Where are the freckles? Freckles: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Ephelides or freckles are small pigment spots that usually form on the face, arms and shoulders. The reasons for the appearance are exposure to the sun, improper production of melanin and heredity. Often the small spots that form under ultraviolet light are called sun kisses.

Freckles appear on the face when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, most often in spring and summer. At this time, the dermis loses useful substances due to seasonal vitamin deficiency, so protection from the harmful effects of the sun weakens. Ultraviolet light penetrates into the inner layers of the dermis, causing a disruption in the production of melanin, causing pinpoint accumulations of coloring pigment to appear on the nose and cheeks.

The main reason why ephelides occur is a hereditary predisposition. A child develops small freckles at an early age, and their formation in an adult is often considered a symptom of an internal disease.

Reasons for the appearance of freckles on the face:

  • solar exposure;
  • bright skin;
  • hormonal changes in the body (physiological or pathological) - growing up, bearing a child, menopause;
  • stress, increased physical activity, which leads to hormone imbalance;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
  • lack of vitamin C and PP;
  • taking medications that increase the photo-sensitivity of the human epidermis;
  • improper implementation of caring procedures;
  • frequent trips to the solarium;
  • age-related changes in the epithelium.

Small freckles appear on the face of people with sensitive skin, red hair and light eyes. Most often they have the first and second skin phototypes. At the same time, it is difficult for red-haired people to get an even tan - they burn even with a short stay in the sun, and the reason for this is an insufficient amount of melanin.

The pigment accumulates pointwise in the inner layers of the dermis, forming small, even spots of light brown color on the surface. If the sun is exposed to the skin for a long time, they darken to a dark brown color. However, such formations do not protrude above the skin, and in the winter season they lighten or disappear altogether.

When and how freckles appear on the body:

  • in childhood: due to heredity;
  • in adolescence: exposure to the sun for more than 50 minutes;
  • in adulthood: changes in the internal functioning of the body.

At what age do they appear?

Pigment spots first appear in a child at three or four years of age, after which they change in size with age. At what age do the first freckles appear in children?

  • up to 1 year – indicate a change in the functioning of the body;
  • 3-4 years – due to hereditary predisposition;
  • after 5 years - due to prolonged exposure to the sun. In this case, small freckles appear on the arms, shoulders and back.

If spots form in adulthood, then the cause is liver disease or hormonal imbalances that affect the functioning of melanocytes. The edges of such pigments are uneven, and their color is richly dark. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, which will help identify the cause of the appearance.

The pigments themselves do not pose a threat to the body, however, some accumulations of melanin can develop into malignant formations, like moles.

Features of appearance on various parts of the body

Pigmentation appears on the face and hands. This is due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Sometimes even people with dark skin can experience freckling. Why does this happen: the melanin pigment does not have time to be released evenly over the entire surface of the epidermis, and the most unprotected areas suffer: the arms and shoulders.

If spots appear on your back, you should consult a doctor: formations may indicate improper functioning of vital organs. The hospital will conduct diagnostics and take tests for the presence of diseases of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract.

What factors influence the amount and manifestation

What affects the appearance of small dark spots:

  • ultraviolet radiation – provokes uneven distribution of pigment, even when using protective drugs;
  • improper skin care: fair-skinned people need to use creams with a sunscreen filter of 30 SPF even in winter, since protective cosmetics prevent the negative effects of the sun and restore skin balance;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Can freckles go away on their own?

Pigmentation on the face may disappear on its own in some situations:

  • in the winter season, the sun is less active than in summer, so the skin becomes lighter, and pigmentation goes away on its own;
  • when curing a disease that caused skin rashes - in this case, complex treatment of internal imbalance allows you to get rid of pigmentation;
  • With proper care, using protective cosmetics with an SPF filter at any time of the year can reduce pigmentation and, over time, completely even out your complexion.

The main methods that help get rid of pigmentation:

  • cosmetics: masks and gels based on hydroquinone. Skin tone improves and spots on the face gradually disappear;
  • taking medications: retinoids containing large amounts of vitamin A are used. This treatment occurs under the supervision of a dermatologist. When using this method, it is necessary to avoid sunlight, as vitamins increase skin sensitivity;
  • peeling: used as a cosmetic procedure in beauty salons. The action is to cleanse the upper layer of the dermis with acids;
  • phototherapy: a method that lightens freckles and other skin blemishes using short bursts of broad-spectrum light;
  • laser: is the most effective and fastest way to lighten pigmentation. The procedure consists of a targeted effect on the pigments of laser radiation.

You should remember where freckles come from. Most often this is heredity. In this case, it is not recommended to take on the removal of pigmentation - this is a natural feature of the body. The main thing is self-love and taking care of your own health.

Everyone treats freckles differently. Some call them “angel kisses” and love them dearly, considering them the highlight of their appearance, while others cannot stand brown spots on their face and try to get rid of them by any means. However, for most people with red hair and fair skin, ephelides (the scientific name for freckles) appear as the weather warms up. Let’s figure out what freckles on the face mean from a medical point of view, as well as what “folk wisdom” says about this.

In the ancient world, freckles were considered a defect in appearance. Back in the heyday of ancient Hellas, girls came up with a lot of ways to reduce pigmentation and whiten facial skin. Some recipes (for example, skin whitening with cucumber and lemon juice) are still used by girls.

In the Middle Ages, during the rampant Holy Inquisition, people with freckles were treated extremely unkindly. Red-haired men and women (and it is redheads who are most likely to have freckles) were considered sorcerers and witches. Therefore, they were subjected to all kinds of persecution and could even be sent to the stake.

For a long time, in European countries, a pale face and white skin were considered beautiful. Therefore, girls from rich families tried to spend less time outside, and if they went for walks, they took light umbrellas to protect them from the scorching rays. The fashion for wide-brimmed hats also helped to maintain an aristocratic pale complexion.

Do you have freckles?

Of course have!No and no need!

Peasant girls did not have this opportunity, since they had to work a lot in the fields in the very hot sun. But the peasant women also tried to keep their faces white: they tied scarves so that only their eyes remained open. In addition, dandelions, wheatgrass, celandine and other herbs were used to whiten emerging freckles.

Astrologers' opinion

The ancient sages who studied astrology did not ignore freckles. In their opinion, freckles appear on the faces of people who experience a lack of energy or, on the contrary, have an excess of it. Therefore, ancient healers advised to reduce freckles, since, in their opinion, the presence of ephelides disrupted the energy balance in the body.

However, freckles located on the face, according to astrologers, do not have a negative effect on bioenergetic potential. But the appearance of freckles on the body was considered an unkind sign.

Folk signs

Despite the fact that freckles on a girl’s face were considered a small, but still cosmetic, flaw, folk signs promise freckled people great happiness in life.

There are beliefs that the appearance of freckles on certain parts of the body indicate certain qualities of a person and can even predict his fate.

  • People whose faces completely covered with freckles, are considered lucky. After all, they were “marked” by the sun, which means that it will always “favor” them in life, illuminating the path of life and making it easier.
  • If freckles are located only On the nose, then before you is a person with superbly developed intuition. He literally understands “by smell” what to do in a given situation, so he will succeed in life.
  • Freckles on hands- a sign of a person you can rely on. Such people are reliable, responsible and will always help out a friend in a difficult situation. In addition, “sun marks” on the skin of the hands often occur in craftsmen who have an ability for crafts or needlework, that is, for work done with their hands.
  • skin legs Freckles do not appear too often. But for those people who have this appearance feature, according to popular beliefs, fate has prepared an interesting and varied life. They will have to travel a lot, move from place to place.
  • If freckles are located on the skin breasts, then this is a sign of kindness and responsiveness. Such people are friendly and love children very much; they make excellent teachers.
  • Freckles on top backs are considered not a very favorable sign. According to popular belief, this arrangement of freckles indicates poor health. Therefore, if you have such a feature of appearance, you need to try to take care of yourself and avoid bad habits in every possible way.
  • It is considered not a good sign if freckles are only on shoulders, but do not appear on other parts of the body. Such a sign portends a difficult fate, or a great responsibility that a person will have to shoulder. But this burden will not be unbearable; a person who managed to endure hardships in his youth will be rewarded for his efforts in adulthood.

Should we believe folk superstitions? Each person can decide this for himself. Many signs are not without common sense, because they are the result of long-term observations of people’s lives. But among the signs there are also obvious absurdities that do not receive scientific confirmation.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Certainly!No, it's a nightmare!

What do freckles mean from a medical point of view?

People have long noticed a connection between the appearance of pigmentation on the face and sunlight. Even the name “freckles” itself suggests that the appearance of spots on the face is associated with the onset of spring, or more precisely, with the fact that the sun rises higher and the intensity of its radiation increases.

In winter, when people spend less time outdoors and the sun does not shine so brightly, freckles fade and may even disappear completely. And as soon as the sun begins to warm up, the pigmentation begins to appear brighter.

However, although “the sun shines equally on everyone,” not everyone gets freckles. Doctors believe that the predisposition to the appearance of freckles is transmitted at the genetic level, just like eye or hair color.

In fact, a predisposition to freckles is a feature of the structure of the skin, and more precisely, special cells that produce skin pigment - melanin. This pigment begins to be produced as a response of the body to solar radiation. If the pigment production process is not disrupted, then after some time spent in the sun, the skin acquires a darker shade, that is, it becomes evenly tanned.

In some representatives of humanity, the cells that synthesize melanin are unevenly distributed, in addition, they work excessively intensively. These people have very white skin and usually have red or blond hair.

According to the classification adopted in dermatology, fair-skinned people are classified into the first and second phototypes. Their peculiarity is insufficient production of melanin. Because of this, representatives of the first and second phototypes are not able to sunbathe, since even with a short stay in the sun, their skin turns red and becomes blistered, that is, a sunburn occurs. And if white-skinned people also have unevenly distributed melanocyte cells, then after exposure to the sun, red specks appear on their face and body.

Thus, freckles are just an individual feature of the skin. It does not appear immediately after the birth of the baby, but at the age of about 4-6 years. As the child grows, the number of freckles increases, reaching a maximum by the age of 15-20 years. After the twenty-fifth anniversary, the number of freckles begins to gradually decrease, and closer to the age of forty they disappear forever. That's why it is customary to say that Freckles are a sign of youth.

Freckles (Greek ephelides) are small spots on the face and body, of a brownish tint. They are more common in people with light skin and eye tones. Ephelides exist on the body constantly, but during periods of solar activity their number can increase, as well as the intensity of the pigment itself.

Among the people, freckles have a beautiful name - sun kiss, and people with this feature are called “people of the sun”. In order to understand whether it is worth trying to get rid of these cosmetic defects, it is necessary to consider in detail the question of why freckles appear on the face.

Investigating this issue, many scientists have come to the consensus that this feature is a genetic predisposition. Freckles can be located all over the body, but they are more pronounced in the face and limbs. Typically the pigment is light yellow, but ephelides are also common in darker colors.

Age spots usually appear in children (5-8 years old) and then begin to disappear. In winter, ephelides may be less noticeable, but in warm weather their intensity increases several times.

Freckles appear due to uneven distribution of melanin.

So why do freckles appear on the face? There are several factors contributing to their appearance. For example, the pronounced presence of age spots on the body can be caused by a number of diseases of the liver, kidneys, and intestines. To get rid of unwanted pigment and further prevent its appearance, it is necessary to establish the reasons that caused its appearance and begin treatment.

For that group of people whose ephelides are of natural origin, there are certain rules for caring for freckles. By the beginning of warmer times and clear weather, all “sunny” people are advised to start using creams that increase skin protection from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Constant care will give the skin not only beauty and freshness, but will also partially protect the skin from the manifestation of pronounced pigment.

Causes of freckles

Why do people have freckles, the answer to this question lies at the core of our DNA. This disease is genetically determined. Insolation (solar radiation) helps stimulate the active production of melanin in melanosomes.

Despite the variety of reasons contributing to the appearance of ephelides, heredity plays a major role in this issue. In the body of people with this predisposition, changes occur that lead to increased synthesis of the melanin pigment.

The disease is genetically determined. Solar radiation stimulates the active production of melanin in large melanosomes. With an excess of pigment in the body, as well as under the influence of solar radiation, freckles begin to become active.

Freckles are small pigmented spots on the skin

In their own way, ephelides are a protective reaction of the human body to the radiation of ultraviolet waves from the sun. Thus, the skin is saved from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from sunburn and malignant pigment.

What are freckles on the face? The answer to this question is quite simple. Freckles are one of the body's ways of fighting the harmful effects of the sun.

A number of main factors for the appearance of ephelides:

  • hormonal imbalance during puberty;
  • stress, as well as heavy physical activity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • difficulty producing melanin pigment in the body.

In addition, frequent visits to beauty salons and procedures such as skin peeling can also cause age spots.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of freckles, but if you prevent the disease in a timely manner and determine the cause of its occurrence, this cosmetic defect can be made less noticeable.

Symptoms of freckles and methods of dealing with them

Freckles are small spots shaped like an oval or round, mostly located on open areas of the skin. Ephelides appear in children aged five to eight years. There are quite a few reasons that contribute to their appearance, but most often they are hereditary. If one of the parents has pigment spots on the body, then there is a high probability of their appearance in the child. The peak manifestation of ephelides occurs during puberty. And the decline occurs closer to forty-five years. At the first manifestation of a pigment disorder in the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist to prevent the development of skin diseases.

Freckles are more common in blondes with fair skin and blue eyes.

Frequency of freckles on the body in descending order:

  • head;
  • shoulders and arms;
  • upper back, thoracic region;
  • legs.

Few people would call a small accumulation of freckles in the facial area a cosmetic defect; rather, this feature is attractive and gives a certain charm. But if their quantity causes a feeling of discomfort, you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.

You can also try to get rid of freckles on your own using whitening masks and creams with a moisturizing effect. Masks must contain natural ingredients. The ideal combination is freshly squeezed lemon juice, real sour cream, fresh parsley and cucumber. This composition not only has a moisturizing effect, but its production time is literally a few minutes.

To get rid of stains on your hands, there are also many special creams and masks. However, before you start using them, you should consult a dermatologist. It must be remembered that age spots are one of the body’s ways to resist ultraviolet radiation and sunburn.

Since ancient times it was believed that a freckle is a kiss from the sun.

The appearance of freckles on the skin in the back and chest area is a consequence of sunburn. In most cases, after prolonged exposure to the open sun and tanning, you will be able to find small marks on your body that have an unusual shape and color. It is the color shade of freckles located on the body that directly depends on the time of exposure to the sun's rays. The more time you spend in direct sunlight, the darker these spots will be, but these freckles will fade quickly. This is how you can most fully answer what freckles mean.

Freckles: beautiful or not?

Many girls suffering from pronounced pigment spots scattered over the skin are interested in the answer to the question, are freckles beautiful or not? Of course, there is no definite answer to this question, but you need to look at freckles as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.

History knows many examples when girls with age spots on their faces not only became world famous, but also became sex symbols of their generation. It is enough to cite the example of such popular personalities as Penelope Cruz and Christina Aguilera, who have millions of fans around the world. From this we can conclude that a freckled face is a certain natural feature that gives a special charm and charm.

It must be remembered that with proper skin care and perfectly chosen makeup, freckles can become your main weapon of charm.

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Doesn't spring and summer go by without the appearance of freckles? And when you were a child, were you teased with caulk? Let's figure out how to get rid of annoying marks on the face.


Doesn't spring and summer go by without the appearance of freckles? And as a child, were you teased with freckles, and adults admired the charming girl with freckles? First, let's figure out what freckles are.

People are not born with freckles: they begin to appear in children from one to two years of age. If you have freckles, then, as a rule, they are all the same color palette, regardless of their location. But, being an individual feature of each person, they come in different shades: reddish, yellowish, light brown, brown and even black. The main rule: freckles are always a tone darker than the base color of the skin. They become more pronounced and darker after sunbathing, and in the winter months they either disappear completely or become noticeably lighter.


Where do they come from?

According to scientists, the appearance of freckles is determined by hereditary predisposition in conjunction with the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of sunlight or lamps used in a solarium, the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis - thickens, and the cells that produce melanin begin to work in emergency mode. This is our skin's protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

By and large, a freckle is a violation of the uniform distribution of melanin, its retention at one point of the skin after damage to the epidermis caused by solar radiation. People with lighter skin and hair are most susceptible to the damaging effects of UV rays.

Do only red-haired and fair-skinned people have freckles?

Not at all. There is a special classification of freckles: “simple” freckles and tanning freckles.

1. “Simple” freckles, usually brownish, round and small. They are on the skin regardless of the time of year. They most often appear in people with fair skin, and the likelihood of their occurrence is passed on in families from generation to generation, that is, they are genetically determined. Such freckles most often delight red-haired and green-eyed people.


2. Freckles that appear as a result of prolonged and frequent exposure to the sun(for example, during vacation), often darker than “simple” freckles, have uneven, as if jagged boundaries and can be quite large in size. Tanning freckles are most common on your upper back and shoulders: these are the places you're most likely to get sunburned. The appearance of such “marks” has nothing to do with genetic predisposition and can appear in people with any skin type, even dark-skinned people and intense brunettes. By the way, doctors have not yet fully decided: some doctors believe that this kind of pigment spots on the skin of people who, in principle, do not have freckles and should not have them, are nothing more than a skin disease. However, protection from ultraviolet rays using special means can suppress the activity of this type of freckles.


Freckles and moles - what's the connection?

Unlike freckles, which do not occur in newborns, moles can appear at an early age; they also appear in places where melanin accumulates, but age does not play a role in this case. Moles can change over time, change shape, color, and become more prominent. Moles appear all over the body and do not depend on the season. However, moles and freckles have one thing in common: although in most cases they are harmless neoplasms, there is always a risk of them degenerating into malignant ones. Especially under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, be sure to use sunscreen cosmetics in summer. And don’t forget to consult a doctor if you notice that pronounced brown spots have appeared on the skin, moles or freckles have suddenly darkened, increased in size, or become painful.


How to prevent the appearance of freckles on the skin?

These rules are simple, and you've probably already heard about them. But let's repeat it anyway.

  1. Use sunscreens with a high SPF level (UV protection factor) - 30 or higher.
  2. Wear wide-brimmed hats (they're useful and stylish).
  3. Avoid sunburn: clothing made of light fabrics will help you with this (long-sleeved shirts, trousers, tunics).
  4. Avoid exposure to the sun during peak hours of solar activity - from 10 (12) am to 16 (17) pm.
  5. The sooner you start taking care of preventing the appearance of freckles (the optimal age is early childhood), the better your skin will feel. Follow the same principle when it comes to caring for your baby's health.

The most optimal procedure for getting rid of freckles today is the use of intense pulsating light devices that act on the basis of the photorejuvenation effect.

But most doctors still agree that any impact on pigmented areas of the skin is fraught with consequences. So you better believe that freckles reflect your personality. Take care of your skin, avoid sunburn, enjoy spring and summer.

Some call them “the kiss of the sun” and believe that freckles make the face more touching. Others do not see anything touching about this skin defect and try to get rid of it at all costs.

“Solar” pigmentation has an obvious dependence on ultraviolet radiation. In winter, freckles can be almost invisible, but with the first rays of spring they “appear” in all their glory. Against the background of a tan, even more freckles appear, to the point that the skin completely acquires a yellowish tint.

We all walk under the same sun, but it does not leave its marks on every face.

Scientists believe that the determining factor in the appearance of freckles is heredity.

In fact, Freckles are a hereditary disease, associated with a defect in the structure of skin melanocyte cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment.

Melanin is synthesized in the skin in response to insolation and is a kind of protection of the skin from sunburn and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

During the normal production process, melanin gives an even tan, but in “freckled” people the pigment cells are distributed unevenly and work too intensely. This is a feature of skin phototypes I and II: Due to lack of melanin, it burns quickly, but rarely acquires a beautiful golden hue.

And if there is a genetic predisposition to spot pigmentation, it manifests itself in the form of a scattering of red spots.

What do freckles on the face mean?

They are not diseases and do not bring any discomfort to their owners, except for some dissatisfaction with their appearance.

Freckles are multiple round spots of yellowish-brown color, characteristic of white-skinned people with blond and reddish hair.

The spots do not rise above the surface of the skin and may darken or fade depending on sun activity.

Such rashes first appear in childhood, in adolescence their number and intensity of color increase, and in adulthood they often disappear on their own.

Freckles are just that individual skin feature.

But freckles are not always “just freckles.” They should be distinguished from skin pigmentation, which indicates possible problems in the body.

The reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face include:

  • hormonal disorders, both natural (puberty, pregnancy) and pathological;
  • stress and increased physical activity, also leading to hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder;
  • hypovitaminosis, in particular lack of vitamin C and nicotinic acid;
  • taking certain medications that increase photosensitivity of the skin;
  • improper skin care, for example, frequent peeling procedures;
  • tanning abuse;
  • age-related skin changes (age spots).

If a person suddenly develops freckles as an adult, they should not be ignored.

It is not enough to simply “remove” stains from the skin. First of all, you need to find and eliminate their cause, and only then deal with increased pigmentation.

How to remove freckles from your face?

Most cosmetic products for eliminating freckles are aimed at lightening pigmentation. Many salon procedures can completely remove freckles from the face.

The main stain removal methods include:

Masks and creams with the active ingredient hydroquinone have the ability to even out skin tone and remove age spots.

With regular long-term use of such products, freckles gradually fade and then completely disappear from the skin.

Drug treatment of freckles

Drug treatment for freckles involves the use of retinoids.

Preparations containing high levels of vitamin A analogue are taken only as directed and under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Treatment with such medications requires special caution: During the course, you should avoid the sun, as retinol increases the skin's photosensitivity.

Women should not become pregnant within a year after stopping taking such medications. The effect of retinoids is expressed in eliminating excessive pigmentation, smoothing the skin, and removing acne.

Cosmetic peelings

Cosmetic peelings are used in a beauty salon and consist of exfoliating the top layer of skin using acid-containing preparations.

After removing the surface cells, a lower layer of skin remains that does not have increased pigmentation.

Phototherapy - phototherapy procedures involve exposing the skin to short-term flashes of broad-spectrum light, during which the pigment is lightened and other epidermal defects are eliminated.

Laser resurfacing is the most effective and modern way to combat freckles.

During the procedure, the effect on pigment cells occurs due to the operation of a laser beam, which has the unique ability to specifically eliminate skin defects without affecting the surrounding tissue.

All these methods are quite effective, but they are considered “serious” treatment and, as a rule, require significant material costs. But you can solve the cosmetic problem yourself, with the help of well-known folk remedies for freckles.

Face masks for freckles

Ingredients with a pronounced whitening effect are likely to be found in everyone’s home.

For a mask against freckles, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, potato starch, lemon juice, cucumber and other products are suitable.

For example, to lighten freckles, we can recommend the following masks:

Mix finely grated potatoes with mashed black currants, apply to face, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. With regular use, this mask significantly lightens spots.

A potato mask with the addition of kefir and almond bran works similarly. For one grated potato, take 2 tablespoons of other ingredients, and the resulting mask is applied to the face for half an hour.

The simplest whitening mask is chopped cucumber slices or cucumber juice. There is no need to wash off this mask.

Parsley juice is good for whitening freckles. For the mask, parsley should be finely chopped and mixed with honey. Leave the mask on your face for 45 minutes, then wash off. Another option for a mask with parsley is to replace honey with an egg-sour cream mixture (1 yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream).

This cream can also be prepared at home. The anti-freckle cream contains lanolin (300 g), melted pork fat (300 g), petroleum jelly (500 g), zinc oxide (160 g), essential oils of rose and orange (1 g each), sodium chloride (50 g) .

The product must be mixed well and placed in the refrigerator. There should be a lot of cream, enough for quite a long use.

Preventing the occurrence of freckles on the face

As you can see, getting rid of freckles is not so easy. For those who are predisposed to their occurrence, it is better to take preventive measures seriously.

  1. The first and most important thing is to expose your face to ultraviolet radiation as little as possible. Try not to be in the open sun, do not sunbathe in a solarium. During periods of high solar activity, wear a hat that covers your skin from the sun's rays.
  2. Do not go outside without applying products with a high level of ultraviolet protection. Even in winter, the SPF factor of the cream should be at least 15, and in warm weather - above 30.
  3. You need to prepare your body in advance for the onset of the spring-summer season. It is necessary to include foods rich in vitamins C and PP into the diet: buckwheat, sauerkraut, chicken, fruits. You can take a course of vitamins and dietary supplements.