We knit a beautiful neckline: knitting method, V-shape. Learning to knit a V-shaped neckline: decreases and bindings

In order for a knitted product to look perfect, every stage of its creation is important: good threads of a suitable color, correctly made calculations, a high-quality pattern, decreasing and adding loops and, of course, a perfectly crafted neckline. We will talk about how to beautifully tie a neckline with knitting needles in this article.

Types of necklines in knitted items

This is the final stage of making a knitted product. But we can say that the entire appearance of a sweater, blouse or dress depends on how it is made. Therefore, it is very important to process it flawlessly.

First you need to determine what the neck of your product will be. Craftswomen must answer this question at the stage of creating a sketch of the product. Necks are very different and depend on the purpose of the product.

  1. For warm winter clothes, they are round and closed, finished with either a high stand-up collar or a crew neck trim.
  2. A summer blouse or top is knitted with an open or semi-open neckline. And it must be processed accordingly.

The choice of neck also depends on the style of the product being worked on:

  • if this is a classic vest, then it is more correct to make the neck V-shaped;
  • For a folklore blouse, a square neckline would be natural.
  • When knitting a product for small children, you need to provide such a neck so that it allows you to easily put the sweater on your head. Very often it is performed with a button closure, which solves the problem.

Performing calculations for knitting a neckline

In order for the neck to turn out to be of high quality, have the required dimensions, shape, be symmetrical and be strictly in the center, it is necessary to perform preliminary calculations. To do this, knit a sample with the same pattern that will be used in the product. It is also better to take threads and knitting needles that are chosen for the job. It is important to approach this moment very responsibly so that the cutout turns out exactly as needed.

Before determining how to tie a beautiful neckline with knitting needles (it’s not difficult to find a video on this topic for beginners), you need to learn how to shape it. For this:

  • we collect loops in such a quantity that the width of the sample is equal to the width of the chest;
  • we knit the fabric to the height from the end of the armhole to the shoulder section;
  • we align it, apply the pattern to the knitted fabric, aligning its middle with the center of the sample;
  • We sew a basting stitch with threads of a contrasting color. You also need to take into account allowances for processing the neckline (make the neckline a little deeper).

And then we count the loops that will need to be closed, and already in the process of knitting the product we get a correctly completed first stage of neck design. At the same time, we knit the right and left parts of the fabric separately.

Rules for forming a v-neck

We continue to learn how to knit a neckline beautifully. The V-shaped classic neckline can be found in men's and women's knitted clothing. Therefore, the ability to design it is useful for any knitter. To do this you need:

  1. Determine the depth and width of the cutout.
  2. Calculate the number of loops that will be closed.
  3. Calculate the frequency of required decreases.

For example, let's take a cutout whose depth is 36 rows and width is 36 loops. Since from the beginning of the neck we knit the two sides separately, we also make decreases separately on the right and left sides, so we cut 18 loops from each (together - 36).

To determine how many rows you need to decrease the loops, you need to divide 36 (the number of rows) by 18 (the number of loops in half the neckline), we get 2. This means that in every second row we knit two loops together. We repeat this 18 times on both sides and get the finished front part of the product.

V-neck tying technology

So, we connected the front and back panels of the product with a V-shaped neck. Before you start processing the neckline, you need to sew the shoulder sections.

And now we can discuss in more detail how to knit a neckline beautifully. For beginners, a useful piece of advice is to knit the binding. It can be done separately, but it is easier to knit directly on the product. We carry out the work with circular knitting needles and carry out it in the following order:

  1. Along the edge of the cutout on the front side, starting from the shoulder seam, we cast on loops, inserting the knitting needle under the edge stitches. We pay attention to their symmetry (their number should be odd).
  2. We make one row of binding with the front one, and all subsequent rows with a 1x1 elastic band.
  3. The lowest loop of the cape should be the front one. In order for the binding to lie beautifully, we shorten the loops in each row. We do this when we tie it to the bottom front loop. We swap it with the previous one, and then knit three loops together behind the back wall. And in the center of the trim we form a beautiful braid.
  4. We continue working until the desired width of the part, after which we close the loops, cut the thread and hide it on the wrong side of the work.

There are other ways to beautifully tie a neckline with knitting needles, but we will not talk about them in this article.

Trimming the round neck with double tape

There are many options for finishing a round neck. These can be bindings tied with different types of elastic bands. The roll made with stocking knitting looks good. Decorative edge finishing is often used. Therefore, the performer himself decides how beautifully to tie the neckline with knitting needles.

A double binding made with a one and a half elastic band is very easy to knit and looks beautiful, which resembles a 1x1 elastic band, but in the front row, and if we knit in the round, then in every second the front loop is removed onto the right knitting needle unknitted, the purl one is knitted purlwise. Purl row - 1 knit, 1 purl.

So, let's move on to the binding.

  • We crochet a chain along the edge of the neck using threads of a contrasting color. This will help make the binding look neater.
  • From the wrong side of the work, from under the loops of the chain, we cast on the loops on the knitting needles (you can use circular or sock ones).
  • Next we knit half the required height of the binding.

To decorate the edge of the trim, you can use two techniques. If you knit two loops together in the middle row and yarn over, then when you fold the piece in half, you will get a jagged edge. And by swapping the front ones and in the middle row, we get an emphasized edge of the binding.

  • Having knitted the other half of the binding, we close the loops with additional thread and bend them to the front side.
  • We crochet a chain from the wrong side, grabbing the loops of the binding and thereby attaching them to the product. The result is a seam that resembles a ketel stitch, but is easier to perform.
  • Having gone through the row to the end, we fasten the threads and get a very beautiful neckline.

Processing the neckline with binding, knitted separately

You can give a lot of different tips on how to beautifully tie a neckline with knitting needles. One of them will be processing with binding, knitted separately. This type of neck processing is more complicated than described above and requires some experience. First of all, you need to calculate the required number of loops and do this with great accuracy. Because if there are more loops, the binding will puff up, and if there are fewer loops, it will tighten the product.

The binding itself or golf collar is most often knitted with a 2x2, 1x1 or one-and-a-half elastic band (described above). Having achieved the desired height, double the number of loops. We do this by knitting two loops from one (one each for the front and back walls). Next we knit a hollow elastic band. Depending on the thickness of the threads, its height can be 4-6 rows. After this, we place the loops on different knitting needles. The loops on the wrong side can be closed in any way, as well as sewn from the wrong side of the product with an overlock stitch. The loops that will be on the front side need to be ironed a little and tied to the neck.

Making a double stand-up collar

A double stand-up collar can be a very good solution to the problem of how to knit a neckline (beautiful for a jacket or sweater). This is a job that requires precision, but the result will please you. This collar looks good both from the outside and from the inside. In the buttoned and unbuttoned position it holds its shape well.

  1. In order for the knitting to be of high quality, use a crochet hook to create a chain with threads of a contrasting color along the edge of the neckline, starting from one center of the fastener bar to the other.
  2. Now let's move on to the knitting needles. For this part of the collar they should be of a smaller diameter. We pick up loops along the chain from the outside of the product and knit several rows with stockinette knitting (distance about 1 cm). If our collar is made with a 2x2 elastic band, then the number of loops should be a multiple of 4+2. Let's leave work.
  3. Using the same knitting needles, but from the inside, we again cast on the same number of stitches along the chain and repeat the same work. The resulting fabric should lie naturally, without tightening or puffing up at the neck.
  4. Next, we switch to knitting needles of a slightly larger diameter and begin to connect the loops from the knitting needles on the inner and outer sides. That is, we take one loop from the knitting needle that is inside, and the second from the knitting needle that is outside, and knit it together. We knit 2 knits and 2 purls. We continue until the desired height of the collar, after which we close the loops, clean the work, removing excess threads. Our collar is ready!

Double ruff neck tie

You can also look at another example of how to tie a beautiful neckline with knitting needles. A step-by-step description of performing a double wheel will look like this:

  1. Along the edge of the neckline, we cast on loops on circular knitting needles and use stocking knitting to make a binding approximately 5-6 cm high, after which we close the loops loosely.
  2. We twist the binding to the front side so that the purl knitting is on the outside.
  3. Again we raise the loops along the first row of the already knitted binding. We just make it a little narrower. To do this, for every ten centimeters of the second binding, we cast on three less loops.
  4. We knit the fabric with stocking knitting for about 6.5 cm and loosely close the loops again.
  5. We twist the second binding in the same way as the first.

The double-rolled binding is ready.

In addition to the methods presented to your attention, in specialized publications you can find many other tips on how to beautifully tie a neckline with knitting needles. You can see photos of some models in the article. Make your choice, knit for yourself and your family. It's very fashionable.

Any knitted product, be it a blouse or a dress, has a neckline that needs processing.

Knitting a neckline

Most beginning needlewomen have a question: “How to tie a neckline?” Knitting necks can be of various types. The most common shapes are round and V-shaped.


Neck knitting pattern

Let's take a closer look at the V-shaped neckline. This processing method is universal and, at first glance, seems very simple, but it’s worth adding braids or loops of another type, for example, if the front ones are used as the basis of the pattern, then we add purl ones, and vice versa, as a result we get an interesting, elegant model.

So, the neckline is created with knitting needles in two steps: the first is decreasing, the second is binding.

Decrease for V-neckline

It is necessary to determine the center of the back or front by dividing the total number of loops by two. If there is an odd number of them, then it is recommended to remove the middle one onto a temporary loop using an additional knitting needle. Next, from the middle of the product on both sides, we begin decreasing, forming bevels.

This is the general principle of making a neckline with knitting needles, on which all types of decreases are based.

Knitting a V-neck with a middle loop

There are types of deductions:

  • Simple. It is performed right at the edge of the bevel of the product. In every fourth row we knit two loops together with the front one: for the right half - at the end of the row, taking into account the tilt to the right; for the left - at the beginning, tilt to the left.

The set of loops for knitting the binding will be complicated, and the result will be a little disappointing; it won’t turn out quite neatly. Therefore, the following type is recommended.

  • Execution with some deviation from the edge. The result is clearer and more pleasing to the eye cutout boundaries. We perform the decrease by retreating several loops from the edge of the bevel, in every fourth row. For the right half: knit a row, leaving the last four loops, then knit two and one knit together, the edge one, taking into account the slope to the right. Left half: knit the edge, one knit, then knit two loops together tilting to the left.
  • Execution with a pattern passing through the center of the product. For example, the front loops of a diamond, running along the edge of the bevel, give a simple and at the same time interesting decrease. Or, for example, you can use braids running along the edge of the bevel as a continuation of the main pattern. Depending on the originality of the design, the neckband may not be needed when using this type of reduction.

V-neck trims

Using a decrease, we got a cutout with an angle in the center of the product, which we need for the further stage of processing the neck - knitting the edging.

V-neck trims
  • A widely used method is tying along the edge of the neckline, having previously cast on loops on additional knitting needles. We start knitting from the neck of the middle of the product. We make the binding with an elastic band of a certain width, adding one loop at the beginning and at the end of every second row. We connect the ends of the binding and sew it to the edge.
  • You can decrease the loops in the center of the front, then you will get a symmetrical binding. To do this, cast on an even number of loops, knit in a circle with an elastic band, knitting two loops together in every second row, taking into account the slope of half. With this method, the center of the trim does not look so beautiful, so the following is recommended.
  • In every second row we knit with an elastic band, leaving one in front of the middle one, then remove two as knit stitches, knit the next one according to the pattern and knit the two removed through it.
  • To obtain a two-by-two elastic band, two knit stitches must be knitted in the center of the front. In every second row, leave one loop in front of the two middle ones, then knit two together, knit the next two according to the pattern, taking into account the side of the slope.
  • If a relief pattern was chosen as a decrease, then the edge processing should be barely noticeable; you can knit an elastic band one row wide.

Cutout Shape Finishing

The finishing of the neckline plays an important role in creating a model, because the top of the garment is usually more visible and helps complete the person's image. That is why you should seriously consider the design and shape of the neckline, taking into account the latest fashion trends, figure, neck shape, in order to advantageously emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages. The V-neck neckline is ideal for people with short necks. Now you can tie the neck of your models using the above methods and look beautiful.

36/38 (40) 42/44

You will need

Yarn (85% cotton, 15% polyamide; 150 m/50 g) - 300 (350) 350 g greenish-gray; knitting needles No. 6; hook No. 4, 5.

Patterns and schemes

Basic pattern

The number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 stitches + 2 edges: knit according to the given pattern. It contains front and back rows. In width, start with the edge, repeat the rapport, end with loops after the repeat and edge.

Decorative reductions

From the left edge: knit the loops of the row according to the pattern until the last 4 sts, knit 2 sts together, knit 1, chrome.

From the right edge: edge, knit 1, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= slip 1 stitch, as in knitting, knit the next loop and pull the removed loop through the knitted one).

Knitting density

20 p. x 21.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.


Completing of the work


On knitting needles No. 6, cast on 95 (101) 107 sts and 1st r. (= purl row) knit (this row is not taken into account in further calculations).

Continue work with the main pattern.

After 39 cm = 84 r. (38 cm = 82 rub.) 37 cm = 80 rub. from the cast-on row, cast on 9 sts on both sides for seamless knitted sleeves (further knit on the added loops in accordance with the pattern) = on the knitting needles 113 (119) 125 sts.

After 55 cm = 118 rub. From the cast-on row, close off the middle 43 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in the next 2nd r. 1 time 1 p.

After 57 cm = 122 r. From the cast-on row, close off the remaining 34 (37) 40 stitches of the sleeve/shoulder.

Finish the second side the same way.


Knit like a back, but with a V-neck. To do this, after 35.5 cm = 76 rubles. From the cast-on row, close off the middle 3 stitches and finish both sides separately.

To form a bevel for the neckline, decrease (see Decorative decreases) from the inner edge 21 times, 1 stitch in every 2nd row.


Sew shoulder seams/top sleeve seams.

Crochet the product along the edge of the neckline with a hook No. 4.5 1 r. Art. b/n.

Sew side seams/bottom sleeve seams. The edges of the sleeves and the bottom edge of the product are also crocheted as described above.

Photo: magazine “Verena Podium” No. 1/2018

Each product is unique, but there are techniques that are necessary in each case, regardless of what product is knitted, because you always need to be able to finish the neckline with knitting needles or armholes with knitting needles. Some of these methods will be discussed below.


The neckline on different clothing models can be of different shapes - round, corner or square. Processing the neck with knitting needles is the final stage of assembling the finished product, and its appearance depends on the quality of its finishing.


This type of knitted neckline will always be in fashion, as it is used in both sophisticated models for women and sportswear for men. A knitted pullover with such a neckline can be worn over a blouse with a beautiful collar, a turtleneck, the latter can be replaced with a beautiful scarf or scarf tied around the neck.

Decrease for V-neckline with knitting needles.

First way. For a V-shaped neckline, use knitting needles to divide the front loops in half and form bevels from the middle on both sides, decreasing the loops. If the front part is made on an odd number of loops, then the middle loop is temporarily left or closed. Simple decreases are performed directly at the edge, for which 1 loop is pulled through another, one of which is an edge loop. For the right half of the work, finishing every 4th row, the last 2 loops are knitted together.

For the opposite (left) half of the work, the first 2 loops are knitted together with a knit stitch slanted to the left, i.e. the 1st loop must be removed as a knit stitch, the 2nd loop must be knitted and threaded through the removed loop, the work must continue with the main pattern (Fig. . 1).

Rice. 1. Performing a decrease for a V-neck (first method)

The first method of forming a V-shaped neckline with knitting needles is the simplest, but if you don’t have the skill, the neckline may not turn out quite neat. This method is good if the neck is crocheted.

Second way. The front part is divided in half, as in the first version. When performing the right half, in every 4th row, knit the last 4 loops in this way: 2 knit stitches together, 1 knit stitch, edge stitch.

When making the left half of the front part, start the row with an edge and one knit stitch, then knit 2 knit stitches together with a slant to the left and continue the row with the main pattern (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Decrease for a V-neck (second method)

The second method is good because along the edge of the neckline with knitting needles it gives an inclined strip of knit stitches, which looks very neat and does not require decorative trim with trim.

Decreases for a V-neck on fabric knitted with a complex pattern. When knitting with some patterns, for example semi-patent or patent, the neckline should not be formed with simple decreases, as it will look sloppy. In this case, perform double decreases in every 8th row.

On the right half of the work, all the loops of the row are knitted according to the pattern, except for the last 6 loops, with which they do this: knit 3 loops together and finish the row with 2 loops of the pattern and an edge loop.

On the left half of the part, the row begins with the edge stitch, 2 loops of the main pattern are made, 1 loop is removed as a knit stitch, 2 loops are knitted together with a knit stitch and the removed loop is pulled through the knitted one (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Performing double decreases for a V-neck against a semi-patent pattern

Trims for V-necks. The final decorative element for decorating the neckline with knitting needles is the trim. For knitting, circular knitting needles on flexible fishing line are used.

The first method (asymmetrical) of knitting binding. Along the edge of the neckline, cast on loops on circular knitting needles, for which you should start and finish casting on loops in the middle of the front and knit the binding in straight and reverse rows with a 1x1 elastic band (or a pattern according to the model description). At the end and beginning of each 2nd row, add 1 loop. After the binding of the required width is knitted, you need to close all the loops according to the pattern, the ends of the binding are placed on top of each other and sewn along the edge of the cutout (Fig. 4)

Fig.4. Asymmetrical tape for V-neck

The second method (symmetrical) of knitting binding. To make a symmetrical binding (Fig. 5) along the edge of the neckline, you need to cast on loops on circular knitting needles, the number of which should be even, and knit in circular rows with a 1x1 elastic band (or a pattern according to the model description). In every 2nd row, the last 2 loops before the middle front are knitted together with a tilt to the left, and the next 2 loops are knitted together.

Rice. 5. Symmetrical trim for a V-neck

The third way to knit tape. If the middle loop of the neckline has been temporarily left or covered, then it needs to be included in the binding. To knit the binding (Fig. 6), loops are picked up on circular knitting needles along the edge of the neckline and knitted with a 1x1 elastic band, while in every 2nd row the loops of the row are knitted according to the pattern, except for 1 loop in front of the middle loop, the next 2 loops are removed together as knit stitches (the knitting needle is inserted from left to right, first into the middle loop, then into the previous one, then knit the next loop and pull all the removed loops through it).

Rice. 6. Trim accentuating the sharp angle of the V-neck

Double binding. If the neckline is decorated with double binding (Fig. 7), then you first need to make decreases on the middle loops on the front side of the binding, and then increase on the wrong side of the binding, also on the middle loops. The tape with decreases is knitted to the desired width and the fold line is marked by knitting 1 row with purl stitches.

Next, increments are made on both sides of the middle loop, knitting 1 crossed loop from the broaches, in the same rhythm as the decreases, continuing this until the original number of loops is obtained on the knitting needles.

Having knitted the trim lapel of the required width, close all the loops according to the pattern and sew it on the wrong side of the product.

Rice. 7. Double binding


A round neckline with knitting needles is found on almost all types of pullovers, sweaters, sweaters and tops. The round neckline is made according to the description for the selected model, decorated with tape tied with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band. The width of the trim depends on the model of the product and can be either a narrow strip made with an elastic band, or a high golf collar, which is also knitted with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band.

Backings for a round neckline are also made on short double or circular knitting needles with flexible fishing line. The latter are very convenient not only in terms of getting the job done, but also because you don’t have to sew the binding. It should be noted that before you start knitting the binding for the neckline, you need to sew the shoulder seams of the product.

Making binding on the round neckline using knitting needles.

Single binding. Pick up the first stitch after the edge loop with a knitting needle in an area where there are no bevels and pull the thread through. On long sections of the neckline, skip every 4th loop so that the binding turns out neat and evenly edges the neckline (Fig. 8a). When knitting neck loops along the rounded edge, new loops are pulled from each warp loop, while the stepped edge of the neckline should be slightly aligned, for which a new loop is pulled from the corresponding loop 1 row below (Fig. 8b). When stretching the loops of the neck tape along a smooth horizontal edge, new loops are knitted from each closed loop of the edge, inserting a knitting needle behind the back wall (Fig. 8c). Having cast on all the loops along the edge of the neckline, continue working with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band (or the pattern described in the instructions for making the model). Having knitted the binding of the required width, all the loops are closed according to the drawing (Fig. 8d).

Rice. 8. Making binding on a rounded neckline using knitting needles

Double binding. Double trim for decorating a round neckline with knitting needles is often found in models of sweaters and pullovers, making the collar of the product more voluminous and beautiful.

The loops are also raised along the edge of the neckline, as for a regular binding, and knitted with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band to the desired width. Then knit 1 row with purl stitches and continue to turn the trim with a pattern, as for the front part. Having knitted a lapel of the same width as the front part, all the loops are loosely closed according to the pattern and the edge is sewn on the wrong side of the product.

Rib 2 by 2: in the front rows, knit 2 knits alternately. p, 2 p. p., in purl rows, knit according to the pattern.

Pearl pattern: knit according to pattern 1. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row.

“Braid”: knit according to pattern 2. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 6th row.

“Oblique diagonals”: ​​knit according to pattern 3. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 8th row.

“Rhombus”: knit according to pattern 4. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 24th row.

Description of knitting vest:


Cast on 76 loops on the knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. At a height of 6 cm from the cast-on edge, along the width of the fabric, evenly add 18 sts. Then distribute the loops as follows: 1 edge. p., pearl pattern - 12 p. according to pattern 1, “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “oblique diagonals” - 13 p. according to pattern 3, “braids” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “rhombus” - 16 p. according to pattern 4, “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “oblique diagonals” - 13 p., “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, pearl pattern - 12 p. according to pattern 1, 1 chrome n. Knit straight. At a height of 40 cm from the cast-on edge, for armholes, on both sides of the part, close 1 time 6 stitches and in each 2nd row close 2 times 3 stitches. At a height of 63 cm from the cast-on edge, for the neckline, close the middle 22 loops and knit both sides separately. For rounding, from the side of the neckline, in every 2nd row, bind off 1 time 2 sts, 1 time 1 st. At a height of 66 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.


Cast on the loops on the knitting needles and knit as a back. At a height of 40 cm from the typesetting edge, divide the canvas into parts. Perform armholes as on the back. For the bevel, from the side of the cutout, in every 2nd row, cast off the 1st stitch 14 times. At a height of 66 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.


Sew shoulder and side seams. At the edges of the armholes, cast on loops on the needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. At a height of 4 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops. Along the edge of the neckline, cast on the loops on the knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. To form a V-shaped neckline at the beginning of the row after the edge. knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left, at the end of the row before the edge. knit 2 sts together with a knit stitch slanting to the right. Sew the seam of the neckline.