Beautiful words of wedding wishes for your sister. Happy wedding day to sister

Is your favorite sister getting married? Has this baby, who just recently asked to play with dolls with her, really become an adult? Your own little girl, for whom you had to stand up more than once in the yard, to protect from “bad” boys, suddenly announced that the same Vasya, Sasha or Kolya, whom you didn’t really like, was her destiny. Yes, time flew by unnoticed, my sister grew up and... fell in love.

A joyful event is just around the corner - the wedding of the newlyweds. What toasts should I prepare for my sister for her wedding to convey all the tenderness that overflows her soul? Don't forget to prepare in advance for the "ceremonial performance." Is your head spinning from excitement, worries, troubles? Our congratulations, toasts in verse and prose will help you find those main words that make your heart skip a beat.

Toast options for your sister's wedding

The toastmaster will certainly offer congratulations to the newlyweds on the most important event in their lives, wishing them happiness, joy, and a harmonious union to all those present. Rich decoration of the hall, a solemn atmosphere, many guests... and the most beautiful bride in the entire Universe - her beloved sister. Raise a toast to the fidelity and love of the newlyweds, saying warm words of parting words and a strong, happy life!

  • Toast to sister's wedding from brother

My sister, beloved sister!

Today you are getting married!

Now you are the most beautiful...

Why are you leaving home?

You're going to your husband's house. In a new life

Be always happy and loved,

Always be cheerful and healthy.

And sadness always passes by.

And the stars and your husband shine for you.

May happiness be endless

Let it be good together

Well, let love be eternal.

Be faithful without ceasing,

Mutual understanding in your family

Let it become the main thing -

Like one breath. One breath for two -

More important than anything else.

Don't forget your relatives,

Have your own children.

The union of your hearts will be strong,

We'll raise a glass to you. Only -

May the sweetness in life not diminish,

And only now the toast will be “Bitter!”

  • Wedding toast from sister in verse

My favorite sister!

Congratulations on your wedding day!

And like a small bird,

You are flying away from us to your husband...

So be always healthy

Lucky, and also rich.

In a new family life

Never know grief.

Hurry up and give birth to beautiful children,

Always be a wonderful wife

Always be happy, my love,

And may the sun shine clearly on you!

Come visit more often -

So that you don’t forget your loved ones,

And now I’ll shout: “Bitter!” –

May it always be sweet for you!

  • Toast to your beloved sister for the wedding from your twin sister

My sun! I hasten to say this toast to you, the newlyweds. The union of two loving hearts gave us a new family. Always appreciate the joyful moments of life, let the tenderness of your loved one envelop you from head to toe! And even though you are the youngest of the two of us, I learn from you life wisdom, kindness and care. I would like to wish you not to lose over the years the qualities that everyone admires. Strong love, mutual understanding, fidelity – these are the three pillars on which the family “stands”. And if sadness unexpectedly sets in, remember these wonderful moments, smile. Dear, I raise a toast to your new “sweet” life! Bitterly!

  • A wedding toast for your younger sister from your brother

My beauty! Today she is the most beautiful in the world! Sister, on this blessed day your eyes sparkle with happiness like precious stones. After all, they completely betrayed you when you introduced me to (husband’s name). Sparks of tenderness, happiness, all-consuming love flared up every time you looked at your now husband. And the long exhortations that this was only friendship rather amused and amused me. How did you not understand that your destiny was next to you? I would like to wish that the flame of feelings in your hearts never goes out, flaring up more and more. Bitterly!

  • Toast to the older sister for the wedding from the younger one

Sister! I raise my glass of orange juice in honor of your union. What can you wish for two loving hearts? If happiness is endless; if joy - then without measure; if faithful, then forever. I wish you to find your way in the vast world; pass it hand in hand, overcoming all obstacles. I also wish to be rich: in soul, feelings, emotions. You are young, lucky, beautiful. Everything is ahead - career, business, money. Just let them become just a means to achieve it. And the meaning of life will be home - a full cup filled with children's laughter and smiles. For the fulfillment of all “dreams”! Bitterly!

  • Wedding toast from the bride's sister

Today my beloved sister has become a bride! I want to make this toast in honor of the all-consuming love that united our lovers. Carry it through years, distances, joys, sorrows. So that after many, many years you walk through life together, looking at each other with shining eyes. I wish you the victory of wisdom over intelligence, patience over arrogance, tenderness over everyday life. Remember this day more often, appreciate loyalty, devotion, trust. Then love will overcome all obstacles, flaring up more and more. For a strong marriage of a newborn family - “Bitter!”

  • Wedding toast to beloved sister

So, well, finally! My big sister got married! So the room is mine, and only mine! A huge closet, TV and computer are also mine. I don’t understand, is this a plus or a minus? Just with whom will I chat half the night about everything in the world, and who will always help and protect? The main thing is who will “cover up” all the pranks in front of parents today? My sister! Love you, honey! I wish you a joyful mood for many years of life together, strong hugs from your loved one, youthful feelings and tenderness. Let your family album be replenished with a million bright photos about unforgettable moments of life! Bitterly!

  • Toast from my husband's sister

My dears! I want to say this toast in honor of my new sister! Our bride is the most beautiful today, her eyes shine like two diamonds. Let your feelings of love, care, tenderness warm you for many years, like a gentle spring sun! I raise my glass to the joy of life, to your children. Always appreciate each other, be true friends: loyal, reliable. Dear brother! The responsibility for family well-being is on your shoulders. Sister! Comfort and warmth of the hearth are your concern. I would like to wish that you solve any tasks or problems together, achieving your goal! Bitterly!

Wonderful tender words of congratulations, a million wishes will be heard for the newlyweds on the solemn wedding day. Relatives, loved ones, and friends rush to welcome the creation of a union of loving hearts. Wedding toasts for your brother and wedding toasts for your sister, published on our website, will help you convey the most tender feelings and emotions that overwhelm your soul.

My sister, dear friend,
The day came when we were lucky.
Of course, I’m a little sad, but I’m not suffering,
And my soul is so sweet and warm.

I admire your chosen one.
After all, how much courage and strength is needed,
To survive without killing you.
He is strong, smart and sweet.

Value him like eight dollars
Always love him and help him.
At the hour when autumn comes for everyone,
May your family have a warm May.

(To the groom)
Well, I believe in you that you can do it
You yourself have to solve its riddle.
Sometimes be smarter if necessary.
And understand when it’s time to caress.

She will quickly accept your ways,
If you accept it all to the end.
Together you are beautiful, unique,
As the highest creation of the Creator.

You, dear ones, take care of each other.
Don't listen to your parents and friends.
The bottom line is that once you decide,
So be bold in your dreams.

Together you can easily transform
Raw water into sweet wine.
In marriage you will soar together towards your dreams,
Find the light when everything is dark.

Magic dress, like a princess...
Hairstyle... Your eyes are full of happiness!
Today, sister, you became a bride,
I wish you a happy wave.

Let life be filled with light and affection,
More smiles, soon - a baby.
So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale!
And so that your soul always sings.

Dear sister, congratulations to you and your husband on this wonderful event. From now on you are a happy husband and wife. I wish you family well-being, eternal romance, sincere feelings, strong love, good health, respect for each other, understanding, joy, home warmth and prosperity.

You have now become a wife,
But for me it’s always a girl.
I send you congratulations
My lovely sister!

After all, living life is not easy work,
Family is a big responsibility.
You are on your way to becoming an adult,
I congratulate you on this.

Live happily always
Suddenly helping a friend in everything.
Let misfortune befall your home.
Congratulations on your legal marriage, dear!

My dear sister, I can’t believe it,
That you are married now, and everything will change.
I really want you to be always happy,
Smiling and cheerful.

Of course, you will now have more worries,
But you are capable, which means you can cope.
Be the most gentle, kind, understanding,
And sometimes it falls silent just in time.

And remember, my girl, that you are a beauty,
This means you can and should please men.
Let your husband not be offended by my words,
How else? Let him not relax!

Now seriously, my dear sister,
Your marriage is certainly made in heaven.
May God protect you from insults, need and lies,
I wish you true, simply fabulous love.

There is no bride in the whole world,
That would compare to you.
My dear sister,
You are so good!

I congratulate you from the heart
Happy most important day to you.
I wish you to live in love,
Every day next to Him!

Let your wishes bloom
Only the soul requires
Let it happen in your life
Only white stripe!

Congratulations on your wedding
Beloved sister!
In her family I wish
Live in peace and kindness.

Let my beloved husband wear
Little sister in my arms
Will fulfill everything he asks,
Like the prince in her dreams.

And you, my blood,
Don't hurt your wife -
Must blow away dust particles
Keep him in peace!

Take care of each other
Appreciate, respect.
Love you even more
Have kids!

My best sister in the world,
Congratulations on this day!
Let happiness become a habit
And love will be the key to happiness!

I wish you peace forever,
So that they don’t know sadness and needs,
And so that the dearest person,
There was, little sister, your beloved husband!

My dear sister is now my wife:
You have a beloved husband and friend.
Beautiful and very young
So kind and so gentle!

Let there be a spoonful of happiness every day,
Experience all the bad weather together,
Treasure your attention and love,
You will live in peace for up to a hundred years!

Give birth to us boys and girls,
So that your home is protected from the voices of their call.
Love, and wisdom, and long patience,
And God's blessing to you!

Let this day in your life
It will be the beginning of something beautiful.
Well, let fate give it,
Everything that is called happiness in the world.

The best groom will become a husband,
Everything in life will be what you need.
You will become a better wife
Together we are a wonderful family.

Dear sister, dear,
With all my heart I wish
May you live in love for many years,
Not knowing sorrow and troubles.

My dear sister
Congratulations on your wedding,
May there be a lot of happiness,
May the road be smooth
The house will be full of children,
Prosperity and order in it.
Let your husband carry you in his arms,
Doesn't forget about flowers.
So that before the wedding, golden,
You should be a happy couple.

The most dear, irreplaceable and closest - sister, blood and soulmate! This important little man is preparing to enter a new era of his life, on the threshold of marriage, the happiest of days.

And, of course, on your wedding day, you need to prepare not only a valuable gift and a luxurious bouquet for your sister or cousin, but also a chic, touching congratulation that will touch the finest strings of the soul, bring the bride into a state of happiness and joy, inspire her and show how you are love and appreciate her! Choose the best and most beautiful congratulations to your sister on her wedding and say them with all your heart!

Remember that words alone are not enough. After all, congratulations on your sister’s wedding day should not be just a bunch of words and phrases, even the most beautiful and touching ones. No wedding congratulations, even the most original or comic ones, will have the desired effect if they do not have a soul.

So, when choosing a congratulation to your beloved sister on her long-awaited wedding, be sure to add something from yourself, make your contribution, add soul, fantasy and emotions. And let your speech be the most sincere and emotional, such that it touches the bride to tears of happiness and joy! And in what form it will be - decide and choose:

  • Poetic congratulations for a wedding.
  • Speech to my dear sister in prose.
  • An unusual wish.
  • Gorgeous holiday toast.
  • Speak in your own words.
  • Celebratory words from a brother or sister.

There are very, very many options on how to congratulate your sister on her wedding in an original and truly sincere way. A person who sincerely and sincerely congratulates the bride and groom will not only do something nice for them, but will also remain in a good mood for a long time. So do not spare your love and do not hide your emotions at the wedding, pour out all your feelings in a beautiful wedding text, and let the irresistible young wife be happy that she has such a loving family and that you appreciate her so much!

Unforgettable words on the best day

Let your beautiful wedding congratulations to your younger or older sister sound so bright and sincere that all the guests at the table have tears of joy and tenderness, and the hero of the occasion herself is in seventh heaven. Say everything that is in your heart, be happy for her, your beloved, wish her great happiness and endless family harmony, because today is her most important day!

1. Long and short, simple and intricate, touching and funny - poems always penetrate into the very heart and simply cannot help but evoke vivid emotions. How to congratulate your beloved sister on her wedding day? Of course, in verse! This is the most successful way with which you can demonstrate your endless brotherly or sisterly love, your care, show how happy you are on this day and happy about this wonderful event. Choose the best poetic congratulations to your precious sister on her wedding day and make her happy!

2. You can use prose to congratulate the bride and groom in a very beautiful and original way on their important and unforgettable day. You can not only choose your congratulatory text from among the ready-made ones, but also change something, add something on your own, you have something to say, don’t you? Now she is a wife, a new, happy stage of life awaits her, and it is impossible not to be happy about this. Say it in beautiful words!

3. Not a single wedding celebration is ever complete without beautiful toasts and joyful exclamations of “Bitter!”, so don’t forget to prepare a toast too! Only warm emotions should emanate from you, and your words should be filled with genuine joy and pride for your loved one, whose life has changed dramatically today, for the better! Raise your glass and make a loud, joyful speech!

4. In addition to solemn and enthusiastic speeches, it is very important to say a beautiful wish. After all, you can wish for so much! Prosperity and harmony in a friendly family, healthy children, bright impressions... - you know better what the newlyweds want, so find the right words.

5. The best, without a doubt, congratulations to a younger or older sister on their wedding day is what is said in your own words, without memorized lines. This is not just a set of phrases, but a sincere speech that seems to come from the depths of the soul. You can do it, anyone can do it, especially if you sincerely love the hero of the occasion and are happy about her holiday! Take a few texts you like as an example and compose your own, completely unique, beautiful text that the bride will be delighted with!

6. You can also sign a luxurious holiday card that will remain as a keepsake. On the postcard you need to write the most original and touching wedding congratulations to your beloved sister from your brother or sister, in poetry or prose, so that it is not only pleasant to read, but also to re-read. A postcard with warm words will remain forever in the home of a young family and will remind you of the holiday!

An individual approach will never let you down!

Who is the wedding congratulations to your beloved sister from - from your brother, from your sister, or from all of them at once? This is also an important factor! Take it into account, and your words will have an even greater effect, they will delight you three times and truly touch you!

1. From your dearest friend, from the best friend in the world, wedding congratulations to your sister from your sister can be both in poetry and in prose, but the main thing in them is endless sisterly love, which, like a reliable umbrella, protects your whole life from adversity and troubles. Say a lot of kind words and back up your speech with strong and gentle hugs!

2. From a loving brother, a young bride will be endlessly pleased to hear beautiful words, prose or poetry addressed to her. After all, a brother is a best friend, an eternal protector, a real man who will always, no matter what, help and support! And especially on this unforgettable and important day, the brother should be nearby, hug his dear bride and tell her how happy he is for her, because she is now a wife. Say a lot of good words!

3. Your cousin should also be congratulated on her wedding day solemnly and sincerely. After all, she is a close person, a friend and a little blood, and she will also be very pleased to hear some beautiful, warm words from your lips!

4. And if the bride has several sisters and brothers, then a common, big and beautiful congratulation will be the best of the best! Write a beautiful text and surprise the bride. Such a general congratulations to your younger or older sister on her wedding from her sister and brother will endlessly please her and will forever remain in her memory.

How often in everyday life, among everyday life and bustle, do you remember your loved ones, how often do you pamper them with warm words and tell them how much you love them and need them? Fortunately, in life there are not only everyday life with their worries, but also holidays, when you can forget about everything for a while and give all your attention to those for whom this day is special. So congratulate your beloved sister from the bottom of your big, passionately loving heart, wish her only goodness and endless happiness, and may your family grow and become even more friendly! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,,

Your sister's wedding is the day when you can remember everything that has united you for so many years. You shared dolls and outfits, stole cosmetics from each other without asking, fell in love with the same boy, etc. So many pleasant memories! And who else but you knows how long she waited for her chosen one and for this amazing day. Our website Svadebka.Ws will help you choose a beautiful wedding greeting from your sister and choose the right words, which are often so difficult to find!

Wedding congratulations from your sister in prose

People say that in order for a marriage to be happy, you need not only to find a worthy person, but also to be worthy of one yourself. I am absolutely sure that my sister is an extraordinary and wonderful person. Therefore, the happiness of your marriage solely depends on you, dear groom. May your union be strong, bright and joyful!

My dear sister! With all my heart I congratulate you on your wedding day! I'm glad that in this crazy world you were lucky enough to find your soul mate! Take care of your love and increase family happiness together with your spouse! Have a long and joyful family life!

The most wonderful thing in the world is to always be with your loved one! With that beloved and unique one with whom you want to greet sunsets and sunrises, wake up in his arms and fall asleep with a smile on your lips! Only love can connect two lives, two different destinies into one. On this day, my beloved sister and her husband begin to write their family book of existence. I want to wish them that all the pages of this book are filled only with joyful events!

My dear sister and (name of the groom)! How wonderful that today you took the first important step together - you became legal spouses! I am glad to congratulate you on such a wonderful deed and wish you love and happiness! Only love can stir the thinnest strings in the human soul, only love makes the soul sing and laugh! Let mutual understanding and trust, respect and support for each other become your constant traveling companions. The happiness of your family depends on you alone! Take care of your love as your most valuable treasure! I raise my glass to your strong family and happy future!

Congratulations on your wedding from your sister in verse

On your wedding day, dear sister,
I want to wish you happiness,
May you be like a bird for a century,
I could twitter over my husband!
May you have everything: health,
Wealth, country house,
So that you enjoy love
Without a break in the house!

My dear and beloved sister!
On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years,
And, like today, your blood was excited!
Let your hearts beat loudly in unison!
Let all your dreams come true!
And never forget your sister!
I want you to be happy with your husband!

We are in our parents' house, sister, with you
We lived together for many years and grew up together.
And today you became a happy wife,
And we won’t share clothes with you anymore.
You now have your own home and family,
You'll have to do everything yourself; there's no time for boredom here.
May your chosen one love and appreciate you!
Don't delay with the children: mom and dad are expecting grandchildren!

My dear sister, what happiness!
Today is the day of the union of two hearts,
Dreams came true, and like a princess in a white dress,
Leads you (Name of the groom) down the aisle.
Of course, he was very lucky to have you,
There may be no one else like you in the world.
You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful,
And once you dance, you will enchant the whole world.
And although you often quarreled with him, it happened
But your feeling was able to overcome everything,
And adversity only made it brighter
In the hearts of your lovers the flame will burn.
We wish you, (Name of the bride) beloved,
May your couple be the friendliest,
So that both autumn and winter seem like May to you
Unfading happiness and warmth!

My dear sister!
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Your bright smile -
The other one is like you, I don’t know.
Be the best - I whisper again,
As on this day - irresistible.
And let love burn in your eyes...
Be happy! And be loved!

The beautiful and touching words that you prepare for your sister will touch not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests.


    Congratulations from: | | |
    Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
    Type of congratulations: |

    Congratulations on your sister's wedding

    Are you married now, sister?
    So be happy in this life!
    I wish you joy, goodness,
    And a lot of happiness in the whole world!

    I wish you to live and prosper,
    Strive for shared joy,
    Have a lot of kids,
    Any dream will come true!

    Congratulations on your wedding to your sister

    Congratulations on your wedding, sister!
    I wish you to live joyfully in eternal love!
    Happiness appeared sooner in a diaper,
    I wish you to love each other forever!

    Always be in life from now on you are together,
    Erasing obstacles on your way!
    So that an impeccable song flows of happiness,
    Everything will be fine, because the best is yet to come!

    Wedding congratulations to your beloved sister

    Beloved sister,
    Today you are the bride!
    I wish you happiness
    And many wonderful days.

    You made your choice
    The groom deserves you
    Adversity and sorrow
    Don't let them bother you.

    Keep your love
    And don't lose your feelings,
    Have kids
    And create a holiday.

    Congratulations on your sister's wedding

    We grew up with you side by side
    And we divided everything between two.
    Ah, today I won’t hide my tears
    After reading the congratulatory verse.
    These tears - there is no grief in them
    Only pride and joy in them
    For love, for a happy share,
    The one that you divide into two.
    Congratulations, let the rock be a prankster
    Will bypass the trouble.
    Let life rush by like a holiday
    Only with a clear head.

    Beautiful congratulations on your sister’s wedding

    You and I grew up, sister, together,
    And today you are a beautiful bride.
    In a white dress and with a veil on her head,
    I wish happiness and love to the young family.

    Become each other's support,
    Let the kids appear soon.
    Be happy, loved and in love,
    Live in peace, in friendship, in understanding.

    Congratulate your sister on her wedding

    Magic dress, like a princess...
    Hairstyle... Your eyes are full of happiness!
    Today, sister, you became a bride,
    I wish you a happy wave.

    Let life be filled with light and affection,
    More smiles, soon - a baby.
    So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale!
    And so that your soul always sings.

    Congratulations to your beloved sister on your wedding day

    My dear sister, what happiness!
    Today is the day of the union of two hearts.
    Dreams came true, and like a princess in a white dress
    Your beloved (name of the groom) is leading you down the aisle.
    Of course, he was very lucky to have you,
    There may be no one else like you in the world.
    You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful,
    And once you dance, you will enchant the whole world!
    And although you often quarreled with him, it happened
    But your feeling was able to overcome everything,
    And because of adversity it only became brighter
    A flame will burn in the hearts of your lovers.
    We are far away now, our dear (name),
    But with all my heart I am with you at the wedding feast,
    And (name) looks at you with love from the sky,
    Blessing my beloved sister.

    Congratulations to your sister in prose

    My dear sister, happy wedding to you soon. May your family life always be bright and full of joy. Let it bring only happiness. I wish that the flame of your love with your future husband never fades, but only flares up stronger and stronger every year.

    Congratulations to your beloved sister on her wedding in your own words

    My dear sister! From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! May it forever remain a wonderful holiday in your memory! I'm glad that in this hectic world you were lucky enough to find your soul mate! Carefully preserve and multiply this happiness together with your spouse! Have a long and joyful family life!

    Touching congratulations to your sister on her wedding

    To the sounds of the wedding march,
    I wanted to wish my sister:
    Let your family be strong,
    So that we can fly from love,
    Let joy live in your home,
    And cheerful laughter was heard,
    Life gave you its sweetness,
    Everything was a success!

    Cool congratulations on your sister's wedding

    We are in our parents' house, sister, with you
    We lived together for many years and grew up together.
    And today you became a happy wife,
    And we won’t share clothes with you anymore.
    You now have your own home and family,
    You'll have to do everything yourself; there's no time for boredom here.
    May your chosen one love and appreciate you!
    Don't delay with the children: mom and dad are expecting grandchildren!

    Wedding wishes for sister in verse

    I wish my sister
    Marriage is a serious step

    I want to wish you good luck,
    May all good things come
    And joy in life awaits you!

    Congratulations on your sister's wedding to tears

    Dear sister, today is your holiday!
    You flutter around in a wonderful white dress.
    And next to you is the one who is dear to you,
    You will find peace, love and happiness with him!

    I wish to carry my love through the years,
    So that joy illuminates your cozy home,
    So that it is as bright as all the vaults of heaven,
    There was love, like a wonderful sweet dream!

    Short wedding greetings to sister

    I wish my sister
    In fate there are only happy days,
    Marriage is a serious step
    Let this be a sign of happiness!

    I want to wish you good luck,
    You don’t know your worries in your destiny,
    May all good things come
    And joy in life awaits you!

    Wedding congratulations from sister

    Sister, congratulations on your wedding!
    In family life I wish:
    Huge, sincere love,
    Always wait for your husband from work!

    Give joy and smiles,
    Keeping each other from making mistakes!
    And live in understanding,
    You always love each other!

    Congratulations on the wedding of the younger sister from the sister

    You have now become a wife,
    But for me it’s always a girl.
    I send you congratulations
    My lovely sister!

    After all, living life is not easy work,
    Family is a big responsibility.
    You are on your way to becoming an adult,
    I congratulate you on this.

    Live happily always
    Suddenly helping a friend in everything.
    Let misfortune befall your home.
    Congratulations on your legal marriage, dear!

    Cool wedding congratulations to your sister from your sister

    That's what my sister chose
    Golden share
    Flew out of the yard
    To the groom, to freedom.

    And tweets to himself
    With a cute one on a branch,
    Look, don't end up
    In a gilded cage!