Rug made of woolen threads. DIY rug made from threads on a mesh

How and from what to weave a rug for the home

There are quite a few ways to decorate the interior and make it a little more interesting. But perhaps the simplest and most affordable are woven rugs. A handmade rug will add a little coziness and make the interior more interesting and colorful both in a city apartment and in a country house. The most important thing is that the process of creating a rug with your own hands is not expensive at all. Almost every housewife has several skeins of unnecessary yarn or old things that can be given a second life and easily turned into a beautiful rug.

Woven thread rug

Weaving a rug from threads with your own hands is very simple. To do this you will need:

Thick cardboard for the base of the rug;
Threads, preferably of different thicknesses and different colors;
Fork, in order to form the density of the pattern on the rug;

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the base of the future rug. To do this, you need to draw a circle of the diameter you need on cardboard and cut it out. Then you should divide the resulting circle into 32 sectors and mark them on the circle with a simple pencil. At the ends of each sector it is necessary to make small cuts to secure the twine. All resulting sector lines must intersect in the center. The base is ready.

Next, secure the prepared thread in the center and carefully alternately intertwine it with twine. During the weaving process, it is necessary to ensure that the resulting ripples of dust threads are dense and lie evenly on the base. You can make rows of threads denser using a regular fork.

Thus, using threads of different textures and colors, you should continue to weave the rug up to the slots. Then cut the twine from the back of the cardboard base and remove the base. The rug is ready. If you connect many similar rugs of different diameters together, you will get a real work of art.

Rug made of pompoms

You can make a very interesting soft and fluffy rug with your own hands from pompoms. To weave such a rug you will need:

Soft construction mesh, good if it has large cells;
Remains of any yarn;
Crochet hook;
A special device for making pompoms;

First you need to decide on the dimensions of the future rug and cut the mesh to the required size. Treat the edges of the mesh with scraps of fabric or tape. Then you need to make pompoms. When the pom-pom is ready, pull it tightly with thread and leave approximately 10 cm of free ends of the thread. Secure the pom-pom with a crochet hook to the construction mesh. Do the same with other pom-poms, placing them on adjacent cells. However, do not stand very close to each other. In this case, you will get a fairly hard mat. Remember, if your pompoms are voluminous enough, the rug will turn out very fluffy and soft.

Rug made of braids

To weave a braided rug you will need:

Long ribbons of fabric;

To create such a rug, you need to weave a long braid from scraps of fabric. To make the braid as long as possible, the ends of the patches can be sewn together or tied with an invisible knot. For scraps, you can use old, unnecessary clothes. When the long braid is ready, all that remains is to form the mat itself, tightly connecting the braids together with a needle and thread. Such rugs can be made in one color or you can use scraps of fabric of different colors to create them.

There is no need to explain why there is a carpet in the house. It quietly and imperceptibly entered a person’s home and became a real stronghold of warmth and comfort. This yarn product has an ancient and rich history. Interesting fact: archaeologists believe that man first laid a fur skin on the floor, and only then realized that it could be put on his body. In the East, in European countries, for centuries, a carpet was considered a symbol of wealth, and sometimes an object of art, because its production required long and painstaking manual labor of craftsmen.

Today, resourceful needlewomen weave, knit from threads, sew rugs from scraps or old things with their own hands, and all this with minimal monetary costs, and sometimes for nothing. There are many ways to make a masterpiece of carpet weaving at home, one of the simplest is to weave a rug from threads. Do you want to decorate your home with an exclusive fluffy rug? We offer several simple home crafts master classes.

Cozy shaggy rug

To make a soft carpet that can adequately decorate your home, you will need carpet canvas or fillet mesh. This knotless base is traditional. It is better to use canvas, tarpaulin mesh, burlap or matting. Synthetics, wool or silk can become electrified and slide across a smooth floor. Carpet canvas can be bought in a store; as a rule, it is sold in rolls 1 m wide. For the decorative part you will need threads. You can use any leftover yarn; the more shades, the more fun and bright the product will be. A hook with a foot will be useful for this work, but you can also use a simple crochet hook.

Shaggy rugs

To make it more convenient, we will divide the whole process into several stages:

  • The first step is to prepare the threads that will become a decorative component of the future carpet product. Cut the yarn into pieces of equal length. The “fluffiness” of the pile will depend on the chosen length of the threads.
  • Let's proceed to the most labor-intensive but interesting stage - tying the threads on the warp. Using a hook, we pass the thread through the canvas square and tie a knot. So we “dive” the hook into each cell and fill each one with yarn.

Advice! The rug can be made monochromatic, made into an ornament, or made into a whole picture. For patterned weaving, you can use embroidery patterns or apply the design directly to the base. When marking, you need to leave a couple of centimeters around the perimeter of the product for the canvas.

  • At the final stage, we need to “comb” our rug a little so that it looks neat. During the process of tying the threads, their length may differ slightly from each other, so the pile must be trimmed. The principle is as follows: the shorter the pile, the more clearly the pattern is visible.

Tips for beginners. Master class on crocheting a rug.

There are several ways to tie threads to the base. For example, using a special hook with a foot, you can make loops that do not need to be trimmed at the end of the work. In this case, the knot is still tied, but the ends of the threads are not pulled out completely. For this technique, you can also safely use embroidery patterns.

Making a rug with your own hands

Shaun the Sheep made from pompoms

Another simple way to make a rug from threads with your own hands is from pompoms. These rugs can have a classic geometric shape, or you can get a little creative and give the product the shape of an animal. This rug will be an original addition to the interior of a children's room.

Rug in the shape of a lamb made of pompoms

The essence of the process is simple: you need to attach fluffy pompoms made of thread to the base. How to make them?

There are several ways, each needlewoman can choose the more convenient one for herself:

  1. Tool. In craft stores you can buy a special template, which you can wrap around to create a perfectly shaped ball. It can be used repeatedly.
  2. Cardboard template. The most common method for making thread balls is using cardboard circles. To do this, two “donuts” of the same diameter are cut out of thick cardboard. The principle is as follows: a thread is inserted between them and wound tightly onto the pattern. The thicker the layer of yarn, the more voluminous the ball will be. At the end, move the halves apart a little, tie them tightly in the middle with thread, and then cut along the edge.
  3. Fork. An ordinary cutlery can be a convenient tool for making pompoms. To do this, the thread is wound crosswise around the teeth, and then cut on the sides. The result is a dense but miniature pompom.

Pompom on a fork

To make a rug in the shape of everyone's favorite cartoon character Shaun the Sheep, you will need white and black wool blend yarn, mesh or fabric for the base, scissors and decorative eyes.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Draw a pattern in the shape of a sheep on cardboard and carefully cut it out. You can use a ready-made template or draw it yourself. Transfer the template to fabric or mesh and cut it out. The edges can be immediately processed - hemmed or crocheted.
  • Let's prepare the “wool” of the sheep. Using any convenient method, we will make pompoms from threads, white ones for the back, and black ones for the paws and head of the ram.
  • We begin to attach the blanks.

Advice! If the product is made of mesh, the pompoms are simply tied on, and if the base is fabric, then the pompoms are sewn on. We make sure that the balls are located tightly to each other, so the rug will turn out fluffier.

  • When all the balls are fixed, we sew the eyes to the muzzle. A beautiful and fluffy rug for the nursery in the shape of a cheerful lamb is ready.

Shaun the Sheep pompom rug

In a similar way, you can make a rug in the form of a juicy watermelon, a multi-colored butterfly, the sun or your favorite cartoon character, decorating the children's island in the house in an original way.

Ladybug pompom rug

Fantasy is the engine of progress in creativity. Using the ideas of experienced craftswomen, you can make luxurious home decor from the most ordinary things. It is interesting that many needlewomen have made the production of rugs with their own hands from threads not only a favorite hobby, but also a way of doing home business. Making interesting and simple crafts can be used as lessons on developing motor skills for children, turning the process into an exciting family game.

How to quickly make a lot of pompoms

Rug made of pompoms

Spring is the time for general cleaning. Therefore, we should look into our closets and go through everything to get rid of the old things stored there. But don’t rush to get rid of it for good, because everything has the right to a second life. For example, you can create rugs from old things with your own hands and give yourself new emotions and memories.

Rugs made from old things, what techniques can be used

Old things are an excellent material for creativity, which a thrifty housewife can always find. T-shirts, unusable towels, and any wardrobe items can always get a second life. But it is still very important to understand that in order to create new things from old ones, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material for creativity, but also to the technique that we choose for this.

After all, rugs from old things can be:

  • weave,
  • to tie,
  • sew.

And we will try to create a rug from old things with our own hands step by step, using detailed master classes and getting an excellent result.


One of the oldest and most proven techniques for creating carpets is weaving. After all, this does not require a lot of knowledge or skills. And sometimes the simplest tools are required, easily replaced with something that is always at hand. And therefore, it’s worth starting to create your first rug with weaving or weaving.

Weaving according to the principle of macrame

If you think that macrame is only suitable for creating small elements, then now we will dispel this belief. After all, if instead of a thin lace you take something more voluminous and dense, then the result will be completely different.

There are no difficulties or tricks in weaving rugs from old things that are inaccessible to novice craftswomen. As in any technique, the main role here is played by the sense of taste and the desire to create. Therefore, any set of old clothes can easily be turned into a charming bedside rug with a little effort.

Basic knots and pattern combinations are great for weaving. But it is worth considering several factors:

  • The rug is used actively and therefore needs to be washed from time to time,
  • they will not only trample on it, but can sit, lie or use it as a bedding on a chair,
  • it must fit into the overall interior.

That is why when choosing knots, do not forget that the rug should:

  • look like a new, not well-worn rug,
  • have a dense structure so as not to crumble in your hands and not turn into a string bag,
  • not be easily soiled or bulky, for ease of cleaning.

And therefore the most common way of weaving at present is to use the principle of knitting with a French bracelet.

Such a charming rug will definitely not go unnoticed in the house and will highlight the interior and taste of the owner. And to create it you won’t need much:

  • wide strips of old things,
  • adhesive tape,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle.

To begin, arrange the 5 strips in the order you like best. Next, fold 5 more strips, but in a mirror image.

It is most convenient to fasten all the ends from the beginning side with adhesive tape. This will allow you not to be distracted during the weaving process, and also clearly define the sequence.

So, when all the ribbons are laid out, we take the leftmost one, take it to the side and fold it so that it lies on top of all the others, creating the number “4”. We place the working tape behind the adjacent one and tie the first knot.

We continue to tie the same knots on the next 3 ribbons, and then move to the opposite side, starting to weave towards the first series of knots.

When both working strips meet in the middle, tie them and continue weaving from the edge. Once you've reached your desired length, simply tie the last knots with a strong thread and trim off the rest to create a cute fringe.

Don't forget that you don't have to twist the braid, you can fold it like a snake or lay it parallel to one another to get a charming rectangular rug with fringe.

Knitting rugs from old things

It is not necessary to weave rugs from old things; knitting is considered a more common solution for creating them.

Even if this is your first time picking up a hook, you will be able to create a charming and practical decorative element. After all, it is the large knitting that will help you quickly understand the intricacies of crocheting. And a pattern made from the simplest single crochets can look very bright and original if you choose the right yarn.

Moreover, yarn is also made from old things. This is how things can go:

  • old T-shirts,
  • jeans belts,
  • just thin strips of fabric left over after sewing outfits.

It is enough to know and be able to knit increases, and then it’s a matter of technique.

If the yarn taken for the rug seems loose or thin to you, you can use an excellent trick - at the beginning of knitting, insert a strong cord into the stitches and continue tying it. This way your spiral will keep its shape perfectly.

To get a more openwork rug, knit with double crochets, increasing their number in each row. But keep in mind that although such knitting will be beautiful, it will be less dense.

Openwork rug

It is worth noting that you can knit a rug from old things without a hook - an interesting technique of knitting from rings on your fingers will help you cope with the disposal of small pieces without spending extra effort and without forcing you to buy any special tools.

You can learn how to knit from rings from Olga Popsueva. In her video master class, she explains in detail how to weave a braid and then form it into a rug.


When talking about using old things to create rugs, it is difficult to ignore sewing. After all, they started a long time ago and independently of each other in different countries.

As now, women did not throw away old things, children’s dresses or their husband’s worn-out shirts, preferring to collect them so that they could then sew bedspreads, curtains and, of course, rugs. It’s no longer a shame to trample such rags, cut them and assemble them into various intricate patterns.

Fluffy rugs on mesh

In the last few years, fluffy rugs have become very popular, making it so much fun for children to play and crawl in them. And it’s just nice to immerse your feet.

The high pile and soft texture have won the hearts of craftswomen and housewives, and the bright colors attract the attention of household members. But what’s most pleasing is the fact that you can make such a rug without using any special tools.

A fluffy rug can be created in different ways:

  • tying the cuts in knots,
  • using a carpet hook,
  • using the simplest crochet hook.

Our basis will be a mesh from a hardware store with a large mesh or a bath mat with holes.

In addition to the basics, we also need:

  • fabric ribbons,
  • scissors,
  • hook (optional).

To begin with, cut short ribbons, but do not skimp on their length, because you need to take into account that they will be folded in half, and even tied or otherwise fixed to the mesh. Therefore, it is better to make them longer, and then cut them as you want.

When everything is ready, you will be left with the most important task - thread the strip of fabric into the cell so that both ends remain on the front side, and then you can tie them together with a simple knot, or pass them through a loop using a hook.

When the flaps completely cover the mesh, all you have to do is cut them to the desired length and the rug made from old things is ready to delight you and your feet.

Fluffy rugs using a sewing machine

If you don’t want to waste your time tying each individual ribbon, or you haven’t found a suitable mesh, then you can go in a simpler way, for which we will need:

  • an old pillowcase or piece of fabric that will become the base,
  • all the same ribbons from old things,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Knitwear is best suited for such rugs, as it is more elastic and soft. In addition, it is easy to sew on without fear of breaking the needle.

Bright carpet made from old knitwear

Heart shaped rug

After you cut the required number of ribbons, pull them lengthwise so that they curl a little, and then simply apply them to our base and sew them in the middle, row by row.

Don’t worry if the strip doesn’t lie flat, you can always trim the entire pile, leveling it to the desired length.

Rugs made from old things, what will be used?

We learned about techniques for creating a rug from old things, now it’s worth talking about what can serve as material for them and how best to bring your idea to life.

Taking into account the density, quality and size of the old item, you can choose the method of its transformation. That is why we would like to tell you a little about how and what rugs are made from by modern needlewomen.

Rugs made from old jeans

The first thing that comes to mind that requires regular disposal is jeans. Denim has long conquered our hearts and there is not a single fashionista or fashionista who does not have jeans in her wardrobe. Moreover, despite their strength and versatility, they still wear out, stretch, or otherwise become unusable.

Of course, it’s a shame to throw them away, so we collect them on a separate shelf so that we can sew something later.

But sewing requires patterns, a sewing machine, and sometimes also space. While making a rug from old jeans with your own hands will not be difficult - everything from the canvas to the pockets and belt will be used.

Just choose a technique and select flaps for it:

  • cut them into long strips and weave a rug on a loom,
  • weave long braids and gather them into a round rug,

  • arm yourself with a large hook and knit any shape using cut strips instead of yarn,
  • weave the strips together using the braiding principle and sew on a machine or by hand.

And the cat liked it)

Considering the strength of the material, such a rug will serve you for more than one season.

Rugs made from old T-shirts

But we wear out T-shirts more often than jeans. After all, we use them every day, grow out of them, stretch them, get dirty with paint and simply get tired of them over time.

You may no longer be able to wear them, but the knitwear used to make T-shirts can be an excellent material for creativity. They make great potholders, coasters, bags and, of course, rugs.

How to make knitting yarn with your own hands

When we look at these DIY rugs made from old T-shirts, at first we can't believe what they're made of! After all, craftswomen knit with crochet from something very similar to yarn, and not like an old T-shirt.

However, do not be surprised by this and do not think that there is some kind of trick here. Anyone can turn old T-shirts into knitting yarn.

To do this, just follow the detailed video master class on the Utilitarian Crafts channel, in which they will teach us how to make as much yarn as possible from an old T-shirt for new rugs.

A T-shirt is a universal material for creating your own rug

And after preparing the yarn, you can already try your hand at creating rugs from old T-shirts with your own hands. After all, they can be:

  • to tie,
  • weave,
  • cut for fluffy rugs,
  • sew pre-braided braids from them.

And all you need is a couple of T-shirts and a desire to create.

Moreover, any patterns of napkins or lace are suitable for crocheting, and you can weave according to the previously described principle of a French bracelet.

Or take your favorite T-shirts, cut them out and sew a rug together like a quilt so you can preserve memories without throwing anything in the trash.

Rugs made from old tights

The most consumable wardrobe item of all time is tights. They tear and become unusable so quickly, and even have some seasonality, that at some point we all think about whether we should come up with something after they have served their life.

And we found the answer - rugs from nylon tights that you can make with your own hands! After all, they can be an excellent yarn for knitting or weaving a new rug - durable and practical.

The main thing is to know a few tricks:

  • to get a long strip from one pair of tights, you just need to cut off the socks and panties, and then cut the remaining tube in a spiral,
  • do not tighten the knitting so that the rug made from old tights does not deform and lose its shape over time,
  • nylon can be dyed to make your rug brighter - just use fabric dye and follow the instructions on the pack.

You can create rugs from old tights with your own hands and without a hook. They can be:

  • sewn from braided braids,

  • woven on a loom,

  • woven on a hoop.

And children's tights, which are most often collected in our bins, are perfect for knitting on fingers. All you need to do is cut them into rings, and then use the video tutorial from Marina DIY Dolgih:

Rugs made from old towels

And even old towels have a use in the world of rugs. Due to their density, length and ability to absorb moisture well, they can give us an excellent accessory for the bathroom, bathhouse or balcony, where you always need to keep your feet warm and dry.

Making a rug from old towels with your own hands is as easy as any other. It's easy:

  • trudges
  • fits
  • weaves
  • curls up.

In general, it is created in such a way and using the technique that lies on your heart.

And if you want to give life to terry towels in this way, then try making a fluffy rug on a construction mesh.

As you can see, when cleaning the house, you should not rush to throw away your used items. Old T-shirts, towels and even tights can inspire you to create something new and no less useful than their original purpose. Just be smart and your home will be filled with new, soft and fashionable rugs that you can create without spending anything but your time and getting a charge of emotions and good mood!

You can simply and quickly decorate your home interior using different methods; one of the most practical is to make a fluffy rug with your own hands from yarn. It is not difficult to make and, most importantly, not at all expensive.

Rug made of pompoms

The functionality of such a product is high. It can become a bright decoration for the living room, a convenient covering for slippery tiles in the bathroom, or even an outdoor rug for the garden.

We will need:

  • yarn of any colors (but not less than 10 skeins);
  • construction mesh of the required size (you can use carpet mesh);
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

Let's get to work.

  1. We cut out a square of the size we need from the construction mesh. You can choose another form, here everything is decided by imagination. Do-it-yourself rugs made from yarn in the shape of animals look very cute and unusual. We outline the head, paws and tail with a pencil and cut it out, and after making the rug, the remaining parts of the product can be crocheted.
  2. A pompom can be made in several ways. For a more voluminous one, you need two cardboard disks (this is how pom-poms are made for hats), a circle is cut out in the center and both disks are wrapped with thread. Next, the edges of the threads should be cut, and the middle should be pulled tightly and tied. The pompom is ready. The second method is simpler. We wind the thread on the fingers folded together, carefully remove it and tie it in the middle, cut the ends of the threads with scissors. The result is something shaped like a bow.
  3. Make the required number of pompoms. Be sure to leave the middle thread, which we will then use to attach them to the mat. We start working from the corner and move strictly in a straight line. To make the pompoms stick better, it is better to pass the ends of the threads through the mesh several times.
  4. Nowadays, the ombre effect is in fashion; for it, you can choose yarn of similar shades and first tie pom-poms in dark tones, gradually moving to light ones.

Thick rug

These hand-made yarn rugs are very practical. They can be made from leftover threads accumulated at home. We also select the thickness of the product ourselves, choosing an option that is comfortable for ourselves. The functionality of such a piece of furniture is limitless; it can either be laid on the floor, or made into a soft seat for your favorite chair, or even a comfortable bedding for your pet.

We will need:

  • yarn (any texture and density);
  • crochet hook 12 mm.

Let's start knitting our rug.

  1. Threads need to be taken from several balls at once (there can be up to ten pieces in total).
  2. Based on the thickness of the assembled thread, we select a hook. It should be so large that the knitting is tight, but in moderation.
  3. This rug has a classic rectangular shape, so the chain of chain stitches must correspond to the length of our product.
  4. Each subsequent row is knitted loop into loop, catching both sides. We knit the rug to the width we need and begin tying it.
  5. Here you will need a hook with a smaller number (8-9 mm) so that the edge of the rug is tight. The thread for tying can be chosen in color or contrasting. To compact and form a beautiful edge of the product, 3-5 rows will be enough.
  6. You practically made a rug with your own hands from yarn; you can crochet any decor on it - flowers, petals of fresh greenery, everything here depends only on the size of your imagination.

Round rug

Our grandmothers also wove such rugs from yarn with their own hands. But the technology can be significantly simplified by making a weaving version of this product. We will need:

  • a lot of old knitted T-shirts;
  • Hula Hup;
  • scissors.

Over time, every family accumulates things that you can no longer wear, but it’s a pity to throw them away; they are ideal for this idea. It is most convenient to weave from T-shirts (T-shirts) and other knitted items of clothing that can be cut into long rings of fabric. This will allow the ends of the ribbons to be fastened together during the weaving process using a regular loop and will make the work as simple and convenient as possible.

  1. We cut the rings of the same length and width and distribute them in a circle strictly perpendicular to each other, the distance between the strips of knitwear should be 10-15 cm, no more.
  2. Prepare strips of fabric in advance, you will need a lot of them. We start weaving from the central part of the circle, alternately passing the thread down and covering the next one from above.
  3. You can make such a rug made from knitted yarn with your own hands in one to two hours. At the end, don’t forget to secure the knitted threads by cutting them in half and carefully tying them in knots.

Rug made of shreds

A very budget option that will require a little more time, but it will get rid of old junk in the closet and will become a pleasant decoration for any interior.

We will need:

  • a lot of old unnecessary things;
  • large hook;
  • sharp scissors.

To make rugs from ribbon yarn with your own hands, you must first prepare the starting thread. To do this, we lay out our item on a flat surface, carefully ripping it apart at the seams, and begin to cut out long strips of fabric from it (the longer they are, the fewer knots there will be on the finished product). To avoid tangling, we immediately wind our homemade thread into a ball.

Important points

If the color of the threads (old clothes) is different, it is better to wind them into different balls and knit them alternately. During the process, when you need to add a new thread, bend the first one and form a loop from it, into which thread the second one, tie a neat small knot. For knitting, it is better to choose a larger hook so that the finished product is not too dense.

Making a rug:

  • we start the process from the middle, as in regular crochet; first we make a small chain, close it and then continue to knit rows in a circle;
  • We make sure that the rows are even and not pulled together;
  • we knit the product to the size we need, secure the thread with a knot - and our knitted rug is already made from yarn with our own hands.

Master class on making pompoms

Every self-respecting craftswoman tries to decorate her product after it is made. The easiest way to disguise knots and other defects in work is with fluffy pompoms; there are several ways to make them:

  • classical– the thread is wound on disks, cut along the edges and tied in the center, the advantages of this method are that the pompom turns out to be voluminous, the disadvantages are that it takes a long time to wind the thread in this way;
  • fork– used when making a large number of pom-poms, here the yarn is wrapped around the teeth of a fork or a similar device made independently, also cut on the side and tied with an additional thread in the middle;
  • rectangular- the easiest and fastest way, for which a toilet paper roll is perfect. It needs to be folded in half, one thread should be pulled lengthwise to secure it, and the rest should be wound along the entire length of the sleeve.

Disadvantages that are important to consider

Choosing the right material plays a big role in making a rug. Each type of thread can behave differently when in contact with water. Therefore, when purchasing yarn for knitting in a store, you should consult with the seller about this. A product made from old rags that have survived more than one wash is not so susceptible to deformation.

The disadvantages include the loss of time, because it is much easier to go and buy a ready-made rug in a store. But it will no longer have individuality and will become an ordinary item in the interior.


It’s not difficult to make rugs from yarn yourself, and most importantly, it’s very economical. So, for example, for a rug in a medium-sized bathroom you will need only 2-3 skeins of thread. Even if you compare the price of new yarn and a finished rug in a store, the difference will be significant.

Experienced craftswomen create real wicker masterpieces. But even if you don’t have the skill, you can make rugs from leftover yarn with your own hands, following the pattern exactly. Such a product will always be exclusively designer, since the choice of colors and material for its manufacture remains with the craftswoman.

And finally, this is a pleasant activity that will help you relieve stress, relax, and during it you can enjoy listening to your favorite music or watching a movie.

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Making a rug from old things - Easy!

Do you think colorful, soft, original, practically free rugs are a myth? Look around! Do you have threads, cord, rope, unwanted knitwear or old T-shirts at home? Then let's make the house even more comfortable with our own hands, and at the same time protect our planet from excess garbage!

This article contains original ideas for needlewomen for home comfort. Do-it-yourself carpets will be the envy and admiration of your neighbors and friends.

Rectangular pompom rug

Would you like to have a soft rug at home where you can lie down in front of the TV or play with your child? Then look for leftover threads at home. If a housewife is fond of knitting, then usually there are always small skeins left that are a pity to throw away, and they are stored in some box for years.

In addition, you need to find scissors, cardboard and a mesh base (plastic can be purchased at a hardware store). Now we’ll tell you how to create a shaggy bedside rug step by step at home.

The video shows the whole process in more detail:

HEALTHY! If suddenly you do not find cardboard at home, then you can wind the yarn directly on four fingers of your hand (we do not take the thumb), and the central thread will be tied between the middle and ring fingers.

If you decide to decorate the rug with small pom-poms, then you will definitely find a table fork for winding the material. All four cloves are wrapped, and a long thread is tied between 2 and 3 cloves.

Oval carpet made from braids woven from T-shirts

A nice, homemade rug from old things for feet in the bathroom or bedroom can be made from old T-shirts (an old T-shirt will do). Cotton is an environmentally friendly and soft material. Just three steps and the masterpiece is ready! You will need to select about 13 T-shirts. Choose plain or colored T-shirts - it depends on your taste and interior.

First step. Manufacturing of knitted threads

We have placed the production of knitted stripes with illustrations and detailed descriptions in the photo.

Here's how to cut a T-shirt to make one whole strip:

Second step. Braiding

From the resulting balls, take three and begin to weave a braid. When the strip ends, weave in the next strip and so on until the fabric runs out. If the colors are different, then try to alternate them when weaving.

When working, it is convenient to weave a braid, holding it between your knees, and to keep the braid tight and not unravel, use a clothespin when moving to the next piece of braiding.

As a result, you will get a long multi-colored braid. Fold the ends and sew with strong thread.

Third step. Machine stitching

Take a sewing machine and a knitting needle, put a zigzag stitch on it. Next, select the shape of the product: oval or rectangle (you will get a track).

In an oval rug, you need to decide on the length of the center; the longer the center, the longer the rug. The smaller it is, the wider the oval will be.

We take the end, measure the length, make the twist correctly - clockwise. Next we apply the second row of braids.

Start stitching where the first turn is.

We pass between two braids in a zigzag. We reach the beginning of the braid and carefully bend it under the next layer and make a turn again.

And so on in a circle (if oval shape) or along a snake (if rectangular shape) until the knitted braid ends.

HEALTHY! The product may slip, so you can sew or glue it to a non-slip backing for safety, which can be found at IKEA called STOPP FILT.

Round rug made of twine and waste fabric

Where can you use scraps of fabric? Do not throw it away under any circumstances, because if you have a lot of free time, using this method you can make a small cup holder or a large interesting carpet for the floor with your own hands.

For this work you will need a lot of unnecessary scraps of rags, twine (jute rope or twine), a hook, a needle and thread.

Step-by-step operating instructions:

When the first skein of fabric ends, use a thread and needle to sew on the end from the next skein. Or we twist the end and beginning together, then you don’t have to use a needle.

HEALTHY! It is better to make a rug on a flat surface. If you see that it begins to bend, then you can make two columns from one loop. In some places, you can remove fabric strips to level the product.

The craft will last a long time if used nylon tights, not fabric.

Instead of fabric scraps, you can also use a clothesline, and strong threads instead of twine. As a result, the rug will be harder and more rigid. See the photo for more details:

Rope or jute rug

To create this masterpiece from scrap materials to decorate a room in a nautical or Scandinavian style, choose rope. You will also need a sharp knife, silicone glue and thick fabric for the base. Making this craft yourself is quite simple, here is the description:

Everything ingenious - simple and fast!

The second option for handicraft made from these materials is a rectangular door mat for the hallway. Let's describe its creation step by step.

To make it, you will have to buy the cheapest rug in the store, or look around the house to see if there is an old one lying around in the pantry. The main thing is that it fits in size.

Rug made from shreds and clothesline

Sometimes thin scraps of needlework remain and housewives throw them away, believing that they are useless. But if you add a clothesline and thread with a needle, you get a nice handmade floor rug. What do I need to do:
  1. Take a clothesline and a piece of fabric. We begin to wrap the rope tightly in a spiral.
  2. When the length of the wrapped rope is enough to form two rows, we roll the rope into a bagel and on one side (the wrong side) we begin to sew the rows of the rug together. One stitch in the first row, a second stitch in the second row and tighten them by pulling the thread.
  3. We make the next circle and stitch again. When one piece ends, we put the next one on top of the end of one piece and then wrap it around the rope. If the pieces do not hold well, you can grab them with a needle and thread.

This is how you can give thin scraps of unwanted rags a second life.

Rug made from old towels

Old terry towels are often used as rags in the household, but needlewomen can use them to create a chic carpet for the bathroom, without having to sew anything.

Follow these instructions for soft and fluffy results:

  1. Finding the terry towels you are going to get rid of.
  2. Cut them into strips approximately 2 cm thick and 12 cm long.
  3. We buy the desired size of plastic mesh at a hardware store.
  4. We tie the cut rags to the mesh, securing them with a double knot.
  5. When the cells are large, you can tie two strips to one partition.
  6. By alternating colors, you can get a pattern on the rug.

An original design version of a rug made from various materials

The advantage of the following product is that you can use any materials to make it: threads of different colors, ropes, pompoms, braid, strips from old clothes (denim stripes look good), grass yarn, etc.

Making the base:

ATTENTION! All warp threads should be on one (front) side of the cardboard, on the back side there will only be loops between the cuts along the edges.


Waterproof polyethylene mat

A good country option for the street. Such crafts can be made from plastic bags accumulated at home. A real housewife always has a bag of bags at home. Products made from garbage bags are softer, especially since now you can find almost all colors in stores: purple, yellow, black, red, blue, green, etc. You can make rainbow versions or with a gradient. You open the door, and there is a rainbow at your feet.

You can watch the manufacturing tutorial in the video:

Stages of work:

  1. Fold the bag four to six times so that you get a thin strip: the bottom of the strip is at the bottom, the handles of the bag are at the top. Cut off the bottom and handles, cut the remaining strip into pieces of 3-4 cm.
  2. We straighten the resulting pieces to form rings.
  3. We tie the rings together using a loop. Take two rings. We thread the first one inside the second ring, then straighten the ends of the first ring and pull one end into the other and we get a loop, fix the loop on the second ring.
  4. We make a ball from the resulting several meters of tape of polyethylene rings and begin crocheting.
  5. To knit a circular product, start with a ring of 6 loops, then rows are knitted in single crochet columns, from each loop two columns are knitted in the next row (or at your discretion, the main thing is that the work does not bend).