Essay on how I spent my weekend. How I spent my weekend

My last weekend was one of the most enjoyable ones. My weekdays are usually monotonous and hard, so I am always long for Saturdays and Sundays. Unfortunately my weekend is too short, that is why I do my best to make it really exciting.

Nothing extraordinary happened last Saturday because I was at school till 2 p.m. and then just went home to relax with my family. I helped my mom cook dinner, then all of us watched a nice movie. It was a comedy “Meet the parents”. The film didn’t have any visual effects or computer graphics, but it was sweet and funny. At 7 p.m. I had a long foam bath, it was such a pleasure which I can afford only at weekends. Then I spent a couple of hours reading an amazing book. So I fell asleep with the book in my hands.

Sunday was completely different. Of course, I got up later than usual. After breakfast I did some housework while I listened to my favorite music. Then my friend telephoned me and invited me and my brother to “The Amusement Park”. The weather was nice and I agreed. So we took a bus and went to the park. We had so much fun. We went on a ferris wheel and all kinds of rides: water rides, train rides, swing rides. We screamed loudly. I think all kids love the rides. Although my little brother didn’t quite like them, he got scared and even cried sometimes. After that we all went shopping as I needed to find a birthday present for my mother. And I found a beautiful scarf for her. I hope she will love it.

In the evening we were extremely tired but very happy. It was a great weekend. I had a lot of fun.


My last weekend was the most enjoyable. My weekdays are usually monotonous and difficult, so I always look forward to Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, my weekends are too short, and I try my best to make them really interesting.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened last Saturday because I was at school until two o'clock in the afternoon and then just went home to relax with my family. I helped my mother prepare dinner, then we all watched a good movie. It was the comedy Meet the Parents. The movie didn't have any visual effects or CGI, but it was cute and funny. At 7 pm I took a long bubble bath, the kind of pleasure I can only indulge in on the weekends. Then I spent a couple of hours reading an amazing book. So I fell asleep, with a book in my hands.

Sunday was completely different. Of course, I got up later than usual. After breakfast, I cleaned the house a little while listening to my favorite music. Then my friend called me and invited me and my brother to the Amusement Park. The weather was good and I agreed. So, we took the bus and went to the park. We had so much fun. We rode the Ferris wheel and all types of slides: water slides, rail slides, and swing rides. We screamed loudly. Probably all children like amusement rides. Although my little brother didn't like it very much, he was scared and even cried a little. After that we went shopping as I needed to find a gift for my mom's birthday. And I found a beautiful scarf for her. I hope she likes it.

In the evening we were extremely tired, but very happy. It was a great weekend. I had a lot of fun.

My name is Andrew, I am fourteen years old. I would like to tell you about my day off.

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, because it is not necessary to get up early and go to school.

On Sunday I get up later than usual, make my bed, go to the bathroom, wash my face and clean my teeth. Then we have breakfast all together. On Sunday my mother usually bakes pancakes, they are very delicious. We drink tea or coffee and eat pancakes with jam. After breakfast I help my mother to clear the table and wash the dishes.

Then I go outside to play with my friends. In winter we go skiing. In summer my father and I go to the swimming pool, especially when it is very hot.

At one o'clock we have dinner.

After dinner we have a short rest. My father goes to his study and reads newspapers. My mother watches TV, my younger sister sleeps. I usually go to my room, read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week.

In the evening we go to the park all together. It's very big and beautiful. There are a lot of different park amusements there. My sister and I like to go on the rides very much or just go for a walk with our parents. Our mother and father often buy us candy floss or popcorn. Then we go to a café and order the biggest pizza. We eat, talk and laugh.

We come home at ten o’clock in the evening, satisfied, tired and very happy that we have had such a wonderful day off.

My name is Andrey, I am 14 years old. I would like to tell you about my day off.

Sunday is my favorite day of the week because I don't have to get up early and go to school.

On Sunday I get up later than usual, make my bed, go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth. Then we all have breakfast together. On Sunday my mother usually bakes pancakes; they are very tasty. We drink tea or coffee and eat pancakes with jam. After breakfast, I help my mother clear the table and wash the dishes.

Then I go outside to play with my friends. In winter we go skiing. In the summer, my dad and I go to the pool, especially when it’s very hot.

At one o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch.

After lunch we have a little rest. Dad goes to his office and reads the newspapers. Mom is watching TV, my little sister is sleeping. I usually go to my room, read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week.

In the evening we all go for a walk in the park together. He is very big and beautiful. There are many different attractions there. My sister and I love to ride them or just hang out with our parents. Mom and Dad often buy us cotton candy or popcorn. Then we go to a cafe and order the biggest pizza. We eat, talk, laugh.

Essay “My day off.”

About my day off

Before I can open my eyes, I hear pleasant smells coming from the kitchen that cannot be expressed in words. This is mom cooking something very tasty. I absolutely love pancakes on weekend mornings. Mom spoils me with pancakes on Saturday. You can get up early for this breakfast.

After breakfast I want to meet my friends and go play football. We have a whole football team in our yard. We usually get ready and go to the stadium. The guys are very friendly and cheerful, we have a good time. Just to meet such friends, I wish there were more weekends.

Holidays with parents

I like to spend my day off with my parents. The most interesting and exciting event is the cinema. These indescribable sensations from special effects, fragrant popcorn and good company! On Saturday we went to the premiere of a science fiction film and had a lot of fun. I like it when the family relaxes together, and it doesn’t matter where we are. This is cool!

Continuing to write an essay about a day off, I’ll tell you how my dad and I go to the gym. I play football, and sport occupies one of the first places in my life. In the gym we pump up our abs, do push-ups and do exercises with dumbbells. This helps for overall physical development.

Sometimes on a day off I go to. You can also have an interesting weekend with them. Grandma usually bakes my favorite potato pies for my arrival. This taste cannot be expressed in words. The aroma of grandma's baking cannot be compared even with a professional culinary masterpiece. I’m also interested in my grandfather, and there’s something to talk about. Of course, most of the conversations are about sports.

I think all people love weekends; they have the opportunity to relax, be with their loved ones, go to the cinema, visit the theater or just watch TV. The main thing is not where you spend your free time, but what is important is that you have the company of your loved ones nearby.

Other writings

We go to school five days a week, and we only get to enjoy complete freedom on Saturday. On Friday you need to leave school, and on Sunday you need to get ready for it again. There are always a lot of plans that sometimes I don’t even have time to complete.

I really love Saturday. Mainly because you can get plenty of sleep on this day. Parents are also at home, which means we can all have breakfast together, enjoying watching an interesting TV show and chatting with each other. Then you can call your friends, go for a walk, watch TV, read a book, rollerblade or skate, depending on the weather.

Sometimes mom and dad ask me to help around the house. I help clean the house, wash the dishes, and go shopping. I do this with great pleasure, because what could be better than doing something nice for loved ones. When all the work is done, the whole family can go on a picnic, to the cinema, or for a walk in the park. I love family days like this.

If the weather is good, I meet my friends. In spring and summer we spend more time outside: skateboarding or rollerblading, going on rides in the park, playing football or volleyball. But sometimes we get together at someone’s house and spend time using the console. In autumn and winter, of course, we see each other less, and if we can get out, we go ice skating or sledding. Sometimes we all go for a walk together in the rain to jump in puddles, or in the snow to play snowballs or build a snowman. Another great way to spend a day off.

If the weather is bad, I stay at home and take time for myself: listen to my favorite music, play on my laptop. When my parents don’t mind, I invite my friends over and we talk about all sorts of interesting topics.

Often on my day off I go to visit my grandmother, she is already old, and for her there is nothing more pleasant than spending time with her grandchildren. Granny always bakes pies and other sweets before my arrival, we drink tea together and play checkers. She loves to show me her handicrafts. I always listen carefully to her stories and in return share my secrets with her.

On weekend evenings the whole family gets together. We have dinner and discuss our upcoming plans for the week. This brings me only good emotions.

After such a weekend, you can set off with renewed vigor to achieve your goals. Sometimes, of course, I get sick or I’m just not in the mood, and I stay at home. But no matter what happens, a day off is always nice!


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This is how my weekends usually go, with benefit for me and for others. You need to appreciate every moment of your life and always spend time with pleasure. Spend your time the way you want, and most importantly, with benefit. And you will feel like a truly happy person!

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