How do you hold hands? This will tell you a lot about your relationship. How can you tell if a guy has serious intentions? A man intertwines his fingers

Incredible facts

Sometimes our actions speak louder than words about our close relationships.

When we hold hands, it gives us a feeling of trust and a special connection with a person.

Something as simple as touching your hands can even reduce pain.

We often hold hands without thinking, and this can reveal a lot about how you feel about that person.

Body language in relationships

1. Palms facing down

This is one of the most common ways to hold hands. Typically, the one whose palm faces down plays the dominant role in the relationship.

This can also be interpreted as a protective gesture characteristic of men. They often resort to it, holding their partner's hand when crossing the road or walking through a crowd.

2. Intertwined fingers

Couples who intertwine their fingers when holding hands tend to have a deep connection. They are no longer connected by just physical attraction to each other, but by deeper feelings.

This way, partners show how much they care about each other. They are able to show their weaknesses and be honest with each other.

3. Finger grab

When your partner leads you by the finger, it can mean several things.

Perhaps you are both independent individuals with your own interests and hobbies outside of your relationship.

It's more likely, however, that you prefer to spend time alone and try to maintain your individuality, but overall you have strong and confident relationships.

4. Hold on to your pinkies

Holding one finger is an easy and relaxed way to connect with your partner.

Although this method does not seem as intimate, it can be very romantic and playful.

In most cases, your partner will hold on to one of your fingers as if flirting with you.

Psychology of gestures in relationships

5. Hand behind the neck

Just like with interlocking fingers, this position brings you closer to your partner, creating a loving and intimate connection.

It's no longer just a way to hold hands. When your partner seems to wrap himself around you, he is making a protective but casual gesture.

If you throw your arm over your shoulder, it means that you are proud of your relationship and are ready to protect your partner from any danger.

6. Passive capture

With this method, you gently but firmly cover your partner’s hand with your palm, or vice versa.

Neither of you are tied down in the relationship, and you each have firmly established rules and boundaries.

This is a great way to add tenderness and gentleness to a relationship without showing off the relationship to everyone around you.

7. She is mine

This is one of the most regal gestures that can often be seen in wedding photographs. It demonstrates the vitality of the relationship, but also strong and mutually protective.

A woman's hand looks small and graceful in the strong hand of her partner.

You have a very healthy relationship, full of respect for each other, based on trust and adoration.

8. Loose weave

This is one of the most confident ways to hold hands. It means that you and your partner trust each other completely and have reached the stage of emotional stability.

Although outwardly such an interweaving seems relaxed, it makes it possible to closely stroke your partner’s hand and at the same time passionately pull you towards you.

9. Wrist Grab

Outwardly, such a gesture seems slightly aggressive, demanding and self-confident.

However, none of this is true. Instead, you not only intertwine your palms, but also your lower arms.

This gesture is more intimate and passionate and speaks of an urgent need to be together.

10. Girth with both hands

If your partner tends to completely clasp your palm with his hands, experiencing full body contact, this indicates his need for a very deep connection with you.

When we try to take someone's hand, we are invading their personal space, we must always remember this. This zone can be thought of as an air bubble, which each of us inflates and contracts depending on the circumstances. And we would rather agree to narrow its boundaries in a crowded subway car than, say, in an office.

Define the boundaries of personal space

The dimensions of personal space depend on a person’s background, his social status, personal preferences, culture, as well as the degree of acquaintance with those who approach him. According to the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall, on average up to 0.5 m is occupied by the intimate zone, intended for those closest to you; from 0.5 m to 1.2 m - a personal area for communicating with close friends, from 1.2 m to 3.7 m - a social area, suitable for business communication. Violation of these boundaries by strangers makes us feel uncomfortable.

For this reason, it is right to keep your distance at the beginning of a relationship. And touching another person's hand - even if it is not a romantic gesture at all - is preferable at the appropriate time and in the appropriate situation. Your attempt to touch someone you just met may irritate the other person, although he will smile sweetly back, not wanting to offend you. As the relationship develops, we allow the other closer to our intimate zone.

Find out the interlocutor's intentions

There is an easy way to find out whether the other person is ready to let you into his personal space - move your personal belongings (for example, a purse, a notebook, cigarettes) closer to him. Such objects are perceived by others as an extension of our body. When you sit with someone else at the same table, you follow the unspoken rule that half the table is yours and half is the other person's space.

A stranger will most likely perceive the “invasion” of your items into their territory with irritation, and you will notice their discomfort. Only close friends, family members and lovers are oblivious to these movements. If a woman moves her bag closer to a man, this may be a sign that she likes him and would like a closer relationship.

Consider cultural differences

Like all nonverbal gestures, tactile contact is perceived differently in different cultures. In the West, holding hands is a romantic gesture. When we see two people joining their palms, we can easily assume that they have a close relationship. Therefore, if you do not want to be misunderstood, do not hold hands with people you are not interested in, even if they are the first to make contact.

Many Western men do not hold each other's hands for fear of being mistaken for homosexuals. But in Arab culture, this is a friendly gesture that has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

What does this gesture mean? When a man takes a woman's hand, it can also mean several things:

  • romantic affection and deep connection;
  • uncertainty or fear of losing it;
  • trying to calm her down when she's upset;
  • superiority - he is the one who plays the main role in the relationship;
  • an attempt to show the whole world that she belongs to him and only him;
  • showing off;
  • he is proud to be seen next to this woman, but this does not mean that he values ​​​​his relationship with her.

Taller or stronger?

Most books on body language will tell you that when partners hold hands, the leader's hand is always on top. However, a study by psychologists at Temple University (Philadelphia), conducted back in 1998, showed that there may be other factors that influence the way we hold hands:

Floor: The man's hand in a heterosexual couple is much more likely to be over the woman's hand (regardless of their relationship).

Height: in a couple where the man is taller or the same height as the partner, his hand is on top more often than in a couple where the man is shorter than the woman.

What to do if your lover doesn't want to take your hand?

Walking hand in hand through the streets is not a pleasure for everyone. Many people do not consider it necessary to publicly demonstrate their feelings, no matter how deep they may be. If your husband or wife avoids such poetic settings, this does not mean that he (she) does not love you. Most likely, he finds it difficult to relax in public places. Perhaps he (she) is afraid that, having discovered his love for you, he will look weak, vulnerable, infantile. Changing this belief is not easy, but you can try the following:

  1. Before you grab your companion's hand in public, conduct the experiment described above to understand whether he is in the mood for tactile contact with you in principle. If he keeps his distance, don't take it personally. Instead of being offended, gently explain that the touch of loved ones is calming and helps you feel better.
  2. Work on your relationship as a whole: if you don't have the desire to hug and touch each other when you're alone, then it's hard to expect that desire to appear in public.
  3. Be honest with yourself: do you want to hold your partner's hand in public because you love him or because you want to show others that this is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Or to prove that you have power over him? If your intentions are not pure, your partner may feel hurt.

You can understand a man not only by words and actions, but also by gestures. In this article we will look at some behavioral characteristics of men.

How to understand by gestures that a man likes you

If a man likes you, he will definitely show you signs of attention. The smallest details in his behavior may indicate that he is interested in you. Unexpected calls, regular messages, offers to help you with something - men do all this to show their sympathy.

You can understand a lot by a man's gestures. If a man likes you, he will definitely touch you. At the same time, it is important to observe what gestures a man allows himself. If this is touching hands and shoulders, then this is an expression of friendship rather than sympathy for you as a woman. Touching your waist, legs, and hands is an expression of interest in you and a desire to “get closer.”

How to understand by gestures that a man is in love

A man who is in love will always listen to you carefully.

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and completeness.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Do you want the guy you're crazy about to hold your hand? Or are you looking for the best way to provoke the guy you like to take your hand? Either way, here are some easy steps you can follow to get closer to that crucial and romantic step away from him.


Part 1


    Understand how interested he is in you. If you're on a date, be on the lookout for subtle signs that tell you he's ready to hold hands with you. If he is cold towards you all evening, this is a clear sign that he is not interested in you. But if he tries to stay close to you, and you both feel comfortable, then this is a sure sign that you can initiate the transition to the “holding hands” phase.

    Wait for the right place and time. If you're having dinner or doing something that requires a lot of movement, holding hands won't work. You should not make the first attempt to hold hands when you are in a large group of friends or at a family gathering. You don't have to be alone, but make sure you're in a calm place and you're both comfortable.

    Check your hands. You may feel nervous and your palms may become sweaty or clammy. If this happens, discreetly wipe them away or put them in your pockets for a while to dry them. Your date may be nervous too, but sweaty palms aren't very attractive.

    Take his hand. When you have waited for the right moment and the right place and are ready, approach your companion and gently take his hand. Remember, be gentle and take your time. Try to do this as subtly as possible, keep walking and talking so that everything is natural and does not disturb your comfort.

  1. Start simple. First, just take his hand. When you take his hand, make your palms form an X. Gently bring your hands together.

    Part 2

    How to make someone take your hand?
    1. Look into his eyes. If you want him to take your hand, start small, look him in the eyes, smile sweetly. This will let him know that you are interested in him and show that you are ready for “physical” contact.

      • You can also try walking as close to it as possible. Physical intimacy and eye contact will show him that you are interested in him and open, and that you enjoy his presence.

Every couple shows affection in public differently. According to psychotherapists and sex experts, it is joint gestures that can tell a lot about the relationship between two people.

1. Intertwined hands.

If lovers hold hands, this indicates that they are together against the whole world. There is a real union between the partners. Intertwined hands symbolize traditional relationships and the deep inner affection of lovers.

2. Hands on the waist.

People hugging each other's waists are very sensual and loving. However, with this gesture, your partner also sometimes wants to show that you belong to him.

3. Holding hands.

At first glance, holding hands may seem childish. But it also shows affection, close connection and understanding between partners. Some scientists say that holding hands is completely the opposite - it indicates a lack of passion and emotional connection between partners.

4. Interlocking fingers.

This gesture indicates a relationship that is full of determination and passion. The intertwining of fingers proves the seriousness of the partners' intentions.

5. Eye contact.

Eye to eye gaze allows partners to receive information about each other without words. Couples who have been together for a long time recreate the feeling of falling in love by looking into each other's eyes.

6. Kisses.

Carelessness about kissing in public proves deep affection. The lovers are not shy about each other and show the whole world that they love each other.

7. Touching your knees.

An intimate touch on the knee, ear or shoulder shows that partners trust each other. When talking, they indicate that lovers know how to listen and listen to their other halves.

8. Stroking your back.

This gesture signals to the partner the desire for intimacy. A gentler pat on the back is a symbol of comfort, while a stronger pat is a symbol of a desire for control over the other person.

9. Stroking the neck.

Such touches cause a relaxation response. When a lover realizes that his significant other is stressed, he uses a calming touch. Couples who use this gesture are in harmony with each other's emotions. Such people are able to help and reassure each other.

10. Hugs from behind.

This gesture is an unexpected show of love. He is unique and always makes you smile and gives you comfort.

11. Playing with fingers.

By playing with your partner's fingers or hands, or by talking to others, you make it clear that you are not hiding or ignoring him.

12. Lack of joint gestures.

Some couples think that the lack of joint gestures indicates a lack of intimacy and affection. This is not entirely true. Certain people feel good enough in their relationships that they don't need to make their feelings public. The lack of gestures does not mean that the couple has lost the spark; they are more secretive and conservative.