Interesting ideas for dating a man. Date - how to make it unforgettable and romantic

I’ve been training guys with Roman for many years, I attended a live training, and I think that the training “Date: from meeting to sex” is the only most informative information product in RuNet on this topic. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been involved in the topic of seduction for many years; he himself has learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, because Roman changed my life for the better and taught me how to get the most out of everything I did. I also found myself and my path, now I have a business, I have a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From Roman’s video courses, I learned that seducing girls can be easy and simple and you don’t have to have a lot of money or be a delusional pitt! I improved, although before the training I was a complete zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he is truly a practical trainer, he publishes excellent courses...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses that contain neither fluff nor empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are discussed in great detail. The relationships are shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and achieve success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

I received individual training from Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating and getting to know girls. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skills, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this reason, I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to express my gratitude for the fact that your course changed my life dramatically and for the better! I couldn’t believe that after a few weeks of studying your course I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

I received the book by email and started studying... so much useful information and no water! Thank you, Roman, for such hard work...

Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

Rum, well, I seduced that girl I told you about... I spent 2 whole years pursuing her, but to no avail. Your course upgraded me and now I’m just happy!!! and only ONE WEEK!!!

Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your course on relationships, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Previously, I imagined everything completely differently and was very mistaken. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

I spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn, the girl herself began to seduce me!!! This works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I go on dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10, 8 end in sex, and 5 of them on the first date!!!

Evgeniy, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your newsletter lessons and books. Although they are free, the information they contain is very valuable! I spent a whole year scouring the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile... just a pickup truck, RMS, some Western things... and then I got acquainted with your work. That's what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is our way, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more... although for those who only want sex, that’s the same thing))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thank you, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to have dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's such a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment. But after undergoing training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. I’ve changed myself so much that girls are now just staring at me!!! It’s very cool to study with Roman, the motivation is effective, the kicks are magical, the experience is limitless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you, Roman, for your courses and advice! They always help, I’m very glad that I know you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Organizing a romantic date for two is easy, because every city has interesting places where you can invite your loved one. Even if your significant other is not romantic, an unusual date will not only pleasantly surprise her, but will also leave an unforgettable impression. The main thing is to want to give pleasant emotions and surprise your life partner.

Romantic date ideas:

1. Date at a restaurant

Of course, this is the traditional, simplest and most popular option, but we cannot help but dwell on it.

To make the meeting romantic, you can choose not an ordinary restaurant, but a sushi bar, a restaurant with a winter garden, with closed booths for couples, etc.

2. Date at the cinema

This option is also a classic, but it can be made unusual. For example, arrange an exclusive screening of a film where you yourself play the leading role. Of course, a separate cinema hall is ideal for such a session.

On the other hand, you can simply invite your significant other to a good melodrama and take a comfortable seat. An evening session, twilight, the touch of beloved hands, places for kisses - what else is needed for romance?

3. Date on the roof

Sunset, starry sky, night city lights, beautiful views, romantic dance and dinner on the roof of the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

But, in addition to all this, you need to take care of a light dinner, beautiful music and a warm blanket.

4. Date at home

On the one hand, this is the easiest and simplest option, but on the other hand, it is quite complex. Why? If in a restaurant, for example, the surroundings are already ready, then at home you need to prepare it yourself.

To make the date romantic, the house can be decorated with candles, flowers, rose petals, photos of you together, etc. Prepare a light dinner, choose good music.

5. Date at an amusement park

This is a good, slightly extreme option. Every city has such a park. Try to return to childhood: ride various rides, roller coasters, buy ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn.

Walk together, relax, have a blast, holding hands.

6. Date in a hotel room

What could be more mysterious and sexier than such a date? A small party in a luxury hotel room will surprise everyone. Stock up on champagne, have a light dinner, and then...

7. Date at a country boarding house

This option can be used at any time of the year. It will help you escape from daily worries and problems, allow you to retire and be alone. Give such a gift to your loved one, he will definitely be pleased. Organize barbecues, a sauna, horse riding, swimming in the moonlight and get unforgettable emotions.

8. Date on a bus or tram

This is already one of the unusual options. Such a romantic trip can be the beginning of an interesting love story. To do this, of course, you need to try: find a suitable transport, decorate it with balloons, flowers, rose petals, set the table and prepare a light dinner, invite a talented artist, etc. Your other half will definitely want such a trip to last forever!

9. Date at the skating rink

This option is especially interesting when it’s warm outside. You can create a corner of winter in the middle of a hot summer. Have fun with ice skating. And you can end such an unusual date in a nearby cafe, sharing your impressions.

10. Boat ride

If it’s warm outside (weather permitting), a romantic date can be arranged in the form of a boat ride. But don't forget to take a picnic basket with you. A light breeze, pleasant sun rays, quietly splashing water, a loved one nearby - isn’t this happiness?

11. Date on the ship

The main components of such a meeting are a walk along the river, the sea, a candlelight dinner, live music, and a romantic atmosphere. Such an evening will definitely be remembered as amazing and unforgettable.

12. Date in a cave

This is definitely an original version. You can have a beautiful and unforgettable date in the cave.

Silence, play of light, shadows from burning candles and the complete feeling that there are only the two of you in this world - isn’t this really romance?

13. Date on the bridge

In order to organize it, you need a beautiful bridge. It will be an unusual evening when, after a walk in the park or city, you come out to the bridge, and there a beautifully set table, live music, and balloons will be waiting for you.

14. Date in nature

The main thing is that the weather is good. In the warmer months, a picnic date is a win-win option. Invite your significant other on a date in the park or forest with tea from a thermos, sandwiches, and board games. It's simple.

If you like to play sports, you can go for a bike ride or roller skating and end it with a picnic.

15. Date on the rock

If you and your significant other enjoy an active lifestyle, book a few rock climbing lessons. Under the guidance of an instructor, you and your loved one will be able to get acquainted with the most interesting sport and see the beautiful places that nature gives us. And also get unforgettable impressions and emotions. After class you can have a small picnic. Read about how to organize a picnic in nature.

16. Date in a cottage or country hotel by the fireplace

A date by the fireplace always looks romantic, it’s like an episode taken from a good movie. This option will appeal to even the most demanding people.

To organize it, you need to find a suitable cottage or hotel with a fireplace, decorate the room beautifully and prepare a light snack.

17. Date in a greenhouse, botanical garden

An original place for a date could be a botanical garden or greenhouse.

For the evening to make a positive impression on a woman, beautiful flowers and a romantic atmosphere are enough, and on a man, you need to add a pleasant atmosphere, live music, and a good dinner.

18. Beach date

It's beautiful and very romantic. You can set up a small tent, decorate it with flowers and candles, serve a light dinner for two, invite a good musician and photographer.

19. Date – excursion

An unusual option for organizing a date could be excursions to historical places, viewing interesting buildings, ancient estates, beautiful churches and cathedrals, and palaces. Each city has its own attractions, architectural and cultural monuments.

20. Walk through quiet streets

This is a classic of romance - a walk in the labyrinthine streets of your hometown. Isn’t it romantic, holding hands and enjoying pleasant touches to each other, kisses and hugs, walking through a beautiful evening city?..

I think we have helped you answer the question: “ How to organize a romantic date?" With our ideas you can arrange both a classic and an unusual date.

Read about how to organize a romantic dinner, and about what to cook for a romantic dinner by clicking on this one.

Arranging the perfect date is not easy these days - it involves a lot of worry, spending money and doubts when choosing places. Just meeting someone new is already difficult, but you also have to think of an interesting date, which makes things even more difficult.

Sure, you could take your significant other to the movies or treat you to a delicious dinner - it will always remain a classic, but if you really want to impress your loved one, you have to think outside the box.

Luckily, there are plenty of creative first date ideas out there, no matter your budget or where you live. They are unique, unconventional, and almost guaranteed to help you learn more about your crush. Read on, maybe some idea will suit you too!

23 unusual date ideas

1. Take a cooking class.

Something as mundane as cooking can become unique and fun when you do it together.

2. Go to an interesting bar.

Whether it's a themed bar, a bar that lets you create your own drink, or a secret bar that you can only access with a special flyer, it's guaranteed to have fun and allow you to try lots of new drinks.

3. Volunteer.

Together with a team of volunteers, clean up the city beach, work in the kitchen handing out free soup, or help build a house. These seemingly strange actions will show how to care and help the person you are dating. And then your relationship will start on the right note.

4. Go to a brewery or take a wine tour.

If you don't have any wineries near you, there are probably plenty of breweries around the country. It's always interesting to learn the history of a place and, of course, try a new type of beer!

5. Go to an animal shelter to play with the dogs (and adopt one!).

If you're an animal lover and want your partner to enjoy playing with them too, find a local animal shelter near you and spend the day among the dogs and cats.

More originality!

6. Discover new places.

Make your way through the labyrinths of high-rise buildings and dark courtyards to find several hidden city spots that will forever become your secret corners.

7. Sing karaoke together.

This, of course, may not be very melodic and embarrassing, but you will be able to tell if the person you went on a date with can sometimes fool around and do a hilariously thoughtless act.

8. Go on a night tour.

Towns and cities are known to offer night tours through dark, poorly lit streets. If you are lucky, your soulmate will be saved from fear and cold in your arms.

9. Attend poetry readings.

What could be more romantic than listening to poetry together? Look for similar events in the city and don’t forget your camera!

10. Find out about nightly discounts at cafes.

Some cafes and bars offer discounts during certain evening hours. This is well suited for those who work late and want to break up their workdays with a quiet get-together at their favorite establishment.

11. Play games in bars.

Look for old bars like these that have pool tables and slot machines. Be competitive with each other and your anxiety about the date will fade into the background.

Think outside the box

12. Come up with your own walking route.

Find some picturesque corner outside the city and wander around it. In silence and away from the bustle of the city, you can calmly talk with your chosen one.

13. Play an interactive city game.

What could be more fun than solving riddles, running around the city looking for secret clues and trying to figure out a treasure map? Just do it all together!

14. Jump on the trampoline.

Now almost every city has trampoline parks. Show your other half your most incredible tricks - and you are guaranteed a charge of fun and good mood.

15. Go to the strangest museum in your city.

Small museums tucked away in the interweaving of city streets offer a lot of things to see: visit an exhibition of antique thermometers or learn all about the structure of 20th-century trains.

16. See what you can find at the flea market.

Spend the day going through people's old things and find your own treasures. Maybe you'll end the day with a cute souvenir to remember your first date.

17. Do simple things.

Carve pumpkin designs together if Halloween is coming up, or go up on the roof to admire the lights at night. Simple, cheap, and can be the first good memory in a thousand future ones.

18. Make a mosaic.

See how quickly you two can complete a thousand little puzzle pieces or the Sunday crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

Come up with something that will definitely impress

19. Go to a fortune teller or psychic together.

There's nothing better than knowing what to expect from your partner in advance. Even if you don't believe in anything mystical, this will be a fun pastime that hardly any other couple you know can boast of.

20. Do something you've never done before.

For example, play golf. Or curling. There are so many courses and private lessons now - go for it! Suddenly, some unusual activity on a date may become your hobby.

21. Find a wild garden and pick up handfuls of fruits and berries.

And then prepare the most delicious pie for your other half.

22. Turn to art.

Take an art class or learn how to make ceramic vases together.

23. Go bowling.

There are plenty of bowling alleys in any city. Decide for yourself what you want: to win or to give in to your loved one.

1. Cook each other your signature dishes.

2. Have a nostalgic movie night. Watch your favorite movies that you liked in school.

3. Watch a free improv show.

4. Cook some delicious food and go on a picnic.

5. Go to a farmer's market, drink some fresh juice, and try some delicious snacks.

6. Visit museums that you both haven't been to (preferably on days when admission is free, such as during the international Night at the Museum event).

7. Go to a free karaoke night and open your hearts to song.

74. Write a list of things you want to do before you die and share with each other.

75. Climb to the roof of a tall building and enjoy the view. Bring sparklers with you.

76. Enjoy the architecture of your city.

77. Watch the play together. There are plenty of affordable places to watch performances at budget prices. This applies to productions by amateur and beginning theater groups.

78. Babysit each other's pets.

79. Go to a bar with darts or pool and compete with each other.

80. Attend an open master class. They are often held free or cheap at various types of fairs.

81. Visit a climbing wall.

82. Build a snowman, make a snow angel, go sledding and have a snowball fight.

83. Go see a local band perform.

84. Buy some promotion at a discount on a discount service and implement it together.

85. Visit a pastry shop or cafe and just talk while enjoying some sweets.

86. Watch sports games.

87. Go to poetry readings.

88. Play a war game with toy guns.

89. Launch a sky lantern during your evening walk.

90. Go to an evening screening of a foreign film in a school or library building.

91. Find and explore a haunted house.

92. Take a random bus or train and get off in an unfamiliar place. Study it.

93. Make a pizza together with your favorite toppings.

94. Take part in some competition together.

95. Volunteer on an archaeological dig.

96. Take a walk or picnic on the river bank very early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

97. Start learning a new language together.

98. Play the travel game Geocaching.

99. Show each other childhood photos.

  1. Date at a museum (at an exhibition, in an art gallery). Cultural growth, a topic for conversation, something to tell your friends - you’ll catch three birds with one stone.
  2. A long walk in an unknown direction. If you get lost, it will be the two of you. Plus, it's an adventure.
  3. Go to a coffee shop instead of a bar. This is not so hackneyed, and besides, not a single malicious coffee lover will bother you, breathing the aroma of mocha and cinnamon in your face. And he won’t start a fight with your boyfriend because he allegedly pushed him and spilled his cappuccino.
  4. Picnic. A good old picnic with a basket of delicious food and a plaid blanket.
  5. Go pick strawberries. There is something uniquely touching about this. (Even if the idea remains only words, go up to the girl and say: “I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time... Would you like to pick strawberries with me?” - this will be remembered for a long time).
  6. Go horseback riding. This is just an illustration from an English romance novel.
  7. Take a ceramics class. Romantic, like in the movie Phantom.
  8. Take an art lesson. Then you can repeat the scene from Titanic (or just smear paint on each other).
  9. Fly a kite. It’s always fun to remember your childhood, and besides, you will become heroes in the courtyard: everyone will come running to see such an idea.
  10. Play badminton. Great game, an undeservedly forgotten hit of the 80s. Bonus: You can moan seductively every time your racket hits the shuttle, just like the famous tennis players.
  11. Go to the theater otherwise it’s all cinema and cinema.
  12. Go to a hookah bar imagine yourself as participants in an oriental fairy tale.
  13. Sit in the back seat of the car and start kissing passionately. It's a Hollywood classic for teenagers - and if you're an adult, why should that bother you?
  14. Enter an abandoned haunted house. Scary? It brings us closer together.
  15. Go observe the habits of a robin in the wild. If you get bored, just make love.
  16. Get busy preparing a complex dish for dinner - with four hands. Even if you don't get the duck stuffed with hares and baked apples, you'll still have fun.
  17. Go to the zoo. Yes, I feel sorry for the animals, but they are so cute! And where would we be without cotton candy? Terribly tasteless, but fun.
  18. Circus. When was the last time you went to the circus?
  19. Go to a bookstore(“What? How could you not read this book?”) or to a music store(“What? How could you not have heard this band?”).
  20. Go to the botanical garden. Magical smells and the setting of the Fall.
  21. Play board games. You can undress.
  22. Take a ride in a hot air balloon(just be careful not to fly to the Emerald City).
  23. Play paintball or airsoft. What could be better than getting hit in the forehead with orange paint or a plastic ball from the object of your romantic crush.
  24. Go rollerblading. You fall, he catches you... A great reason for a hug!
  25. Visit an amusement park. This is the simplest, most straightforward and safe way for a couple of city dwellers to share the vaunted rush of adrenaline.
  26. Go to a furniture store to lie on the sofas and armchairs. An unbought sofa is always softer.
  27. Paint each other with face painting. No face painting? Take gouache.
  28. Enjoy the sunset. Or at dawn.
  29. Enjoy the fireworks. Or make your own fireworks display. Or watch firefighters at work.
  30. Go to a nudist beach. As they say, see people and show yourself.
  31. Go on a couples date. Invite a friend to join you, select any of these options - and the number of options will immediately double!