How to sew a bow tie around your neck with your own hands, master class. How to make a paper bow tie

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Such a voluminous butterfly will decorate a child’s holiday or carnival costume and make his image unique thanks to the original craft. There is no need to draw the template itself, because it is already ready and just needs to be printed.

Necessary materials:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Print out the template. Paper can be used, either thin or semi-cardboard. You can also take colored double-sided paper to create this craft. Then we cut out the templates from the printed sheet. There should be three of them in total: two for the “wings” of the butterfly and one for the knot in the middle.

Let's move on to making one part of the “wing”. To do this, take one part of the template and, using a ruler and a stationery knife, press the paper along the marked lines. Do this very carefully so as not to cut through the paper.

Then we begin to bend the workpiece along the lines. You should be very careful, because there are two types of lines on each template. Where only points are drawn, the result is a concave line. This line should be bent downwards. But with a line with a dot and a dash, you need to act differently, because it is convex, which means it must be curved upward. We push through the horizontal lines.

Now let's move on to the vertical lines and use the previous tips.

Then we move to the right and edge and begin to bend along diagonal short lines.

We continue in the same spirit on the left side and the middle.

In the middle we bend the workpiece in half and get one “wing” of a butterfly. Let's do the second part in the same way.

Now we move on to creating a knot that will be in the middle. Using a utility knife and a ruler, we will go through all the lines.

We bend the horizontal lines.

Bend all vertical lines.

Turn it over. We bend along the vertical lines located near the middle.

Bend it to the sides along the line.

We bend the sides along vertical lines back.

Glue this part in the middle.

So we got a paper bow tie.

Video lesson

A bow tie at a wedding is stylish, bright and festive.

And the best part is that they are not at all difficult to make with your own hands. You can choose any colors (in accordance with the chosen wedding palette) and textures to suit your taste. And our master class will help you with this.

To make a butterfly, you will need:

  • any fabric
  • matching threads
  • butterfly clasp
  • scissors
  • pins
  • thick paper
  • pencil
  • ruler

Cut out stencils from paper, then cut fabric along them. You will need two large flaps for the butterfly itself, one for the clasp and one for the jumper in the middle.

Start with the largest pieces.

Take one, place it face down on the table and fold 1 cm on each side. Turn the flap crosswise, fold the ends to the middle and secure with pins. Use a ruler to make the butterfly symmetrical.

Sew the resulting cut by hand. Repeat the same with the second large flap.

To form the butterfly, place the two pieces together and fold in the middle. Make a few stitches to secure the shape.

Take the clasp piece around the neck and place it face down on the table. Fold the ends towards the middle and iron them. Do the same with the jumper flap.

Sew the long part along the pressed part. Time to tighten the fasteners. Take the first piece of fastener.

Pull the flap through the clasp. Secure the edge with a few stitches.

Take the second part of the fastener, with the small hook, and pull it through the long flap. Pull the free edge of the flap through the first part of the tie clasp.

The third part of the fastener is secured from the free edge.

Take the jumper flap and place it in the middle of the butterfly.

Turn the butterfly right side down, attach the clasp, and sew the two pieces together.

The butterfly is ready!

A popular detail, the butterfly, is actively used as the finishing touch to a beautiful and fashionable look. Making your own bow tie is quite easy. The entire work process will take a minimum of time, and you will receive original decoration for your clothes. Any woman can buy a tie for her man in a special men's accessories store. However, it is much more pleasant for any person to receive gifts that are made with their own hands.

Sewing a children's bow tie for a formal shirt is not so difficult, even a double one, especially if you are not going to make a self-knit, but a so-called “lazy bow” - a bow on an elastic band or braid made of the same material as a tie. It’s easy to find life-size patterns on the Internet. MK will help you make this tie. And remember - girls also love such ties, just like girls and women. For them, this fashionable accessory can be made of fabric, leather, felt, knitted or crocheted.

Bow ties are created in different ways and fall into two main categories:

  • A traditional stylish model a la a tie that needs to be tied around the neck;
  • A wonderful accessory that can be attached using special fastener.

According to the form, our product is divided into four types:

  • Traditional products, the width of which is no more than 6 cm.
  • Large bow ties with a width of only 8 cm.
  • Butterflies-diamonds, made in the form of a rhombus;
  • Ties with round ends.

If you want to sew a butterfly yourself and give it to your man, follow the step-by-step instructions. First you need to decide which material is best suited for the future product. If you use silk or corduroy, the bow tie will have a decent and business-like appearance.

Considered a more inexpensive option polyester, which is similar to satin models. Another economical option is paper. The first product should be sewn from inexpensive material, so as not to worry too much if everything turns out badly. If you want the product to keep its shape, take a thick fabric to work with.

How to make a paper butterfly for your neck

If you don't have fabric, you can make a butterfly out of paper. You can use the origami technique, because then you don’t need to glue or stitch anything. To create a butterfly it is better to use colored paper, then your accessory will look brighter and more beautiful. To create what you have in mind, you need to take a piece of paper measuring 15x15 cm. The sides of the material must be different from each other.

Master class on how to sew a butterfly for a boy:

First, turn the sheet wrong side up, bend it horizontally, and then turn it over again. In the center, bend each corner in turn. Fold the top and bottom edges toward the center as well. Fold the material in half, starting from left to right. Fold the corners on the right towards the center and straighten them out. Straighten the material.

Along the folds you made, fold the center in half so that it turns inward. Bend the top part of the left corner to the right, bending it down from the top right corner. Fold the left side back so that the corners on the right and left begin to match. Bend the top of the left corners towards the center. Fold the left corners towards the center. Slowly straighten the material, carefully straightening the center.

How to create a bow tie from fabric, Master Class.

Main part The official style, called a tie, does not have to be ordered for a lot of money. You can sew the product yourself using pieces of unnecessary material. This decoration is suitable for adults and children. Perhaps, after creating a butterfly for the first time with your own hands, you will want to replenish your wardrobe with a whole collection of these products for each outfit for your child or husband.

How to sew a tie with an elastic band

There are many options for tailoring a stylish product. There are complex and easy ways that require very little time. You can make a product without a machine, but if you have sewing equipment, will be simpler. To work you will need:

  • A simple piece of thick fabric.
  • A sewing machine for work or just a needle and thread;
  • Special ruler for measurements.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Buttons.
  • Rubber band.

Instructions on how to sew a butterfly around your neck with your own hands.

We cut out a square of the appropriate size from the necessary materials, then fold it in half and stitch along three edges.

We turn the product inside out, creating a butterfly with our fingers, fix the middle with thread and stitch it with a piece of fabric.

Sew an elastic band and a button to the tie to secure the tie around the neck. We select the length of the rubber band based on the circumference of the neck.

Butterfly pattern

We build a pattern according to the diagram.

  • First we need two pieces of fabric (main and lining), the pattern we made and a fastener.
  • We attach the pattern with pins to the wrong side of the base fabric, outline it and add an allowance of 7 mm.
  • Cut out the first piece from the pattern.
  • We place it on the second piece of fabric, trace it again and cut out another piece.
  • We attach the parts made from the main fabric to the lining.
  • Cut out each one.
  • We create a line on these parts. We make a hole for turning it inside out.
  • We cut off the corners so that when turning the pieces of fabric inside out, they do not spoil the appearance of the product.
  • We create cuts along the bends.
  • Using a narrow stick, turn the tie inside out.
  • We start work from the narrowest place. We sew the hole in the inside out parts with a special seam.
  • We receive the finished parts. Although our product is homemade, we will also attach a clasp to it.
  • We put a hook on the tip of one part and sew it.
  • We attach the regulator to the next part.
  • We thread the tip of the strap into the regulator.
  • We sew the end.

That's all, our butterfly is done.

In this master class we invite you to make interesting bow ties from cardboard. They will be attached to clips, which are often used in the manufacture of hairpins. Such accessories look cartoonish, but using textured scrapbooking paper or plywood as a base can turn them into stylish accessories suitable for complementing formal looks.


To make a cardboard butterfly with your own hands, you will need to prepare:

  • the cardboard itself;
  • thick paper for making a template;
  • a bow tie, also to create a template;
  • acrylic paints and brushes;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • primer;
  • marker;
  • decoupage glue;
  • glue for hard materials;
  • metal clips for hairpins;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • stationery knife.

Step 1. You will need to make templates for the bow tie from thick paper. To do this, attach a regular butterfly to a simple thick sheet. Trace the item with a marker.

Step 2. Cut out the template and attach it to the cardboard. Make as many preparations as you need. Cut them out. You can do this with scissors or a sharp utility knife.

Step 3. Clean all irregularities and roughness that will be along the edges of the cut using regular sandpaper. Process products carefully and strictly in one direction.

Step 4. To ensure that the paint adheres well, apply an artistic primer to the cardboard blanks. So, the colors will be bright. Also, instead of paints, you can use scrapbooking paper with an interesting print. In this case, you just need to glue it onto the workpieces.

Step 5. Draw the design you want using acrylic paints.

Step 6. Draw an outline with a marker after the paint is completely dry.

Step 7. Now on the back of the butterflies, you need to attach the clips for the bobby pins. To do this, take a special glue for hard materials and apply it to both the cardboard and the clamp. Press the pieces together and hold them until the glue sets. Leave the products until the material is completely dry.

Good day, dear friends!

A bow tie, made according to our today's master class, will become a unique accessory to your suit at any occasion and will attract many looks. And, of course, it is suitable for the upcoming New Year's carnival or corporate event.

So, let's start making!

Necessary materials:

  • downloaded and printed (you need to print on fairly thick paper). You can experiment with different colors, match the tone of your outfit;
  • breadboard knife;
  • office glue;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Our printed sheet with templates has three elements that make up the craft: two “wings” and a knot in the middle. They should be carefully cut from the sheet.

  1. Take one part of the “wing”. We'll go through all the lines with a breadboard knife. We draw the lines easily so that they are shallow. This way we can avoid cutting through our workpiece.

  1. Bend the workpiece along horizontal lines. It should be noted that all templates have two types of lines. Lines with dots tell us that we need to bend a piece of the workpiece down. Such a line is called concave. But another type of lines with dots and dashes should be curved upward, like a mountain.

  1. We bend upward a vertical line approximately in the middle of the “wing”.

  1. Then we'll start working on the small details on the right side. You have to be very careful here!

  1. We continue to work on small details. We reach the middle of the workpiece at the same pace.

  1. We work on the left side of the workpiece so that it is completely ready. This work is very painstaking and requires a lot of time, but the efforts will not be spent in vain when you see a beautiful craft at the last stage.

  1. Fold in half. Bend at the base.

  1. We will do the same for the second “wing” for the bow tie. Glue the ends together with glue.

  1. Now let's move on to making the knot. It will also be made of paper. To create it, take the last blank from the printed sheet. Using a craft knife, cut each line in half.

  1. Bend two horizontal lines.

  1. We work on each vertical line. Turn it over and see the result.

  1. Let's expand. We bend the side parts of the workpiece back along the lines.

  1. Bend it back along other lines.