiest to sew from a simple pattern.

For example, take a bear template and print it on a printer, enlarging it to the required size, but you can also redraw it on paper, to do this, enlarge the template you like to the appropriate size on a computer monitor, attach a white sheet of paper to the screen and carefully trace all the contours of the pattern with a pencil.

Then cut out the paper template along the contours.
Choose a beautiful fabric for the toy.

If this is not a complex toy, for example, like the bear in the photo, then here you will need to fold the fabric in two with the right side inward, you can secure it with pins for convenience so that it does not slip, then attach a paper template to the fabric and trace the contours along the fabric with soap or chalk.

We cut out the fabric blanks, leaving allowances for the seams.
We machine sew it with a regular straight stitch, leaving a small hole so that we can then turn the toy right side out.
You need to make notches along the folds so that the fabric does not pull in these places.

Now the toy is turned right side out and stuffed with padding polyester, padding polyester or other similar fillings.
You should not fill it too tightly, but so that there are no empty areas left, the filler must be distributed evenly.

The hole through which it was stuffed is finally sewn up with a hidden stitch.
We glue or embroider the toy's eyes, mouth, and nose.
We add beautiful details, for example: a bow, a flower, a scarf, buttons, or you can even sew clothes. There is a huge field for creative experiments here.

Realize your idea!

A simple cat pattern made from fabric.

Another easy-to-sew pattern is the cat pattern.
It is sewn and cut according to the same principle as a bear, only here two parts are cut out.
This is the cat itself in two parts and the tail, also in two parts.
They are sewn together separately, small holes are also left for turning them inside out and for stuffing with stuffing, then the tail is sewn to the base of the cat.
You can decorate it however you like.

This is the cat I got.

Gave it to my sister for home comfort)

How to sew a complex toy? DIY fabric ball, interesting idea

I think a toy that is more difficult to make is one that contains many parts and is assembled in a certain order.
One night an idea came to my mind, why don’t I sew a ball out of fabric, it seemed so simple in my head, but when the idea came to fruition, without an example it was difficult to understand what to cut, how much to cut and how to do it all correctly later sew.
Therefore, I am sharing an example that I used.

You will need two templates, a hexagon and a pentagon. We transfer them to paper, or better yet, to cardboard.

We need to cut 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons from the fabric. I used two colors of fabric, but this is not necessary, you can make it completely monochromatic or, on the contrary, colored, it’s at your discretion.

Once you have cut the required number of polyhedra, it is better to lay them out so that you can visually understand how you will sew them together.
This is what the ball layout looks like.

Another layout option

This version of the ball is made of felt, it is easier to sew.
I chose to sew from calico and on a sewing machine, so I still need to leave seam allowances on the fabric. And iron the seams. There is no need to do this on felt.
Simply sew all the parts into two halves, and then these two halves are joined together. You need to connect from the wrong side, and then leave a small hole unsewn and turn it out through it.
Fill tightly with padding polyester and sew up the hole with a hidden stitch.

This is the ball I got - it turned out beautiful!

See also - article felt toys

Fabric toys step by step master classes with patterns.

I offer a few more ideas for interesting toys with step-by-step master classes.

Rainbow fabric fish

A ship made of fabric.