Five ways to ask a girl for forgiveness. How to apologize to a friend: tips for guys and girls

70 475 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to ask for forgiveness correctly, because sometimes just saying “sorry” is not enough. To be forgiven, you need to sincerely show that you admit guilt, regret and repent. And now we will tell you how to do this.

How to ask for forgiveness correctly so that you will be forgiven afterwards

An effective apology should look like this:

  1. You express regret;
  2. You explain your wrong action;
  3. You acknowledge your responsibility;
  4. You confess of your own free will;
  5. You offer to independently correct the situation;
  6. You are asking to be forgiven.

The most important components are to admit responsibility and offer to correct the current situation yourself.

Professor Roy Levitsky conducted the research. Here's what he says:

“Our research has shown that the most important thing in an apology is admitting responsibility. Accept the fact that the fault is entirely on your side and it was you who made the mistake, not someone else.”

The next most effective strategy after accepting your guilt is to offer to improve the situation.

“An apology alone will not achieve anything, because in itself it is useless. Therefore, you must express your willingness to fix what is broken. This will reflect that you have accepted responsibility for the damage caused,” says Roy Lewicki.

It is also very important to express regret and repentance, and explain what you did wrong. And only last but not least should you ask for forgiveness,” the professor warns. You can do without this step.

Research has shown that if you change the perspective of the person you have offended, you will reduce the damage done. In this case, you should do the following:

  1. The first step is to eliminate personally unpleasant moments.
  2. Next, explain your action and state the reason. But don't make excuses for it!
  3. You must back up your apology with real action. Show the person that you have changed.
  4. Then you must restore the relationship with this person.

Examples of apologies

Sometimes the simple word “sorry” is enough, but most often it is not. Therefore, prepare in advance all the phrases you are going to say. You can even write them down on a piece of paper if you are afraid of forgetting.

Here are some examples of how you can ask for forgiveness beautifully:

  • “(name), forgive me for doing this to you. I miss you madly, you know how dear you are to me. Tomorrow is a new day, and I don't want you to be there. Every second spent with you was and will be unforgettable and unique. I very love you. Let's start all over again?"
  • “Life consists of mistakes, we learn from them. So I stumbled, made a mistake. But I won’t make excuses, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me and I’m afraid of losing you. This fear turned my head, so I was wrong. I ask you, do not judge, but understand. I am sorry!"
  • “I know that I am very guilty, but I ask you to understand and forgive me!”
  • “Life is too short to waste it on grudges! Please forgive me!
  • “Sorry, I was wrong!” - despite its simplicity and banality, this is a very important and effective phrase when apologizing.

You can also apologize beautifully in poetry. Of course, it is advisable to write this verse yourself, so that the words in it are truly sincere, from the heart. But for those who do not have the talent for this or simply inspiration and ideas, we will give several examples of how to ask for forgiveness in verse:

“My heart has no peace,

It's bursting out of my chest

For what I did to you,

Forgive me, darling, forgive me!”

"My heart hurts,

There is no rest for me

While we're at loggerheads

I can't help but think about you...

Please forgive me!

How to improve relationships if you quarrel

With a friend

There is no such thing as a perfect friendship. Sometimes grievances, quarrels, and grief still happen. There is no need to immediately put an end to your relationship; everything can still be fixed. Most often, friends insult not on purpose: without thinking, they were rude because of a bad mood, got into something that wasn’t their business, interrupted, etc.

It is worth maintaining a relationship only if friendship for you means devotion, honesty and mutual assistance. Any other friendship would have come to an end sooner or later.

In order to ask for forgiveness from a girlfriend or boyfriend, first you must know exactly the reason why he or she was offended. Talk to her/him to resolve the problem and maintain the friendship. Explain, say that you didn’t do it out of malice. But this should not be an excuse, you just need to indicate your motive. Apologize for hurting her/his feelings.

If the offended person is your friend, who is emotional, romantic and in nature, consider giving her an apology in poetry. Their examples are given above.

If your apology is not accepted, don't be upset. You did everything you could.

With a loved man

How to ask a girl for forgiveness

Often, their loved ones suffer from men’s mistakes. You can’t avoid mistakes, but you can learn a few simple ways to apologize to your girlfriend or wife so that she stops being angry and forgets your mistake forever.

  1. Wait for the girl to cool down. There is no need to immediately climb into an open flame. This will only make the situation worse. Women take longer to leave than men. Within a day, the angry young lady will cool down and understand that your act was not so terrible. That's when you need to come up with an apology.
  2. Do not follow the rule that “the best defense is attack.” If, instead of apologizing, you begin to reproach the girl for the fact that she, too, is not without sin, you can create problems even more serious than the original ones.
  3. Repent.
  4. Prepare a beautiful speech in advance. It is advisable that it contains kind words and compliments.
  5. Don't hum, don't slow down, don't stutter. The girl will get angry. If you forgot the words, figure it out as you go, say that it’s hard and lonely for you without her.
  6. Don't forget to buy a large bouquet and a gift when you apologize to your beloved. Approach the choice of a bouquet with soul, you don’t want the girl to think that you are saving on her and not taking the situation seriously.
  7. If your action is serious, and your girlfriend will not forgive you so easily, try to apologize in an original way. For example, show up at work with a huge bouquet of flowers to make her colleagues jealous (and at lunch they will talk about how wonderful and romantic you are), or prepare her a gourmet dinner personally.
  8. When asked why you did this, which is asked by 90% of women, answer this way: “I was stupid!” or “Because I’m a fool!”

How to ask a guy for forgiveness

Every girl knows how to apologize to her boyfriend or husband - she needs to calmly explain the current situation. After all, this is usually just a minor conflict that arose out of the blue.

Here are some tips and phrases:

  • Express your regret. Recognize that it is you who are to blame for what happened, and not circumstances or other people.
  • Make peace in person, not over the phone, not via SMS. At the same time, look the man in the eyes. Your eyes are the best way to show how sorry you are for what you did. Don't hold back your tears.
  • If you are not forgiven the first time, give the person time to calm down. Perhaps then he himself will take the first step.
  • Make amends. Give him a gift that is valuable to him. And when giving it, say: “Beloved, this is for you. I'm sorry. I love you very much!".
  • Choose the right time and place. For example, cook his favorite dish for a man and apologize during dinner.
  • Stop in time. There is no need to make excuses for a long time, it will start to irritate.

With parents

Remember: your parents will always forgive you. They are the most dear and close people to you. Friends separate, the girl may not forgive, but mom and dad will always be with you. They will forgive you everything - what you said without thinking, what you did not call them due to lack of time.

Apologize for your lack of attention to them. Call them daily, find out how they are doing, how their health is.

The phrase comes to mind: “Parents are not chosen.”

First you need to understand that you are not always right, that you are also mistaken. If you notice your parents' shortcomings but don't see your own, it will be difficult to ask for forgiveness. Parents are also imperfect. They want the best for you, but don't know how to do it right.

For example, you did not follow the rule that your parents set. First of all, tell them honestly. Do not minimize your own guilt, do not make excuses or lie, otherwise you will create more serious problems for yourself. If you tell everything honestly, you will prove that you are worthy of trust, despite your mistakes.

Admit that you made your parents worry. Therefore, it would be right to ask mom and dad for forgiveness. Say it like this: “I regret what happened. From now on I will behave more decently, I will watch what I say. Sorry". Show that you are willing to bear the appropriate punishment. Mature people should always be responsible for their actions.

Rules: what else is important to consider besides words of forgiveness

  1. Look the person in the eye.
  2. Don't hold back your emotions. If you want to cry, cry.
  3. Call the person by name.
  4. Be honest and sincere.
  5. Don't try to immediately ask for forgiveness. This may take time.
  6. Put yourself in the shoes of the offended person, understand his feelings.
  7. Accept the person's reaction after your words.

Why might you not be taken seriously or sincerely and reject your apology?

  • You are not serious

To ensure that your apology is taken seriously, it is better to choose the right environment for it. If you mutter, “So, are we friends again?” while bursting into laughter at a party, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously. It’s better to choose a place where you can explain yourself in a quiet environment, showing your feelings.

  • You are insincere

If you do not admit your guilt, your words will sound insincere. The opponent will treat them with distrust. He will think that you have no intention of apologizing and will only become angrier. An effective apology must address the feelings and needs of the offended person.

  • You are not sure of your words

You don’t understand your mistake, but you are trying to somehow improve the relationship. Most often it looks like this: “Forgive me, but I don’t know what I did.” The use of words such as “but” and “if” makes the addressee take them lightly.

  • Wrong time

An apology won't work if you shout out that you're sorry during an argument. You won't be heard or taken seriously if you're still arguing. This is because when a person experiences negativity, they will not listen to you. Therefore, it is better for you to wait until you both calm down.

  • Forgiveness via SMS

You are unlikely to be received sincerely if you apologize via SMS. If you meet in person, you are more likely to be forgiven. This way you can convey your feelings not only through words, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

Advice from a psychologist on how to properly ask for forgiveness and make peace with loved ones.


Making a mistake while apologizing can only make the person angrier. So watch what you say. Don't make the following mistakes:

  • Don’t make excuses or look for excuses for your actions. Otherwise, it will look like you don't regret what you did. The person will notice this, and it will be very unpleasant for him. Your apology will be rejected.
  • Don't blame the person when you apologize. Words such as “It’s your own fault!” or “It’s all because of you” are not welcome. Saying something that damages a person's self-esteem will ruin your path to reconciliation. You will talk about all this later if you manage to maintain this relationship.
  • Don't overdo it. There is no need to overemphasize your repentance.. The person will think that you are pretending. It's better to be more honest and sincere than to be dramatic.

How are the phrases you say when asking for forgiveness perceived?

Everyone perceives your words differently. It depends on many things: character, upbringing, mood. A person can also react both positively and sharply negatively.

Sometimes the phrases you say for forgiveness are perceived as an important part of sociocultural norms. And if, after several failures in establishing relationships, you begin to get bored with texts and calls, your words will be perceived as a way of attracting attention to yourself. In this case, it is recommended to pause so that your phrase seems like a deliberate step.

It is useful for any girl to learn the art of asking for forgiveness, because this skill is not given to everyone. You may be offended and want to wait for the guy to make the first move, but it is better to admit mistakes and express them in the correct form. Depending on the severity of the situation, you can apologize in different ways.

How to ask a guy for forgiveness in your own words

Any apology to a guy can be done in person or in absentia, but it is better to ask for forgiveness directly from the person. Finding the right words to speak is not easy, so it’s worth knowing some tricks:

  • when talking, it is better to look into the eyes so that the conversation with the guy turns out to be sincere;
  • You should only speak the truth so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • if promises are required, then there is no need to thoughtlessly agree to everything proposed - you should only promise what the girl can fulfill;
  • You shouldn’t raise your voice when apologizing and accuse the guy additionally; his wrong actions can be quietly discussed after reconciliation;
  • the best phrases for reconciliation will be “forgive me”, “sorry”, “I was wrong”;
  • if the situation is simple, then the phrases “don’t sulk”, “don’t be offended” will do;
  • the phrase should be accompanied by a hug and a kiss.

Apologies to a guy via SMS

In the modern age of Internet development, the easiest way is to apologize to a guy in absentia. This can be done using SMS messages with the desired text and emoticon. When writing SMS the following factors are taken into account:

  • frequency – don’t bother the guy, it’s better to be content with 1 SMS every 3-4 hours;
  • write sincerely and variedly - SMS should not be repeated;
  • if there is no answer, it is better to change tactics and come up with a desired and working text;
  • do not overuse emoticons and parentheses;
  • do not make excuses, do not shield yourself;
  • mention in the SMS that the relationship is important and precious to such an extent that the girl is ready to change;
  • ask the final question about the young man’s readiness to forgive;
  • there are original SMS texts with apologies on the Internet - it is better to use them when you need to apologize for a minor offense - in a serious situation they will not have any effect;
  • there is no need to follow the lead, allow yourself to be manipulated, extracting recognition;
  • If there is a difference of opinion, you will have to choose between relationships and irreconcilability.

How to beautifully apologize to a guy

If a serious act has been committed, then you should think about how to apologize beautifully. Men feel when a girl shows sincere emotions, so they are ready to forgive for actions that show effort and perseverance. Romantic apologies, original techniques, and a few more feminine tricks will do. It will be useful for any girl to know the techniques of apology and possible methods of reconciliation.

Romantic apologies to your loved one

You should show your imagination in the question of how to romantically apologize to a guy, because deep down in their souls young people recognize this feeling and appreciate it when something is done for them with love. There are several ideas for reconciliation:

  • order a banner with an apology, hang it at the entrance to the house or in a visible place;
  • give a box of wishes decorated with hearts that can be fulfilled at certain intervals;
  • invite you for a walk in the park, organize a picnic.

How to ask a guy for forgiveness in an original way

In addition to romance, guys understand practicality and originality, so you should try to apologize in the following way:

  • prepare a delicious dinner from the dishes he loves;
  • let the feelings of resentment cool down - if you live separately, forget about communication for a week, and if you live together, talk only about everyday issues;
  • as a gift, original earplugs, an ax of war, a certificate for visiting a spa salon for two, or even a personalized star are suitable.

How to properly ask for forgiveness from your beloved guy

Women have 3 techniques that they must master correctly in order to apologize to a guy in case of problematic situations. It is important to use them in doses to make peace correctly:

  • tears - show them only when it is unbearably difficult, otherwise weakness will irritate the young man;
  • affection - if the guy showed gentleness during the conversation, then you can caress him, stroke him, hug him;
  • sex - you don’t need to solve every quarrel and insult with them, because it will become a habit.

Apologizing correctly is a delicate art. There is no need to shout at him so as not to cause anger and irritation. Instead, you can write a beautiful letter in which you simply apologize without blaming or pointing out the shortcomings of your loved one. It is better to write a short letter, not to indicate bad points in it, and to admit guilt with reservations. It would be ideal to outline plans for the future and indicate that the girl cannot imagine her life without a man.

For jealousy

Girls are jealous of young people for no reason, but if they are offended, then you can apologize through actions. The most effective way is talking, hugging and kissing. It should be recognized that this will not happen again, and point out the value of the relationship. For young people living together, you can come up with the option of washing the car, buying delicious food and drinks. You can perform a striptease or read poetry.

How to apologize to a guy if you messed up too much

Serious offenses (cheating, flirting with another) must have the basis that is needed to properly apologize. First you need to understand why this happened and why the girl did this. If it was an accident and the girl is ready to continue the relationship, then you should think about your words and ask for forgiveness. You need to win the guy's favor, ask your friends to accidentally set up a meeting and find the strength to talk. In a conversation, you need to sincerely confess your love and ask for forgiveness for your wrongdoing.

Apologies for the lies

Lying is not the most beautiful thing for a girl to do, so you need to be able to apologize for it. The young man will like the following ideas:

  • bake a cake on which to ask for forgiveness or reconciliation, invite for tea and talk;
  • make an original T-shirt with a joint photo and words of reconciliation;
  • send a bouquet with a note as an apology;
  • send an email with an apology in prose or poetry;
  • write a letter by hand, send it by mail or courier, put flowers in it;
  • Sending croissants with coffee in a bag with a sticker with a request for reconciliation will be suitable;
  • fly a paper airplane at home, give a kitten or puppy with a bow around the neck and a touching apology.

How to apologize to a guy for his behavior

If face-to-face conversation is difficult, then social networks will do. You can apologize like this:

  • send a private e-card with words;
  • put beautiful poems in your status as an apology;
  • write a post on the topic of mistake, admission of guilt;
  • schedule a virtual meeting, turning it into a real one;
  • apologize in the general chat.

We all tend to make mistakes, commit rash acts and, sometimes, offend our loved ones. But apologizing can be difficult. In addition, women are emotional and their grievances often lead men into a state of confusion. How to ask a girl for forgiveness, especially if you need not just to apologize, but to make amends and achieve restoration of the relationship?

How to ask for forgiveness from the girl you love

You can apologize in different ways; what is important here is not even the method itself, but sincere recognition of the wrongness of your words and actions, repentance. Women are not only more emotional than men, but also more sensitive to any falsehood and lies. If your girlfriend feels them, then no matter what you do, forgiveness will be difficult to achieve.

The words you use to apologise, the intonation, the actions, the location you choose - all of this matters. And here you should take into account the characteristics of your beloved, because in order to make amends, you will have to do something nice for her:

Choose the most sincere and tender words;

Give a gift, not necessarily an expensive one, but one that will please her;

Organize a romantic evening;

Take a girl to a restaurant, cafe, exhibition or theater, depending on what your friend prefers;

Say a lot of exquisite compliments.

The main thing is to show attention to your friend’s preferences and desires. If you have a good imagination, then you can ask the girl for forgiveness in an original and beautiful way. What men do not come up with to earn the favor of an offended woman: they create pictures from flowers and lanterns under her windows, light dozens of candles, arrange concerts of her favorite songs, climb a rope ladder to her balcony and even descend in a hot air balloon.

However, such extreme is not necessary. But if you show up to her office with a huge bouquet of roses, to the envy of all her female colleagues, then it will be difficult to refuse your forgiveness.

What not to do when apologizing to a girl

All this seems to be simple advice, but men often experience difficulties and make mistakes, partly due to ignorance of female psychology, partly due to excessive self-confidence.

· Take your time. Asking for forgiveness immediately after a quarrel is not the best option. A raging flurry of emotions will not allow a woman to listen to you; she may not want to listen to an apology at all. Let her cool down a bit and think about the situation.

How to beautifully apologize to a loved one? What needs to be done and what words to choose in order to hear the long-awaited “I forgive”? Simple recommendations will allow you to save your relationship.

Any relationship can be on the verge of breaking due to quarrels. Therefore, it is important to learn how to get out of such situations correctly, to be able to recognize your guilt and apologize beautifully.

Don't think that you will humiliate yourself. Get over your pride if you don't want to lose your loved one.

What methods of asking for forgiveness are effective?

In front of the girl

In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to understand the causes of the quarrel. This will prevent you from repeating mistakes in the future. It is important to understand that both are guilty.

To apologize to a girl, words alone are not enough. How to convey your sincere regret and impress her:

  1. For such an occasion it is worth buying flowers or something that your beloved will certainly be able to appreciate. Moreover, it is not necessary to give the gift in person. You can leave it at the door or workplace, but attach a note with an apology.
  2. Prepare a romantic dinner by candlelight.
  3. Ask for forgiveness, for example, spinning your beloved in a slow dance.
  4. Invite your significant other to the cinema(exclusively for a film that she will like), and apologize after watching the film.
  5. Write a song, post it on YouTube. She will definitely appreciate such an act.
  6. Read the verse– poetry of your own composition, and not phrases from the Internet. You can send the created work by mail or regular letter.

Whatever you say, the words must be sincere, since girls can easily recognize falsehood. How to prepare for a conversation:

  • there is no need to find out who is wrong;
  • After analyzing all the circumstances and giving your beloved time to cool down, calm down a little, start a conversation. But don't delay asking for forgiveness;
  • It is unacceptable to ask for forgiveness over the phone or in online correspondence;
  • if a reluctance to talk is revealed, it is permissible to write a written apology, but it must be delivered in person;
  • do not rush to answer;
  • You shouldn’t get angry if you haven’t been forgiven - perhaps you didn’t try hard enough. Talk to her friend about the best course of action and try again.

An apology will not be effective if you:

  • throw accusations in response (even if both are guilty);
  • interrupt the girl without allowing her to express her experiences and emotions;
  • try to hug or kiss - this should wait;
  • persistence is good, but it should be in moderation. If a representative of the fair sex does not want to continue the conversation for now, just leave. Come back in 2 – 3 days.

The female sex prefers to sort things out in private. If you are sure that a public apology will work and your loved one will appreciate such a step on your part, then you can ask for forgiveness in public.

There are several options:

  • Just approach the girl when she is standing with her friends and sincerely, but simply, ask for forgiveness.
  • Organize a flash mob.

Please note that you do not need to ask for forgiveness for all your sins. Think about what exactly you did wrong. But don’t forget that no one can guarantee that you will definitely be forgiven. Don't put pressure on your lover, try to surprise her and be patient while waiting for an answer.

In front of the guy

You should not think that it is unacceptable for girls to ask for forgiveness from the stronger sex. Admitting your guilt is not humiliation, but an opportunity to show your confidence and strong spirit.

How to apologize:

  1. Prepare a surprise. Remember that an apology to your loved one should be heartfelt. You shouldn’t ask for forgiveness every day and give surprises. In this case, they will not bring such a result, if they do not begin to irritate your loved one at all. Everything in moderation.
  2. If you live with your significant other, cook dinner. Offer your guy something he likes. Take your time with the conversation - start it after your lover has eaten at least half of the dish. Come up, hug, tell how guilty you are and ask to forgive you.
  3. Prepare a game, for example, a box of wishes- This is an opportunity to beautifully present your apology. If a man agrees to play it, it means he is ready for reconciliation.
  4. Apology in verse are allowed, but only if your chosen one is not indifferent to poetry. Otherwise, he will not appreciate your attempt, or even laugh. If you decide to write a poem to your lover, do it the old fashioned way - on a piece of paper, and not on the Internet. After reconciliation, such a letter will become a memory.
  5. Do the deed. For example, just kiss. Let the guy think for himself what this kiss means. If you live together, then there will be more choice. Wash his car, buy him a beer, or prepare a seductive dance.

In front of a friend

Please note that all people are different, and the method of reconciliation should be chosen depending on the character of your girlfriend/boyfriend.

You can:

  1. Just a quick apology. Be prepared for reproaches or dissatisfaction, you cannot do without it.
  2. Cheer a friend. With the help of humor, you can quickly achieve long-awaited reconciliation.
  3. Make a present, albeit not expensive.
  4. Write a message In contact with.
  5. Start a conversation heart-to-heart.

In front of mom

We offend our closest people most often. In order to ask for forgiveness, it is enough to take the first step, and mom will meet you halfway. How can you apologize?

  1. Write a letter.
  2. Then call mom and go visit her, preferably with a gift that she will definitely be delighted with. Give a surprise before leaving - it will evoke more emotions.
  3. Don't delay your apology on the back burner. Mom will continue to communicate with you, but the relationship will lose its former warmth.


In order to apologize via SMS, you need to know certain rules:

  1. Don't send messages often. 1 SMS every 4 hours is enough. If there is no answer after 4–5 attempts, do not write for a while or change the method; the resentment may be so strong that a written request will not be enough.
  2. Don't write Every message contains the same words.
  3. Write what would be nice hear for yourself.
  4. Don't put unnecessary emoticons- they will not convey your fullness of feelings.
  5. The phrase “I did this because...” is not appropriate here - it proves that you are right, and does not express a request for forgiveness.
  6. Message text should be short.

It doesn’t matter to whom you need to apologize - husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, girlfriend, mother. The request for forgiveness is expressed in the same way. What features of conversation structure are worth knowing?

Follow this pattern:

  • be honest in your words;
  • try to apologize as soon as possible. After a while, the person may not listen to you at all;
  • do not look away when talking;
  • communication should be one-on-one.

Approximate structure of an apology:

  1. Name, (this will focus the person's attention).
  2. “I regret that...” (you need to be specific, tell us what you regret, this will show that you really understand the reason and admit guilt).
  3. "Would you forgive me?" (express your requests).
  4. Next, wait for a response. No extra words are needed here.

If it so happens that you have offended a loved one, you should approach the conversation thoughtfully. Be careful in choosing the method of asking for forgiveness, be patient and polite. If you are not indifferent to your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, and tried one hundred percent to express your regret, you will definitely be forgiven.

Video: Apologizing to a girl

Asking for forgiveness in itself is not an easy task, but how to do it in an unusual way is an even more difficult task.
To make your life easier, we are sharing our ideas on how to ask for forgiveness in an original way.
First of all, you need to remember that the important thing is not to come up with a better scenario, but to sincerely apologize and admit the mistake.

  • Write a letter. Remember Romeo's letters to Juliet? The tradition may be long outdated, but not for apologies. Buy beautiful paper, an envelope, a postcard. Try to write with neat handwriting or hire a handwriting service from a professional. Don't type on the computer, it devalues ​​the importance of words. Be sure to sign the postcard; there is nothing worse than a postcard with someone else’s typographical words. Seal the envelope. You can deliver in person or order a courier. The courier can deliver not only a letter, but also a bouquet.

  • Come up with a quest where each move will be accompanied by notes with part of your apologies or confessions. This method, like the first one with a letter, is good for those who are too worried and are afraid of seeming overly emotional.

  • How to ask a girl for forgiveness in an original way? Flash mob. A good idea when the crime was not too big and you want to lighten the mood. Flash mob participants can do whatever they want. Even to line up with the words “forgive me,” however, this requires a lot of people. Dance or unexpected encounters that compliment your girlfriend. It can be any option.