Patterns of New Year's toys from paper.

Good afternoon. Today we will make crafts for the New Year from paper and cardboard with our own hands. I collected the most accessible and easy-to-use crafts for children and adults. You can find here ideas for activities in kindergarten for the New Year (appliques and paper crafts). Also here you will get ideas for home decor for the New Year using paper and cardboard.

Let's start making a New Year's fairy tale with our own hands, turn paper into an elegant New Year for our family. Let's put our good mood and skillful hands to work and start a round dance of New Year's crafts.

Candlestick for New Year

(made of colored paper and white cardboard).

These cute cardboard snowman candlesticks can decorate your New Year's interior.

Each paper snowman is laid out like a regular postcard. And it can be placed vertically on its edge (like a postcard). Punched holes in the cardboard allow you to use this paper craft for the New Year as a festive candlestick. Let me tell you in detail, step by step, how to make a quick and simple cute craft with your own hands.

How to make this New Year's candlestick craft from paper.

Step 1 – on plain paper (draft paper), print or draw any graphic pattern (the one you want to pierce on the snowman’s belly)

Step 2 – cut out the silhouette of a snowman’s body from thick white cardboard (preferably glossy, double-sided). It will be a silhouette in the form of a hill with rounded edges, growing from left to right (as in the photo above).

Step 3 – we apply our draft with a pattern to this silhouette and fasten it with paper clips. Place a terry towel on the table in 2-3 folds. Place the cardboard with the draft on the towel, the patterned draft side up. Use a needle to pierce the drawing on the draft. So that the needle passes through the draft, through the cardboard silhouette of the snowman’s body lying underneath and sticks into the towel. We cut off the entire drawing in all places.

Step 4 – cut out the snowman’s oval arms and round head from the same cardboard. From colored paper we cut out a nose, an eye cap, and a mouth. We paint the hat with colored felt-tip pens or markers. We assemble the craft entirely from these paper parts. And we receive a beautiful handmade paper gift for the New Year

And from the remains of white cardboard you can make just such a folding craft for the New Year. From colored paper we make candle flames and green sprigs of holly with red berries.

It’s also very beautiful to make LAYER crafts in the form of houses and Christmas trees from white thick paper for the New Year. Placed on the edges of the folds, they will be held vertically straight - between the rows of houses you can lay out a Christmas tree garland and turn it on - the lights of the garland will illuminate the windows and highlight silhouettes.

Snowman for New Year

from paper.

You can make funny little SNEWS BALLS from white paper rounds. Decorate them with hats of different styles, tie them with colored satin ribbons (like scarves). Glue the paws and noses and use a black marker to draw a dotted smile and eyes.

This craft is suitable for middle group children in kindergarten. You just need help tying the ribbons.

You can make a snowman from three cardboard circles of different sizes. Between the layers of rounds, place a three-dimensional spacer (a thick piece of cardboard, a paper folding spring, thick Velcro tape, etc.). So the snowman will be voluminous and puffy. We attach paper paws to the first bottom layer, put a scarf on the second round piece, and a nose, eyes, and hat on the top round piece. This paper craft for the New Year is suitable for children in the older group of kindergarten.

Here's a craft idea for little ones. We attach a white snowdrift to a sheet of blue cardboard at the bottom. We paste a piece of paper with a calendar print on it (it can be printed from the Internet and photocopied according to the number of children in the group).

All the children have to do is glue the round snowman’s face and the round handles on top of the calendar sheet. Then cover your head with a hat, add eyes, a nose - draw a smile later with a marker. Decorate the blue background of the craft with paper snowflakes.

And from large sheets of paper (A2 format) you can make a beautiful craft for the window. This snowman can decorate the window frames in your child's nursery. And kindergarten workers can turn the group’s windows into a whole series of funny adventures of the snowman Vasya- here he is sweeping snowflakes with a broom, here he is performing an acrobatics act, here he is with the birds, here he is juggling snowballs, here he is sleeping under the Christmas tree. The poses are easy to form and change; all you have to do is turn the body, legs and head over - and now the snowman himself has turned around, somersaulted - oh yes Vasya!

And since we started making crafts for the New Year from white paper, let's continue. And let's see what else can be made from inexpensive landscape or office paper.

Craft - wreath for the NEW YEAR

(white paper + pizza box).

Here's a beautiful piece of work that your children can enjoy this New Year. You can make a New Year's miracle from plain white paper and an old cardboard box. Wreath with white lace New Year's silhouettes. All details are cut out separately - and from the outside it seems that this is a single large openwork cutout made of paper.

How to make the basis for a New Year's wreath.

We take a large pizza box. Place the largest pan lid (or round dish) on it. We trace with a pencil. We get the contours of the outer ring. We put a smaller plate in the center, trace it with a pencil - we get the contours of the inner ring, that is, a hole. Cut it out.

Note - to get an even-sided ring for a wreath, you need to place a small plate (for the hole) exactly in the center - so that on the right and left and above and below the plate there is the same distance to the edge of the ring.

From ordinary white office paper we cut out the details-symbols of the New Year:

  • 3 large snowflakes
  • 8 Christmas tree silhouettes
  • 4 house silhouettes
  • 1 white ring (you can use 2 halves of a ring - from two sheets of paper)

This white ring will lie on top of our round dance of houses of Christmas trees and snowflakes. AND by inner diameter this white paper ring should match the inner circle of our cardboard wreath base(which we cut out of a pizza box).

The process of assembling a New Year's craft.

On our gray cardboard ring we glue all the Christmas trees, houses, snowflakes in a circle - in any order. We make a round dance of silhouettes - without bringing them too close to the inner edge of the wreath (since there they will be covered too much by the white paper ring). The thickness of the ring should not greatly overlap the New Year's silhouettes made of paper - but only cover their lower part.

We glued the silhouettes in a round dance and then put a white paper ring on top of them - also with glue. It is better to work with a glue stick - it is drier and the cardboard does not warp from moisture and the paper does not wrinkle from dampness.

And here's a snowflake template to help you , which is perfect for this paper craft for the New Year. To reduce the size of the template, press and hold the ctrl button and at the same time roll the mouse wheel - towards you (or away from you) to change the size. Then place a sheet of paper on the monitor screen and trace the outline of a snowflake glowing through the paper.

And here are some more ideas for silhouette round appliques made from paper for DIY decorations for the New Year.

Cut out a ring from black cardboard. At the bottom we glue a semicircular white snowdrift. – we attach white silhouettes of Christmas trees to it. Using a hole punch in the shape of snowflakes or stars, we make a small scattering of stars and glue them onto the black ring. Using a cotton swab and white gouache, apply small white dots on a black background.

Or we cut out silhouette layers from white paper (a row of houses) and red paper (Santa Claus’s sleigh and horse). Stack the layers within a circular silhouette.

Carved crafts

made of paper for the New Year.

If we bend the paper slits from their cut place, we will get the effect of a voluminous paper craft. Below we see a paper Christmas tree made using this technique. A sheet of paper was folded in half along the axial vertical line. And they made oblique cuts - 2 small ones at the top, then two larger ones below, two even larger ones, and so on. Then they unfolded the paper and folded each cut section downwards - it turned out to be a carved paper Christmas tree for the New Year (left photo below).

You can only make small CORNER cuts with a paper cutting knife - and bend these corners, getting the shape of triangular teeth.

Using the same technique, you can make three-dimensional In the same technique, you can make three-dimensional 3D crafts. This is how they are made New Year trees made of paper or white cardboard.

Take a flat triangular piece of cardboard and use a knife or blade to make it vertical cuts(without touching the edges of the triangle with scissors). And then we bend these cuts - one forward, another back, the third forward, the fourth back and so on - alternating. Before you start bending, you need to fold our triangle in half along the central vertical line - then all these bends will have an even central edge - both in front and behind.

If the cut lines are made not straight horizontal (as in the left photo), but wavy or oblique like on other Christmas trees with photos, then we will get interesting silhouette volumetric paper Christmas tree crafts.

You can also turn a flat paper piece into a voluminous convex Christmas tree (3D craft) in this way (as in the photo below).

We cut an ordinary flat round piece of cardboard in a spiral - (draw a snail on it, and make a cut along the line with scissors). And then we lift the middle of this snail up and create a spiral-spring in the shape of a herringbone.

To prevent the Christmas tree from folding back, it can be supplemented with a ROD - an axis holder, so to speak (as was done in the right photo below). There, a wooden stick on top holds the center of the spiral (on glue), and at the bottom the stick is based on a piece of plasticine or another pedestal.

And note that the edges of the Christmas tree in the photo to the right are curly (with a lace border). This is achieved if the spiral snail is drawn not with straight lines, but with wavy lines, and cut accordingly along these lines.

We also have a very large and detailed article on our website. There you will find a lot of ideas for creating paper Christmas trees for the New Year.

And in this article I will give an idea for a very simple Christmas tree made from paper disks. We cut paper circles - 2 pieces of each size. Fold each paper circle in half. We put halves of the same size into each other - with a corner in the shape of a house roof. It turns out 5 corners of different sizes. And from them we begin to assemble our paper Christmas tree - first we glue the smallest TOP PAIR onto the sheet, then inside it we put a little more, then even more and so on until we assemble a Christmas tree - a great idea for the New Year from white paper, which is always in excess.

Crafts for the New Year


Here are a couple of ideas for you on how you can make original Christmas wreaths from paper cut into short strips with your own hands and with your children’s hands.

In the first master class, we cut green (double-sided in color) paper into strips 10 cm long. We fold each strip into a small bowl. Cut out a donut-shaped base ring from a pizza box. And onto this base we glue our pots of paper strips - we glue them with a jagged “comb” up (as shown in the photo below).

And here’s another idea for the New Year made from paper – also from strips and also in the form of a wreath craft. You can cut each strip on both sides into 2 cloves (like a flag). And just glue them onto the base ring for the wreath. We glue them - wrapping them around the ring and gluing the two sides of the flag together. We decorate the paper wreath with sparkles and fluffy balls,

You can roll up a SPRING from two long strips of paper - glue a bright light made of colored yellow and red paper to it - and you will get a candle.


for the New Year made of paper.

For this Santa Claus clamshell craft you need two-way red paper - and a sheet of white or blue cardboard.

  • We glue the red silhouette onto a rectangular sheet of paper so that its HANDS extend wide open beyond the edges of the blue cardboard sheet.
  • Then all that remains is to paste on this red silhouette of Santa Claus a white silhouette of a beard, with a pompom, and in the middle of the beard, stick a pink face detail.
  • Use a black marker to draw eyes, buttons, pockets. Draw a nose with a red marker. And then draw a line onto which the children will glue a chain of flags.

So I drew the outlines of all the details of this New Year's paper craft. You can trace the outline of Santa's details by placing a piece of paper directly on your glowing computer monitor. To enlarge or reduce a picture– roll the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL button on your keyboard.

You will find even more ideas for creating Santa Claus crafts from paper and more in our special article dedicated only to this character beloved by all children.

Paper accordion crafts

for the new year.

An ordinary paper fan, which children love to fold in hot weather, can warm you with the flame of warm ideas on cold New Year's days.

You can make a multi-tiered paper Christmas tree like this for the New Year. In it, each tier-floor is a long wide strip of paper folded into a small accordion. Each accordion is glued overlapping each other - starting from the bottom, and slowly moving to the top.

And if such a strip is twisted in a circle, we get the shape of a corrugated pancake. Different sizes of such corrugated rounds will give us a pyramid in the form of an elegant Christmas tree made of paper. For the New Year, you can place a real masterpiece made by yourself in the center of the table. Tiers of colored paper can be sprayed with hairspray and quickly sprinkled with fine nail glitter.

Such a Christmas tree made of paper will look elegant and beautiful if you use ordinary gift wrapping as the paper material - it will already have a beautiful colored pattern - for example, with cheerful polka dots, as in the photo below.

You can also use these round accordion fans to make beautiful New Year’s crafts in the shape of a snowman or a decorative paper snowflake pendant.

We make a round fan from music paper (before this, we artificially age the paper, yellow it with tea or grease it with a brush dipped in coffee, dry it, and smooth it with an iron). Using hot glue from a Klim gun, place a store-bought plastic snowflake in the center of the round fan. And from an old New Year's card we cut out a round element of the picture and paste it in the center - we get a paper snowflake craft for the New Year.

Your round fan doesn't have to be in the shape of an EVEN CIRCLE. You can give the fan a patterned shape - jagged edges, openwork holes (as in the photo with the snowflake craft below).

Below I found a diagram that shows how to create such a patterned round fan in stages. Please note that the edge teeth are obtained from the fact that the fan, while still folded, is cut at an angle at one end.

The holes come from triangular slits in the side of the fan. And so that the fan itself easily assembles into a circle, we see a round hole punctured by a needle - from the opposite end of the fan - in this place all the blades are threaded through the needle and thread - and thanks to this, the fan is pulled together tightly in its center and fixes this tie with a knot of thread ends.

Of course you can get by and without thread and needle– fold a round fan from several coal fans. The photo diagram below shows how this is done with your own hands.

The shape of the fan teeth gives interesting shapes to these paper snowflakes. In the photo instructions below we see different variations of such paper crafts for the New Year. Each new pattern of cuts and cuts gives us a new interesting snowflake when unfolded.

Angels for the New Year

Made from paper and cardboard.

You can make an angel craft using the fan fold technique from white office paper. First, fold a round fan out of white paper (in the same way as above we folded it for a tiered Christmas tree - also with the center gathered on a thread). Then, on this fan circle, outline the outlines of an angel (head, wings, dress) and cut along the drawn line. You will get a paper angel craft for the New Year as in the photo below.

And for children at school you can make these simple angel crafts from a narrow paper cone. The wings are a semicircle with two cuts in the middle - the top of the cone is threaded through them (see photo below).

Then a face is glued to the top of the cone (a semicircle made of cardboard). Then we make the hair - we bend the rectangle of paper into two unequal parts - a short fold for the bangs, a long one for the back of the hair. We cut each part into a fringe.

You can make such a solid angel for the New Year from thick paper with a foil side or from shiny cardboard. For this craft, we make only one flat piece (as in the photo below). We make 2 cuts with scissors - then we bring the two sides of this workpiece back, join them and put the cuts on each other. The result is a voluminous New Year's craft Angel (as in the photo below).

And here is an angel made of paper - as a window sticker for the New Year. Below I give a diagram for cutting out such an angel for a window. You can translate a picture with a pencil directly from your laptop screen by placing a piece of paper directly on the monitor screen. If you want to enlarge or reduce the drawing diagram, you just need to roll the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard.

If you have lace paper napkins, you can make such an elegant angel for the New Year from this openwork paper. They can be used to decorate a postcard, front door, or use as a toy for the New Year tree.

You will find even more ideas for crafts in the form of angels in our special article

Paper crafts for the New Year,

cut into strips.

And here is a packet of ideas for New Year crafts made from paper strips. From colored paper (colored on both sides) we cut out strips of the same width. And by gluing them together in a given fold position, we get shaped frames - in the form of a snowman’s hat, in the form of his body, the head of his arms. By connecting the strip frame parts with each other, we get a solid craft made of colored paper for the New Year.

For crafts made from thin frame parts, it is better to use strips of paper glued together (3-4 pieces each, or cardboard (two-color) - this way we will get a dense craft that will not deform under its own weight.

For the same technique (paper strips), you can use not only colored paper as a craft material, but also any other one. Ordinary strips of paper can be cut out from a magazine or gift wrapping - as was done in the example of the fake snowflake in the photo below.

After gluing the craft, the end edge of the flat cut can be dipped first in glue and then in nail glitter.

You don't have to be a quilling master to make an elegant paper snowflake. It is enough just to cut strips of paper of the same length, then glue loops from them (they will also turn out to be the same size). And then fold these loops in a circle (gluing in the center) - and we get a round base for the snowflake (as in the photo below). We decorate the glued loops in the center with cardboard snowflakes (or store-bought plastic ones), then with round pieces and small paper fans.

You can come up with a different pattern using paper loops of different sizes and get new results. For example, you can hang this paper star as a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year.

New Year made of paper

for quilling.

In city stores you can find kits for children's creativity using the Quilling technique - these are bags with strips of colored paper - already cut evenly. You can use these strips to make any New Year's paper crafts. There are already ready-made Snowflake patterns using the quilling technique, with a ready-made number of stripes of the desired color.

Or you can simply buy multi-colored quilling kits (without being tied to a specific craft) and create your own fantasy works from them for the New Year. You can create entire small masterpieces from paper. Look at the photo below - nothing complicated or scary - all the shapes are simple (drops, circles, curved drops). A small Christmas picture inside a single ring.

By the way, the ring can be made from a wide round sleeve of adhesive tape. Using a knife (or better yet, a file), cut off a narrow ring from the tape sleeve. Paint it white gouache, spray it with hairspray (to set the color) or wrap it with glitter tape. And then, inside this closed form, create your New Year’s picture. So you will get a DIY Christmas tree pendant for the New Year from plain paper.

You can make THICK cast crafts from quilling material. This New Year's penguin is a large winding in the shape of a droplet.

Several droplets of different shapes create the image of an angel using the quilling technique.

Using the same principle, you can make a Santa Claus craft from twisted paper.

The youngest children, who are just beginning to master the basics of quilling techniques with their own hands, will be able to try their hand at a craft in the form of a simple placement of droplets. Round. In the image of a Christmas wreath.

Non-standard quilling technique

In crafts for the New Year.

Paper strips can be laid not in round rolls, but in puff layers. The Christmas flower craft with the photo below was made using this laying technique.

You can make a similar thing using a regular comb.

In the photo below we see a master class on this craft. The paper is twisted through the teeth of a regular flat comb (or a special quilling comb).

Using this technique you can make elegant round decorations for the New Year tree. Or create decor for a postcard. Decorate gift wrapping for the New Year with your own hands.

These are the ideas I have collected for you today in our article.

I am sure that you will find your New Year's craft from paper and the magic of your hands. May the holiday be joyful and successful for the accomplishment of good deeds and good desires.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The New Year and Christmas celebrations are based on the idea of ​​bringing together family members, relatives and friends. A general creative activity is a good opportunity to interest adults and children, and making New Year's toys from paper with your own hands will be a relevant occasion. On the eve of the holidays, enjoy spending time with your family and decorating your home beautifully before the clock strikes 12 times.

DIY paper Christmas decorations can be hung on the Christmas tree, walls, or ceiling. The bright colors of toys and garlands will fill your home with a festive atmosphere and give you a good mood in the last days of 2019.

New Year's decorations made of white paper (master classes)

A simple and affordable material for creativity is white paper. The color fully matches the New Year's theme. Decorations are associated with fluffy snow, frosty patterns on windows, and snow-white frost. Snowflakes are cut out of white paper, funny figurines and angel figures are made; decorations can be used to decorate a room, windows, or decorate a Christmas tree. The master class on making such products is quite simple; adults and children can successfully handle the work.


A classic New Year's decoration is an ordinary bulky snowflake. White products look beautiful on windows, especially if you make snowflakes of different sizes with unequal patterns. The main thing is to fold paper snowflakes correctly.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half diagonally.
  2. Cut off the excess part, leaving a triangle.
  3. Connect the corners, fold the paper, repeat.
  4. Fold the straight corner of the workpiece towards the edge.
  5. Cut off the excess paper and transfer the pattern diagram.
  6. Cut out a white snowflake and unfold it.

It is more convenient to glue simple white snowflakes, made like napkins, onto windows. They are easy to fold, apply a sample pattern, and cut out. You can take ideas for patterns from the photo below or come up with your own.

6 options of snowflakes with different patterns


Volumetric figurines with many holes can be given as a cute New Year's present, hung on a Christmas tree, or you can decorate a window with them. To create a craft, you need white paper, a template, a stationery knife, glue, and a cutting board (a cutting board will do).

How to make a vytynanka:

  1. You need to print a figurine template from the Internet.
  2. For a three-dimensional figure, print 2 copies.
  3. The paper is placed on a board and all the patterns are cut out with a knife.
  4. A strip of paper is left at the bottom of the drawing for gluing.
  5. The cut out designs are glued together at the top.
  6. The lower strips are formed into a clasp ring and glued together.

The figurine is voluminous and stable; this paper decor looks beautiful in the room. You can use the Christmas tree template in the photo below as a basis.

Download this picture and print it on your printer


Paper angels perfectly match the New Year and Christmas theme. Traditionally, they are made from white paper, flat or three-dimensional.

Several options on how to make angels:

  • Print the template using a printer, cut out the figure, decorate with sparkles, rhinestones, and hang on shiny threads.

  • Cut out a three-dimensional angel, elements from paper: two truncated cones, a head, a halo, sleeves, wings. The cones are rolled up, glued together, and the remaining elements of the figure are attached to the dress.

  • Craft according to your own drawing. The sheet is folded in half, a figure of an angel with wings and a halo is drawn on one half, the craft is cut out, unfolded - the figure is ready.

If you thread threads through an angel's halo and prepare several figures, you will get an interesting decoration for a chandelier.


For New Year's decorations, you can prepare fairy houses and decorate some parts of the craft with sparkles. The houses themselves can be made from old postcards, cardboard, and unnecessary boxes. There are many options! A template for making New Year's decorations from paper can be downloaded and printed.

Example template

Next, the diagram is transferred to paper. Cut out the house according to the template, bend the paper along the fold line (you get a box). The roof, smoker, and windows are cut out separately. All elements of the craft are glued to the finished box and decorated if desired.

From these New Year's paper decorations, you can create a whole composition with your own hands, decorate the windowsill with it, add figurines of fairy-tale characters, Santa Claus, and the Snow Maiden.

New Year's decorations made of colored paper (master classes)

You can make beautiful and unusual New Year's decorations from colored paper with your own hands in advance of the holiday. Such bright crafts are used to decorate a room and hang on the New Year tree. Even a small child can make a simple chain garland.

You need to prepare scissors, glue, several sets of colored paper for crafts, and optionally choose beautiful beads, beads, rhinestones, sparkles, and colored ribbons. Simple New Year's decorations made with your own hands from paper turn out to be interesting and relevant.

Simple garlands

The simplest New Year's garland is a chain. For it, paper of different colors is chosen in order to alternate links with each other. Blanks of any length and thickness are cut, then all the strips are glued together - first, make the first link, thread a paper strip into it, glue it again and repeat the steps until you get a garland of the required length.

Another interesting decoration option is a chain of colored hearts, and connecting the elements is much easier with a stapler. By analogy with the previous master class, the required number of narrow strips are cut from colored paper. Take the first two strips, fasten them with a stapler, turn them inside out (as if opening them), connect the two free edges, add two new strips to them and then fix them with a staple. The result is an unusual decoration that looks elegant in the decor of the room.

A more complex decoration is a voluminous garland made up of multi-colored paper balls. Additionally, to make a craft you need a sewing machine, but if you don’t have one, you can do the work manually.

How to make a garland from paper balls:

  1. Cut out 6 circles of the same size in different colors from colored paper.
  2. Prepare several sets of circles along the length of the garland.
  3. Sew a stack of blanks on a machine, then the next one and until the end.
  4. Carefully wrap the fragments at the seam, forming bright balls.

For crafts, you can use crumpled or non-plain paper - the craft will be more fun. Garlands are hung from the diagonal corners of the room, decorated with them on the Christmas tree, walls, and ceiling.

Garland of flags

A popular New Year's decoration for the home is a garland of colorful multi-colored paper flags. On colored paper, draw the shape of a flag with a fold line in the middle and cut it out. You should get a double-sided element. Flags of a different color are prepared in the same way. Each flag is opened, glue is applied to the fold line and a strong thread is glued until the required number of paper parts for the garland is collected.

Alternatively, the flags can be made in a triangular shape by gluing the free corners of the products. Sometimes scraps of colored fabric are used for such decoration. After the New Year, you can hang garlands with flags to decorate a children's party.

Christmas trees

What's New Year without a Christmas tree? You can decorate this festive beauty with your own crafts made from colored paper. To make a three-dimensional hanging decoration, you need to take paper, scissors, cardboard, glue and tape.

We make the Christmas tree in this order:

1. Cut multi-colored narrow identical strips and make a cone out of paper.

2. Glue the edges of each strip together like a loop.

3. Glue the blanks to the cone starting from the bottom using tape or glue.

4. Decorate the top of the Christmas tree and the loops with any decor; you can also hang decorations on the Christmas tree.

As an option, an interesting garland is assembled from paper Christmas trees - the figures are sewn to a bright ribbon or secured above and below (chaotically) on a colored cord.

Christmas balls

One of the most popular Christmas tree decorations is balls. Colorful, bright, shiny toys make the Christmas tree more beautiful and fun. New Year's balls can be made from colored paper.

From paper strips

To make a simple ball, cut out thin paper strips (at least 18 pieces, more stripes, a more beautiful toy) and two small circles. Select a large bead, insert a thread into it, and thread both ends of the thread into the eye of the needle.

After this, a paper circle and all the prepared strips are threaded onto a needle along one edge. The next step is to string the second edge of each strip, the second circle and another bead in order, and draw out a loop. If you loosen the thread, you get a beautiful ball-shaped toy that can be further decorated.

From circles

Woven paper balls

You can use ready-made patterns for New Year’s decorations to make balls and make them out of paper with your own hands or weave complex toys. Curly stripes and a small circle are cut out using the templates. Lay out the parts in the shape of a flower and glue a circle in the center. Next, the strips need to be woven like a braid from many strands.

To prevent the structure from falling apart and to make it convenient to work, the strips are fixed with ordinary clothespins. By the end of the weaving, a ball will be formed, the edges of the figured strips are again fastened with a circle and a loop of shiny thread is threaded.

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

In the video: New Year's ball made of colored paper.

Magic lamps

Lanterns made of colored paper look unusual and original on the Christmas tree. Decorations are easy to make, even children can handle the job. The lamps symbolize warmth, wealth, prosperity and good luck. There are several simple master classes on how to make Christmas decorations with your own hands from paper in the form of lanterns for a Christmas tree.

The most popular option: take two sheets of different colors, glue a tube from one - the middle of the lantern, and fold the second sheet in half, step back 1 cm from the edge, draw a line. Then cuts are made from the fold to the drawn line. The cut sheet needs to be opened, wrapped around the cylinder tube, glued the edges and made a loop-handle at the top of the flashlight.

Lantern made of stripes

To make a beautiful toy, you need to cut many thin strips of colored paper - all parts of the decoration should be the same size, approximately 15 cm long. The strips are folded edge to edge, each piece is pierced in this place with a needle, and a lace or thread is pulled through them.

The free edge of the lace is pulled through the hole on the other edge of the strip and gently pulled to form an arc - an elongated loop. The upper part of the lantern (where the edges of the strips) are glued with a thin strip of paper in a circle, and the rounded loops will hang freely, forming a pear-shaped lantern from thin strips.

Chinese lantern

The Chinese are the inventors of paper, they learned how to make interesting decorative items from it. A Chinese New Year lantern will decorate the holiday tree. To work, use a diagram; you can draw the segments of the flashlight yourself. The size of one part is on average 10 cm; according to the diagram, there are circles at the top and bottom of each segment for attaching a flashlight.

How to make a decoration:

  1. Transfer the drawing onto colored paper.
  2. The flashlight is made of six segments.
  3. Cut out the workpiece and glue the edges.
  4. Form the top and bottom of the flashlight.
  5. Sew the lower circles with thread, then the upper ones.
  6. Make fastenings and a loop. A cute Chinese lantern is ready.

Use this template to cut out the lantern segments

sky lattern

The decoration will be made on the principle of a flying lantern, but there is no need to launch it into the sky. The decoration is made from bright colored paper. You need to prepare a large sheet - 24 by 60 cm. It is folded in half, and then in the shape of an accordion. Next, the sheet is unfolded and triangular creases are made in the center (along the fold line). The same creases are made at the top and bottom. A figurative triangular cylinder is glued from the blank, and a bright loop is glued.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

The New Year is unthinkable without the main characters of the holiday - Father Frost and Snow Maiden. They are quite simple to make, using colored paper of blue (dark blue), red, white, yellow to cut out the elements of the New Year's figures yourself.

A circle is cut out of blue paper for the Snow Maiden, and from red paper for Santa Claus. The circles are cut to the middle, rolled into a cone and glued together to form the bases of the figures. Separately, a flat kokoshnik is cut out for the Snow Maiden, small slits are made on the cone and the resulting element is inserted into them. First, the figure’s face, drawn on a white oval, is glued onto the kokoshnik, and a yellow braid is glued to the back. For greater realism, you can make small cone-shaped hands and decorate the bottom of the Snow Maiden’s coat with white fringe.

Santa Claus' face is drawn and glued to the base cone. Then a small red cone is cut out. A mandatory element of decoration is a thick beard; if desired, you can make a bag with gifts.

To make the figures of the main New Year's characters more durable and voluminous, you can use colored cardboard instead of paper. To make a fringe or beard, white paper is cut into thin strips, each strip is wound around a pen or pencil - the result will be three-dimensional. You can decorate the finished figures at your discretion with snowflakes, stars, and pieces of cotton wool.

New Year's wreath

New Year's decorations use a wreath to symbolize prosperity, longevity, hope and happiness. The wreath serves as a kind of amulet for the family hearth from various troubles. Traditionally, the decoration is hung above the front door. To make a very simple construction paper wreath, you need more green sheets. The child must be involved in the creative process.

Master class on making New Year's door decor:

  1. Choose a large plate, trace its outline on a sheet of colored cardboard (the wreath will be stronger) - this is the base.
  2. In the center of the large circle, a smaller circle is cut out under the saucer, resulting in a wreath ring resembling a donut.
  3. On green paper, trace the child’s palms with a pencil and cut out many fragments - the more, the prettier the decoration.
  4. The “palms” are glued onto the ring, partially overlapping each other. It’s okay if it turns out messy – it’s more interesting that way.
  5. Bright decorations are glued to the top of the “palms” - bells, bows, ribbons.

Volumetric paper decorations (master classes)

New Year's decor always looks more interesting if the decorations are voluminous. Making them is more difficult than flat toys, snowflakes or garlands, but everyone can do it. For creativity, they use paper of different colors, additional decor, bright ribbons, laces, shiny threads.

Volumetric crafts - stars, snowflakes, balls, garlands - are hung on the Christmas tree or on the ceiling. With a little imagination and patience, you can create original toys, elegant and voluminous New Year's decorations with your own hands from paper.

Volumetric pointed balls

This interesting decoration made from white paper is quite simple to make. To make a craft you need sheets, glue, a pencil, scissors, a small saucer, a coin, beads (rhinestones, sparkles), and fishing line.

How to make balls:

  1. Place the saucer on the paper, circle 4 blanks.
  2. Draw the outline of a coin in the center of each circle.
  3. Cut out paper circles (don't touch the middle yet).
  4. On each circle, draw eight lines with a pencil, not reaching the central circle.
  5. Insert a pencil into each sector, fold the edges, and glue them together.
  6. For each ball you need 4 blanks, they are allowed to dry.
  7. The elements are connected with the inner sides, a hole is made with a needle, and a fishing line is pulled through. The original New Year's decoration looks beautiful on the Christmas tree and in the garland.

3D star

A popular Christmas tree decoration is the pointed star. It crowns the top of the tree and gives the decoration a complete look. To make the product look more realistic, you can make a three-dimensional 3D star from colored paper.

Completing of the work:

  1. Cut out two identical squares - arbitrary size and color.
  2. The blanks are folded in half twice, and diagonally two more times.
  3. Unfold a fragment of the toy – the fold lines are clearly visible.
  4. Each corner is folded inwards towards the fold (like a children's airplane).
  5. The edges of the corners are glued together according to the principle of paper bags for volume.
  6. The second fragment of the toy is performed similarly.
  7. Connect the blanks with the inner part to each other crosswise and glue them together.

The result is a three-dimensional star with pointed rays. A ribbon or cord is attached to it and the toy is hung on the Christmas tree. To simplify the work, the loop can be placed between the star fragments before gluing.

In the video: a three-dimensional star made of paper.

Volumetric snowflakes

White snowflakes are used to decorate windows and decorate the area near the fireplace. If you stretch a silver thread through the products, you can hang garlands of snowflakes in the room. New Year's decorations made of white paper look interesting when the snowflakes are of different sizes with unequal patterns. To make snowflakes with a voluminous middle, you will need white paper, a pencil, and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. A sheet of A4 format is folded in half and cut into 2 parts.
  2. Each piece is folded diagonally and the excess is cut off.
  3. The resulting squares are again folded in half and diagonally.
  4. The core of a snowflake is made from the blanks by making two cuts.
  5. The cuts are made from edge to corner, without cutting the workpiece to the end.
  6. A shaped cutout is made in the upper part to create petals.
  7. The product is unfolded, the inner petals are glued to the center.

The second part of the snowflake is performed in the same way. After this, the parts are glued crosswise together. The result will be a double-sided volumetric snowfield, with a flower in the center on one and the other side.

New Year's decorations made of cardboard (master classes)

Cardboard is often used to make toys and Christmas decorations. Thick paper holds its shape well and allows you to make beautiful three-dimensional figures; cardboard makes ideal four-sided Christmas trees and cones for making Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Volumetric balls

Decorating a New Year tree is not complete without decorations in the form of balls. Large and small, plain and multi-colored toys are hung on the tree in a chaotic manner.

Volumetric balls made of colored cardboard or colored paper and white cardboard look interesting. They are easy and quick to make:

  1. Circles of the same size are cut out of thick colored paper - 20 pieces, radius 3.5 cm.
  2. Separately, make a template of an equilateral triangle so that it is clearly inscribed in the circle.
  3. A triangle is drawn on the inside of the blanks; its sides will be where the circles are folded.
  4. Under the ruler, carefully make folds on each circle, turning the paper to the front side.
  5. Take five fragments, lubricate the resulting valves of the circles with glue, connect the blanks - the top of the ball.
  6. Use an awl to make a hole, insert a lace into it, and in the same way make the bottom of 5 other blanks, but without the lace.
  7. From the ten remaining blanks, glue the strip valve to valve, close the ring, connect the top, bottom and middle of the ball.

To make three-dimensional balls, you can use old postcards or colored cardboard. The toys are decorated with small decorations, sprinkled with sparkles and chopped rain.

Cardboard trees

An option for a New Year's decoration or toy is a Christmas tree made of colored cardboard. A very ordinary Christmas tree is drawn on a thick sheet of paper, trying to maintain the symmetry of the spruce paws. Using this blank, they make a second similar piece, bend the Christmas tree vertically, glue the blanks together and decorate them with small circles of colored paper, stars, beads, rhinestones, and beads.

In order not to glue the figures together, you can make cuts (cut one blank from the top to the middle along the fold line, and the second from the bottom to the center) and insert the parts into each other. Thanks to the density of the cardboard, the figures will not fall apart.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with paper decorations

To make the New Year's tree, decorated with your own crafts, look beautiful, you need to hang paper toys and decorations correctly. There are several options for placing jewelry - in a pyramid, in a spiral, vertically or horizontally. Each method is interesting; you need to pay attention to the shape, size and color of homemade paper toys.

Options for decorating a New Year's beauty:

  • The top of the spruce is decorated with a voluminous star of a golden hue - the color of the Earth Dog.

  • In the coming Year of the Dog, the spruce tree is decorated with medium-sized figures of restrained colors. It is especially important to use decorations made from natural materials - paper, wood, burlap, pine cones and twigs.

  • You can place a dog figurine in the central part of the tree to attract good luck and prosperity.

  • Garlands of golden, brown, yellow, green, red, purple, and beige colors are used.

  • Paper beads, chains, flags connected into a garland are hung in one direction - horizontally, spirally, vertically, top to bottom.

  • Medium-sized balls are attached to the tree in a chaotic manner; the toys can be the same or different.

  • They complement the decor with figures of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, angels, and pinpoint several voluminous snowflakes.

Before decorating the tree with paper toys and crafts, a garland with light bulbs is hung on the tree. You can use a little sparkling rain or complement the design with fluffy “snowball”.

The spruce tree is decorated to your liking, but in the coming year you should choose a natural, restrained decor, in a brown color scheme (all shades), with unobtrusive bright accents - a few red bows, burgundy bells, paper cones, decorated with beads. Then 2019 will definitely bring good luck and prosperity to your home.

New Year's origami crafts (2 videos)

Recently, people increasingly prefer homemade decorations to store-bought decorations for the New Year holidays. DIY New Year's toys made from paper will be a wonderful decoration for both the Christmas tree and the entire room. And the process of making jewelry itself will help you feel the approaching holiday and magic. Dekorin advises doing this kind of creativity with your children, because it will be an invaluable experience for them. Today we have prepared for you some interesting ideas on how to make New Year's toys from paper with your own hands.

Beautiful DIY New Year's toys made from paper

The New 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog is coming very soon and, of course, we all want to decorate our apartment in a special way. There are a lot of options on how you can make a New Year's toy with your own hands, but we will focus on the easiest and most affordable - holiday decorations made of paper. All you need is boundless imagination, a desire to create and a little free time.

Paper balls

Balls can be classified as voluminous New Year's toys made with your own hands from paper. So, they will serve as a wonderful decoration for the Christmas tree and the whole house. You need to prepare:

  • paper that you like;
  • regular glue;
  • scissors;
  • compass.

The process is:

Similar circles should be cut out of paper (21 pieces). Fold each circle in half twice, and then fold both sides of the circle again to form an equilateral triangle. We will use it to make the next triangles.

Now glue this strip into a kind of circle. Divide the remaining ten parts into five pieces, and in turn glue them into a circle (as in the photo). It turned out to be two unique lids. Now they need to be glued one by one to the base so that you get a ball.

The finished decoration must be pierced with a needle and any thread (or string/braid) so that there is something to attach it to. Ready! It turns out that making a New Year's toy out of paper with your own hands is elementary.

Paper snowflakes: DIY New Year's toys

Not a single winter holiday would be complete without snowflakes. They are traditionally used to decorate windows, walls and Christmas trees. There are ordinary snowflakes, cut out of paper, and there are more complex ones, but even more beautiful (using the origami technique). Today we will figure out how to do the latter. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • cut out 6 identical squares from paper. Next, fold them first diagonally, and then in half;
  • make several cuts along the fold;
  • unfold the square, inner tabs and connect them together;
  • Connect the outer petals to the other petals on the remaining squares (using regular glue or a stapler).
  • An unusual and beautiful snowflake is ready! Now, if you wish, you can decorate it with a variety of stars, sparkles, etc. This DIY paper New Year’s toy will fit perfectly into any corner of the room, and its manufacture will give you anticipation for the coming holidays.

DIY Christmas toys made of corrugated paper

It turns out that there are a lot of materials from which you can make toys, and corrugated paper is no exception.

So let's make a cute green Christmas tree. You need to prepare the following items:

  • green corrugated paper;
  • cardboard in standard A4 format;
  • regular glue and scissors;
  • pencil;
  • decorations for the Christmas tree (to your taste: beads, balls or something similar).

How to make a craft:

  1. We make a cone from a sheet of cardboard.
  2. We wrap corrugated paper around it.
  3. Now you need to make needles for the Christmas tree. So, the paper should be cut into long strips and made into a kind of fringe.
  4. Wind the resulting fringed strips around a pencil. The result was nice rolls that will later decorate the Christmas tree.
  5. Lubricate the base of these rolls with PVA glue and glue them to the Christmas tree cone.
  6. Using this method, you need to cover the entire tree and decorate it with prepared decorations.

The Christmas tree is ready!

It's time to think about how to decorate your door before the holidays. And corrugated paper will help us with this again. Everything is easy here. First you need to cut out a circle from thick cardboard and stick on it the same circle of green corrugated paper. Now you should make rolls of red and green paper and attach them to the wreath with glue (as in the photo). Cut out a large bow from red corrugated paper and decorate the wreath with it. That's all! Simple and beautiful!

DIY Christmas toys made from colored paper

New Year 2018 is coming, which means it’s time to make New Year’s toys with your own hands. The Christmas tree must have the symbol of the New Year - the Yellow Dog. And it will be doubly pleasant if we do it ourselves. By the way, paper crafts in the form of DIY New Year's toys are an excellent option for parents and their children. In schools and kindergartens, the child will need to bring a craft for the New Year, and such a dog will definitely not go unnoticed. So, call the kids and make this wonderful craft together. You will need the following materials:

  • colored paper (a couple of sheets of yellow or beige);
  • colour pencils;
  • pencil and ruler.

Such a simple craft is guaranteed to interest your child, because ordinary paper will make a kind and cute dog.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Bend the square sheet diagonally to form a triangle.
  2. On the right and left sides of the triangle, bend the edges down (these are the ears of the future puppy).
  3. Now step back a little from above and, grabbing the ears, bend the paper down.
  4. Next, bend the lower triangle according to the example in the diagram. We have prepared the dog's face.
  5. Using colored pencils, draw the animal's nose, tongue and eyes. Also, if you want, draw random spots.
  6. To make the body, take a second square piece of paper and fold it diagonally. Again it turned out to be a triangle.
  7. Turn this triangle so that its fold is located at the bottom. Now bend the sharp edge at the bottom (as shown in the diagram). Next, bend one side of the triangle forward and the other back, so that the edges protrude. Here come the paws and tail.
  8. Draw spots on the dog’s body. Now connect the puppy's head together with the body.

By the way, you can use the same principle to assemble other puppies, the diagram for which can be seen below.

DIY New Year's toys made from napkins

It turns out that you can even make unusual Christmas tree decorations from napkins. What is needed for this:

  • multi-colored napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper;
  • threads;
  • multi-colored markers.

Let's get started:

  1. We prepare a cardboard stencil of the toy you need. Ours is a frog.
  2. Take one napkin and fold it three times horizontally.
  3. Fold three more times (as in the photo). The result is a square that needs to be secured with a stapler.
  4. Now cut out a circle from the square and straighten each layer towards the middle so that you get a fluffy ball.
  5. All that remains is to attach these balls to the stencil on both sides, as well as finish drawing and gluing the necessary details.

Voila! The frog is ready! In a similar way, you can make any other New Year's toy from napkins with your own hands. There would be a desire!

DIY paper garland

In this master class we make our own New Year's toy out of paper. Namely, a beautiful garland.
Paper garlands will definitely bring a cozy festive atmosphere to your home, especially if they are made by yourself.

This option is ideal for owners of a sewing machine. You need to cut out the required number of circles (or stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, and anything else that comes to mind) from the paper or felt you like. Then simply stitch all the pieces in one row. Ready! Perhaps this is the fastest option for making a New Year's garland from paper with your own hands.

There is another original version of the holiday garland. So, cut out future tags from cardboard. It's good if there are a lot of them. Now each of them needs to be decorated: write wishes, draw pictures, paste photographs, stickers, pictures, etc. After registration, all that remains is to string the tags on a string. Ready!

Believe me, such a garland will definitely be original and unique.
Dekorin hopes that by looking at the photos of your own New Year's paper toys, you will gain inspiration and feel the New Year is approaching.

Paper crafts are something that can be made quickly and easily for the New Year of the Dog as a gift to loved ones or just to decorate your home. There is always paper in the house and it’s fun to make crafts with it! We offer the best paper crafts for the New Year 2018 that you can make with your own hands using step-by-step photos and videos.

In addition, let’s look at what else you can do for the New Year with your own hands at home from what you have on hand. For such crafts, you do not need to spend money on purchasing materials, and the result is interesting and does not at all look like completely unnecessary things were used. Let's look at several master classes, from which everyone will choose what suits them.

? Important! Each description shows the colors of materials and a set of decor for those crafts that have already been made and shown in the photo. But you don’t have to choose the same shades and the same decor. You can take the materials for New Year's paper crafts 2018 that you have at home.

PHOTO: Paper garland for the New Year

Several options for a decorative paper Christmas tree

It’s impossible without a decorated Christmas tree for the New Year. Of course, the main character of the holiday is a large fluffy live spruce or pine tree in the center of the room, or an artificial beauty, dressed up with garlands and colorful toys. But you can also make small decorative Christmas trees with your own hands from paper and decorate with them for the New Year a table or shelf in the office or at home. Below are two master classes on creating such paper beauties.

For each of them we will need:

  1. A sheet of thick paper for the cone.
  2. Paper napkins of any color, you can combine several colors.
  3. PVA glue or pencil.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Stapler.
  6. Pencil or any wooden stick.
  7. Christmas tree decor. Whatever you find at home: sequins, small beads, bells, ribbons, and so on.

Now let’s take a look at both options for Christmas trees made from paper napkins.

Option 1 – Christmas tree made of paper roses

  • make a cone out of thick paper. Glue it together with glue or a stapler.
  • Now we make roses from napkins. To do this, fold each napkin in half and then in half again, and secure it in the middle with a stapler.

  • cut out a circle.

  • We have a multi-layered circle and we need to take each subsequent layer on top and twist it tightly. We do this with all layers.

  • When all the layers are twisted you need to straighten the rose a little. This is how we make all the flowers.
  • We cover the cone with roses. It’s better to start from the bottom in a circle and work your way up.

  • The roses should be glued close to each other so that there are no gaps.

  • After the entire Christmas tree is “dressed” in roses, you can decorate it with any decorative elements by simply gluing them randomly on top of the flowers.

This DIY paper craft for the New Year 2018 is very easy to make, even a child or teenager can handle it, and it looks very impressive and beautiful.

Option 2 – Christmas tree made of paper napkins using the cutting technique

A similar very simple version of the Christmas tree. Everything that is needed for it is listed above, let’s prepare everything according to the list and proceed:

  • you need to start from the bottom. Thus, we place all the twisted squares tightly, as close to each other as possible.

When we cover the entire Christmas tree with twisted squares, we get a fluffy beauty that can also be decorated with any decorative elements.

Using these techniques (roses from napkins and trimming), you can create postcards by gluing elements onto a base with a drawn outline of a Christmas tree or other design, a snowman, for example.

PHOTO: DIY paper Christmas tree

You can make Christmas trees out of paper using other techniques. Simply by gluing colored paper circles onto a cone, or cutting out outlined palms from green paper. You can also make loops from strips of paper and stick them on the cone.

Very beautiful Christmas trees are made from paper using the weaving technique. To do this, you need to fold a sheet of paper in half, draw an outline according to the template and cut through all the necessary places. Do the same with the second sheet. Then connect the 2 sheets together at the fold.

In general, a Christmas tree made from a paper cone can be decorated with anything. The idea is to make a cone out of construction paper and decorate it.

For decoration you can use:

  • threads for knitting, simply wrapped or cone;
  • buttons;
  • tinsel and sweets, gluing them in alternating rows;
  • petals made of crumpled paper;
  • pasta;
  • coffee beans and jute rope.

This Christmas tree can be decorated with everything you can find at home. Afterwards, you can cover the resulting creation with golden paint or artificial snow, or leave it as is.

Paper crafts for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree:

Decorative paper candles

As surprising as it may sound, you can make candles out of paper. They, of course, will not glow, but they can decorate a Christmas tree or New Year's table.

PHOTO: Craft in the form of paper candles

Let's prepare everything you need for your work:

  • colored thick double-sided paper.
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • ruler;
  • marker or felt-tip pen.

When everything is ready, let's proceed:

  1. Cut colored paper into strips. The strips can be taken of any width, optimally 3 - 4 centimeters. To do this, you need to make marks on one and the other side of the sheet, draw lines along a ruler and cut. For one candle you need 2 strips. They can be made in one color or two shades.
  2. Take 2 strips and glue the ends together as shown in the photo.
  3. Now we make weaving (see photo) and secure the ends. This is how the candle itself turned out.
  4. Cut out a circle-shaped stand from paper. Glue the wicker post onto it.
  5. Cut out a candle flame of any shape with a rectangle at the bottom, behind which the flame will be glued to the post.
  6. Draw the wick on both sides with a felt-tip pen, bend the rectangle and glue it to the post.

Step-by-step photos for making a paper New Year's candle

The finished candle can be glued to a clothespin and decorated with a Christmas tree, or you can leave it like that and place several of these candles on a shelf or on the New Year’s table. You can make such a craft for the New Year 2018 from paper with your own hands for school or kindergarten for a competition!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of paper

The main characters of the New Year - Father Frost and Snow Maiden - can also be made of paper. Let's try to make them with our own hands for the New Year of the Dog 2018!

Let's prepare for the creative process:

  • We will need colored thick paper in blue and red for the cones.
  • White paper for finishing.
  • Beads, any decor.
  • Paints and brushes.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Thread (you can take cotton for knitting).

Now let's get started:

  1. The description is for Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden is made in exactly the same way, but you can change the color of the base and the decor.
  2. We make a cone out of thick red paper.
  3. We cut out several (2 or 3) semicircles from white paper and cut them so that we get terry. This will be a beard. We glue it in several layers onto the cone. You can also use cotton pads for your beard.
  4. You can paint the eyes and nose with paints or glue beads: black for eyes, pink or red for nose.
  5. Now you can make the cap. For it we will make a small cone of red paper and glue a white strip along the bottom. Put the cap on Frost and secure it with a drop of glue.
  6. You can draw or stick any decor on the figurine.
  7. You can glue a thread to the top of the head, with which we can hang Frost on the Christmas tree, or attach a white pompom to the tip of the thread.

This craft is something you can do for the New Year with your own hands and give to your mother, friends, and relatives.

Using this technique, you can also make penguins, snowmen, deer, and any New Year-themed figure.

Santa Claus, reindeer and snowman made from paper towel rolls

For such beauties, you can use regular paper towel rolls or make a roll of any diameter and height yourself from thick paper.

Before we begin the process of creating Santa Claus, let’s prepare everything that will be useful in our work:

  • Roll for base.
  • Felt or colored paper in red, white, light brown, black and yellow.
  • PVA glue.
  • Blanks for eyes, they are sold in any craft stores. Or you can use half beads, buttons for the eyes, or, in the end, just cut out circles from black paper or felt.
  • Scissors.

Now let’s start making paper crafts for the New Year 2018 with our own hands!

First we make Santa:

  1. We cut out a strip of red felt whose width is equal to the height of the roll plus 2 cm, and the width is equal to the diameter of the roll.
  2. Cut out a semicircle from light brown felt for the face and glue it on.
  3. We cut out an oval from white felt, cut off an indentation for the face on one side and glue it on top of the face part.
  4. We cut out parts for shoes from black felt (two ovals connected together). Glue it on the bottom side of the roll.
  5. We cut out a strip of black felt and glue it in the middle of the roll - this is a belt.
  6. Cut out a buckle from yellow felt. Glue it on top of the waistband at the front.
  7. Now we glue the eyes and the circle of the nose.
  8. We glue the cap on top of Santa.

Now let's make a snowman:

  1. We cut out a strip of white felt whose width is equal to the height of the roll plus 2 cm, and the width is equal to the diameter of the roll.
  2. We paste a strip over the roll, bending the ends inside the roll on one side and the other.
  3. We glue the eyes, nose and buttons - felt circles.
  4. Cut out a scarf from red felt and cut along the edges, tie it to the snowman.
  5. Making a cap. Cut out a semicircle from red felt and glue the sides together. Cut a strip of white felt and glue it to the bottom of the cap. Glue a pompom to the tip.
  6. Glue the cap on top of the Snowman.

Next is the deer's turn:

  1. We cut out a strip of light brown felt whose width is equal to the height of the roll plus 2 cm, and the width is equal to the diameter of the roll.
  2. We paste a strip over the roll, bending the ends inside the roll on one side and the other.
  3. We glue the eyes and nose.
  4. Making a cap. Cut out a semicircle from red felt and glue the sides together. Cut a strip of white felt and glue it to the bottom of the cap. Glue a pompom to the tip. But here we still need to cut out the horns from brown felt and glue them on the sides of the cap.
  5. We glue the cap on top of the deer.

Thus, three figures are ready. Such paper crafts can be placed under the New Year tree.

Video of Santa Claus crafts from paper in origami style:

Christmas tree toy made from strips of paper

Among the crafts for the New Year 2018 made from paper with your own hands, you must also make a Christmas tree toy!

Let's analyze a very interesting toy made from strips of colored paper step by step, first prepare everything you need:

  1. Colored paper. For one toy, use two shades.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Needle and thread. You can use fishing line, or you can use regular sewing thread, but thicker.
  4. A pair of beads.

When everything is prepared, we begin the process of creating a Christmas tree decoration:

  1. Cut the paper into strips about 10-15 centimeters long and 1.5-2 centimeters wide. For one toy you need 9 stripes of one color and 9 of another.
  2. Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters.
  3. Thread a needle and attach a bead to the end.
  4. Now we add all the stripes, alternating colors into a stack. We put 1 circle on the thread over the bead and a stack of strips from one edge.
  5. Then we fold the strips in half and thread the entire stack on the thread from the other edge.
  6. On top is a second circle and a bead. We make a loop and the toy is ready.

You can make several of these multi-colored Christmas tree decorations and decorate your Christmas tree or room with them. This is just one version of a Christmas tree decoration made from strips of paper, but there are a great many of them you can make.

New Year's garland made of paper - video:

New Year's craft ideas for New Year 2018:

And they will be very cheap in cost, and in beauty they will not be inferior to store-bought ones. Moreover, this year the trend is the naturalness and naturalness of materials in decorating the Christmas tree and the room. So a forest beauty dressed up with paper toys will not only be beautiful, but also stylish and fashionable.

Snowman with a broom

Another craft is a snowman, which we will try to make from paper, simply folding it in a certain way.

Let's get ready for work:

  • Let's take white, black, orange and blue paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue for paper.

Now let's begin:

  1. We make two circles for the snowman's body. To do this, take 2 sheets of a larger format and 2 sheets of a smaller format. We fold them like an accordion.
  2. Bend the accordions in half. On one side we glue the ends together, we get a semicircle. Glue together 2 large semicircles and two smaller semicircles. Glue the smaller circle on top of the larger one. This is the body of a snowman.
  3. In the same way, we make small circles for the hands and glue them to the snowman.
  4. We cut out circles for eyes and buttons from black paper and glue them onto the snowman.
  5. We make a cone out of orange paper and attach it to the snowman in place of the nose.
  6. Cut out a hat from black paper, decorate it with a strip of white paper and glue it onto the snowman’s head.
  7. We cut a long strip of blue paper, cut it along the edges and tie it to the snowman as a scarf.
  8. All that remains is to make a panicle. We fold the white paper like an accordion and fasten the ends.
  9. We make an accordion out of orange paper and fold it in half, attach it to a strip of white paper and attach it to the snowman’s handle.

You can decorate a wall in your room with this snowman by attaching it to needles or double-sided tape to the wallpaper.

And if you make this snowman in a smaller format, it will be an excellent decoration for a postcard. Complete the postcard with snowflakes made of paper or a Christmas tree made using the same technique, that is, from sheets of paper folded like an accordion and glued in layers.

To create beautiful crafts for the New Year 2018 from paper with your own hands, use the tips given in the article and add an important “ingredient” - imagination! Then you will get unique crafts with which you can decorate your home and give them as a New Year's gift to friends and family, or send the product to school and kindergarten for competitions!

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Happy New Year! ?