Long-term styling in the salon. Long-term styling for medium hair

For a long time, perfectly straight, shiny hair was in fashion.

However, curls do not give up their positions and triumphantly return to the catwalks.

Large curls or small curls, elegant waves or fenced spirals - the choice depends on the hair texture and the client’s preferences.

In response to consumer demand, salons offer a variety of long-term perms that are gentle on hair. Proper home care and timely hairstyle correction will help you maintain excellent results.

Owners of straight hair who dream of curls often refuse long-term curling in favor of home curling using a curling iron or curlers. Many people have fresh memories of aggressive compounds for classic “chemistry” that turns shiny strands into a mop of dry straw.

However, hairdressing has come a long way and today salons are ready to offer much more gentle options that preserve the beauty, shine and healthy appearance of hair.

Among benefits of long-term styling

  • a variety of options allowing you to choose a curl for a specific hair type;
  • gentle compositions that do not spoil the hair texture;
  • some techniques can restore strands damaged by dyeing, bleaching, or improper styling;
  • the result lasts for several months;
  • curls look natural and do not require complex styling;
  • there is no need for gaps between curls;
  • with the help of styling products, styling can be changed beyond recognition;
  • soft formulations remove excess oiliness from hair.

Despite many advantages, beautiful photos in magazines, long-term styling also has its disadvantages

  • curling is harmful for dry or recently bleached hair;
  • you will have to cut off split ends often;
  • after the procedure, hair needs especially careful care;
  • an inexperienced hairdresser using low-quality preparations can hopelessly ruin your hair;
  • gentle formulations do not retain curls as long as stronger products;
  • owners of thick, perfectly straight hair may be disappointed with the result; the curl will be too weak for them.

Curling options

Salons offer different options for long-term styling. It is better to make the choice together with the master. The specialist will assess the type, length and condition of the hair, and then recommend an option that will suit a particular client.


A very popular type of curl. Ideal for medium-length hair, the curl will last as long as possible.. Hair styling is done using special carver curlers (as in the photo), then a fixing compound is applied to the hair and left for 10-20 minutes. The final stage is washing off the composition and applying a nourishing balm.

The appearance of the hairstyle depends on the size of the carvers. The thinner they are, the smaller the curl will be. Long-term is performed using ordinary bobbins or, possibly, local winding of individual strands.

Advice. The perm should be done in a good salon, with a trusted professional. The more options your hairdresser offers, the better.


Styling using especially soft products, which contain up to 60% natural ingredients. The main active ingredient is cysteamine, which improves the structure of curls.

The bio-composition has a beneficial effect on the hair shafts, but after using it, the hair emits an unpleasant odor for quite a long time, reminiscent of the aroma of wet wool. It will disappear once the cysteamine is completely washed out of the curls, which may take several weeks.

The curl looks very natural (see photo), suitable for any haircut: straight bob, steps, cascades or bob.

If desired, the curls can be straightened with curling irons, turning them into beautiful waves or large Hollywood curls.

Salons offer different types of styling, differing in composition.

For example, the mixture for Japanese bio-curls includes a complex of proteins that help create even curls on hair that is too coarse and thick. For correcting perms or working with bleached strands, a composition with silk proteins is suitable, creating soft, completely natural curls. When done correctly, a bioperm lasts from 4 to 6 months.

In this video, a woman's hairstyle is radically transformed with the help of a bio-perm, watch!

Gentle chemistry

For hair that does not tolerate acid perming, alkali-based formulations are suitable. The drug contains theoglycol and ammonia, but it has a more gentle effect on curls and scalp.

In an alkaline environment, the active components penetrate the hair shafts faster, providing shiny, natural curls.

For work, it is better to use formulations enriched with nutrients and vitamin complexes.

The technology is suitable for thin, damaged hair, but for too thick hair, thick and hard, the result may not be very successful.

Due to its softness, the composition is quickly washed out, the effect lasts 2-3 months.

Much more fans neutral curl. The drug contains cysteamine and cocamidopropyl betaine. The active components evenly penetrate the hair shaft, resulting in a cool and strong curl. The effect of the procedure lasts up to six months; during wear, the curls gradually become smoother, but do not completely straighten.

Advice. Perm should not be done during illness, the result can be unpredictable.

For which hair is long-term perm suitable?

Some women complain that gentle chemistry is not suitable for them. This means only one thing - they simply did not find a specialist who could select the necessary technology. In the variety of long-term styling, you can find ideas for any length, type and condition of hair.

  • For hard and heavy strands, Japanese bio-curling or acid technology using large curlers is suitable.
  • Restore thin, fragile and brittle strands with a silk curl.
  • Oily strands will be tidied up by carving.

Home styling

Cool curls, large ringlets or graceful spirals are the perfect base for any hairstyle. Wavy hair is easy to style and does not require extreme care. It is much more important to choose gentle styling products and fashion accessories that can quickly transform your hairstyle.

For everyday wear, you can put your curls in a low ponytail or a fluffy bun at the back of your head. Soft curls can be smoothed out with an iron, turning them into beautiful large curls. But most often, medium-length hair is left loose and the look is created using a moisturizing spray and hairdresser's clips, for example, spectacular retro waves in the spirit of early Hollywood, as in the photo:

Hair care

After curling, hair requires especially careful care. It is important to preserve the curls for as long as possible, to make them beautiful, even, and manageable in styling.

It is better to buy shampoo, conditioner and styling mousse in a store for professional hairdressers. There is a large selection of brands designed for different types of curling. It is advisable to choose drugs without aggressive additives and with a minimum of fragrances and dyes.

You should wash your hair no earlier than 2 days after curling. During the process, the curls are handled extremely carefully; they should not be confused or pulled. Rub and twist.

After rinsing, the strands are gently blotted with a terry towel. You need to use a hairdryer as little as possible; this rule also applies to other devices: curling irons, curling irons, and straightening irons. Allow your hair to dry naturally, this will help maintain the curl structure.

Combs made of bone, horn or wood are suitable for combing.

Metal and plastic combs damage curls and cause splitting of hair shafts.

Important. You can dye your hair 5 days after curling.

Mousses will help you style your hair. Alcohol-free varnishes and gels. Preparations with volatile silicones that preserve hair texture are suitable. In the summer, it is recommended to replace all care products with formulations with a high SPF index, which protects strands from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

It is useful to make masks with aloe juice, yogurt, natural vegetable oils and other beneficial ingredients 1-2 times a week. See information about other homemade masks that will help restore hair after curling:

Long-term perm is a simple and safe way to get beautiful curls without the daily torment of curling irons and curlers. To ensure that your hair does not disappoint, it is important to choose the right styling method and learn how to care for your hair using special products. By following these simple rules, you can perm several times a year without worrying about the health of your curls.

A service such as long-term hair styling, or carving, has been offered by beauty salons for quite a long time and is very in demand. Many women and girls strive to give their hair fullness and a well-groomed appearance. If this is your goal, this procedure is an ideal option. Long-term styling is possible for long, medium and short hair. This procedure also involves the creation of large curls or curls.

Long-term styling is offered by beauty salons along with perm and bio-perm. It may seem that there are no differences between the listed concepts, but each of the procedures has its own characteristics and advantages.

Using the long-term hair styling service, you can achieve the following effect:

  • extra hair volume
  • light waves
  • large curls
  • obedience and elasticity of hair
  • volume at the roots

The most important thing is that your hair will look natural, you can easily style it and spend a minimum of time creating hairstyles.

Our video of spiral hair bio-curling

Long-term hair styling products

Despite the fact that long-term styling is achieved by chemical action on the hair, the preparations used for this procedure are absolutely safe. Carving products are gentle on the hair, so most often they do not give steep curls, but give natural volume and waviness.

Our salon uses long-term hair styling products from the following manufacturers:

  • Loreal
  • Lebel

The procedure is harmless, including for thin, colored, bleached and bleached hair. If necessary, restorative and protective agents can be used, depending on the condition of the hair.

If you just want more root volume without styling! Watch a video about the BOUFFANT procedure

Long-term hair styling in our beauty salon

By contacting us, you can receive comprehensive advice on all issues related to long-term hair styling procedures. We will also offer styling options that will be optimal for your hair length and haircut.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to refresh the ends of the hair if they are damaged. It is also recommended to monitor the condition of the ends of your hair after styling. In this case, the curl will form correctly, and your styling will look truly luxurious.

Remember, chic, voluminous and manageable hair is a dream that can easily be realized!

Long-term styling is a great way to temporarily forget about the daily styling of hair of any length, including long ones, with a curling iron. Masters note that the procedure is practically harmless to hair.

Stylists say that between perm and long-term styling, despite the similarity of the technique, There are a number of significant differences that put the latter service in first place:

Who is suitable for long-term styling?

Long-term styling is a great way to maintain your desired hairstyle for a long time.

But you will have to give it up if your hair:

  • weakened and fall out in large quantities;
  • shorter than 5 cm or longer than 22 cm;
  • too hard;
  • were painted less than 2 weeks ago.

How long does long-term styling last?

Having done long-term styling for long hair, you can forget about daily styling for 4-8 weeks. During this period, the curls will gradually straighten. But a clear boundary will not be noticeable on treated and regrown hair.

The length of time the styling is preserved is determined by the components of the composition that is used to treat the hair. After the strands have returned to their natural shape, you can repeat the styling procedure. But stylists recommend giving your hair a rest for at least 2-3 months.

Types of long-term styling

Long-term styling for long hair is divided into several types, depending on the forms of curlers used in the procedure:

Carving is also classified according to the method of curling:

  1. Traditional carving, in which the master twists the hair in such a way that the result is uniform curls along the entire length.
  2. Vertical carving, in which the master uses vertical curlers. The result is a mop of curly curls and amazing volume. Unlike traditional carving, vertical carving can be done on short hair and medium-length curls.
  3. Volumetric carving or local curling will allow you to get the desired volume without changing your usual hairstyle. In this form, the hair is curled locally - at the roots or at the ends.
  4. Texturing- This is a type of carving that will allow you to end up with an original hairstyle created according to your individual style. With this type of curling, accents are created using curlers.

Long-term styling technique

The long-term styling procedure takes 1.5–2 hours, during which time the specialist will do the following:

Features of long-term styling for short hair

Those with short hair cannot afford all the variety of hairstyles that are easily available to girls with long hair. Long-term installation is an exception to this rule. If your hair is shoulder length, you can create light waves or curls. In this case, volumetric carving or texturing is suitable.

Photo of long-term bob styling for medium-length hair

Stylists note that carving will look great on hairstyles such as bob-bobs, cascades, one-sided asymmetry and hairstyles with thick bangs.

When carving short hair, spirals, boomerangs and large curlers are used.

Long-term styling for long hair

Long-term styling for long hair is done in a variety of ways, so owners of such curls can afford both small curls in the African style and large curls in the Hollywood style.

Depending on the wishes of the client, when carving long hair, masters use:

  • bobbins;
  • spirals;
  • large curlers;
  • rollerballs.

Stylists note that such hair should not be curled along its entire length, as the strands quickly straighten under their own weight. To get a neat hairstyle, you need to make curls at the ends or limit yourself to increasing the volume of the root zone. In order for the results to last for a long time and your hair to remain healthy, it is important to properly care for it after the procedure.

Features of long-term styling for medium hair

For girls with medium-length hair, hairdressers recommend 3 types of carving:

  • vertical with tight curls;
  • light with an increase in the volume of the root zone and light waves at the ends;
  • combined, which is selected individually and made using several types of curlers.

For carving on medium length hair, use:

  • bobbins;
  • rollers;
  • spirals;
  • large curlers.

After the procedure, you do not need to wash, comb your hair or apply any care products to it.

Carving - styling with large curls

To style large curls, hairdressers use large-diameter curlers. This hairstyle is most suitable for those with long hair. Due to the fact that on long hair the strands quickly unwind under their own weight, hairdressers recommend doing local carving - curling the hair on the lower half of the strands or limiting it to the ends. Both options will look natural and well-groomed.


Bioperm is a modern alternative to classic perm. Unlike the latter, biowave does not damage the hair. This is due to the fact that the composition of the drug used to treat hair includes cystamine hydrochlorate instead of thioglycolic acid and ammonia.

This substance has a similar structure to cystine, a protein that is part of the hair, so after the procedure the curls are restored, filled with healthy shine and beauty. The effect of biowave lasts up to 6 months.

Due to the peculiarities of biowave, it can be done after dyeing, highlighting, bleaching and after chemical perms, and not only on natural and healthy hair.

Today, masters offer many types of biowaves. The most popular are:

  • With silk proteins, which make even lifeless hair soft and smooth. This type is the most gentle and safe.
  • Italian perm, which allows you to get tight curls. This look is suitable not only for long but also short hair.
  • Japanese perm is suitable for medium and long hair, as it allows you to get curls and waves of medium hold. The product used to treat hair includes collagen and many other components that restore and retain moisture inside the hair.

How to do long-term hair styling at home

Long-term styling is one of the salon procedures that can be performed on hair of any length, including long hair, at home. To do this, you need a carving kit, which includes a plastic cap and a towel.

To get excellent results, you need to follow these steps:

Do I need to wash my hair before long-term styling?

Stylists note that long-term styling procedures are performed exclusively on clean hair.

This is due to the fact that when washing off the product, the use of shampoo is excluded, and you can wash your hair only 3 days after the procedure.

But when washing your hair before carving, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • The head should be washed a day before the procedure to restore the necessary level of the protective layer of natural fat, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin on the head.
  • In addition to washing, 2-3 weeks before the procedure it is important to restore health with the help of various masks, balms and oils.
  • It is necessary to trim the ends if they are split.

If for some reason you cannot wash your hair a day before the procedure, you can do it before the procedure.

But to prevent long-term styling from harming your hair, you need to:

  • use shampoo with neutral pH;
  • wash your hair once, without balm and without diligently massaging the skin;
  • Avoid using hair dryers and brushes, as a hair dryer can dry out the scalp and a brush can damage the hair cuticle. The best way out in this situation is to dry your hair naturally and then comb it with a wide-tooth comb.

Pros and cons of long-term styling

Long-term styling will allow you to forget about styling with a hairdryer, straightener and curling iron for a while and will give your long hair a chance to rest.

The procedure has many advantages:

  1. Carving can be done on any hair type.
  2. The composition that is applied to the hair during styling includes useful ingredients such as plant extracts and oils. This allows you to avoid damaging your scalp, drying out your hair, and maintaining its natural color.
  3. Stylists call this method safe and gentle due to the products used during the procedure.
  4. Hair straightens gradually without losing its spectacular appearance.
  5. With long-term styling, you don’t have to give up other hairstyles - your hair can be straightened, curled, or made into playful curls.
  6. Carving can be done independently, at home.

Despite a number of significant advantages, the procedure also has several significant disadvantages:

  • Despite the fact that gentle preparations are used during carving, after using them there is a high probability that the hair will begin to split.
  • The composition used has a specific odor, which is then captured for some time, especially after washing the hair.
  • In the reviews of clients who tried carving, they note that after the procedure, slight hair loss began.
  • Long-term styling is one of the most expensive procedures in hairdressing.


It is not recommended to do long-term styling on hair of any length, including long ones, if:

Long-term styling allows you to create long-lasting, natural-looking curls on long, medium and short hair, while at the same time not limiting your choice of hairstyle.

Video about long-term styling for long hair

Hair carving:

What is biowave. Expert opinion:

Perming your hair for a long time is just what you need to create a beautiful and natural hairstyle. Find out more about it and try it for yourself!

Types of long-term hair curling

In modern hairdressing you can find a lot of different types of long-term perms. Choose your option!


It is considered quite stable - it retains the result for 3-3.5 months. True, it lasts much less on coarse hair. Does not have too much of an aggressive effect on the structure.

Japanese or lipid-protein

This type of curling does not contain alkali or acids. It can be carried out on weakened hair. The lipid-protein complex is absolutely safe, but that's not all! It regulates hair moisture and does not change its structure. A neutral ph level allows you to get natural curls - voluminous and elastic. The duration of such a perm is from 2 to 6 months.

Electric curling

It can be used on natural healthy hair. The method is practically harmless, but is only available in the salon. Bobbins are wound onto clean, damp strands and connected to a special device (which regulates exposure time and temperature). To reduce the aggressiveness of chemical components, the strands are lubricated with special fixing agents.

Using electric curling you can get light, large curls that create volume.


This type of perm will last a very long time - at least six months. But this method is only suitable for strong and stiff strands. Owners of soft and weakened hair need to look for some other method - acid has a bad effect on the health of the hair and makes it brittle.

Amino acid

This mixture contains proteins and amino acids, thanks to which the curls become soft, natural and tender. And most importantly, after such a procedure, hair restoration occurs very quickly.


A soft, gentle option, has a neutral PH. This method is suitable for different types of hair. It does not harm the skin or the structure of the strands at all. The result lasts a long time and looks very natural.


What it is? One of the curling methods, which is also considered gentle and safe. The effect lasts for six months. The biowave formula includes a special protein to strengthen the structure. It is he who helps maintain a beautiful curl and strengthen the hair.

Biochemical perm comes in three main types:

  1. With a moisturizing complex – regulates the moisture of the strands, adds shine and elasticity. Ideal for coarse and long hair.
  2. With bamboo hood. This method is used for damaged and thin strands. Protective bamboo extract restores the structure and brings the hair into an ideal appearance.
  3. With silk proteins. This bio-perm is not capable of changing the characteristics of hair. At the end of styling, they will become even softer, stronger and healthier! The only important nuance is the length of the hair (not suitable for long strands). It is impossible not to note the cost of such a perm - higher than that of others.

See more details:


One of the most popular and effective options. The only difference between carving and classic curling is the absence of aggressive components in its composition. The duration of styling is from 4 to 6 weeks. At the end of this period, the hair returns to its natural texture. Carving is simply ideal for short and medium strands, but on long hair it will not last long.

The last two options are the least traumatic. Due to their composition, they do not spoil the structure, do not destroy the follicle and do not change the color of the hair.

Watch the video, which presents the pros and cons of perm and bioperm:

Shape of curls for curling

When creating a hairstyle, the length of the hair, the shape of the curls, and the method of curling will play an important role. This can be done using the following means:

  • Bobbins. For long and medium hair, vertical curls are ideal. With a long hair length, a curl can be created using two different bobbins at once. The strand is divided in half - its root zone is twisted into a small bobbin, and the ends - into a large one;

  • Papillotes. This is a great option for hair of different lengths. To style this type, you will need curlers of various sizes;

  • American perm. It requires special curlers similar to the shape of a spiral. The ideal length is shoulder- or shoulder-length. The curls turn out a little stiff, in the form of spirals;

  • Root curl. It can only be performed on short strands. Gives volume to the hairstyle, allows you to curl the growing roots;

  • Curling the ends of the hair. Created as if specifically for thin strands of various lengths.

Long-term installation - advantages and disadvantages

There are many different opinions regarding perm, because this procedure has both pros and cons. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Advantages of installation:

  • Long-term effect;
  • Thin hair will become more voluminous;
  • After this procedure, daily styling will take only a few minutes;
  • The hair will become obedient;
  • Curling can solve the problem of greasy hair as it dries it out.

Disadvantages of installation:

  • Hair after the procedure needs special care - you will have to use masks and other products more often;
  • If a girl wants to change her hairstyle, she will have to wait. Returning to a natural look takes a long time;
  • It is almost impossible to predict the result and final effect. Your hairstyle may turn out completely different from what you expected.

How to extend the curling effect?

Tip 1. Do not wash your hair for three days after this procedure. The shampoo will wash away the drug and return your hair to its original appearance.

Tip 2. Stock up on special mild shampoos.

Tip 3. Do not comb wet curls - this will help straighten them.

Tip 4. Buy a comb with wide teeth - it will not disturb the shape of your curls.

Tip 5. Don't pull out your curls with a brush.

Who should not use long-term perm?

Biowave hair, like any other type, has a number of limitations:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period. Chemical components will be harmful to the child;
  • Recent coloring or other procedures;
  • Taking medications containing hormones;
  • Dry and repeatedly dyed hair – the procedure will make it even more brittle;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions - be sure to tell the specialist about this;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases.

How to care for your hair after curling?

Hair after curling needs proper care. It will keep them healthy and beautiful in appearance.

  • Don't get too carried away with the hairdryer - it will damage your hair and only worsen the effects of the drugs.
  • Regularly perform restorative and nourishing masks with panthenol and keratin;
  • Do not heat-treat your hair for at least a few days;
  • Protect your hair from hot sun rays, do not let it dry out;
  • In addition to regular shampoo, use medications (after every 3 washes);
  • Blot wet strands rather than twisting them;
  • Don't sleep with wet hair;
  • Trim the split ends regularly and apply a special cream to them.

Correct styling of curls

How to style hair after perm? There are several installation methods for this.

Method 1. Natural styling

The most gentle option is done by hand in just a few minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, dry it with a towel and tilt your head down. Starting from the roots, create curls with your hands. Fix the effect with gel, mousse or spray. Don't comb your hair!

Method 2. Using a diffuser

Dry your washed hair with a diffuser, lifting it at the roots. This styling option is ideal for short hair.

Method 3. Using a round brush

This method is suitable for creating styling for evening events. Divide your hair into several thin strands. Wrap each of them on a large hair brush and dry with a warm hairdryer.

Method 4. Using curlers

For a romantic styling, you can safely use medium-sized curlers. Curl wet strands and dry either with a hairdryer or naturally. Carefully remove the curlers and separate the curls with your hands, giving the hairstyle the desired shape.

Method 5. Using wax

If your hair looks weak and damaged after a perm, use styling wax. It will fix the curls and give them a healthy look.

Long-term hair styling is one of the latest advances in hairdressing. The procedure is classified as a chemical perm, but unlike its analogues, it practically does not harm the health of the strands and looks natural and expressive. The safety of styling is also confirmed by the fact that it can be repeated just a few months after creating the curls. As a rule, long-term hair styling is a salon procedure, but some types are quite accessible for home use. Let's consider all the features of the popular procedure.

A long-lasting hairstyle is a universal way to maintain an attractive appearance by creating beautiful styling every day. However, even a universal procedure has its own requirements. Long-term hair styling is suitable for:

  • strands, the length of which is not less than 7 cm, but does not exceed the permissible threshold of 22 cm. This does not mean that the beauty salon will refuse you a service if the length of your curls exceeds the specified 22 cm. However, going beyond the recommended limits, there is a risk of creating lower quality hairstyle (curls may not set well, curls may hold their shape for less time than the manufacturer claims). This procedure is soft and gentle, so its fixation force may not be sufficient for long hair;
  • strands that have a strong and thick structure. This will enable the curls to withstand chemical exposure without loss or stress, which still affects the curls to a small extent. At the same time, the strands should be soft enough so that the gentle styling formula can “tame” them;
  • strands of natural color, which in the near past did not tolerate dyeing or highlighting procedures. Curls need time to rest in order to “come to their senses” and restore structure;
  • , however, the most useful procedure is for oily hair. Long-term styling will dry them out somewhat, making them more voluminous and thick.

Features of long-term styling for long, medium and short hair

Long-term hair styling has several varieties, which, depending on the strength of fixation, have different effects on curls. It is recommended to choose them based on the length of the strands. Some types of styling are the easiest, they practically do not damage the hair, but their effect is not very expressive. They are suitable for weakened curls, as well as for short length hair.

The second option uses more aggressive components that provide a tighter curl shape and also guarantee their “life expectancy.” However, this technology is more destructive for curls. This form is preferable for long hair that needs strong hold to maintain style.

  • long-term styling for short hair– you should pay attention to small curlers that create expressive curls. The strands must be processed in the root zone, after which the hairstyle acquires the missing volume. This styling will make the image modern and interesting;
  • procedure for long hair– you can use curlers of various sizes, but keep the guideline on the shape of your face. Some masters can combine curls of different lengths, achieving a unique and original effect. After treatment, the strands will acquire a well-groomed appearance and the missing volume, however, due to their length and their own gravity, they will quickly straighten. The most appropriate option is to curl the hair at the roots or curl the ends. This will make the life of the styling longer, giving the hair a relaxed and at the same time well-groomed look;
  • - the most popular type of procedure, for the creation of which in most cases large curlers are used. Masters create airy and soft waves. At the same time, the average length will allow the hairstyle to last long enough, delighting you and those around you.

Laying technique – carving

Long-term hair styling of large curls is most often carried out using, which is based on a chemical composition. The main elements are fruit acids, so carving is practically harmless to the health of the strands, unlike perm.

The advantage of this technique is its effect on the appearance of hair, which acquires an attractive shine, becomes soft and manageable. The average lifespan of a hairstyle is about 9 weeks.

Before starting to create a styling, specialists evaluate the type and structure of the hair, thanks to this it becomes possible to select the correct chemical composition of the carving. Minor errors in choosing the composition can have a detrimental effect on the strands, so it is recommended to entrust this type of procedure to professionals.

Long-term styling for medium hair is quite easy, but you shouldn’t overuse it. Between visits to beauty salons you should take breaks, giving time to restore the structure. After using carving, it is recommended to use professional nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the health of the strands.

Bioperm - as a type of long-term hairstyle

Long-term styling for short hair can be done using bio-curling. The technique is based on the use of a special protein, which is the main building block for hair, so the effect of the formula is mild and as harmless as possible. The keratin used allows you to strengthen the curls and keep the curls elastic for a long time.

Biowave - popular varieties:

  • with moisturizing complex– regulates hair moisture, makes it more shiny and elastic. Thanks to the soft formula, the fixation is of medium hardness, so the technique is suitable for short hair and medium-length strands;
  • with bamboo extract– recommended for use by owners of damaged and brittle hair, as additional components of the formula allow you to restore the structure. This method is traditionally considered Italian, suitable for any type of strand length;
  • with silk proteins– the softest fixation method, which has the shortest styling “lifetime”, does not fit well with long curls. At the same time, it causes minimal damage to the health of the strands and is considered the safest.

Long-term hair styling for large curls is carried out in several stages. First, you need to determine the reaction of your hair to the chemical composition of the product, since they are often individual and unpredictable. To do this, a fixation compound is applied to a small section of hair, after which the hairdresser can determine the optimal exposure time for the best result.

Long-term hair styling occurs as follows:

Bioperm is a rather complicated procedure to carry out independently. The application of each layer of chemical requires the experienced hands of a craftsman. In addition, professionals can combine curlers of different sizes, highlighting the hairstyle favorably or creating expressive accents.

Gentle chemistry

A regular perm is almost a death sentence for hair, which is why its popularity is rapidly declining today. It was relevant in the last century, when fashionistas had no alternative and were forced to compromise with the health of their own hair.

Today, the negative impact of “chemistry” on strands has been practically eradicated. This became possible thanks to a new and more gentle composition of the formula. The safest types of modern “chemistry” are neutral and acid perms.

The neutral type is universal and suitable for any hair type. Acid styling has a narrower specialty and is designed for soft and sensitive curls.

Analysis of advantages and disadvantages

Ladies who dream of turning straight hair into a head of luxurious curls often use conventional “chemicals”, which can cause serious hair damage. Professional hairdressers and stylists recommend paying attention to long-term styling, which has many advantages:

  1. curls do not lose their natural shine and color saturation;
  2. no harmful effect on the hair structure due to its gentle composition;
  3. the technique is available not only as a salon procedure, it can also be carried out at home;
  4. If you are tired of curly hair and want to return to straight locks, there is no need to cut your locks. The hairstyle will straighten out on its own after the styling is complete. You can do this prematurely using an iron or a hair dryer and comb in tandem;
  5. with the help of a long-term hairstyle you save a lot of time on styling yourself;
  6. the procedure can be repeated quite often - every one and a half to two months;
  7. the procedure is perfect for those with oily hair, since the fixation composition affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing them from overworking;
  8. the soft effect allows painting both before and after the installation procedure. However, professionals recommend changing the hair color palette after creating a curl - the risk of a slight change in shade still remains.

Obvious disadvantages:

  • The technique is not suitable for all girls, since the maximum hair length for a high-quality and long-term result should not exceed 22 cm. An exception may be a cascade haircut, which creates a special combination of hair where long strands will not straighten under their own weight;
  • problematic care in the first days after installation - minor deviations from the recommendations can affect the length of time the curls are preserved;
  • combining styling with recent dyeing or highlighting is not recommended, as this will create additional stress on the strands;
  • After using a straightening iron, the wavy hair structure cannot be restored.

Long-term styling – is it worth going to the salon?

You can create a beautiful, long-lasting hairstyle at home. To do this, you will need a professional fixation device, curlers, additional attributes (gloves, cap, bowl) and follow the instructions. Before starting to create a hairstyle, it is recommended, as in a beauty salon, to test the reaction of the hair to the composition. If you experience allergic reactions, you should consult a specialist.

The average duration of styling varies within 2 hours. Depending on the chosen installation method, the process of home “creation” may have its own specific nuances. General algorithm of actions:

  1. and easy drying with a towel;
  2. wet hair is divided into strands of equal size and wrapped in curlers. Make sure that the ends fit tightly to each other, otherwise the hairstyle may look somewhat sloppy;
  3. dilute the styling composition in the prepared bowl, soak the sponge in the liquid and apply it to the curled strands several times;
  4. a cap is put on the head. You can additionally “warm up” your hairstyle with a hairdryer, which will strengthen the hold. Next, you need to wait for the time indicated on the product packaging;
  5. after the timer has worked, you should unwind one strand - if it has an elastic wavy structure, then you can “free” other curls;
  6. wash off the remaining product from your hair with plain water without using shampoo. This must be done carefully, otherwise you may be haunted by an unpleasant smell of chemicals on your hair;
  7. Then, using springy movements, the hair is covered with a fixing compound. Apply the fixative from top to bottom. Keep the product on your hair for the specified period of time, then wash your hair again;
  8. After completing the procedure, you should not use a hairdryer, which can shorten the lifespan of a perfect hairstyle. Let the strands dry naturally.

Is long-term styling suitable for everyone?

Despite its relative safety, long-term hair styling is still a chemical procedure, and therefore has a number of contraindications. Girls who already have weak, lifeless and falling hair should not use styling.

It is necessary to take breaks between painting and carving. Otherwise, the hair structure suffers greatly, and styling on freshly colored curls may simply not work. It is extremely difficult to predict the outcome of the impact.

The procedure is also undesirable for pregnant and nursing mothers. As a rule, women's hair is already damaged due to stress experienced by the body. In addition, hormonal changes can make carving results unpredictable.

The procedure is prohibited for all ladies who have allergic reactions. Styling is contraindicated in the presence of wounds, ulcers or any damage to the head. A long-term hairstyle cannot be created on strands that have been dyed with henna.

It is necessary to cut off the dyed strands and apply the fixative only to hair that is “clean” of dye. Taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics also puts a ban on visiting a beauty salon.

Hair care after the procedure

After long-term styling, hair acquires a radiant and attractive appearance, but its health can be spoiled. Using a mild shampoo and conditioner will help correct minor effects on the structure. In the first days after creating your hairstyle, you must follow the general rules and regulations that will allow you to preserve your curls for as long as possible.

First of all, you should stop washing your hair for 2 days after perm. If you neglect the recommendation, the luxurious curls may fall apart already in the first week of their “use.” The fixative must penetrate into the structure of the curls, and premature washing of the hair can disrupt this process.

An important rule is proper combing of hair. To do this, use soft, wide-toothed combs or combs. Movements should be measured, without sudden jerks that straighten the structure of the strands.

Combing should only be done on dry hair. To dry your hair, it is recommended to use a towel, which should be used to gently wet the strands. Using a hair dryer is not advisable, especially in combination with a comb. If there is no time for natural drying, then an alternative is to use a hair dryer with cold air.

Special care products will help you maintain your hair in impeccable condition: mousses, gels, foams. In order to create the effect of lightness and naturalness, use products with minimal fixation force.

After long-term styling, hair can become brittle; masks and conditioners that nourish the hair and scalp with the necessary components will help prevent this phenomenon. You can use both store-bought products and homemade recipes.

Hair carving - objective assessment

Long-term hair styling is of great interest among ladies of all ages. Many of them have already resorted to using this technique, and among them there are both satisfied and disappointed. As reviews on the Internet indicate, styling may not always turn out flawless. In order for the result to truly please you, the following conditions are necessary:

  • healthy curls - most often negative reviews are left by those girls who incorrectly assessed the condition of their curls, receiving over-dried buns instead of luxurious curls;
  • the quality of the product used - a common practice is to use conventional permanent chemicals instead of a special fixing composition in beauty salons. The quality of the product affects both the appearance and durability of the curls, as well as their health. To get high-quality results, choose Italian and German manufacturers, and also trust your hair to reliable hairdressers;
  • proper aftercare – hair after long-term styling requires special care and more gentle handling. Many women ignore these recommendations and often use straightening irons and hair dryers, complaining that their curls have become lifeless and dull.

Watch the video: Biocurling, carving or long-term styling