Perhaps this will interest you. Never go back to the past

Never go back to the past... It kills your present!
Memories are meaningless, they just waste your precious time.

Never wait for anyone, don’t stand still. Those who need it will catch up, those who are not on the same path with you will fall off on their own...

Don’t look around as if you’re afraid of something... All empty dreams are just illusions, don’t let them take over you!

Remember!!! Never, under any circumstances, give up and stop, keep going!
This is the only way you will achieve what you want.

And always love! Without love you cannot live, without it you are dead. Without her, the future may never begin!!!

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05/09 2019

Tarot school in Kirov 2019

Tarot cards have always been and will be interesting to people. Children love to sort through and look at these mysterious pictures. That is, there is some kind of attractive mystery in them that you want to understand and learn to “read”. It is best to learn predictive techniques from a practicing professional with extensive experience.

The number of students is limited, plan your training in advance. Registration will be open from July 2019.

06/09 2019

admission to the Academy of Astrology 2019

Only once a year we open admission to the astrology academy and you have a chance to get into full-time training. Seats are limited by the number of seats at desks :)

start of training: September 2019
The number of students is limited, plan your training in advance. Registration will be open from July 2019.

Lately, on the BB and not only I’ve been reading posts with approximately the same content: “I had my first love, all so passionately romantic, then the passions subsided, broke up, got married, and then... on the wonderful website Odnoklassniki (AKA - “Find and fuck my first love) saw HIM. My heart skipped a beat, I immediately remembered everything: flowers, walks under the moon, and at home... well, what about home? “The husband, tired after work, doesn’t pay attention, won’t kiss you once again, the household chores are stuck.” Well, in the end there is always the question “What should I do?”, because most often he is not free, and both have already managed to have children.

Here are my tips:

First, ask yourself, are you ready to sacrifice your family, children, home for the sake of momentary pleasure? Does your husband, with whom you probably live for a reason, deserve such an attitude? Imagine yourself in your husband's place. Does your ex's wife (a woman who has done nothing wrong to you) deserve this kind of treatment?

Secondly, imagine that you leave your husband, destroy your family, and most often two, and reunite. What's next? Only fairy tales and romantic films end with a happy reunion of lovers; in life, this is where everything just begins. Your first love probably has shortcomings that have not disappeared over the years, and misunderstandings that once led you to separation will arise again in your relationship. It won’t be the same as before, because you too have become different. You are no longer teenagers, but adults who need to build a life, solve material problems, and raise children.

And thirdly, purely my philosophical thoughts. What happens in a person’s life for the first time is always remembered - the first word, the first step, the first teacher, the first kiss, to say nothing of the first love. Well, you must admit that at the age of 16 everything was perceived differently, then we believed in a prince on a white horse and love until the grave. First love is associated with strong emotions. Most often, we experience nostalgia for these emotions, and not for a specific person. Here I like to draw a parallel, oddly enough, ... with communism. Why do our parents/grandparents remember communism with such enthusiasm? Was life really so good back then? No, it’s just the time of their youth, carelessness. They remembered the emotions they experienced, not the system itself.

Rejoice that you had a first love, happy, mutual, crazy, rejoice that there are so many positive, good memories left, because many people have nothing to remember. Be grateful to fate that you were lucky enough to experience so many wonderful moments, but also accept that they will never happen again. This does not mean that you will no longer have anything good in your life, there will be much more, everything depends on you.

And I’ll end with these words that I dug up on the internet. They say Bulgakov. Bulgakov is not Bulgakov, I don’t know, but he said it well.

"Never go back to the past.
It kills your present.
Memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time.
Stories don't repeat, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, don't stand still...
Those who need it will catch up. Do not look back.
All hopes and dreams are just illusions, don’t let them take over you.
Remember! Never, under any circumstances, give up, go ahead, without turning back.
This is the only way you will achieve what you want.
And always love, you cannot live without love, but love this present, the past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin..."

There are some tears that must be cried, at any time of the day or night, cried so that everything inside burns out.

Hug me... Don't ask anything, don't tell anything. Pull me towards you and gently touch my hair. Hold me... Let me find peace in your strong arms. Let me forget, at least for a while, everything that has been eating away at my soul all these days, that has filled my heart with worries and worries. Hug me... Help me drive away sadness and fatigue. Let me know that you need me, that you missed me so much. Hold me... I want to find your protection and self-confidence on your chest. Let me feel and believe that everything will definitely be fine. Do not say anything. Just hold me...

People do not change, they only play the necessary role for a while for the sake of their interests.

Five things you need to stop doing right now: trying to please everyone, being afraid of change, living in the past, hanging your nose, beating yourself up.

Time does not heal... Alcohol and casual acquaintances heal, seconds spent with someone else heal. Long streets and huge glasses, behind which you can’t see your tired eyes, are a cure. Dreams of summer, of a new life heal... And time... Time simply erases the edges... of once bright memories...

Life has taught us that we need to combine extremes. Love people, but be indifferent. Do good and expect evil. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Believe in people and don't trust anyone. Be an optimist with realistic views. Live with an open heart and don’t let anyone in. Part of you should love the world and admire it, while the other should wait for the blow and be ready for war.

Never go back to the past. It kills your present. Bitter memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time.
The past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin.

Never return to those places where you felt bad. Never ask from those who once refused. And don’t let those who once hurt you get close anymore.

Night. How I love this time of day. A time when no one touches you. Nobody needs you. Only you and your thoughts.

Never waste time on explanations - people will still hear what they want to hear.

Never go back to the place where you were once happy.

There will definitely be someone in the world next to whom you will forget about those who never appreciated you.

Never look back, don’t remember the past, don’t think about what you did wrong and what you did right. It is your life!

People never change for the better through hatred, condemnation or judgment. We change through forgiveness, love and faith in our own strength.

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back!