Make your own diaper cake. DIY diaper cake step by step with photos, videos and master class

Holidays associated with the arrival of a new little family member are always exciting. I want such days to be remembered for a long time and give pleasant, cheerful memories. When going to visit your baby, you want to prepare a gift that will be original, funny, useful, interesting, and bright. That is why handmade gifts are very popular now. They are unique, they carry the positive charge of the person who put his hands into creating such a gift.

Unusually designed gifts will bring pleasure to both the recipient and the giver.
Unusual toy gifts are cute, fun creations that will delight both the baby and his parents.

Bouquets made from clothes are practical gifts that are suitable for various holidays (birth of a baby, christening, birthdays).

Cakes and diaper bouquets are original gift sets consisting of disposable diapers and other necessary children's accessories.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns, do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions with photos

Bouquets of children's clothing are original, novelty gifts, which are compositions of children's accessories, things folded and decorated in an unusual way. The best options for creating such small masterpieces are:

  • hats, scarves,
  • socks, booties,
  • vests, bodysuits, men,
  • T-shirts, rompers.

To prepare a bouquet you should prepare the following components:

  • set of children's clothing,
  • rubber bands,
  • decorative ribbons,
  • skewers,
  • Styrofoam,
  • basket,
  • flowers, toys.

Stages of creating a bouquet from clothes:

Bouquet of diapers for newborns, master class

One of the attributes that will always be useful in a family with a baby is a diaper. Pampers are used to make a large number of different gifts for little suns: cakes, bouquets, strollers.

Things to remember:

  1. Diapers are a product, an attribute of personal hygiene, so when creating your holiday gifts from them, you must perform all stages of the work with clean hands.
  2. Do not touch the inside of the diaper.
  3. All elements that will be directly in the bouquet must be disinfected.
  4. The finished holiday product should be packaged in transparent film.

Elements that are needed to create a bouquet of diapers:

  • A pack of diapers (the more diapers you use, the more magnificent the bouquet will be). It’s better to take No. 2 right away, because children grow quickly. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a specific brand of diapers, it is advisable to ask the baby’s parents about the preferred brand and size of diapers.
  • A vase, a foam ball of the required size (these materials can be purchased at a store that sells decorative elements).
  • Elastic bands (it is better to choose transparent or neutral tones).
  • Decorative wide ribbon with which the bouquet will be decorated.
  • Wooden sticks, skewers.
  • Decorative napkin with an interesting pattern.

Stages of creating a bouquet

Bouquet for newborns from rattles

The first toys for babies are rattles. They attract attention with their bright colors and the presence of sounds they make. Therefore, rattles are a common gift for newborns. However, you can add novelty to this gift with the help of an interesting, unusual design. For babies you can make bouquets of rattles.

When choosing rattles for a bouquet, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • toys should fit in a child’s palm, they should not be too heavy,
  • rattles must be made of environmental material,
  • all edges and joints of seams must be smooth so that the baby does not injure himself with sharp edges,
  • toys should make a pleasant sound that would not frighten the child.

The most optimal option for a bouquet of rattles is a composition of clothes, soft toys, and rattles.

Video: how to make a bouquet for newborns with your own hands

To learn how to make your own bouquets of gifts for newborns, you can use instructions that are now easy to find on the Internet. The main thing is to prepare the necessary elements, carefully follow the advice and use your creativity.

Bouquet of toys for newborns, photo

A bouquet of toys is an original gift for kids that will not only please, but will also be a useful, practical and fun reminder of the giver.

To make a simple, uncomplicated bouquet of toys, you will need the following materials:

  • Stuffed Toys,
  • corrugated paper of different colors,
  • decorative tape,
  • wire, tape,
  • wooden skewers,
  • scissors.

Stages of creating a bouquet of toys:

  1. Choosing soft toys. The size of such toys should not be too small, otherwise they will be lost in the bouquet. The optimal size is about 12-15 cm. The number of toys is odd. You can choose the same toys or choose different options of approximately the same size.
  2. Each toy must be tied with wire in the middle, leaving a piece of wire about 10 cm from the back.
  3. Collect all the toys together and tie the long ends with tape.
  4. Cut the corrugated paper into rectangles. It is better to make such rectangles of different colors. Connect each rectangle at the edges to form a cylinder. Insert the cylinders one into the second. And we insert the fastened toys into the middle of the cylinders.
  5. Tie the composition in the middle with decorative ribbon. Straighten the ends of the corrugated paper.
  6. You can make small flowers from the remaining ribbon. Such flowers can be glued to wooden skewers. The ends of the skewers are wrapped with tape, and the flowers are inserted into the middle of the composition, placing them between the toys.

Bouquet for a newborn girl, photo

For a girl, you can make bouquets from various clothes: rompers, bodysuits, socks, dresses. The main thing is to select all the components in a range that would suit the girl and decorate with children's accessories and toys.

One of the interesting options for an original gift for a girl could be a “cake” made from towels. To create such a gift, you need to prepare two terry towels. To make the gift bright, you should take towels of different colors - light and darker.

Steps for creating a gift from towels:

  1. Place a dark towel on the bottom, a light one on top.
  2. Roll two towels into a small, neat roll. Secure along the edge with decorative tape.
  3. You can decorate the top with a flower, berry or other decorative decoration.
  4. Make several of these “cakes”.
  5. Decorate the resulting elements with wrapping paper on top. You can also look for larger sized muffin tins and place your creations in those tins.
    You can also make small “cakes” from socks and bibs.

Another original option for the basis for a bouquet can be diapers. For a girl, we select diapers in white-pink, white-red shades. To make such a bouquet for a newborn girl you need:

  1. Take a diaper and fold it in half. The length of the diaper should be 3-4 times greater than the width.
  2. The edges of the folded diaper are folded towards the middle. After this, the diaper is folded in half again to form a strip.
  3. Fold the edge of the strip into a triangle, then fold it into a triangle again. Thus, the core of the flower was obtained from the diaper.
  4. Gently twist the diaper around the middle to make a flower.
  5. We secure the resulting flower with decorative tape.
  6. We make several flowers from diapers.
  7. Place the finished flowers in a basket or make a basket yourself. As an option, you can use a baby bucket decorated with corrugated paper on top.
  8. Finished products can be decorated separately with artificial butterflies, flowers, and petals.

Bouquet for a newborn boy, photo

For a boy, you can make bouquets from clothes, toys, diapers. In this case, you should select things in white-blue, light green shades.

One of the original gift options for a newborn boy can be a bicycle made from diapers and soft toys. To prepare such a gift you will need the following ingredients:

  • soft toy (bear, bunny),
  • decorative ribbons, elastic bands,
  • diapers,
  • diapers,
  • scissors,
  • rattles

The process of creating a bicycle for a newborn boy:

Diaper cake, photo

For children in the first month of life, who are just adapting to the world around them, it is not advisable to unpack the factory packaging of diapers so as not to violate their sterility.

Therefore, to make a diaper cake, it is better to use size 2 or 3 diapers. To make an original multi-tiered diaper cake, you can use several different sizes of diapers.

To create a diaper cake, you need to prepare the following components:

  • a large pack of diapers (diapers of several sizes can be used),
  • thin elastic bands for rolling diapers,
  • decorative bright ribbons,
  • base for the cake (cardboard, tray),
  • children's toys, accessories,
  • scissors, glue, tape.

Options for laying diapers in tiers

To give the composition a complete look, the cake can be decorated with additional children's accessories (booties, children's toys). In addition, such cakes are often complemented with baby skin care products.
A diaper cake for a girl has its own distinctive characteristics:

  • color range - almost all color shades are suitable, preference is given to pink, beige, milky, purple colors,
  • the presence of frills, ruffles, which decorate such gifts for girls,
  • the presence on the cake of plush toys, baby dolls that decorate the gift,
  • decorating the cake with the following accessories: butterflies, satin ribbons, beads, bows, flowers.

Diaper cake for a boy is characterized by:

  • colors - blue, blue, light green shades,
  • cars, ships, trains, balls, airplanes are used as accessories for decoration,
  • the presence of an unusual shape - such cakes can be designed in the form of a motorcycle, car, bicycle.

Such unusual, original and practical gifts will lift your spirits and help parents in their daily care for their baby.

When planning a trip to visit a family where a newborn is born, many people wonder about a gift.

I want the gift to be not only useful, but also beautiful and original. In this case, you can give clothes or toys, but they may not be useful.

The most win-win option in this case is diapers. They are in great demand at this age.

The main thing is to choose the right size and, of course, to decorate the gift beautifully. Therefore, a cake made from diapers is perfect.

In today's material we will tell you how to make a diaper cake with your own hands - the step-by-step photos will allow you to follow the whole process from start to finish.

This gift has been very popular lately.

Diaper cakes are becoming increasingly popular. You can make them yourself or order such a service from needlewomen.

Why are these inedible cakes so popular? When choosing a gift for a newborn, you can pay attention to toys, hygiene products, clothes and household items.

But how do you know what exactly needs to be purchased and what young parents already have? After all, a newborn grows quickly, and many things may never be useful.

Therefore, a gift of diapers, supplemented, for example, with a rattle, baby cream, pacifier or bottle, will be useful in any case. The main thing is to correctly determine the size of diapers and the manufacturer.

And by giving your gift the appearance of a cake with several tiers, decorated with ribbons and other elements, you will get a beautiful, original and useful gift for the baby and his parents.

In what cases can you give

You can give such an unusual cake when you come to a baby shower, at the birth of a child at a work colleague, at a christening, and even on the baby’s first birthday. You can supplement the diaper cake set with diapers, towels, a blanket, a soft toy or doll, a rattle and other necessary elements.

What to pay attention to

When making such a cake, you need to pay attention to the following points:

For girls, it is better to choose pink or white colors with themed designs, for boys, respectively, for example, blue with cars.

Choose the appropriate color for all the elements and decorations for the cake.

  • The materials and products used in making the cake must comply with all sanitary standards for newborns.

Be as natural and hypoallergenic as possible.

Hygiene rules

Making a diaper cake it is necessary not to forget about maintaining hygiene rules, because these things are intended for a newborn.

  1. Wash your hands and work surfaces thoroughly before working.
  2. Do not open the diapers or turn them inside out.
  3. Roll very carefully if necessary.

  4. Rubber bands for making a cake, gift and decorative elements should be disinfected or treated with steam depending on the material.
  5. Iron fabrics with a steam iron, wash bottles well with soap and treat with a disinfectant solution, etc.

  6. During production, no pets should be present nearby to avoid getting hair.

What you need

When making a cake from diapers you may need:

  • Large pack of diapers
  • Or several small ones, depending on the size of the intended cake and the number of its tiers (for three tiers, about 80 diapers).

  • Wooden sticks for stable connection of tiers.
  • A soft toy to decorate the top of the structure.
  • Ribbons, lace, decorative decorations for cake decoration.
  • Mesh or film for packaging.
  • Elements that complement the cake

These can be baby creams, shampoos, rattles, pacifiers, bottles, etc.

To be sure that you have chosen high-quality and safe diapers, be sure to read the reviews on them. On our website there is one compiled from reviews of mothers of newborn babies.

Manufacturing process step by step, with photo

Let's look at how to make a three-tier cake from diapers with your own hands: a photo master class will allow you to follow all the stages of work. The process looks like this step by step:

To do this, cut out a circle from thick cardboard with a diameter slightly larger than the bottom tier. Wrap the circle in corrugated or crepe paper. We glue it. It's better to use a glue stick. You can decorate the stand with lace or braid along the edge, pinning it in a circle with a stapler.

I used a book as a stand, which will also be a gift for the baby. I packed the book in wrapping paper, and already attached a bottle of bathing product to it with double-sided tape.

  • Place the cake on the stand and start decorating it with ribbons.
  • Carefully glue the wide tape to the thin one that connects the layers, but not to the diapers themselves.

  • On top of a wide ribbon, you can add a narrower one with a thematic pattern.
  • We place a soft toy on top and attach it to the tube.

  • You can add a rattle or pacifier as decorative elements.

  • Decorate the cake with additional flowers or bows.
  • The cake is ready
  • How to pack

    In order for the cake to reach the birthday person safely, it must be packaged well. Under no circumstances should it get dirty or dusty, because diapers will be used for the baby. Therefore, the packaging should not only be beautiful, but also hygienic.

    The film that is used for packaging flowers is best suited for this. Carefully wrap the cake in film and decorate the top with ribbons and a bow and a beautiful and hygienic cake package is ready.

    • If desired, you can make a multi-tiered cake from more diapers.
    • Or, conversely, make a small cake of one or two tiers.

    • Wrap the outside of the layers with multi-colored fabric, using diapers, towels or baby blankets.
    • The result is a very impressive cake.

    • When making a cake, you can use a different size of diapers for each tier.

    For example, the top layer is 1, the next -2 and so on.

    How much do they cost

    The cost of a diaper cake depends on the quantity and price of the components used. If you do it yourself, then this will determine its cost. If it is not possible to make a children’s cake yourself, then you can order its production from special companies or craftswomen offering their services. This cake will of course cost more.

    The more components and additional elements, the more expensive the gift. The cheapest diaper cakes can be purchased starting from 1200-1500 rubles. More expensive designs cost 3000-4500 rubles.

    Useful video

    Diaper cake- this is an original craft for a newborn: a boy or a girl! Such diaper cake easy to do with your own hands. A master class with photos, ideas and tips will tell you how to make a beautiful cake from diapers!

    website - Search engine for gifts and souvenirs

    Check out the finished diaper cakes from our artisans

    Every newborn baby needs a gift. You can present it simply in a bag, or you can present it in such a beautiful and very original way.

    To make a cake, besides the gifts themselves, we need very little. We will assemble it carefully, without unnecessary clamps, ropes and fastenings, which can be very confusing for a young mother. After all, hygiene in our business will come first. So, let's go to the store and choose as a gift for the baby everything he likes, but with taste. Still, our composition should be in harmony with the colors.

    And I have this cute set :

    1.2 pencil cups as a base.

    2.1 cut towel roll.

    3.Underwear elastic 1.5 m.

    4.Medical gloves.

    5.Pack of diapers for newborns 72 pcs.

    6.Bubchen baby shampoo, 200 ml

    7.Bubchen bathing solution, 200 ml

    8.Pampers wet wipes 64 pcs.

    9.2 flannel diapers 0.75x1.20cm

    11.1 pad 20x32cm. to match the plaid

    12.A pair of socks

    13.Cooling teether


    17.Set of children's pins (3 pcs.)

    To make it more convenient for you to understand the entire work process. Let’s roughly divide it into 4 stages:

    1. We make the base. Here we need to strictly follow the recommendations so as not to once again “injure” our delicate base material. Diapers very easily lose their presentation, and twisting, unfolding and folding them several times is not recommended. Of course, if the goal of our surprise is maximum use for its intended purpose, absolutely all the details. Let's clarify right away. This rolling technique uses a lot of diapers. But we save on the services of a master, so we can afford a little more costs and less visibility of the gift? After all, it is probably given for the most respected and dear people to us. Which means it’s not worth saving here))

    2. Filling. If you are still a little strapped for money, then you don’t have to fill the cake with anything. To attach it, it will be enough to insert inside, through all three cake layers, a base tube that remains from a roll of ordinary disposable kitchen towels. Or the same is available in rolls of foil, thin packaging film, etc. But my personal opinion is this - if you still decide to give a gift, then why spoil it with such content? It is much more interesting and useful to hide a useful surprise inside. But I will show you how to do this below.

    3. Design. It won't take much time. You just need to fold the diapers correctly and keep the fastenings at hand.

    4. Decoration. The most pleasant part of our composition. There is no point in making recommendations here at all. So as not to spoil your taste)) But here are a couple of secrets, I can still tell you.

    Stage 1. Making the base:

    Our task is to make three cake layers - the base. Where there is one part in the top cake, two in the middle, and three parts in the bottom. All together 6 parts. There are 72 diapers in a pack. 72/6 = 12. 12 diapers is 1 part. Accordingly, Upper cake – 12, Middle – 24, Lower – 36 diapers.

    The proposed rolling technique will allow you to practically not touch the diapers, without wrinkling them or disturbing the integrity of the entire set and each one individually. It is important to follow the recommendations exactly, since the cake can move to the side and it is very difficult to straighten it later.

    1. Open the package and count out 36 diapers directly in it, without separating or pushing them away from each other. We take a row of diapers in the required quantity from the package, without disturbing the order, place them on the table.

    2. We tie it with a linen elastic band, tightening it not too tightly so that it does not break the row, but not too loosely so that it does not allow it to fall apart. In the photo, the elastic band is wrapped in two turns, but if you want, you can still wrap it in one turn. Place a cup under the elastic on the top side of the diapers.

    3. Diapers in packaging always have a slight tilt to one side. This is the direction we will begin to turn them. In order for the circle to form correctly right away, slightly bend the diapers around the cup.

    4. With one hand, grab the cup and the diapers, as if fixing the beginning of the circle, and with the other, one piece at a time, begin to increase the distance between the compressed diapers along the outer perimeter. With your left hand, pressing the base with your right, slide in the direction of movement of the circle and slightly pull out each subsequent diaper to an even distance.

    5. Our circle is already beginning to form.

    6. The further you move, the more difficult it will be to form a circle. In order not to spoil the work already done, we lightly hold the already aligned diapers with our left hand so that they do not become deformed, and with our right hand we continue to increase the distance along the outer perimeter.

    7. When completing the circle, again hold the base with the cup with your left hand. Do not let the diapers move or change position so that the middle of the circle does not get damaged. With the right hand we take the remaining part of the unformed diapers and wrap them in the desired direction.

    8. In the center of the cake, around the cup, constantly adjust the diapers so that they do not lie in packs, but curl evenly in the desired direction. This way they will fit nicely and neatly in the center, and in the future will allow us to freely choose the diameter of the circle.

    9. For a “freshly baked” cake, level it out and hold the middle. We adjust the beginning to the tail.

    10. The elastic band should always be strictly in the middle of the cake. If you do not follow it, the cake will “lead” to one side, and it will be difficult to straighten it later.

    11– 12. When the circle is ready it is very weak. Carefully untie the bow on the elastic band, (the whole circle may fall apart, do not let go of the elastic band), tighten the knot tightly and make a second turn around the cake, tie it with a knot and a bow. A double elastic band will allow us to adjust the circle diameter and density.

    13. Place the cake on its edge and begin the last stage of leveling the distance between the diapers. At this point you can tighten them up a little. The elastic should not be tightened too tightly so that the diaper can easily be adjusted to the desired distance.

    15. When you complete the circle. The cake is tightened with an elastic band even more tightly and you can leave it at this density, but this shape implies filling in the middle (our option). But if you decide to make a cake without filling, then now is the time to remove the cup from the center and tighten the cake to maximum density. The first and largest circle is ready. Now, according to the same principle, we prepare cakes 2 (medium) from 24 diapers and 3 (small) from 12 diapers.

    This is how we got three magnificent layers for the base of the cake. A neat, hygienic and very beautifully packaged pack of diapers. The baby's parents will be grateful to you.

    Stage 2. Filling:

    We hide the “filling” in the cake. The diameter of the cup in the center does not limit our possibilities so much that we can put anything there. Children's cosmetics, clothes, toys, and many other interesting and necessary things for a young mother. We lay out the glass, and instead of it we insert an impressively sized pack of wet wipes and shampoo. We also carefully place a glass on the second cake layer and place it on the first cake layer. We also deprive the third cake of the center and place it on the second one. We put bathing liquid in the free space. This will be the base that holds the cakes together.

    Our cake is again in its original form, but this time with filling. Now we untie the bow on each cake and tighten the circles. This is done to compact and level all tiers. Now our cake will not collapse, and note that there is not a single fastener in it yet. I'll remind you though! If you want to leave it empty, then it’s time to take out the cups, tighten the circles tightly and stick a regular wooden skewer (one or two) from the top cake to the bottom. Or a tube of foil.

    Stage 3. Composition design:

    To decorate the base we take diapers. We fold them so that we get a strip equal to one turn of the cake in length and width. This is done very simply. Fold the approximate strip and place the cake edgewise against it in the center. The width is immediately visible, and the length is determined by joining the two ends of the diaper around the cake. If the diaper is too long, you can fold one of the sides (in the photo the first diaper is folded on the left). If it is short, use it either on a small cake layer, or roll it diagonally. To fasten the diapers we use baby safety pins. They will later be useful to the gifted mother. After the cake is fastened, carefully pry up the elastic band and pull it out. Now the diaper will hold the entire cake. The living structure of the cake itself regulates the filling. As soon as you remove the elastic band, it unwinds to the desired size and fills the entire space inside the diaper. So your cake will always be perfect in density, neatness and appearance. No additional elastic bands, ribbons, etc.

    When going to a baby shower or christening, we usually buy bags of diapers, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, rattles, toys and other useful items and funny trinkets. Of course, you can not fool yourself too much, but simply show up for the holiday like Grandfather Frost with a bag full of gifts. But why not get creative and present gifts in an original form? For example, in the form of a cute cake made from diapers, especially since in today’s master class we will tell you in every detail how to make a cake from diapers for a bridesmaid or christening. Don’t worry, to make this masterpiece you will only need clean diapers 😉 And you won’t have to “bake” the cake either, but being patient and using your imagination will not hurt at all.

    Video tutorial on “baking” cakes

    The tradition of creating cakes, pastries and other fun and extraordinary creations from diapers, which is just emerging in our area, came to us from the West. In particular, in America, such cakes are used to honor the expectant mother and baby at the Baby Shower, which is held shortly before the birth of the baby. In my opinion, the gift is simply wonderful, because in addition to diapers, from which the cake is created, toys and other children's accessories are used, which are used to decorate the cake. You can even hide a bottle of champagne inside the cake, especially for parents 😉

    to contents

    Master class: how to make a cake from diapers

    There are several ways to create diaper cakes. Today we will talk about one of the most popular and simple techniques. You are free to choose what is closer and dearer to you. Make your own adjustments, use your imagination and... let's create!

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    "Ingredients" for the cake

    • Diapers, the quantity of which directly depends on the size of the future cake and the technology for its creation. For our three-layer cake you will need 70 diapers. Since diapers will be used not only as a building material, but also for their intended purpose, before purchasing it would be a good idea to find out which brand parents prefer and which one to focus on. Don't forget to take into account another important point - the size of diapers. You can limit yourself to one size or use several at once. It is better not to take diapers for newborns and size 1 diapers, because babies grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, if the baby was born large, it is likely that he will immediately be a size two. Also, if you want to extend the life of your creation so that it can be admired for as long as possible, choose a larger size! Don’t forget that diapers come in colors, so if you are planning to create a “pink fantasy” for your little princess, be sure to take this into account when purchasing, so that you don’t have to rack your brains at the last minute about how to disguise the blue or anything else that doesn’t fit into the pattern. your idea.
    • A beautiful tray, stand or thick cardboard on which the cake will stand.
    • Diapers or thin fabric like lining for wrapping layers of diapers.
    • Rubber bands for money, regular clothes elastic or strings.
    • Clothespins.
    • Wide colored satin ribbons for cake decoration.
    • Toys, rattles, socks and other small things for children for an original cake design.
    • Transparent film for wrapping gifts.
    • Safety pins and a long thin stick will also come in handy.

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    Making a diaper cake step by step

    • Upper layer

    Our delicious and in every way cute cake will consist of three layers. And we will start creating it from the very top layer, for which we will need 8 diapers. One by one, we take diapers out of the pack and roll them into rolls. To make the side fold as neat as possible, we start twisting with an elastic band. To prevent the elastic from sticking out on the sides, slightly tuck it inward. The roll should turn out to be dense, and to prevent it from unwinding prematurely, we secure it with a money elastic band or grab it on top with a regular clothespin. We twist 7 more diapers in the same way. When all the rolls are ready, put one of them in the middle, arrange the other 7 in a circle, and put an elastic band on top.

    Now take the diaper and fold it several times. The width of the diaper should be equal to the height of the diapers rolled into tubes. We wrap the assembled rolls with a folded diaper. We secure the edges of the diaper with a safety pin or again use an elastic band, which can later be disguised with a beautiful ribbon. The top level is ready!

    • Middle layer

    For the second layer, we make another blank of 8 diapers in the same way as the first layer. That is, in essence, we again make the first layer, securing everything with clothespins and elastic bands. Now we need to roll 14 more diapers into tubes, which we place in a circle around a blank of 8 diapers. We fix everything with an elastic band or rope. We remove the clothespins last so that the tubes do not unwind. We take the second diaper, fold it diagonally so that the edge for fastening is not so thick, wrap the second layer of the cake and secure the edge.

    • bottom layer

    To make the bottom third layer of the cake, we prepare three more pieces of 8 diapers exactly as we did for the top and middle layers. We place three blanks side by side and tie them with a rope or grab them with an elastic band. You will get a kind of triangle with three free spaces, each of which we fill with five tubes from diapers to make a circle. We insert another “roll” into the center. Finally, we wrap the layer with a folded diaper. If the soul asks for something more impressive, you can make another layer. When all the layers are ready, you can stack them on top of each other.

    to contents

    How to decorate a diaper cake in an original way

    We baked a cake! Hooray!!! Now you can safely proceed to the most enjoyable stage - decorating our masterpiece. However, before you dive headlong into decoration, you should take care of the stability, solidity and unshakability of the structure, because we don’t want our creation to fall apart at the most inopportune moment and all our work to go down the drain? To avoid this unfortunate fate, we take a long thin stick and carefully, so as not to accidentally pierce the diapers, stick it in the center and pass it through all the layers - it will connect the layers and keep them from moving. You should definitely place a rigid base under the cake - a tray or thick cardboard, otherwise, when wrapping the gift, the lower layers may simply fall apart.

    To decorate the cake, you can use multi-colored ribbons, toys, rattles, socks and other small things for children, as well as hygiene products. So, a cute soft toy will look great on top of the cake. You can cut out long rectangles from cardboard, put baby socks on them and stick them into the cake - why not candles?! In general, be creative and don’t hold back your imagination! If the cake is for a boy, it can be decorated in a sports theme. If for a girl, we create a cake a la princess, generously decorated with bows, flowers, butterflies, cute dolls and booties. And, of course, don’t forget to include something for the new mother. She will certainly be touched by such attention.

    We hope that your diaper cakes will turn out great, pleasantly surprise, delight, and help make the holiday bright and unforgettable.

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    Video catalog of creative ideas

    The appearance of a newborn in a family is a joyful and long-awaited event not only for the parents themselves, but also for relatives and friends. Some time after arrival from the maternity hospital, the baby’s “baby viewing” usually takes place, and you must come to them with a gift. If you don't know what to give, then a gift made from diapers may be a good option.

    Such a present is both original and practical at the same time. Gifts made from diapers have become popular relatively recently, but many ideas for their design have already appeared.

    You can order or buy a ready-made version, but why spend extra if such things are absolutely easy to make yourself.

    We offer several ideas to choose from. A little time, desire and patience - and you will get a creative handmade gift.

    Universal gifts

    Such neutral ideas are suitable for gifts for both boys and girls. This is especially true if the present was prepared in advance, and it was still unknown exactly who would be born.

    You just take a neutral color and a shape that is suitable for any gender - and you will have a universal gift.

    • Stroller.

    We will need 20 diapers, a wide ribbon, bows, beads and mesh fabric. Two diapers, when rolled up, make wheels.
    One needs to be opened, it will play the role of a hood. The remaining diapers are folded tightly together to form the very base of the stroller.

    The top is decorated with a bow, the sides with beads. For complete naturalness, a pacifier, rattle, napkin or toy is placed inside.

    • Snail

    You need 20 pieces of diapers, colored paper, softly colored socks, silk ribbon and cotton swabs.
    We roll the diapers in the form of a spiral, placing them on top of each other. The result is a snail house. We take one golf course and put 6-7 diapers in it as tightly as possible.

    Then we tie the folded diapers and golf socks with ribbons so that we get a whole snail. The eyes and mouth are cut out of colored paper and glued, instead of horns we glue cotton swabs. The result is a cute and funny handmade masterpiece.

    • Lollipop

    This is the easiest diaper gift to make. The diapers are simply rolled up, wrapped in pretty paper or colored packaging film, and a bow is tied on top.

    It’s easy to find a suitable stick: a large balloon, for example, will do.

    Gifts for a boy

    A diaper gift for a boy should be in a masculine style.

    You shouldn’t decorate it with flowers and bows, because this is a solid present for your future man.

    It is better to use the following ideas:

    “Sailor” is a cake in a nautical style. First, the cake floors are built: the diapers need to be rolled up and secured together with ribbons or a wide elastic band.

    For the bottom layer you will need about 40 diapers, for the middle layer - 25, for the top layer - about 15-16 pieces. Decorations in a marine theme are cut out of colored paper - flags, anchors. An anchor chain is woven from a cord.

    A mast made of a stick with a flag or a toy is attached to the top. It turned out to be a real ship!

    • sailboat

    For the propeller, take the bottom of a plastic bottle. A screw is made from wire decorated with tinsel. You can decorate the wings with stars, and the pilot will be a soft toy.

    Ready, let's fly!

    Gifts for girls

    A girl’s gift doesn’t have to be limited in decorations, because this is the first present for a future woman. It can be decorated with bright flowers, bows and beads in any quantity.

    • Little Princess

    This diaper cake turns out very similar to the real thing, you just want to eat it. The diapers are rolled up and placed in a circle.

    A baby bottle is inserted into the middle and everything is secured in a circle with ribbons. Pink lace and bows are used for decoration. The very top of the cake is decorated with bright red booties. Rattles in the shape of a heart or butterfly are inserted into the side of the ribbon.

    • Owl

    A very fun and funny gift. Diapers are first unrolled and then folded into a spiral. One large spiral will be the body, and two small ones will be the eyes of the owl. Everything is held together with a diaper, rubber bands and wide tape. We decorate the resulting figurine with a children's bib.

    The eyes are made of artificial flowers, with a bead instead of a pupil. And instead of ears - mittens for newborns.

    • Bike

    Girls love riding bicycles just as much as boys. Wonderful transport is made from diapers! We roll the diapers into tubes and fasten them with an elastic band - these will be the wheels. Instead of a seat - a towel, diaper or napkin, and the role of the steering wheel will be played by tights, which need to be passed through the middle of one of the wheels and secured with a pair of round rattles. A soft toy in the same color scheme as the bicycle sits as a cute passenger.

    If you don’t have the time or opportunity to create such slightly more complicated options, then you can simply make a cake of several tiers (you already know the technology) and decorate it with ribbons.

    • For a boy, ribbons of blue, blue and violet tones are taken.
    • For girls - pink, reddish, soft pastel.

    If the gift is neutral, we can take green and all shades of beige. And items of children's clothing, rattles, soft toys, and cosmetics for newborns are suitable as decor.

    And don't forget to take a photo of the newborn next to the first gifts. After all, products made from diapers are beautiful, but very short-lived.

    I wish you creative success!

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